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Cost-Effectiveness of Modern RadiotherapyTechniques in Locally Advanced PancreaticCancerJames D. Murphy, MD, MS1,2; Daniel T. Chang, MD1; Jon Abelson, MD1; Megan E. Daly, MD1; Heidi N. Yeung, MD3;

Lorene M. Nelson, PhD2; and Albert C. Koong, MD, PhD1

BACKGROUND: Radiotherapy may improve the outcome of patients with pancreatic cancer but at an increased cost.

In this study, the authors evaluated the cost-effectiveness of modern radiotherapy techniques in the treatment of

locally advanced pancreatic cancer. METHODS: A Markov decision-analytic model was constructed to compare the

cost-effectiveness of 4 treatment regimens: gemcitabine alone, gemcitabine plus conventional radiotherapy, gemcita-

bine plus intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT); and gemcitabine with stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT).

Patients transitioned between the following 5 health states: stable disease, local progression, distant failure, local and

distant failure, and death. Health utility tolls were assessed for radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments and for

radiation toxicity. RESULTS: SBRT increased life expectancy by 0.20 quality-adjusted life years (QALY) at an

increased cost of $13,700 compared with gemcitabine alone (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio [ICER] ¼ $69,500

per QALY). SBRT was more effective and less costly than conventional radiotherapy and IMRT. An analysis that

excluded SBRT demonstrated that conventional radiotherapy had an ICER of $126,800 per QALY compared with

gemcitabine alone, and IMRT had an ICER of $1,584,100 per QALY compared with conventional radiotherapy. A prob-

abilistic sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the probability of cost-effectiveness at a willingness to pay of

$50,000 per QALY was 78% for gemcitabine alone, 21% for SBRT, 1.4% for conventional radiotherapy, and 0.01% for

IMRT. At a willingness to pay of $200,000 per QALY, the probability of cost-effectiveness was 73% for SBRT, 20% for

conventional radiotherapy, 7% for gemcitabine alone, and 0.7% for IMRT. CONCLUSIONS: The current results indi-

cated that IMRT in locally advanced pancreatic cancer exceeds what society considers cost-effective. In contrast,

combining gemcitabine with SBRT increased clinical effectiveness beyond that of gemcitabine alone at a cost poten-

tially acceptable by today’s standards. Cancer 2012;118:1119-29. VC 2011 American Cancer Society.

KEYWORDS: cost-benefit analysis, pancreatic neoplasms, combined modality therapy, stereotactic body


INTRODUCTIONControversy surrounds radiotherapy in the management of locally advanced, unresectable pancreatic cancer.Although studies by the Gastrointestinal Tumor Study Group (GITSG) that were completed 2 decades ago indicated abenefit from 5-fluorouracil (5FU)-based chemoradiotherapy,1,2 the chemotherapy regimens and radiotherapy techniquesin those trials are obsolete by today’s standards. More recently, the chemotherapeutic agent gemcitabine has demonstratedactivity in pancreatic cancer when used alone3 and when combined with radiotherapy.4 In addition, the recently reportedEastern Cooperative Oncology Group study E4201, which compared gemcitabine alone with gemcitabine plus radiother-apy, demonstrated a survival advantage in the combined-modality arm.5

Modern chemoradiotherapy regimens often suffer from poor rates of local control. In pancreatic cancer, local diseaseprogression can lead to pain and obstruction and may impact survival.6 At Stanford, we have attempted to intensify localtherapy and decrease treatment duration with the technique of single-fraction stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT).7-9 Atour institution, a regimen that sandwiches a single, large, daily fraction of radiation in between cycles of gemcitabine hasresulted in excellent local control and has yielded survival rates comparable to other chemoradiotherapy regimens. Despite

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.26365, Received: November 19, 2010; Revised: May 23, 2011; Accepted: May 24, 2011, Published online July 19, 2011 in Wiley Online Library


Corresponding author: James D. Murphy, MD, MS, Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford Cancer Center, 875 Blake Wilbur Drive, Stanford, CA

94305-5847; Fax: (650) 725-8231; jdmurphy@stanford.edu

1Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California; 2Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University

School of Medicine, Stanford, California; 3Department of Palliative Care, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California

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Original Article

the benefits of radiotherapy demonstrated in the E4201study and in our SBRT experience, other clinical studiescomparing chemotherapy with chemoradiotherapy haveproduced mixed results,10,11 and the optimal managementof locally advanced pancreatic cancer remains unclear.

