our town november 8, 1945

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1945

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8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1945

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8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1945

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, .....



Your Order


" So don't delay. Visit our store


I t 's actually here-the wonderful

new Post-War General Electric Reffi.g

erator. Packed with all the conveni ences you 've been dreaming of. Bui:ltfor years of reliableservice by the grea·t

est name in electricity.

You can see i t-and feast your eyes

upon i t - in oU,r .s to re . You can p l a ~ ~ .your order with the assurance that

l ivery willbe made toyou ona first come

-f i rs t served basis.

.. /



For the New Post-War


Come and Place

Narberth Electric & Radio Co.

Orders Taken Now Get Prior Delivery-







COLD WAVE, Now $13



R O O ~ I

Of course you w a nt t o l oo k nice f or t heFa lI s o ci al season. T he heat of Summer

h as be en h ar d o n everybody's hair. Let

us g iv e y ou a cold wave. J us t p h on e us

fo r an appointment tocl.,ay.

Don't Forget the New Address

39 N. NARBERTH AVE.Narberth 2&08


Flowers For

All Occasiolls


235 HAVERFORD AVE., NARBERTHPhone Narberth 4177

Complete ly Redeco' rated and Refurnished.

Fo r the Accommodation of Small and Large Parties.

For Reservat ions Call Narberth 9280






Arcadia-Chios Restaurant239. HAVERFORD AVE.

SPECIAL OFFERWe c an g ive you OUr spot r educing or Exer cycle treatments o r b ot h combined f or t hespecial offer below.



The Sophisticate

Reducing System


The Exercycle

No Steam, No Heat, No Diet, No Drugs

November 8, 1945.

Treatments 53, 15 for $35

S O P H I S T I C A ~ £ E132 Bala Avenue Cynwyd 9136

[ ( { ~ A i § ' ! R ~ 1 ~ l ~ : l V ~ ~ n ~ : ; : p l ~ ~ : , ~ : ~ ~ h ~ r : ~ ; n : l ~ ' u ; : e l ~ l ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i : S ? 1 . t ~ ~ F i P h o t : ~ ~ a p h s t·I . at t he W om an 's C lu b of Bala- Christmas

Mrs. N. A. D'Alonzo, Jr" Nar- Of Fl Sh . h ld Cynwyd f r th benefitof the conberth. entertained, at her home I OlVer ow Ama te ur s i n t he field of flower arrangmg s ou e xpr es s ,0 e -on Tuesday: Among those present . l' t . h h' d' t f valescent veterans. Dolores pegler,were Mrs. K. Censore and Miss N. their ow n persona J y In tee Olce a n a rl an ge me n 0 chairman, has announced that

n Line Group ~ : a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? f o ~ e ~ ~ ~ t and Miss ILiterature Dept. to flowers, s ai d M r s. E. F. Ph el p s, s p ea k e r at · t he amat e ur there will be door prizes. () ¢

R t.. Present R e v ~ w f lower show sponsored by th e Conserva tion and Garden Com- t h ~ ~ v e ~ t : ; t ~ ~ e a t t ~ ~ ~ e ~ e ~ ~ : ~ c e a ~ ~ Q ",

epor on AJ'dmore Needlework i mi tt ee o f t h e Narber th Women 's Community Club. The show the Nava l Hospi ta l Octobe r 30. Q/\ ¢

f d ABC ShI On Nov 12 They a l so go to Overlea in Chest- V

or op Guild Celebrates ' wa s held at th e Club House Tuesday a fternoon. nut HI1l every saturday and Sun-Every arrangement should have day to entertain service men. /\

s Alice H. Amb.ler . e.xecutlve 25th Annl'VeJ'SaJ'Y The Drama Department of the Vd b

a point of i n te r es t . s he s aid . and Mrs. Samue l J . McCar tney .PI 'esi-()/\ ~ A : .e ta ry o f t he M am Lme F ed - T he Ardmore branch of t he Bala-Cynwy Woman 's Clu pre- should follow the line established dent. V 'I'on of Churches. spoke on th e Needle"'oI'k GUI·ld celebI'ated I·tS sen t ed two plays at the meeting h ' . 1 d d HEADQUARTERS" w it h t h e first plac ed a rt i cl e. One T e mUSIC p r o ~ r a m mc u ek of the' Federation at a I 51s t annual m e ~ t i n g l a st Thurs - held Wednesday. November 7. un- thing to develop is the ability to Mrs. Helen Van SClver, soprano. l\ Q

of t he volunte er s com .· l l;lfternoon wIth a . tea a nd e x- del' t he d i re ct ion of Mrs. AlbeIt d h t. h Af te r Mrs. John Henry BaizaI', for ! l\of the Federation at the lllbitlon of 5.860 galments col - Fey . chairman. see an use w a evel , you ave chairman of the Conservation and I V V ) V

t ,lected by the members. The meet- The one play . "Gander Sauce, " around you. Y ou d on t need a Garden Committee had announ- /\ ! l\e House in Rosemon on Iing took place at St. Mary'S Par- inc luded Mrs. Lewis Macchi. Mrs. great d eal o f mon ey to make . ', V A V31. Ish House, Ardmore Ave.. Ard- Roll o H. Pierce. a nd Mrs. A lbert beautiful a rrangements. ced the winners of the show. tea I QQ' .....~ ' . ~ ? . ' Q

Ambler introduced a new more. Fey in the cast. The p lay w as Mrs. Phelps pointed out t h e i n - was s e r v e ~ . The hostesses w e ~ ' e ~ . ~ ' r JIof the staff, Miss Ger-

IFourteen direc tors were named written by Betty Smith. author or numerable possibilities for the Mrs. C h a . I l ~ s Haist and MIs.


Spencer, and spoke in ap- I to the honor list. Eac h one had "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn." painting of twigs. leaves, cones George GI,lp.m. . Q Photog,·a hie ¢of the wor k o f the VOl -I co l lect ed over 100 garments. The second play. was a comedy and branches for particular d ec o- M rs . W ll ha m D ur bm . chairman /\ P ¢

eers. Twenty-nine layette b askets were written by Pa ul T . Gantt. and in- '.i- rations at Christmas time, Thanks- of the membership committee, in- V ChRobert Page. Jr .. head 0df Ia1>o exhibited. eluded Mrs . L. W . C li ne . Mrs. K. ' giving or other holidays. troduced three new members, Mrs. I{)Q' r is tmas,

