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study @ your own pace @ your own placeTAFE




OTEN Enrolment Conditions

This guide is published by the Student Services Unit TAFE NSW – Western Sydney Institute, Open Training and Education Network, Strathfield NSW 2135

© OTEN 2007

This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, as amended, no part may be reproduced by any process without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ABN 36 459 049 947

This guide is correct at the time of printing. However some changes may occur as enrolment information is updated or replaced. Check the latest information online at www.tafensw.edu.au/oten or contact OTEN Course Information on 1300 362 346.

OTEN – study @ your own pace @ your own place! Can’t make it to class at your local TAFE college? Live too far away? Work irregular hours? Have family commitments or is travel too difficult? Then studying with the Open Training and Education Network (OTEN) may be the answer for you. Whether you’re looking for your first job, a promotion, a career change or you just need extra knowledge and skills, OTEN can help.

OTEN is the specialist distance education and training provider of TAFE NSW, the largest vocational education and training organisation in Australia. TAFE NSW understands that everyone has different vocational and educational needs and is committed to helping you develop real skills for real careers.

OTEN offers over 250 qualifications and courses, and accepts applications to enrol from students all over NSW, from other states and territories of Australia and overseas. Last year over 35 000 students studied through OTEN. Our courses and programs are flexible and may be delivered in many ways – online, CD, printed learning materials, audio, video or some may have

a face-to-face component, workshops, practicals or in the workplace.

As a student with OTEN you have the opportunity to study where it best suits you, and when – at home, in the workplace, at the local library, at night, on weekends or in your holidays. OTEN enrolment applications are accepted continuously for most of the year or until course places are filled. You start studying as soon as you receive your learning materials or, for online study, as soon as you are given access to your online learning website. OTEN is open 50 weeks a year and also has a student website that supports all students at any time of the day or night.

Read this guide carefully. It provides the information you need to apply to enrol.

Now is the time to make a decision that may change the rest of your life!

2 - Introduction

What is in this Guide?This guide give you the information you need to know prior to studying with TAFE NSW.

Use the guide as a reference and check the latest information online at www.tafensw.edu.au/oten or contact Course Information

The 2007 TAFE NSW Handbook contains information about courses at all colleges of TAFE NSW and is available at newsagents and online at www.tafensw.edu.au

Please ensure you read your OTEN Course Information Leaflet and these enrolment conditions before submitting your OTEN enrolment application.

Note: It is important to us that you have all the information you need to choose the course or program that is right for you. If you need more help, contact a Course Information officer or one of our career counsellors to discuss your vocational needs. See page 9.

RecognitionTAFE NSW provides a means of assessing and recognising your relevant previous learning and current work experience so you may avoid repeating what you already know. In this way, you may complete your studies faster or gain entry to a higher level qualification.

Have you completed a TAFE NSW course? Have you gained a qualification from other educational providers? Do you have current work experience? You may hold the relevant knowledge, skills and experience to apply for recognition.

You may receive recognition for one or more units, up to a full qualification in which you are enrolled. Your application for recognition is assessed after your OTEN enrolment application is approved. The minimum amount of recognition granted is for an entire unit.

For a recognition pack, contact:

OTEN Recognition HelpDesk

Phone : 02 9715 8486 or 1300 362 165

Email : oten.recognitionhelp@tafensw.edu.au

For advice on having the qualifications you gained overseas recognised by TAFE NSW contact:

OTEN Multicultural Education and Support Unit

Phone : 02 9715 8676 or 1800 637 535

Fax : 02 9715 8549

NSW Department of Education and Training, Multicultural Programs Unit (MPU)

Phone : 02 9244 5324

Fax : 02 9244 5381

How much does it cost?When you apply to enrol or re-enrol with OTEN you will need to pay the TAFE NSW fee and the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge (except for TAFE PLUS programs which have different fees and enrolment conditions.) Some students may be eligible for an exemption from the TAFE NSW fee (see below). Please be aware that OTEN does not provide third party invoices. Payment is required on submission of an enrolment application.