Although radiotherapy has the potential to improveoutcome in pancreatic cancer, the absolute incrementalbenefit of radiotherapy probably is small because of the lim-ited survival inherent with this disease. This small, incre-mental benefit compounded by the high cost of radiationbrings about the question of cost-effectiveness. The pur-pose of the current study was to evaluate the cost-effective-ness of gemcitabine combined with modern radiotherapytechniques compared with gemcitabine as a single agent inthe management of locally advanced pancreatic cancer.


Decision Model

We compared the cost-effectiveness of 4 different regi-mens that are used to treat locally advanced pancreaticcancer: 1) gemcitabine alone (gem-alone), 2) gemcitabinewith conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (gem-RT),3) gemcitabine with intensity-modulated radiotherapy(gem-IMRT), and 4) gemcitabine with stereotactic bodyradiotherapy (gem-SBRT). A decision-analytic Markovmodel was constructed to determine the cost-effectivenessof these 4 regimens. The 5 main health states in this modelincluded the following: stable disease, local progression,distant metastatic failure, both local and distant failure,and death (for the model schema, see Fig. 1; for the deci-sion tree, see Fig. 2). We assumed that all patients enteredthe model with stable disease and received either chemo-therapy alone or chemotherapy and radiation accordingto their prespecified treatment regimen, as described indetail below (see Treatment). Although, from a clinical

standpoint, patients can develop distant failure after localprogression, and vice versa, our model did not allow thesetransitions. Death from natural causes could occur fromany health state and was estimated from age-specific USmortality rates.12 Death from cancer was assumed tooccur after disease progression. Patients incurred utilitytolls and costs for receiving radiotherapy, chemotherapyor from experiencing treatment-related toxicity.

TheMarkov model was based on a payer’s perspectiveand ran with a 1-month cycle length. Although only a smallpercentage of patients with locally advanced pancreatic can-cer survive for >2 years, the model was run over a 5-yeartime horizon to avoid excluding the minority of longer-termsurvivors. Costs were adjusted to 2009 dollars using themedical component of the Consumer Price Index. Costsand health outcomes were discounted at 3% per year. TheMarkov model was built with TreeAge Pro 2009 Suite(release 1.0.2; TreeAge Inc.,Williamstown,Mass).

The cost-effectiveness of treatment regimens wasmeasured with the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER). The base-case analysis was defined as the results ofthe analysis using the data and methods that we believedbest characterized each treatment option.13 A treatmentoption was considered dominated if it was more costly andless effective than another treatment. Two cost-effectivenessanalyses were conducted: one with all 4 treatment optionsand a second comparing gem-alone with conventionallyfractionated radiotherapy (gem-RT and gem-IMRT).Model transition probabilities, costs, and utilities aredescribed below and are included in Table 1.


With gem-alone and gem-RT, we used the treatmentschema and outcome data from the preliminary report ofthe clinical trial E4201.5 That trial randomized patientsto receive monthly cycles of gemcitabine alone (1000 mg/

Figure 1. The decision-analytic Markov model schema is illustrated. Gem indicates gemcitabine; RT radiotherapy; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; SBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy.

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Figure 2. This is the decision tree that was used for the Markov model. RT indicates radiotherapy; IMRT, intensity-modulatedradiotherapy; SBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy.

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m2 weekly every 3 of 4 weeks), or gemcitabine plus radio-therapy (600 mg/m2 weekly with 50.4 grays [Gy] in 28fractions) followed by monthly gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2 every 3-4 weeks). As in the E4201 trial, we assumedgem-RT included conventionally fractionated, 3-dimen-sional, conformal radiotherapy.

We assumed the gem-IMRT arm was treated withan IMRT technique designed to spare surrounding nor-mal tissues without sacrificing tumor control. Comparedwith gem-RT, gem-IMRT received the same chemother-apy regimen and the same total radiation dose, experi-enced the same patterns of failure, and had the same

survival. Because of the normal tissue sparing, we assumedthat toxicity from radiation was lower for gem-IMRTcompared with gem-RT.

