or section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust...

Post on 13-May-2020






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)MB No 1545-0052

Form 990-PF Return of Private Foundation or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust

Department or one Treasury Treated as a Private Foundation Internal Revenue Service Note : The organization may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporter

2003 For calendar year 2003, or tax year beginning , and ending

G Check all that apply: Initial return aFinal return Amended return Address change Name change

Name of organization A Employer identification number use cne iRS Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093

label . Otherwise, Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to street address) (Room/Suite I B Telephone number (see page 10 of the instr .)

i t e 220 L on S NW -Suite 510 Fis_9q~_nnin

IGrand Rapids MI 49503

H Check type of organization . [:]Section 501(c)(3) exempt rivate foundation Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust X Other taxable private foundation

I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method : ~X CashAccrual of year (from Part fl, col (c), Other (specify) line 16) ~ $ 19 R1~ Rd1 (Part l, column (d) must be on cash basis .)

E If private foundation status was terminated under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here . . . ~

F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination under section 507(b)(1)(B), check here . . 01 F-1

(d) Disbursements for charitable purposes

(cash basis only)

27 Subtract line 26 from line 12- a Excess of revenue over expenses and distrursernents

b Net Investment Income (d negative, enter -0-) C ADJUSTED NET INCOME if negative, enter-0-

For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions . (HTA)

Form 990-PF (2003)

pr n or typ . See Specific Instructions . City or town, state, and ZIP code C If exemption application is pending, check here

D 1 . Foreign organizations, check here

2 . Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, check here Ill"

lam = Analysis of Revenue and Expenses (a) Revenue and (The total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (d) may not necessarily expenses per (b) Net investment (C) Adjusted net

income income equal the amounts in column (a) (see page 10 0f the instructions)) books

1 Contributions, gifts, grants, etc ,received 20 000 Check ~ ~d file foundation is not requited m attach S~ B

2 Distributions from split-interest trusts 3 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 451 451 4 Dividends and interest from securities . . . . 322 ,144 322 , 144 5 a Gross rents . . . . . . . . . . . . .

d b (Net rental income or (loss) 0 ) 1 6 8 Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 112,721

> b G S P on assets on 6a 0 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 112 ,721 8 Net short-term capital gain 9 Income modifications 10 a Gloss sales less returns and allowances

b Less : Cost of goods sold 0 c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . 0

11 Other income (attach schedule) . . . . . . 0 ac 12 Total . Add lines 1 through 11 . 455 ,316 435 ,316 . .

13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc 0 N 14 Other employee salaries and wages

15 Pension plans, employee benefits 16 a Legal fees (attach schedule) 2 ,701 2 ,701

b Accounting fees (attach schedule) . 2 , 850 2 ,850 c Other professional fees (attach se 83,798 83,798 _hedule)71

17 interest 18 Taxes(at ch schq F-11 12,093 e

77 t ' sch E n 0 0 p 19 Depreciati n nd f!depletio__~ s, 2 E V-7

0 Occupan Co a

s V

11n ee C 21 Travel, co A n1sUnd meetings



;- cm 22 Printing a p


QD rr n 23 Other exp ses (QCUb0_JQ_Y 225 225 24 Total ope in administrative I m -a CL

0 expenses . Add lines 13 through 23 . . . . 101 ,667 89 574 1911-121 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . . 579 .304


2 38-2641093 Form 990-PF 2003 Secchia Family Foundation

Balance Sh86tS Attached schedules and amounts in the description Beginning of yea column should be for end-of-year amounts only (a) Book Value

1 Cash-non-interest-bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 2 Savings and temporary cash investments . . . . . . . 148 3 Accounts receivable 10' 0_

Less : allowance for doubtful accounts ~ 0- 4 Pledges receivable 01

.------------------------------ 0 ///////////////%

Less : allowance for doubtful accounts 01 0 5 Grants receivable . . . . . . 6 Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and

other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see page 15 of the instructions) . . . . .

7 Other notes and loans receivable go - ------------- 0. Less : allowance for doubtful accounts 10' ------------- - -

U) 08 Inventories for sale or use 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 10a Investments-U .S . and state government obligations . . 11 ,309 ,

b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule)

11 Investments-land, buildings . and equipment basis 1 Less : accumulated depreciation 00

---------------- 0

72 Investments-mortgage loans . 13 Investments-other (attach schedule) 14 Land, buildings, and equipment : basis 00

------------- 0.

Less : accumulated depreciation 11" ----

----- ----------

0_ 15 Other assets (describe 01 .LIFE_INSURANCE------------ ) 90 16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers-see

page 16 of the instructions . Also see page 1 item I 11 , 61 1 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18 Grants payable . . . . . . .

c 19 Deferred revenue . . . . . . 20 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) 22 Other liabilities (describe 11, )

End of Book Value






23 Total liabilities add lines 17 throug h 22 .

, .

806 275 , C Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here 10, F-1 and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31 .

24 Unrestricted m 25 Temporarily restricted . . . . .0 26 Permanently restricted . . .

Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, ~ 0 check here and complete lines 27 through 31 .

27 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds H y 28 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg ., and equipment fund a 29 Retained earnings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds 11 ,610 ,864 11 ,288 , 11 .. 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see z page 17 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ,610 ,864 11 ,288 , 1

31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances see page 17 of the instructions 11 ,611 ,670 1 11 ,563 , 1

Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances

1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior years return) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Enter amount from Part I, line 27a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) 10, 4 Add lines 1, 2, and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) 0' Change in Market Value ; 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . art II, column (b), line 30 . . . f


Form 990-PF (2003)


Fair Market Value 56,228 9 061





12,424,538 0 0



0 125.814


8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 8 I 579,304 If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part VI, line 1 b, and complete that part using a 1 % tax rate . See the Part VI instructions on gape 17 .

Form 990-PF (2003)

3 Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income

(a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e g., real estate, (b) How acquired P-Purchase (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold

2-story back warehouse ; or common stock, 200 shs . MLC Co ) p-Donation

(mo ., day, yr .) (mo ., day, yr )


(e) Gross sales price (f) Deprecation allowed (g) Cost or other basis (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (g)

a 112 .721

e I I I 0 :om lete onl y for assets showing gain in column h and owned b the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col . (h) gain minus

(i) F.M V as of 12/31/69 (j) Adjusted basis (k) Excess of col . (i) col . (k), but not less than -0-) or as of 12/31/69 over col . Q), if any Losses (from col .(h))

a U 112 ,721 b 0 0 c 0 0 d 0 0 e 0 0

2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss). If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 l If (loss), enter-0- in Part I, line 7 I 2 112 , 721

3 Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6)' If gain, also enter in Part I, line 8, column (c) (see pages 13 and 17 of the instructions) l If loss enter -0- in Part I line 8 . , 3

Qualification Under Section 4940(e) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income .) If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank.

Was the organization liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? . . Yes [:]No If "Yes," the organization does not qualify under section 4940(e). Do not complete this part .

1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each year; see page 17 of the instructions before making any entries .

a dBase period years Calendar year

Adjusted qualifying distributions I Net value of noncharitable-use assets I Distribution ratio (or tax year beginning in) (col (b) divided by col . (c))

2002 234,680 11 ,081 ,894 0.0212 2001 242, 182 5 ,351 ,818 0.0453 2000 365,417 3,124,826 0.1169 1999 184,650 3,786,555 0.0488 1998 98.092 1 .257.279 0.0780

2 Total of line 1, column (d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0.31 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by

the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years . . . . . . . . . 3 0.06

4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2003 from Part X, line 5 . . . . . . . . . . 4 11 ,503,C

5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 5 713, 11

6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 I 3,457

7 Add lines 5 and 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 4 or 4948-see pane 17 of the Excise Tax Based on Investment Income I

1 a Exempt operating foundations described in section 4940(d)(2), check here t and enter "N/A" on line 1 . Date of ruling letter: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (attach copy of ruling letter if necessary-see instructions)

b Domestic or anizations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check here 01 and enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b . . . . . . . . .

C All other domestic organizations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col (b) Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) Add lines 1 and 2


8 9

10 Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid Enter the amount of line 10 to be : Credited to 2004 estimated tax 10. 01 Refunded

1: M-KTJI~ Statements Regarding Activities 1 a During the tax year, did the organization attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did Yes No

it participate or intervene in any political campaign? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a X b Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page

18 of the instructions for definition)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b X If the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the organization in connection with the activities .

c Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 c X d Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year:

(1) On the organization . t $ (2) On organization managers . 0- $ e Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the organization during the year for political expenditure tax imposed

on organization managers . IN- $ 2 Has the organization engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . . . . 2 X

If "Yes,"attach a detailed description of the activities

/"pi, 3 Has the organization made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? If "Yes, "attach a conformed copy of the changes . . . 3

4 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year? . . . . . . . . 4a X b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4b N/A

5 Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? . . . . . . . . . 5 X If "Yes,"attach the statement required by General Instruction T.

6 Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either : " By language in the governing instrument or " By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions

that conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 X 7 Did the organization have at least $5,000 in assets at any time during the year? If "Yes," complete Part 11, col. (c), and Part XV. . 7 X 8 a Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the

instructions) 10, MICHIGAN b If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the organization furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney

General (or designate) of each state as required by General Instruction G? If "No," attach explanation . . . . . 8b X 9 Is the organization claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942Q)(3)

or 4942(j)(5) for calendar year 2003 or the taxable year beginning in 2003 (see instructions for Part XIV on PER, page 25)? If " Yes," complete Part XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 X

10 Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes,"attach a schedule listing their names and addresses 10 X 11 Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? . ~ 11 ~ X

Web site address W n/a 12 The books are in care of ~ .Mark A . Schut CPA PLC Telephone no . 1111- _(6162459-4274

Located at 101- 220 Lyon Sg NW= Suite 5101 Grand Rapids, MI ----------------------- ZIP+4 10, .49503

13 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041-Check here . . . . . . 0 ~ and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year . . " 1 13 . IN/A

Form 990-PF (2003)

2 3 4 5 6

Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only . Others enter -0-) Tax based on investment income . Subtract line 4 from line 3 . If zero or less, enter -0-Credits/Payments :

a 2003 estimated tax payments and 2002 overpayment credited to 2003 6a b Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . . . . 6b c Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) . . 6c 0 d Backup withholding erroneously withheld . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6d

Total credits and payments . Add lines 6a through 6d . . . . . . . . Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax. Check here OX if Form 2220 is attached Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed

Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 5 Form 990-PF Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be

File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. During the year did the organization (either directly or indirectly) : (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or otherwise extend credit to (or accept it from)

Yes ~X No

a disqualified person? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 Yes X

(3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualified person? . . E] Yes ~X

(4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? . . . ~ Yes OX (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available

for the benefit or use of a disqualified person)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Yes X (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception. Check "No"

if the organization agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days .) . . . . . . . . El Yes ~X

If any answer is "Yes" to 1a(1)-(6), did any of the acts fad to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 19 of the instructions)?

. . Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . . . "F~ Did the organization engage in a prior year in any of the acts described in 1 a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 20031 . . . Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the organization was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942Q)(3) or 4942Q)(5)) : At the end of tax year 2003, did the organization have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part XIII) for tax year(s) beginning before 2003? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Yes ~X If"Yes,"list the years 0 . , ------------ , -------------- Are there any years listed in 2a for which the organization is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year's undistributed income? (If applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see page 19 of the instructions .) If the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here . 10.


enterprise at any time during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 0 Yes OX b If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2003 as a result of (1) any purchase by the organization

or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969 ; (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest; or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the organization had excess business holdings in 2003 . ) . . . . . . . . .

4 a Did the organization invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its charitable purposes? b Did the organization make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable

purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2003 5 a During the year did the organization pay or incur any amount to :

(1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? . 0 Yes OX (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955); or to carry


c If the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the organization claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 Yes 0 No If "Yes,"attach the statement required by Regulations section 53 494-5(d).

6 a Did the organization, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . F] Yes X No

b Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? If you answered "Yes" to 6b, also ale Form 8870.


Form 990-PF (2003)





3 a Did the organization hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business








on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 0 Yes ~X No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? . . . . . . 0 Yes ~X No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc., organization described

in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 4940(d)(2)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Yes X No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or

educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? . . . . . 0 Yes F X] b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1 )-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in

Regulations section 53.4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? . N/A Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . . P- .





dl officers directors trustees foundation managers and their com ensation see Page 20 of the instructions (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contributions to

(a) Name and address hours per week (If not paid, enter employee benefit plans (e) Expense account, other allowances

devoted to position I -0-) I and deferred compensation



Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services

Summary of Direct Charitable Activities

fist the foundation's four largest direct charitable activities during the tax year . Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other beneficiaries served, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc

1 Gerald R. Ford Museum Provided funding for expansion_of public museum


2 Grand Action Provided funding-toward-new community convention center - --------------------------------------------------

3 Blodqett Butterworth Foundation Provided funding toward consruction_and expansion of heart center hospital facility .

1 4 John -Cabot-University - Provided funding for_president reception, art_gallery facility and US office facilities -------------------- ----------

Form 990-PF (2003)

Form 990-PF (2003) Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 Page 6

rrnM Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors

Peter F. Secchia President 220 L on S NW- Suite 510 Grand Ra ids 2 0 0 Mark A. Schut Treasurer 220 L on S NW Suite 510 Grand Ra ids 2 0 0 Sandra Secchia Aslanian Director 2619 Helen Seattle. WA 98112 0 0 0


2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included online 1-see page 20 of the instructions). If none enter "NONE."

