opentaps dev. guide

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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Opentaps Technical Reference

ContentsTechnical Reference

1. Developer Documentation 2. Tips and Tricks 3. API and Technical Design Reference

Recommended ReadingThese documents are for developers who plan on customizing or extending opentaps

1. Developer Documentation Ofbiz framework tutorials and Training Video Importing Data with Dataimport

In this technical reference document, we will cover the standard approach to importing data from external sources. Everything you need for this can be found in the dataimport module in hot-deploy.

Opentaps Data Import StrategyThe goal of the Data Import module is not to build a set of data import tools

against a particular "standard," but rather to recognize that each organization has legacy or external data in its own unique format. Therefore, the Data Import module is a set of flexible tools which you can use as a reference point for setting up your own custom import and export. The existing services and entities can be used "as is" or with little modification if your data happens to be similar, or you can add to and extend them if you have additional data.

The Data Import module sets up "bridge entities" which are de-normalized and laid out in a way that is similar to most applications' data definitions. There are no foreign key relationships to any other opentaps entity, so any data could be imported into them. You would use your own database's import tools to import records into the bridge entities. Then, you would run one of the Data Import module's import services to transform the data in the bridge entities into the opentaps system. The Data Import services all follow a common standard:

Each row of data in a bridge entity is wrapped in its own transaction when it is imported and succeeds or fails on its own.

When a row of data in a bridge entity is imported successfully, the importStatusId field will be set to DATAIMP_IMPORTED

If the import failed for the row, the status will be DATAIMP_FAILED and the importError field will contain any error messages.

Import FrameworkTo support this pattern, we have created a simple and extensible import

framework. All the difficult details about setting up an import, starting transactions and handling errors are encapsulated into the OpentapsImporter class. Additionally, we

have an interface called an ImportDecoder which is responsible for processing a single row from the bridge entity and mapping it onto a set of Opentaps Entities. When used properly, you will be able to focus the majority of your development on the problem of mapping the import data into the opentaps model. You will also be able to take advantage of polymorphism to re-use common mapping patterns or customize existing ones for the particularities of your data. Overview of Import ProcessA brief outline of the import process is as follows, Break your original data into a set of suitably de-normalized CSV files. For example, put all your customer data in one CSV and all your product data in another. The goal here is to minimize the amount of data manipulation. This will be handled in the import service. For each CSV file, create an Opentaps Import Entity (i.e., the bridge table) that has the same fields as the CSV. Add three more fields for use by the import system: importStatusId, importError, and processedTimestamp Import your CSV data into this table using standard SQL procedures for your database Define a transactionless opentaps service that will execute your import (use-transaction="false") You may wish to implement the opentapsImporterInterface service, which defines parameters to control the way the import runs Create an implementation of ImportDecoder, which requires a decode() method In the decode() method, you are passed a row from the bridge entity. Use the row data to create the equivalent set of opentaps entities. If there are problems that should cause the row to not be imported, throw any kind of exception. The exception message will be stored in importError All operations in decode() will be rolled back if an exception is thrown. Return a list of opentaps entities to persist, they will be done in one update operation for efficiency. In the service implementation, create an instance of OpentapsImporter Specify the name of your Opentaps Import Entity in the constructor Specify the ImportDecoder that you just created Run the import by calling opentapsImporter.runImport() Domain Driven Architecture

Domain Driven ArchitectureOne problem with early versions of opentaps is that the ofbiz framework which we used is not an object-oriented framework. Instead, it is based on a data model which is fundamentally relational, and that data model is accessed via a map-like Java object called GenericValue. Most of the services in the business tier used a GenericDelegator to retrieve GenericValues from the database, performed operations on them, and then stored them back into the database again using the same GenericDelegator. While this lightweight architecture could do a lot of things, as opentaps grew it became apparent that some of the application could significantly benefit from an object-oriented architecture. A few months ago, we started down this path and thought about how to write more object-oriented code with the ofbiz framework. More recently, after reading

about Domain Driven Design and Domain Driven Design Quickly, we realized that what we really needed was not just object-oriented code, but rather a more formal classification of our business logic into domains. This document explains what domain driven architecture is, how we have implemented it, and how it could help you structure your code.

Contents[hide]1 What is Domain Driven Design? 2 Why Domain Driven Design? 3 Terminology 4 How Domain Driven Design is Implemented 4.1 Entity 4.2 Infrastructure 4.3 Factory 4.4 Repository 4.5 Repositories or Factories? 4.6 Services 4.7 Exceptions 4.8 Specifications 5 An Example Using Domains 6 Putting It All Together

What is Domain Driven Design?The basic idea behind a domain is to group together all the "domain expertise," or business knowledge, of an application and separate it from the application and its infrastructure. It is a different way of thinking about how to organize large software applications and complements the popular Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, which we also use in opentaps. With the Model View Controller architecture, the application's user interface (View) is separated from its business logic (Model), and a Controller directs requests from the view layer to the relevant business logic found in the model layer. The advantage of doing this is that the same business logic could then be reused elsewhere, either in another page in the view layer or as part of other business logic in the model layer. MVC, however, doesn't really say how your model should be structured. Should it be object-oriented, or should it all be written in procedural languages or just SQL? Should they reside in separate components and packages, or could you just have one big file, which has all of your business logic? The domain driven design answers this question by separating the model layer ("M") of MVC into an application tier, a domain tier, and an infrastructure tier. The infrastructure tier is used to retrieve and store data. The domain tier is where the business knowledge or expertise is. The application tier is responsible for coordinating the infrastructure and domain tiers to make a useful application. Typically, it would use the infrastructure tier to obtain the data, consult the domain tier to see what should be done, and then use the infrastructure tier again to achieve the results. For example, let's say that you wanted to assess late charges on all of your customers' outstanding invoices. MVC would tell you that your application should have a screen

which shows you a list of outstanding invoices, and when the user says "Assess Late Charges", the controller would pass the users' input parameters to business logic in the model tier to do the dirty work of assessing those late charges. With a domain driven design, we would look more deeply at what that dirty work actually involved. The application tier would call upon the infrastructure tier to retrieve all the invoices which may get assessed charges. Then, it would present that list of invoices to the domain tier, which has the business expertise to say "Should this invoice get charged?" and if so "How much should this invoice get charged?" The domain tier would then return the late charges for each invoice to the application tier. The application tier would then call on the infrastructure tier again to store the late charges into the database. Why Domain Driven Design?Why do we want to do all this? You will be able to work with opentaps more easily The first and most obvious benefit of domain driven design is that it helps us organize our application into natural domains, so you don't have to come in contact with all the 800+ tables in opentaps and the over 1,200 services that support them. For example, a domain driven design would allow us to break an application down into a few large domains, such as Customer, Order, and Invoice, and hide all the details within each of those domains from developers who don't need to work with them. Thus, if you are working on the Order domain, you may need to know a little bit about a Customer, such as his home address, shipping addresses, payment methods, but you don't really need to know all the tables used to track the relationship of customer information and their histories. A related advantage is that it allows us to separate business tier expertise from infrastructure expertise. Thus, if you are working primarily with implementing business processes, you can write code which basically work with the different domains. You'll be happy to leave the database to somebody whose job is working on the infrastructure tier, and who's probably glad not to have to worry about your business processes. You will be able to extend opentaps more easily Imagine that you worked in an industry or a company that had customers, but they did some special things for their customers that most other companies don't. With an object-oriented domain driven design, you will be able to extend the existing Customer domain objects from opentaps with new methods specific to your industry or company, while still using everything from the opentaps Customer. You will be able to use opentaps in novel ways A potentially more valuable advantage is that domain driven design gets us closer to a plug-and-play application. Imagine again that your application is broken down into the Customer and Order domains, so that the Order domain interacts with customer information only through the Customer domain. What if you wanted to use the opentaps order entry and order management tool with another CRM application, like SugarCRM or With good domain separation, it would be a matter of just implementing the Customer domain objects used by the Order domain to call the new CRM application. Alternatively, if you wanted to use opentaps CRM with a legacy order management system, you could implement the Order domain objects used by the Customer domain in opentaps.

Finally, by separating out the domain tier of business knowledge from the infrastructure tier, it also allows us to deploy opentaps on a different infrastructure tier later as well. For example, instead of using the entity engine, you could use Hibernate or even the Google storage API instead. This frees your application from lock-in to a particular framework. If these advantages sound familiar, they should be. They are in fact the advantages of encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance of object oriented programming. Domain driven design is essentially a practice for realizing those advantages in a large-scale application. TerminologyNow let's look at some of the terminology used by Domain Driven Design, which will serve as our starting point: Domain is a body of business expertise. For example, you might have a domain of all business expertise about customers -- who is responsible for them, what prices they should get, how to contact them, etc. Entity is an object which has a distinct identity. For example, a Customer entity has a distinct identity with an ID. Value Object is an object which has no distinct identity. For example, the color of a product does not have a distinct identity if you think the "blue" of two blue shirts are the same thing. Aggregate is a higher level entity which could be viewed from the outside and in turn links you to other entities and value objects. For example, Customer might be an aggregate, so you can view Customer from Orders, Invoices, etc., but a Customer's addresses and phone numbers should only be retrieved by going through Customer first. Infrastructure is where the lower level infrastructure of your application is available. For example, it would provide you with the ability to access databases, remote web services, etc. Factory is used to create Entities. For example, a Factory might create an Invoice entity (and its related entities and value objects) from an Order entity. Repository is used to retrieve, store, and delete Entities from the database. For example, a Repository might help you store the Invoice (and related entities) your Factory created and then bring them back from the database. Service is business logic that involves several domain Entities or Aggregates. For example, creating Invoices from Orders is a service. How Domain Driven Design is ImplementedWhen we started to implement the domain driven design, we faced a common issue for many developers: How could we need true to the spirit of a domain driven design, but at the same time live with our existing framework and code base? What we did is first implement a set of foundation classes in* to support the Entity, Repository, Inrastructure, Factory, and Service concepts under the ofbiz framework. For each of these, we implemented an interface, and then we implemented a specific version for the ofbiz framework. Thus, we have the following interfaces: **

***, for each of these we implemented a version for the ofbiz framework: ***** of these is designed to map legacy code from ofbiz and ofbiz-based portions of opentaps into the concepts of the domain driven design: EntityThe Entity object is a Java class equivalent for ofbiz GenericValues. There is a package of entity classes which are automatically generated for each entity defined by the entitymodel XMLs, including all the original ofbiz applications, the opentaps applications, and any of your own custom applications which extend existing entities or add new ones. You can use than base entities as they are, converting back and forth between the GenericValue or Java Maps, or you can extend the base entities with additional methods that encapsulate business logic. For example, there is an Invoice base entity class with fields such as invoiceId, invoiceDate, referenceNumber and accessor method such as getInvoiceId(), setInvoiceId(String invoiceId), etc. Then, there is an Invoice class in the billing domain which extends the base Invoice class and has methods such as getInvoiceTotal(), getAppliedAmount(), etc. InfrastructureThe Infrastructure class is a global directory of infrastructure resources, such as database access connections, located across all the frameworks and platforms of opentaps. Initially, it can be used to obtain the delegator and dispatcher of the ofbiz framework, but as more applications are added to opentaps, it will also return the infrastructure their frameworks require, including JDBC connections or hibernate session factories. These infrastructure resources are passed to the Repository and the Factory classes so that they can interact with the database and external Web services. Part of the infrastructure package is the User class, which constructs a cross-framework user object that can be used by all the different applications and their frameworks. For example, you can create a User from the ofbiz UserLogin GenericValue, or you will also be able to create Users from legacy or external applications, kerberos tokens, or LDAP and returned their ofbizUserLogin. Note that this User class is not an extension of the UserLogin base entity class. The UserLogin class is designed to model user logins as data, whereas the User classes designed to pass user authentication between applications. FactoryThe Factory class is designed to create Entity objects based on other parameters. For example, you might want to create an Invoice Entity based on customer and invoice terms, or you might want to create an Invoice Entity based on an existing Order, taking its customer and list of items as a starting point. The Factory class is meant to be

extended to create Factories for the different domain aggregates such as Invoice, Customer, Order, etc. Under the ofbiz framework, the Factory often needs to use legacy services. Note that this is an interesting issue: in a classic domain driven design, the Factory would create the Entity as pure objects, and then the Repository would be responsible for storing them to the database. Such separation of roles is not present in the ofbiz framework, however, where virtually every service would access the database, create new data, and then store it back into the database. Thus, to reuse these existing services, our Factories sometimes end up storing the objects to the database first by calling an ofbiz service, then retrieve them again and return them as Entity objects. RepositoryThe Repository is designed to help retrieve and store Entities and is meant to be extended for the major Entities, so the foundation Repository should be extended to CustomerRepository, InvoiceRepository, and OrderRepository to support Customer, Invoice, and Order Entities. For the ofbiz framework, the preferred way to retrieve and store data could either use the service dispatcher or the delegator. Therefore, the Repository could be instantiated either with the delegator alone or with the delegator, dispatcher, and user login. The Repository should offer a set of methods for retrieving or persisting its related Entity and then either use the delegator or call the service to do it. As a good design pattern, a repository should fetch objects directly and not associations. The modeling details of a particular implementation should be hidden from the domain. As an example, the repository should expose methods such as getPostalAddress() and getPhoneNumber() while the association tables PartyContactMech and InvoiceContactMech are dealt with within the implementation of these methods. Repositories or Factories?Since almost all legacy ofbiz services store values into the database, it may not be clear at first which one you should use. Remember that Factories are intended to create new Entity objects, while Repositories are intended to retrieve and store them. Therefore, we would follow the following rules for Factories and Repositories: Use Factories for create and Repositories for get and store Always return the domain's Entity object from your Factory, so it looks like a real object Factory Factories will almost always use the service dispatcher, whereas Repositories will usually use the dispatcher but may sometimes use the delegator ServicesServices are designed to encapsulate business logic that span multiple Entities, such creating Invoice from an Order. With the opentaps Service foundation, you can create your services as plain Java objects (POJOs), similar to the Spring framework or JBoss Seam. When your services object is instantiated, it will be created with Infrastructure, a User object, and the locale. From these objects, you can obtain the ofbiz framework's delegator, dispatcher, and UserLogin GenericValue. The Service foundation class also can load the domains directory (see below) for you, and this is done automatically if you use the POJO Service Engine. Parameters for your service are passed into your service via set methods, the execution of your services via a void method, errors are

propagated by exceptions, and the results of your service are passed back via get methods. This is in contrast to the ofbiz framework, where services are defined as static Java methods (don't ever write one in minilang!), the parameters are passed in a map, the results and any error messages are returned in a map. Because these services are Java objects, we follow the convention to group services with similar parameters together into one class. For example, all services which create Invoices from Order should be in one class, and all services which create Invoices from Shipment should be in another. This allows them to share set and get methods without having one service class which is too long. What domain should a service be a part of? By convention, we recommend that the service is part of the domain of its output, so all services which create Invoices should be part of the Invoice domain, whether the invoices are created from orders, shipments, or recurring agreements. ExceptionsAll exceptions should be implemented as subclasses of, which is a base class that in its turn extends the ofbiz GeneralException class. EntityException, ServiceException, RepositoryException, InfrastructureException, and FactoryException all extend the base FoundationException class. You can in turn implement specific exceptions which subclass these general exceptions. The FoundationException class can be instantiated with an exception message or another exception. It allows you to set a locale, a message UI label, and a Map context for the message UI label: throw new ServiceException("Service failed"); throw new ServiceException("OpentapsErorLabel", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId), locale);The FoundationException class's getMessage() method has been overridden to expand the UI label with the context map and the locale. It also allows you to set your error message in one level in your code and then localize it at a higher level once the locale is known. For example, in your repository, you can throw a not found exception without setting the locale, and then the POJO Service Engine will catch that exception and automatically localize it: // in repository: throw new EntityNotFoundException("OpentapsErrorLabel", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId));

// POJOJavaEngine ... catch (Throwable t) { if (t instanceof FoundationException) { (FoundationException) t.setLocale(locale); return ServiceUtil.returnError(t.getMessage()); }Finally, the FoundationException class allows you to set whether your exception requires a global rollback or not. By default, exceptions do require rollback, but you can turn it off with setRequiresRollback: ServiceException ex = new ServiceException(...);

ex.setRequiresRollback(false);Setting requires rollback to false will cause the POJO Service Engine to use ServiceUtil.returnFailure instead of ServiceUtil.returnError. This will cause the service to return an error message, but it will not cause the other services in a chain to abort. You can also use the requires rollback flag for your own exception management. SpecificationsMost developers know that they should not use literal strings in their code. For example, we all feel that it would be bad to write code like this: if (order.getStatusId().equals("ORDER_APPROVED")) { // .... }Our first reaction is always to define a file of string literals, and then reuse the predefined literals: public static final String ORDER_APPROVED = "ORDER_APPROVED"; //... if (order.getStatusId().equals(ORDER_APPROVED)) { // ... }This is nice: now, the compiler will be able to check if our status IDs are correct, and if somebody decides to change the ID code, all we have to do is change in one place. But inevitably, we run into other problems with this kind of code. Somebody might decide that instead of having one state called approved, we want to have several states, like: approved, in production, pending shipment, etc. that have the same meaning as being approved. Later, somebody else might want to have more complicated logic: an order might considered approved if it is either in the approved state or does not contain certain hazardous materials and is in the in production or pending shipment state, for example. Now we'll have to change all our code again. A developer's job is never done! The main problem we all face is one of logic: most ERP software, like opentaps, operate on a set of data in one logical state (i.e., orders that are approved) and transform them into other data and other logical states (i.e., invoices that are created.) The problem is that these logical states are usually denoted as strings in a database field, but they are sometimes much more subtle and complex in real life. Thus, we developers are lulled into thinking that all logical states can be modeled as literal strings. This usually works, but in those 10% of the cases when it's not the case, our code is usually not well structured enough to deal with it. The solution is to avoid using string literals. Instead, separate the logical checking code of a domain into a separate class, so that it can be modified as needed. This is the role for Specifications: defining literal values and logical states. In practice, we recommend having one Specification class for each domain. For example, for the order domain, there should be an OrderSpecification class and a corresponding interface. Because in practice specifications are usually closely related to the way data is modeled in your database, we have kept it linked through the Repository class of each domain. Thus, to get the OrderSpecification, use its repository: OrderRepositoryInterface orderRepository = orderDomain.getOrderRepository(); OrderSpecificationInterface orderSpecification = orderRepository.getOrderSpecification();

We have also found the following best practices to be helpful when implementing specifications: If you need to check whether a condition is true or not, implement Boolean methods in the specifications, which your domain objects can use, rather than using literal strings directly in the domain objects. For example, instead of: if (orderSpecification.ORDER_APPROVED.equals(order.getOrderStatusId())) use: if (orderSpecification.isApproved(order))If you need to get certain values from your specification for other purposes, get lists of values instead of string literals. For example, if you need to get OrderRole objects related to an order in the role of customer, instead of implementing a literal like orderSpecification.BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ROLE, implement a method which returns a list of potential roles: orderSpecification.billToCustomerRoleTypeIds. You can then use the SQL IN operator to retrieve parties in all possible bill to customer roles and thus not be constrained to use only one potential role. In both cases, by abstracting logical states and by making type codes more general-purpose, your code will be able to handle changing requirements much more easily. An Example Using DomainsNow let's consider an example. Suppose we want to create an invoice for all the order items which are not physical products and which have been marked as performed (See Fulfilling Orders for Services.) Using the ofbiz framework, we would first define a service: <service name="opentaps.invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems" engine="java" location="com.opensourcestrategies.financials.invoice.InvoiceServices" invoke="invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems"> <description>Creates an invoice from the non-physical items on the order. It will invoice from the status in the orderItemStatusId, or if it is not supplied, default to ITEM_PERFORMED. After the invoice is created, it will attempt to change the items' status to ITEM_COMPLETE.</description> <attribute name="orderId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/> <attribute name="orderItemStatusId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="true"/> <attribute name="invoiceId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/> </service>Then, we would create a static Java method for the service: public static Map invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) { LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); GenericValue userLogin = (GenericValue) context.get("userLogin"); Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");

String orderId = (String) context.get("orderId"); String orderItemStatusId = (String) context.get("orderItemStatusId");

try { // validate that the order actually exists and get list of non-physical

GenericValue order = delegator.findByPrimaryKey("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId)); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(order)) { return ServiceUtil.returnError("Order [" + orderId + "] not found"); }

// set default item status if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(orderItemStatusId)) { Debug.logInfo("No status specified when invoicing non-physical items on order [" + orderId + "], using ITEM_PERFORMED", module); orderItemStatusId = "ITEM_PERFORMED"; }

