
Post on 14-Feb-2016






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Organization. -101 Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Technology in the ELA Classroom Kim Goodson and Coni Grebel , Lee County High School. Folders. Files. Label files by the way you will use them when you have 49,000 of them! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




-101 Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Technology in the ELA Classroom Kim Goodson and Coni Grebel, Lee County High School


FilesLabel files by the way you will use them when you have 49,000 of them!

If it is a file that you will send or share, name it so that the recipient will know what and whose it is.

File Punctuation TipsDont start or end your filename with a space, period, hyphen, or underline.

2. Keep your filenames to a reasonable length and be sure they are under 31 characters.

3. Most operating systems are case sensitive; always use lowercase.

4. Avoid using spaces and underscores; use a hyphen instead.You can use all numbers and periods if you want short file names. Example:

Grade level, Grading Period, Day, Year OR Gradel level, Month, Date, Year, etc.File PunctuationDo not use any of these common characters/symbols:

< left angle bracket $ dollar sign + plus sign% percent > right angle bracket! exclamation point` backtick& ampersand * asterisk single quotes| pipe{ left bracket ? question mark double quotes = equal sign} right bracket / forward slash : colon \ back slash blank spaces@ at sign Bad filenames: Web Browsers see:F&A Costs.html F&A%20Costs.html

my PDF file#name.pdf my%20PDF%20file%23name.pdf

Good filenames:



Where did that ^%& File Go?!!!

Right Click:ViewSort ByNewSearch in folder or do a BIG search

Create folder/subfolders by subject or senderSame concept in Sent for easy Parent Log infoTame your Inbox!

Search(will expand to all)Notice the Encouragement file- save your brag emails for a bad day

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