(b) Title and average (d) Contributions to

(a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation employee benefit (e) Expense account, plans and deferred other allowances

devoted to position compensation






Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 . . t 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services-(see page 20 of the instructions). If none, enter

o~~~ur o

Name and address of each aerson paid more than $50,000 I (b) Type of service NONE




7 Form 21 of the instructions Summary of Program-Related Investments i

1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


All other program-related investments . See page 21 of the instructions . 3


Total. Add lines 1 through 3 rUMMU Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part . Foreign foundations,

see page 21 of the instructions .) 1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc.,

purposes : /// a Average monthly fair market value of securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a 11 ,596 ,542 b Average of monthly cash balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 81 ,701 c Fair market value of all other assets (see page 22 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c d Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1d 11 ,678 ,243 e Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1 a and

1c (attach detailed explanation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1e // 2 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 11 ,678,243 4 Cash deemed held for charitable activities . Enter 1'/z% of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 23

of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 175, 174 5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets . Subtract line 4 from line 3. Enter here and on Part V, line 4 5 11 ,503,069 6 Minimum investment return . Enter 5% of line 5 . . ~ 6 ~ 575,153


Distributable Amount (see page 23 of the instructions) ection 4942(j)(3) and (j)(5) private operating foundations and certain foreign organizations check here ~ and do not complete this part .)

1 Minimum investment return from Part X, line 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . 1 575, 153 2 a Tax on investment income for 2003 from Part VI, line 5 . . . . . . . . 2a . 6,915 b Income tax for 2003 . (This does not include the tax from Part VI .) . . . . . 2b 12 ,093 c Add lines 2a and 2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c 19 ,008

3 Distributable amount before adjustments . Subtract line 2c from line 1 . . . . .

. . . . . . . . 3 556, 145 4 a Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions . . . . . . . . 4a b Income distributions from section 4947(a)(2) trusts . . . . . . . . . . 4b c Add lines 4a and 4b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c 0

5 Add lines 3 and 4c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 556, 145 6 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 23 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 7 Distributable amount as adjusted . Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII,

line 1 7 556, 145

Qualifying Distributions (see page 23 of the instructions)

1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes : a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc.-total from Part I, column (d), line 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a 579,304 b Program-related investments-Total from Part IX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b 0

2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: //// a Suitability test (prior IRS approval required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3a b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3b

4 Qualifying distributions . Add lines 1a through 3b . Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 . . . . . 4 579 ,304 5 Organizations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment

income . Enter 1 % of Part I, line 27b (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 5 0 6 Adjusted qualifying distributions. Subtract line 5 from line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ 6 579,304

Note : The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years.

Form 990-PF (2003)

Form 990-PF (2003) Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 Page 8

Undistributed Income (see page 24 of the instructions)

Ia1 I (b) I M I (d) )rpus Years prior to 2002 2002 2003 1 Distributable amount for 2003 from Part XI,

line ? . . . . . . . 2 Undistributed income, if any, as of the end of 2002 a Enter amount for 2002 only b Total for prior years:

3 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2003 : a From 1998 b From 1999 c From 2000 d From 2001 e From 2002 f Total of lines 3a through e

4 Qualifying distributions for 2003 from Part X11, line 4: 10 $ 579,304

a Applied to 2002, but not more than line 2a b Applied to undistributed income of prior years

(Election required-see page 24 of the instructions) c Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election

required-see page 24 of the instructions) d Applied to 2003 distributable amount e Remaining amount distributed out of corpus

5 Excess distributions carryover applied to 2003 (If an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown m column (a) )

6 Enter the net total of each column as indicated below:

a Corpus . Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e . Subtract line 5 b Prior years' undistributed income . Subtract

line 4b from line 2b . . c Enter the amount of prior years' undistributed

income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed

d Subtract line 6c from line 6b . Taxable amount-see page 24 of the instructions

e Undistributed income for 2002 . Subtract line 4a from line 2a . Taxable amount-see page 24 of the instructions .

f Undistributed income for 2003 . Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1 . This amount must be distributed in 2004 .

7 Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(E) or 4942(8)(3) (see page 25 of the instructions)

8 Excess distributions carryover from 1998 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 25 of the instructions) . .

9 Excess distributions carryover to 2004. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a

10 Analysis of line 9: a Excess from 1999 b Excess from 2000 c Excess from 2001 d Excess from 2002



Form 990-PF (2003)


Form 990-PF (2003)

Form 990-PF 2003 5ecchia Family Foundation 3S-Z641U93 Page 9 Private Operating Foundations see page 25 of the instructions and Part VII-A, uestion 9

1 a If the foundation has received a ruling or determination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2003, enter the date of the ruling

b Check box to indicate whether the organization is a private operating foundation described in section [:]4942Q)(3) or [:]4942Q)(5)

2 a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax Year Prior 3 ears (e) Total

income from Part I or the minimum a) 2003 (b) 2002 (c 2001 (d) 2000 investment return from Part X for each year listed . . . . . . . . . 0 0

b 85% of line 2a . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 c Qualifying distributions from Part XII,

line 4 for each year listed . . . . . . . 0 0 0 d Amounts included m line 2c not used directly

for active conduct of exempt activities 0 e Qualifying distributions made directly

for active conduct of exempt activities . Subtract line 2d from line 2c . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0

3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the alternative test relied upon :

a "Assets" alternative test-enter : (1) Value of all assets . . . . . . . . 0 (2) Value of assets qualifying

under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(i) . . . . 0 b "Endowment' alternative test- Enter 2/3

of minimum investment return shown in Part X, line 6 for each year listed . . . . 0 0 0

c "Support" alternative test-enter : (1) Total support other than gross

investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 512(a)(5)), or royalties) . . . . . . 0

(2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in section 4942Q)(3)(B)(iii) . . . . . . 0

(3) Largest amount of support from an exempt organization . . . . 0

4 Gross investment income . .

0 fOWTIM Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the organization had $5,000 or more in

assets at any time during the year-see page 25 of the instructions .) 1 Information Regarding Foundation Managers : a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation

before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contributed more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2).)

b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest.

2 Information Re arding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs : Check here t~X if the organization only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. If the organization makes gifts, grants, etc. (see page 25 of the instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d.

a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed :

b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include:

c Any submission deadlines:

d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors :

Form 990-PF 2003 Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 Page 10 rgln ~. Supplementary Information (continued)

3 Grant's and Contributions Paid During the Year or Approved for Future Payment If recipient is an individual, show any relationship to any foundation manager

Foundation I purpose of grant status of or contribution Amount recipient


Name and address (home or a Paid during the year

At Childrens Project None Public Fundraiser 500 Blodgett Butterworth Foundation None Public Heart Center 100,000 Capital Region Comm Foundation None Public Connect Michigan 5,000 Catholic Social Services None Public Fam Bldg Communi 500 Central Bible Ministries None Public Relief project 500 Childrens Assessment Center None Public 10 th Anniversary 675 Cornerstone Foundation None Public Engler Portrait Proje 2,500 DeVos Chddrens Hospital None Public Childrens Miracle N 200 East GR High School None Public Gerken Memeorial 1,000 East GR high School Foundation None Public Annual fund 1,000 Gerald Ford Foundation None Public Public Service Med 8,596 Gerald Ford Foundation None Public Museum Expansion 200,000 Girl Scouts of Mi None Public Camp Anna Behren 1,000 Gospel Communications None Public Banquet 1,250 Grand Action Foundation None Public Convention Center 100,000 GR Chamber Foundation None Public Annual Fund 5,000 GR Historical Committee None Public Tree of Dates 500 GR Sports Hall of Fame None Public Underwriter 3,000 GR Student Advancement Foundation None Public Annual Fund 15,000 Gr Urban League None Public Annual Fund 1,000 Grand Valley State University None Public Digital N project 10,000 Heart of West MI United Way None Public Annual Fund 500 Hope Network Foundation None Pubic Hope West 1,000 Hugh Michael Beahan Fndn None Public St . Andrews School 500 IM Charities None Public Fundraiser 5,000 John Cabot University None Public Gallery/ US office 38,450 Junior Achievement None Pubilc ImpAct 2005 1,000 Junior League None Public Annual Fund 500 Kent Co . Parks Foundation None Public Millenium Park 30,000 Lainies Angels None Public Cancer support 500 Leukemia 8 Lymphoma Society None Public Marathon 500 Madison Park School None Public Wash Dc Trip 100

b Approved for future payment

0 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 3b Form 990-PF (2003)

Total . . . . . " 3a

Form 990-PF (2003)

Form 99o-PF 2003 Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 Page 11

" Analysis of Income-Producing Activities Enter gross amounts unless otherwise indicated . Unrelated business income Excluded b section 512, 513, or 514 (e)

Related or exempt (a) (b) (c) (d) function income

Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount (See page 26 of 1 Program service revenue . the instructions .

a b c d e f 9 Fees and contracts from government agencies

2 Membership dues and assessments 3 Interest on sahngs and temporary cash investments 14 451 4 Dividends and interest from securities . . . 14 322,144 5 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate : a Debt-financed property b Not debt-financed property

6 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property 7 Other investment income 8 Gain or (loss) from saes of assets other than inventory 18 112 721 9 Net income or (loss) from special events

10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 11 Other revenue : a

b c d e

12 Subtotal Add columns (b), (d), and (e) 0435.316 0 13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 435,316 See worksheet in line 13 instructions on page 26 to veri fy calculations .

Relationshi p of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantly to

Line No . the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) . (See page 26 of the instructions.)

Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described in section Yes No 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political organizations?

a Transfers from the reporting organization to a noncharitable exempt organization of: / / , (1) Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . la ( l ) X (2) Other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1a 2 X

b Other Transactions : ////, (1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b(1 ) X (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b ( 2 ) X (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 b ( 3 ) X (4) Reimbursement arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b4 X (5) Loans or loan guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b 5 X (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b6 X

c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1c ~X d If the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule . Column (b) should always show the fair market

value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting organization . If the organization received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services

of transfers, transactions, and Line no I (b) Amount involved I (c) Name of nonchantable

2 a Is the organization directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? . . . . . . 1:1 Yes Ej No

b If "Yes." complete the following schedule . of Name of of


penalties of pequry, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and it is true, conest�3nd complete Declpration of preparer (other than taxpaye

N Z i na

N l

p W p 12 rL


of officer or trustee

'reparers ature

' ign nature firm's name (or yours d :If-employed), address,

Form 990-PF 2003 Secchia Family Foundation 38-2641093 Page 12 Information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable

' Exempt Organizations

Mark A. Schut CPA PLC 220 Lvon So NW- Suite

Subtotal $ 44,033



Michigan's West Coast None Public Funding Initiative 1,000 Michigan State University None Public Sparty Project 25,600 National Constitution Center None Public We the People Camp 5,000 Oriental Institute None Public Membership 500 Pregnancy Resource Center None Public Memorial 1,000 Rotary East None Public Antique Fair 500 Shepherds of Independence None Public Annual Fund 1,000 Sons of Italy None Public Thanksgiving 100 St . .Ceceilia Music Society None Public Annual Fund 1,333 Student Advancement Fndn None Public Standing Together Fn 500 Sweetest Heart of Mary Inst None Public Annual Fund 500 Womens Resource Center None Public Operation 40 2,000 Youth Commonwealth None Public Camp Omalley 5,000