// get the non-physical items which have been performed List<GenericValue> orderItems = order.getRelatedByAnd("OrderItem", UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", orderItemStatusId)); List<GenericValue> itemsToInvoice = new ArrayList(); for (GenericValue orderItem:orderItems) { if (!UtilOrder.isItemPhysical(orderItem)) { itemsToInvoice.add(orderItem); } }

// check if there are items to invoice if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(itemsToInvoice)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError("OpentapsError_PerformedItemsToInvoiceNotFound", locale, module ); }

// create a new invoice for the order items Map tmpResult = dispatcher.runSync("createInvoiceForOrder", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "billItems", itemsToInvoice, "userLogin", userLogin), 7200, false); // no new transaction if (ServiceUtil.isError(tmpResult)) { return tmpResult; }

// change the status of the order items to COMPLETED for (GenericValue orderItem:itemsToInvoice) { tmpResult = dispatcher.runSync("changeOrderItemStatus", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderItem.getString("orderId"), "orderItemSeqId", orderItem.getString("orderItemSeqId"), "statusId", "ITEM_COMPLETED", "userLogin", userLogin)); // return invoiceId of new invoice created

String invoiceId = (String) tmpResult.get("invoiceId");

tmpResult = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); tmpResult.put("invoiceId", invoiceId); return tmpResult; } catch (GeneralException e) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError(e, module); } }So what's there not to love about this code? It is closely tied to the database. Even though there's not a single line of SQL here, you have to know that orders are stored in "OrderHeader", and that it is related to "OrderItem", and that there are fields like statusId. You also have to use the string literals for status, like ITEM_COMPLETED, ITEM_PERFORMED, etc. This method depends on things spread out in different parts of the application, like the UtilOrder class and the createInvoiceForOrder and changeOrderItemStatus services. This code is completely dependent on the ofbiz framework's GenericValue, entity engine delegator, and local dispatcher. Static Java methods like this, while easier to work with than minilang, do not enjoy the benefits of real object-oriented programming. In other words, for somebody to write this code, they have to know a lot about the framework, the data model, and the application tier. Here's a re-write of the everything inside the try ... catch block using the domain driven design: // validate that the order actually exists and get list of non-physical OrderRepository orderRepository = new OrderRepository(new Infrastructure(dispatcher), userLogin)); Order order = orderRepository.getOrderById(orderId); if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(orderItemStatusId)) { Debug.logInfo("No status specified when invoicing non-physical items on order [" + orderId + "], using [" + OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED + "]", module); orderItemStatusId = OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED; } List<GenericValue> itemsToInvoice = order.getNonPhysicalItemsForStatus(orderItemStatusId);

// check if there are items to invoice if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(itemsToInvoice)) { return UtilMessage.createAndLogServiceError("OpentapsError_PerformedItemsToInvoiceNotFound", locale, module ); }

// create a new invoice for the order items

Map tmpResult = dispatcher.runSync("createInvoiceForOrder", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "billItems", itemsToInvoice, "userLogin", userLogin), 7200, false); // no new transaction if (ServiceUtil.isError(tmpResult)) { return tmpResult; }

// change the status of the order items to COMPLETED order.setItemsStatus(itemsToInvoice, OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED); // return invoiceId of new invoice created String invoiceId = (String) tmpResult.get("invoiceId");

tmpResult = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); tmpResult.put("invoiceId", invoiceId); return tmpResult;This code is the programming equivalent of the missing link: it has many features of the old code, but a few important differences as well. What we have done is push everything related to orders to the Order Entity object, its OrderRepository, and OrderSpecification. We don't care where the order came from, how we can get the items of an order, or even how the status codes of an order are defined any more, because those are all responsibilities of the Order domain objects. (Even the validation that an order was obtained is handled by the OrderRepository, which will throw a RepositoryException if nothing is found from orderId.) We are also no longer tied to the delegator, although the Order domain may itself require the delegator. (The casting of itemsToInvoice to GenericValue is vestigal -- remember that our Entity object extends GenericValue, and a specific Java object may in turn extend Entity.) We are, however, still tied to the createInvoiceForOrder service and the ofbiz service engine. That will have to wait until the next evolutionary step (which happened the next day). Using the Service class from above, we can implement a POJO version of this service: public class OrderInvoicingService extends Service {

private static final String module = OrderInvoicingService.class.getName();

protected String orderId = null; protected String invoiceId = null; // by default, non-physical order items in this state will be invoiced protected String statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice = OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED;

public OrderInvoicingService(Infrastructure infrastructure, User user, Locale locale) throws ServiceException { super(infrastructure, user, locale); }

public void setOrderId(String orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; }

public String getInvoiceId() { return this.invoiceId; }

/** * Set the status id of non-physical order items to be invoiced by invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems, or * OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED will be used * @param statusId */ public void setStatusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice(String statusId) { if (statusId != null) { statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice = statusId; } }

public void invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems() throws ServiceException { try { // validate that the order actually exists and get list of non-physical OrderRepository orderRepository = new OrderRepository(new Infrastructure(dispatcher), user); Order order = orderRepository.getOrderById(orderId); List<GenericValue> itemsToInvoice = order.getNonPhysicalItemsForStatus(statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice);

// check if there are items to invoice if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(itemsToInvoice)) { // TODO: Fix localization of errors throw new ServiceException("OpentapsError_PerformedItemsToInvoiceNotFound"); }

// create a new invoice for the order items // because of the way createInvoiceForOrder is written (665 lines of code!) we'd have to do some re-factoring before we can add the items to an existing invoice Map tmpResult = getDispatcher().runSync("createInvoiceForOrder", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "billItems", itemsToInvoice, "userLogin", user), 7200, false); // no new transaction if (ServiceUtil.isError(tmpResult)) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(tmpResult)); }

// change the status of the order items to COMPLETED order.setItemsStatus(itemsToInvoice, OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED);

// set the invoiceId of new invoice created this.invoiceId = (String) tmpResult.get("invoiceId"); } catch (GeneralException ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex) ; } }

}Then, the original Java static method simply has to pass the parameters to it, execute the method in the OrderInvoicingService, get its result, and pass it back. Here's the content of that try ... catch block again: OrderInvoicingService invoicingService = new OrderInvoicingService(new Infrastructure(dispatcher), new User(userLogin), locale); invoicingService.setOrderId(orderId); invoicingService.setStatusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice(orderItemStatusId); invoicingService.invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems();

Map tmpResult = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess(); tmpResult.put("invoiceId", invoicingService.getInvoiceId());

Congratulations! Now your business logic is a POJO. You can add annotations, use dependency injection with it, and use it with other Java frameworks now. (Is this how that missing link felt, seeing all those primordial forests for the first time?) Your service is using a legacy ofbiz service "createInvoiceForOrder" still through its getDispatcher() method, but that's not so bad. If you want to use an ofbiz service, you should use its dispatcher. In this example, however, you still had to write a static Java method for your service, because you are using the ofbiz static Java method service engine. With the POJO Service Engine, however, that is no longer necessary, and you can remove the code in and call OrderInvoicingServices.invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems() directly. A final round of enhancements used the base entities instead of GenericValues and the domains directory to load the order domain and the order repository, so this order invoicing service could function independent of the order management system. See POJO Service Engine for the code sample. Putting It All TogetherNow, let's see how we could put all this together to create applications around the domain driven architecture. As we discussed before, related data Entities could be grouped together as an Aggregate, which will have related Factories, Repositories, and Services. For example, an aggregate of concepts related to invoicing might include the Invoice, InvoiceItem, InvoiceStatus, InvoiceContactMech, InvoiceAttribute entities as

well as invoice factories, invoice repositories, and several invoicing services:

Several of these Aggregates may then form a Domain of related business knowledge. For example, the Billing domain may consist of Invoice and Payment aggregates and their related factories, repositories, and services. This Domain would interact with other domains, such as Organization, Ledger, Party, and Product:

An application, such as opentaps Financials application, could be built from several relatively independent domains:

To keep them relatively independent of each other, an interface should be declared for each domain, and they should return interfaces to the repositories, factories, and services. Interfaces are not necessary for the entities, however, since entities represent a data model, which must be implemented in the same way for all opentaps applications. For example, Invoice will always have to have an invoice ID field, and the getInvoiceId() method should always return the value of that field. If different underlying invoicing systems use different types of invoice IDs, it is the responsibility of the invoice repository to parse that and store it in the invoice ID field of Invoice. The Invoice entity does not need to be changed. Here is an example of the interface for the billing domain, defined in org.opentaps.domain.billing.BillingDomainInterface: import org.opentaps.domain.billing.invoice.InvoiceRepositoryInterface;

public interface BillingDomainInterface {

public InvoiceRepositoryInterface getInvoiceRepository();}To make life a little easier, an abstract Domain class is available to encapsulate Infrastructure and User, so you don't have to set the Infrastructure and User after getting each repository, factory, or service. Instead, you can associate the Infrastructure and User with an actual implementation of a domain, and it will automatically populated

Infrastructure and User for you. Here is its corresponding implementation in opentaps financials, org.opentaps.financials.domain.billing: public class BillingDomain extends Domain implements BillingDomainInterface {

public InvoiceRepository getInvoiceRepository() { InvoiceRepository repository = new InvoiceRepository(); repository.setInfrastructure(getInfrastructure()); repository.setUser(getUser()); return repository; }

}There should only be one directory of domains at any one time, so that all the opentaps applications use the same domains. In opentaps, this domain directory is defined in the DomainsDirectory class, and the actual domains are defined in hot-deploy/opentaps-common/config/domains-directory.xml: <beans>

<bean id="opentapsBillingDomain" class="org.opentaps.financials.domain.billing.BillingDomain"/>

<bean id="domainsDirectory" class="org.opentaps.domain.DomainsDirectory"> <property name="billingDomain"><ref bean="opentapsBillingDomain"/></property> </bean> </beans>Note that domains are declared explicitly in the DomainsDirectory, rather than as a Map. To add a new domain, you must modify the DomainsDirectory class to add a new member plus accessor (set/get) methods. To change your domains, you can just modify this xml file. For example: <beans>

<bean id="myBillingDomain" class="com.mycompany.domain.billing.BillingDomain"/> <bean id="domainsDirectory" class="org.opentaps.domain.DomainsDirectory"> <property name="billingDomain"><ref bean="myBillingDomain"/></property> </bean> </beans>When you restart opentaps, the new domains will be loaded. To load your domains, use DomainsLoader, which can be instantiated with Infrastructure and User: // get the domainDomainsLoader dl = new DomainsLoader(new Infrastructure(dispatcher), new User(admin));DomainsDirectory domains = dl.loadDomainsDirectory();BillingDomainInterface billingDomain = domains.getBillingDomain();

// now we can use itInvoiceRepositoryInterface invoiceRepository = billingDomain.getInvoiceRepository();Invoice invoice = invoiceRepository.getInvoiceById("10000");

Using the Query ToolUsing the Query Tool

A common problem with the ofbiz entity engine and delegator is that it could be difficult to construct complex queries. For example, try writing this query using the delegator: SELECT OI.PRODUCT_ID, OI.QUANTITY FROM ORDER_ITEM AS OI LEFT JOIN ORDER_HEADER AS OH WHERE OI.ORDER_ID = OH.ORDER_ID AND OH.ORDER_TYPE_ID = 'SALES_ORDER' LEFT JOIN PRODUCT AS PR WHERE OI.PRODUCT_ID = PR.PRODUCT_ID WHERE ((OI.STATUS_ID = 'ITEM_APPROVED') OR (OI.STATUS_ID <> 'ITEM_CANCELLED' AND OH.STATUS_ID NOT IN ('ORDER_CANCELLED', 'ORDER_REJECTED', 'ORDER_COMPLETED'))) AND OI.PRODUCT_ID IN (SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM PRODUCT_CATEGORY_MEMBER WHERE PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID = '100')You will find yourself having to declare either a view entity in XML or a DynamicViewEntity in Java, then write the conditions out in reverse Polish notation with EntityOperators and lists of sub-conditions, and then realize that there is actually no support for sub selects. So then you will have to write a query first and use an EntityUtil method to filter out the list of product IDs so that you can create an EntityOperator.IN for it. To solve this problem, we created an opentaps query tool, which works with the ofbiz delegator but allows you to write your queries in familiar SQL. The query tool could then return the results of your query as a ResultSet, a List of Maps, a List of entity engine GenericValues, or the entity engine's EntityListIterator. Another benefit of the query tool is that it allows you to use JDBC prepared statements, which is more efficient because the query can be reused for different parameters, rather than a different query being passed to your database each time, which is the case with the delegator. (See this article about JDBC performance tuning.) This feature has been implemented in the opentaps 1.0 trunk and will be available in future versions of opentaps, such as 1.2/1.4 or beyond. For older versions of opentaps, such as 1.0.x, download the querytool.patch. For older versions of opentaps, such as 0.9.x, you can put the query package classes into another opentaps component such as crmsfa. How It Works To use the query tool, create a QueryFactory from the delegator: import org.opentaps.common.query.*; QueryFactory qf = new QueryFactory(delegator); // creates QueryFactory from the default "org.ofbiz" group-name in entitygroup.xml QueryFactory qf2 = new QueryFactory(delegator, "com.mine"); // in case you had a different group-name

Then, use your QueryFactory to create either a Query. The syntax should be similar to Hibernate querying: Query q = qf.createQuery("SELECT * FROM STATUS_ITEM WHERE STATUS_ID LIKE 'INVOICE%'");Tip We recommend that you capitalize your SQL for compatibility reasons. On Linux, for example, MySQL will not recognize lowercase table names. You can then run your query in the following ways: // run the query and get result set q.executeQuery(); ResultSet rs = q.getResultSet();

// run the query and get it back as a List of Maps or the first value as a Map List list1 = q.list(); Map map1 = q.firstResult();

// run the query and get an EntityListIterator. Specify the entity name and optionally a list of fields EntityListIterator eli1 = q.entityListIterator("StatusItem"); EntityListIterator eli2 = q.entityListIterator("StatusItem", UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", "statusTypeId", "description"));

// run the query and get a List of GenericValues. Specify the entity name and optionally a list of fields List list3 = q.entitiesList("StatusItem"); List list4 = q.entitiesList("StatusItem", UtilMisc.toList("statusId", "statusTypeId", "description"));Because Query implements the standard JDBC PreparedStatement, you can set parameters to your Query as if it were a PreparedStatement: Query q2 = qf.createQuery("SELECT * FROM STATUS_ITEM WHERE STATUS_ID LIKE ? AND STATUS_TYPE_ID LIKE ?"); q2.setString(1, "%APPROVE%"); q2.setString(2, "INVOICE%"); List list5 = q2.list();Technical Notes When the Query is first instantiated, a PreparedStatement is instantiated, and on the first call to a method which would cause the query to be executed, such as .list(), the PreparedStatement is called, a ResultSet is obtained, converted to a List, and then closed. Subsequent calls to .list() only return the previously stored list and does not cause another query to be run. If you need to run the query again, call .clearQueryResults(); Converting the query results to GenericValues/GenericEntities requires the use of the ofbiz entity engine's EntityListIterator. If you use the .entityListIterator(..) method, the EntityListIterator will be returned to you, and it will handle the closing of the connection with its own .close() method. If you use the .entitiesList(..) methods, the EntityListIterator and the ResultSet will be automatically closed. The ResultSet is automatically closed on finalize().

The Query and QueryFactory throw a QueryException. If GenericValues/GenericEntities are involved, they also will throw the GenericEntityException. Base Entity Classes

Base Entity Classes

Contents[hide]1 Introduction 2 Generating Base Entities 3 Using Base Entities 4 Localization 5 Entity Relations 6 Interacting with the Database 7 Convenience Methods

Introduction To support the object-oriented Domain Driven Architecture, there is a set of Java entity classes in the org.opentaps.domain.base.entities package for all the entities defined with the ofbiz entity engine, both from the original ofbiz applications and the opentaps applications. The entity classes contain all the fields of the entity, accessor (get/set) methods for each field, and fromMap and toMap methods to convert the Java class to a Map. The only exception is that all floating-point values are automatically returned as BigDecimal, instead of Double. This is done in the base Generating Base Entities The entity classes are automatically generated using a freemarker template hot-deploy/opentaps-common/templates/BaseEntity.ftl, based on the entitymodel.xml definitions for all the entities, including view-entities and fields defined by the extend-entity tags, and the Java types defined in the fieldtype XML files for the entity engine. To generate base entities, from the opentaps directory, $ ant make-base-entitiesIt will clear out all the files in the base entities package, start opentaps and load the delegator, and then regenerate the Java classes based on the current entity definitions. Using Base Entities The base entity Java classes could be used as a replacement for the ofbiz GenericEntity/GenericValue objects. To go from a GenericValue to a Java class, use the Repository.loadFromGeneric methods, such as: Repository repository = new Repository(delegator);List enumerationEntities = repository.loadFromGeneric(Enumeration.class, enumerations);When you are working from a repository, you should use the loadFromGeneric method which also sets the repository for a new object: GenericValue value = getDelegator().findByPrimaryKey("Invoice", UtilMisc.toMap("invoiceId", invoiceId));Invoice invoice = (Invoice) this.loadFromGeneric(Invoice.class, value, this);These methods uses reflection to access the fromMap method of entity classes. They can create a one object from one GenericValue or a List of objects from a List of GenericValues.

To go from a Java class, you can simply use the toMap method to create a GenericValue, such as: Enumeration enumeration = new Enumeration();// set its valuesGenericValue value = new GenericValue(enumeration.toMap());For convenience, we have also implemented all the get_(String fieldName) and the set (String fieldName, Object value) methods of the ofbiz GenericEntity/GenericValue, so you can use these classes with the "." notation in freemarker pages. For example, for an object of the Invoice class, you can use Invoice.getInvoiceId()or Invoice.invoiceIdas before. DO NOT MODIFY THESE BASE ENTITY CLASSES. They should be automatically generated every time your data model changes, so all your changes will be overwritten. If you have more complex classes, extend these base entity classes and implement the additional methods there. Localization Backward-compatible localization is supported with two special get methods for all entities. You can specify the field name and a locale with: get(fieldName, locale);Or, you can specify the UI labels resource, such as FinancialsUiLabels, to use with: get(fieldName, resourceName, locale);Entity Relations The auto generated based entities also provide you with methods to traverse the entity relationships defined in the entitymodel XML files. You can either use the basic getRelated_ methods, which allow you to specify the class name and the relationship name, such as: getRelated(ReturnItem.class, "ReturnItem");Or, you can use the methods which are also automatically generated from the entity model XML definitions for the relationships. For example, if your entity had a one to one relationship defined as: <relation type="one" fk-name="RTN_ITEM_RTN" rel-entity-name="ReturnHeader">Then your auto generated based entity would have a method defined as: public ReturnHeader getReturnHeader()Similarly, if you define a one to many relationship, there will be a method which returns a list rather than an object. For example, <relation type="many" fk-name="RTN_ITEM_OISGIR" rel-entity-name="OrderItemShipGrpInvRes">will cause the following method to be created: public List<? extends OrderItemShipGrpInvRes> getOrderItemShipGrpInvReses()Note that the method names are automatically pluralized if the relationship is one to many. Finally, if your relationship has a title, it will also be added to the method, so: <relation type="one" fk-name="ORDER_HDR_OFAC" title="Origin" rel-entity-name="Facility">

will create a method: public Facility getOriginFacility()Interacting with the Database The ofbiz specific implementation of the Repository provides you with the following methods for interacting with the database which abstracts the underlying data access layer: findOne: finds an Entity by its primary key findOneNotNull: like findOne but throws EntityNotFoundException instead of returning null findList: finds a list of Entities using the arguments. Similar to findByAnd and findByCondition of the delegator. getFirst: gets the first Entity from a list, or null if there is no first value in the list These methods are not available through the RepositoryInterfaces. They are made publicly available in the ofbiz Repository classes only for convenience, in case you need to access them in your scripts. However, please remember that in programming as in life, too many "conveniences" eventually lead to problems. Therefore, we recommend that as much as possible, you use these methods in your scripts only for prototyping, and then you put the finished find methods into a Repository method and write unit tests for it. For example, in your script you can get the ofbiz Repository implementation, and then use it for a query: Repository repository = new, user); List<Order> orders = repository.findList(Order.class, conditions);But unless this script is just a one-time thing, and not terribly important, you should eventually move the find operation into a Java repository class. To keep your repositories manageable, you can push less used methods into specialized repositories. For example, this method could be part of an OrderViewRepository instead of the main OrderRepository where the more commonly used order repository methods are: public class OrderViewRepositoryInterface { public List<Order> findOrdersBy__(..); }

public class OrderViewRepository implements OrderViewRepositoryInterface { public List<Order> findOrdersBy__(..) { return repository.findList(Order.class, conditions); } }You should never use these find* methods directly in services or higher-level business logic then your repositories. Convenience Methods getDistinctFieldValues: a static method on Entity which gets you a Set of the distinct values for a field name. POJO Service Engine