With gem-SBRT, we used the treatment schemadeveloped here at Stanford.7-9 We assumed that thisgroup received a single cycle of gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2

weekly every 3-4 weeks), followed by SBRT (25 Gy in asingle fraction), then monthly gemcitabine (1000 mg/m2

weekly every 3 of 4 weeks). We assumed that all treatmentarms received gemcitabine for a maximum of 5 cycles oruntil disease progression. After any disease progression(local, distant or both), all treatment groups received

Table 1. Model Parameters

Variable GemcitabineAlone

GemcitabinePlus RT

GemcitabinePlus IMRT

GemcitabinePlus SBRT

Probability of disease progression, moa

1-6 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.06

7-12 0.19 0.17 0.17 0.13

12-18 0.08 0.15 0.15 0.10

19-24 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.08

Probability of death, moa

1-6 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01

7-12 0.13 0.07 0.07 0.10

12-18 0.16 0.08 0.08 0.09

19-24 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.04

After disease progressionProbability of local progression alone 0.68 0.42 0.42 0.11

Probability of distant metastases alone 0.23 0.42 0.42 0.77

Probability of local progression and distant metastases 0.08 0.16 0.16 0.11

Radiation cost, $ — 13,412 25,366 7146

Chemotherapy cost, $b

Gemcitabine 600 mg/m2 per wk with RT — 4386 4386 —

Gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 for 3 or 4 wk

per monthly cycle

4147 4147 4147 4147

Salvage chemotherapy (oxaliplatin, 5-FU,

and leucovorin) per cycle

7668 7668 7668 7668

Cost of fiducial markers (Chen 200414), $ — — — 3352

Cost of additional outpatient medical care per mo

(Wilson & Lightwood 199915), $

209 209 209 209

Cost of end-of-life care (Emanuel 200216), $ 13,040 13,040 13,040 13,040

Cost of grade 3-4 radiation toxicity (per event), $ — 15,248 15,248 15,248

Probability of grade 3-4 RT toxicity per mo

(Loehrer 20085; Chang 20097; Murphy 201017)

0 0.016 0.0061 0.0092

Utility statesStable disease 0.68 0.68 0.68 0.68

Local disease progression or distant metastases alone 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62

Local disease progression and distant metastases 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56

Dead 0 0 0 0

Utility tollsOn treatment (chemotherapy and/or RT) �0.12 �0.12 �0.12 �0.12

Radiation toxicity — �0.5 �0.5 �0.5

Abbreviations: 5-FU, 5-flououracil; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; RT, radiotherapy; SBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy.a The Markov model relied on monthly transition probabilities (for details see Materials and Methods). For simplicity, this table presents the average of the

monthly probabilities from months 1 through 6, 7 through 12, 12 through 18 and 19 through 24.bCosts are in 2009 dollars.

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salvage chemotherapy, which consisted of oxaliplatin, leu-covorin, and 5-FU18 for 2 cycles or until death.

Model Probabilities

Key probabilities for this model included the probability ofdisease progression, the probability of death, and the proba-bility of toxicity. The gem-alone, gem-RT, and gem-IMRTprobabilities were based on the E42015 clinical trial; whereasthe gem-SBRT probabilities were based on our StanfordSBRT experience. Although the E4201 trial included onlypatients with locally advanced disease, our previously pub-lished reports on SBRT included patients with locallyadvanced and metastatic disease who did and did not receivepreradiation chemotherapy.7-9,19 For the current analysis, weisolated the patients with nonmetastatic, locally advancedpancreatic cancer who received preradiation gemcitabine fol-lowed by a single fraction of 25 Gy (n¼ 48). These patientswere treated on protocol (n ¼ 31) and off protocol (n ¼17), and both groups were treated identically. Progressionand survival were determined with the Kaplan-Meiermethod and was calculated from the start of treatment. Thisreanalysis of our SBRT data set enabled a more precise com-parison with the E4201 results; however, we were unable todirectly compare our data set with E4201. Because informa-tion on true disease progression rates often are lacking, weused disease-free survival as a surrogate.

