our interests and behavioral dispositions are as our fingerprints

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Our interests and behavioral dispositions are as our fingerprints: different. We don`t have to be better than everybody else, because we are different, we see life in different ways. Humans are free to do what they want, we live and we die… everything in between is up to be individual. I agree that in order to succed one should carefully prepare though planning.

First of all, we all have identity, each human is unique, even twins are different, and our minds are just unique as us . For example, every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. I love biology and my sister loves drawing. We have to be better but not for parents, friends … others. I want to be an extraordinary doctor, even if my mother does not. Therefore we have to be extremely good for us.

Second of all, we have to be better than we think, be our ~best version~ because we invest time and effort. Nowadays people have so many things to do that they almost always do not have enough, in this case we have to do we something really badly to see the reality. We will immiediately notice where are our strengths and where aren` t . So , we realize how much we have progressed since our first attempt. For example, if we try to draw for the first time, our ~masterpiece~ can be a disaster, but if we draw again and again , persevering we can ~advance~. We have to belive we can do everything. If we want to be better the most important think is to have values in our life and work. We need also a plan , a strategy, because our time is limited, we need to focus on it, so things in our life fall away naturally.

In conclusion, is difficult for people to accept who they realy are, but this pressure must disappear. Most of us have the tendency to measure our self-worth by comparing our accomplishments and abilities to those of the people around us. We have to start being we and trust in our capacities, in our ~best version ~ .

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