DELL INC . P 01/30/02 01/06/03 4,760 4,576 184 S MICROSOFT CORP P 01/30/02 01/07/03 1,933 2,185 (252) S KOHLS CORP. P 02/27/02 01/10/03 4,344 5,009 (665) S LOWES COMPANIES INC P 01/30/02 01/14/03 2,611 3,019 (408) S PEPSICO P 01/30/02 01/30/03 7,038 8,628 (1,590) S PEPSICO P 04/26/02 01/31/03 2,486 3,321 (835) S PROCTER & GAMBLE P 10/23/02 02/11/03 6,513 6,898 (385) S PROCTER & GAMBLE P 10/23/02 02/13/03 3,781 4,121 (340) S PROCTER & GAMBLE P 10124/02 02/13/03 5,342 5,767 (425) S PROCTER & GAMBLE P 11/25/02 02/13/03 5,096 5,317 (221) S CONCORD EFS INC P 05/14/02 03/11/03 32 135 (103) S CONCORD EFS INC P 05/30/02 03/11/03 96 382 (286) S CONCORD EFS INC P 08/14/02 03/11/03 978 2,303 (1,325) S CONCORD EFS INC P 11/22/02 03/11/03 96 168 (72) S CONCORD EFS INC P 11/22/02 03/12/03 3,066 5,100 (2,034) S AMGEN INC P 12/11/02 03/17/03 5,487 4,465 1,022 S AMGEN INC P 12/17/02 03/17/03 8,231 7,285 946 S KOHLS CORP. P 06112/02 03/21/03 4,351 5,521 (1,170) S KOHLS CORP . P 07/16/02 03/21/03 3,998 4,443 (445) S AMGEN INC P 12/17/02 04/04/03 1,304 1,137 167 S




Endo Pharmaceuticals Hlds P 07/02/03 07/09/03 47,953 46,520 1,433 S Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp P 08/26/03 12/26/03 150,000 150,020 (20) S Federal Home Ln Bks Cons Bd P 09/30/02 01/21/03 150,000 150,020 (20) S Federal Home Ln Bks Cons Bd P 09/24/02 01/17/03 150,000 150,020 (20) S Federal Home Ln Bks Cons Bd P 05/22/03 07/01/03 51,464 51,710 (246) S Federal Home Ln Bks Cons Bd P 02/19/03 06/17/03 115,000 115,020 (20) S Federal farm Cr Bks P 02/04/03 05/19/03 150,000 150,020 (20) S Freddie Mac P 04/29/03 07/17/03 31,479 34,640 (3,161) S Federal Natl Mtg Assn Mtn P 12/16/02 01/17/03 250,000 250,983 (983) S Federal Natl Mtg Assn Mtn P 05/07/02 04/10/03 150,000 151,820 (1,820) S Federal Natl Mtg Assn Mtn P 09/30/02 02/13/03 100,000 100,020 (20) S Federal Natl Mtg Assn Mtn P 01/28/03 05/21/03 100,000 99,895 105 S Ford Motor Credit P 08/07/02 04/28/03 100,000 100,787 (787) S Medco Health Solutions P 08/25/03 08/25/03 11 - 11 S Newell Co Med Term P 01/06/03 09/22/03 125,000 126,769 (1,769) S Tele Comm Mtn P 03/13/03 09/05/03 100,000 101,720 (1,720) S Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp P 11/29/02 12/12/03 100,000 100,020 (20) L Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp P 05/03/02 07/25/03 100,000 101,270 (1,270) L Federal Home Ln Mtg Corp P 07/24/02 08/08/03 100,000 100,311 (311) L Federal Home Ln Bks Cons Bd P 03/08/02 10/30/03 100,000 97,520 2,480 L

(9,057) S 879 L


ACCT : 969601-R1

PEPSICO P 01/30/02 01/31/03 7,260 8,869 (1,609) L BED ABTH & BEYOND INC P 01/30/02 02/21/03 3,683 3,570 113 L BED ABTH & BEYOND INC P 01/30/02 03/06/03 3,952 4,199 (247) L LOWES COMPANIES INC P 01130/02 03/06/03 4,608 5,425 (817) L CONCORD EFS INC P 01/30/02 03/10/03 5,242 16,607 (11,365) L CONCORD EFS INC P 01/30/02 03/11/03 1,492 5,227 (3,735) L KOHLS CORP P 02/27/02 03/21/03 1,705 1,937 (232) L KOHLS CORP P 02/28/02 03/21/03 6,232 7,158 (926) L DELL INC P 01/30/02 04/24/03 4,996 4,631 365 L QUALCOM INC P 01/30/02 04/25/03 3,067 4,317 (1,250) L VIACOM INC CL B P 01/30/02 05/06/03 4,699 4,132 567 L LOWES COMPANIES INC P 01/30/02 05/07/03 6,960 6,781 179 L

AMGEN INC P 12/20/02 04/04/03 4,565 3,963 602 S AMGEN INC P 01/22/03 04/04/03 6,226 5,425 801 S FIRST DATA CORP P 07/30/02 05/01/03 5,345 5,074 271 S FIRST DATA CORP P 07/31/02 05/01/03 6,960 6,167 793 S FIRST DATA CORP P 07/31/02 05/02/03 198 170 28 S FIRST DATA CORP P 08/14/02 05/02/03 1,423 1,197 226 S FIRST DATA CORP P 08/23/02 05/02/03 1,502 1,404 98 S FIRST DATA CORP P 10/30/02 05/02/03 2,766 2,422 344 S FIRST DATA CORP P 11/25/02 05/02/03 3,201 2,795 406 S AMERICAN EXPRESS P 07/30/02 05/13/03 11,892 9,789 2,103 S AMERICAN EXPRESS P 07/30/02 05/14/03 1,789 1,465 324 S AMERICAN EXPRESS P 08/16/02 05/14/03 4,880 4,454 426 S AMERICAN EXPRESS P 11/25/02 05/14/03 3,579 3,441 138 S AMERICAN EXPRESS P 11/25/02 05/15/03 163 156 7 S JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 11/25/02 05/22/03 5,846 6,338 (492) S INTERACTIVECORP P 04/10/03 06/06/03 6,435 4,387 2,048 S CARDINAL HEALTH INC P 11/25/02 07/14/03 3,996 3,752 244 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 02/18/03 07/23/03 7,958 6,059 1,899 S HEWLETT PACKARD P 11/27/02 07/23/03 4,413 3,942 471 S LOWES COMPANIES INC P 05/29/03 08/18/03 8,777 7,229 1,548 S PFIZER INC P 10/15/02 08/28/03 4,435 4,734 (299) S PFIZER INC P 11/25/02 08/28/03 4,256 4,510 (254) S PFIZER INC P 06/17/03 08/28/03 1,220 1,471 (251) S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 02/18/03 09/16/03 2,947 1,958 989 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 02/19/03 09/16/03 11,959 8,045 3,914 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 03/14/03 09/16/03 8,051 5,049 3,002 S FEDEX CORP P 11/25/02 10/21/03 8,193 5,896 2,297 S BEST BUY INC P 03/18/03 10/29/03 9,162 4,936 4,226 S BOSTON SCIENTIFIC P 03/26/03 10/29/03 8,670 5,669 3,001 S FLEETBOSTIN FINANCIAL P 05/13/03 10/29/03 8,396 6,133 2,263 S FLEETBOSTIN FINANCIAL P 05/14/03 10/29/03 8,200 6,048 2,152 S FLEETBOSTIN FINANCIAL P 05/15/03 10/29/03 8,436 6,184 2,252 S ANALOG DEVICE INC P 05/19/03 11/04/03 2,806 2,063 743 S BANK OF AMERICA P 11/12/02 11/12/03 12,533 11,261 1,272 S BANK OF AMERICA P 11125/02 11/19/03 2,446 2,341 105 S INTERACTIVECORP P 04/10/03 11/19/03 1,365 1,142 223 S INTERACTIVECORP P 04/11/03 11/19/03 3,815 3,324 491 S INTERACTIVECORP P 05/08/03 11/19/03 186 201 (15)s KOHLS CORP P 08/27/03 12/03/03 4,986 6,858 (1,872) S KOHLS CORP . P 08/28/03 12/03/03 1,303 1,830 (527) S KOHLS CORP P 08/28/03 12/04/03 2,411 3,219 (808) S KOHLS CORP P 09/02/03 12/04/03 6,146 8,444 (2,298) S KOHLS CORP . P 09/15/03 12/04/03 3,026 3,758 (732) S HEWLETT PACKARD P 12/09/02 12/09/03 826 674 152 S CATERPILLAR INC P 09/15/03 12/19/03 3,198 2,609 589 S NCO INTERNATIONAL LTD P 01/30103 12/19/03 4,276 2,754 1,522 S

26,185 S

MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 02/28/03 13 11 2 L

NOKIA CORP P 01/30/02 05/07/03 842 1,092 (250) L NOKIA CORP P 01/30/02 05/07/03 5,346 6,998 (1,652) L JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 01/30/02 05/20/03 9,237 9,869 (632) L JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 01/30/02 05/21/03 7,384 7,918 (534) L JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 01/30/02 05/22/03 54 57 (3) L FEDEX CORP P 03/08/02 06/03/03 1,204 1,145 59 L FEDEX CORP P 03114/02 06/03/03 253 231 22 L FEDEX CORP P 04/15/02 06/03/03 253 215 38 L KLA TENCOR CORP P 03/05/02 06/06/03 6,108 8,111 (2,003) L HONEYWELL INTL P 02/27/02 06/09/03 213 301 (88) L CARDINAL HEALTH INC P 01/30/02 07/10/03 6,383 6,479 (96) L CARDINAL HEALTH INC P 01/30/02 07/11/03 6,274 6,282 (8) L CARDINAL HEALTH INC P 01/30/02 07/14/03 8,779 8,769 10 L TEXAS INSTRUMENTS P 05/08/02 07/23/03 4,650 7,409 (2,759) L APPLIED MATERIALS INC P 05/08/02 07/24/03 4,460 5,707 (1,247) L KLA TENCOR CORP P 03/05/02 07/24/03 2,257 2,859 (602) L KLA TENCOR CORP P 03/08/02 07/24/03 4,934 6,602 (1,668) L MERRILL LYNCH INC P 01/30/02 07/25/03 9,786 9,135 651 L LOWES COMPANIES INC P 01/30/02 08/18/03 13,800 11,900 1,900 L PFIZER INC P 08/15/02 08/27/03 12,462 13,956 (1,494) L PFIZER INC P 08/23/02 08/27/03 512 594 (82) L PFIZER INC P 08/23/02 08/28/03 2,292 2,688 (396) L FEDEX CORP P 04/15/02 10/15/03 1,463 1,075 388 L FEDEX CORP P 05/14/02 10/15/03 4,024 2,970 1,054 L FEDEX CORP P 05/14/02 10/21/03 6,163 4,590 1,573 L APPLIED MATERIALS INC P 05/08/02 11/04/03 4,041 4,027 14 L VIACOM INC CL B P 01/30/02 11/04/03 197 191 6 L VIACOM INC CL B P 01/30/02 11/04/03 2,401 2,356 45 L BANK OF AMERICA P 11/12/02 11/19/03 1,779 1,628 151 L BANK OF AMERICA P 11/13/02 11/19/03 6,448 5,900 548 L KLATENCORCORP P 03/08/02 11/19/03 886 1,124 (238) L KLA TENCOR CORP P 05/16/02 11/19/03 4,650 5,044 (394) L KLA TENCOR CORP P 07/11/02 11/19/03 1,329 984 345 L QUALCOM INC P 01/30/02 12/05/03 8,569 7,588 981 L HEWLETT PACKARD CO P 11/27/02 12/09/03 9,422 8,114 1,308 L NOKIA CORP P 01/30/02 12/17/03 4,271 5,603 (1,332) L TEXAS INSTRUMENTS P 05/08/02 12/19/03 5,194 5,504 (310) L 3M CO P 01/30/02 12/19/03 4,039 2,586 1,453 L MORGAN STANLEY P 01/30/02 12/22/03 7,670 7,155 515 L NOKIA CORP P 01/30/02 12/22/03 2,385 3,150 (765) L 3M CO P 01/30/02 12/23/03 4,334 2,748 1,586 L

(22,863) L ACCT: 950149-K3 MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 01/03/03 540 495 45 S CBRL GROUP INC P 01/30/02 01/13/03 215 214 1 S CBRL GROUP INC P 01/30/02 01/17/03 1,222 1,159 63 S MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 01/17/03 1,136 956 180 S BALL CORP P 01/30/02 01/30/03 2,055 1,493 562 S MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 01/30/03 936 758 178 S JACK IN THE BOX INC P 12/06/02 02/25/03 1,308 1,548 (240) S CNH GLOBAL NV P 06/11/02 04/02/03 1 4 (3) S ALBERTSONS INC . P 03/05/03 04/23/03 1,267 1,244 23 S DONNELLY RR 8 SONS P 07/29/03 08/19/03 2,455 2,627 (172) S ST PAUL COMPANIES P 03/04/03 10/30/03 1,989 1,611 378 S KERR MCGEE CORP P 01/27/03 12/18/03 1,139 1,029 110 S KERR MCGEE CORP P 09/02/03 12/18/03 729 698 31 S