POJO Service EnginePOJO Service Engine

The POJO service engine is designed to allow you to mount your Java service objects directly on to the ofbiz service engine, without having to write a static Java method to call it. To use the POJO service engine, you have to declare your service with service engine XML file, just like for all of the other ofbiz services, but use pojo instead of java as the engine: <service name="opentaps.invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems" engine="pojo" location="org.opentaps.financials.domain.billing.invoice.OrderInvoicingService" invoke="invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems"> <description>Creates an invoice from the non-physical items on the order. It will invoice from the status in the orderItemStatusId, or if it is not supplied, default to ITEM_PERFORMED. After the invoice is created, it will attempt to change the items' status to ITEM_COMPLETE.</description> <attribute name="orderId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="false"/> <attribute name="orderItemStatusId" type="String" mode="IN" optional="true"/> <attribute name="invoiceId" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="false"/> </service>Then, you could write your service as a Java class with the following requirements: It must extend the base class You must have a default constructor which takes no parameters For each input parameter defined in your services XML, you must have a set method. The set method must be named "set" plus the name of the variable, with the first letter capitalized. For example, if you have "orderId" as an input parameter of your service, you must have a "setOrderId" method. It can not be "SetOrderId", "setorderid", or "setorderId". This is done intentionally to enforce code consistency. Each set method must take one parameter, and it must match the parameter in your services XML. For example, if your services XML specifies "java.util.List", your set method take a single parameter of the java.util.List class, not ArrayList, FastList, LinkedList, etc. For each output parameter defined in your services XML, you must define one get method which takes no parameters. The name of the get method must be "get" plus the name of the variable with the first letter capitalized (ie, "getInvoiceId()" for "invoiceId"). The invoke method must be a void method with no parameters. Instead of returning ServiceUtil.returnError when there is a problem with the service, throw exceptions such as ServiceException You can define more than one service inside the same Java class by using different void methods without parameters. The same Java class should be shared among services that have similar input and output parameters. Within the service, you can: access other domains of the Domain Driven Architecture using the getDomainsDirectory() method of the Service superclass. get the ofbiz framework's delegator and dispatcher through the Infrastructure with the getInfrastructure() method, then calling getDelegator() and getDispatcher() get a UserLogin GenericValue for running legacy services written in the ofbiz framework by getting the User object from the getUser() method, then calling its getOfbizUserLogin() method

Here is a complete example:

public class OrderInvoicingService extends Service implements OrderInvoicingServiceInterface {

private static final String module = OrderInvoicingService.class.getName();

protected String orderId = null; protected String invoiceId = null; // by default, non-physical order items in this state will be invoiced protected String statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice = OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED;

public OrderInvoicingService() { super(); }

public OrderInvoicingService(Infrastructure infrastructure, User user, Locale locale) throws ServiceException { super(infrastructure, user, locale); }

public void setOrderId(String orderId) { this.orderId = orderId; }

public String getInvoiceId() { return this.invoiceId; }

/** * Set the status id of non-physical order items to be invoiced by invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems, or * OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_PERFORMED will be used * @param statusId */ public void setOrderItemStatusId(String statusId) { if (statusId != null) { statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice = statusId; } }

public void invoiceNonPhysicalOrderItems() throws ServiceException { try { // validate that the order actually exists and get list of non-physical

OrderDomainInterface orderDomain = getDomainsDirectory().getOrderDomain(); OrderRepositoryInterface orderRepository = orderDomain.getOrderRepository(); Order order = orderRepository.getOrderById(orderId); List<OrderItem> itemsToInvoice = order.getNonPhysicalItemsForStatus(statusIdForNonPhysicalItemsToInvoice);

// check if there are items to invoice if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(itemsToInvoice)) { throw new ServiceException("OpentapsError_PerformedItemsToInvoiceNotFound", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId)); }

// create a new invoice for the order items // because of the way createInvoiceForOrder is written (665 lines of code!) we'd have to do some re-factoring before we can add the items to an existing invoice Map tmpResult = getInfrastructure().getDispatcher().runSync("createInvoiceForOrder", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "billItems", Repository.genericValueFromEntity(getInfrastructure().getDelegator(), "OrderItem", itemsToInvoice), "userLogin", getUser().getOfbizUserLogin()), 7200, false); // no new transaction if (ServiceUtil.isError(tmpResult)) { throw new ServiceException(ServiceUtil.getErrorMessage(tmpResult)); }

// change the status of the order items to COMPLETED order.setItemsStatus(itemsToInvoice, OrderSpecification.ITEM_STATUS_COMPLETED);

// set the invoiceId of new invoice created this.invoiceId = (String) tmpResult.get("invoiceId");

} catch (GeneralException ex) { throw new ServiceException(ex) ; } }


Unit TestingUnit Testing


1 How to Write Unit Tests 1.1 opentaps 1.0 1.2 opentaps 0.9 2 Where are the Unit Tests? 3 Setting Up For Unit Testing 4 Unit Testing Strategies 5 A Unit Testing Tutorial 6 Creating Reference Data Sets 7 Running a Unit Test from Beanshell 8 Debugging Unit Tests with IntelliJ 9 Dealing with Concurrency 10 Warning about running Unit Tests in MySQL

How to Write Unit Testsopentaps 1.0For opentaps 1.0, you would write a set of Junit tests in a class, then define it in an XML testdef file like this: <test-suite suite-name="entitytests" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""> <test-case case-name="security-tests"><junit-test-suite class-name="com.opensourcestrategies.crmsfa.test.SecurityTests"/></test-case></test-suite>You can define multiple tests per testdef xml file. Then, add the testdef file to your ofbiz-component.xml, like this: <test-suite loader="main" location="testdef/crmsfa_tests.xml"/>Then, when you do $ ant run-testsyour tests will be run. opentaps 0.9In opentaps 0.9, you would write your Junit tests class and add your it to the base/config/test-containers.xml file, in the "junit-container" at the bottom, like this: <container name="junit-container" class="org.ofbiz.base.container.JunitContainer"> <property name="base-test" value="org.ofbiz.base.test.BaseUnitTests"/> <property name="entity-test" value="org.ofbiz.entity.test.EntityTestSuite"/> <property name="service-test" value="org.ofbiz.service.test.ServiceEngineTests"/> <property name="crm-security" value="com.opensourcestrategies.crmsfa.test.SecurityTests"/> <!-- your unit tests --> <!-- <property name="usps-test" value="org.ofbiz.shipment.thirdparty.usps.UspsServicesTests"/> <property name="jxunit-test" value="net.sourceforge.jxunit.JXTestCase"/> --> </container>Then you would do $ ant run-tests

Your tests will run alongside the existing OFBIZ test suites. IMPORTANT: Use a "test" delegator to point your tests to a separate database, and make sure it is defined in framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml is set to the right database. The opentaps tests are commented out in hot-deploy/component-load.xml by default so don't forget to activate them. Where are the Unit Tests?All opentaps unit tests are located in hot-deploy/opentaps-tests There are also a small number of unit tests from ofbiz in their respective modules, such as framework/entity for the entity engine unit tests. Setting Up For Unit TestingWe recommend that you create a separate database on the same database server for testing purposes and install all demo data into the testing database. Let's say that this database is called "opentaps_testing". Then, edit the file framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml and define opentaps_testing as a new datasource, called "localmysltesting" or "localpostgrestesting". Next, initiate the demo data into the testing database by editing the default delegator: <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false"> <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localXXXtesting"/> </delegator>Then do an $ ant run-installto install all the seed and demo data into the testing database. Then you can edit the default delegator back to your original delegator, and set the test delegator to the testing database:

<delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"> <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localXXXtesting"/> </delegator>All unit tests should be run to use the test delegator. This can be done by instantiating the the "test" delegator by name and using that delegator to instantiate a dispatcher. Or you can just write a test suite which extends the OpentapsTests base class, which does it for you. If you need to modify port settings for the testing instance, you should edit the file framework/base/config/test-containers.xml. Unit Testing StrategiesThese are some strategies for unit testing: Transaction comparison - Compare the transaction produced with a sample transaction, possibly pre-loaded into the system. For example, posting a paycheck to the ledger and then comparing with test data of a correct ledger transaction to make sure that they are equivalent. Equivalence is a very important concept: it is not possible that two sets of transactions are identical, since at a minimum they would have different ID numbers, and they would probably reference other transactions with different IDs. For example, each order would have a different orderId and different inventory item Ids reserved

against it. However, two orders may be considered equivalent if they have the same set of items, prices, shipping methods, customer, addresses, tax and promotional amounts, etc. State change - Compare the state of the system before and after a transaction has occurred. For example, check the inventry of an item, then ship an order, and check the resulting inventory to make sure that it is correctly decremented. This could get very complex: Shipping an order could cause customer balances, invoices, ledger postings, and inventory changes. Multiple tests could be run off the same transaction event. Absolute state check - At all times, certain relationships must hold. For example, the sum of all debits must equal sum of all credits. Tests should be written against the services that create the original data. For example, if you are writing tests against CRMSFA activity, you can use users from the demo data set, but you should use the CRMSFA activity services to create or update your activities. Otherwise, if you create those activities with some other method, future changes to the services to create activities will not be covered by your unit tests. Tests should be run against a dedicated testing database with demo and seed data rather than production data. Therefore, the tests generally should set up their own initial conditions and run to completion, but they do not need to "tear down" and remove all data created by the tests. (This would be very impractical: imagine creating and shipping an order. To tear it down would involve reverting order data, customer information, inventory data, shipment data, invoices and payments, and accounting entries.) A good test for the tests is that if you ran the test suite in succession multiple times, they should pass during the second and third runs as well as the first run. A Unit Testing TutorialIMPORTANT: Each unit test method must start with the word "test" -- it must be called testXXX(), not tryXXX() or verifyXXX().Now let's walk through a particular unit test and see how it works. The one that we're looking at is the's testProductionRunTransactions method. This particular test verifies that a standard manufacturing process is working correctly and checks the inventory results and financial statements. As you read through the code, you will notice that it does the following Sets up by first receiving the raw materials (MAT_A_COST and MAT_B_COST) into inventory Checks the initial state by getting the GL account balances and the initial inventory quantities, both ATP and QOH Runs through the production run Checks the final state by getting the GL account balances and the inventory quantities for raw materials and the finished product. Verify the following: The change in inventory quantities is correct: raw materials are used, so their quantities are reduced, and finished product's quantity is increased because it is produced. The change in GL account balances are correct: inventory value increases and are offset by raw materials and manufacturing expenses. The financial statements are in balance at all times. The financial transactions created by this production run is in agreement with the reference transactions MFGTEST-1, -2, -3. This is done by finding all new financial

transactions after the production run has been begun, as they should only be generated by the production run. The unit value of the finished product is correct. Along the way, the tests will verify that all the services are run correctly and return success as well. The test case uses the classes InventoryAsserts and FinancialAsserts to obtain information and run tests on the inventory balances and financial statement values. This is a common "delegation" pattern to separate the code for testing assertions to new classes. It also uses methods such as assertMapDifferenceCorrect and assertTransactionEquivalence which are inherited from the OpentapsTestCase and FinancialsTestCase base classes. For comparisons of GL account changes, we have set a convention so that increases in the balances of debit GL accounts are positive, and increases in the balances of credit GL accounts are negative values. So, if a transaction caused an inventory GL account to increase by 100 and accounts payable to increase by 100 as well, the GL account changes would be {INVENTORY: 100, ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE: -100} Note that in this case we used the receiveInventoryProduct service to receive inventory, called the various production run services, and then compared the results versus pre-stored AcctgTrans and AcctgTransEntries. With other tests, such as those for invoices and payments, we have used pre-existing Invoice and Payment records stored in the hot-deploy/opentaps-tests component and merely changed their status codes to verify the results. This brings up an interesting question--what should be done during the service, and what with existing data? Our recommendation is this: What you are testing must be done with the services that you would normally use as part of your application. For example, when we are testing GL postings, the user does not actually call the "postInvoiceToGl" service anywhere on the screen. Instead, she would set the invoice status, and the services would run behind the scenes. Therefore, it would not do to run the "postInvoiceToGl" test, or worse, manually create the results of that service in the database. Instead, we should be calling the service to set invoice status, which is the same one accessed via the controller. For everything else, do whatever is easiest to set up the pre-conditions for testing. Calling receiveInventoryProduct is pretty easy compared to storing InventoryItem and InventoryItemDetail, so we decided to use that. Calling createInvoice and createInvoiceItem would have been many lines of code, so we just stored an invoice in the database. Creating Reference Data SetsIn many tests you will see comparisons against pre-stored AcctgTrans and AcctgTransEntries. These are reference data sets which are used to compare actual transactions' results and make sure that they are consistent with the reference. Reference data sets are created in the following way: Run through a set of business transactions, such as creating an invoice and marking it as READY. Go to Webtools > XML Data Export and select the entities to export. In this case, it might be the Invoice, InvoiceItem, AcctgTrans, AcctgTransEntry entities. Export them either to a file or to a browser and copy them to a file.

Edit the file of transactions and change the following: All IDs from the system-generated 100xx to something like "XXX-TEST-###" so that they would not cause primary key conflicts. For AcctgTrans, change the glFiscalTypeId of all the AcctgTrans to "REFERENCE" from "ACTUAL" so they would not interfere with actual records. Remove references to entities which would not be part of the reference set. For example, the invoice might be part of the reference set, but workEffortId, inventoryItemId, etc. referenced by AcctgTransEntry would not be. Test by loading the new entity XML into your dedicated testing database. It should cause no conflicts. Add it to the opentaps-tests component's ofbiz-component.xml so that it would load for future tests and commit it! Running a Unit Test from BeanshellAfter you have written a lot of unit tests, running all of them could take a long time. Fortunately, you can use beanshell to run just one unit test at a time to speed up your development. To do this, you would need to telnet into your beanshell port, then instantiate an object of the unit tests class, and run your test method: si-chens-computer:~ sichen$ telnet localhost 9990Trying ::1...Connected to localhost.Escape character is '^]'.BeanShell 2.0b4 - by Pat Niemeyer ( % import org.opentaps.tests.purchasing.MrpTests;bsh % mrpTests = new MrpTests();bsh % mrpTests.testMrpPurchasedProduct();bsh %If the test succeeded, you would see no messages on your beanshell console. If it failed, you would see a stack trace. In both cases, you should see the log messages in runtime/logs/ofbiz.log or runtime/logs/console.log To make your life even simpler, you can put all of this into a .bsh file of your own, like myMrpTests.bsh, and then just call it with the source method from the beanshell console: bsh % source("myMrpTests.bsh");Debugging Unit Tests with IntelliJThe default task for tests will do a global compile. To skip this, you can redefine the run-tests target in build.xml as follows, <target name="run-tests"> <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true"> <arg value="test"/> </java> </target>Using a debugger can help speed up development of the unit tests. You can enable debugging by specifying the JVM arguments for your debugging system. For instance, if you have the IntelliJ IDE, the run-tests target becomes, <target name="run-tests"> <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true">

<jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/> <jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/> <jvmarg value="-Xnoagent"/> <jvmarg value="-Djava.compiler=NONE "/> <jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005"/> <arg value="test"/> </java> </target>You should be able to attach the debugger immediately after running ant run-tests. Don't forget to recompile the component where your tests live. Another tip is to comment out all unnecessary test suites. Unfortunately, this involves searching every ofbiz-component.xml. One way to find them, if you're on a POSIX OS, is to use find, $ find . -name ofbiz-component.xml -exec grep test-suite {} \; -printDealing with ConcurrencySince each test method runs in a separate thread, there may be concurrency issues when you are using demo or test data in a test. For example, if you are testing whether a certain number of commission invoices are being generated for sales invoices, another thread could be generating additional ones at the same time. This leads to unexpected results which can seem very mysterious. To avoid concurrency issues, ensure that your tests are using generated data for comparison purposes. For example, rather than using DemoCustomer as the target of a sales invoice, you can create a copy of DemoCustomer, String customerPartyId = createPartyFromTemplate("DemoCustomer"); // create invoice for customerPartyIdFrom this point, any data that relies on the partyId is sure to be specific to that test only. An example would be when we're checking the customer balance against customerPartyId. If we were checking the balance of DemoCustomer, then we might be thrown off if another thread happens to create an invoice for DemoCustomer at the same time. Warning about running Unit Tests in MySQLWhen running unit tests in MySQL that use transactions please be aware that an assert failure can issue a rollback on the transaction leaving the data on the database in an inconsistent state, potentially allowing the test to pass even if in reality it failed. Working with the Domain Driven Architecture

Working with the Domain Driven ArchitectureHere are some tips for working with the Domain Driven Architecture:

Contents[hide]1 Instantiating Services and Repositories 2 Documenting your Services 3 Messages from Your Services 4 Working with Entity Field Names

Instantiating Services and Repositories

If you have a domain, the easiest way to instantiate a Service or Repository from your domain is to use the instantiateService or instantiateRepository methods, like this: public OrderInventoryService getOrderInventoryService() throws ServiceException { return instantiateService(OrderInventoryService.class); }This will automatically set up the Infrastructure and User for your Service or Repository. Documenting your ServicesSince your domain Services do not have to be routed through the ofbiz service engine, you should put the documentation in the Java method so that they would show up in the Java docs as well. For example: /** * Adds a <code>LockboxBatchItemDetail</code> to an existing<code>LockboxBatchItem</code>. * @throws ServiceException if an error occurs * @see #setLockboxBatchId required input <code>lockboxBatchId</code> * @see #setItemSeqId required input <code>itemSeqId</code> * @see #setAmountToApply required input <code>amountToApply</code> * @see #setCashDiscount required input <code>cashDiscount</code> * @see #setPartyId optional input <code>partyId</code> * @see #setInvoiceId optional input <code>invoiceId</code> */Messages from Your ServicesService can return success and error messages to the user. To return an error message simply throw a ServiceException. To return a success message, you can use either setSuccessMessage or addSuccessMessage. The former is mean to return a single message whereas the later allows you to return a list of messages. Each method supports localization by using labels that are translated into the user locale, refer to the API for more details. For example: public void serviceA() throws ServiceException { try { // perform some modifications ... if (some error) { // return an error label, the second arguemnt is the context for substitution in the message throw new ServiceException("ErrorLabel", null); } } catch (SomeException e) { // generic error that you do not handle are also displayed back to the user // some exception are already localized (for example the RepositoryException related to not found entities) throw new ServiceException(e); } setSuccessMessage("SuccessLabel");}

Beware that nested direct service calls can override the success message, if you do not want that be sure to set it as the last instruction of the method. public void serviceB() throws ServiceException { // perform some modifications ... setSuccessMessage("SuccessLabelB");}

public void serviceA() throws ServiceException { // perform some modifications ... setSuccessMessage("SuccessLabelA"); serviceB(); // SuccessLabelB has overwritten the success message}If you need to return a list of messages use addSuccessMessage, and beware that setSuccessMessage will overwrite the list. public void serviceB() throws ServiceException { // perform some modifications ... addSuccessMessage("SuccessLabelB");}

public void serviceA() throws ServiceException { // perform some modifications ... addSuccessMessage("SuccessLabelA"); serviceB(); // returns [SuccessLabelA, SuccessLabelB]}Working with Entity Field NamesEach base entity has an enumeration listing its fields, and this enumeration is used in the framework API instead of using string literals. This means it is possible to use the IDE autocompletion but also that the resulting code is no longer at risk of resulting in runtime errors due to typos. For example, when writing condition maps for the repository find methods, the repository provides a map method which allows you to write the map like this: findOne(Order.class, map(Order.Fields.orderId, "WS10000"));

findList(OrderItemAssoc.class, map(OrderItemAssoc.Fields.orderId, "WS10000", OrderItemAssoc.Fields.orderItemSeqId, "00001"));It is also used when retrieving distinct field values from a list, like for example: List<OrderItem> items = findList(OrderItem.class, map(OrderItem.Fields.orderId, "WS10000"));Set productIdsInOrder = Entity.getDistinctFieldValues(items, OrderItem.Fields.productId);opentaps Google Web Toolkit

Opentaps Google Web Toolkit


1 Building GWT 2 Configuring Server Side Interaction 3 Permission 4 Building Widgets with Base Panels 4.1 The Base Classes 4.2 Validation 4.3 Notification

