online marketing for healthcare

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Slides from our HealthCare Presentation for HealthCare Victoria Participants. The slides cover various aspects of search + online advertising.


December 2013

Share a basic understanding of how Google Search, online advertising, and Google Analytics work in a health care context.

Offer some insight on the value of your HealthCare Victoria participation.

Answer any questions.

Generate some excitement!

Often called “free” results but they are anything but free considering the effort you need to put in to appear on the first page of search results.

Nonetheless, SEO (search engine optimization) can be the highest-ROI activity you can do from a long term perspective.

Triggered by: ◦ Relevant content (to the search

phrase). ◦ An optimized site. ◦ Relevant high quality links from

other websites. ◦ Social media engagement and links. ◦ A users own history and


HealthCare Victoria – support in 2 critical areas.

Ads are PPC (pay per click) & are triggered by bidding on specific search terms.

Not just a bid network (bid x performance = ad position)

Can set as small or as big a budget as you like.

Ad setup very straightforward but you MUST dedicate significant learning resources to succeed in a competitive market.

Links to your Google+ Local business page.

Also show up on Google Maps.

Triggered by: ◦ Relevance.

◦ Physical proximity to searcher.

◦ Optimization of your Google+ Local page.

◦ Optimization of your website (and external links).

HealthCare Victoria boost.

Images & Video (i.e. HealthCare Victoria Videos).

Highly Optimized Google+ Local (pictures, videos, posts, reviews, engagement).

Specialized niche content (like neighbourhoods) which are less competitive and “winnable” in organic search.


Ads are extremely prominent and can have trackable “click to call.”

Ads are followed by ONE organic listing, then the Google+ Local listings, then more organic listings.

HealthCare Victoria support for G+ Mobile.

1. Fill in the blanks: I would definitely pay for an ad that would get people who live in ______ to visit my website if they were searching for ________________.

2. Fill in the blanks: I would definitely pay for an ad to people who live in _____, who are _____ years old, who are of the ____ sex and are interested in _______ (plus education level, relationship status, etc).

3. Fill in the blanks: I wish I could advertise to people who work at __________ (company name).

Google Search



They will if you do the work that many advertisers DON’T...

i.e. Answer the following questions (for every ad or target):

◦ In the ad, what benefit do I need to convey to get someone to click?

◦ What do visitors (each different type) need to see on my “landing page” to take the next step with me or my company?

Answer and act on these and you’re on your way to a successful campaign.

Ads can be targeted at your site or at HealthCare Victoria Page.

Free to do research (which also helps identify keywords/themes for your site).

Competitive, but huge advantages to getting good at it (sustainable, scalable, qualified traffic).

You bid to have your ad appear on certain search terms (keywords) and pay only when visitors click on your ads.

Accessible opportunities include: ◦ Niche terms that

others aren’t bidding on.

◦ Narrow, high value terms that you know you can’t go wrong on.

◦ Neighbourhood specific ads.

Banners or text ads.

Appear on hundreds of thousands of sites on the Google Adsense Network.

PPC model (pay per click).

Can target: ◦ By geography.

◦ By demographics.

◦ By keywords (so your ads only appear on pages including those keywords).

◦ By specific website.

◦ By any combination of these and other targeting methods.

Typically lower cost per visit (but less qualified visitors) – great for branding.

HealthCare Victoria Featured Listings an attractive similar offering.

Banners or text ads.

PPC model (pay per click).

Targets people who have visited your website.

A great way to maximize the investment you made to get people to your site (and maintain TOMA).

Potential opportunities through HealthCare Victoria.

Small text/image ads or sponsored posts (proceed with caution on sponsored posts).

PPC (pay per click model)

Ridiculously easy to set up.

Typically great for promoting events/education but not great for selling.

Target by demographics, geography, interests (i.e. Golfers, kayakers, etc).

Remarketing also available (through Adroll)

Small text/image ads or sponsored posts.

PPC (pay per click model).

Ridiculously easy to set up.

Limited Geographic targeting in BC, but can target according to workplace.


Simple one-time setup.

Answers all your questions about: ◦ Where folks are searching


◦ How engaged they are.

◦ What pages aren’t working.

◦ What devices they are using.

◦ Which campaigns are working.

◦ Etc, etc, etc.

Why aren’t you using it? (Google “Google URL Builder”)

“Inbound Marketing” a current hot topic.

Fairly simple on the surface: simply figure out what your most valuable audience will see as being important enough to sign up for!

Feel free to contact me at with any questions or challenges.


************************************************** Services? For HealthCare Victoria participants we are

currently developing a range of high value custom and packaged offerings for advertising, marketing, training, websites, etc.

Current “sponsored” offering is $400 worth of Google advertising + professional setup for $500 (exclusive to first time Google advertisers attending presentation).

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