1,156 S

DOMINION RESOURCES P 01/30/02 01/06/03 2,054 2,059 (5) S BOWATER INC P 01/30/02 01/13/03 3,439 3,711 (272) S FLEETBOSTON FINANCL P 01/30/02 01/13/03 2,567 3,012 (445) S WASTE MGT OF DELAWARE P 01/30/02 01/14/03 2,541 3,046 (505) S XEROX CORP P 01/30/02 01/29/03 2,198 2,619 (421) S

HALLIBURTON CO P 02101/02 03/18/03 3,695 2,552 1,143 L ALBERTSONS INC, P 01/30/02 03/25/03 2,549 3,656 (1,107) L BALL CORP P 01/30/02 04/22/03 901 612 289 L ALBERTSONS INC, P 01/30/02 04123/03 1,017 1,514 (497) L CBRL GROUP INC . P 01/30/02 04/28/03 2,306 2,196 110 L MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01130/02 04/29/03 1,122 879 243 L PARTNERRE LTD P 01/30/02 05/09/03 2,148 2,050 98 L XL CAPITAL LTD P 01/30/02 05/09/03 2,855 3,006 (151) L CAREMARK RX INC P 01/30/02 05/09/03 1,932 1,529 403 L HALLIBURTON CO P 02/01/02 05/09/03 2,257 1,346 911 L SAFECO CORP P 01/30/02 05/09/03 1,082 863 219 L POTASH CORP SASK INC P 01/30/02 05/16/03 1,927 1,807 120 L TRANSATLANTIC HOLDINGS P 01/30/02 05/21/03 1,009 1,296 (287) L BOSTON SCIENTIFIC P 01/03/02 05/27/03 1,501 664 837 L EOG RESOURCES INC P 01/30/02 05/28/03 2,054 1,583 471 L HEALTH NET INC P 01/30/02 05/29/03 1,713 1,253 460 L CAREMARK RX INC P 01/30/02 05/30/03 1,964 1,432 532 L BOSTON SCIENTIFIC P 01/30/02 06/11/03 3,245 1,217 2,028 L CAREMARK RX INC P 01/30/02 06/11/03 2,474 1,611 863 L BOSTON SCIENTIFIC P 01/30/02 06/13/03 6,147 2,191 3,956 L HALLIBURTON CO P 02/01/02 06/16/03 509 294 215 L HALLIBURTON CO P 02/15/02 06/16/03 363 249 114 L CBRL GROUP INC. P 01/30/02 06/23/03 1,911 1,495 416 L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/11/02 07/08/03 2,836 3,685 (849) L MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 08/19/03 1,754 1,077 677 L GEORGIA PACIFIC P 01/30/02 09/02/03 2,383 2,447 (64) L HUBBELL INC P 01/30/02 09/02/03 2,882 2,159 723 L MYLAN LABORATORIES P 01/30/02 09/02/03 1,198 725 473 L CBRL GROUP INC P 01/30/02 09/03/03 4,737 3,935 802 L CBRL GROUP INC P 03/20/02 09/03/03 1,910 1,458 452 L HEALTH NET INC P 01/30/02 09/19/03 1,473 994 479 L PENNY JC CO P 01/30/02 10/06/03 2,649 2,921 (272) L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/11/02 10/14/03 2,109 2,103 6 L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/13/02 10/14/03 575 541 34 L MYLAN LABORATORIES P 04/08/02 10/15/03 14 7 7 L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/13/02 10/30/02 180 164 16 L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/19/02 10/30/00 288 271 17 L ST PAUL CO P 07/26/02 10/30/03 3,442 2,437 1,005 L TOMMY HILFIGER CORP P 01/30/02 11/13/03 649 548 101 L TOMMY HILFIGER CORP P 01/30/02 11/13/03 875 740 135 L PAYLESS SHOESOURCE P 05/30/02 11/13/03 1,879 2,632 (753) L TOMMY HILFIGER CORP P 01/30/02 11/14/03 870 740 130 L HUBBELL INC P 01/30/02 11/20/03 423 300 123 L GEORGIA PACIFIC P 01/30/02 11/24/03 2,076 1,853 223 L GEORGIA PACIFIC P 01/30/02 11/25/03 1,417 1,259 158 L KERR MCGEE CORP P 01/30/02 12/04/03 5,248 6,301 (1,053) L FOOT LOCKER INC P 03/19/02 12/09/03 1,943 1,492 451 L KERR MCGEE CORP P 01/30/02 12/18/03 3,828 4,339 (511) L KERR MCGEE CORP P 08/01102 12/18/03 820 825 (5) L SOLUTIA INC . P 01/30/02 12/22/03 312 11,241 (10,929) L SOLUTIA INC . P 02/07/02 12/22/03 1 30 (29) L SOLUTIA INC . P 03/25/02 12/22/03 67 2,184 (2,117) L

818 L ACCT : 950106-z3

UNITED TECHNOLOGIES P 01/30/02 02/10/03 2,798 2,891 (93) L DOMINION RESOURCES P 01/30/02 03/12/03 6,265 6,635 (370) L EXXON MOBIL CORP P 01/30/02 03/14/03 2,105 2,327 (222) L EXXON MOBIL CORP P 01/30/02 03/18/03 1,470 1,602 (132) L FIRST DATA CORP P 01/30/02 03/18/03 6,519 7,529 (1,010) L UNION PACIFIC P 01/30/02 03/21/03 687 720 (33) L STAPLES INC P 01/30/02 04/03/03 741 684 57 L DUKE ENERGY P 01/30/02 04/22/03 4,355 9,031 (4,676) L WELLS FARGO P 01/30/02 04/23/03 1,394 1,326 68 L AMR CORP P 01/30/02 04/28/03 2,428 13,339 (10,911) L UNITED TECHNOLOGIES P 01/30/02 04/29/03 2,786 2,957 (171) L JP MORGAN CHASE & CO P 01/30/02 05/29/03 1,801 1,766 35 L AMR CORP P 01/30/02 06/02/03 77 273 (196) L JP MORGAN CHASE 8 CO P 01/30/02 06/03/03 2,226 2,087 139 L CITIGROUP INC P 01/30102 06/05/03 4,101 4,105 (4) L TARGET CORP P 01/30/02 06/12/03 2,470 2,808 (338) L LIMITED BRAND INC P 01/30/02 07/02/03 563 639 (76) L 3M CO P 01/30/02 07/07/03 5,990 4,983 1,007 L JP MORGAN CHASE & CO P 01/30/02 07/15/03 1,578 1,348 230 L MELLON FINANCIAL P 01/30/02 07/15/03 850 1,060 (210) L ILLINOIS TOOL WORKS P 01/30/02 07/18/03 1,955 2,025 (70) L WELLS FARGO P 01/30/02 07/24/03 3,025 2,652 373 L LOCKHEED MARTIN P 01/30/02 07/28/03 5,482 5,146 336 L BRISTOL MEYERS P 06/05/02 08/05/03 6,708 7,198 (490) L BRISTOL MEYERS P 06/06/02 08/05/03 2,184 2,251 (67) L MELLON FINANCIAL P 01/30/02 08/06/03 1,231 1,499 (268) L CITIGROUP INC P 01/30/02 08/13/03 2,301 2,204 97 L MELLON FINANCIAL P 01/30/02 08/13/03 1,013 1,170 (157) L UNION PACIFIC P 01/30/02 08/13/03 3,121 3,062 59 L BOWATER INC P 01/30/02 08/21/03 1,210 1,315 (105) L MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 05/10/02 08/25/03 18 16 2 L MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 05/10/02 08/26/03 383 351 32 L TARGET CORP P 01/30/02 08/28/03 4,062 4,363 (301) L TERADYNE INC P 07/22/02 08/28/03 1,874 1,790 84 L CLEAR CHANNEL COMM P 01/30/02 08/29/03 2,459 2,394 65 L JP MORGAN CHASE & CO P 01/30/02 09/12/03 3,099 2,921 178 L MELLON FINANCIAL P 01/30/02 09/18/03 1,287 1,426 (139) L PEOPLESOFT INC P 01/30/02 10/09/03 5,927 9,031 (3,104) L

GILLETTE CO P 11/08/02 03/18/03 1,386 1,276 110 S GILLETTE CO P 11/08/02 05/02/03 1,760 1,682 78 S ROHN & HAAS CO P 11/25/02 05/02/03 735 726 9 S TERADYNE INC P 06/06/02 05/29/03 281 457 (176) S TERADYNE INC P 07/22/02 05/29/03 1,258 1,296 (38) S AMR CORP P 06/26/02 06/02/03 1,407 3,337 (1,930) S CARNIVAL CORP P 01/07/03 06/04/03 1,176 953 223 S BANK OF NY P 07/18/02 06/05/03 659 659 - S MBNA CORP P 01/16/03 06/06103 1,906 1,696 210 S DUKE ENERGY P 07/18/02 06/17/03 3,930 4,210 (280) S AMR CORP P 06/26/02 06/18/03 622 1,096 (474) S AMR CORP P 12/27/02 06/18/03 452 310 142 S CARNIVAL CORP P 01/07/03 06/26/03 1,589 1,288 301 S CARNIVAL CORP P 01/07/03 07/22/03 5,363 4,275 1,088 S NCO INTL LTD P 03/13/03 08/19/03 2,876 1,749 1,127 S MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 08/05/03 08/26/03 130 115 15 S TERADYNE INC P 09/18/02 08/28/03 250 157 93 S GILLETTE CO P 11/08/02 11/03/03 3,781 3,422 359 S GILLETTE CO P 12/18/02 11/03/03 1,314 1,230 84 S MBNA CORP P 01/16/03 12/02/03 6,169 4,757 1,412 S

705 S

GENERAL MOTORS P 08/09/02 01/10/03 5,032 4,055 977 S APPLIED MATERIALS P 10/23/02 01/15/03 3,248 3,176 72 S APPLIED MATERIALS P 10/28/02 01/15/03 2,598 2,751 (153) S APPLIED MATERIALS P 12/10/02 01/15/03 577 590 (13) S NUCOR CORP P 08/09/02 01/21/03 3,036 3,959 (922) S COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP P 08/09/02 01/22/03 1,166 1,350 (184) S COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP P 12/10/02 01/22/03 3,498 3,536 (39) S FIRST DATA CORP P 08/09/02 01/22/03 4,502 4,462 41 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 11/01/02 02/04/03 3,215 2,877 337 S TIME WARNER INC NEW P 12/05/02 02/05/03 2,575 3,348 (772) S TIME WARNER INC NEW P 12/05/02 02/05/03 2,200 2,859 (660) S TIME WARNER INC NEW P 12/05/02 02/06/03 1,963 2,580 (618) S TIME WARNER INC NEW P 12/10/02 02/06/03 424 546 (122) S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 08/09/02 02/20/03 3,596 4,437 (841) S VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 08/09/02 02/20/03 5,531 4,707 823 S AIR PRODUCTS & CHEMICALS P 08/09/02 02/21/03 2,503 2,972 (469) S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 08/09/02 02/21/03 934 1,210 (277) S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 10/03/02 02/21/03 1,037 1,054 (17) S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 10/09/03 02/21/03 1,452 1,441 11 S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 12/10/02 02/21/03 1,660 2,034 (375) S VOADAFONE GROUP PLC P 08/09/02 02/27/03 2,417 2,018 399 S NUCOR CORP P 08/09/02 03/06/03 393 528 (135) S NUCOR CORP P 12/10/02 03/06/03 3,732 4,241 (508) S MBNA CORP P 08/09/02 03/07/03 3,048 4,524 (1,476) S MBNA CORP P 12/10/02 03/07/03 584 922 (338) S AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 08/09/02 03/12/03 3,066 4,682 (1,616) S MORGAN STANLEY P 08/09/02 03/12/03 2,332 2,990 (657) S MORGAN STANLEY P 08/13/02 03/12/03 2,332 3,027 (694) S MORGAN STANLEY P 12/10/02 03/12/03 4,831 5,994 (1,163) S VIACOM INC CLASS B P 08/09/02 03/12/03 5,652 6,333 (681) S COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP P 12/05/02 04/02/03 1,801 2,142 (341) S AIR PRODUCTS & CHEM P 08/09/02 04/03/03 3,841 4,116 (274) S AIR PRODUCTS & CHEM P 12/10/02 04/03/03 1,280 1,311 (31) S COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP P 12/05/02 04/03/03 3,318 3,625 (307) S COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP P 12/10/02 04/03/03 151 163 (12) S COMPUTER SCIENCES CORP P 02/06/02 04/03/03 1,810 1,949 (139) S GENERAL MOTORS CORP P 08/09/02 04/09/03 4,328 3,713 616 S GENERAL MOTORS CORP P 12/10/02 04/09/03 1,196 1,172 24 S GENERAL MOTORS CORP P 12\10\02 04/10/03 1,815 1,953 (138) S MICROSOFT CORP P 08/09/02 04/11/03 4,518 4,524 (6) S TARGET CORP P 08/15/02 04/11/03 2,789 3,087 (298) S TARGET CORP P 09/06/02 04/11/03 775 856 (81) S CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS P 08/09/02 04/21/03 4,328 5,314 (986) S SBC COMMMUNICATIONS INC P 12/10/02 04/21/03 4,927 6,230 (1,303) S AIR PRODUCTS & CHEM P 12/10/02 05/02/03 5,158 5,245 (87) S GENERAL MOTORS CORP P 12/10/02 05/02/03 5,960 5,580 380 S BAXTER INTERNATIONAL P 08/09/02 06/12/03 3,317 4,874 (1,557) S INTERACTIVE CORP P 03/19/02 06/20/03 6,256 4,011 2,246 S KROGER COMPANY P 08/09/02 06/20/03 4,983 6,212 (1,230) S