Building GWTThe Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is built independently of opentaps. To build the Google Web toolkit widgets, $ ant gwtTo clear the previous build, $ ant clean-gwtThis will cause ant to look for look "gwt" in the opentaps components' build.xml files and build them one at a time. In the component build.xml, the following directories are specified for building gwt: <property name="gwt.deploy.dir" value="./webapp/crmsfagwt"/> <property name="gwt.module.base" value="org.opentaps.gwt.crmsfa"/> <property name="gwt.src.common" value="../opentaps-common/src/org/opentaps/gwt"/> <property name="gwt.src.base" value="./src/org/opentaps/gwt/crmsfa"/>Then, when ant tries to build gwt, it will look all that gwt modules specified in the build.xml. Each module is specified at a path of ${gwt.deploy.dir}/${gwt.module.base}.${module}.${module} For example, if you specify contacts as the module to compile, then opentaps will try to compile org.opentaps.gwt.crmsfa.contacts.contacts.gwt.xml, which should be in your src/ path. When you have an additional GWT module to build, add it to the list of modules: <foreach list="contacts,accounts,leads,partners" target="gwtcompile" param="module"/>To speed up the build during development, you can setup GWT to only compile for one of the supported browsers. This is configured in the common module in hot-deploy/opentaps-common/src/org/opentaps/gwt/common/common.gwt.xml. For example, you can enable it for only Mozilla/Firefox by setting the user.agent property to "gecko1_8": <set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko1_8"/>Configuring Server Side InteractionYour GWT widgets will need to interact with server-side services to store and retrieve data. A "best practices" pattern we have started in opentaps is to create a configuration Java file for each server side service available for GWT client-side widgets. For example, there is a org.opentaps.gwt.crmsfa.contacts.client.form.configuration.QuickNewContactConfiguration Class which contains the server-side URL and all the form parameters for interacting with the quick new contact service on the server. This is part of the GWT client package and is designed to be used by all the client-side widgets. Note that the pattern is to have one Configuration Java file for each server-side service, to be shared by many client-

side widgets which may access the same server-side service, not to have a configuration file for each client-side widget. PermissionThe GWT widgets do not perform security checks, but users permissions are made available to them in order to adapt the user interface accordingly. The real security checks allowing a user to perform an operation or retrieve data are performed server side. Client-side permission checking is handled in the following way: The server side uses the User object to determine what permissions the currently logged in user has and puts it into the webpage sent to the client as an object using JavaScript. This is done in the main-decorator.bsh and header.ftl of the server. On the client-side, the Permission class retrieves the security permissions set into the browser via JavaScript. Your GWT widget can use its hasPermission method to check if the user has permissions to access certain sections of your page: if (!Permission.hasPermission(Permission.CRMSFA_CONTACT_CREATE)) { return; }WARNING: Do not rely on those checks to hide sensitive data or services from a user. Specifically, it is possible for the end user to modify the JavaScript and add permissions for their displayed widgets. Therefore, you should always filter out sensitive data before sending them to the client-side widgets, and every operation on the server side should check permissions again. Client-side widget permission checking is only for hiding parts of the user interface and should not be considered a security feature. Building Widgets with Base PanelsBase panels are base classes providing handlers and utility methods to quickly build forms that integrate with the application. The Base ClassesBaseFormPanel is the base of all forms and it provides the following: addField and addRequiredField methods that set the correct class for the labels and set the handler that submits the form when the user hits the Enter key addStandardSubmitButton that places a submit button the three FormListener event handlers that performs validation before submitting, display an activity indicator when the form is submitted, handles exception returned by the server a mechanism to notify any registered widgets when the form has been successfully submitted ScreenletFormPanel is the base class for forms that should fit on the left column, in all aspects it behaves the same as BaseFormPanel only the CSS classes applied differ. TabbedFormPanel provides methods to create a multiple tabs form such as the one used to present the filters available in Find Contacts. The tabs created are SubFormPanel which provide the same add fields methods than BaseFormPanel. ValidationBaseFormPanel provides simple validation that is automatically called before trying to submit the form. It works by checking each field in the form against its own internal validation method, for example it checks that all required fields are filled, that email address input fields have valid email addresses, etc ...

In order to implement a more complex validation, simply override the isValid() method (be sure to call the base implementation first to keep checking field validation methods). NotificationIn order to notify another widget it must first implement the FormNotificationInterface. You can register (using the register() method) that widget in your form and the method notify() of that widget will get called if your form was successfully submitted. This is normally done in the entry class which is the place where all widgets are loaded. For example, the PartyListView implements it allowing form that create new parties like the QuickNewContactForm to notify the list that is should reload in order to display the newly created entity. And the notification is setup in the contact entry point: if (RootPanel.get(QUICK_CREATE_CONTACT_ID) != null) { loadQuickNewContact(); // for handling refresh of lists on contact creation if (myContactsForm != null) { quickNewContactForm.register(myContactsForm.getListView()); } if (findContactsForm != null) { quickNewContactForm.register(findContactsForm.getListView()); } }So when QuickNewContact has successfully submitted, BaseFormPanel.onActionComplete makes a call to BaseFormPanel.notifySuccess which notifies each registered widget by calling widget.notifySuccess(); from the FormNotificationInterface. findContactsForm.getListView() is a PartyListView which implements that interface and its notifySuccess() method performs getStore().reload();. Form macros:How to use the opentaps Form Macros

opentaps Form Macros DocumentationImportant Note to all Developers: Please keep this document up to date! If you make changes to the form macros, please also change this document.Why It ExistsMany of us are constantly creating forms for our users to enter and display data. Most of those forms share common elements: text input fields, date input fields, drop downs, etc. etc. Wouldn't it be nice to have a tool which helps you make and manage? At the same time, the tool should still give you control over the design of your form, so you don't end up with an ugly cookie-cutter look for all your forms. You should be able to add form elements in HTML when they are appropriate, or completely change the layout and design of your forms by just changing the HTML.The opentaps Form Macros were created for this reason: to make writing forms easier, while still giving you control over the final layout. The macros help you design form elements such as input rows, select boxes, and date fields more efficiently but do not force you to use them--you can write some form elements with them, write others in HTML or anything else. It is completely written in Freemarker and can be accessed from any Freemarker page, so you can combine opentaps Form Macros, HTML, Freemarker

in the same form. It is also easily extend or re-skin: you edit the form macros file and make your changes there, without updating XSD definitions or Java code.How It WorksFirst, you must make sure that the opentaps form macro importing tool is loaded. This can be done by including the following code in your beanshell (.bsh) script for your page. They can be put in main-decorator.bsh so that the form macros would work for your entire webapp: loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); globalContext.put("import", loader.loadClass("org.opentaps.common.template.freemarker.transform.ImportTransform").newInstance()); globalContext.put("include", loader.loadClass("org.opentaps.common.template.freemarker.transform.IncludeTransform").newInstance());The form macros are located in an FTL file in your opentaps-common directory: hot-deploy/opentaps-common/webapp/common/includes/lib/opentapsFormMacros.ftlTo use it, simply include the form macros in your Freemarker (FTL) page, like this: <@import location="component://opentaps-common/webapp/common/includes/lib/opentapsFormMacros.ftl"/><@import /> is an opentaps Freemarker extension which allows macros to be imported into the current context from any file in your opentaps applications. IMPORTANT: There must be no spaces in your file path!Now you are ready to use the form macros, like this: <#list inventoryProduced as inventoryItemProduced> <#assign inventoryItem = inventoryItemProduced.getRelatedOne("InventoryItem")/> <#if inventoryItem.inventoryItemTypeId == "SERIALIZED_INV_ITEM"> <tr class="${tableRowClass(rowIndex)}"> <@displayLink href="EditInventoryItem?inventoryItemId=${inventoryItem.inventoryItemId}" text="${inventoryItem.inventoryItemId}"/> <@display text="${inventoryItem.productId}"/> <@inputText name="serialNumber_o_${rowIndex}" default="${inventoryItem.serialNumber?if_exists}"/> <@inputHidden name="_rowSubmit_o_${rowIndex}" value="Y"/> <@inputHidden name="inventoryItemId_o_${rowIndex}" value="${inventoryItem.inventoryItemId}"/>

In this example, we've mixed Freemarker directives (if, list, assign), HTML and CSS tags (tr, class), and opentaps forms macros (displayLink, display, inputText, inputHidden.) The form macros are just macros for generating the appropriate HTML around the parametrized fields nad values. The list of form macros and how to use them are given in the API below. That's all there is to it. The opentaps Form Macros APINotation:

@inputHidden name value=""means that the macro can be used as: <@inputHidden name="facilityId">which creates a hidden input with default value of "". Or, it can be used as: <@inputHidden name="facilityId" value="${facilityId}">which creates a hidden input with default value of whatever ${facilityId} is in the context. Each attribute (ie, name or value in this case) after the name of the macro (inputHidden in this case) is a parameter. If there is an ="" after the attribute, it defines a default value. By convention, these are standard fields for all macros which may use them: name: name of the field. title: descriptive title of this field, used for rows (ie, "Charge Tax?") form: name of the current form, for javascript such as lookup widgets list: used for dropdowns. The list of maps or GenericValue entities where the information for the select option elements will be retrieved key: used for dropdowns. For each map in "list", a select "option" element is generated, and its value (the "value" attribute) comes from map or GenericValue's entry under the key in "key"; if the value of "key" is empty, then the value of "name" is used as the lookup key instead. displayField: used for dropdowns. The value of lookup key used to retrieve (from each map in "list") the display text of the generated option. Note that if "displayField" is empty, then the macro expects a nested string that contains the FTL string that will be used as the option display text. default: the default value for the field. For dropdowns, which is the option that will be initially selected by the browser (optional). index: used for multi-row submit forms. By default, index is set to -1, which means nothing happens. If set to a different value, then"_o_${index}" is appended to the field name. For example, if you call a macro with name="productId" and index="5", you will get "product_o_5" for the name of the field. required: for dropdowns, whether the user is required to select an option from the select box or not (if not, then a "default" option element with an empty value is generated, in addition to the other ones). The form macros can be divided into two sub-groups: element and row macros. Element macros are for creating a single cell or form element. Row macros use the element macros for creating an entire input row. For example, an element macro might be used to create a date entry field, which can be used in a multi-row or single submit form. A date entry row macro might then use the date entry field element macro to create a row with a title ("Start Date") and the elemnt macro, all wrapped in TR and TD tags.NOTE: There are many more form macros available. Please look in your hot-deploy/opentaps-commons/webapp/common/includes/lib/opentapsFormMacros.ftl file for details.Row Macros

Macro Usage

@inputRowText Creates a text entry row for field with name and displays the title.

Macro Usage

name title size=30 maxlength="" default=""

Optionally specify size, maxlength, and default values.

@inputRowLookup name title lookup form size=20 maxlength=20 default=""

Creates a text entry row with a lookup. The lookup URL is specified in the "lookup" parameter.

@inputHidden name value=""

Creates a hidden input for name with default value of ""

@inputRowDateTime name title form default=""

Creates a date and time input row.

@inputRowIndicator name title required=true default=""

Creates an input row with a Y/N dropdown (select) box. This uses inputIndicator (see above.)

@inputRowSubmit title colspan="1"

Creates a submit button. Specify the word in the button with title and how many columns it spans.

Element Tags

Macro Usage

@displayTitle text class="tableheadtext" width=200

Display a title tag. Used by inputRowText.

@inputLookup name lookup form default="" size=20 maxlength=20 index=-1

An input element with a lookup button next to it. lookup is the controller request for the lookup (ie, LookupProduct)

@inputIndicator name required=true default=""

Creates dropdown (select) box of Y/N for the name. If required=true, user must select one.

@inputSelect name list title="" key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1 required=true defaultOptionText="" display="row|cell|block|inline"

Creates a select box. defaultOptionText is the value of "required" is false, and an empty default option element is generated, then "defaultOptionText" will contain the display text for that option. For a row:@inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1 required=true defaultOptionText=""or: @inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1

Macro Usage

required=true defaultOptionText="" display="row"For a cell:@inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1 required=true defaultOptionText="" display="cell"For a block:@inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1 required=true defaultOptionText="" display="block"Inline:@inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" index=-1 required=true defaultOptionText="" display="inline"

@inputText name size=30 maxlength="" default="" index=-1

Create an input text box. index not implemented yet.

@inputConfirm title href="" form="" confirmText=uiLabelMap.OpentapsAreYouSure class="buttonDangerous"

Creates a confirmation button. When the button is pressed, it will produce a popup confirmation dialogue. If the user cancels, then nothing happens. If the user confirms, then either the given form name is submitted or the user is sent to the given href link. The text in the popup window can be set with confirmText, but the buttons are browser specific. (See the javascript function confirm() for reference.)

@inputStateCountry address=null stateInputName="stateProvinceGeoId" countryInputName="countryGeoId"

Creates two dropdowns for the user to select state and country. If the country is changed, the state dropdown will be updated to show the states in that country. The default country is defined in as defaultCountryGeoId. You may either pass in a PostalAddress with the address= argument, or you can specify the parameter field names with stateInputName and countryInputName. In order for this macro to work properly, the following script should be called in the implementing screen,

Macro Usage

components://opentaps-common/webapp/common/WEB-INF/actions/includes/stateDropdownData.bsh For a row:@inputRowSelect title stateInputName="stateProvinceGeoId" countryInputName="countryGeoId" For a cell:@inputCellSelect stateInputName="stateProvinceGeoId" countryInputName="countryGeoId"

Header and Menu Tags

Macro Usage

@sectionHeader title headerClass="subSectionHeader" titleClass="subSectionTitle"

Creates a header for a subsection within an OpenTaps screen. Parameter "title" is the title that will be shown in header, "headerClass" is the class of the section header DIV element, and "titleClass" is the class of the actual title (technically, the DIV element that contains the title, which in turn is contained within the section header DIV element). Note that additional contents, such as FTL code for menu buttons, can be "nested" within this macro.

Other Macros

Macro Usage

@pagination viewIndex viewSize currentResultSize requestName totalResultSize=-1 extraParameters=""

Generates a pagination block for a list, eg: Previous 21-35 of 35 Next

viewIndex: Current starting record number, eg: 21viewSize: Number of records to show, eg: 20currentResultSize: Number of records currently showing, eg: 15totalResultSize: Total records in result set, eg: 35. If not supplied, total results will not appear (eg: Previous 21-35 Next)requestName: request to pass back and forth in the Previous and Next linksextraParameters: Any extra request parameters to pass in the Previous/Next links. This will be HTML-encoded by the macro.

Usage example:

In screen definition:

<set field="viewIndex" from-field="parameters.VIEW_INDEX" type="Integer" default-value="1"/>

Macro Usage

<set field="viewSize" from-field="parameters.VIEW_SIZE" type="Integer" default-value="20"/>

In bsh:lotListIt = delegator.findListIteratorByCondition("Lot", ...);lotList = lotListIt.getPartialList(viewIndex.intValue(), viewSize.intValue());lotListIt.last();lotsTotalSize = lotListIt.currentIndex();context.put("lotList", lots);context.put("lotsTotalSize", lotsTotalSize);

In FTL:<#assign exParams = "&doLookup=Y&supplierPartyId=" + parameters.supplierPartyId?if_exists/> <@pagination viewIndex=viewIndex viewSize=viewSize currentResultSize=lotList?size requestName="manageLots" totalResultSize=lotsTotalSize extraParameters=exParams/>

Will generate the following code:<div class="pagination">  <span class="paginationPrevious"><a href="/warehouse/control/manageLots?VIEW_INDEX=1&doLookup=Y&supplierPartyId=">Previous</a></span>  <span class="paginationText">3 - 4 of 7</span>  <span class="paginationNext"><a href="/warehouse/control/manageLots?VIEW_INDEX=5&doLookup=Y&supplierPartyId=">Next</a></span></div> Important! The pagination macro only works with GET forms. If you have a form which feeds a page with parameter values (example: warehouse/control/backOrderedItems), the form must use the GET method, not POST. Otherwise there can be two values for the same parameter name (one passed via POST and one passed by the pagination macro in the querystring) and an ArrayList results from parameters.get(), not a String, which makes things explode.

@flexArea targetId title="" class="" style="" controlClassOpen="" controlClassClos

Generates a clickable control block with headline, which triggers the expansion/contraction of an inner block.targetId: DOM ID for the flexArea. Must be unique to the screen. Used to trigger the collapse/expand and to persist the state of the flexArea.title: Headline for the control block.

Macro Usage

ed="" controlStyle="" state="" save=false enabled=true

class: CSS class for the opened/expanded state of the inner block. Defaults to CSS styles to override the expanded class of the inner block.controlClassOpen: CSS class for the expanded state of the control block. Defaults to flexAreaControl_open.controlClassClosed: CSS class for the collapsed state of the control block. Defaults to flexAreaControl_closed.controlStyle: CSS styles to override both the expanded and collapsed states of the control block.state: Controls the initial state of the flexArea on page load. If not specified and no saved state exists in the database, defaults to If true, the state of the flexArea will be saved to the database each time it it expanded or contracted.enabled: If false, clicking on the control block will not expand or contract the flexArea. Specify false when another DOM element should control the expansion.

Usage example:

In bsh (include in a global bsh such as main-decorator.bsh so that every screen has access to the saved states of its flexAreas):screenName = parameters.get("thisRequestUri");prefMap = UtilMisc.toMap("application", opentapsApplicationName, "screenName", screenName, "userLoginId", userLogin.getString("userLoginId"));viewPrefs = delegator.findByAnd("ViewPrefAndLocation", prefMap);vpit = viewPrefs.iterator();while (vpit.hasNext()) {viewPref =;foldedStates.put(viewPref.get("domId"), viewPref.getString("viewPrefString"));}globalContext.put("foldedStates", foldedStates);


For a simple flexArea:<@flexArea targetId="..." title="Click me to expand/contract"><div>Elements to hide and show</div></@flexArea>

For a flexArea which is always open on page load:<@flexArea targetId="..." title="..." state="open"

Macro Usage


For a flexArea which is hidden and closed on page load and has its expansion triggered by an external event:<@flexArea targetId="..." title="..." controlClassClosed="hidden" state="closed" save=false enabled=false>...</@flexArea>

To override the default classes:<@flexArea targetId="..." title="..." class="customClassForOpenInnerBlock" controlClassClosed="customClassForClosedControlBlock" controlClassOpen="customClassForOpenControlBlock">...</@flexArea>

isOpen(domId, default="")

openOrClosedClass(domId, openClassName, closedClassName, default="")

Supporting functions for the flexArea macro. Not useful separately.

opentaps Form Macros APIOpentaps Form Macros API ReferenceThis document provides a reference for each of the available macros and functions available in opentapsFormMacros.ftl. There are various kinds of macros available:

Building Blocks

Macros that generate basic display and input elements. Those that generate plain HTML are called display macros. Those that generate <input> elements are called input macros. For convenience, these macros also come with Cell and Row flavors. A Cell macro will wrap the display or input in <td>. All Cell macros allow you to specify the class of this <td> using a parameter blockClass. (Some don't yet.. this is TODO) A Row macro will have a title argument and it will generate a two column row with the title in the first column and the display or input in the second column. The title class is titleCell by default, but can be overridden with the titleClass parameter.

Input Macros The Building Block input macros have a number of convenience features built into them.The name parameter refers to the name of the input.All input macros accept an index parameter. If this parameter is greater than or equal to 0, then the input will be treated as a multi sumbit input element. That is, the field name will have a _o_${index}

suffix. Input macros that have a default parameter have a special behavior with regards to default values. If the default value is specified, then it will use that value as the default instead of rendering an empty field. If it is not specified, it will attempt to look for an existing value in the parameters map.

Larger Building Blocks

These macros generate more complicated form inputs or display HTML. For example, there is a macro to generate a state and country dropdown which has the ability to change the states when the country is changed. These macros may be composed of other Building Blocks.

Global Functions

Functions in FTL are a lot like macros, but they can be invoked from with the ${} substitution notation.

Convenience Macros

There are a variety of convenience macros to perfom common things, such as rendering text in a tooltip style.

