order of worship order for dedication of new...

Post on 24-Jun-2020






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ORGAN PRELUDE Selections from Hymns of Truth & Light[We request that the chimes be the signal for a time of quiet meditation be-

fore the service]

MOMENT OF GREETING AND CONCERNS[We welcome all who are joining us in worship this morning. We invite

everyone to fill out the fellowship pad in their pew at this time. Please pass thepad down your pew and back again. If you are a guest, we invite you to fill out aguest card, available from an usher. Include it in the morning offering and de-tach and wear the accompanying guest tag so our parishioners can greet you.]


Leader: Sing to the LORD, all the earth; tell of God’s salva-tion from day to day.

People: Declare God’s glory among the nations, the Cre-ator’s marvelous works among all the peoples.

Unison: For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised.INVOCATION (Unison)

Eternal God, we gather together in faith this morning to ded-icate our church’s new hymnal. We celebrate the great heritageof Christian hymns it contains, both familiar hymns and newones which help us express our faith and praise to you. In ourworship this morning, may we feel you near us. Uplift our heartsas we lift our voices up to you in song and prayer. Deepen ourexperience of worship, strengthen our commitment to Christ’sdiscipleship, and empower us, when this service is ended, to goout into the world with a song in our hearts to do your will. Wepray together as Jesus taught us, saying, “Our Father...”THE LORD'S PRAYER (using "debts")CHORAL INTERLUDEJOHN ROBINSON’S FAREWELL TO THE PILGRIMS xi*HYMN No. 1 We Limit Not the Truth of God [vs. 1]RECOGNITION OF JUNIOR DEACONS

Wil Bindler-DesbiensANTHEM No. 108 Come, Christians, Join to Sing[After the anthem, Church School children may go to their classes.]


Anthem No. 437 It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord*Doxology - No. 515Offertory Prayer



Leader 1: The people of God have sung songs from the begin-ning of time. We sing in times of ceremony:

People: “David and all the house of Israel were dancing be-fore the Lord with all their might, with songs andlyres and harps and tambourines and castanets andcymbals.” (Samuel 6:5)

Leader 2: We sing because our God is so great and so good:People: “Praise the Lord with the lyre; make melody to him

with the harp of ten strings. Sing to him a new song;’play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.”(Psalm 33:2-3)

Leader 1: We sing because it pleases God:People: “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his

praise in the assembly of the faithful...For the Lordtakes pleasure in his people.” (Psalm 149:1,4a)

Leader 2: We sing as an expression of our joy and thanksgiving:People: “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises

to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfastlove in the morning, and your faithfulness by night, tothe music of the lute and the harp, to the melody ofthe lyre. For you, O Lord, have made me glad by yourwork; at the works of your hands I sing for joy.”(Psalm 92:1-4)

Leader 1: We sing in times of uncertainty and distress:People: ‘I tell you, I will never again drink of this fruit of the

vine until that day when I drink it new with you in myFather’s kingdom. When they had sung the hymn,they went out to the Mount of Olives.” (Matthew26:29-30)

Leader 2: And we sing because it is part of our new life inChrist:

Unison: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; teach andadmonish one another in all wisdom; and with grati-tude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritualsongs to God.” (Colossians 3:16)

Leader 1: Let us now dedicate our new hymnals.Unison: We accept this new hymnal, Hymns of Truth & Light,

and present them to the glory of God and for servicein the life of this congregation. We dedicate them inhonor and loving memory of family, friends, and oth-ers for whom we offer thanks.

PRAYER (Unison)Eternal and loving God, we thank you for music and the gift

of song through which we offer our praise and thanksgiving, ourconfessions and petitions, and our sorrows and laments. We givethanks to you for all those who have contributed to our Hymnsof Truth & Light hymnal: the authors, composers, arrangers, and

translators who gave us the words and music to express thethoughts and emotions that may otherwise have remained silent. We give thanks for the lives and the witness of those in whosehonor and memory these hymnals have been given. We pray thatthese hymnals may be used in our church: in worship, in educa-tion, in outreach, in evangelism, in nurture, in fellowship, and infaithfulness. We dedicate them, and consecrate our lives, to yourservice, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.*HYMN No. 532 O Beautiful for Spacious Skies*BENEDICTION*HYMN RESPONSE No. 345

God Be With You Till We Meet Again [vs. 1]*POSTLUDE No. 33 When in Our Music God is Glorified

**********************************We welcome all who are joining us in worship this morning. Weencourage those with name tags to wear them.Childcare is available. Please speak with an usher. Please turn off your cell phones.Please note! Hearing-aid devices and print-outs of the day’ssermon are available. Please speak to a Deacon.Please join us for coffee hour in Fellowship Hall after ourservice.Greeters are Junior Deacons Henry & Ivan Abrams, ElisabethBowerman, Jacob Coakley, and Gwen Koontz.Ushers are Mary & Art Baker, Grace Day, Naomi & Matt Keel-ing, and Carol Labollita.Lay reader is Meg Becker.Flowers on the altar-table are given by Jim & Nancy Munson inloving memory of their parents.Deacons of the Month are Fay Hamre & Norma Railey.