A. B . C. Shop in Haverfor, The ga rment s and ba ske ts wer e W. Gregory. Mrs . William F. Mar- D ur in g h er t al k. M r ~ . P h e ~ p s W. D . B en ed ict . M rs . Raymond All Medl'cal Need.that t h rough the cont r i- packed into 50 bags on Fr iday , t in. Mrs. Ernest M. Brown. Mrs. d em on st ra te d b y m ak in g nm e PI d d M H R 'd Sl C d

ns earned by the Shop. the 'I and Guild members aided by t he Edwa rd Meade. and Mrs. Thomas flower arrangements. She used u e an rs. arry 1e ! /1 ar S Qon t he prope rty of the, Red Cross Motor Corps. delivered J. Wil li ng in the cast. The title mostly dried materials - dried also announced that .followmg t ~ 1 e ' -- l\

e rat ion ha s be en pa id off. She It,hem t o v ar io us c ha ri ta bl e 01'- was. "Girls Must Talk." roots. painted leaves. dried wild November 20th m e e t I ~ g , a speCIal V Vd th at t he shop 's contribu-' ganlzatlons. The afternoon's entertainment g ra ss es a nd o dd b ra nc h f or ma - :tea w ou ld b e s er ve d m honor of J PAUL SHEA l\ Ph t H bb Sh ()to the Federation is limited •••--- also included Miss Olive Fischer. t, ns. She use yellow chrysanthe- the new m e m b . e r ~ . . · I V 0 o· 0 y Opby the s u p p l l ~ s whi.ch she Auxiliary Plans For soprano. mums in two arrangements and Mrs. Karl WIlhams. chaIrman of Pharmaey 1

0 ' ()The supphes WhICh th e Winne rs of the flower showheld had one white a r ra ngement in a the Fellowship Committee. an- /\ 37 .N. NARBERTH AYE. JI

can .use include U&ed cloth- Desert Bridge t h e s am e day were announced by pink container. The other ar- nounced that a l ar ge c ar d p a rt y At Narberth StatioB V Vfurniture. household good.S., Mrs. F. M. Hawthorne. chairman rangements w er e i n b rown t on es . would be hel d i n the club rooms Narberth 2838.281. I' Q Narberth 2163 ()told t.he group of t he . w ol k ' El ab or at e p la ns for a deselt I of t.he Garden Depa r tment . They The flower a lTangement entr i es on November 2,8 and that all m e ~ - A l\

by M;rs. Herb"rt P a m t e ~ " s Ibridge are being made, by the Ia re a s follows: were judged at noon by John Al- bel 'S and t heI r fnends were m- ~ - < : : > - < : : > - < : : > - < : : > - < : : y < : > - < : : > - ~ " , , = > - V ,In collectmg m a ~ e r l a l l A m e l i c a n L eg Io n AUXIlIary o f Class 1. miniatures: 1st. Mrs. brecht. Jr .. Mrs. WilliamH. Board- vlted. ~ 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 I 1 J 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I " I I I I 1 J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I H ' :

the s ho p f rom t he chUlches.!Bala-CynWYd, to be h el d at t he R al ph S. Dunne: 2nd, Mrs. J. man. and Mrs. F. M. Oglee from Mrs. J. H. Speck. chaIrman of - -J am es E av an urged a ll P os t home on State Rd. on Wed- Cummings Dort: 3rd. Mrs. William the Bala-Cynwyd Women's ClUb. t he Camp and Hospital Committee, E_ Specialists In Unusual !-

man y o f wh om are ,nesday. November 14. at 1.00 P. JyI. T. Roach: 4 th. Mrs. Alex McCarte. The winners are as f01l0ws: announced plans for a benef i t cardto. redouble the ir efforts l ~ r ? C e e d S ar7. t o enable t,he . A U ~ l l - Class 2. berried shl'llbs. etc.: ' ' . p ar ty t o b e held at the home of = PERMAN ENTS =

the Uruted War Chest. She IalY to CallY on hospItalIzatIon Mrs. George W. Pawling. Best m l r : l a ~ u r e s : 1st pr.lze, Mrs. Mrs: George Gill. 216 Dudley Ave., =_==_ ===-

the group that the Federa-[WOrk for re turDmg veter!ins. Class 3. dried material: 1st. Mrs. W. p. BurnSIde: 2nd pnze, Mrs. N ar be rt h o n November 14. Theis probably the oldest agency Mr.s. J. Ben Taylor ,IS II I charge George Sitterley: 2nd, Mrs. Henry B ~ n . 1 , ! - m m Taylor: 3rd pnze. Mrs. hostesses 'are to be Mrs . G il l. Mrs . 0his a recipient of t he f un d a nd IS takmg r e ~ e r v a ~ l O n s at Nar- E, Sharpe: 3rd. Mrs. Harold Bae- : r :leldmg Howe: honorable men- F. C. Stiefel. Mrs. L. J. Cowie and :-_ pen Thurs. and Fri. Eveninlrs =

is the youngest member. b e ~ · t ~ 2313. She IS aSSIsted by Mrs. kus. t l on . Mrs . George Supplee. Mrs. A. N. MiJler. RAN 0 :::Elizabeth Phar o h as b ee n ~ I l l I a m Wa.tt.s. Mrs. A. C. J:Iawk- Class 4. Favorite arrangement Most Unique .AJ:rangement: 1st ••• ,==E=_ Narberth and Haverford AvQ,. ==S:

oi nt ed a s c ha il 'm an of the ms. and MIS. Leon Melchor. The in conta ine r: 1st. Mrs. John Caul- R.S.V.P.-After a ll a g ir l ha s pr ize. Mrs. William Lakeman: 2nd C t 1 t 'committee this year. Post be reached. the West tes: 2nd , Mrs . Backus: 3rd. Mrs. t o a c c e p t a n i n v i t a t i o n t o . ~ o m e - pri7.e. Mrs. Edwin Kirk: 3rd prize: ongJ'a u a lOllS

commI·ttee acts as a clear- M a n a ~ bus. staltlng at 5 4t h F . M. Hawthorne. Mrs. Sheldon Myers: honorable d M· R b' hh h '" and City Lme . T he group hopes . body else's party sometimes. mentions. Mrs. A: C. Mueller and Mr. an Mrs. orns u mso n = NARBERTH =

ouse fC?r t de ~ . a l l ~ u s a r ~ - I M a i n Line residents will co-op!'r- Litera ture Department Forone of these, Georgia Car- Mrs. Curtis M. Green. o f 123 Cricket Ave., Ardmore, a re : : Narbe)·th 4270 ::preventmg UP lea Ion.o e - ate bv a t t e n d i , n I ~ a.s hospital work Mrs, H, E. Sharpe . chairman of roll, of Kay Kyser's NBC M,o st U nu su al ContaI·neI". 1st receiving congratu la t ions on the = =A plea wa s.made.. fot toys is increasing greatly due to large t he L it er at u re D epar tm en t j'e- - COMING SOON A SLENDERIZING SALON -ale to be lecondltloned, by,number of returning veterans. Quested that all members of the "College of Musical Knowl- pl 'lze. Mrs. E.C. V.ernon: 2nd prize, birth of a s on on November 1, at :: ::