Building BlocksEach of these macros also have Cell and Row versions. For example, the <inputText> macro is also available as <inputTextCell> and <inputTextRow>. The Row version has an additional required parameter named title. <@display text="" class="tabletext" style=""> Displays the given text in a <span> with default class tabletext. It also accepts a CSS style specification. This macro is generally not that useful, but it is used by other macros to generate content. The Row and Cell versions are somewhat more useful. <@displayLink href text class="buttontext"> Generates a hypertext link with the given href. The link text is specified by text argument. It will transform the href depending on what the string starts with: String starts with "javascript:" - No wrapping String starts with "/" - Wraps in <@ofbizUrl> and passes externalLoginKey. (e.g., "/warehouse/control/main") All other cases: Wraps in <@ofbizUrl> <@displayCurrency currencyUomId="" amount=0 class="tabletext"> Renders currency in the current locale. If the amount is negative the result will be red. If a different class is specified, negative amounts will still be red. The Cell and Row versions of this always right align the currency via the css class currencyCell. <@inputHidden name value index=-1> Renders a hidden input with the given name and value. This is mostly useful for making multi-submit hidden inputs, which would otherwise be clunky to write by hand. <@inputText name size=30 maxlength="" default="" index=-1> Renders a text input field with the given name. <@inputTextarea name rows=5 cols=60 default="" index=-1> Renders a textarea with the given name. <@inputSelect name list key="" displayField="" default="" defaultOptionText="" required=true index=-1> Renders a dropdown. The list is generated from the parameter 'list'. If this list contains the display field you want to render, then you can do the following,

<@inputSelect name="statusId" list=statusItems key="statusId" displayField="description" /> If you need to do additional processing of the list to get the text for each field, you can do the following, <@inputSelect name="statusTypeId" list=statusItems key="statusTypeId" ; option> <#assign statusType = option.getRelatedOneCache("StatusType")> ${statusType.description} </@inputSelect> This macro can generate an empty first row. To do this, set required to false. If you want to put some text in this empty row, such as 'please select something', you can specify it with defaultOptionText. <@inputLookup name lookup form default="" size=20 maxlength=20 index=-1> Like <@inputText> but also renders a lookup button next to it. The name of the lookup, such as LookupPartyName, should be specified with the lookup parameter. The name of the form must also be supplied with form. <@inputCurrency name list currencyName="currencyUomId" default="" defaultCurrency="USD" index=-1> Renders a small text input and a dropdown of currencies for entering a currency amount. Pass in a list of Uom entities of type CURRENCY_MEASURE. Since this macro generates two separate inputs, the name parameter refers to the text input, where the amount is entered, and the currencyName refers to the name of the currency dropdown. This macro might be simplified in the future since it's rare that such flexibility is required. <@inputSubmit title onClick="submitFormWithSingleClick(this)"> Renders a form submit button whose default onClick action is to prevent doubleposting. The title parameter is the button text. You may want to override onClick to do something fancy. Note that onClick is case sensitive. <@inputButton title onClick=""> Renders a button with text from the title parameter. This is useful when you want a form control with an onClick handler. Note that onClick is case sensitive. <@inputIndicator name required=true default="" index=-1> Renders a Y or N dropdown for indicator fields. Set required to false if you want to allow a null value. Larger Building Blocks<@inputDateTime name form default=""> Renders a date time input with separate fields for hours, minutes, and AM/PM. Must specify the name of the form with form. <@inputSelectTaxAuthority list defaultGeoId="" defaultPartyId="" required=false> Renders a special tax authority dropdown. This is rarely used, mostly for generating invoice items and tax authority lists. <@inputState name="stateProvinceGeoId" countryInputName="countryGeoId" address=<>> Renders a dropdown of states for the default application country. This dropdown is AJAX enhanced and will change to match the states or provinces of the selected country from the dropdown specified by countryInputName. This macro comes in Cell and Row flavors.

If you want, you can pass in an address Map or GenericValue. The state of this address will be used to select the default value. <@inputCountry name="countryGeoId" stateInputName="stateProvinceGeoId" address=<>> Renders a dropdown of countries. The default country is determined from the application properties defaultCountryGeoId. This dropdown is AJAX enhanced and will cause the state dropdown specified by stateInputName to change to match the selected country. This macro comes in Cell and Row flavors. If you want, you can pass in an address Map or GenericValue. The country of this address will be used to select the default value. <@inputStateCountry stateInputName="stateProvinceGeoId" countryInputName="countryGeoId" address=<>> Renders the <@inputState> and <@inputCountry> dropdowns together. Not really that useful, but it's here for legacy support. This macro comes in Cell and Row flavors. <@inputConfirm title href="" form="" confirmText=uiLabelMap.OpentapsAreyouSure class="buttonDangerous"> Renders a special link that will bring up a confirmation dialogue. If the user confirms the dialgoue, then the action will proceed. This macro may be linked to a form or it can be standalone. If the form is speficied, then a form.submit() action will take place when the user confirms. If a href is supplied, then the user will be sent to that link. <@inputHiddenRowSubmit index submit=true> Renders the special hidden variable that controls whether a given row will be processed in a multi form. If you are making a multi input form, you must call this macro for each row. If for some reason you want to disable the row with the macro, you can specify submit to false, and the row will not be procesed. Global FunctionstableRowClass( rowIndex, rowClassOdd="rowWhite", rowClassEven="rowLightGray" ) This function returns the value of rowClassOdd if the index is even, otherwise rowClassEven. Yes, this is a little backwards and will probably be fixed. It is used as follows, <#list fooList as foo> <tr class="${tableRowClass(foo_index)}"></tr> </#list> Convenience Macros<@tooltip text="" class="tooltip"> Renders a tooltip. This message stands out and can be used for notifying the user of important things. Example of a tooltip. <@displayError name index=-1> Renders a message if there is an error for the given field name (and index if a multi-form). The css class is errortooltip. This is used with the UtilMessage.addFieldError() methods. A form field is not required, this can be used to render messages anywhere on the screen. Sample use case: // in a bsh file called before the FTL UtilMessage.addFieldError(request, "foo", "OpentapsError_PermissionDenied"); <!-- in the FTL file --> <@displayError name="foo" />

The output will be:Sorry, you do not have permission to perform this action.

opentaps Ajax Pagination FrameworkOpentaps Ajax Pagination Framework

Contents[hide]1 Configuring the Screen Widget 2 Configuring the Pagination Query 3 Paginating in the FTL 4 Debugging 5 Notes

In this guide, we will show you how to replace a static form-widget list form with an Ajax paginated form using the opentaps Form Macros pagination framework. The screen is the Financials > Configure >> Chart of Accounts screen and displays all the general ledger accounts configured for a company. Originally, the list of accounts was created with the ofbiz form widget, but because a company typically has several hundred accounts associated with it, such a static form was not very user-friendly. It always displayed 100 GL accounts per page, and paging through was slow. Configuring the Screen WidgetThe first step is to edit screen widget XML definition and remove the references to the form widget. Edit the file hot-deploy/financials/widget/financials/screens/ConfigurationScreens.xml and look for the screen "listGlAccounts". Since the ajax pagination is done within freemarker (FTL) templates, you can remove the following lines which referenced the old form widget : <container style="screenlet-body"> <include-form name="listGlAccounts" location="component://financials/widget/financials/forms/configuration/ConfigurationForms.xml"/></container>You can also remove these lines: <set field="viewIndex" from-field="parameters.VIEW_INDEX" type="Integer" default-value="0"/><set field="viewSize" from-field="parameters.VIEW_SIZE" type="Integer" default-value="100"/>These are no longer needed because they were used to control the pagination of the list of GL accounts from the server side, but the opentaps Ajax pagination form macro allows the user to set pagination choices.

Configuring the Pagination QueryThe second step is to configure the data for the pagination. If you are doing a query or building a List of Maps or GenericValues, you do not need to do anything special: you can just pass your List directly to the paginator. You can also define a query for the paginator in a beanshell BSH script, which is typically used to retrieve data for display. This would cause the paginator to do the

query for you, rather than holding the entire of List of values in memory. In most opentaps applications, the BSH script is used to do a lookup of data and then put the resulting list or list iterator (cursor) into the context for an FTL page or form widget XML to display, like this: accounts = EntityUtil.filterByDate(delegator.findByAndCache("GlAccountOrganizationAndClass", UtilMisc.toMap("organizationPartyId", session.getAttribute("organizationPartyId")), UtilMisc.toList("accountCode")));context.put("accounts", accounts);For Ajax pagination, however, the FTL page needs to interact with the data directly, so we need to pass the data lookup query information to the FTL. This done by following the closure pattern, where a function is passed to the pagination object in FTL. This function is created in the BSH to represent what data lookup should be performed: glAccountListBuilder(organizationPartyId) {

entityName = "GlAccountOrganizationAndClass"; where = UtilMisc.toList( new EntityExpr("organizationPartyId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, organizationPartyId), EntityUtil.getFilterByDateExpr() ); orderBy = UtilMisc.toList("accountCode");

return this;}This function essentially defines what entity (GlAccountOrganizationAndClass) will be queried, what the conditions are in the where statement, and how the query results will be ordered. The fields entityName, where, orderBy, having, fieldsToSelect, and options' can be used to configure the query for pagination. Note that orderBy here specifies the initial order by sequence. In the pagination macro the user could define how he wants the fields ordered, and those will be saved the next time he visits the form. Then, you must make sure your function does this: return this;The next step is just to pass this function to the FTL, like this: context.put("glAccountListBuilder", glAccountListBuilder(session.getAttribute("organizationPartyId")));Paginating in the FTLThe pagination of the GL accounts will be handled in an FTL file like glAccounts.ftl, which previously only displayed a header. The first thing we will need is to import the opentaps form macros: <@import location="component://opentaps-common/webapp/common/includes/lib/opentapsFormMacros.ftl"/>Then, we simply call the <@paginate> form macro with the list we created in the BSH script: <@paginate name="glAccountOrganization" list=myList>

Alternatively, we can pass in the function we built in BSH: <@paginate name="glAccountOrganization" list=glAccountListBuilder>We will need to turn off freemarker parsing inside the paginate macro: <#noparse>Next, we bring in the pagination buttons, which let you scroll back and forth and to the beginning and end of the list of results with the <@paginationNavContext/>: <div class="subSectionHeader"> <div class="subMenuBar"> <@paginationNavContext /> </div> </div>That's most of the magic required. You would just build a table of your form in HTML with headers, like any other table, but use the <@headerCell> macro to define the heading cell as something that the user could order the list results by: <table class="listTable"> <tr class="listTableHeader"> <@headerCell title=uiLabelMap.FinancialsGLAccountCode orderBy="accountCode"/> <@headerCell title=uiLabelMap.FinancialsGLAccountName orderBy="accountName"/> <@headerCell title=uiLabelMap.FinancialsPostedBalance orderBy="postedBalance"/> <td> </td> </tr>For columns which shouldn't be sorted, just use the HTML TD tag. Next, you would use the FTL <#list> directive to display the individual rows. pageRows is returned from the pagination macro: <#list pageRows as row> <tr class="${tableRowClass(row_index)}"> <@displayCell text=row.accountCode/> <@displayCell text=row.accountName/> <td class="textright" style="padding-right: 40px"><@displayCurrency amount=row.postedBalance/></td> <td> <@displayLink href="reconcileAccounts?glAccountId=${row.glAccountId}" text=uiLabelMap.FinancialsReconcile/> <@displayLink href="updateGlAccountScreen?glAccountId=${row.glAccountId}" text=uiLabelMap.CommonEdit/> <@displayLink href="addSubAccountScreen?glAccountId=${row.glAccountId}" text=uiLabelMap.FinancialsAddSubAccount/> <@displayLink href="removeGlAccountFromOrganization?glAccountId=${row.glAccountId}&organizationPartyId=${row.organizationPartyId}" text=uiLabelMap.FinancialsDeactivate/> </td> </tr> </#list>

tableRowClass is created for you by the pagination macro to define different CSS classes for different rows. You can use either FTL and HTML to display the results or use one of the other form macros, such as <@displayLink> or <@displayCell>. Finally, you would wrap up like this: </table></#noparse></@paginate>And that's it! DebuggingThere are a few things you should know about debugging the paginator: The ofbiz framework caches the freemarker files, so after changing your .ftl file, make sure you clear the cache in Webtools > Cache. Otherwise, the changes may not appear. The paginator's content is retrieved via AJAX after the main page has loaded. Thus, if you did a "View Page Source" on your browser, it would not show the content inside paginate. If you are using Firefox, you can highlight the paginated area, right click on your mouse, and click on "View Selection Source" to view the HTML code of your paginator. NotesIf you use an EntityListBuilder, then add additional fields, you will not be able to sort by the fields which are not part of the database table. The paginator can accept additional parameters into it. They can be passed in as part of the @paginate directive, like this: <@paginate name="pendingInboundEmails" list=inboundEmails teamMembers=teamMembers>Then, inside of the paginator, you can access them using the parameters Map, like this: <#if parameters.teamMembers?has_content>...<#list parameters.teamMembers as option>Writing an ofbiz ContainerWriting an ofbiz ContainerThe ofbiz framework has a container architecture that allows you to set up containers which load up system infrastructure such as the delegator (database access), dispatcher (business logic tier), and web servers like Tomcat. The standard containers are used to run opentaps from the Tomcat server, run the POS terminal as a desktop application, or install data or write unit tests. You can also create your own containers for other purposes. For example, we created a custom container to generate Java classes for all the entities in the entitymodel XML files. To write your own container, you would need to create two configuration files, and a Java container file. Your container will be called based on the commandline parameters when the office framework is started. For example, $ ant make-base-entitiescauses the following target in the build.xml to be called: <target name="make-base-entities"> <!-- some other stuff --> <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true"> <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/>

<arg value="pojoentities"/> </java> </target>which in turn calls ofbiz with the following commandline parameters: $ java -jar ofbiz.jar pojoentitiesmeans that it will call up the pojoentities container. When ofbiz starts up, it will look for a file called in the org.ofbiz.base.start package. This file is in fact located in framework/base/src/start/org/ofbiz/base/start/ and defines the runtime configuration of ofbiz. For example, it defines where the configuration files are, where the log directory is, and whether the container will shut itself down automatically. The most important definition is an XML file which configures the container: # --- Location (relative to ofbiz.home) for (normal) container configurationofbiz.container.config=framework/base/config/pojoentities-containers.xmlThis file is in framework/base/config and defines the loaders for the container and then the container classes. In this case, it is org.opentaps.domain.container.PojoGeneratorContainer. The XML file also specifies the parameters for the container, which in this case is the name of the delegator and where the template and output file path for the POJOs are: <container name="pojo-generator-container" class="org.opentaps.domain.container.PojoGeneratorContainer"> <property name="delegator-name" value="default"/> <property name="template" value="hot-deploy/opentaps-common/templates/BaseEntity.ftl"/> <property name="output-path" value="hot-deploy/opentaps-common/src/org/opentaps/domain/base/entities/"/> </container>Finally, your container must have a standard init method, and the start() method will call the logic of the container. You can get the configuration properties of your container like this: public boolean start() throws ContainerException { ContainerConfig.Container cfg = ContainerConfig.getContainer(containerName, configFile); ContainerConfig.Container.Property delegatorNameProp = cfg.getProperty("delegator-name"); ContainerConfig.Container.Property outputPathProp = cfg.getProperty("output-path"); ContainerConfig.Container.Property templateProp = cfg.getProperty("template"); // rest of container actions

And everything else can follow from there.

Tips and TricksCreating and Applying Patches Creating and Applying Patches

Contents[hide]1 Creating Patches 1.1 Patch of Changes that I Made 1.2 Patch of Specific Revision of Opentaps 2 Applying Patches 2.1 Dealing with Patch Rejects

Creating Patches Patch of Changes that I Made To make a patch of the changes you made to opentaps, you can use the svn diff command from a terminal or command prompt. First, ensure you are in the root directory of opentaps, prompt> cd opentapsTo verify that you're in the right directory, ensure that it contains the build.xml and files. Next, execute the svn diff command, prompt> svn diffIt will print the patch of all changes you made to the screen. To save the output to a file instead, use a redirect, prompt> svn diff > mychanges.patchThis command will create a mychanges.patch file that contains all changes you made to opentaps. If you wish to see changes of only one file or directory, you can specify the file or directory explicitly, prompt> svn diff applications/productThis command will make a patch of all your changes to the applications/product/ directory and its children. Patch of Specific Revision of Opentaps Let's say you want to create a patch against a specific revision of opentaps, such as the bugfix revision 9593. In order to do this, you will need either a complete checkout of opentaps that's fully up to date or internet access to the opentaps subversion repository. Since it's simpler to use the online opentaps subversion repository, we will go over this technique here. To make the patch, use the svn diff command and use the -c argument to specify the revision. You must also specify the location of the opentaps repository from the trunk directory. The full command is as follows, prompt> svn diff -c 9593 svn:// > bugfix.patchA file named bugfix.patch is created and it contains revision 9593 of opentaps. Applying Patches If you get a patch, you can use it to modify your files with the patch command. patch is a standard UNIX command, and a Windows version is also available. First ensure that you are in the root directory of opentaps, prompt> cd opentapsIt should contain the build.xml and files.

We recommend copying the patch file to this directory for convenience. For instance, if you have the bugfix.patch patch file from the above example, copy it into the opentaps root directory. Also make sure the patch is not compressed (.zip or .gz). Next, use the patch command with -p0 arguments as follows, prompt> patch -p0 < bugfix.patchIf you did not copy the path file to the opentaps root directory, you will have to specify the full path to your patch file, prompt> patch -p0 < /path/to/bugfix.patchAssuming you have made no major changes that would conflict with the patch, it should be applied without errors. You can check to see if the patch was applied correctly using svn diff. Dealing with Patch Rejects Sometimes the patch might fail to be applied to a certain file. In this case, a rejection file is created with information about what caused the problem. Rejection files have the same name and location as the file that was not patched, except that it has an extension .rej. Avoiding Database Deadlocks Avoiding Database DeadlocksIn a high-volume scenario, repeated access to the database could cause a database deadlock, where a table becomes unavailable. This could in turn cause the system to become stuck and for critical functions to fail. The actual occurrence of database deadlocks will depend somewhat on the database itself. However, there are good general practices that you could follow to reduce your risk. To minimize the risk of deadlocks, Reducing SQL Server Deadlocks recommended the following: Keep transactions as short as possible. One way to help accomplish this is to reduce the number of round trips between your application and SQL Server by using stored procedures or keeping transactions with a single batch. Another way of reducing the time a transaction takes to complete is to make sure you are not performing the same reads over and over again. If your application does need to read the same data more than once, cache it by storing it in a variable or an array, and then re-reading it from there, not from SQL Server.In opentaps, we recommend that you follow these best practices when writing more complex business logic: Do not rely on the automatic transaction management of the ofbiz service engine. If you have business logic which requires repeated access to the database, both to retrieve and store data, turn off transactions at the service level by using the use-transaction="false"flag in the service XML definition. Manage the transaction inside of your Java code. As a general rule, if you find yourself needing to set a longer transaction timeout for your service, such as by using the transaction-timeout="600"parameter in the service XML definition, then your service should be rewritten to avoid potential deadlocks.

Put all of your database access code together, especially writes to the database, and put them inside a transaction block. Your code should be structured as much as possible to follow this three-part pattern: get data, process data, store data. A transaction should only be opened in the part of the code where you're actually storing data. For example, this hypothetical service has a greater risk of database deadlocks: <!-- services XML definition --> <service name="myService" engine="java" path="org.opentaps.MyServices" invoke="myService"/>

// inside of myService List orderHeaders = delegator.findByAnd("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", "ORDER_APPROVED")); for (GenericValue orderHeader: orderHeaders) { List orderItems = orderHeader.getRelatedByAnd("OrderItem", UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", "ITEM_APPROVED")); for (GenericValue orderItem: orderItems) { delegator.create(myEntity, myMapOfValues); // or Map tmpResult = dispatcher.runSync("someOrderRelatedService", paramterMapValues); } }Essentially, this code is going through the database again and again to read and write data. What if you had 1,000 approved orders with an average of 10 items per order? You would be doing 1,000 SELECT queries and nesting inside of each SELECT 10 INSERT queries. This is very risky and will probably lead to a deadlock, especially if several threads start trying to run the same service and do all those selects and inserts around the same time. A better way to do it would be like this (remember this is just an example and is not meant to run in real life): <!-- services XML definition --> <service name="myService" engine="java" path="org.opentaps.MyServices" invoke="myService" use-transaction="false"/>

// inside of myService

// group all your select queries together List orderHeaders = delegator.findByAnd("OrderHeader", UtilMisc.toMap("statusId", "ORDER_APPROVED")); List orderIds = EntityUtil.getFieldFromEntityList(orderHeaders, "orderId", true); // get List of distinct orderIds List orderItems = delegator.findByAnd("OrderItem", UtilMisc.toList( new EntityCondition("orderId", EntityOperator.IN, orderIds),

new EntityCondition("statusId", EntityOperator.EQUALS, "ITEM_APPROVED")));

// make a list of values to store List valuesToCreate = new LinkedList(); for (GenericValue orderItem: orderItems) { // do something GenericValue newValue = delegator.makeValue(myEntity, myMapOfValues); valuesToCreate.add(newValue); } }

// one transaction to store all your values TransactionUtil.begin(); delegator.storeAll(valuesToCreate); TransactionUtil.commit();

Database TipsDatabase Tips

Contents[hide]1 General 2 PostgreSQL Tips 2.1 Monitoring PostgreSQL Deadlocks 2.2 Checking Open PostgreSQL Connections 3 MySQL Tips 3.1 Table Name Case Sensitivity 3.2 UTF-8 Support 4 DB2 Tips 4.1 DB2 Basics 4.2 Making DB2 Work

GeneralJ2EE Transaction Management => transaction can be defined as an indivisible unit of work comprised of several operations, all or none of which must be performed in order to preserve data integrity. For example, a transfer of 00 from your checking account to your savings account would consist of two steps: debiting your checking account by 00 and crediting your savings account with 00. To protect data integrity and consistency -- and the interests of the bank and the customer -- these two operations must be applied together or not at all. Thus, they constitute a transaction. Properties of a transactionAll transactions share these properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (represented by the acronym ACID).

