outline for the year - fortismere school form... · sophie scholl - the last days (2004) marc...

Post on 18-Sep-2018






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100% attendance - make sure to catch up on work missed if you are


Punctuality- make sure you come on time for each lesson

If you are unable to attend, make sure to let your teacher know


Homework needs to be prepared in advance and handed in each week

to relevant teachers

Make sure you come prepared for each session

Additional reading- each week we expect you to read additional articles

from the press on the topics covered in lessons, current affairs and the

topic you have chosen for your speaking exam (once you pick the issue

you want to discuss). You will be also expected to do a vocabulary


Be brave and always do your best to speak German

Outline for the year

Topic Area outcomes

AUT 1 T 1

1 Interessen u Sorgen der Jugend 1 Beziehungen: die modern Familie 3 Heutige Familie 4 Meine Mutter 5 Gute Freunde 6 Musik + Mode 7 Musik heute 9 Schöne Männer 10 Technologie –Handy 11 virtuelle Welt 12 Chatter im Internet 13 Fernsehen 14 Jugendschutzgesetz 15 Einmal im Monat betrunken 16 Kampf gegen Alkohol 17 Drogenkonsukm

To use outcomes of diagnostic grammar test for personal target setting To learn and use the vocabulary of relationships/ music and fashion/technology/ alcohol,drugs,sex: from texts met and Wort für Wort To start bridging the gap between GCSE and AS To be able to obtain the correct word from a bilingual dictionary + use it for grammatical information STUDY SKILLS - To be able to organise and plan, learn new vocabulary and use a dictionary effectively

AUT 1 T 2

2 Lebensstile: 1 Sport u Fitness in Deutschland 2 Sportliche Familie 3 Wie findest du Sport? 4 Trendsport 5 Frauenfussball 6 Mit Sport aus der Krise 7 Ist man, was man isst? 8 Gesunde Ernährung 9 Gesünder essen und trinken 10 Fragen zur Gesundheit 11 Eine Frage der Schönheit 12 Wir straiten über das Rauchen 13 Erfahrungen mit Ecstasy

To use outcomes of diagnostic grammar test for personal target setting To learn and use the vocabulary of sport and exercise/food + diet/health issues from texts met and Wort für Wort To start bridging the gap between GCSE and AS To be able to obtain the correct word from a bilingual dictionary + use it for grammatical information STUDY SKILLS - To be able to organise and plan, learn new vocabulary and use a dictionary effectively

AUT 2 T 1

3 Unsere Welt/ Reisen: 1 Urlaubstyp 2 2 gute Reise /Urlaubsziele/ Beste/schlimmste Urlaubserlebnisse 3 Zukunftstourismus 4 deutschsprachige Urlaubsziele 5 Ich möchte mich beschweren 6 Faire Ferien 7 Verkehr: Ohne stress vorbei am Stau 8 Wie ökologisch ist die Bahn? 9 Fliegen:atmosfair

To learn and use the vocabulary of travel/tourist information/public transport and traffic From texts met and Wort für Wort To be able to express ideas in the future STUDY SKILLS - To develop good reading skills, paying attention to detail To be able to written an e-mail of complaint (formal, use of Sie/Ihr)

AUT 2 T 2

4 Unsere Welt/ Umwelt 1 Das Wetter 2 Klimaerwärmung 3 Erderwärmung 4 Umweltverschmutzung /eine verseuchte Welt 5 Kann man als Einzelner einen unterschied machen? 6 Energieträger ohne Nachteil 7 Recycling 8 Ist die Gelbe Tonne am Ende? 9 Einweg oder Mehrweg

To learn and use the vocabulary of weather/climate/global warming/pollution/energy/recycling/ returning bottles+packaging From texts met and Wort für Wort Students have chosen a topic for AS Speaking (Unit 1) and are aware of exam format, especially techniques for independent speaking Students know how to develop answers in speaking and writing, giving further detail, opinions and justifications

MOCK EXAM JANUARY To learn and use the vocabulary of earning money/part-time jobs/