TAFE NSW feeIf enrolling before 31 May 2007, you need to pay the annual TAFE NSW fee and the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge (see page 4). The annual TAFE NSW fee may be paid in two instalments. The first instalment and the full OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge are paid when you submit your enrolment application. The second instalment must be paid by 31 May 2007 regardless of the month you enrol and the amount of study you have completed prior to 31 May 2007. You may also need to pay other charges related to your course. These will be outlined on the Course Information Leaflet for your course. If you apply to enrol between 31 May 2007 and 3 August 2007, you pay the mid-year rate of the TAFE NSW fee and the full OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge (see below).

TAFE NSW fee for 2007

Qualification/course Annual fee $(AUD)

Mid-year rate $(AUD)

Statements and other short courses

328 164

Certificate I and II 384 192

Certificate III 600 300

Certificate IV 816 408

Diploma 1086 543

Advanced Diploma 1302 651

The TAFE NSW fee is applied differently for:

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students – who are exempt from paying the TAFE NSW fee

• Apprentices and New Entrant Trainees

Introduction - 3

2007 Student calendar and important dates*

6 November 2006

2007 OTEN enrolment applications open

27 April 2007

Closing date for mid-year exam applications

31 May 2007

Mid-year enrolment applications open at OTEN

24 June 2007

Last day to submit assignments and return completed tests if finishing your OTEN studies mid-year.

TAFE NSW Semester 1 ends

3 August 2007

2007 OTEN enrolments and co-enrolment applications close

Contact the relevant teaching section for your study options

TAFE PLUS program enrolments remain open

21 September 2007

Last day to add additional units to your current OTEN enrolment

28 September 2007

Closing date for end of year exam applications

5 November 2007

2008 OTEN enrolment applications open

15 November 2007

Last day to submit assignments and return completed tests

2 December 2007

TAFE NSW Semester 2 ends

(*Except for HSC and CGVE courses, and special programs)

– 2007 TAFE NSW fee is capped at $384 for Department of Education and Training (DET) approved apprentices and trainees

• students with a disability – who are eligible for one exemption from the TAFE NSW fee per year if they are on a Commonwealth benefit or a client of a Teacher/Consultant for students with a disability

• some access and preparation courses. These include programs in literacy, numeracy, career opportunities, employment skills and work readiness and do not attract the TAFE NSW fee.

OTEN Student Materials and Handling ChargeThis charge partially offsets additional costs associated with distance delivery, including development of your learning materials, handling and posting. The OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge must be included with your enrolment application.

OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge:

$ 50 per enrolment application, per year if living in Australia

$ 120 per enrolment application, per year if living overseas

4 - Introduction

Financial assistance to study and exemption from the TAFE NSW feeFinancial assistance to study may be available through Centrelink. For information contact:


Online at : www.centrelink.gov.au

Phone : 132490 for Youth Allowance, Austudy or Pensioner Education Supplement

: 132317 for ABSTUDY

You may be eligible for an exemption from the TAFE NSW fee if you receive an eligible Commonwealth benefit. You must still pay the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge. Section 8 of the OTEN 2007 Enrolment Application form sets out the eligible benefits and the type of documentation you need to provide with your enrolment application. You may only receive ONE exemption of the TAFE NSW fee per year. If you wish to apply to enrol in a second course, you must pay the course fees and charges.

Course related chargesSome courses may have additional charges which cover the cost of practicals, consumables, services, industry starter kits or basic tools used by the student. Check your Course Information Leaflet carefully before submitting your enrolment application, to ensure that you are aware of all the fees and charges involved. Course related charges may not be required when submitting your enrolment application.

If you are behind in paying any outstanding TAFE NSW fee, charge or fine, your testamur or course results from TAFE NSW will not be issued. Please ensure you pay these before applying to enrol.


TAFE NSW feeA refund of the TAFE NSW fee may be given in exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances do not include changes in your personal, employment or study situation that prevent you from continuing your studies, such as change of job, an unforseen increase in your workload, moving interstate or overseas, or moving house.

A refund of the TAFE NSW fee may be given if you:

• have paid the TAFE NSW fee then receive Youth Allowance or Austudy within two weeks of your enrolment date or the dispatch of your learning materials from OTEN. You will need to provide proof of when your payment to study commenced.