Disease Progression, Patterns of Failure, andOverall Survival

With the limited life span inherent in pancreatic cancer, wesuspected that our Markov model would be sensitive to dis-ease progression and overall survival. Consequently, we soughtto model these events as accurately as possible by using transi-tion probabilities that varied each month, thus creating cost-effectiveness model outputs that replicate Kaplan-Meier plots.Kaplan-Meier survival estimates lose precision at later timepoints, when few patients remain available for analysis; there-fore, when survival estimates dropped below 10%, weassumed that survival followed SEER survival data in patientswith locally advanced pancreatic cancer.20 Once a patient pro-gressed, they fell into 1 of 3 states: local progression alone, dis-tant progression alone, or local and distant progression. Thesepatterns of failure were deduced from the E4201 trial andfrom our Stanford experience.


We considered only grade 3 or higher gastrointestinal tox-icity attributable to radiation. We assumed that grade 1/2toxicity and chemotherapy toxicity would be similar

among the treatment arms and, thus, these explicitly werenot included in the model. For gem-RT, the rate of toxic-ity from radiation was defined from E4201 as the differ-ence in gastrointestinal toxicity rates between gem-alone(14%) and gem-RT (38%). To our knowledge, the rela-tive decrease in toxicity from IMRT compared with con-ventional radiotherapy has not been reported in patientswith locally advanced pancreatic cancer. However, a dosi-metric study21 estimated that IMRT would reduce smallbowel toxicity from 24.4% to 9.3%, for a 62% relativereduction; therefore, the rate of toxicity for gem-IMRTwas assumed to be 38% that of gem-RT. The rate of toxic-ity from SBRT was determined from our Stanford experi-ence.7,17 The total rates of toxicity were converted to aconstant monthly rate for each group (Table 1). Each tox-icity event was assumed to last for 1 month.

Quality of Life

The health utility state for stable disease was based onexpert opinion. The health utility state for local diseaseprogression or distant metastatic failure was assumed to beidentical and was estimated from the literature.22 The util-ity decrement between stable disease and local or distantprogression was 0.06. We assumed the utility decrementbetween stable disease and patients with both local and dis-tant progression was double, or 0.12. Therefore, the utilityof stable disease was 0.68, the utility of local or distant pro-gression was 0.62, and the utility of both local and distantprogression was 0.56. Health utility tolls refer to a 1-time,absolute utility decrement in a given cycle. Utility tollswere assessed for treatment and toxicity, and these valueswere estimated from the literature23 (Table 1).



The costs of radiotherapy, IMRT, SBRT, andadministering chemotherapy were derived from the 2009Medicare Physician Fee Schedule adjusted to Santa ClaraCounty (http://www.cms.hhs.gov/PhysicianFeeSched/[access date February 6, 2010]). The costs of chemothera-peutic agents were determined from 2009 Medicare PartB reimbursements. Gem-SBRT patients had small goldfiducial markers implanted into their tumors beforeSBRT for radiation tracking purposes, and these costswere estimated from the literature.14


The average cost of a radiation toxicity event wasestimated from a weighted average of the costs of

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individual toxicity events observed in our SBRT data set.The cost of each event was estimated from the mean costidentified in the 2007 US Agency for Healthcare Researchand Quality national statistics on inpatient hospitalstays.24 Specific toxicity details were not available fromthe E4201 study; therefore, we assumed a similar cost pertoxicity event for gem-RT and gem-IMRT.

Other costs

The monthly costs of additional nontreatment med-ical care, including office visits, medications, laboratory,and radiology costs, were estimated from the literature.15

The cost of end-of-life care was estimated from healthcare expenditures in cancer patients during their lastmonth of life.16

Sensitivity Analysis

One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were per-formed to test the robustness of the Markov model. Allcosts, probabilities, and utilities were varied independ-ently in 1-way sensitivity analyses. In addition, the modeltime horizon was varied (2-5 years) as was number ofgemcitabine cycles (3-7 cycles), the number of salvagechemotherapy cycles (1-3 cycles), patient age (45-85years), and annual discount rate (0%-5%).