PEOPLESOFT INC P 08128/02 10/09/03 3,485 2,919 566 L PARKER HANNIFIN P 07/02/02 10/13/03 3,796 3,551 245 L STAPLES INC P 01/30/02 10/13/03 5,501 3,852 1,649 L FLEETBOSTON FINANCL P 01/30/02 10/30/03 481 389 92 L TARGET CORP P 01/30/02 12/01/03 832 907 (75) L ALCOA INC P 01/30/02 12/09/03 4,842 4,624 218 L CSX CORP P 05/30/02 12/22/03 3,615 3,387 228 L TARGET CORP P 01/30/02 12/29/03 1,310 1,469 (159) L

(17,617) L ACCT 958921-W3

KROGER COMPANY P 10/14/02 06/20/03 80 69 11 S JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 08/09/02 06/23/03 5,368 5,479 (111)s JOHNSON & JOHNSON P 12/10/02 06/23/03 5,368 5,566 (198) S TJX COMPANIES INC P 08/09/03 07/02/03 4,536 4,395 141 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 04/14/02 07/15/03 2,308 2,128 180 S BAXTER INTERNATIONAL P 08/09/02 07/16/03 727 1,125 (398) S BAXTER INTERNATIONAL P 10/03/02 07/16/03 727 827 (99)s XL CAPITAL LTD P 08/09/02 07/23/03 3,152 3,016 136 S AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 08/09/02 07/23/03 3,003 3,345 (342) S CHUBB CORP P 01/22/03 07/31/03 4,204 3,627 578 S MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 03/18/03 08/25/03 8 7 1 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 11/01/02 10124/03 99 59 40 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 12/10/02 10/24/03 3,353 2,385 968 S MERCK & CO P 03/18/03 11/04/03 4,417 4,997 (580) S MERCK & CO P 03/19/03 11/04/03 1,987 2,306 (319) S MERCK & CO P 04/03/03 11/04/03 1,767 2,122 (356) S CHUBB CORP P 01/22/03 11/10/03 3,210 2,790 421 S FIRST DATA CORP P 12/10/02 11/13/03 1,292 1,217 75 S XL CAPITAL LTD P 12/10/02 11/19/03 3,289 3,703 (414) S AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 12/10/02 11/19/03 6,074 6,304 (230) S AMGEN INC P 05/07/03 11/19/03 6,596 6,606 (11)s APPLIED MATERIALS P 12/10/02 11/19/03 8,685 5,535 3,150 S APPLIED MATERIALS P 04/03/03 11/19/03 1,505 900 605 S AUTOMATIC DATA PROCES P 09/05/03 11/19/03 8,678 9,131 (453) S AUTOMATIC DATA PROCES P 09/18/03 11/19/03 755 768 (13) S AVON PRODUCTS P 11/13/03 11/19/03 4,731 4,708 22 S BAKER HUGHS INC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 3,734 4,239 (506) S BANK OF NEW YORK INK P 12110/02 11/19/03 4,585 4,111 474 S BAXTER INTERNATIONAL P 12/10/02 11/19/03 3,837 4,403 (566) S CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,211 3,927 1,284 S CENDANT CP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,639 3,235 2,405 S CHEVRONTEXACO CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,537 5,089 449 S CHUBB CORP P 01/22/03 11/19/03 5,095 4,463 632 S CHUBB CORP P 02/04/03 11/19/03 6,051 4,984 1,066 S CHUBB CORP P 07/09/03 11/19/03 3,185 3,083 102 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 2,188 1,403 785 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 02/06/03 11/19/03 5,142 3,125 2,017 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 04/03/03 11/19/03 1,313 825 488 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 04/14/03 11/19/03 1,860 1,129 731 S CITIGROUP INC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 6,632 5,297 1,335 S COMCAST CORP P 02/06/03 11/19/03 9,343 7,927 1,416 S COMCAST CORP P 02/21/03 11/19/03 2,521 2,201 320 S COMCAST CORP P 02/26/03 11/19/03 2,818 2,441 376 S COMCAST CORP P 03/12/03 11/19/03 890 763 127 S CONOCOPHILIPS P 03/07/03 11/19/03 6,846 6,149 697 S DELL INC P 12110/02 11/19/03 2,742 2,250 492 S DOMINION RESOURCES P 03/07/03 11/19/03 6,283 5,849 435 S FIRST DATA CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 9,412 9,043 369 S FRANKLIN RESOURCES P 12/10/02 11/19/03 4,476 3,562 914 S GENERAL DYNAMICS P 12/02/02 11/19/03 6,893 6,925 (32) S GENERAL ELETRIC CO P 05/14/03 11/19/03 11,157 10,902 254 S INTEL CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,614 3,220 2,394 S INTEL CORP P 04/02/03 11/19/03 4,812 2,609 2,203 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 03/19/03 11/19/03 7,025 5,470 1,555 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 03/20/03 11/19/03 4,371 3,602 768 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 04/11/03 11/19/03 1,717 1,484 234 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 04/14/03 11/19/03 312 273 40 S INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO P 12/10/02 11/19/03 4,249 4,137 113 S KIMBERLY CLARK CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 4,016 3,557 458 S KROGER COMPANY P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,879 4,898 982 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 04/14/03 11/19/03 6,890 5,777 1,114 S

LEHMAN BROTHERS P 05/02/03 11/19/03 3,264 2,855 409 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 06/23/03 11/19/03 2,539 2,443 95 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 09/12/03 11/19/03 363 337 26 S LIBERTY MEDIA CORP P 06/24/03 11/19/03 5,870 6,385 (515) S LIBERTY MEDIA CORP P 06/25/03 11/19/03 709 797 (88) S MICROSOFT CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 9,090 9,774 (684) S MICROSOFT CORP P 09/12/03 11/19/03 126 139 (13) S PEPSICOINC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,228 4,772 457 S PFIZER P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,975 5,546 429 S PRAXAIR INC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 8,466 7,063 1,404 S QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 12/10/02 11/19/03 6,341 5,310 1,031 S QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 05/02/03 11/19/03 705 600 105 S SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED P 12/10/02 11/19/03 2,088 2,039 48 S TJX COMPANIES INC P 12/10/02 11/19/03 7,721 6,937 785 S TARGET CORP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 4,560 3,950 610 S TARGET CORP P 11/13/03 11/19/03 570 587 (17) S VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 12/10/02 11/19/03 6,739 8,012 (1,273) S VIACOM INC CLASS B P 12/10/02 11/19/03 5,777 6,648 (871) S VODAFONE GROUP P 12/10/02 11/19/03 4,048 3,267 781 S WACHOVIA CORP P 11/22/02 11/19/03 7,931 6,512 1,418 S WYETH P 11/19/02 11/19/03 8,964 8,412 552 S WYETH P 12/10/02 11/19/03 398 380 19 S WYETH P 01/07/03 11/19/03 1,594 1,556 38 S APPLIED MATERIALS P 04/03/03 11/21/03 1,143 692 451 S BAKER HUGHS INC P 12/10/02 11/21/03 2,410 2,772 (362) S INTERACTIVECORP P 04/14/03 11/21/03 1,105 954 151 S AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 12/10/02 12/03/03 590 600 (11)s SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED P 12/10/02 12/04/03 1,450 1,360 91 S AMGEN INC P 05/07/03 12/16/03 905 901 4 S APPLIED MATERIALS P 04/03/03 12/16/03 860 554 306 S AUTOMATIC DATA PROCES P 09/18/03 12/16/03 1,372 1,343 29 S AVON PRODUCTS P 11/13/03 12/16/03 640 673 (33) S CHUBB CORP P 07/09/03 12/16/03 1,972 1,850 122 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 04/14/03 12/16/03 1,550 863 686 S CITIGROUP INC P 04/03/03 12/16/03 239 185 55 S COMCAST CORP P 03/12/03 12/16/03 2,120 1,779 340 S CONOCOPHILIPS P 03/07/03 12/16103 914 769 145 S DELL INC P 04/14/03 12/16/03 327 284 43 S DOMINION RESOURCES P 03/07/03 12/16/03 908 836 72 S FIRST DATA CORP P 04/14/03 12/16/03 389 362 26 S GENERAL ELETRIC CO P 05/14/03 12/16/03 613 574 40 S GENERAL ELETRIC CO P 09/12/03 12/16/03 920 936 (16) S GILEAD SCIENCES INC P 11/21/03 12/16/03 848 845 3 S HEWLETT PACKARD P 11/21/03 12/16/03 996 954 43 S INTEL CORP P 04/02/03 12/16/03 1,368 783 585 S INTERACTIVECORP P 04/14/03 12/16/03 155 136 19 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 08/06/03 12/16/03 1,085 1,265 (180) S INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO P 01/24/03 12116/03 819 725 94 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 09/12/03 12/16/03 1,487 1,348 139 S LIBERTY MEDIA CORP P 06/25/03 12/16/03 928 982 (54) S MICROSOFT CORP P 09/12/03 12/16/03 1,892 1,946 (54) S QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 05/02/03 12/16/03 352 300 52 S QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 07/16/03 12/16/03 1,408 1,304 103 S TARGET CORP P 11/13/03 12/16/03 932 978 (46) S UNITEDHEALTH GROUP P 11/21/03 12/16/03 549 511 38 S VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 05/14/03 12/16/03 339 377 (37) S WYETH P 01/07/03 12/16/03 797 778 19 S WYETH P 01/28/03 12/16/03 797 732 65 S LIBERTY MEDIA CORP P 06/25/03 12/18/03 167 173 (6) S PFIZER P 06/23/03 12/18/03 343 353 (10)s AMGEN INC P 05/07/03 12/23/03 926 901 25 S

XL CAPITAL LTD P 08/09/02 09/12/03 4,883 4,901 (18) L CHEVRONTEXACO CORP P 08/09/02 09/12/03 5,842 6,060 (218) L QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 08/09/02 09/12/03 2,132 2,033 99 L XL CAPITAL LTD P 08/09/02 10/17/03 2,114 2,262 (149) L FIRST DATA CORP P 08/09/02 10/23/03 2,220 2,059 161 L FIRST DATA CORP P 08/09/02 11/13/03 369 343 26 L FIRST DATA CORP P 10/10/02 11/13/03 1,329 1,052 277 L FIRST DATA CORP P 10/11/02 11/13/03 1,255 1,059 196 L INTEL CORP P 10/28/02 11/17/03 5,143 2,756 2,387 L XL CAPITAL LTD P 08/09/02 11/19/03 4,020 4,147 (127) L AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 08/09/02 11/19/03 1,736 2,007 (271) L BAKER HUGHS INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 3,016 2,786 230 L BAKER HUGHS INC P 09/19/02 11/19/03 2,872 2,814 58 L BANK OF NEW YORK INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 6,360 7,222 (862) L CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS P 08/09/02 11/19/03 553 454 99 L CENDANT CP P 08/09/02 11/19/03 8,989 5,800 3,188 L CHEVRONTEXACO CORP P 08/09/02 11/19/03 1,846 1,894 (48) L CITIGROUP INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 8,462 5,986 2,476 L DELL INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 9,767 7,316 2,451 L DELL INC P 10/21/02 11/19/03 2,228 1,882 346 L FRANKLIN RESOURCES P 08/09/02 11/19/03 5,983 4,606 1,377 L FRANKLIN RESOURCES P 10/15/02 11/19/03 620 459 162 L GENERAL DYNAMICS P 08/09/02 11/19/03 5,676 5,947 (271) L INTEL CORP P 10/28/02 11/19/03 642 345 297 L