A. O. Becher and aI?eS I At their meeting on Monday in Ibook c lub o f the department tum ed.ue," has inclUded. in her I~ i : ~ : J g ~ ~ I ~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ f : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ f e the Episcopal Hospital, PhUadel- :"011I11I11I11I1111I11I11I1111I111I11I1111I11I111I11I11I11I11I11I1111I11I111111I11I11I111111I11I11;:the Y. M . C. A. In Aldmole. the Bala-CynwYd Red Cross build- in their books so that t he y m ay 1vtttter wardrobe thts honey- mention. M rs . E . C. Vernon. phia. Mr. Rubinsohn is the pro- ~ 1 1 I I [ J f l l l I l " l I I l n l l l l l l f l l l l l [ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 n l l l l l l l f l l l l n l l " I I I 1 I 1 1 I U 1 l 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 n l l l l l I ~

s , S . E dg er Downs , o f Ard-l inK, the Auxiliary voted to g iv e a Ibe nrepa red for discussion. On p ri et or o f t he Rob in Shop. A rd -reminded members of the contribution to the Needlework November 12. at 1 P. M.. the de- beige crepe dress witk side The meeti ng - was opened by more.fund held by t h e vol un - Guild and allotted 30 lbs.' o f candy partment will review. "Wissahick- drape and peplum,'designed by t i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~ i i i i i i i i i i i l ~ ~ I i ~ '~ i i i l i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iin memory of Mrs. Will i am to hospi ta ls . Thcy also made it \on. In HistorY. Song. and stOry." Edna, Vilm. The dress al·most tMrs. H . Wilson Moorhouse d on at io n t o t he Vo lu nt ee r B li nd O n t he s am e d at e. November 12, 1natches her hair. The hat's An Unusual Select"lon

Dr. Calvert C a r t e ~ and a sked Workers. which was formerly the at 2 P. M., the Art Department,members to contrIbute to the braille workers' g roup o f the S. E. M rs . ROger C. Whiteman. chair- rose f-aille grosgrainand satin. of Women's Fall Sweatersi f they wished to do so. Chapter of the Red Cross. man. will present Mrs. Percival --------------

MroS. Warren Graham of Villa- 0---- Grange, artist and t r avele r. who

s ~ ~ ; ID. A. R. C l z a p ~ e r ~ k ~ t c ~ i ~ ; U ; } ? l ~ ~ t ~ l ~ t e ~ ~ I ~ n S h - l 1 w . . Hear Plays Reviewed , ~ . , Many New Shades 1_::::_ ~ , : w . : ¢ . : ; . : J , ..' ,' . I, I. ....... , 'Yf, , . r , : " ; " " : ' ~ ) ~meeting tea was iTo Have M e ~ t l n g ~ F : : ~ · f J ~ ~ ~ g s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \;nh l ~ ~ ' s : i ~ t c a ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ e I ~ ~ ~ e s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ .. '. ," ", HELENE P. WATWOOD § _ = I g ~ m " , ' . ~ , . , ' , . > , : , : ~ \ . > [ : · ,..,:" : I : " ' f ~ . ' . " , : ~ " · : : . " " : ~ , · , · : . " " ..: , . , , , , : . : , , , , . ' : ' ~ " "J STU DI 0

b y Mis s E mi ly V au x and' .The monthlY mee tmg and 16th ward Van Tine . hostess. ior Woman's Club of Bala-Cynwyd :,: ), . ~ . " 243 HAVERFORD AVE. -"'>...: -:: :;".'Henry Longmaid ()f t h e ho s- b ir th da y p a r t ~ of the Jeptha On Fr iday. N o ~ ' e m b e r 9. at 10 .!!- - 11.-"" . ·..· " ·T ' -


t·- -__ k ~ t t , ~ ~ r ~ t ; ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ r ~ t : ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ' i ! r 1 0 1 ~ e ~ I ~ ~ ~ . e r ~ ~ ~ r ~ r o ~ e ~ £ ~ l l ~ ~ ; : ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l J e ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ o r , a ~ 1 ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i N i e i x i t i t i o i M i i e i d i j a i i D i r u i i g i i s i t o i r i e ' i i N i a i r b i e i r i t h i i ~ i i i i_== G ' . ~ : ~ % · f · , : · o " ' · : ' r < i t c l h y r i t J : ! h s ; " t : " ' m ' as Than a TBheaeruetJ·fIuSINCoerFaimneJ·cr,." ; ; = ~ "

oca ee ewor t er ia n Sunday S cho ol B ui ld in g. M rs . Backus tmnounced at the A f as ci na ti ng s pe ak er . M rs . I K

"ld I,lgatherl'ng IM.rs .,Walter E. Knipe. 2nd. Regent, meeting Wednesday. that ,at the Melchior reviewed very fulJy the UT'le BQllSe of R,·d,·ng Baht'ts"pleslded. Mrs, E. J . B un ti ng . a nd MISS Su- plays. ·'Harvey." "I Remember f, :::: Vase - Pictur e F rame - Lamp -

The Bala-Cynwyd Needlework The gues t spe aker for the af- Recd wer e t he w inner s of Vic- Mama." "The res e ." a.nd "Glass ME == ==l d Branch 'will hold their in-' t e r ~ o ~ l n was . ~ r s . Van ~ o u r t ton' Bonds at t he c a rd party held Menagerie." F o l l o ~ v ~ g her talk, R KIN S - _ ~ = _ Ciga ret te Box - Ash Tray & Etc.. §;;-_

on November 15 at 11.00 Ica lwlthen. challman of APPloved last WedneSday at the clUb members asked OpIniOnS on playsM. in th e W oman' s Clu b o r schools.. After the mee tmg. t:a house. and she generously commented on

Mrs. William Ttlt_lwas sened the h o s t e s s ~ s , MI? ,." Ithem. BIDING ===:::: : Attention Ceramist t i. c hai rman. urge s all contrib- E u ~ e n e BonnIwell and M,IS. HeI- TURN OFF THE BARREL The hostesses were Mrs.Edward ::or s to have thei r ga rment s turn-I belt James. The bug le cal J of "tatoo" has KelJy, Mrs. Henry Asam. Jr .. Mrs. :: YOll may now buy g i ft s o f youI' own choice which ==in by November 14. S h -1-·--:---- - nothing t o d o with the art of cov-IJ . R. Eag le . and Mrs. Richard B. SHOP aJ'e poured and ready fo,. your completion. ;:;The Guild, celebratlnlt its 16th cool nVlted To ering the body with figures. It is AyeI'. Mrs. :James H e n w o o ~ is the ::::iversary, numbers one million W ld C f a contrac(,IOn of ..taps-to." a bug le Inewly appomted vice presIdent. ::bers. Community settlement or on erence caJl sounded as f ar b ac k as the The club wil l hold its first post- Riding Apparel 129 S. 13th St. :: BEGINNERS CLASS STARTS NOV. 19 =

overburdened day nurser- I Lower M erion H igh Sch ool 's Thirty Years ' ~ a r . 1618-1648. as war Fall formal dance on Friday Fo r Men, Women and Children Philadelphia :: §insti tutions for the aged. hos-, Latin-America Club wil l partici-I a S Ig na l t o n ot Ify t he camp , t o Ievening, November 23. at the club- Ready to Wear 128 BALA AVE ::and other ~ h a r i t y a g e ~ c i e s ! pate }n t ~ 1 e conference on "P an - t u rn off beer t a ps for the evemng. house. OPEN WED. EVENINGS KIN. 3248 I • ==

e fi t by the GUIld, Which IS an iAmerIcamsm and Wor ld Organi - I F . ' l l l I I l n I I l l I l I l I l I l U l I I I I I I I I I I I [ m l l l l l l l l l l n l l l l l l l l l l l l n l l l l l l l l l l l l [ ~ l I I l 1 l 1 l 1 l 1 1 t ~ l I l 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 l J n 1 I 1 1 f F .of the Ame r ic an Red Ization." sponsored by the Pan-IAmerican Association at the Bell-