With disease progression and survival, we altered themonthly time-dependent transition probabilities to adjustthe mean survival with the following transformation:psen(t) ¼ 1 � (1 � p0[t])

s, where p0(t) is the originalmonthly probability, psen(t) is the new monthly probabil-ity used in the sensitivity analysis, and s is the scale factor.For each treatment regimen, we determined the scale fac-tor range that resulted in the desired change in mean sur-vival, and this scale factor range was used in the sensitivityanalysis. We assumed that the rates of disease progressionand death were correlated and, thus, adjusted these ratessimultaneously in the sensitivity analysis.

The costs of radiotherapy, IMRT, and SBRTdepend on several overlapping Common Procedural Ter-minology (CPT) codes. To accurately represent this coststructure in our sensitivity analysis, we varied the individ-ual cost CPT codes as well as a global radiation oncologyreimbursement rate. This method reflects the uncertaintyin individual billing codes as well as the uncertainty inoverall reimbursement for radiation oncology.

Finally, a probabilistic sensitivity analysis was pre-formed with a Monte Carlo simulation of 10,000 repeti-tions.25 With the probabilistic sensitivity analysis, all costswere modeled with log-normal distributions. Beta distri-

butions were chosen to model the probabilities of toxicity,all utilities, and utility tolls. Fractile distributions wereused to model the number of cycles of gemcitabine andsalvage chemotherapy. Finally, gamma distributions wereused to vary the scale factor (defined above), which effec-tively varied the probability of disease progression andsurvival. A complete list of parameters is available online(


Base-Case Analysis

Figure 3 illustrates the predicted disease progression, pat-terns of failure, and survival for all 4 treatment regimens.Gem-SBRT demonstrated decreased rates of local progres-sion and increased rates of distant metastatic failure com-pared with the other modalities. Gem-alone had slightlyinferior survival compared to all of the radiation regimens.

The primary cost-effectiveness analysis, including all4 treatment options, demonstrated that gem-SBRT hadan ICER of $69,500 per quality-adjusted life-year(QALY) compared with gem-alone (Table 2). Gem-SBRT dominated the more costly and less effectiveoptions of gem-RT and gem-IMRT.

To understand the cost-effectiveness of convention-ally fractionated radiotherapy, we conducted a secondarycost-effectiveness analysis excluding gem-SBRT. Thisdemonstrated that gem-RT had an ICER of $126,800 perQALY compared with gem-alone. The decreased toxicityof IMRT increased the incremental effectiveness; how-ever, the high cost of IMRT increased the ICER above $1million per QALY compared with conventional radio-therapy (Table 2).

Sensitivity Analysis

Table 3 demonstrates key results from the primary 1-waysensitivity analysis comparing gem-alone with gem-SBRT. The analysis indicates a high degree of sensitivityto changes in mean survival for the gem-alone and gem-SBRT arms. The ICER of gem-SBRT increased to$200,000 per QALY when the mean survival of gem-alone increased by 2.5 months or when the mean survivalof gem-SBRT decreased by 2.6 months. Conversely, theICER of gem-SBRT decreased below $50,000 per QALYwhen the mean survival of gem-alone decreased by 2.0months or when the mean survival of gem-SBRTincreased by 2.0 months.

One theoretical advantage of SBRT relates to itshigh rate of local control; however the data supporting

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this observation come from our single-institution experi-ence. After 1 year, our model predicted that, amongpatients who received gem-SBRT, 16% would fail withlocal progression (8% local failure alone and 8% local þdistant failure), and 63% would fail with distant progres-sion (55% distant alone and 8% local þ distant). Whenwe assumed double the rate of local progression (32%;16% local alone and 16% local þ distant) after gem-SBRT, keeping distant failure constant (63%; 47% dis-tant alone and 16% local þ distant), the ICER increasedto $130,000 per QALY compared with gem-alone. Inaddition, our model assumed the rate of death was identi-

cal after either local or distant progression; however, therelation between local progression and survival in locallyadvanced pancreatic cancer is debatable. If we halved therate of death after local progression (holding the rate ofdeath after distant failure constant), the ICER of gem-SBRT increased to $88,000 per QALY.When we reducedthe rate of death after local progression to zero, then allradiation options added only cost and toxicity and, subse-quently, were dominated by gem-alone.