• enrol in a course only to repeat a failed unit but are then granted a pass in that unit by an Assessment Review Committee

• enrol in a course which is cancelled by OTEN

• paid the full annual TAFE NSW fee and withdraw or complete your course with OTEN or another TAFE NSW college before 24 June 2007. You may be eligible for a half year refund.

• apply within four weeks from your enrolment date and have not participated in your studies. Refer to page 7.

• believe you have a case for a refund because of ‘exceptional circumstances’. You must support your request in writing and apply to the OTEN Refund Committee.

Course related chargesA refund of course related charges may be given:

• if OTEN cancels a practical or workshop

• if you paid for a practical or workshop and notify OTEN within a minimum of 7 working days of your inability to attend. If OTEN outlays payment for services, such as accommodation or meal vouchers which are non-refundable, the student will incur the cost and only a refund of any remaining monies will be issued.

• under ‘exceptional circumstances’. You need to support your request, in writing, to the Head Teacher.

A refund will not be issued:

• if materials, equipment or resources received remain the property of the student

• after a practical or workshop, if you do not attend or give adequate prior notification.

You may be eligible for a refund of tuition fees in special circumstances. For information related to specific student categories, refer to page 10.

There are no refunds of the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge or TAFE PLUS program fees, once enrolled.

Introduction - 5

Applying and enrolling at OTENOTEN’s enrolment period commences 6 November 2006 until 3 August 2007, or until course places are filled.

Don’t wait too long to put in your enrolment application.

Courses only remain open for enrolment while places are available. Once course places have been filled, no more enrolment applications can be accepted.

High demand courses can fill quickly, and may close before the mid-year enrolment date 31 May 2007.

So that you don’t miss out, you should apply to enrol early.

A step-by-step guide to applying and enrolling

Step 1

Have you read this Guide and your Course Information Leaflet?

These documents provide you with general enrolment conditions and important information about studying with OTEN.

Step 2

Do you need to submit an OTEN Course Application, Selection Application resource checklist or other form, such as a practical application or documentation to support your claim for an exemption from the TAFE NSW fee?

Yes – ensure you meet the entry requirements and fully complete these additional forms or provide adequate documentation when submitting your enrolment application. If these forms or documents are not provided or completed your enrolment application will be delayed, or it may be returned to you. This will reduce the period of time you may have to study in 2007.

No – make sure you meet the entry requirements for the course in which you wish to apply to enrol. Entry requirements are outlined in your Course Information Leaflet. If paying by credit card you may be able to apply to enrol online .

Online at : www.tafensw.edu.au/oten and go to Courses.

Note: If applying for an exemption from the TAFE NSW fee, you must still include payment of the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge.

Step 3

If you think you may be eligible for recognition of your previous learning and your current work experience, you are encouraged to apply for recognition at the same time as submitting your enrolment application or shortly after enrolment. For more information see page 3, or visit www.tafensw.edu.au/oten and go to Recognition.

Step 4

To complete your enrolment application, you need to:

• complete and sign the OTEN Enrolment Application form, including the student details page which provides important information for TAFE NSW to plan to meet the needs of our students. Your course may also have other forms to be completed. The OTEN Enrolment Application form is available online at www.tafensw.edu.au/oten or through OTEN Course Information

• provide appropriate and adequate documents or evidence, as requested

• attach payment for the TAFE NSW fee, OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge, TAFE PLUS fee or any other applicable course related charges, or include your credit card details.

Payment of fees and charges is only accepted in Australian dollars.

Due to increased global security measures, OTEN is now required to display a contact phone number on the outside of all items posted overseas. Students living overseas must provide a contact phone number with country and area codes displayed on all postal items.

6 - Introduction

Step 5

Submitting your enrolment application

You may apply to enrol with OTEN online, by fax , by mail, or in person.

For security reasons, no cash is accepted. We accept payment by:

• Credit card – Visa and MasterCard

• Personal or bank cheque or money order payable to OTEN

• EFTPOS – in person at the counter at OTEN Course Information

Online at : www.tafensw.edu.au/oten and go to Courses – for some courses, if paying by credit card.

Fax : 02 9715 8411 – if paying by credit card.