Mrs. Frank AlJen i s secretary. evue-Stratford Hotel on NovemberJ. D. Justin. assistant secre- 20.and Mrs. George L in co ln , L ower Mer io n is one o f t he 60Ihigh schoob in the Philadelphia--_..-. area invited. The ~ h o o l will se-

formatl'Ve QUl'Z leet.. two representa tives from theLatm-Amenca Club t o a tt en d t he

at Rotary C O ~ f ~ . ~ e ~ ~ ~ . table discussion wil l be

An informat ive quiz program l le ld i n the morning. Results ofR ot ar y w as h el d at the the discussion wil l be presentedmeeting of the Bala-cyn-I' at t he luncheon during which the

Rotary Club a t t he , Honorable Owen J. Rober ts. for-e rbrook Count ry Club on : mer a smc iate justice of the su -

\preme Court. will speak.

J. Bedford Wooley. chairman of I z : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ S z : z : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : S z : : : : : : : :club's Rotary Information I NARBERTH

. c ondu ct ed t h e qui z. ,were passed among the !

and visiting Rotarians ISCHOOL NEWSmany of the questions brUSh-

some of the members aboutorganization. I

Next week tJ:1e clUb will hold i t s The pupils of the Narberth

ArmistIce Day program at I Public School . grades t wo t o si x, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ch t ime the Rev. Bryant Kirk-I held t heir an nual Hallowe'enn d. p as to r o f t he N ar be l' th , p ar ti es o n T hu rs da y, November 1.

CI :u rch , w il l be the: Prizes were awa rded to the winMr. KIrkland Is a mem- ine rs of the various classes.

of the Bala-C;\'nwyd-Nllrberth In t he s econd grade, the will-ners were:Connie Lasch. pretties t: Sandra

ert OlIver Editor B r o ~ m e r , f u n n i e ~ t : Donnie S.an-

S h. .t ar eh . m os t o ngma l. T h I l' d

cool PublIcation grad" winners: Jean Marianna . ,. prettIest: Terry Snyder. funniesr.,1

Robert OlIver. Lower Merion and Cynthe a Clayton, most orig-IS<:hoc;>l senior. has b ee n a p- i na l.

ted edItor o f t he E nc hi ri di on W in ne rs i n t he f ou rt h g ra de :Clarke Nash. also a senior. Ann Hanson. prettiest: John Bonassistant. nero funniest: Bob Drennen. most

Members o f , t l ~ e l i te ra ry s t af f original. Fifth g ra de w inne rs :JaJ! les BIllIngton. StanleY ,Janice Ar thur. pr et t ie s t; Fn ' jRIchard B o ~ l a n . Mar:v Todd Miller, funnies t : B ruc e Hanis.Frances FlInt. Nancy Ford, most original. Sixth grade win

H ~ s c o m . Mary Jo Mas on , n er s: Mar y L inda McNut t. pret

Miller. J a n e ~ Musser. C la rk e t ie st ; Mar y AJm Wal lac e. funRobert OlIver. Betty Lou nies t ; Connie Boney, most origFred Selby, and Jean inal.

The judges wer e Miss Whi t: ?Evans Hun t h a s been selected Mrs. Hunsicker and Miss Dell.nag e r o f t he bus in es s s ta ff o f

school publication. Other , .-.-.--- .... ----:--:-ers are Jean Barsby. Emma r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' M " · - ;Bass, Mary Lou Haldeman. '..-,:, .,.;., " ,'"

B o u r g ~ r d e , Diana Tashj ian, . :...... ' ,,'\Jennmgs. Jean Di F el ic e. " ,.

e. and Barbara Lamb. : , . . , . ,

CRUSADERS SANG IT t.AU._The tune of "We Won·t Go i

~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ l ; ; : ~ ~ ~ f ~ "! ~ ~ .: , ' ~ ~ _ ~ , _ . : \through old Jerusalem. -


urches Met


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OUR TOWN Novemlte.:\, "41.'..

rt PUIJils Decorllte Windolvs

Aid United War Chest Drive

• •










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TOE ROAD BACK from war wUI IJeTflUt'd topour fightinlt men b y ou r pu r dl u e of VietotTBonds nOl". Held by mUlions of AJDerieaJu. boacb,..i11 provide a solidreserve of bu,-in« power 10aS8ure s teady jobs (or returniq veterans.

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'-'--..,--7/::.-1,1 ;/ 'I ;,/// #

Pl101'ECTlNGAMERICA'S FUTURE is a many·sided job ••• one t h a t 's up to IIU of us. For inIllance,yourmoney in Vidory Bonds will helptocontinue the planning and research thOI shortened the war •• • and will assure the peace!

YOUR DOU.ARS IN VICTORY BONDS orent'E'ded to protect our ~ u n t r y in another way. Bybnying bonds, we he lp keep t h e lid on priCE'tl offlC8Ne ! l ' o o d ~ ••• he lp p r..vent rnnllway inflationwith it. flllrt' follo..·.llp of depression.

"• • •

Narberth & W ~ ' n n e w o o dNASH REALTY CO.




1268 l\Iontgomery Ave.



and IIQSperOIS

Am'eric'a is strong

lIIember Federal Reserve System-Federal Dellosit Insurance COl'l).

For Insurance on Lh'es and Grant ing AnTluit ies


iJ make, 'cBrtain' their


This adverti8entent lnude possible through the patriotisllt of the following business organizatiom

This is an official U. S. T1'easztry adverti8ement prepared under auspices of T1'easury Department and War Advertising Council



Narberth. Pa .


YOU'LL keep dry in an an.weather coat of water-repellent

rayon bengaline. This one has raglanshoulders, club collar, fly front-anda fetching hat to match! The rayonfabricin thiscoat has an informativelabel telling you aboutthe durabilityof the water-repellent finish, how toh av e t he c oa t c le an ed , a nd o th erfacts about fabric serviceability, Besure.when you buy rainwear. that ithas a label like this tellingyou aboutthe serviceability of the fabric.