APPLIED MATERIALS P 04/03/03 12/23/03 890 554 336 S AUTOMATIC DATA PROCES P 09/18/03 12/23/03 1,347 1,343 4 S AVON PRODUCTS P 11/13/03 12/23/03 666 673 (7) S BANK OF NEW YORK INC P 04/03/03 12/23/03 1,817 1,218 599 S CHUBB CORP P 07/09/03 12/23/03 2,004 1,850 155 S CISCO SYSTEMS INC P 04/14/03 12/23/03 1,546 863 682 S CITIGROUP INC P 04/03/03 12/23/03 2,409 1,845 564 S COMCAST CORP P 03112/03 12/23/03 1,979 1,652 326 S CONOCOPHILIPS P 03/07/03 12/23/03 950 769 181 S DELL INC P 04/14/03 12/23/03 1,839 1,564 275 S DOMINION RESOURCES P 03/07/03 12/23/03 951 836 115 S FIRST DATA CORP P 04/14/03 12/23/03 1,393 1,268 126 S GENERAL ELETRIC CO P 09/12/03 12123/03 1,711 1,715 (4) S GILEAD SCIENCES INC P 11/21/03 12/23/03 588 563 25 S HEWLETT PACKARD P 11121/03 12/23/03 1,017 954 63 S INTEL CORP P 04/02/03 12/23/03 1,540 870 670 S INTERACTIVE CORP P 08/06/03 12/23/03 1,338 1,446 (108) S INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO P 01/24/03 12/23/03 1,476 1,269 207 S LEHMAN BROTHERS P 09/12/03 12/23/03 1,887 1,686 201 S LIBERTY MEDIA CORP P 06125/03 12/23/03 684 693 (9)s LILLY ELI & CO P 12/18/03 12/23/03 702 726 (24) S MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 03/19/03 12/23/03 190 130 60 S MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 04/03/03 12/23/03 169 120 49 S MEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS P 03/18/03 12/23/03 411 275 136 S MICROSOFT CORP P 09/12/03 12/23/03 1,624 1,668 (44) S PFIZER P 06/23/03 12/23/03 1,552 1,588 (36) S QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 07/16/03 12/23/03 1,397 1,304 93 S TARGET CORP P 11/13/03 12/23/03 947 978 (31) S 3M CO P 12/08/03 12/23/03 1,264 1,227 37 S TIME WARNER INC P 12/18/03 12/23/03 892 891 1 S TRIBUNE CO P 12/18/03 12/23/03 756 744 12 S UNITEDHEALTH GROUP P 11/21/03 12/23/03 839 766 73 S VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 05/14/03 12/23/03 1,370 1,507 (137) S WYETH P 01/28/03 12/23/03 1,878 1,647 232 S

27,638 S

28,829 L

INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO P 08/09/02 11/19/03 4,434 4,888 (454) L KIMBERLY CLARK CORP P 08/09/02 11/19/03 6,693 7,523 (830) L KROGER COMPANY P 10/14/02 11/19/03 1,990 1,524 466 L MICROSOFT CORP P 08/09/02 11/19/03 4,166 4,035 131 L PEPSICOINC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 9,268 8,586 683 L PFIZER P 08/09/02 11/19/03 7,682 7,421 261 L PRAXAIR INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 14,223 11,708 2,516 L QUEST DIAGNOSTICS P 08/09/02 11/19/03 3,875 2,878 998 L SCHLUMBERGER LIMITED P 08/09/02 11/19/03 3,247 3,195 52 L TJX COMPANIES INC P 08/09/02 11/19103 6,090 5,023 1,067 L TARGET CORP P 09/06/02 11/19/03 950 856 94 L TARGET CORP P 09/26/02 11/19/03 950 839 111 L VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 08/09/02 11/19/03 802 759 43 L VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 10/03/02 11/19/03 1,123 1,130 (7) L VIACOM INC P 08/09/02 11/19/03 1,118 1,118 1 L VIACOM INC P 09/05/02 11/19/03 1,304 1,402 (97) L VODAFONE GROUP P 08/09/02 11/19/03 3,261 2,168 1,093 L WACHOVIA CORP P 09/06/02 11/19/03 5,287 4,320 967 L WACHOVIA CORP P 10/10/02 11/19/03 2,203 1,514 689 L XL CAPITAL LTD P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,100 1,234 (134) L AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 12/10/02 12/16/03 961 901 61 L BANK OF NEW YORK INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,579 1,326 253 L BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 458 472 (14) L CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS P 12/10/02 12/16/03 860 595 265 L CENDANT CP P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,791 1,034 757 L CHEVRONTEXACO CORP P 12/10/02 12/16/03 807 679 129 L CITIGROUP INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,915 1,461 454 L DELL INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,800 1,547 254 L FIRST DATA CORP P 12/10/02 12/16/03 972 870 102 L FRANKLIN RESOURCES P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,478 1,058 420 L GENERAL DYNAMICS P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,717 1,629 88 L INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO P 12/10/02 12/16/03 410 360 50 L KIMBERLY CLARK CORP P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,448 1,186 262 L KROGER COMPANY P 12/10/02 12/16/03 953 829 124 L PEPSICOINC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,896 1,735 160 L PFIZER P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,731 1,585 147 L PRAXAIR INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 3,370 2,543 827 L TJX COMPANIES INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,811 1,661 150 L VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS P 12/10/02 12116/03 1,018 1,145 (127) L VIACOM INC P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,455 1,501 (46) L VODAFONE GROUP P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,069 817 252 L WACHOVIA CORP P 11/22/02 12/16/03 2,062 1,628 434 L XL CAPITAL LTD P 12/10/02 12/16/03 1,148 1,234 (86) L AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL P 12/10/02 12/23/03 646 600 45 L BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC P 12/10/02 12/23/03 602 629 (27) L CADENCE DESIGN SYSTEMS P 12/10/02 12/23/03 993 655 339 L CENDANT CP P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,829 1,021 807 L CHEVRONTEXACO CORP P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,251 1,018 233 L FRANKLIN RESOURCES P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,997 1,376 622 L GENERAL DYNAMICS P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,780 1,599 181 L KIMBERLY CLARK CORP P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,454 1,186 268 L KROGER COMPANY P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,085 904 181 L PEPSICOINC P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,860 1,735 124 L PRAXAIR INC P 12/10/02 12/23/03 3,004 2,260 744 L TJX COMPANIES INC P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,574 1,466 108 L VIACOM INC P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,293 1,287 6 L VODAFONE GROUP P 12/10/02 12/23/03 1,230 908 322 L WACHOVIA CORP P 11/22/02 12/23/03 1,841 1,447 394 L WACHOVIA CORP P 12/10/02 12/23/03 230 178 52 L

US TREASURY BONDS P 12/16/02 01/02/03 10,272 10,271 1 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/06/02 01/17/03 86,994 86,766 228 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/23/02 01/17/03 7,081 7,070 11 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 01/22/03 23,058 23,039 19 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 12/24/02 01/28/03 53,287 53,349 (62) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/22/03 01/29/03 23,014 23,145 (131) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/28/03 01/29/03 4,003 4,017 (14) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/30/02 02/03/03 48,157 49,156 (999) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/04/02 02/03/03 21,279 21,049 230 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/23/02 02/03/03 6,720 6,743 (23) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/28/03 02/05/03 41,086 41,171 (85) S US TREASURY BONDS P 08/12102 02/12/03 12,497 12,091 406 S US TREASURY BONDS P 08/19/02 02/12/03 2,272 2,194 78 S US TREASURY BONDS P 08/19/02 02120/03 20,618 19,747 871 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/18/02 02/20/03 36,654 35,180 1,474 S FNMA REMIC SER 2001 P 03/04/02 02/25/03 27,172 24,544 2,628 S FNMA REMIC SER 2001 P 03/05/02 02/25/03 11,322 10,217 1,105 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 02/26/03 20,088 20,034 54 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 03/03/03 12,065 12,020 45 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 08/19/02 03/05/03 68,986 67,972 1,014 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 11/18102 03/07/03 68,168 65,886 2,282 S US TREASURY BONDS P 02/03/03 03/10/03 25,701 24,838 863 S US TREASURY BONDS P 12116/02 03/14/03 6,644 6,419 225 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 02/25/03 03/20/03 96,607 98,345 (1,738) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 03/07/03 03/20/03 56,869 58,734 (1,865) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 10/25/02 03/20/03 167,011 164,413 2,598 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 03/05/03 03/20/03 68,230 68,713 (483) S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/18/02 03/21/03 11,229 10,994 235 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 03/31/03 11,067 11,018 49 S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 03/20/03 04/21/03 28,052 28,104 (52) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 11/05/02 04/21/03 179,766 178,264 1,502 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 04/28/03 9,047 9,015 32 S FHLMC GOLD 30 P 04/21/03 05/01/03 107,774 107,025 749 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 03/20/03 05/02/03 20,857 20,616 241 S FHLMC GOLD 30 P 04/21/03 05/05/03 108,437 108,044 393 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/17/03 05/09/03 18,115 18,030 85 S

ACCOUNT 958930-W4

WASHINGTON FEDERAL INC P 08/02/02 02/25/03 2,960 2,957 3 S WASHINGTON FEDERAL INC P 08/02/02 03/03/03 110 109 1 S LANDSTAR SYSTEM P 08/02/02 03/11/03 529 499 30 S MCG CAPITAL P 08/02/02 03/11/03 2,254 3,554 (1,300) S RPM INC OHIO P 08/02/02 06/05/03 3,260 3,555 (295) S RPM INC OHIO P 11/04/02 06/05/03 1,917 2,315 (398) S NATIONAL COMMERCE FINCL P 08/02/02 06/30/03 491 546 (55) S LANDAUER INC. P 08/02/02 07/29/03 3,489 2,966 523 S INSITUFORM TECH P 11/04/02 08/13/03 2,449 2,420 29 S FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP P 11/04/02 10/01/03 2,987 3,538 (551)s

(2,013) S

INSITUFORM TECH P 08/02/02 08/13/03 3,800 3,757 43 L FEDERAL SIGNAL P 08/02/02 10/01/03 3,510 4,792 (1,282) L LA Z BOY INC P 08/02/02 12/12/03 2,813 3,112 (299) L LA Z BOY INC P 11/04/02 12/12/03 1,940 2,367 (427) L CARBO CERAMICS INC. P 08/02/02 12/15/03 3,943 2,575 1,368 L

(597) L

ACCOUNT 950165-84

UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 01/31/03 05/09/03 24,153 24,041 112 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 02/12/03 05/09/03 99,630 99,290 340 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 03/20/03 05/12/03 138,367 134,545 3,822 S FNMA 30 YR SFM P 05/05/03 05/14/03 108,153 106,207 1,946 S FNMA 30 YR SFM P 05/01/03 05114/03 107,133 105,705 1,428 S FNMA 30 YR SFM P 05/06/03 05/14/03 26,528 26,173 355 S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 05/09/03 05/15/03 10,304 10,202 102 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/14/03 05/15/03 61,605 61,610 (5) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/14/03 05/20/03 103,285 102,684 601 S US TREASURY BONDS P 12/16/02 05/21/03 11,053 10,271 782 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/18/02 05/27/03 7,383 6,596 787 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/21/02 05/27/03 1,230 1,104 126 S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 03/20/03 06/05/03 192,801 190,245 2,556 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/21/02 06/05/03 13,595 12,139 1,456 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/24/02 06/05/03 1,236 1,096 140 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 11/05/02 06/12/03 56,134 53,479 2,655 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 06/05/03 06/12/03 195,522 195,139 383 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 12/27/02 06/12/03 3,142 3,014 128 S US TREASURY BONDS P 12/16/02 06/12/03 58,961 53,921 5,040 S US TREASURY BONDS P 03/10/03 06/12/03 40,711 38,954 1,757 S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/04/02 06/12/03 30,413 27,945 2,468 S US TREASURY BONDS P 02/05/03 06/12/03 19,768 18,172 1,596 S US TREASURY BONDS P 02/20/03 06/12/03 71,968 66,426 5,542 S US TREASURY BONDS P 10/24/02 06/12/03 15,023 13,153 1,870 S US TREASURY BONDS P 12/04/02 06/12/03 16,275 14,436 1,839 S US TREASURY BONDS P 04/28/03 06/12/03 11,267 10,370 897 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/20/03 06/12/03 28,199 27,795 404 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 02/26/03 06/12/03 21,429 20,349 1,080 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 03/03/03 06/12/03 12,857 12,325 532 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 03/31/03 06/12/03 11,786 11,148 638 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/12/03 06/12/03 132,859 127,972 4,887 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/27/03 06/12/03 16,072 15,854 218 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 06/30/03 71,502 71,718 (216) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/20/03 07/03/03 52,120 52,254 (134) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 06/12/03 07/07/03 18,060 18,663 (603) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 07/09/03 55,496 57,453 (1,957) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 07/15/03 39,783 41,366 (1,583) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 07/25/03 16,197 17,236 (1,039) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 12/27/02 08/01/03 52,373 53,246 (873) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 05/15/03 08/01/03 14,822 15,469 (647) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 07/23/03 08/01/03 5,933 5,960 (27) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/01/03 08/14103 13,880 14,067 (187) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/01/03 08/14/03 1,865 1,876 (11)s UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/06/03 08/14/03 8,392 8,514 (122) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 08/27/03 52,924 54,680 (1,756) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 08/27/03 94,110 97,330 (3,220) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 09/02/03 10,980 11,965 (985) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 07/18/03 09/02/03 19,764 20,543 (779) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 09/02/03 57,088 59,054 (1,966) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/14/03 09/03/03 10,436 10,440 (4) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/27/03 09/03/03 5,692 5,710 (18) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/27/03 09/03/03 23,674 23,792 (118) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/02/03 09/03/03 39,772 39,913 (141) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/14/03 09/05/03 74,968 77,013 (2,045) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 09/05/03 38,983 40,816 (1,833) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/01/03 09/05/03 67,971 67,827 144 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/02/03 09/15/03 40,209 40,261 (52) S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/03/03 09/16/03 8,863 8,614 249 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/02/03 09/16/03 61,315 61,398 (83) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/30/03 09/16/03 70,550 71,737 (1,187) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 09/23/03 196,161 201,221 (5,060) S

AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERV P 03/05/02 01/03/03 1,626 1,554 72 S ELECTRONICS ARTS P 01/30/02 01/10/03 11,020 11,865 (845) S ELECTRONICS ARTS P 11/25102 01/10/03 525 680 (155) S CLOROX CO P 01/30/02 01/14/03 1,974 2,009 (35) S AUTOZONE INC P 04/19/02 01/23/03 5,281 6,359 (1,078) S AUTOZONE INC P 04/25/02 01/23/03 6,213 7,799 (1,586) S AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERV P 03/05/02 02/10/03 7,885 8,856 (971) S AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERV P 04/12/02 02/10/03 4,150 4,971 (821) S CONCORD EFS INC P 12/04/02 02/13/03 6,226 9,663 (3,437) S ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES P 10/17/02 02/14/03 5,542 7,679 (2,137) S

FED HOME LOAN MTG P 07/07/03 09/25/03 15,994 16,513 (519) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 07/09/03 09/25/03 16,935 17,488 (553) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 03/20/03 09/25/03 43,971 44,319 (348) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 05/09/03 09/25/03 46,116 46,769 (653) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 09/15/03 09/25/03 39,839 39,785 54 S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 09/16/03 09/25/03 34,859 34,845 14 S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 09/23/03 09/25/03 98,218 97,966 252 S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/03/03 09/25/03 38,616 36,916 1,700 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/02/03 09/25/03 11,047 11,072 (25) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/20/03 09/25/03 30,212 31,130 (918) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 05/21/03 09/25/03 35,606 36,790 (1,184) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/27/03 09/25/03 34,527 33,761 766 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/05/03 09/25/03 26,975 26,569 406 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 09/25/03 61,760 65,497 (3,737) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 07/23/03 09/25/03 31,801 31,787 14 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/27/03 09/25/03 994 987 7 S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 07/09/03 10/27/03 32,463 34,005 (1,542) S FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC P 09/23/03 11/06/03 99,270 99,965 (695) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 06/12/03 11/07/03 24,317 26,428 (2,111) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 07/11/03 11/07/03 39,119 41,180 (2,061) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 05/09/03 11/10/03 39,226 40,243 (1,017) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 05/15/03 11/10/03 26,504 27,187 (683) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 06/12/03 11/10/03 26,504 27,371 (867) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/05/03 11/10/03 36,045 36,134 (89) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 08/27/03 11/14/03 33,710 33,544 166 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/02/03 11/17/03 12,000 12,078 (78) S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/03/03 11125/03 11,521 11,075 446 S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/05/03 11/25/03 21,761 21,279 482 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/10/03 11/25/03 10,021 10,030 (9)s UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/05/03 12/01/03 24,409 24,444 (35) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/05/03 12/02/03 32,839 32,946 (107) S FED HOME LOAN MTG P 09/16/03 12/03103 76,236 76,660 (424) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 09/05/03 12/03/03 34,972 35,072 (100)s UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/25/03 12/03/03 65,705 66,514 (809) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/10/03 12/03/03 35,055 35,107 (52) S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/05/03 12/04/03 6,290 6,258 32 S US TREASURY BONDS P 09/30/03 12/04/03 6,290 6,517 (227) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/10/03 12/04/03 42,064 42,128 (64) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/02/03 12/04/03 34,052 34,057 (5) S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/03/03 12/08/03 9,041 8,991 50 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/03/03 12/11/03 74,498 74,178 320 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 12/03/03 12/15/03 15,840 15,735 105 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/14/03 12/15/03 34,100 34,061 39 S UNITED STATES TREAS NOTES P 11/21/03 12/15/03 11,061 11,062 (1)s

18,135 S

FNMA REMIC SER 2001 T6 P 02/08/02 02/25/03 58,874 53,473 5,401 L

ACCOUNT 950122-F3

ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES P 11/04/02 02/14/03 811 1,172 (361) S ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES P 11/07/02 02/14/03 879 1,332 (453) S ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISES P 11/25/02 02/14/03 338 556 (218) S MICHAELS STORES, INC P 09/10/02 02/18/03 1,900 3,925 (2,025) S MICHAELS STORES, INC P 09/16/02 02/18/03 1,876 3,825 (1,949) S MICHAELS STORES, INC P 09/24/02 02/18/03 1,055 2,001 (946) S MICHAELS STORES, INC P 11/04/02 02/18/03 821 1,561 (740) S MICHAELS STORES, INC P 11/25/02 02/18/03 2,580 4,022 (1,442) S UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERV P 10/11/02 02/20/03 2,566 3,547 (981) S UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERV P 10/24/02 02/20/03 2,873 4,036 (1,163) S UNIVERSAL HEALTH SERV P 11/04/02 02/20/03 1,341 1,825 (484) S AMAZON.COM P 11/15/02 03/19/03 2,115 1,769 346 S BALL CORP P 07!31/02 03/20/03 4,632 3,634 998 S INTUIT INC, P 10/03/02 03/21/03 6,132 7,211 (1,079) S INTUIT INC, P 10/18/02 03/21/03 2,389 3,027 (638) S INTUIT INC, P 11/04/02 03/21/03 1,195 1,615 (420) S INTUIT INC, P 11/25/02 03/21/03 1,394 1,876 (482) S PACTIV CORP P 05/06/02 03/24/03 2,565 2,818 (253) S YAHOOINC P 10/15/02 03/25/03 5,665 3,487 2,178 S STAPLES INC P 10/14/02 04/02/03 1,509 1,137 372 S PEPSI BOTTLING GRP P 10/11/02 04/09/23 3,897 5,273 (1,376) S PEPSI BOTTLING GRP P 10/11/02 04/11/03 2,643 3,624 (981) S PEPSI BOTTLING GRP P 11/04/02 04111/03 729 1,111 (382) S PEPSI BOTTLING GRP P 11/25/02 04/11/03 1,276 1,866 (590) S YAHOOINC P 10/15/02 04/17/03 525 312 213 S YAHOOINC P 10/23/02 04/17/03 4,850 2,812 2,038 S AMAZON.COM P 11115/02 04/30/03 3,482 2,675 807 S AMAZON COM P 11/25102 04130/03 6,044 5,069 975 S AMAZON COM P 12/10/02 04/30/03 576 432 144 S WHOLE FOODS P 11/04/02 05/01/03 11,034 8,965 2,069 S WHOLE FOODS P 11/25/02 05/01/03 298 259 39 S NEWELL RUBBERMAID P 11/04/02 05/15/03 709 801 (92) S NEW YORK CMNTY P 04107103 05128103 18 16 2 S PACTIV CORP P 07/30/02 06/03/03 2,946 2,897 49 S PACTIV CORP P 11/25/02 06/03/03 2,091 2,221 (130) S YAHOOINC P 10/23/02 06/05/03 1,631 812 819 S YAHOOINC P 11/04/02 06/05/03 2,038 1,193 845 S YAHOOINC P 12131102 06/05103 7,279 4,146 3,131 S PEOPLESOFT INC . P 10/30/02 06/06/03 4,799 4,587 212 S PEOPLESOFT INC . P 10/31/02 06/06/03 3,391 3,293 98 S PEOPLESOFT INC P 11/04/02 06/06/03 278 300 (22) S PEOPLESOFT INC . P 11/25/02 06/06/03 2,965 3,218 (253) S PEOPLESOFT INC . P 05/02103 06106103 2,965 2,663 302 S SAFECO CORP P 11/21/02 06/17/03 4,764 4,719 45 S BEA SYSTEMS P 12/19/02 06/19/03 4,237 4,263 (26) S BEA SYSTEMS P 12/19/02 06/20/03 4,728 4,782 (54) S BROADCOM CORP P 01/05/03 06/23/03 6,401 4,443 1,958 S SAFECO CORP P 11/21102 06I23J03 5,894 6,160 (266) S SAFECO CORP P 11/25/02 06/23/03 1,206 1,262 (56) S NETWORK APPLIANCE INC P 11/25/02 06/25/03 3,022 2,629 393 S BALL CORP P 07/31/02 07/16103 473 470 3 S BALL CORP P 08/07/02 07/16/03 3,225 3,326 (101)s BALL CORP P 11104/02 07116103 2,150 2,446 (296) S BALL CORP P 11/06/02 07/16/03 645 713 (68) S BALL CORP P 11/25/02 07/16/03 860 953 (93) S ECOLAB INC P 08/08/02 07/17/03 9,626 9,354 272 S ECOLAB INC P 11/04/02 07/17/03 1,203 1,207 (4) S ECOLAB INC P 11/25102 07117103 963 1,001 (38) S GILEAD SCIENCES P 08/27/02 07/18/03 3,305 1,712 1,593 S WEIGHT WATCHERS INTL P 11/13/02 07/22/03 7,927 8,462 (535) S WEIGHT WATCHERS INTL P 11/25/02 07/22/03 1,032 1,125 (93) S

WEIGHT WATCHERS INTL P 01/13/03 07/22/03 2,683 2,756 (73) S DOW JONES 8 CO P 04/04/03 07/31/03 8,011 7,088 923 S DOW JONES 8 CO P 04/16/03 07/31/03 4,712 4,295 417 S STRYKER CORP P 02/25/03 08/06/03 10,140 8,795 1,345 S STRYKER CORP P 05/01/03 08/06/03 3,331 2,966 365 S CHARTER ONE FINANCIAL P 11/25/02 08/12/03 1,246 1,210 36 S STAPLES INC P 10/14/02 08/12/03 11,343 8,284 3,059 S STAPLES INC P 11/04/02 08/12/03 875 704 171 S EMULEX CORP P 01/17/03 08/13/03 7,491 6,666 825 S NVIDIACORP P 05/20/03 08/18/03 8,085 9,893 (1,808) S LAUDER ESTEE CO P 01/24/03 08/20/03 7,270 5,778 1,492 S BEST BUY P 03/04/03 08/21/03 14,973 8,400 6,573 S BEST BUY P 04/03/03 08/21/03 5,189 3,101 2,088 S LAUDER ESTEE CO P 01/24/03 08/21/03 4,104 3,302 802 S LAUDER ESTEE CO P 06/24/03 08/21/03 1,489 1,528 (39) S UNIVISION COMM INC P 11/04/02 09/11/03 1,031 831 200 S UNIVISION COMM INC . P 11/25/02 09/11/03 1,203 1,100 103 S NOBLE CORP P 11/12/02 09/16/03 8,477 8,196 281 S NOBLE CORP P 11/25/02 09/16/03 1,340 1,367 (27) S NOBLE CORP P 03/24/03 09/16/03 1,843 1,818 25 S NOBLE CORP P 05/02/03 09/16/03 1,340 1,244 96 S NOBLE CORP P 06/02/03 09/16/03 1,843 1,958 (115)s LAMAR ADVERTISING CO P 11/04/02 09/16/03 2,244 2,569 (325) S LAMAR ADVERTISING CO P 11/25/02 09/16/03 1,923 2,054 (131) S OFFICE DEPOT P 08/20/03 09/18/03 6,539 7,609 (1,070) S OFFICE DEPOT P 08/20/03 09/19/03 2,904 3,413 (509) S OFFICE DEPOT P 08/21/03 09/19/03 2,430 2,888 (458) S BROADCOM CORP P 01/08/03 09/22/03 6,975 4,709 2,266 S BROADCOM CORP P 02/07/03 09/22/03 3,422 1,714 1,708 S BROADCOM CORP P 03/03/03 09/22/03 3,159 1,739 1,420 S BROADCOM CORP P 07/25/03 09/22/03 1,579 1,337 242 S BROADCOM CORP . P 08/05/03 09/22/03 4,870 3,829 1,041 S INTERSIL CORD P 05/02/03 09/22/03 2,879 1,999 880 S In INDUSTRIES P 05/28/03 09/23/03 12,504 12,698 (194) S ITT INDUSTRIES P 09/08/03 09/23/03 4,024 4,204 (180) S JANUS CAP GROUP P 06/30/03 09/25/03 4,480 5,199 (719) S JANUS CAP GROUP P 07/07/03 09/25/03 4,200 5,255 (1,055) S JANUS CAP GROUP P 08/11/03 09/25/03 3,360 4,272 (912) S NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR P 05/14/03 09/25/03 7,839 5,234 2,605 S WELLPOINT HEALTH NW P 11/04/02 09/25/03 3,019 3,170 (151) S BECTON DICKINSON P 02/18/03 09/29/03 6,306 5,764 542 S BECTON DICKINSON P 02/19/03 09/29/03 5,733 5,194 539 S BECTON DICKINSON P 04/02/03 09/29/03 1,971 1,937 34 S BED BATH 8 BEYOND P 11/25/02 09/29/03 970 880 90 S BED BATH & BEYOND P 08/04/03 09/29/03 5,045 5,037 8 S NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR P 05/14/03 09/29/03 6,356 4,443 1,913 S NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR P 06/19/03 09/29/03 2,662 1,788 874 S NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR P 06/23/03 09/29/03 3,993 2,483 1,510 S KLA TENCOR CORP P 11/22/02 09/30/03 5,994 4,943 1,051 S INTERSIL CORP P 05/02/03 10/01/03 3,844 2,912 932 S INTERSIL CORP P 05/08/03 10/01/03 6,280 4,713 1,567 S ALTERA CORP P 11/04/02 10/06/03 2,425 1,825 600 S ALTERA CORP P 11/25/02 10/06/03 269 227 42 S MEDIMMUNE INC P 01/24103 10/07/03 4,785 4,198 587 S COOPER CAMERON P 02/11/03 10/08/03 8,030 8,663 (633) S COOPER CAMERON P 05/01/03 10/08/03 3,381 3,438 (57) S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 06/12/03 10/08/03 4,143 3,972 171 S FISERV INC P 06/13/03 10/08/03 4,265 4,199 66 S COOPER CAMERON P 05/01/03 10/09/03 369 382 (13) S COOPER CAMERON P 06/09/03 10/09/03 2,308 2,610 (302) S NETWORK APPLIANCE INC P 11/25/02 10/14/03 3,938 2,145 1,793 S

