opening sequences to john wick

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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opening sequences to

The film opens up with an abandoned building at night showing the city in the background. We hear faint sounds of rain and cars

The low lighting is a typical convention of thriller films.

Using abandoned buildings and urban areas at night are also conventions of thriller.

The eerie quiet with the faint sounds of rain and traffic could also be a convention of thriller because the quiet indicates a progression of action.

This frame shows car drive slowly and hit against the wall.

This makes the audience question the film if the drivers inexperienced or injured. It intrigues the audience.

There is no music in the background. just the noise of rain. this is a convention of thriller as it's usually unexpected and make us jump

Here we are introduced to the main character. He looks injured and this makes the viewers question what happened. the low lighting , dark clothes and dark vehicle are conventions of thriller.

In thrillers vehicles are used to represent the type of character, in this film the character comes out of a black SUV making the audience assume he’s someone dangerous

Here we see a close up of his hand. The blood indicates there was violence earlier and it shows there will be violence later on. The character also has a ring. since it's being shown it must mean there is a deeper meaning to the violence. a storyline. which is also a convention of thriller

In this frame the character is looking at a recording of his wife. Since he's looking at a recording it could mean she's no longer around and the recording shows she passed away recently otherwise he would have been looking at a picture. This shows that the violence is somehow related to her and makes the audience want to watch on.

It also establishes the characters motives, maybe he's fighting for revenge? or fighting to save her? this makes the audience question the film and want to find out what next

In this frame the character seems to be unconscious or dead.

death is normally a convention of action thrillers and since it's in the opening this makes the viewers know that the film is going to contain action and people dying.

The only noise is now from the recording on his phone showing that the noise of the rain and traffic died which shows an empathetic death

In this frame we see a close up of the alarm clock and john wick in the background. This shows the normality in contrast to the previous scene where he fell unconscious or died of a open wound.

Despite it being a new day the lighting is quite dark which could explain the character as being dark and his emotions.

mirrors are used a lot in thrillers to show the reflection of the protagonist. the reflection is often used to show the darker side of a character which is hidden from other characters in the film. Showing the protagonist is flawed.

The low lighting and the use of silence shows the characters emotions- sadness. They are also used to show thriller conventions

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