Corne li a O ti s Skint1el' whos tar s w i th Holand Young 'on then ew " Jo hn ny Pl'esents" show(Tuesday nights. NBC). occasionally shakes before the microphone that s he c an 't r ea d herscript. Now sheis l I S I I J ~ a special SCl'1pt stand, .. Patti Clayton. CBS's ncws o n g s t r e s s(Thursday e\ 'en i n g s), wushired by A.r.thur Godfrpyfrom a recordi ng . S ight unsccn. T he D c-t ro it b ru ne tte Patti Cla,·tont u rn p d out sUl'p7ise packagebeautifulh' (scccut) , .. Dinah Shorc (Thur sdaynights. NBC), horn Frances Rosestill gets this Jingle: "Funny sa lon a tack; F<lnny Rose: FannyRose s at on a tack; Did FannyRose'! Shore!" •. • Longest (? )

name in radio: Mutual 's Sundaynight commllntator. Michael Messolonghites.




••,on the air

By GEORGE LILLEY TEO'$ TA$TENEW YORK, N. Y. - Radio's Ted C(;Hins: M<lst successful

e x c l l t ~ i v e guest i s \ 'i ol i ni st IU' ll 1age r i n r adi o. T l' d \ \, as bOl 'n

K r ( ' i ~ l e r . After a 2 0 ' \ ' ( ' ~ l r .]osl'ph Marlin Cullins. illS father.ld-out. t i ll ' \ ' i rtuoso. 70, 'sue- whu unce was physic ian to Presmbed to off l 'r s of NBC's I \lun- i (lPnt ThC'udvrl ' Roosc\' l ·l t . njeknight "Telephulle 11llur" last n amcl i T ed i n t he P re si de nt 's'-" ' \ ' ca r, t h is sea- ' honor. In 14

, , : A ~ i " , ;on is sehedull'd' ~ ' l ' a r s of radio,' for three ilp- Col i i n s and

pcaranceS OllJ Kale Si n it ht,he p r (} g , r a 1111 (Friday nights,(m.'x.t: Oct. :2!1l CBS ) h a v ewhen he p l - a ~ : ; + grossed $-16.-fl() I' t·h e l k s " 000:000. I..,i;k et ime on t he ••N. .')h h is s in g ~ , r .

" I us ow n "M in t - . N" S to c k Y (.5-8,<lture V i<'nnf'se c tI I' hy hairedMarch"), Kreis- ' Co I,Y.i n,s, 46•IeI' is noted for c 'l n' t r ea d ahis dislike ofi Ted Collins n ot e o f music.

p r a c t i c ~ ; ''I'vC' .• H'col'd man He attributesa I II' a y s been· .... t ha t to the

ven. first by my fathcI:. now by p 'l i r' s S l l C C ( ' S ~ at introducing hitwife w i th 'You 'r e lazy. You' l l songs ( f i' ;e of the first 10 last sea.amount to anylhing.''' T he s on ), " I h a\ 'e t he <I\'erage man's

s t , who spe<lks eight langlwges. taste; Ka thryn s ings them a s theered amnesia ~ i l t e r a street composer fL'it t!J('m. not as they

in '41 during which he a 1'1' \ \ ' r i t t e n . ~ Collins has no the.ke only La tin and Greek. His ' ltrical background. formerly wasf e k ne w h e w as r eco ve ri ng a phonograph record sa lesman.e n h e beg'ln talking i n Eng Gerln<ln, French "<Ina (',\:er)'

ear Boa" SidesLabor -OWller

Merion Hi!(h School A r t , -------------- ,

aided by Norman C, A.display manager of Straw

and C loth ie r' s A rdmoree. tu rned out e n thusi as t ic al ly Iweek and de corat ed thre eW ar C hes t wllldows at

t l ey ' s Shoe Shop and Lyons'store. bo th on L an ca s

Ave. in Ardmore. and in Strawand Clothier's men's store,Ardmore.

professional" skill wasresult of their effort. aecordt o S ny de r. wh o visited the

and gave t he s tu d en tsfirst taste of pract ical wind is pl a: w or k addressingon t he s ub je ct a nd la te r by I

i ng ha lf a d oz en of them on aof the display room and confacilities at the Stra,w

and Clothil'r s to re . A ft erstudents had submi tt e d scaletches of their ideas for window

t ho se o f Virginia Armng. Paul Moses. and Ell'anorWCl'e chosen to be )Jut into

This was done by aent committpe consistl11g of

Bill Homer. Paul Moses.ce Riesnl ' r. Ba rba ra Earnes t .Eleanor Wolfe. al rled by WilC. Bahmermann. Senior Highart ins truc tor . Mr. Snyder.

using the workshOp and maof S t r a \\. b l' i d g e andStucll'nts J ame s Rca r

n a nd Bill Watts instfllll'd thl'in Hart]l' ,"s and Lyons'

ws. whill' the wor k o n the Iin thl' Ml'n'8 Store of

was that o f P au les f rom start t.o finish.

t!lrel'-wa,' co-opPl'a tion ofes. school. and st11clrnts in

tlll' great work thei te d War Chpst dOrs fo r th el e communi t \. is sOl11l'thingt o Lowpr Mrrion Townshipvear . ancl. aceording to all

thl' rrs111ls wpre splrnThr studpnts rpspondpd pnstical!·.· ancl a b l ~ · . showing

l in thrir work and rea I creae abll i t, · . as w rl ! a s rral com

pricle in hrlping the UnitWar Chest Campa ign to makcl if e of 0111' commulli! , ' con-

Iv f iner and fulll'L In 1'1'- N d V Itttil(' students recci\'ccl prac- ee 0 un eel'S 0,training in another f ie ld o f Collect Clothing

art and an awarenesstl1Pi!' school l1acl made a real For Russian Reliefnbutlon to tIle hfe of the I '

Georgc H. G il br rt . R us si an Relief needs more vol-of tl1f' Senior High unterrs for a round-Up eolIectlon

o!. praispcl the nro.irc(. as a of userl clothll1g whlcl ; I \ ' ~ l l be conexperience for the stU-I ductrd dlIlll1g the \I eekend With

every s('ct 10n o f t hp Cit,'.___.• -- I Thl' call \\ 'as Issued today by sol,gum. r p ~ i n o u s pitch r)::- D u c h ~ \ ' n a , · . chairman of Russian

i ng f rOm t Il e balsam fir. was, RelIefs \'loL111111': commlttpe, Duc h u sr d as el1l'wing gum l ) ( ' ~ ! el1O\'na,' saId that \'olunt('crs Willthe days of the commercial be ask\ 'd to go from door-to-door

111 th('lr own n('lghborhood onSunda,'.Duehorna,' p oi nt ed o ut that

RUSSIan Rplief c!ol l llng is usuallyIon a SO\' iet -bouncl ship within't hree weeks after IravJl1g Pl1iilaI rjplphia, homrs. Clothing collect.