Atomicity: This implies indivisibility; any indivisible operation (one which will either complete fully or not at all) is said to be atomic. Consistency: A transaction must transition persistent data from one consistent state to another. If a failure occurs during processing, the data must be restored to the state it was in prior to the transaction. Isolation: Transactions should not affect each other. A transaction in progress, not yet committed or rolled back (these terms are explained at the end of this section), must be isolated from other transactions. Although several transactions may run concurrently, it should appear to each that all the others completed before or after it; all such concurrent transactions must effectively end in sequential order. Durability: Once a transaction has successfully committed, state changes committed by that transaction must be durable and persistent, despite any failures that occur afterwards.

A transaction can thus end in two ways: a commit, the successful execution of each step in the transaction, or a rollback, which guarantees that none of the steps are executed due to an error in one of those steps. Transaction isolation levelsThe isolation level measures concurrent transactions' capacity to view data that have been updated, but not yet committed, by another transaction. If other transactions were allowed to read data that are as-yet uncommitted, those transactions could end up with inconsistent data were the transaction to roll back, or end up waiting unnecessarily were the transaction to commit successfully. A higher isolation level means less concurrence and a greater likelihood of performance bottlenecks, but also a decreased chance of reading inconsistent data. A good rule of thumb is to use the highest isolation level that yields an acceptable performance level. The following are common isolation levels, arranged from lowest to highest: ReadUncommitted: Data that have been updated but not yet committed by a transaction may be read by other transactions. ReadCommitted: Only data that have been committed by a transaction can be read by other transactions. RepeatableRead: Only data that have been committed by a transaction can be read by other transactions, and multiple reads will yield the same result as long as the data have not been committed. Serializable: This, the highest possible isolation level, ensures a transaction's exclusive read-write access to data. It includes the conditions of ReadCommitted and RepeatableRead and stipulates that all transactions run serially to achieve maximum data integrity. This yields the slowest performance and least concurrency. The term serializable in this context is absolutely unrelated to Java's object-serialization mechanism and the interface.

Transaction support under J2EEThe Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform consists of the specification, compatibility test suite, application-development blueprints, and reference implementation. Numerous vendors provide application servers/implementations based on the same specification. J2EE components are meant to be specification-centric rather than product-centric (they

are built to a specification, rather than around a particular application-server product). J2EE applications include components that avail of the infrastructural services provided by the J2EE container and server, and therefore need to focus only on "business logic." J2EE supports flexible deployment and customization in the target production environment, using declarative attributes provided by a deployment descriptor. J2EE aims to protect IT efforts and reduce application-development costs. J2EE components may be built in-house or procured from outside agencies, which can result in flexibility and cost benefits for your IT department. Transaction support is an important infrastructural service offered by the J2EE platform. The specification describes the Java Transaction API (JTA), whose major interfaces include javax.transaction.UserTransaction and javax.transaction.TransactionManager. The UserTransaction is exposed to application components, while the underlying interaction between the J2EE server and the JTA TransactionManager is transparent to the application components. The TransactionManager implementation supports the server's control of (container-demarcated) transaction boundaries. The JTA UserTransaction and JDBC's transactional support are both available to J2EE application componentsThe J2EE platform supports two transaction-management paradigms: declarative transaction demarcation and programmatic transaction demarcation.Declarative transaction demarcationDeclarative transaction management refers to a non-programmatic demarcation of transaction boundaries, achieved by specifying within the deployment descriptor the transaction attributes for the various methods of the container-managed EJB component. This is a flexible and preferable approach that facilitates changes in the application's transactional characteristics without modifying any code. Entity EJB components must use this container-managed transaction demarcation.What is a transaction attribute?A transaction attribute supports declarative transaction demarcation and conveys to the container the intended transactional behavior of the associated EJB component's method. Six transactional attributes are possible for container-managed transaction demarcation:Required: A method with this transactional attribute must be executed within a JTA transaction; depending on the circumstances, a new transaction context may or may not be created. If the calling component is already associated with a JTA transaction, the container will invoke the method in the context of said transaction. If no transaction is associated with the calling component, the container will automatically create a new transaction context and attempt to commit the transaction when the method completes. RequiresNew: A method with this transactional attribute must be executed in the context of a new transaction. If the calling component is already associated with a transaction context, that transaction is suspended, a new transaction context is created, and the method is executed in the context of the new transaction, after whose completion the calling component's transaction is resumed. NotSupported: A method with this transactional attribute is not intended to be part of a transaction. If the calling component is already associated with a transaction context, the container suspends that transaction, invokes the method unassociated with a

transaction, and upon completion of the method, resumes the calling component's transaction. Supports: A method with this transactional attribute supports the calling component's transactional situation. If the calling component does not have any transactional context, the container will execute the method as if its transaction attribute was NotSupported. If the calling component is already associated with a transactional context, the container will execute the method as if its transactional attribute was Required. Mandatory: A method with this transactional attribute must only be called from the calling component's transaction context. Otherwise, the container will throw a javax.transaction.TransactionRequiredException. Never: A method with this transactional attribute should never be called from a calling component's transaction context. Otherwise, the container will throw a java.rmi.RemoteException.

Methods within the same EJB component may have different transactional attributes for optimization reasons, since all methods may not need to be transactional. The isolation level of entity EJB components with container-managed persistence is constant, as the DBMS default cannot be changed. The default isolation level for most relational database systems is usually ReadCommitted. Programmatic transaction demarcationProgrammatic transaction demarcation is the hard coding of transaction management within the application code. Programmatic transaction demarcation is a viable option for session EJBs, servlets, and JSP components. A programmatic transaction may be either a JDBC or JTA transaction. For container-managed session EJBs, it is possible -- though not in the least recommended -- to mix JDBC and JTA transactions.JDBC transactionsJDBC transactions are controlled by the DBMS's transaction manager. The JDBC Connection -- the implementation of the java.sql.Connection interface - supports transaction demarcation. JDBC connections have their auto-commit flag turned on by default, resulting in the commitment of individual SQL statements immediately upon execution. However, the auto-commit flag can be programmatically changed by calling the setAutoCommit() method false with the argument. Afterward, SQL statements may be serialized to form a transaction, followed by a programmatic commit() or rollback(). Thus, JDBC transactions are delimited with the commit or rollback. A particular DBMS's transaction manager may not work with heterogeneous databases. JDBC drivers that support distributed transactions provide implementations for javax.transaction.xa.XAResource and two new interfaces of JDBC 2.0, javax.sql.XAConnection and javax.sql.XADataSource.JTA transactionsJTA transactions are controlled and coordinated by the J2EE transaction manager. JTA transactions are available to all the J2EE components -- servlets, JSPs, and EJBs -- for programmatic transaction demarcation. Unlike JDBC transactions, in JTA transactions the transaction context propagates across the various components without additional programming effort. In J2EE server products, which support the distributed two-phase commit protocol, a JTA transaction can span updates to multiple diverse databases with

minimal coding effort. However, JTA supports only flat transactions, which have no nested (child) transactions.The javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface defines methods that allow applications to define transaction boundaries and explicitly manage transactions. The UserTransaction implementation also provides the application components -- servlets, JSPs, EJBs (with bean-managed transactions) -- with the ability to control transaction boundaries programmatically. EJB components can access UserTransaction via EJBContext using the getUserTransaction() method. The methods specified in the UserTransaction interface include begin(), commit(), getStatus(), rollback(), setRollbackOnly(), and setTransactionTimeout(int seconds). The J2EE server provides the object that implements the javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface and makes it available via JNDI lookup. The isolation level of session EJB components and entity EJB components that use bean-managed persistence may be programmatically changed using the setTransactionIsolation() method; however, changing the isolation level in mid-transaction is not recommended.Optional aspects of J2EE transactional supportSome aspects of the J2EE platform are optional, which may be due to evolving standards and introducing new concepts gradually (in terms of Internet time). For example, in the EJB 1.0 specification, entity beans (and container-managed persistence) was a relatively new concept and an optional feature. Support for entity beans became mandatory about a year later in the EJB 1.1 specification because of high market acceptance and demand. As products mature and support more sophisticated features, non-trivial features may be made a mandatory part of the specification. The following are some optional transaction-related aspects: About the authorSanjay Mahapatra is a Sun Certified Java programmer (JDK 1.1) and architect (Java Platform 2). He currently works for Cook Systems International, a consulting and systems integration vendor for the Java 2 Platform. Multiple database connections within a transaction context and the two-phase commit protocol: The J2EE 1.2 specification does not require a J2EE server implementation to support access to multiple JDBC databases within a transaction context (and support the two-phase commit protocol). The javax.transaction.xa.XAResource interface is a Java mapping of the industry-standard XA interface based on X/Open CAE specification. (See Resources.) X/Open is a consortium of vendors who aim to define a Common Applications Environment that supports application portability. Support for the multiple JDBC data sources, javax.transaction.xa.XAResource, two-phase commit, etc., is optional in the current specification, though the next version will likely mandate such support. Sun Microsystems's J2EE reference implementation, for instance, supports access to multiple JDBC databases within the same transaction using the two-phase commit protocol. Transactional support for application clients and applets: The J2EE 1.2 specification does not require that transactional support be made available to application clients and applets. Some J2EE servers may provide such support in their J2EE server products. As a design practice, transaction management within application

clients should be avoided as much as possible, in keeping with the thin client and three-tier model. Also, a transaction, being a precious resource, must be distributed sparingly. Inter-Web-component transaction context propagation: The J2EE 1.2 specification does not mandate that the transaction context be propagated between Web components. Typically, Web components like servlets and JSPs need to make calls on (session) EJB components, rather than to other Web components.

Transactional support and portabilityIn the interest of component portability, it is important for you -- the designer and developer -- to understand which aspects of transactional support are mandatory and which are optional. In the J2EE model, components are written against a specification and are meant to be deployed on J2EE-compliant application servers from various vendors -- all in the interest of protecting IT investment and cross-J2EE-server portability. But if a crucial transactional functionality needs an optional transactional feature, take adequate care to declare, document, and highlight the dependency clearly, explicitly, and as early as possible. ConclusionJ2EE's declarative transaction demarcation approach is more elegant than programmatic transaction demarcation. At the same time, using declarative transaction demarcation means relinquishing control of the isolation level, since one is limited to the default level provided in the DBMS. If you must use programmatic transaction demarcation, JTA transactions are generally preferred over JDBC transactions. JTS transactions, however, cannot be nested. In the interest of portability, be aware of the optional and mandatory aspects of transactional support in the J2EE platform. Against this background, your application's specific transactional needs will naturally govern your choice of transaction management strategy.Nested Transactions Introduction to nested transactionsUsing transactions as we have to this point does not always allow applications the granularity of error isolation that may be desired. If the transaction aborts, all changes are rolled back. As our example application is now written, this is the desired behavior. However, for more complicated transactions, we may want a finer granularity in error isolation. For example, we may not want to undo all parts of a transaction due to an error in one operation. As an example, consider the billing part of our application. Currently, the billing algorithm is the following: The order server makes an RPC to the billing server. The billing server, using PPC, queries the billing database on the mainframe and decrements the account balance. If the customer has insufficient funds in the billing database, the transaction is aborted. Any other PPC failures also result in the transaction being aborted. The abort in Step 3 results in all parts of the transaction being aborted. Not only is the change to the billing database backed out; changes to the inventory database are backed out, and the shipping request is dequeued. This algorithm is used for orders from all customers.

However, suppose we want to extend credit to preferred customers. These customers are listed in preferred customer database, which also records the current credit and maximum credit for preferred customers. The preferred customer database is local; thus our application does not have to access the mainframe for preferred customers. To use this database, we change the billing algorithm as follows: The order server first checks the preferred customer database (which could be another RDBMS or an SFS file). If the customer has an entry in that database, we increment the "current credit" amount by the amount of the order. If the current order places that customer over the credit limit, we abort the transaction to back out any changes we made to the database. Only if the customer is not a preferred customer or does not have sufficient credit do we make an RPC to the billing server. In our current transactional model, the abort in Step 3 in the new billing algorithm backs out not only any changes to the preferred customer database but all work done by the transaction. We can of course change the algorithm so that the application does not abort in the case of insufficient funds but instead queries the database and then decrements it only if sufficient funds exist. However, as we will discuss in Changing the design of the application server, there are reasons for not doing so. We need a way to isolate any errors that occur in the interaction with the local database, preventing such errors from aborting the entire transaction. The solution is to check and decrement the local database from within a nested transaction. A nested transaction is a new transaction begun from within the scope of another transaction. Nested transactions offer several features, including: Nested transactions enable an application to isolate errors in certain operations. Nested transactions allow an application to treat several related operations as a single atomic operation. Nested transactions can operate concurrently. Nested transactions, like any other transactions, do incur a performance cost. Therefore, they should be used only when necessary. Nested and top-level transactionsAs described in the previous section, a nested transaction is begun within the scope of another transaction. The transaction that starts the nested transaction is called the parent of the nested transaction. There are two types of nested transactions: A nested top-level transaction commits or aborts independently of the enclosing transaction. That is, after it is created, it is completely independent of the transaction that created it. The Tran-C topLevel construct for creating nested top-level transactions. The syntax of this construct is identical to that of the transaction construct, but the topLevel keyword is used instead of the transaction keyword. A nested subtransaction commits with respect to the parent transaction. That is, even though the subtransaction commits, the permanence of its effects depends on the parent transaction committing. If the parent transaction aborts, the results of the nested transaction are backed out. However, if the nested transaction aborts, the parent transaction is not aborted. The easiest way to create a nested subtransaction transaction in Tran-C is to simply use a transaction block within the scope of an

existing transaction. Tran-C automatically makes the new transaction a subtransaction of the existing transaction. In this chapter, when we discuss nested transactions, we are generally referring to nested subtransactions unless we specify otherwise. A series of nested subtransactions is viewed as a hierarchy of transactions. When transactions are nested to an arbitrary depth, the transaction that is the parent of the entire tree (family) of transactions is referred to as the top-level transaction. If the top-level transaction aborts, all nested transactions are aborted as well. By default, nested subtransactions of the same parent transaction are executed sequentially within the scope of the parent. The Tran-C concurrent and cofor statements can be used to create subtransactions that execute concurrently with each other on behalf of their parent transaction. For more information, see the Encina Transactional Programming Guide.

JDBC Best Practices topic illustrates the best practices to improve performance in JDBC with the following sections:Overview of JDBCChoosing the right DriverOptimization with ConnectionSet optimal row pre-fetch valueUse Connection poolControl transactionChoose optimal isolation levelClose Connection when finishedOptimization with StatementChoose right Statement interfaceDo batch updateDo batch retrieval using StatementClose Statement when finishedOptimization with ResultSetDo batch retrieval using ResultSetSetup proper direction of processing rowsUse proper getxxx() methodsClose ResultSet when finishedOptimization with SQL QueryCache the read-only and read-mostly dataFetch small amount of data iteratively instead of fetching whole data at onceKey PointsOverview of JDBCJDBC defines how a Java program can communicate with a database. This section focuses  mainly on JDBC 2.0 API.  JDBC API provides two packages they are java.sql and javax.sql . By using JDBC API, you can connect virtually any database, send SQL queries to the database and process the results.

JDBC architecture defines different layers to work with any database and java, they are JDBC API interfaces and classes which are at top most  layer( to work with java ), a driver which is at middle layer (implements the JDBC API interfaces that maps java to database specific language) and a database which is at the bottom (to store physical data). The following figure illustrates the JDBC architecture.

JDBC API provides interfaces and classes to work with databases. Connection interface encapsulates database connection functionality, Statement interface encapsulates SQL query representation and execution functionality and ResultSet interface encapsulates retrieving data which comes from execution of SQL query using Statement. The following are the basic steps to write a JDBC program        1. Import java.sql and javax.sql packages        2. Load JDBC driver        3. Establish connection to the database using Connection interface        4. Create a Statement by passing SQL query        5. Execute the Statement        6. Retrieve results by using ResultSet interface        7. Close Statement and ConnectionWe will look at these areas one by one, what type of driver you need to load, how to use Connection interface in the best manner, how to use different Statement interfaces, how to process results using ResultSet and finally how to optimize SQL queries to improve JDBC performance.Note1: Your JDBC driver should be fully compatible with JDBC 2.0 features in order to use some of the suggestions mentioned in this section.Note2: This Section assumes that reader has some basic knowledge of JDBC. Choosing right Driver

Here we will walk through initially about the types of drivers, availability of drivers, use of drivers in different situations, and then we will discuss about which driver suits your application best.Driver is the key player in a JDBC application, it acts as a mediator between Java application and database. It implements JDBC API interfaces for a database, for example Oracle driver for oracle database, Sybase driver for Sybase database. It maps Java language to database specific language including SQL.JDBC defines four types of drivers to work with. Depending on your requirement you can choose one among  them.Here is a brief description of each type of driver : 

Type of driver

Tier Driver mechanism Description


This driver converts JDBC calls to ODBC calls through JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver which in turn converts to database calls. Client requires ODBC libraries.

2 TwoNative API - Partly - Java driver

This driver converts JDBC calls to database specific native calls. Client requires database specific libraries.


JDBC - Net -All Java driver

This driver passes calls to proxy server through network protocol which in turn converts to database calls and passes through database specific protocol. Client doesn't require any driver.

4 TwoNative protocol - All - Java driver

This driver directly calls database. Client doesn't require any driver.

 Obviously the choice of choosing a driver depends on availability of driver and requirement. Generally all the databases support their own drivers or from third party vendors. If you don't have driver for your database, JDBC-ODBC driver is the only choice because all most all the vendors support ODBC. If you have tiered requirement ( two tier or three tier) for your application, then you can filter down your  choices, for example if your application is three tiered, then you can go for Type three driver between client and proxy server shown below. If you want to connect to database from java applet, then you have to use Type four driver because it is only the driver which supports that feature. This figure shows the overall picture of drivers from tiered perspective. 