The base-case analysis derived rates of gem-SBRTdisease progression and survival from our institutional ex-perience. If we assumed that gem-SBRT had rates of

Figure 3. These charts illustrate model outcome predictions. Curves represent model-predicted (A) disease-free survival, (B) localcontrol, (C) distant-metastases-free survival, and (D) overall survival for all 4 treatment groups. Gemcitabine plus radiotherapy(RT) and gemcitabine plus intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) had identical outcomes and are plotted as 1 curve. SBRTindicates stereotactic body radiotherapy.

Table 2. Base-Case Cost Effectiveness

Incremental Cost-EffectivenessRatio, $/QALY

Strategy Cost, $ Effectiveness (QALY) With SBRTa Without SBRTa

Gemcitabine alone 42,900 0.581 — —

Gemcitabine plus SBRT 56,700 0.778 69,500 —

Gemcitabine plus RT 59,900 0.714 Dominatedb 126,800

Gemcitabine plus IMRT 69,500 0.721 Dominatedb 1,584,100

Abbreviations: IMRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; RT, radiotherapy; SBRT, stereotactic body radiotherapy.a The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was determined from all 4 treatment options (with SBRT) and excluding gemcitabine plus SBRT (without SBRT).b A dominated treatment indicates that another treatment option was less costly and more effective.

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disease progression and survival identical to the rates ofgem-RT in E4201, then the ICER of gem-SBRT wouldincrease slightly to $92,800 per QALY. This lower ICERof gem-SBRT compared with gem-RT came from thelower cost of SBRT compared with radiotherapy.

We undertook a secondary 1-way sensitivity analysisbetween gem-RT and gem-IMRT to explore conditions inwhich IMRT might be considered cost-effective. The base-case analysis assumed identical survival for gem-RT andgem-IMRT. If we relaxed this assumption, then the meansurvival of gem-IMRT would have to increase by 1.0months over gem-RT to bring the ICER of gem-IMRTdown from $1,584,100 per QALY to $200,000 perQALY, and it would have to increase by 4.8 months tobring the ICER of gem-IMRT to $50,000 per QALY. Inaddition, the base-case analysis assumed that IMRTreduced the rate of toxicity to 38% compared with gem-RT. If we assumed that IMRT eliminated radiation toxic-ity, then the ICER of gem-IMRT only decreased to$843,200 per QALY.

Finally, we conducted a probabilistic sensitivityanalysis with all 4 treatment options (Fig. 4). The proba-bility of cost-effectiveness at a willingness to pay of$50,000 per QALY was 78% for gem-alone, 21% forgem-SBRT, 1.4% for gem-RT, and 0.01% for gem-IMRT. Conversely, the probability of cost-effectiveness ata willingness to pay of $200,000 per QALY was 73% forgem-SBRT, 20% for gem-RT, 7% for gem-alone, and0.7% for gem-IMRT. At willingness-to-pay levels above$70,900 per QALY, gem-SBRT surpassed gem-alone tobecome the most likely cost-effective treatment option.And, as the willingness-to-pay threshold increased above

Table 3. One-Way Sensitivity Analysis With GemcitabineAlone Versus Gemcitabine Plus Stereotactic BodyRadiotherapy

Parameter IncrementalCost-EffectivenessRatio, $/QALY

Mean survival with gemcitabine plus SBRT, mo12 2,054,000

14 119,600

15.7a 69,500

18 45,900

20 36,000

Mean survival with gemcitabine alone, mo8 42,100

10 51,000

11.7a 69,500

14 164,600

16 Dominated

Cost of SBRT, $3573 51,400

7146a 69,500

10,720 126,800

Cost of fiducial markers for SBRT, $0 52,500

3352a 69,500

Cost of radiation toxicity, $7624 64,100

15,248a 69,500

22,871 74,900

Probability of SBRT toxicity, monthly0 57,000

.009a 69,500

.018 82,700

Utility toll for radiation toxicity21 71,600

20.5a 69,500

0 67,500

Utility of stable disease0.5 86,800

0.68a 69,500

1 51,300

Utility of local disease progression alone0.2 55,600

0.4 61,500

0.62a 69,500

Utility of distant metastatic disease alone0.2 119,400

0.4 89,000

0.62a 69,500

SBRT patients with local progression after 1 y, %b

16a 69,500

32 129,700


Table 3. (Continued)

Parameter IncrementalCost-EffectivenessRatio, $/QALY

Duration of radiation toxicity, mo1a 69,500

2 71,600

3 73,800

Model time horizon, mo24 73,300

36 70,100

48 69,700

60a 69,500

Abbreviations: QALY, quality-adjusted life-year; SBRT, stereotactic body

radiotherapy.a Represents the base-case value.bHolding constant the number of patients with distant progression.