S, ' 4.:' I I ,1, pd i n t hI S Philadclphia dl'1\'e. he,01 Y, 0( 1 ys 0) ' ( , ' aid . would bl' recei \' ed b\' Russian

"I hop;' alI t h o U ~ h l f U l ( ' I t l ~ ~ n s ;mp,n. womcn,anrl chl.1dreq i n t un eo ur C0J1111111l1ity wil l t ak f' a rl - I fOJ the b . I ~ . r I ~ ~ ~ ~ t r l . .nta[ ! (' of t Il lS Oppol 'tuni t ,' In . •

both sirks of tl1f' stor,' and iRatIon Board JanItorask thplr own QIH'st i on s of I I)' fl"e representa t i ve mr: n. " sain i les 0 nJUl'leS

.J. Lloyd. preslr lf 'nL of I After Auto AccidentArdmore Chamber o f C om- Ir ce. i n urging attendance at I Da\'id Gilmore. 63. 210 Sheaspanel discu:o;sion on l abor - T er ra ce . Ardmore. died Wednes·geJnpnt re lationswhich the da\,' morning as a, result of in.iuries

a gu e o f Wompn Voters i s r ecei ved wll t' n struck by an auto-1110bllr l a te Tupsday a f te rnoon,

This cOlllmunit,' f0l'l1111 will be Gi lmore. .ianitor at t he B ry nNO\'plJ1ber 14 8.15 P, M .. in Mawr - A I'd IJ1 a l' e Consolidated

Hall at Ha\'l'l'1'ord Col- IPrice Control Board, was struck bvge. Til l' t il l' pe l oca l l e a ~ l l e s - a ear al Simpson Rd. l ind Atlwn'sLowPI' Ml'l'ioll and IAn' .. Arcl\11ol'{'. The cal' was <lrivensl>Qnsoring it. Ib\' ,J. B, !\1rlTiek. 32. 126 E. Atlll'ns

A]cxandpr H. F r f ' ~ ' . ])I'ofessor ,A \ ' ! ' .. ArdlJ1ol'l'.lawat t Il (' l Jni \,pl' sit \ ' of Prnn- i He was takl' l l t o t he B r\ 'n MawI'

wil l be modcra tor . Ti le IHospital wl1('rp he \I-as tl'rated fol'spcakf' l 's are: S\'!\'esler Ipos,lble fractured skull. fractured

I' h a i I'm a n Third Ilpgs and frapturpd pel vi s. He d iedWar Labor Board: at 7:45 A. ]\1, Wpdnesdav.

ephrll Lr\'it sk". assistant to I MplTick is being held lInder $1.Th cliJ'p(·lors. UnilPcl Steel 000 hai l a\\'a i ting action of the

of All1prica: and HI' ,' H. Montgot11Prr County Coroner W.nssist ant general I11nn- I·T R l I , ' h o n ~ . - . oat t i l "

of .1. G, Bn11 Company. 1---'""We fOIIg-ht. the \ \'Rr to gr( . 11. ',r- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - ~ : : tnc 'e t [) so1\'p jllS!. s\I['h prob- I

saicl Mrs, L\'nmar Brock. ;. _,.'of the pl'ogralll COI11- 1 ' l f t l .

o f t h l' Ha\'erfol 'cl Lragl lP . . ~ ~ - & t , t I I Dtil(' LraglIe bplip\,ps the ,wants the fncts fl'0111 both

des . V ie invite genuine. honestbut. not an airing- ofThis will enable us

do some of our thinking- atlOcal le\'el too." Mrs. B rock

8/7/2019 Our Town November 8, 1945

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-november-8-1945 5/6






Repah"S - R ~ m o d e I i n l l 'New Bulldlnl\'s

Let VI; Estimate OnYour Work

127 \\'i1son, Manoa

Hilltop :n 79 Aft!'r 5 P. M.


I l f .OFING




G et O ur I:.'tmah


T ~ ~ ~ Y EGlass Shop

'131& West Chester Pike

Boulevard 30112


Jobbing & EstimatingPlumbing & Heating




Chatha., Vlllale. UPDef Oult7Granite '1020 UlIItop 2314

We can now ~ I v e you fast•aCCllrate service on yourradio repairs, All you haveto do is to phone o r b ri ng

~ ' o l l r r ~ d i o to LIS and we wil l11Rve it hack to ~ o o u Intwenty-fom hours. All workl:llarantf'pd.

24 Hr. Service

Essex Repair Shop1M E S ~ I ' ~ X AVE" Ph. 2135

Narberth. Pa.

1837 Windsor Park LaneManoa HJIltop 4114

929 ,\nderson Ave.. Orexel Hili

Painting PaperhangingGeneral ContractlnlGet Our Est imate

Snnset 3277

Wall and Mantel, Mad e t o Orderand Itesilvel'ed. Made ..re .Genlline Pltlsilltrgh Plate GIallo

OL D MIRRORSRcmodeled and Relll,ew"

Use These Columns

For BestResults

.. ,.j';.


pn $4 FGf l


Warnsof Punishment"'Drastic punishment for auto

mobile t h iev es who endanger the

~ a f e t y of motorists a nd pede st r i

ans by criminally reckless opera

t:on of the stolen car s, " i s urged

LJy Keystone Automobile Club.In a s t at ement . Keys tone sa id

1t has received numerous complaints from motoris ts about thef re qu en cy o f thefts involving"eckless operation.

"I t is the feeling of motor ists,"said F, C, B. Ken:.. Manager oft he M ai n Li ne Div is i on o f theClub. "that their lives a re unnec ebo5al'ily endangercd by cal' thieves,llid that the only Wf,Y to abortthis hazard is to impose such stiffpenalties on t ho se w ho a re c oo i'icted that others wil t be deterredfrom foIlowing their t'xample,



Prompt, Effici

ent, re l iab le -

All wo rk gu ar



CARPENTER·JOBBERAlterations - Kitchen Cabinets

Free Estimates

New LocationT he T ow n a nd C ou nt ry Shop.

f o r m e r l ~ ' of Bala Ave.. and City

Line, C ~ · n \ \ ' y d . will move this weekto a new loca t ion at 240 Bala

Ave.. Bala-Cynwyd.

The s hop is unde r the di re ct iono f Mrs . J. A. McDevitt. is the exciusive agency f o r J ohn F r ed e riI'S cosmetic,',.

Post home t o t he PlaQue for thememorIal services. Th e LowerMerion H I ~ h School Band ",iII playfor t he pa rade.

At 6 p, m. post members willattend the annual Armistice Daydinnel' to be he ld at the post home.

Dr. Samue l S teinme tz of Trenton. who spoke to the l e ~ i o n memb er s t wo y ea rs on ArmisticeDa y, w il l b e t he speaker of theevening.

D u r i n ~ the evening e n t e ~ · t a i n ment will provided by the UnIversity of Pennsylvania G le e C lu bQuartette composed of James Murrlly. f i rs t t eno r : Sam Miller . second t en or : F re d DahlQUist. firstbase: Robert McConnell. secondbase and Dick B o l l i n ~ e r accordionist.Any veteran of World Wa r II

who wishes to a t t ~ n d the banQueti s welcome and may obtain a reservation by calling- Sib Lee at Ardmore 4573-R.