Mail : OTEN Student Services – Enrolments Locked Bag 2012 Strathfield NSW 2135

In person : visit OTEN Course Information, Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm

OTEN Course Information 51 Wentworth Road Strathfield NSW 2135

Documentation Get it right first time!

To ensure that your enrolment application progresses smoothly, it’s important that you provide current and complete documentation with your enrolment application.

Incomplete information or documents may delay the start of your studies or course places may be filled before your application is accepted.

If you think you are eligible for an exemption from paying the TAFE NSW fee, the documents you need to supply are outlined in Section 8 of the OTEN 2007 Enrolment Application form.

TAFEcardYou will need a TAFEcard to visit and use the facilities of TAFE NSW colleges, borrow from their libraries and sit for an exam or a test. OTEN students are able to ask for a TAFEcard at any college of TAFE NSW. OTEN is not able to issue TAFEcards.

What happens when I enrol?Once OTEN receives your enrolment application and correct payment and your enrolment is approved, you will receive:

• a Receipt of Money/Tax Invoice

• a Confirmation of Enrolment letter. You will need this to get your TAFEcard and for Centrelink, if you receive payments to study.

• your learning materials or information on how to access your online study. As you progress through your studies, you may add more units until 21 September.

• access to the OTEN Learning Support (OLS) site.

• for most courses, an OTEN Student Guide and Diary which outlines important information to help you get started, online services and enrolment conditions, including a copy of Every Student’s Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW.

• a phone call or email to see if you need help getting started.

Active participation

Active participation in your course is a condition of your enrolment with OTEN. Active participation is submitting assignments, attending practical sessions, if applicable, sitting exams or tests, submitting an application for recognition, accessing unit support pages on the OLS, completing units or making satisfactory progress in tutorial support. If you do not participate in your studies future enrolment applications may be declined.

Introduction - 7

How long will it take to complete a course?You are encouraged to start studying as soon as you receive your learning materials or online access. Although studying with OTEN is self-paced, course time limits do apply, to ensure you are given the maximum advantage to complete your course.

There may also be set dates for practicals, workshops and exams, if applicable.

Recognition of previous learning and current experience will mean that you may not have to study some units in your course and you may finish more quickly. Ask about recognition when you apply to enrol.

If you receive financial assistance from Centrelink to study, you must comply with the study time limits set by Centrelink. These may be less than the OTEN course time limit.

Will my study involve assessment?Most courses involve assessment, which may be written assignments, tests, exams or practicals. When you begin your studies with OTEN, you will be given detailed information about how you will be assessed and how your results will be recorded and reported.

At OTEN, not all of these will have fixed dates. To study by distance you need to plan a schedule of submitting your work and meeting your study goals, and completing your course within the time limit.

Some courses have compulsory practicals, workshops, tutorials or field trips. These sessions are usually organised in ‘blocks’ to reduce costs to you. They may be held at other TAFE NSW colleges or specialist centres.

If your course has exams or tests, you may apply to sit for these at your local TAFE NSW college. If you live interstate or overseas, you may sit exams or tests by private supervision. Private supervisors are reviewed for their suitability to conduct exam or test supervision by OTEN. Any charge for private supervision is your responsibility.

Tests may be sat at a time convenient to you and the local TAFE NSW college. Exams are state wide, and are held at set times and dates twice a year – in June and November/December.

Transferring your studies and co-enrolment If OTEN offers the course/units you wish to study, you can apply to transfer to OTEN or co-enrol with OTEN in the same enrolment period, if places are available. You do not have to pay the TAFE NSW fee (or approved fee exemption) but you are required to pay the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge.

You cannot be enrolled in the same unit at two TAFE NSW colleges within the same enrolment period.

Important note: If you enrolled in Semester 1 only at your TAFE NSW college, then co-enrol or transfer your course to OTEN, you must complete the units/course you are co-enrolled/enrolled in with OTEN by 24 June 2007. If you paid by instalment, you need to pay your second instalment by 31 May 2007 to continue studying your units/course with OTEN.

Can’t attend classes due to timetable clashes, work or family commitments? Or your TAFE NSW college is not offering the unit you want to study? Co-enrolment in one or more units with OTEN may be helpful.