* The Order for New Hymnal Dedication is adapted and usedwith permission, Copyright © 2006 The General Board of Disci-pleship of the United Methodist Church, PO Box 340003, Nash-ville TN 37203. Website http://www.umcworship.org.

ANNOUNCEMENTSToday is Hymns of Truth & Light Dedication Sunday. All

our music today, including the Prelude and Postlude, is fromthat hymnal.

We thank all who gave these hymnals to our church; 450 ofthem were purchased. We also thank our Hymnal Committee,jointly sponsored by our Diaconate and Music Committee, forall their work in selecting, creating, promoting, and securing thisunique hymnal for our church’s worship. Members of that com-mittee are: Karin Bohr, Chairperson; Joanne Blum-Carnevale;Fay Hamre; Evelyn Johnson; and Gail Petersen. CommissionedMinisters Pat Crews and Howard Whitmore and also Rev. Dr.

CHURCH DIRECTORY68 Main Street Falmouth, MA 02540Phone: (508) 548-3700 Fax: (508) 548-3714

e-mail: info@firstcongfalmouth.orgWeb site: http://firstcongfalmouth.org

REV. DR. DOUGLAS K. SHOWALTER, Senior MinisterDAN SILVER, Director of Christian EducationHOWARD J. WHITMORE, Director of Music, C. M. M.PATRICIA M. CREWS, Organist, C. M. M.MARTHA EVANS, Office AdministratorRICK HENDRICKS, Sexton

Doug Showalter were ex-officio members.Our old Pilgrim Hymnals have been removed from the sanc-

tuary in preparation for today’s dedication. In the past did youcontribute one or more of them in memory/honor of loved ones?If so, you are welcome to keep them. We have checked all hym-nals and have placed the ones donated by current members orfriends on tables at the rear of Fellowship Hall (piano side),separated alphabetically by donor. Please feel free to take any orall of your hymnals (If you gave multiple hymnals, but onlywish to keep one of them, please place the extras on the cartnext to the table - this way we will know that you have madeyour decision about your hymnals). If you would like a Pilgrimhymnal but did not donate one, there are other hymnals availableat the rear of Fellowship Hall on the “organ side.” You arewelcome to take one or two. All hymnals will be availablethrough the month of October.

If you are considering membership in our church, please jointhe Membership Committee and others for a light lunch onSunday, October 17, immediately following the worship service.Please sign up at the Opportunity Table or call Evelyn Johnsonat 508-495-9582. Child care will be provided.

There is an opening for altar-table flowers on Sunday, Oc-tober 24. If you are interested, please contact Lynne Goslee at508-540-1469.

For your information, the little brown box sitting outsidethe church office is for your use. If you have a concern whichyou wish the Tuesday Morning Prayer Group would hold inprayer, please let us know by dropping a note in the box. Allrequests remain confidential unless otherwise indicated and youmay submit your requests anonymously if you wish.

THIS WEEK'S CALENDARSun., Sept. 19 11:00 a.m. Children’s ChoirMon., Sept. 20 Noon MESSENGER DEADLINE

7:00 p.m. Craft WorkshopTues., Sept. 21 9:00 a.m. Retired Mens Group

10:00 a.m. Friendly CircleWed., Sept. 22 1:00 p.m. Hospital VisitorsThurs., Sept. 23 6:00 p.m. Bell Choir

7:00 p.m. Senior ChoirSat., Sept. 25 10:00 a.m. Children’s Clothing Project

NEXT SUNDAYNext Sunday is Christian Outreach Sunday. Our worship

service will be conducted by members of our church’s Board ofChristian Outreach and our guest preacher will be from theHousing Assistance Corp. During coffee hour, representativesfrom organizations supported by your Outreach pledges will beavailable in Fellowship Hall to answer questions about their pro-grams.


of the United Church of Christ

Sunday, September 19, 201010:00 a.m.


We welcome newcomers and visitors to our church fellow-ship and hope you will come again. We invite you to fill out aguest card, available from an usher. Include it in the morningoffering and detach and wear the accompanying guest tag so ourparishioners can greet you. Also, please join us for coffee hourin Fellowship Hall after our service.


It’s My ChurchThe Campaign Theme, “It’s My Church!” seeks to give

each church member or friend a sense of personal ownershipof the church, its reason for being, its physical presence, itsprograms, its history and reputation, as well as its imperfec-tions, dreams and aspirations.

The Stewardship Committee assumes that acceptance ofsuch ownership enhances the prospects that each member orfriend will more readily accept personal responsibility for theChurch’s on-going well-being. Thus the theme It’s MyChurch is likely to be translated to mean “It’s my responsibil-ity.”

It’s My Church: I’ll do my part financially!

Church School CornerThe Christian Education Committee thanks everybody for the

great start to this year’s Sunday school program! This week’sJoseph in Egypt features Puppetry for Grade 1 in Room 4;Cooking for Grades 2 & 3 in Room 1; Storytelling for Grade 4in Room 3; and, Art for Grades 5 & 6 in Room 2. The 7th and 8th

Graders will meet in the Drama room. ALL HIGH SCHOOLSTUDENTS are welcome to meet in the Drama room toparticipate in one of many possible programs.

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