BAR, 8252 o r SAG. 0295


Very soon we wil l have Hamiltons - Elgins and Wa lthams f o r sa le . Buy wher e you canget expert repair service.



We make a specialty of expert watch repalring - Any make. All wor k guaranteed,





White Flashand

Ethyl Gasoline


24 DOURSComplete Radio


Radios an d








Repairing, Remodeling


Ca ll U s Fo r Estimate


2 PIECE SUITE $64 75. \:........... R ~ - U P H O I , S T E R E D " . I

... ;<>;"':::, CushIOns Refilled .. " .. , . . . . . , .. $3.00. IJininl:' Room Chairs Recovered $2.50

·'::::::%1 Springs Re-W!'bbl'd . .. . . . .. . . 511.00CHAIRS REGLUED


$95 II/stalledI Steel radiator covers m ad e to ordcr. Any color !

w. CI S l ; ; ~ a g h a n' ~ ' > ' Rd., 1.lan",>

, i ; ~ ~


Re-upholstering $2.50 per

Te rms a s low as week3 year Guarante e&tablished 25 Years

Atlant ic Service StationWEST CHESTER PIKE "


Lawrence &Mahan

(F ormerly with Riggs & Brother)

B ~ L A YE., fYNWYD, PA. Cynwyd 3250


I ~ ! ~ ! . ~ ~ ~Quick Remo,a!Fair Price.

Court.,.,as MeaAlso P i ~ n o Mo..ina


We Pick Up and Deliver P. HUGHES &SON

STAN G'S R A 0 I 0 &ELEC TRIC AL II II A L : ~ : 5 ~ t ; ' ~ ~ U e l : ~ ~ 1 1 tEveninn GRA. UZI

I ~ S ~ E ~ R ~ V ~ I ~ C ~ E ~ ~ B ~ r o ~ o k ~ l i ~ n ~ e~ A ~ P t ~ S ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B ~ r O ~ O k ~ l i ~ n e ~ ,~ p ~ a ' ~ ' , I _ O : = ! ~ 5 5 F i i i " -" T,."ho" HilIto. 681'

JewelryEngravingBORut.l!n! M O J l o ~ l ' R m , . I , c t t ( , l ' l n ~ ,I n.<.:CrIptlolls Rrt 11y hRnd

pnitravpd. Enhance vahle or Electr.'cal WorkyouI' WA'cl10'<, BrAce!ets. 811\'01'-Ware. Moda!s, And TrOPhies. Mall W

Atlantic Lubrication Service ardors. Prompt Doli\·ory. iring, Baseplugs,

Washing and Simonizing K ALBRECHT Lamps, Switches, etc.

We will p ic k u p and return· Al l Electrical Appliances3'our automobile. .TclI:c/cr-Elloran·r I Repaired

PHONE: Hilltop 9793 1411 W a l n n ~ i ~ t " d > r a . 2, _p_a._, H. M AC IVOR

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = " I Hilltop 8186-W

! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

iI Cheslnnt St .. NewtowJI SquareI Phone Sew(own Sq. 0997-W

j = = = ~ ! : ' - - : - . =, l \ l i m e o g r a p h l n ~I

l \ I u l t i g r a p b l n ~Mailing - Addresslnl

IPublic Stenography

38 Rodman Ave., Uanerch BEACON LETTER SHOPHilltop 2281 ROOM 412, 6816 MARKET ST

~ ~ ~ i Z Z i W i 2 ~ ~ ~ i Z Z i ! ( 2 1 . 2 W i 2 ~ ~ ~ I' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ P ~ P ~ E ~ ' R ~ D ~ A ~ R ~ B ~ V ~ ~ ~ ; ~r BLVD. 3046



Post to Observe

Annistice Day

To Hold Services atPJaque; ScheduleBanquet

The Armistice Day observance bythe Bullock-Sanderson past Amer

ican Legion of Ardmore wiII be

hel d on Monday. November 12 at

11 a .m . at t he P laque at 7 E. Lancaster Ave.

Th e services wil l b e in memoryo f a ll service men who gave theirlives during both World Wars andthe public is invited t o a t te nd .

Members of the L e ~ l o n Post willassemble a t t he Post Home at 10a. m. They wil l be jOined by the

Ladies Auxil iary of the Post. a colOI' guard of the Harold SpeakmanPost of Narberth. a eol ol ' guardof the Spencer ReM Post of ArdmOre, membe rs o f t he ArdmoreBranch of the AmericanRed Cross.the Boy Scouts of America and anescort from the Lower Mer ion Po_lice Department.

The group will parade from the

No mor e ....ath.r-wor·

1'1,. o n wo. h d ay . Ju.t

lurnthis on and Ie' .I.,c·

trlcity dry th.,m lor you.

s..t th, dial•• add " , ap.

a nd g " yaur merryway.

CI"th•• will be "ut"m"t;·

cally wa.h.d. rln.. d,

.nd damp·mlld,

S it i n c om fo rt a' you

f..d bath fr li l l and Rot

w or k t o thil willing

helper.Ea.y h.,atcantral.


Dryl... whll. you wait l

Walhlnlwhll . yallwatch I

Irenln8 •• y.. I l k . It I


Now Ready forPrompt. Service

Call Bryn Mawr O ~ 0 7


Station Wagons Refinished

Convertible Tops..

Fender Repairs


Our organizat ion has completed the war jobupon which we have been engaged . De rh amspecial ized mechanics are now available to youany t ime you choose to call. Bes t o f service onQuali ty Auto Body V/ork of every descripti9n.

Be generous in Victory I Give toYOUR local Unit.d War Ch.#

J946 Vic/ory Campaign.



Old Reilly did pref ty well for himself , but he

couldn' t hold a candle to modern housewives,

Matter 0' fact, poor Reillywould be green with

envy to see the pleasant relaxat ion that Elec

trical living affords today I

Now you can ou t- I el l ly Mr. Reillyl

Your modern genie. Ready Kilowatt, makes

t ime wor k f or y ou in an all-electric laundry.

Keep in touch with your local electrical dealer

to learn when new laundry appliances will b.




for Winter. driving- - -BY- - -

~ i l } \ I NI ~ I N EBattery & Electrlo


the life of Reilly

\\', Lancaster Ave.

l et ti ng o ur e xp er t mech

anic s g ive you a completecheck up, Depend on us

for all repairs - from

minor adjustments to com

plete overhauling.



When Your Car to Start

-Don' t Fail to Call V3

BaJa-Cynwyd, BrynMawr Business GroupsTop Quotas

37 E. Ave.,Ardmore - Phone 5239

Approved aJency for F. H, AMortgages

Morualfe CorrrsJlOnden t forJohn Hancock Mutnal

LIfe Insuranee Co,



MAY IWe are a ct iv e. We cansell yourreal estate Quickly, Consult u s TODAY l


40/0 Mortgage Interest

o n n ew 15 year planNO FF.ES - NO PREMIUl\IS

Resident ial or Commercial

For Information Write

Box 350 - A rdmo re , Pa.