Sarah is studying a building and construction course and would like to apply for a position in building and design. Although she attends classes at her local TAFE NSW college and likes the contact with other students and teachers, she has a young family and wants to study some units at home. Also, some of her classes were held in the evening and she didn’t like catching the late train home.

Sarah co-enrolled in three units with OTEN, which allows her to study at home, at her own pace. Sarah did not have to pay the TAFE NSW fee again, as she is currently enrolled in the course with her local TAFE NSW college, but she did need to pay the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge.

8 - Introduction

To apply to transfer, complete an enrolment adjustment form (available from any TAFE NSW college), or to find out more about co-enrolment and transferring your course to OTEN Visit: www.tafensw.edu.au/oten

Under specific circumstances you may transfer from the OTEN course in which you are enrolled, to another course within OTEN. For conditions Visit: www.tafensw.edu.au/oten go to Enrolment, Post Enrolment Information. This does not apply to TAFE PLUS programs.

Your rights and responsibilitiesOTEN, as part of TAFE NSW will do its best to ensure that you have the opportunity to complete your course within the time limit (subject to your satisfactory progress), as outlined on the Course Information Leaflet.

In rare instances this may not be possible. In these cases OTEN reserves the right to:

• withdraw any course or program

• offer a course or programs other than that advertised

• alter the dates for the whole or any part of the course or program.

As an enrolled student of OTEN, you have certain rights and responsibilities related to TAFE NSW instructions and rules. When you apply to enrol you agree to abide by these when you submit your enrolment application. Student rights and responsibilities are available online at www.tafensw.edu.au/students/rights.htm

If you use a TAFE NSW internet or intranet website, or use computers that are the property of TAFE NSW, you must abide by Use of TAFE NSW Internet and Intranet Services guidelines. If you do not follow TAFE NSW regulations in regard to behaviour, disciplinary action may follow.

When you enrol with TAFE NSW, the collection, storage, use and disclosure of the personal information you provide is protected under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Any health information provided is protected under the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. Your personal and private information is also protected and will not be disclosed without your approval. You are also entitled to access your information and make corrections if necessary.

For more information contact:

Freedom of Information and Privacy Unit

Phone : 02 9561 8151

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1989 gives you the right to access many documents held by most government agencies including TAFE NSW.

It is unlawful for a person to do anything publicly that could encourage or stir up hatred, serious contempt or severe ridicule against you or others on any grounds. If you feel you have been discriminated against, contact your teacher or a TAFE NSW counsellor.

Making a complaintIf you have a problem or complaint, you may report it to any staff member. They will record your concerns so it can be dealt with confidentially and promptly. You may also submit your complaint on a Suggestion or Complaint Form available from www.tafensw.edu.au/oten.

The NSW Department of Education and Training policy for Responding to Suggestions, Complaints and Allegations is online at www.det.nsw.edu.au/policies.

What support does OTEN offer?

Counselling and Careers ServiceSupport is available before you apply to enrol with OTEN. You can contact the OTEN Counselling and Careers Service to discuss your study options. Counsellors can also help you with your career and educational planning and progress. This includes study skills or any personal matters that make it hard for you to study.

Phone : 02 9715 8446 or 1300 655 993

Email : oten.counselling@tafensw.edu.au

Individual Learning Centres (ILC)Haven’t studied for a while? Need some support in literacy, numeracy or reading to help with your studies? As an OTEN student you may visit the Individual Learning Centre (ILC) at a TAFE NSW college. Centres are open at nominated times and operate like ‘drop-in’ centres.

Introduction - 9

Special needs supportOTEN also offers support for people with special study needs. This includes services for people from language backgrounds other than English, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and people with a disability.

Phone : 02 9715 8679 or 1300 362 890

Fax : 02 9715 8549

TAFE NSW LibrariesAs a student enrolled at OTEN, you can visit libraries at any TAFE NSW college. You will need a TAFEcard or you may be able to register as a library borrower using your Enrolment Confirmation letter. To find out more about college library locations and services, and to view the TAFE NSW Online Catalogue, go to http://wsi.tafensw.edu.au/LibraryServices/welcome.htm

Interstate students may also access the TAFE Libraries-National Reciprocal borrowing scheme, allowing students of participating TAFE libraries to register and borrow materials in person from any other participating TAFE library in any other state. To access this service and for any other enquiries, email WSIOTENLibraryServices@det.nsw.edu.au

OTEN Learning Support

The OTEN Learning Support (OLS) site provides support to all enrolled OTEN students. The OLS gives you the opportunity to get frequent updates on your course and unit/s, study progress and supplementary study resources. You can also contact your teachers by email and correspond with other OTEN students.