NEW YORK CMNTY P 04/07/03 10/14/03 3,636 2,617 1,019 S CHIRON CORP P 08/22/03 10/16/03 7,044 6,233 811 S ]VAX CORP P 06/26/03 10/17/03 4,776 4,448 328 S IvAX CORP P 07/01/03 10/17/03 6,655 6,065 590 S ]VAX CORP P 08/13/03 10/17/03 4,502 4,476 26 S CHIRON CORD P 08/22/03 10/21/03 2,280 2,045 235 S CHIRON CORP P 09/02/03 10/21/03 6,396 5,795 601 S MONSTER WORLDWIDE P 09/15/03 10/21/03 4,427 4,756 (329) S MONSTER WORLDWIDE P 09/23/03 10/21/03 5,659 6,235 (576) S FISERV INC P 06/13/03 10/27/03 6,088 6,609 (521) S FISERV INC P 06/13/03 10/28/03 2,559 2,702 (143) S FISERV INC P 08/05/03 10/28/03 3,630 4,052 (422) S STARWOOD HOTELS P 10/01/03 11/03/03 6,994 7,433 (439) S STARWOOD HOTELS P 10/15/03 11/03/03 3,362 3,675 (313) S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 06/12/03 11/11/03 1,103 1,059 44 S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 06/16/03 11/11/03 6,202 5,891 311 S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 07/15/03 11/11/03 103 107 (4) S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 07/15/03 11/12/03 2,002 2,041 (39) S DOLLAR TREE STORES P 08/01/03 11/12/03 4,039 4,248 (209) S MEDIMMUNE INC P 01/24/03 11/13/03 4,305 4,806 (501) S MEDIMMUNE INC P 02/25/03 11/13/03 1,815 2,009 (194) S MEDIMMUNE INC P 08/01/03 11/13/03 2,464 3,691 (1,227) S APPLECOMPUTER P 10/07/03 11/19/03 4,603 5,090 (487) S SANMINA SCIENCE P 06/06/03 11/24/03 1,590 877 713 S APPLECOMPUTER P 10/07/03 11/26/03 5,487 6,085 (598) S NEW YORK CMNTY P 04/07/03 12/04/03 2,654 1,665 989 S YUM BRANDS INC P 07/09/03 12/04/03 2,257 1,965 292 S SANMINASCIENCE P 06/06/03 12/05/03 3,508 1,911 1,597 S WILLIAMS SONOMA P 06/25/03 12/05/03 2,380 2,091 289 S PETSMART INC P 09/16/03 12/08/03 3,984 4,246 (262) S INFINEON TECH P 07/17/03 12/09/03 4,018 3,427 591 S INFINEON TECH P 07/17/03 12/10/03 4,075 3,559 516 S HASBRO INC P 10/03/03 12/11/03 3,483 3,556 (73) S HASBRO INC P 10/06/03 12/11/03 7,224 7,459 (235) S PETSMART INC . P 09/16/03 12/11/03 5,795 6,042 (247) S INFINEON TECH P 07/17/03 12/12/03 4,350 3,726 624 S INFINEON TECH P 09/03/03 12/12/03 3,974 3,998 (24) S WILLIAMS SONOMA P 06125/03 12/15/03 2,954 2,539 415 S INGERSOLL BAND P 08/20/03 12/16/03 8,336 7,226 1,110 S ADOBE SYSTEMS P 09/25/03 12/16/03 3,311 3,541 (230) S BARR PHARMACEUTICALS P 06/30/03 12/16/03 5,823 5,247 576 S BARR PHARMACEUTICALS P 07/17/03 12/16/03 1,092 963 129 S BELO CORP P 10/09/03 12/16/03 5,043 4,648 395 S BELO CORP P 10/16/03 12/16/03 390 369 21 S CDW CORP P 09/24/03 12/16/03 4,445 4,480 (35) S CIRCUIT CITY STORES P 09/16/03 12/16/03 5,763 5,576 187 S COCA COLA ENT P 09/22/03 12/16/03 5,830 5,071 759 S COCA COLA ENT P 09/23/03 12/16/03 990 874 116 S COMVERSE TECH P 10/06/03 12/16/03 4,876 4,884 (8) S COORS A CO P 10/16/03 12/16/03 4,307 4,190 117 S CORNING INC . P 09/17/03 12/16/03 4,780 4,315 465 S CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR P 11/18/03 12/16/03 4,933 5,479 (546) S FOUNDRY NETWORKS P 12/08/03 12/16/03 3,451 3,646 (195) S MANOR CARE P 09/29/03 12/16/03 5,171 4,579 592 S MANPOWER INC P 10/28/03 12/16/03 2,728 2,731 (3) S MOHAWK INDUSTRIES P 09/22/03 12/16/03 4,501 4,833 (332) S NEW YORK CMN7Y P 04/07/03 12/16/03 5,981 3,806 2,175 S PMC SIERRA P 10/13/03 12/16/03 4,672 4,040 632 S PACCAR INC . P 08/21/03 12/16/03 4,087 4,338 (251) S PHARMACEUTICAL RESOURCES P 10/02/03 12/16/03 4,859 5,030 (171) S PROVIDIAN FINANCIAL P 06/04/03 12/16/03 3,905 3,297 608 S

6,752 L

RF MICRO DEVICES P 10/09/03 12/16/03 2,964 3,445 (481) S ROHMBHAAS P 11/06/03 12/16/03 6,209 5,951 258 S SPX CORD P 11/18/03 12/16/03 5,828 5,110 718 S SANMINA SCIENCE P 06/06/03 12/16/03 4,922 2,631 2,291 S STAPLES INC P 09/25/03 12/16/03 4,249 4,192 57 S STARBUCKS CORD P 09/25/03 12/16/03 4,317 4,048 269 S SYMANTEC CORP P 09/24/03 12/16/03 5,014 4,999 15 S SYMBOL TECHNOL P 12/15/03 12/16/03 2,432 2,447 (15) S TJX COMPANIES P 08/25/03 12/16/03 5,432 5,302 130 S TERADYNE INC P 12/01/03 12/16/03 3,929 4,404 (475) S VERISIGN INC P 09/09/03 12/16/03 5,563 5,656 (93) S VERISIGN INC P 09/15/03 12/16/03 31 31 - S WATSON PHARM P 11/20/03 12/16/03 4,207 4,340 (133) S WILLIAMS SONOMA P 06/25/03 12/16/03 4,742 4,330 412 S YUM BRANDS ANC P 07/09/03 12/16/03 6,331 5,745 586 S ZIMMER HLDGS INC, P 09/29/03 12/16/03 5,693 4,739 954 S CIRCUIT CITY STORES P 09/16/03 12/17/03 5,192 5,457 (265) S CIRCUIT CITY STORES P 10/28/03 12/17/03 1,391 1,313 78 S CORNING INC . P 09/17/03 12N9/03 1,494 1,327 167 S CORNING INC . P 09/30/03 12/19/03 5,173 4,653 520 S CORNING INC . P 10/14/03 12/19/03 1,829 1,951 (122) S COMVERSE TECH P 10/06/03 12/31/03 720 703 17 S COMVERSE TECH P 10/07/03 12/31/03 4,547 4,388 159 S

36,635 S

BIOVAILCORP P 01/30/02 03/20/03 982 1,083 (101) L ALLERGAN INC P 01/30/02 04/04/03 8,725 8,271 454 L CLOROX CO P 01/30/02 05/12/03 10,156 9,641 515 L NEWELL RUBBERMAID P 03/07/02 05/15/03 8,423 9,610 (1,187) L NEWELL RUBBERMAID P 04/15/02 05/15/03 2,269 2,570 (301) L BIOVAIL CORP P 01/30/02 06/02/03 6,251 5,632 619 L PACTIV CORP P 05/06/02 06/02/03 5,929 6,898 (969) L PACTIV CORP P 05/06/02 06/03/03 836 992 (156) L BIOVAIL CORP P 01/30/02 06/12/03 6,420 5,632 788 L BIOVAIL CORP P 03/13102 06/12/03 3,210 3,172 38 L BIOVAIL CORP P 05/23/02 06/12/03 4,198 3,035 1,163 L AL7ERA CORD P 01/30/02 07/16/03 917 1,224 (307) L CHARTER ONE FINCL P 01/30/02 08/12/03 8,844 7,982 862 L CHARTER ONE FINCL P 02/19/02 08/12/03 2,616 2,320 296 L ALTERA CORP P 01/30/02 08/25/03 2,866 3,181 (315) L AMERISOURCEBERGEN P 01/30/02 09/02/03 11,728 12,430 (702) L UNIVISION COMM P 01/30/02 09/11/03 11,684 11,166 518 L LAMARADVERTISING P 04/29/02 09/15/03 7,773 10,604 (2,831) L LAMAR ADVERTISING P 04/29/02 09/16/03 1,827 2,467 (640) L ALTERACORP P 01/30/02 09/23/03 4,620 5,383 (763) L JABIL CIRCUIT P 01/30/02 09/25/03 8,216 6,743 1,473 L WELLPOINT HEALTH P 08/15/02 09/25/03 9,888 9,760 128 L BED BATH 8 BEYOND P 08/13/02 09/29/03 12,728 10,007 2,721 L ALTERA CORP P 01/30/02 10/06/03 4,849 6,607 (1,758) L ALTERA CORP P 02/11/02 10/06/03 2,155 2,848 (693) L ALTERA CORP P 02/28/02 10/06/03 2,245 2,430 (185) L GILEAD SCIENCES P 08/27/02 12/16/03 6,219 3,767 2,452 L GILEAD SCIENCES P 09/03/02 12/16/03 6,785 3,717 3,068 L JABIL CIRCUIT P 01/30/02 12/16/03 4,712 3,915 797 L KLATENCORCORP P 11/22/02 12/16/03 5,055 3,911 1,144 L KLATENCORCORP P 11/25/02 12/16/03 222 175 47 L NETWORK APPLIANCE INC P 11/25/02 12/16/03 2,099 1,522 577 L

TOTAL 112,721

FIFTH THIRD BANK D 02/23/99 11/05/03 58,577 FIFTH THIRD BANK D 02/23/99 12/30/03 35,086



51,205 7,372 L 30,723 4,363 L

99,384 13,337

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