oumh1203 written final sept07

Post on 21-Apr-2015






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INSTRUCTIONS Part A contains FIFTEEN questions. Answer ALL QUESTIONS.


1. What are letters of memorandum?

(Total: 2) 2. Choose TWO (2) reasons why documentation is necessary, as explained

in Topic 1, from the list below. Write out the full answer in your answer

booklet (Marks will not be awarded if only the alphabets are listed).

a. Use for routine information.

b. For research purposes.

c. For remembrance.

d. To maintain traditional writing and filing.

e. For wider dissemination of knowledge

(Total: 2) 3. Create ONE (1) example for EACH of the following:

a. attention line

b. salutation

c. subject line

d. complimentary close

(Total: 2) 4. List the names of the FOUR (4) models of communication as found in

Topic 3.

(Total: 2)



5. Rewrite the stages of report preparation, as found in Topic 4, given below

in their CORRECT order.

Planning and outlining the report.

Revising and editing the draft.

Gathering the relevant data.

Drafting the report.

Sorting, categorising and analysing the project data.

(Total: 2) 6. When writing a report, there are three stages of revision, as suggested in

Topic 4. Stage 1 is check for material. State the other TWO (2) stages.

(Total: 2) 7. The Report Introduction is very important because it is the first thing the

readers read. Other than this, state TWO (2) other reasons why it is


(Total: 2) 8. State TWO (2) reasons or purposes of Persuasive writing, as explained in

Topic 7.

(Total: 2) 9. A bad news letter, as discussed in Topic 5, should contain THREE (3)

items. What are they? (No explanations required).

(Total: 2) 10. List FOUR (4) words that can cause language to be Gender-biased (i.e.,

not gender neutral), as discussed in Topic 6.

(Total: 2) 11. List FOUR (4) items that should appear in a thesis proposal (Topic 8

explains eight of these).

(Total: 2)



12. Companies carry out feasibility studies as these will benefit them. State

TWO (2) of these benefits.

(Total: 2) 13. In thesis writing, why would a student need to research sources?

(Total: 2) 14. What are the TWO (2) types of citation? Provide ONE (1) example for


(Total: 2)15. Resources are primary and secondary. Secondary resources refer to

those you read about or hear from people. What are Primary resources?

(Total: 2)




INSTRUCTIONS Part B contains FIVE questions. Answer THREE ONLY. QUESTIONS Marks

1. You are an event manager and have been given the task to plan and

organise the New Year (2008) celebration. The question is whether the

event should be held in Putrajaya or Kuala Lumpur. You are to:

a. Write a report on the advantages and disadvantages of both

venues, with the notes given below in the textbox. You may add

more notes to the report.

b. In the conclusion of your report, make a recommendation of which

place is ideal for the event.



Advantages Disadvantages

Putrajaya -beautiful -spacious -people can visit other places in Putrajaya -promote the new city -away from Kuala Lumpur

-not much public transport -people drive from Kuala Lumpur -traffic jam from KL to the high ways -not many roads in Putrajaya



-beautiful -spacious -plenty of public transport -many roads -many people, so more people can come to event -many things to see and do-good infrastructure

-traffic jams will get worse -utilise more patrol officers -congested, buildings -crime

(Total: 10)



2. The government wants to make it compulsory for all children to enter

kindergarten at 3 years old. You disagree and held a meeting with all

parents in your community. Based on the points you collected during the

meeting, write a letter to the Editor of the New Straits Times. In your

letter, you must persuade the NST readers not to agree with the idea of

making it compulsory for children to go to kindergarten at 3 years old. Be

sure to elaborate and provide sufficient examples for each point.


• children too young, language still not fully developed

• children still not immune and vulnerable to diseases

• children need to play at home and be with siblings and family

• learning can take place at home, informally

• difficult for parents to monitor very young children at kindergarten

• expensive for parents to pay

Do not write a letter. Start your persuasive arguments as follows:

Dear Editor,

(Total: 10)

3. You bought a computer from a reputable shop. However, you

encountered some persistent problems after a month of using it. Write a full letter to the Director of the company and complained. Include the

notes about the computer, as given below, in your letter.

• There is a buzzing noise after an hour of use.

• Sometimes the screen goes blank, but comes on

again after a few seconds.

• Cannot connect to internet.

• The antivirus program won’t run.

• Some software pirated.

• Want a new computer or make a police report as

well as submit complaint to the Ministry of Home


(Total: 10)



4. Your company has collected data for a feasibility study on types of

products women of different age groups buy during the Hari Raya

season. The data was collected in the various shopping centres in Kuala

Lumpur. The results are tabulated in Table 1. In not more than 2 pages,

write a brief report of your research under this heading: Results and Discussion. Provide suitable reasons for the differences in spending

habits in your discussion of the results. You may use other subheadings

in your writing (e.g. Clothes).

Table 1: Sales of Items during the Hari Raya Season of 2006

WHO BUYS THEM (in RM) M = million Items / Age 56 - 65 46 - 55 36 - 45 26 - 35 16 - 25



2.1M 8.6M 10.6M 9.0M 800,000



100,000 8.0M 8.8M 15.8M 400.000

Children’s Clothes/ Shoes

5.5M 12.8M 13M 12M 1.2M

Shoes 1.7M 11M 12.8M 15M 1.5M



1.0M 20M 15M 12.8M 2.0M

(Total: 10)

5. Your boss tells you that the company has just been awarded a huge

multimillion dollar contract from a company in Dubai and the project must

start right away as it has a completion deadline of six months. All

requests for leave will not be approved, and those approved are

cancelled, including those who applied for an extended Hari Raya

holidays. Write a memo to everyone to inform them of this news. A

carbon copy (cc) must be sent to your boss.

Note: Marks will be awarded to those who paraphrased the above

passage into memo form. You will get zero marks for content if the memo

appears exactly as the passage.

(Total: 10)



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