openshift-webinaari 31.1. / ambientian esitykset

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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OpenShift-webinaari 31.1. klo 10-11

APIen hallinnalla uutta liiketoimintaa

Webinaari – 16.2. klo 14-15

Henrin Kokkikoulu – OpenShift-reseptitAamiainen Helsingin konttorilla – 22.2. klo 8.30-9.30

Sosiaalinen Intranet

Tapahtuma Helsingissä – 9.3. klo 8.30-11

E-Commerce HelsinkiTapahtuma (Messukeskus osasto 5g34) – 8.-9.3.

Liferay Audience Targeting

Webinaari – 21.3. klo 10-11

DevOps Stack – CI/CD

Webinaari – 28.3. klo 10-11

APIen hallinnalla uutta liiketoimintaa

Webinaari – 16.2. klo 14-15

Henrin Kokkikoulu - OpenShiftAamiainen Helsingin konttorilla – 22.2. klo 8.30-9.30

Sosiaalinen Intranet

Tapahtuma Helsingissä – 9.3. klo 8.30-11

E-Commerce HelsinkiTapahtuma (Messukeskus osasto 5g34) – 8.-9.3.

Liferay Audience Targeting

Webinaari – 21.3. klo 10-11

DevOps Stack – CI/CD

Webinaari – 28.3. klo 10-11


10:00 Intro ja tervetuloa, Harri Hellström, Business Development Consultant, Ambientia10:10 Digitalisaatio trendinä, Markus Strandvall, Marketing Manager, Red Hat 10:20 Sovelluskehityksen merkitys liiketoiminnalle ja haasteet, Solutions Architect, Ilkka Tengvall, Red Hat10:35 Aloita nyt: DevOps kilpailuetuna sinun liiketoiminnassasi, Solutions Architect, Ilkka Tengvall, Red Hat10:50 Ambientian osaaminen käsilläsi - hostingista OpenShiftiin,  Henri Sora, Director, Technology & Services, Ambientia10:55 Kysymykset11.00 Webinaari päättyy

Real customer questions when considering OpenShift over Virtual Machines

OpenShift webinar 31.1.2017

“We will just buy virtual machinesas we have done before”

1. Well, yes but the need to configure and to maintain the machines remains. With OpenShift the machines and containers are being created from the version control system. Therefore, a lot of work vanishes.

2. Also, overhead running the whole operating system for each virtual machine is much larger than with minimalistic containers.

3. Ambientia can also make a plan for you that uses mCPU’s instead of full CPU’s.

“Our software doesn’t need to scale”

1. Technically building cloud aware applications will be the new normal quite soon. Therefore, you’ll scalling as an side effect.

2. With virtual machine infra one needs a person to do the scaling. In the cloud scaling is automatic.

3. With Ambientia’s or Red Hat’s cloud offering one can start small.

“Security updates haven’t been a issue for us”

1. …and they won’t be because they are automatic in the future.

2. One cannot lag security updats anymore with OpenShift.

3. With CloudForms one can have visibility for the security posture of the whole container base.

“We need learn something new again”

1. OpenShift contains simplified and lucrative tools for developers. It simply brings more joy to coding.

2. You can use different technologies like Java and Node.js with the same application.

3. Learning to split your application means it easier to scale only the components that need it. Thus, less money spent on daily running costs, when scaling everything up is not the only option.”

“We will need to have our data in our data center”

1. OpenShift one of the rare platforms that can bring cloud based technologies to your data center.

2. Red Hat brings the technology and its lifecycle management for at least 10 years.

3. Ambientia brings the hands, expertise and experience to run the platfrom.

“We cannot commit to one cloud provider”

1. Ambientia and Red Hat are both providing straightforward cloud based plans that you can use to run applications designed specifically for OpenShift.

2. Programming software to be delivered in a container is quite ubiquitous model today. It isn’t limited to OpenShift.

3. By packaging an application to a container you are expanding the runtime options not limiting like with standalone virtual machine installations.

”What Ambientia can offer for us?”

1. Plans for running OpenShift applications on Ambientia’s OpenShift installation in Finland.

2. Consultancy for OpenShift installations and subscriptions

3. Teams experienced delivering software on OpenShift

”What Ambientia can offer for us?”

1. Plans for running OpenShift applications on Ambientia’s OpenShift installation in Finland.

2. Consultancy for OpenShift installations and subscriptions

3. Teams experienced delivering software on OpenShift “Now - Questions &



Service Desk: +358 290 010 500

Henri Sora

Director, Technology & Servies

+358 40 5340 405


Kiitos osallistujille!

Ilkka Tengvall & Markus Strandvall, Red HatHenri Sora & Harri Hellström, Ambientia

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