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$124,600 per QALY, gem-RT became a more likely cost-effective option than gem-alone.

DISCUSSIONAdvances in the field of radiation oncology have led toimprovements in imaging and targeting as well as radia-tion treatment delivery. This gain in technology allowsthe delivery of an increased radiation dose to tumor and adecreased dose to surrounding normal tissues. Althoughthese advances have the potential to increase tumor con-trol and decrease toxicity, randomized clinical evidencesupporting their widespread adoption does not exist. Plus,the potentially small absolute survival benefits of theseadvances come at a large cost. These technology innova-tions in radiation oncology naturally lead to the questionof cost-effectiveness—an extremely relevant subject intoday’s health care economy.

Perhaps the most pertinent finding of this studyrelates to the cost-effectiveness of IMRT. In the currentstudy, we observed that IMRT had an ICER >$1,500,000per QALY, likely because of the small incremental survivalbenefit combined with the large increase in cost. Evenwhen we assumed that IMRT improved survival, it wouldhave to increase mean survival by 4.8 months over conven-tional radiotherapy before IMRT becomes cost-effective ata $50,000 per QALY threshold. These findings provideuseful insight into the cost-effectiveness of IMRT and indi-

cate that justifying this treatment from a cost-effectivenessstandpoint would require a substantial improvement insurvival or a large decrease in cost. The findings in thisstudy emphasize the fact that this expensive technology willunlikely be cost-effective in diseases like pancreatic cancerthat have such limited survival. Although IMRT was moreexpensive than conventional radiotherapy, we observedthat SBRT was significantly less expensive than other formsof radiotherapy. Despite the increased technology demandswith SBRT, the shorter treatment duration results in anoverall decrease in cost compared with conventionalradiotherapy.

The challenge of interpreting cost-effectiveness anal-yses in the United States arises from the lack of a definitivewillingness-to-pay threshold. The United States does nothave a set monetary threshold below which a treatment isconsidered ‘‘cost effective.’’26,27 The commonly cited valueof $50,000 per QALY arose in 1982 as the estimated cost-effectiveness of dialysis in patients with chronic renal fail-ure; however, many consider this value well below whatsociety would currently consider acceptable.26 A recentreport estimates that $183,000 to $264,000 per QALYmore accurately reflects society’s willingness to pay forhealth care.28 This current study found that gem-SBRThad an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $69,500 perQALY compared with gem-alone, which is below severalwillingness-to-pay thresholds but above the commonlycited $50,000 per QALY threshold. Other cost-effective-ness studies involving radiation in pancreatic cancer haveproduced similar results. Krzyzanowska et al,23 reportedthat 5-FU-based chemoradiotherapy had an ICER of$68,724 per QALY compared with no treatment. Krzyza-nowska et al also observed that gemcitabine-based chemo-radiotherapy would have an ICER <$100,000 per QALYcompared with 5-FU chemoradiotherapy if the gemcita-bine regimen improved survival by 5% at 1 year. Con-versely, adding erlotinib to gemcitabine in advancedpancreatic cancer (improvement in median survival, <1.5weeks) increased cost by $364,680 to $400,000 per life-year gained,29,30 which far exceeds what we observed withradiotherapy or SBRT in the current study.

Another important finding of this study pertains tothe high degree of sensitivity our model exhibited tochanges in survival. This observation reflects the smallabsolute incremental benefit of radiotherapy compoundedby the large cost. The sensitivity to survival naturally leadsto a tight correlation between clinical data used to informthe model and the results. Had we informed our modelwith other trials of gemcitabine-based treatments10 or

Figure 4. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves are illus-trated. These curves were derived from the probabilistic sen-sitivity analysis (for details, see Materials and Methods) andrepresent the probability that a specific treatment option iscost-effective at a given willingness to pay. RT indicatesradiotherapy; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; SBRT,stereotactic body radiotherapy.