SPR 1 T 1

6 Die Welt der Arbeit 1 Geld nebenbei/Arbeitspraktikum 2 Michaela arebitet als Kellnerin 3 Schule und Job sind vereinbar 4 Ein Teilzeitjob 5 Wie finanziere ich mein Studium 6 Nebenjob 7 Heute arbeitet man anders 8 Pendler berichten

modern working practices/ variety of careers from texts met and Wort für Wort Students know how to act upon feed back to their speaking and writing. They improve their work, using marking codes Students know how to develop answers in speaking and writing, giving further detail, opinions and justifications

SPR 1 T 2

MOCK EXAM ORALS – Preparation for unit 1 feed back and further development

5 Bildung/Erziehung 1 Das deutsche Schulsystem 2 Schulen in österreich 3 Schulstress 4 G8 5 Das Freiwillige Soziale Jahr 6 Die Vorteile vom FSJ 7 Ein freiwilliges Jahr im Ausland

Students are preparing their chosen topic and its sub topics for AS Speaking (Unit 1) , according to exam format, and practise techniques for independent speaking To learn and use the vocabulary of the school system/university/voluntary community service/ studying in East Germany/ uniform/ Saturday school/ G8 from texts met and Wort für Wort Students know how to act upon feed back to their speaking and writing. They improve their work, using marking codes Students know how to develop answers in speaking and writing, giving further detail, opinions and justifications

SPR 2 T 1

6 Welt der Arbeit – continued 9 Callcenter 10 Arbeitsstellen heute 11 Tipps für die Arbeit zu Hause 12 Postbote 13 Dolmetscherin 14 Wie become ich eine Arbeitstelle 15 Arbeitslosigkeit Past Papers Unit 2 (MLE) revision of main grammar points

To learn and use the vocabulary of earning money/part-time jobs/ modern working practices/ variety of careers from texts met and Wort für Wort Students know how to act upon feed back to their speaking and writing. They improve their work, using marking codes Students know how to develop answers in speaking and writing, giving further detail, opinions and justifications

SPR 2 T 2

Preparation for UNIT 1 Speaking

5 Bildung/Erziehung - continued 9 Interviews mit jungen Leuten 10 Im Osten studieren 11 Zulassung 12 Schulkleidung 13 Die Schule als Mannschaft 14 Ganztagsschule 15 Nochmals Samstagsschule 16 Deutsch als Zweitsprache 17 Schülerin in Österreich

18 Bafög: Ja oder Nein

Students are preparing their chosen topic and its sub topics for AS Speaking (Unit 1) , according to exam format, and practise techniques for independent speaking To learn and use the vocabulary of the school system/university/voluntary community service/ studying in East Germany/ uniform/ Saturday school/ G8 from texts met and Wort für Wort Students know how to act upon feed back to their speaking and writing. They improve their work, using marking codes Students know how to develop answers in speaking and writing, giving further detail, opinions and justifications

SUM 1 T 1

Exam preparation for Unit 2 Study leave

SUM 1 T 2

Preparation for Unit 1 Speaking exam Study leave

YR 13


Unit 7 Sitten, Traditionen…. 1 Bayern 2 München 3 Kann man Abtreibung rechtfertigen? 4 Abtreibung 2 translations from past papers + grammar revision arising from translations Taster: Film: Das Leben der Anderen - introduction

By the end of term a decision has been made which text/film to use for RBE To learn and use the vocabulary of customs/traditions/issues such as abortion/ from texts met and Wort für Wort To learn the language of debating and discussing pros and cons debating an issue, e.g. abortion, followed by discursive essay


Unit 8 Lebensstile, Gesundheit, Bildung und Arbeit

1. Abhängigkeit 2. Eine Spielerkarriere

By the end of term a decision has been made which text/film to use for RBE To learn and use the vocabulary of social


3. Essstörungen 4. Bulimie

2 translations from past papers + grammar revision arising from translations Taster: literary text, e.g. Andorra

issues/gambling/eating disorders/from texts met and Wort für Wort To learn the language of debating and discussing pros and cons debating an issue, e.g. gambling, followed by discursive essay


Assessment date

Assessment title / skill Mark grade Action point

Useful resources

Edexcel GCE website (for past papers, specifications, etc)

Recommended German Grammar books:

Hammer German Grammar and Usage (ISBN: 9781444120165)

Zeitgeist: Grammar Workbook

Complete German Grammar – Ed Swick

Grammar and vocab websites:

• For grammar: www.nthuleen.com

• For grammar: http://www.aboutgerman.net/

Also, there are a number of excellent grammar tutorials on youtube channels:

• For vocabulary: vocabexpress. Wort für Wort

• Dictionary (you are strongly advised to get a good dictionary of your

own) Collins dictionary and grammar (paperback)

For reading articles:

www.sowieso.de , www.euronews.com , www.dw.de , www.planet-wissen.de

Watching tv

www.zdf.de, www.ard.de,

Recommended German Grammar book: Zeitgeist: Grammar Workbook & CD [Paperback, with answers], by Morag McCrorie and Maria Hunt, OUP Oxford (24 Jan 2008) . ISBN-10: 0199153493; ISBN-13: 978-0199153497

Hammer German Grammar and Usage (ISBN: 9781444120165)

Complete German Grammar – Ed Swick

Grammar and vocab websites:

For grammar: languagesonline.org.uk

For grammar: http://www.aboutgerman.net/

For grammar, listening and reading: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/german/

For vocabulary: vocabexpress. Com

For reading articles: http://sowieso.de/portal/ and http://www.fluter.de/

Good books in German - and not too difficult to read:

Dürrenmatt: Der Richter und sein Henker

Martin Suter: Der Koch (or other titles by the same author)

J.K.Rowling: Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (or other Harry Potter titles)

German films:

Miracle of Bern, The* (2003) -Das Wunder von Bern was Germany's 1954 soccer win.

Good-Bye Lenin! (2003) Wolfgang Becker

Lives of Others, The* (2006)- Das Leben der Anderen is about the East German Stasi.

Sophie Scholl - The Last Days (2004) Marc Rothemund - Sophie Scholl - Die letzten

Tage. Topic: resistance group 'The White Rose'

Downfall (2005) Oliver Hirschbiegel. - Der Untergang (Hitler’s last days)

Beyond Silence (1996) Caroline Link - Jenseits der Stille

For more films go to : http://german.about.com/library/weekly/aa011126b.htm

http://www.dw.de/ click on ‘Learn German’ for slowly spoken Website for news:

news, articles and video clips from Germany

http://www.3sat.de/index.html, news and culture from Austria, Germany and Switzerland

Deutsche Kultur in London :

for up-to-date information sign up for the newsletter of the German embassy. Link: http://www.london.diplo.de/Vertretung/london/en/Newsletter.html

Youtube.de: Videos of German bands and singers

Juli --- Peter Fox--- materia--- die Toten Hosen---die Ärzte --- Seeed --- Wir sind Helden ---Ich&ich etc.

AS exams:

Unit 1 (speaking) 30% of the AS, 15% the total A level mark

This unit rewards students for their ability to converse in French on a general

topic area that they have chosen in advance. You will need to demonstrate

that you can engage in a discussion in French that relates to a chosen general

topic area and allied subtopics.

Assessment: 8-10 minute assessment in two sections. Section A requires you to

respond to four Edexcel-set questions on a stimulus related to your chosen

general topic area. Section B requires the teacher/examiner to engage you in a

discussion that, although still relating to the same general topic area and its

linked subtopics, moves away from the main focus of the stimulus.

You will be able to choose your preferred general topic area in advance. In

addition, you will have a 15-minute preparation period when you receive the

stimulus immediately prior to the test. You will not be allowed access to a

dictionary or any other resources at this time. However, it will be possible for

you to make notes. e side of A4) which you can refer to during the examination.

Unit 2 70% of AS, 35% of the final A level grade

The paper set for this unit has three sections.

Section A (20 marks) you will be required to listen to a range of authentic

recorded French-language material and to retrieve and convey information

given in the recording by responding to a range of French-language questions.

Section B (20 marks) you will be required to read authentic French-language

printed materials and to retrieve and convey information by responding to a

range of mainly French-language test types.

Section C (30 marks) You will be required to write 200-220 words in the form

of a letter, report or article in French based on a short printed French language

stimulus. Students must respond to four-six linked bullet points and

demonstrate their ability to communicate accurately in French using correct

grammar and syntax.