Department of Health. which hasch ar lt e of administering theh ea lt h p rogr am , h as also Questioned the legall tv of t he a ct a ndreferred It t o t he Atto1'l1ey General. As ye t, no decision has be,:nhanded down on t he ma tt e r.

F o r t h e p as t 20 year s school s i nthe ~ o w n s h i p have had a v er y ex- Wynnewood, having raised 100'!!1tenslve health program and a c- p er cent of its Quota. is the first i

c o r d i r i ~ to DuBois. thc State De- Lower Merion district to reach and!partment of H ea lt h h as com-mended Lower Mer i on on having p a s ~ its Quota for the United War

the best health program in th e Chest.State. The businessmen from Bala-DuBois point.ed out that the Cynwyd and Bryn Mawr also went

11ealth program in townsh:p ovel the top of their Quotas thisschools is more ~ o m p l e t e than th? week. The business district groupprogram which Is outlined in tile of Bala-Cynwyd Heights ha s r a ls - jState Health Act.. ed over twice their Quota reaching

For years Lower Menon ha s re- 208.3 per cent whi le the business

Quired medical. examinations qf Imen from Bryn Mawr topped theira ll s tuden, ts Il1 the township Qucta with 107.8 per cent. William

s ~ l ~ o o l s Which were done p lW - H . Carter headed t h e B ryn Mawr

s l . c l a ~ s emplOYed by the schOOl group and F. Emme t t Hunt anddlstl'lct, The he al th a ct on ly r e- t he Lions Club spul 'I 'ed the CynqUIres that studen. ts of alternate wyd group on t o i ts goal.grades be examl l1ed plus a l l , 'h .teachers and employes. . A.: Wal C e s t Campa ign

During the past four year s l e ached It:5 sch.eduled ~ I ? s e today,there has been much expansion In o t ~ 1 l e r Mam Lme .d lvlslons werethe dental work. Today there a r e stll s ~ 1 0 r t o f . t h ,e lr Quo ta s andtwo dental hygi eni s ts who do c a m P 3 : ~ g n o f ~ l c l a l s have, extendeddental work in the school districts t 1 . 1 ~ . d l l , , : e . f o ~ . a.few mOle,d,aysand foul' clinics are h el d e ac il c ..sOliCItOIS time to CO\ el thenwerk for students in the ele- dlStllctS., , . . . . "mentary and .iunior high sch061s. .The 0\ 1'1 bl o o ~ - A l d m o l I' dlstllCt

Prior to the expansion progral-: l st il l lacks 10 pel cent of Its Quota,there was on ly one dental hygien- B a l a - C ~ n w Y d lac,ks.25.1 cent1st and onl y two clinics per week a r . ~ B I ~ n M a w l - Y I ~ l a n o \ a ,lackSfor pupils in t he e leme nt ar y 29.v pel cent. OffiCials. expi essedschools, . a behef that these d l s t l ' 1 ~ t s . would

The big difference in the two go over their Q u o t a ~ wlthm the,programs is that only students In n.ext few days and l ~ l g e d all those Ithe public schools were taken care \\ ho h.ave not contllbuted t o t heo f b y the school district under the campaign to d o s o as soon as pos- SHORT SKIRT DRESS-UP- For drell·uP occasion. tha t aren' told program. wherea.s the Stat':! ~ l b l e . .' , ', re.ally formal. Joan Tompkln. , of NBC' . "Young Widder Brown,"now includes children in plivate T.he .Aut?cal. ConIPan) Il1 Ald- .elech thi. white and .lIver lame . t ~ l p e d blou.e with a b lack crepeand paroohial schools. mOl e Iep,OI that t he c ampa11m .klrt. dea igned by Ce ll Chapman . ' Fl at te rl ng as to c.olor. and

_____ ••__ _ was contmUlng among the Auto- ad apta ble a. well , the l inea give I wonderful IlIuaioh for:41ny II lrl'.

Rotary Meetscal' employes and at the las tcountI flgur_wide Ihoulder. In contraat with tiny wllat hlp .. .the employe.s had contributed

At a mee li nR of the Bala-Cyn- $1.690.95. The $50.000 gift of thewyd NarberthRotary Club. ,1. Bed- Autocar Company last week 1'1'-, ...; ; ; ; ; ; - ; ; . ; - ; - ~ ~ ; - - ; . . ~ - ; ; ; - ; - ; . ; . _ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; - ; - ; . _ ; ; - ; - ; ; ; ~ - - ; - , ; , - ; - " ; - - ; ; . .. ; ' - ; ; ; ; ~ford WOQley. chairman of the R ot - main s t he lar gest contribution '.a ry I nf orma ti on . a ct ed a s c ha ir - f rom Lower Mer ion Township. Iman and gues t sp eaker . The Col. Robert S. Allen. former colmeetini was he ld Tuesday at t he um ini st of t .he Pl1iIadeiphia RecOverbrook Golf Club, ord. who lost an arm while fight-Wooley named Cl in t on Ande r - i ng i n Germany last April, to ld the

son. Secretary of Aluicul ture and r epo r t l un cheon on Monday at theformer president of Rotary Inter- Bellevue-Stra tford that it was i nnational. and Judge Schwellen_ conceivable that Philadelphia andbach, Secretary of Labor. as t wo i ts suburbs would fall to aubscribeof the outstandinR rotarians of the till' quota sought by the Unitedyear. His sub .l ec t f or t .h e a ft er - Wa r Chest for 1t.5 many vital ser-

l ~ o o n , "Rotary Information." vices.Col . Allensaw at. f i rs t hand the

pathetic plight of Europe's diap laced pe rsons and emphasizedthat nothing should be left undonetu r et u rn t hem to their formerhomes.

Open Mon. &I. FrI.E"enings 7 to 8.30

Lanca!ter AvenueArdmore




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8, 1945.

stpone Stort of NelV HealtltlWynnewood TopsTo Examine Al l Students War Chest Quota

State Department ofhas granted the LowerSel1001 Board permission

postponr enforcement of theState hf'alth act which re

medical a nd d e nt al e xamof all e lementa ry and

school pupi ls.next ye ar when the newwil l be inaugurated F. A.superintendent of Lower

n schools. said that the oldl t h program wou ld be con

the r ea so ns f or p os tis that the Sta te re

each examination recordeda special form and thes e forms

not been received in sUffiQuantity. DuBois said thiit

d at e he had received only 200

t h er r e ason given for t h , ~is that there' is a scarcity

doc t or s t o conduct the exami on s f or t lw price which the

has designated.nother a l 1 l ~ l e Is that there I,:;

doubt throughout the S tatpto the constitutionality of

hea lt h a ct in providing theof publ ic school funos

exam ina t ion of stUdents inand parochial schools.

he solici tor for the LansdowneDistrict rendered an opin

that the new heal th a ct wasand illegal and

a pp ea le d t o the Atto1'l1eYe r al f o r a r ul ing. The Staue

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