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different SBRT regimens,31 our results may have differed.Ultimately, we chose clinical studies for this model thatprovided the highest level of evidence while allowingdirect comparison between treatment arms.

The main limitations of this analysis relate to the dataused to inform the Markov model. The clinical trial E4201that we used to inform the gem-alone and gem-RT groupsin our cost-effectiveness model closed early because of pooraccrual, and only preliminary results have been reported.Despite this, all eligible patients in the E4201 trial had diedby the time of preliminary analysis, suggesting that the finaltoxicity, progression, and survival estimates will not change.In addition, a preliminary report from a separate, random-ized phase 2 study comparing gemcitabine alone with gem-citabine plus radiotherapy indicated a survival benefit inthe radiotherapy group.32 This second study agrees withthe results from E4201 and adds support to our cost-effec-tiveness modeling assumption that gem-RT had improvedoutcomes compared with gem-alone.

Another limitation relates to the fact that the Markovmodel in our study compared the preliminary results froma phase 3 clinical trial (gem-alone and gem-RT in E4201)with phase 2 clinical data (gem-SBRT). We were unable toaccount for differences in study populations between ourStanford SBRT cohort and the E4201 cohorts. Differencesin patient characteristics, treatment, or follow-up couldbias the results of this study. Ideally, our cost-effectivemodel would be informed with a randomized study com-paring all 4 treatment regimens (gem-alone, gem-RT, gem-IMRT, and gem-SBRT). Realistically, such a trial wouldbe challenging to complete given the inherent difficultywith patient accrual into multimodality trials.33 Plus, thelarge sample sizes required to detect the anticipated smalldifferences in outcome make such a trial infeasible. Despitethese limitations, our model predicted no significant sur-vival advantage for gem-RT or gem-SBRT (see Fig. 3). Inaddition, when we assumed that gem-SBRT produced sur-vival identical to that produced by gem-RT in the E4201trial, the ICER for gem-SBRT remained relativelyunchanged at $92,800 per QALY.

In addition to our primary data, other limitations inthis study relate to the assumptions used to build the cost-effectiveness model. Similar to other cost-effectiveness anal-yses, this analysis excluded grade 1/2 toxicity. Differingrates of low-grade toxicity among the treatment arms mayhave biased our results. However, the sensitivity analysisindicated that assumptions about grade 3/4 toxicity did notalter our conclusions, suggesting that low-grade toxicitywould be unlikely to affect the model. Another limitation

concerns our assumptions about supportive care. In pancre-atic cancer, supportive care is complex and includes compo-nents such as pain, jaundice, weight loss, gastric or biliaryobstruction, diabetes, pancreatic insufficiency, paraneo-plastic syndromes, chronic nausea, vomiting or diarrhea,and depression. Some of these costs were accounted forindirectly in our estimation of additional medical expensesand end-of-life care, and the decrement in quality of lifewas partially reflected in our health utility states. Preciseaccounting for the costs and quality-of-life outcomes withthese events would be challenging, and our current studyexcluded these events. Differences in costs or benefits ofsupportive care between treatment arms could have biasedour results in unpredictable ways. A final limitation per-tains to the finding that health utility states are poorlydefined in pancreatic cancer and are derived mostly fromexpert opinion. Despite this limitation, the model provedinsensitive to changes in utility (Table 3), suggesting thatmore precise estimates would not alter our conclusions.

In summary, this study provides a useful frameworkfor comparing the tradeoff between the benefits and bur-dens of radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced pan-creatic cancer. IMRT in this population surpasses whatsociety considers cost-effective. Conversely, combininggemcitabine with SBRT increases the clinical effectivenessbeyond gemcitabine alone at a cost potentially acceptableby today’s standards.

FUNDING SOURCESThis work was supported in part by the Henry S. KaplanResearch Education Fund (J.D.M.).

CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURESThe authors made no disclosures.

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