Preparation: You can prepare for the assessments in this unit by regularly

consulting a wide variety of French-language reading and listening materials

(textbooks, magazines, the internet, podcasts etc).

Assessment criteria for Section C (writing)

Things to remember:

Your essay must not be longer than 220 words. Make sure to plan your essay

ahead (you have enough space on the paper to write up a plan)- organise your

ideas before you start writing.

Make sure to read (and translate) the bullet points and make sure you know

what you need to write for each one of them.

You do not need an introduction/closing paragraphs.

Style guide:

German AS Level: Personalised Learning Checklist


AS Grammar points

Confident Developing With difficulty

I fully understand and can apply in Speaking and Writing…

The present tense of regular and irregular verbs

The Perfect Tense of regular and irregular verbs, with haben and sein

The preterite/imperfect of regular and irregular verbs

The future tense

Modal verbs in all tenses

The three genders in singular and form the plural of nouns

The nominative, accusative and dative cases

Prepositions correctly with the cases they trigger

Separable, inseparable and reflexive verbs, in Present, past and future tenses

Apply the correct word order in main and subordinate clauses

Use the Pluperfect

The definite, indefinite article and possessive pronouns

The accusative and dative cases for direct and indirect objects

The genitive case for possession

Prepositions with the correct case, including dual case prepositions

Adjective endings correctly, for all 3 groups of endings

Comparative and superlative



Use and respond to question words

Converse confidently in my chosen topic and its subtopics

Use relative pronouns and relative clauses with correct word order

Use the subjunctive Konjunktiv 2)

Use personal pronouns

Use impersonal verbs

Use successful

exam strategies for speaking

Use successful exam strategies for listening

Use successful exam strategies for reading

Use successful exam strategies for writing

Use a wide range of previously learnt structures in my speaking and writing

Consciously use AS type vocabulary (society/global/abstract)


I have pepared over the summer for the AS entrance test in September

I can move away from pre-learnt speaking and be able to hold a natural conversation

I can take the initiative and practise spontaneous speaking in German in lessons

I regularly do past papers and check the answers. I learn vocab I didn’t know.

I listen regularly to natural spoken language on Yabla.com, DEUTSCHE WELLE http://www.dw.de/learn-german/s-2469 and other websites

I read texts regularly from the reading scheme or recommended web sites

I go over texts I have listened to or read, learn new keywords and structures and make a habit of re-using them in future writing and speaking

Use ‘Wort für Wort’ on vocabexpress.com regularly to learn the vocabulary for the 6 AS topic areas

I watch films in German, with or without English sub-titles or with sub-titles in the language

I translate the TL questions in past papers to understand precise meaning

I translate relevant chunks of reading texts to practise in-depth understanding

I can translate stimulus cards for the oral exam

I translate stimulus and bullet points for the writing question qu8 in Unit 2

I use the bullet points of the task as the essay plan for my writing and do a word count to make sure I keep in the word limit.

I revise effectively for vocab tests into and out of German

AS Topic Areas Confident Developing With difficulty

Youth culture and concerns

„ „ Music and fashion

„ „ Technology (eg MP3/blogs/mobile phones/internet/games)

„ „ Relationships (family/friendships and peer pressure)

„ „ Drink, drugs, sex

I know and can apply basic and AS level vocabulary for all sub topics in speaking and writing

Lifestyle: health and fitness

„ „ Sport and exercise

„ „ Food and diet

„ „ Health issues (eg smoking, skin cancer, health services

I know and can apply basic and AS level vocabulary for all sub topics in

speaking and writing

The world around us: travel, tourism, environmental issues and the German-speaking world

Tourist information, travel and transport

Weather (eg natural disasters, climate change)

„ „ Pollution and recycling

„ „

I know and can apply basic and AS level vocabulary for all sub topics in speaking and writing

Education and employment

schooling and higher education

„ „ Education policy and student issues

„ „ The world of work (eg the changing work scene, job opportunities and unemployment

I know and can apply basic and AS level vocabulary for all sub topics in speaking and writing

top related