 This figure illustrates the drivers that can be used for two tiered and three tiered applications. For both two and three tiered applications, you can filter down easily to Type three driver but you can use Type one, two and four drivers for both tiered applications. To be more precise, for java applications( non-applet) you can use Type one, two or four driver. Here is exactly where you may make a mistake by  choosing a driver without taking performance into consideration. Let us look at that perspective in the following section.Type 3 & 4 drivers are faster than other drivers because Type 3 gives facility for optimization techniques provided by application server such as connection pooling, caching, load balancing etc and Type 4 driver need not translate database calls to ODBC or native connectivity interface. Type 1 drivers are slow because they have to convert JDBC calls to ODBC through JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver initially and then ODBC Driver converts them into database specific calls. Type 2 drivers give average performance when compared to Type 3 & 4 drivers because the database calls have to be converted into database specific calls. Type 2 drivers give better performance than Type 1 drivers. Finally, to improve performance 1. Use Type 4 driver for applet to database communication.2. Use Type 2 driver for two tiered applications for communication between java client and the database that gives better performance when compared to Type1 driver3. Use Type 1 driver if your database doesn't support a driver. This is rare situation because almost all major databases support drivers or you will get them from third party vendors.4.Use Type 3 driver to communicate between client and proxy server ( weblogic, websphere etc) for three tiered applications that gives better performance when compared to Type 1 & 2 drivers. Optimization with Connectionjava.sql package in JDBC provides Connection interface that encapsulates database connection functionality. Using Connection interface, you can fine tune the following operations :        1. Set optimal row pre-fetch value        2. Use Connection pool        3. Control transaction        4. Choose optimal isolation level        5. Close Connection when finished

Each of these operations effects the performance. We will walk through each operation one by one.1. Set optimal row pre-fetch valueWe have different approaches to establish a connection with the database, the first type of approach is :         1. DriverManager.getConnection(String url)        2. DriverManager.getConnection(String url, Properties props)        3. DriverManager.getConnection(String url, String user, String password)        4. Driver.connect(String url, Properties props)When you use this approach, you can pass database specific information to the database by passing properties using Properties object to improve performance. For example, when you use oracle database you can pass default number of rows that must be pre-fetched from the database server and the default batch value that triggers an execution request. Oracle has default value as 10 for both properties. By increasing the value of these properties, you can reduce the number of database calls which in turn improves performance. The following code snippet illustrates this approach.        java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();        props.put("user","scott");        props.put("password","tiger");        props.put("defaultRowPrefetch","30");        props.put("defaultBatchValue","5");        Connection con = DriverManger.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@hoststring", props); You need to figure out appropriate values for above properties for better performance depending on application's requirement. Suppose, you want to set these properties for search facility, you can increase defaultRowPrefetch so that you can increase performance significantly.The second type of approach is to get connection from DataSource.You can get the connection using javax.sql.DataSource interface. The advantage of getting connection from this approach is that the DataSource works with JNDI. The implementation of DataSource is done by vendor, for example you can find this feature in weblogic, websphere etc. The vendor simply creates DataSource implementation class and binds it to the JNDI tree. The following code shows how a vendor creates implementation class and binds it to JNDI tree.        DataSourceImpl dsi = new DataSourceImpl();        dsi.setServerName("oracle8i");        dsi.setDatabaseName("Demo");        Context ctx = new InitialContext();        ctx.bind("jdbc/demoDB", dsi);This code registers the DataSourceImpl object to the JNDI tree, then the programmer can get the DataSource reference from JNDI tree without knowledge of the underlying technology.        Context ctx = new InitialContext();        DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/demoDB");        Connection con = ds.getConnection();

By using this approach we can improve performance. Nearly all major vendor application servers like weblogic, webshpere implement the DataSource by taking connection from connection pool rather than a single connection every time. The application server creates connection pool by default. We will discuss the advantage of connection pool to improve performance in the next section.2. Use Connection poolCreating a connection to the database server is expensive. It is even more expensive if the server is located on another machine. Connection pool contains a number of open database connections with minimum and maximum connections, that means the connection pool has open connections between minimum and maximum number that you specify. The pool expands and shrinks between minimum and maximum size depending on incremental capacity. You need to give minimum, maximum and incremental sizes as properties to the pool in order to maintain that functionality. You get the connection from the pool rather directly .For example, if you give properties like min, max and incremental sizes as 3, 10 and 1 then pool is created with size 3 initially and if it reaches it's capacity 3 and if a client requests a connection concurrently, it increments its capacity by 1 till it reaches 10 and later on it puts all its clients in a queue.  There are a few choices when using connection pool. 1. You can depend on application server if it supports this feature, generally all the application servers support connection pools. Application server creates the connection pool on behalf of you when it starts. You need to give properties like min, max and incremental sizes to the application server. 2. You  can use JDBC 2.0 interfaces, ConnectionPoolDataSource and PooledConnection if your driver implements these interfaces3. Or  you can create your own connection pool if you are not using any application server or JDBC 2.0  compatible driver.By using any of these options, you can increase performance significantly. You need to take care of properties like min, max and incremental sizes. The maximum number of connections to be given depends on your application's  requirement that means how many concurrent clients can access  your database and also it depends up on your database's capability to provide maximum number of connections. 3. Control transactionIn general, transaction represents one unit of work or bunch of code in the program that executes in it's entirety or none at all. To be precise, it is all or no work. In JDBC, transaction is a set of one or more Statements that execute as a single interface provides some methods to control transaction they are        public interface Connection {            boolean getAutoCommit();            void        setAutoCommit(boolean autocommit);            void        commit();            void        rollback();         }JDBC's default mechanism for transactions:

By default in JDBC transaction starts and commits after each statement's  execution on a connection. That is the AutoCommit mode is true. Programmer need not write a commit() method explicitly after each statement.Obviously this default mechanism gives good facility for programmers if they want to execute a single statement. But it gives poor performance when multiple statements on a connection are to be executed because commit is issued after each statement by default, that in turn reduces performance by issuing unnecessary commits. The remedy is to flip it back to AutoCommit mode as false and issue commit() method after a set of statements execute, this is called as batch transaction. Use rollback() in catch block to rollback the transaction whenever an exception occurs in your program. The following code illustrates the batch transaction approach.try{    connection.setAutoCommit(false);     PreparedStatement ps = connection.preareStatement( "UPDATE employee SET Address=? WHERE name=?");    ps.setString(1,"Austin");    ps.setString(2,"RR");    ps.executeUpdate();    PreparedStatement ps1 = connection.prepareStatement( "UPDATE account SET salary=? WHERE name=?");    ps1.setDouble(1, 5000.00);    ps1.setString(2,"RR");    ps1.executeUpdate();    connection.commit();    connection.setAutoCommit(true);    }catch(SQLException e){ connection.rollback();}    finally{             if(ps != null){ ps.close();}             if(ps1 != null){ps1.close();}   if(connection != null){connection.close();}    }This batch transaction gives good performance by reducing commit calls after each statement's execution.4. Choose optimal isolation levelIsolation level represent how a database maintains data integrity against the problems like dirty reads, phantom reads and non-repeatable reads which can occur due to concurrent transactions. java.sql.Connection interface provides  methods and constants to avoid the above mentioned problems by setting different isolation levels.public interface Connection {        public static final int  TRANSACTION_NONE                             = 0        public static final int  TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED         = 2        public static final int  TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED     = 1        public static final int  TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ       = 4        public static final int  TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE                 = 8        int          getTransactionIsolation();        void        setTransactionIsolation(int isolationlevelconstant);

}You can get the existing isolation level with getTransactionIsolation() method and set the isolation level with setTransactionIsolation(int isolationlevelconstant) by passing above constants to this method.The following table describes isolation level against the problem that it prevents : 

Transaction Level                            Permitted Phenomena 

Performance impact

     Dirty reads

 Non  Repeatable reads

Phantom reads






TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE NO NO NO SLOWYES means that the Isolation level does not prevent the problemNO means that the Isolation level prevents the problemBy setting isolation levels, you are having an impact on the performance as mentioned in the above table. Database use read and write locks to control above isolation levels. Let us have a look at each of these problems and then look at the impact on the performance. Dirty read problem :The following figure illustrates Dirty read problem  : 

 Step 1:     Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 10Step 2:    Connection1 starts  Transaction1 (T1) .

Step 3:    Connection2 starts  Transaction2 (T2) .Step 4:    T1 updates PRICE =20 for PRODUCT = A001Step 5:    Database has now PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001Step 6:    T2 reads PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001Step 7:    T2 commits transactionStep 8:    T1 rollbacks the transaction because of some problemThe problem is that T2 gets wrong PRICE=20 for PRODUCT = A001 instead of 10 because of uncommitted read. Obviously it is very dangerous in critical transactions if you read inconsistent data. If you  are sure about not accessing data concurrently  then you can allow this problem by setting TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED or TRANSACTION_NONE that in turn improves performance otherwise you have to use TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED to avoid this problem. Unrepeatable read problem :The following figure illustrates Unrepeatable read problem  : 

Step 1:     Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 10Step 2:    Connection1 starts  Transaction1 (T1) .Step 3:    Connection2 starts  Transaction2 (T2) .Step 4:    T1 reads PRICE =10 for PRODUCT = A001Step 5:    T2 updates PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001Step 6:    T2 commits transactionStep 7:    Database row has PRODUCT = A001 and PRICE = 20Step 8:    T1 reads PRICE = 20 for PRODUCT = A001Step 9:    T1 commits transactionHere the problem is that Transaction1 reads 10 first time and reads 20 second time but it is supposed to be 10 always whenever it reads a record in that transaction. You can control this problem by setting isolation level as TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ.Phantom read problem :

The following figure illustrates Phantom read problem  :

Step 1:     Database has a row PRODUCT = A001 and COMPANY_ID = 10Step 2:    Connection1 starts  Transaction1 (T1) .Step 3:    Connection2 starts  Transaction2 (T2) .Step 4:    T1 selects a row with a condition SELECT PRODUCT WHERE COMPANY_ID = 10Step 5:    T2 inserts a row with a condition INSERT PRODUCT=A002  WHERE                   COMPANY_ID= 10Step 6:    T2 commits transactionStep 7:    Database has 2 rows with that conditionStep 8:    T1 select again with a condition SELECT PRODUCT WHERE COMPANY_ID=10                             and gets 2 rows instead of 1 rowStep 9:    T1 commits transactionHere the problem is that T1 gets 2 rows instead of 1 row up on selecting the same condition second time. You can control this problem by setting isolation level as TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLEChoosing a right isolation level for your program:Choosing a right isolation level for your program depends upon your application's requirement. In single application itself the requirement generally changes, suppose if you write a program for searching a product catalog from your database then you can easily choose TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED because you need not worry about the problems that are mentioned above, some other program can insert records at the same time, you don't have to bother much about that insertion. Obviously this improves performance significantly.If you write a critical program like bank or stocks analysis program where you want to control all of the above mentioned problems, you can choose TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE for maximum safety. Here it is the tradeoff between the safety and performance. Ultimately we need safety here.

If you don't have to deal with concurrent transactions your application, then the best choice is TRANSACTION_NONE to improve performance.Other two isolation levels need good understanding of your requirement. If your application needs only committed records, then TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED isolation is the good choice. If your application needs to read a row exclusively till you  finish your work, then TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ is the best choice.Note: Be aware of your database server's support for these isolation levels. Database servers may not support all of these isolation levels. Oracle server supports only two isolation levels, TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED and TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE isolation level, default isolation level is TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITED.5. Close Connection when finishedClosing connection explicitly allows garbage collector to recollect memory as early as possible. Remember that when you use the connection pool, closing connection means that it returns back to the connection pool rather than closing direct connection to the database. Optimization with StatementStatement interface represents SQL query and execution and they provide number of methods and constants to work with queries. They also provide some methods to fine tune performance. Programmer may overlook these fine tuning methods that result in poor performance. The following are the tips to improve performance by using statement interfaces        1. Choose the right Statement interface        2. Do batch update        3. Do batch retrieval using Statement        2. Close Statement when finished1. Choose right Statement interfaceThere are three types of Statement interfaces in JDBC to represent the SQL query and execute that query, they are Statement, PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.Statement is used for static SQL statement with no input and output parameters, PreparedStatement is used for dynamic SQL statement with input parameters and CallableStatement is used for dynamic SQL satement with both input and output parameters, but PreparedStatement and CallableStatement can be used for static SQL statements as well. CallableStatement is mainly meant for stored procedures.PreparedStatement gives better performance when compared to Statement because it is pre-parsed and pre-compiled by the database once for the first time and then onwards it reuses the parsed and compiled statement. Because of this feature, it significantly improves performance when a statement executes repeatedly, It reduces the overload incurred by parsing and compiling.CallableStatement gives better performance when compared to PreparedStatement and Statement when there is a requirement for single request to process multiple complex statements. It parses and stores the stored procedures in the database and does all the work at database itself that in turn improves performance. But we loose java portability and we have to depend up on database specific stored procedures. 2. Do batch update

You can send multiple queries to the database at a time using batch update feature of statement objects this reduces the number of JDBC calls and improves performance. Here is an example of how you can do batch update,statement.addBatch( "sql query1");statement.addBatch(" sql query2");statement.addBatch(" sql query3");statement.executeBatch();All three types of statements have these methods to do batch update.3. Do batch retrieval using StatementYou can get the default number of rows that is provided by the driver. You can improve performance by increasing number of rows to be fetched at a time from database using setFetchSize() method of the statement object.Initially find the default size by usingStatement.getFetchSize();   and then set the size as per your requirementStatement.setFetchSize(30);Here it retrieves 30 rows at a time for all result sets of this statement.4. Close Statement when finishedClose statement object as soon as you finish working with that, it explicitly gives a chance to garbage collector to recollect memory as early as possible which in turn effects performance. Statement.close(); Optimization with ResultSetResultSet interface represents data that contains the results of executing an SQL Query and it provides a number of methods and constants to work with that data. It also provides methods to fine tune retrieval of data to improve performance. The following are the fine tuning tips to improve performance by using ResultSet interface.        1. Do batch retrieval using ResultSet        2. Set up proper direction for processing the rows        3. Use proper get methods        4. Close ResultSet when finished1. Do batch retrieval using ResultSetResultSet interface also provides batch retrieval facility like Statement as mentioned above. It overrides the Statement behaviour.Initially find the default size by usingResultSet.getFetchSize(); and then set the size as per requirementResultSet.setFetchSize(50);This feature significantly improves performance when you are dealing with retrieval of large number of rows like search functionality. 2. Setup proper direction of processing rowsResultSet has the capability of setting the direction in which you want to process the results, it has three constants for this purpose, they areFETCH_FORWARD, FETCH_REVERSE, FETCH_UNKNOWNInitially find the direction by using ResultSet.getFetchDirection(); and then set the direction accordinglyResultSet.setFetchDirection(FETCH_REVERSE);

3. Use proper getxxx() methodsResultSet interface provides lot of getxxx() methods to get and convert database data types to java data types and is flexibile in converting non feasible data types. For example,getString(String columnName) returns java String object.columnName is recommended to be a VARCHAR OR CHAR type of database but it can also be a NUMERIC, DATE etc.If you give non recommended parameters, it needs to cast it to proper java data type that is  expensive. For example consider that  you select  a product's id from huge database which returns millions of records from search functionality, it needs to convert all these records that is very expensive.So always use proper getxxx() methods according to JDBC recommendations.4. Close ResultSet when finishedClose ResultSet object as soon as you finish working with ResultSet object even though Statement object closes the ResultSet object implicitly when it closes, closing ResultSet explicitly gives chance to garbage collector to recollect memory as early as possible because ResultSet object may occupy lot of memory depending on query. ResultSet.close(); Optimization with SQL Query This is one of the area where programmers generally make a mistake If you give a query likeStatement stmt = connection.createStatement();ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from employee where name=RR");The returned result set contains all the columns data. you may not need all the column data and want only salary for RR.The better query is "select salary from employee where name=RR"It returns the required data  and reduces unnecessary data retrieval. Cache the read-only and read-mostly dataEvery database schema generally has read-only and read-mostly tables. These tables are called as lookup tables. Read-only tables contain static data that never changes in its life time. Read-mostly tables contain semi dynamic data that changes often. There will not be any sort of writing operations in these tables. If an application reads data from these tables for every client request, then it is redundant, unnecessary and expensive. The solution for this problem is to cache the read-only table data by reading the data from that table once and caching the read-mostly table data by reading and refreshing with time limit. This solution improves performance significantly. See the following link for source code of such caching mechanism. can tweak this code as per application requirement. For read-only data, you need not refresh data in its life time. For read-mostly data, you need to refresh the data with time limit. It is better to set this refreshing time limit in properties file so that it can be changed at any time. 

Fetch small amount of data iteratively instead of fetching whole data at onceApplications generally require to retrieve huge data from the database using JDBC in operations  like searching data. If the client request for a search, the application might return the whole result set at once. This process takes lot of time and has an impact on performance. The solution for the problem is1. Cache the search data at the server-side and return the data iteratively to the client. For example, the search returns 1000 records, return data to the client in 10 iterations where each iteration has 100 records.2. Use Stored procedures to return data iteratively. This does not use server-side caching rather server-side application uses Stored procedures to return small amount of data iteratively. Out of these solutions the second solution gives better performance because it need not keep the data in the cache (in-memory). The first procedure is useful when the total amount of data to be returned is not huge. Key Points

Use Type two driver for two tiered applications to communicate from java client to database that gives better performance than Type1 driver. Use Type four driver for applet to database communication that is two tiered applications and three tiered applications when compared to other drivers. Use Type one driver if you don't have a driver for your database. This is a rare situation because all major databases support drivers or you will get a driver from third party vendors. Use Type three driver to communicate between client and proxy server ( weblogic, websphere etc) for three tiered applications that gives better performance when compared to Type 1 &2 drivers. Pass database specific properties like defaultPrefetch if your database supports any of them. Get database connection from connection pool rather than getting it directly Use batch transactions. Choose right isolation level as per your requirement. TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITED gives best performance for concurrent transaction based applications. TRANSACTION_NONE gives best performance for non-concurrent transaction based applications. Your database server may not support all isolation levels, be aware of your database server features. Use PreparedStatement when you execute the same statement more than once. Use CallableStatement when you want result from multiple and complex statements for a single request. Use batch update facility available in Statements. Use batch retrieval facility available in Statements or ResultSet. Set up proper direction for processing rows. Use proper getXXX() methods. Close ResultSet, Statement and Connection whenever you finish your work with them. Write precise SQL queries.

Cache read-only and read-mostly tables data. Fetch small amount of data iteratively rather than whole data at once when retrieving large amount of data like searching database etc.


PostgreSQL TipsPostgreSQL Wiki Article on Performance Optimization Optimizing PostgreSQL Monitoring PostgreSQL DeadlocksYou can monitor any database locks using the Entity SQL Processor in Webtools -> Entity SQL Processor with the following query, select pg_class.relname, pg_locks.mode, pg_locks.relation, pg_locks.transaction, from pg_class, pg_locks where pg_class.relfilenode = pg_locks.relation order by pidThis will show what kinds of locks are active on what entities. If there is an exclusive lock on a table followed by a bunch of pids that are waiting for it, then you have a deadlock. Checking Open PostgreSQL ConnectionsRun this query: select datname, numbackends from pg_stat_database;to see the number of open connections to each of your databases. See How to Know Number of Connections Made with Database - PostgreSQL If you are running out of connections, edit the file framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml and increase the number of connections available. MySQL TipsTable Name Case SensitivityIf you use Linux or Unix for your MySQL server, the table names may be case sensitive, so PRODUCT and product are not the same table. You can turn this off by configuring mysqld on startup to ignore table names with the lower-case-table-names flag, such as this example from /etc/init.d/mysql: $bindir/mysqld_safe --datadir=$datadir --lower-case-table-names=1 --pid-file=$server_pid_file $other_args >/dev/null 2>&1 & See MySQL manual on identifier case sentivity UTF-8 SupportBy default, MySQL supports the Latin1 character set, which is intended for European languages such as English. If you wish to use MySQL for other language types, you may need to set up a database or UTF-8 character set encoding. To do this, you would need to create your database using UTF-8 first: mysql> create database opentaps default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;Then you would need to set your framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file for the MySQL database to use the UTF-8 character set:

character-set="utf8" collate="utf8_general_ci" Note that it is not clear that my SQL supports case sensitive UTF-8 coalition at this point, although you may be able to use UTF-8 binary collation. DB2 TipsDB2 BasicsYou must configure DB2 to have tablespaces of 8K or more. This can be done when you create the database from the Control Center:

If you get an error message from DB2, you will get a SQLCODE like below: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-270, SQLSTATE=42997, SQLERRMC=63, DRIVER=3.50.152To figure out what it is, you have to run db2 from the command line: $ db2 ? sql-270Some of the more popular codes are: SQL-204: <name> not recognized. Most likely, you are referencing a table that doesn't exist. SQL-270: Function not supported. See the SQLERRMC for the message code. If you get sql-270 with sqlerrmc=63, it means that you are trying to select a CLOB/BLOB type with a scroll insensitive cursor. SQL-286: insufficient page size for CREATE TABLE SQL-530: foreign key violation SQL-803: operation violates a unique value constraint Making DB2 Work There are three issues with using DB2 and opentaps:

You must define a fieldtypedb2.xml file for your framework/entity/fieldtype/ directory. You can Start with the field type XML from another database, such as MySQL. Most of the valid DB2 field types are similar, but DB2 does not have a "NUMERIC" type. It is called "DECIMAL" instead of must be used for floating-point and currency field types. On startup, the ofbiz entity engine does a check of the database against the entity model definitions. Part of the check is to verify that the primary keys of all the tables are correctly defined, but the entity engine attempts to obtain the primary key information for all the tables of the database at once, which is not supported by DB2. To make this feature work, you need to modify to have the entity engine check the primary keys one table at a time. The biggest problem with DB2 is that it does not support SELECT operations which include CLOB/BLOB fields when the ResultSet is scroll insensitive (See [1].) The solution is not as simple as just changing the result set type, because DB2 also does not support (i) SELECT operations on views or with JOIN using scroll sensitive cursor or (ii) moving around with .absolute(i) or .relative(i) operations on a ResultSet of TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY. This means that the view entities which include CLOB/BLOB types cannot be SELECTED (because you cannot use a scroll insensitive ResultSet), or that the EntityListIterator.getPartialList method will not work (because you cannot use .absolute and .relative), so the ofbiz form widget's list form will not paginate correctly. There is no solution for this problem, but the following workarounds exist: Since the majority of the large object (LOB) types are CLOB for long character strings, you can redefine the field type for your blob and very-long to be the longest possible VARCHAR instead of using CLOB. You can avoid using the getPartialList feature and instead use findAll or findByAnd to return a Java list, and then use the sublist() method on it. These queries are done with TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY and return the entire list at once, but the drawback is that a Java list has a limited capacity of about 65,000 records. If neither of these workarounds are acceptable, you would have to rewrite certain features (like surveys with long text responses) to conform to DB2's restrictions. In practice, most ERP-related uses of opentaps would not require CLOB's, so the first option should suffice. Only with content management features would such field types be required, and those features would need to be rewritten for DB2 compatibility. Source Code Repository Management: SVN TipsSVN TipsSetting up Commit Emails Before we begin, ensure that mail can be sent from the server on which the subversion repository lives. If you're on a UNIX OS, this can be done by running the mail program from the command line, prompt:> mail -s "test subject" Type in body of email and press CTRL-D to send. ^D prompt:>Next, go to the hooks/ directory of our subversion repository. It should contain several files ending in .tmpl. These are shell script templates that allow you to hook actions to

subversion events. In particular, we are looking for post-commit.tmpl which we will use to send email whenever a commit is made. Ensure that exists in hooks/ directory. If you cannot find it, get it from here. Create a copy of post-commit.tmpl named post-commit Edit post-commit and add the following before the call to PATH=/path/to/subversion/hooksComment out if present, it's not necessary. This script only needs to do Specify the email or space separated list of emails to send these commit notifications to as the last arguments to Make sure that and post-commit are executable by anyone chmod a+x post-commitThis should basically be it. Commit something to test things out. If there is a problem, it will usually show up in the mail server logs. The next sections cover possible issues. Permission Denied If you're running svnserve to allow checkout using svn:// URL notation, then you have to make sure that the user that runs svnserve can also read and execute the scripts in hooks/. Make sure this user owns that directory and all files in it. You might also want to make sure this user can send emails to the mailserver. Log in as the user and use the mail command to test this. How to use SVK How to use SVK

Contents[hide]1 SVK Setup and Usage Instructions 1.1 Setup 1.2 Migrating an Existing Repository 1.3 Migrating Changes Between the Parent Mirror and the Child Depot

SVK Setup and Usage Instructions Setup These are steps which need to be followed to set up SVK initally, whether there is an existing SVN repository to migrate or not. Assumes a default install of Subversion and SVK. More information can be found in the book Version Control with SVK. svk depotmap --init Initializes SVK. svk mirror svn:// //project_parentMirror initialized. Run svk sync //project_parent to start mirroring. Mirrors the parent repository to a local depot. svk sync //project_parentSyncing svn:// log information from 1 to 134Committed revision 2 from revision 1....Committed revision 135 from revision 134.