You can take a virtual tour of the OLS before you apply to enrol at www.ols.oten.edu.au

If you do not have the internet at home, you can access the OLS through computers at TAFE NSW colleges and public libraries, and other private internet facilities.

Don’t worry if you do not have access to the internet, as teachers will forward you new information released on the OLS in hard copy through the post.

Who studies with OTEN?

Minimum age

The minimum age for studying at TAFE NSW is 15 years.

Australian citizens overseas If you are an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident living overseas you may apply to enrol, but you must provide certified proof of your Australian citizenship or residency status when applying to enrol. You are required to pay the TAFE NSW fee and the $120 OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge.

You can still be at schoolThe vocational education and training for school students program allows Year 11 and 12 students to get a head start by studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses as part of the HSC.

Find information on TVET courses:

Online at : www.tafensw.edu.au/oten/tvet

Phone : 02 9715 8153 or 1300 554 014

Email : oten.tvet@tafensw.edu.au


Traineeships combine work with training so you can earn as you learn. You need to gain a traineeship position with an employer before applying to enrol with OTEN. OTEN delivers courses for New Entrant and Existing Worker trainees by distance.

There is a fixed TAFE NSW fee for all Department of Education and Training (DET) approved traineeship enrolments and the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge does not apply. (Note: Where an exemption to the TAFE NSW fee is approved, you will need to pay the OTEN Student Materials and Handling Charge.)

Find information about traineeships:

Online at : www.newapprenticeships.gov.au

Phone : 1800 639 629

For information on traineeship courses and enrolment contact the OTEN Traineeship Coordinator:

Phone : 02 9715 8406 or 1300 362 418

Students on VisasTemporary Visa Holders

If you hold a temporary visa, subject to certain conditions, you may be eligible to apply to enrol with OTEN. Depending on the type of visa sub-class you hold, you may also need to pay

10 - Introduction

tuition fees.

When applying to enrol you must provide a certified copy of:

• your passport showing your visa sub-class or

• certified documentation from the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA).

Your enrolment application will not be accepted if you cannot complete your studies before your visa expires. OTEN is not responsible for the non-completion of your course if you are required to leave Australia.

TAFE NSW conducts random audits twice a year verifying an enrolled student’s residency status with DIMA. You may be contacted and required to provide proof of your residency status. False claims about your residency can lead to disciplinary action.

International students on student visas

If you are the principal visa holder of a student visa, living in Australia and you are enrolled full-time at another TAFE NSW college or with another CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutes and Courses for Overseas Students) approved provider, you may apply to enrol or co-enrol with OTEN.

When applying to enrol you will need:

• written approval from your TAFE NSW Institute’s International Student Coordinator

• certified proof of your visa class and your full-time enrolment with your CRICOS provider.

Find information on enrolment conditions:

Online at : www.tafensw.edu.au/oten and go to Enrolment, Students on Visas

Course Information

Email : oten.courseinfo@tafensw.edu.au

Phone : 02 9715 8333 or 1300 362 346

Fax : 02 9715 8445

OTEN Multicultural Education and Support Unit

Phone : 02 9715 8676 or 1800 637 535

Fax : 02 9715 8549

People living overseasPeople living overseas who are not Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents may apply to enrol with OTEN. Fees and charges are calculated on the hours attached to each unit within a course. Hours for each unit within a course are listed on the Course Information Leaflet.

For more information:

Online at : www.tafensw.edu.au/oten and go to Enrolment, Students on Visas

Certified copyCertified copy means that the original document has been sighted and a copy of it has been signed and dated by the organisation that issued the original document or by a government official, such as a Public Notary or Justice of the Peace.

Alternatively, you may show your original documents to TAFE NSW staff or at OTEN Course Information who will sight, copy and verify your original documents.

Introduction - 11

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