Retrieves all the revisions of the parent repository into the local mirror. Alternatively the following can be used to ignore older revisions: svk sync --skipto HEAD //project_parent svk cp //project_parent //project_newCommitted revision 136. Creates a child depot based on the mirror of the parent repository. SVK will know henceforth that the child is related to the parent. svnserve -d -r /path/to/.svk/local Begin serving the SVK depots via the SVN protocol. Not necessary if serving the depot via HTTP over Apache or only accessing the depot locally via the file:// protocol. svn co svn://localhost/project_new /path/to/working/copy/of/project Use Subversion tools to check out a working copy of the child depot. This working copy can be operated upon normally with SVN tools - commit, update, etc. Migrating an Existing Repository These are steps which need to be followed when a previously existing SVN repository needs to be migrated to SVK. Assumes the setup steps above have been completed. svk mirror svn://user@childrepositoryhost/project_old //project_oldMirror initialized. Run svk sync //project_old to start mirroring. Mirror the old repository (which must have been based on the parent repository at some point) to an SVK depot. svk sync //project_oldSyncing svn://user@childrepositoryhost/project_oldRetrieving log information from 1 to 6Committed revision 138 from revision 1....Committed revision 143 from revision 6. Retrieve all the revisions of the old SVN repository into the SVK depot mirror of the old repository. kill 1234 Kill the svnserve process which is serving the old SVN repository. Substitute the correct process ID. svk merge -r 138:143 -l //project_old //project_newCommitted revision 144. Merge the revisions from the SVK depot which mirrors the old repository into the child depot (which is a copy of the mirror depot of the parent repository). All revisions will be imported in one commit - incremental revision merges don't seem to be supported by SVK at the time of writing (using the -I switch results in an error). Note that the revision numbers above apply to the SVK revisions, not the SVN revisions from the old SVN repository. svk mirror -d //project_oldMirror path '//project_old' detached. Remove the now-unneeded mirror of the old SVN repository (optional). svn up /path/to/working/copy/of/project Update the working copy of the child depot with the change containing all the revisions from the old SVN repository. Migrating Changes Between the Parent Mirror and the Child Depot

To pull all changes from the parent repository into the mirror, and push all changes from the mirror into the parent repository: svk sync //project_parent As above, but only up to a specific revision: svk sync -t 133 //project_parent To merge a specific revision range from the parent depot (mirror) to the child depot (copy of mirror): svk merge -r 1000:1050 //project_parent //project_child (Note that the revision numbers refer to the SVK depot revision numbers, not the revision numbers of the parent repository.) To auto-merge all changes from the parent depot to the child depot: svk smerge //project_parent //project_child or svk pull //project_child As above, synchronizing the parent mirror first: svk smerge -s //project_parent //project_child

Trac Tips Trac TipsPrefixing the Email Subject with [projectname trac] It's useful to prefix the emails sent from trac with the project or company name to distinguish from other trac systems. To do this, edit the trac.ini file and change the following line, smtp_subject_prefix = [projectname trac]As with all trac configuration changes, there is no need to restart the server. The next trac email subject will be prefixed by [projectname trac]. CSS Display Bugs in IE CSS Display Bugs in IEFloat Drop BugThis bug occurs when you have a floating box and the content that should be next to it is pushed underneath. It is a well known bug and has many solutions. The best solution is to avoid using CSS and use tables for this kind of layout. Sometimes this is not possible, so we must hack the CSS until it does what we want. As an example, suppose you have a fixed width main content area, say 800 pixels wide. On the left is a floating sidebar that has float: left and is 200 pixels wide. We want the main body of content to fill the rest of the space. <div style="width: 800px;"> <div style="float: left; width: 200px;"> Sidebar content goes here. </div> <div class="body"> Rest of content should flow around the sidebar </div> </div>In IE, the contents in the body can end up below the sidebar rather than to the right of it. To fix this, make sure all content in body is less than the width of the body area, which is 800 - 200 = 600 pixels wide. Then modify the body CSS definition,

.body { display: inline; width: 600px;}Header Background Color VanishesProblem: A colored header, such as the blue screenlet-header style, loses its background color if it touches the top of the screen. This generally occurs when there is a floating element next to the header. This problem is most noticable when creating orders in the OFBiz ordermgr. Some of the headers have yellow links in them, and when the blue background does not show up, it looks really ugly. We fixed the problem with the CSS tag .subSectionHeader in opentaps.css, which is why we prefer to use that over screenlet-header. To fix it for screenlet-header or other styles that might have a problem, .screenlet-header { _height: 1em;}The height is interpreted by IE as the minimum height that the div should span, forcing it to color at least that much. IE is the only browser that understands the underscore, so this is a safe hack. Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting

Performance Analysis and TroubleshootingThis is a page to assist with performance analysis and troubleshooting.

Contents[hide]1 Monitoring Deadlocks in PostgreSQL 2 Suspending Runaway Threads 3 Profiling with AspectJ 3.1 Out of the Box Profiling 3.2 Understand AspectJ code

Monitoring Deadlocks in PostgreSQL See Database_Tips#Monitoring_PostgreSQL_Deadlocks Suspending Runaway Threads Suppose you start a process that you realize will take forever and need to stop it. However, it can't be stopped because it was activated by an HTTP request and killing the browser session doesn't work. First, check the log to see if you can identify the thread that is running this process. For instance, suppose you have the following line in your log that corresponds to what your process is doing, 2008-01-23 18:55:47,585 (TP-Processor10) [ ] Something that identifies your processThis thread is TP-Processor10. You can use the Java Thread API to suspend it by hand. The easiest way to do this is to use a bsh script or the bsh terminal. First, you will want to know the number of threads in the system. Load up Webtools -> Jobs ->

Thread List and count the rough number of threads displayed. Suppose you have about 50 threads. Once you know the rough size, run the following script, either via the bsh terminal or by hooking it up to a controller.xml request, threads = new Thread[50];size = Thread.enumerate(threads);for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { print(i + ": " + threads[i]);}This will print out the index and name of each thread. Find the index of TP-Processor 10. Suppose it is index 37. You can then suspend the thread by doing this, t = threads[37];t.suspend();

Profiling with AspectJ In opentaps 1.0, profiling is done using Aspect Oriented Programming. AOP provides us with the ability to specify measurement points around any part of the code without having to modify the Java code itself. This is a brief tutorial on how to take advantage of this to profile suspected problem spots in the system. Performance monitoring is accomplished using the JETM library, which comes with opentaps. Out of the Box Profiling Presently, performance profiling can be triggered by running the tests. First thing is to compile the system and tests as normal. Then, you will want to compile profiling support as follows, $ ant -f hot-deploy/opentaps-common/build.xml profilingThis will apply the profiling aspects using bytecode weaving, a process which modifies the existing jars and inserts new bytecode that represents our profiling code. Make sure that the run-tests target in the main build.xml file does not have any dependencies. Otherwise, when you run the tests, it will recompile the codebase without the aspects. This is a more efficient setup for testing anyway, since we do not want to recompile the entire system. When ready, run the tests, $ ant run-testsThen when you look at the logs, you have: A confirmation the profiling library is loaded. Example: * Start JETM monitoring* JETM 1.2.2 started.A table with all the profiling details. Example: TODO: Put an example hereUnderstand AspectJ code Some theory: First you have to create a file with your aspect. We are not talking anymore about class, but aspect. Actually, it use a specific compiler. (Compiler errors message are not really

understandable in my mind... You can activate the options verbose and showWaveInfo to have some more info.) AOP is a way to add code to several points of the project, based on method selections or pointcut. Creation of a poincut: pointcut testRunContainerStart() : execution(public boolean org.ofbiz.testtools.TestRunContainer.start());You can use wildcard: *, +, .. * replace a name or part of the name public * fr.umlv.*.test.*.start*(int, String, *)+ used to not tell the name of the parameter of the method or the name of the package public void fr..Test.SetParams(..)all the public method of SetParam whatever are their parameters,returning void and available in the classes Test which are wherever inthe package fr.. used to define whatever sub-type of a class or interface. void fr.umlv.test.IMouseListener+.set*(..)all the methods which begins with set in the classes implementing theinterface IMouseListener.Some Practical comments: In my case I almost always give the full method name with the argument. Because ofbiz and opentaps project are big projects, side effects could happen in case of not specifing the full method name I want to work on. Let's go back to theory: You can define the poincut on various events: call, execution, get, set, handler, initialization, preinitialization, staticinitialization, adviceexecution call call of the method execution execution of the method. What is the difference between call and execution? Mainly it is about heritance. In the case of call we are working with the reference which is used in the program (it can be the interface). In the case of execution we are working on the object which is instanciated. There is more differences. In case of a call, the compiler modifies the invoking code. In case of an execution, the compiler modifies the target code. It's made problematic crosslibrary using of "call", if the execution used around pointcut is inlined in target method. I.e. someMethod() { Debug.logInfo("Enter method"); Debug.logInfo("Leave method")}

execution(someMethod)around(someAdvice) { Debug.logInfo("Enter advice");

proceed() Debug.logInfo("Leave advice")}compiler will producesomeMethod { Debug.logInfo("Enter advice"); Debug.logInfo("Enter method"); Debug.logInfo("Leave method") Debug.logInfo("Leave advice")}A bit crazy:) This can bring a problem with debugging and breakpoints in advises. Eclipse has special options for this case. During the creation of a pointcut, you can use logic and associate various call, execution with && or || The interesant method is args which let you access to the parameter of the method. When you pointcut is defined, you can realize a treatment. before to realize the treatment before to reach the pointcut. after to realize the treatment after to reach the pointcut. If the program is multithread (case of opentaps) and you have to do two treatment before and after the pointcut, you can use around and proceed. proceed will execute the code corresponding to the poincut in a around instruction. This is a really quick overview, to understand the code added to opentaps and there is some more to know, some trap (infinite loops) etc... Source Source Running Tsung against opentaps server Running Tsung against opentaps serverThis is a page to assist with running tsung against opentaps server.

Contents[hide]1 Installing tsung 2 Configuration file 2.1 readcsv.erl 2.2 tsung.xml 2.2.1 Configuration of the client 2.2.2 Configuration of the server 2.2.3 Configuration of the monitoring (cpu, memory, network) 2.2.4 Arrival of the clients on the tested server 2.2.5 The different options 2.3 userlist.csv 3 Logs, Reports and Graphics generated 3.1 Logs 3.2 Reports 3.3 Graphics

Installing tsung Homepage Download page Documentation Tsung needs the erlang platform to be installed. We will not extend over it, because rpm or deb versions just runs fine. Tsung is a tool only available for linux platform under binary form. Maybe it could be runned against windows with the erlang windows version and the cygwin platform. We used Tsung with erlang 5.6.1 The version 1.2.2 has some problem linked to xml parsing, so we prefer the version 1.2.0 You may want to modify tsung-1.2.0/src/tsung_controller/ts_os_mon.erl, depending on which platform you are running the opentaps server. The scripts which do the os monitoring (cpu, memory and network graphs) may not be convenient for your platform. Compilation For debian users, just type fakeroot debian/rules binary. For the others a ./configure, make, make install will do it. To run the client with the configuration file tsung.xml, just have $ tsung -f tsung.xml startConfiguration file The configuration file and all the file needed to do a tsung stress testing are available in the directory hot-deploy/opentaps-tests/scripts/tsung/ readcsv.erl a small erlang script used to generate the login string from the user and password read tsung.xml the configuration file for tsung userlist.csv the list of the users which will be used successively to login readcsv.erl In this file, there is only one function called user. The step done are: ts_file_server:get_next_line() to read one line in the file string:tokens(Line,";") to separate the user and the password "USERNAME=" ++ Username ++"&PASSWORD=" ++ Passwd to return the login string You have to compile this file $ erlc readcsv.erl You will get a file called readcsv.beam, which you have to copy in the tsung binary directory. In our case it is /usr/lib/erlang/lib/tsung-1.2.0/ebin/tsung.xml The tsung.xml file is the configuration file which has the different scenarios to execute. There is some comments in there. Here is an overview: Configuration of the client By default only one http client is configured which is localhost. You can configure as many http clients as you want. The computer which fires the tests must have a ssh access with passphrase. <clients> <client host="localhost" use_controller_vm="true"/> </clients>

Configuration of the server By default the opentaps http server is configured on localhost:8443. You can change it too. <servers> <server host="localhost" port="8443" type="ssl"/> </servers>Configuration of the monitoring (cpu, memory, network) The monitoring has to be configured to access the opentaps server. In our case it is localhost. The computer which fires the tests must have a ssh access with passphrase. <monitoring> <monitor host="localhost" type="erlang"/> </monitoring>Arrival of the clients on the tested server It is configured in the load node and by a phase system. For each phase you put the duration of the phase and the frequency of arrival of the clients. You can have as many phase as you want. In this case, there is one phase of one minute which is configured, where clients arrived each 25 seconds. We will have 4 clients. <load> <arrivalphase phase="1" duration="1" unit="minute"> <users interarrival="25" unit="second"/> </arrivalphase> </load>The different options user_agent UserAgent string to use thinktime The thinktime of a user between his last response received and the next request he will send. file_server the file with the login <options> <!-- which type of client are we going to fire --> <option type="ts_http" name="user_agent"> <user_agent probability="80">Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050513 Galeon/1.3.21</user_agent> <user_agent probability="20">Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; fr-FR; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4</user_agent> </option> <!-- Each client has a random thinktime (time between two request) around 3 --> <option name="thinktime" value="3" random="true" override="true"/> <!-- TOBEMODIFIED Absolute path for the file from which we generate the login and password --> <option name="file_server" value="userlist.csv"/> </options>userlist.csv It is a basic csv file which associate on one line a user and a password separated by a ; ie DemoSalesManager;crmsfaThis users will be used successively to login into the opentaps server.

Logs, Reports and Graphics generated Logs In the directory ~/.tsung/log/ you will get the logs file. tsung_controller@FabsLaptop.log is the log where you can have the errors related to tsung tsung.dump is the dump of all the requests and responses generated tsung.log is used to generate the reports and graphics tsung.xml is the configuration file To generate the reports and graphics, just execute /usr/lib/tsung/bin/ in the directory of logs. Reports Main statistics

connect is the time to make a tcp connect page is the time to download a whole page request is the time to send a request session is the time to get through a scenario node in the configuration file (in our case, to create and approve an order) Transactions Statistics

tr_approveSalesOrder is the time to get through the transaction node in the configuration file called approveSalesOrder tr_createSalesOrder is the time to get through the transaction node in the configuration file called createSalesOrder tr_login is the time to get through the transaction node in the configuration file called login Network Throughput

size_rcv is the quantity of bits received size_sent is the quantity of bits sent Counters Statistics

finish_users_count match is the quantity of verification done by the match node, which success newphase nomatch is the quantity of verification done by the match node, which fails users_count is the quantity of users generated Server monitoring

cpu is the consumption of cpu freemem is the free memory available recvpackets is the quantity of bits received sentpackets is the quantity of bits sent HTTP return code

The apparition of the different http code. We observe 200, which is the normal http back code, and 302, which is received sometimes. This is normal I observe both during the building of the scenario. Graphics Response Time


page correspond to the mean time to charge one page tr_* correspond to the mean time to charge one page in the specified transaction

Mean connect correpond to the mean time to do a tcp connect request correspond to the mean time to do a http request Throughput

Rate page correspond to the mean time to charge one page tr_* correspond to the mean time to charge one page in the specified transaction

Rate connect correpond to the mean time to do a tcp connect request correspond to the mean time to do a http request

Quantity of bit sent and received

Quantity of users doing an operation at the same time Simultaneous Users

freemem mean HTTP return code Status (rate)

different http code returned Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Tips Google Web Toolkit (GWT) TipsGeneral Concepts The general idea of GWT is that you write a small "applet" which have a variety of user interface elements, like input boxes, buttons, etc., that communicate asynchronously with your server. They are written in Java, which GWT compiles to cross-platform JavaScript for you. It is then "wired" to your webpage using the id attribute of your HTML. For example, if your HTML has the following tag: <tr><td id="newContact"/> <td>Rest of opentaps goes here</td> </tr>Then, in GWT, you can add widgets to that part of your webpage with: RootPanel.get("newContact").add(vPanel);The RootPanel of GWT is like the background of your screen. You add panels, buttons, and other widgets to it to make your screen. Often, the GWT API is a bit low level, and you can save a lot of code by making simple extensions or helpful methods like these for your repetitive UI elements:

private TextBox getTextBox(int visibleLength, int maxLength) { TextBox textBox =new TextBox(); textBox.setVisibleLength(visibleLength); textBox.setMaxLength(maxLength); return textBox;}

private Label getLabel(String text, String styleName) { Label label = new Label(text); label.setStyleName(styleName); return label;}

private void addWidgetWithLabelToPanel(VerticalPanel panel, String labelText, String labelStyle, Widget widget) { panel.add(getLabel(labelText, labelStyle)); panel.add(widget);}To work with the different elements of your GWT "applet", you would define them as variables, instantiate them, pass them along, and then modify them later. For example, you can define an input field called "firstNameInput" in your class: private TextBox firstNameInput = null;Then, you can instantiate it and add it to a panel: firstNameInput = new TextBox(); addWidgetWithLabelToPanel(vPanel, "First Name", "requiredField", firstNameInput); Later, when somebody clicks on a button, you can access it by referencing the original object: createButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) {// ... dialogBox.setText("Create contact " + firstNameInput.getText()); // ... } });

API and Technical Design Referenceopentaps JavaDocs LiveCatalog XML-RPC API Amazon Integration Manufacturing Model Configuring the POS Store Configuring Authorize.NET Implementing CVV Security Code Checking

Recommended ReadingShow me your flowcharts and conceal your tables, and I'll continue to be mystified. Show me your tables, and I won't usually need your flowcharts; they'll be obvious.-- The Mythical Man Month by Fred Brooks Even after four decades, and long after the word "flowchart" has been replaced by "UML", data models still play a central role in software design. The following three books will give you three different perspectives on data modeling for enterprise applications and help you understand the heart of opentaps. You should read all three to get a balanced perspective: Data Model Resource Book, Volume 1. -- This comprehensive volume and approaches it from a relational perspective for transactional systems. Domain Driven Design -- This book approaches the design of transactional applications from an object-oriented perspective. Data Warehouse Toolkit -- This book gives a comprehensive treatment from the analytical perspective. Other helpful references: Opentaps Source Licensing -- If you want to learn more about open source software licenses, read this book instead of all the mailing list graffiti.

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