online cloud trade business management software tutorial

Post on 02-Jun-2015






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Online Trade Business Management Software. It provide full accounts, credit buy and sell, product inventory information. It is cloud computing base application. It is "Software as a Service" and has use scope like "As you Use as you Pay"


Prepared by

cloud-aps team ,

Online Cloud Trade Business Management Software Version-1

Copyright®: CLOUD-APS.COM all right reserved


• Step-1: Signup/Create Account• Step-2: Chart of Account• Step-3: Product Entry• Step-4: Product Update Price• Step-5: Products Purchase• Step-6: Products Sales• Step-7: Sales Voucher Print• Step-8: Product Inventory• Step-9: Voucher Entry• Step-10: Ledger Report• Step-11: Account Head Setting for Report• Step-12: Profit/Loss Account• Step-13: Balance Sheet

Application Access

1. Using any standard web browser (Mozilla Firefox, Crome, Safari) go to

2. A page will come like bellow page-

Signup (

Registration1. Click on the “Sign Up” link, a page will come like bellow-2. Fill up form, providing email, password3. Select ‘Trade Management’ Module/Application.4. An email will be sent and you will be forward to login to Trade &

Accounting Management Login Page

1. Go to 2. In Log In page provide user name and password and click on “Sign In”3. After sign in you will get the picture like bellow

Login Trade Management System

1. At Home page in quick start guide click on Chart of Account Add/Edit link2. You will see default chart of accounts already set for you (if not you shall

have to create). Now you can edit or create new account head3. To create new chart account head click on “Create” button a page will

come like bellow image

Chart of Account

1. Let us say we want to create a bank account head name “Citi Bank” under a group head “Bank”

2. Now select: Parent = “Bank”, Account Head ID = “1107”, Account Head Name = “Citi Bank”, Account Head Type = “Asset”, Is Transactional = “Transactional”, Is Active = Checked

3. Now click on “Create” button. And Its done4. This way one by one account will be created and finally should looks like

next slide

• Note: to create group you just need to select Is Transactional = “Group”, a group account head can not show in voucher entry form, It uses only in report page for grouping purpose

Create Chart of Account

Product Entry

1. At Home page in quick start guide click on Procuct Add/Edit link

2. You will see default Product already set for you (if not

you shall have to create). Now you can edit or create new Product.

3. To create new Product click on “Create” button a page will come like bellow slide

Product Entry

Product Update Price

• Go to setting link , click on “Product Update Price”, you will get Product list .

• Update Buy Price, Mrp Price & Min Level. And Click on “Submit” button.

Product Purchase


1. Go to Home Page, click on “Product Purchase”, you will get Product Purchase Form. 2. Input (‘Transaction Type’, ‘Supplier’ & ‘Invoice No’ ) Field And Click on “Save” button.3. Input (‘Product Item’, ‘Quantity’, ‘Buy Unit Price’ & ‘Expire Date’ ) Field And Click on

“Add” button.4. Transaction is Complite. Click on “Is Complete” Check

Product Sales• Go to Home Page, click on “Sales”, you will get Product Sales Report. • Click on “Create” Button.

Product Sales

• Display Sales Entry Form• Select (‘Transaction Type’, ‘Client Name’ ) Field And Click on “Next” button.

Product Sales

• Display Product List Form• Select (‘Product Item, Remarks, & Quantity’ ) Field And Click on “Next” button.

Product Sales• Display Product Rate Form• Input (‘Discount PCT, Adjust Amount, Payment Type and Other Field’ ) Field And Click

on “Save” button.• Transaction Is Complete, Click “Freeze/End Transaction” Button

Sales Voucher Print• Display Product Sales Report• Click on “ ” Button. And display Report

Product Inventory

Go to Home Page, click on “Inventory”, you will get Inventory Report.

Voucher Entry

• Go to Home Page, click on “Voucher Entry”, you will get Voucher Report. • Click on ‘Create’ Button, Display Voucher Entry Form.• Input Field And Click on “Create” button.

Voucher Report

Report Head Setting

• When you click on the print button at top left print icon ( ), a heading will appear, You can change “Report Head”as per your company need.

• To Add/Edit Report Head Setting at home page click on “Report Head Setup” • Go to setting , select module , head name and fill head value . You will get

report head which is used in the top of any page .

Ledger Report

• In report section click on Ledger Report• select date range , click on submit button. You will get expected report like bellow

Income/Expense Statement

• In report section click on Income/Expense statement, • select account head and put date range , click on submit button. You will get

expected report like bellow

Account Head Setting for Report

• To generate “Profit & Loss Account” and “Balance Sheet” report you need to setup 4 top head like “Income”, “Expense”, “Asset” and “Liability” . By default it has been set for you. If it is not configure correctly then report will not show exactly

• To manage auto voucher entry for sale and purchase you also need to set “TRD_AF_CASH”, “TRD_AF_SALE”, “TRD_AF_PURCHASE”. To configure setting, at home page click on “Account Head Setting”

• It should show like bellow page, if 4 item not showing perfectly, click Edit link or “Create” button for add new row.

Trial Balance Report

1. In report section click on “Trial Balance” Report2. select date range , click on submit button. You will get expected report like bellow

Profit & Loss Report

• In report section click on Profit & Loss Account Report• select date range , click on submit button. You will get expected report like bellow

Balance Sheet Report

• In report section click on “Balance Sheet” Report• select date range , click on submit button. You will get expected report like bellow

Administrative Setting

1. Our all cloud applications are integrated as module basis. You can manage all users, module access security, Page access security from central ERP Control Panel

2. After log in to this module you will get user manual link at left bottom corner.

3. With the given help manual you can be able to manage all administrative task.

Thank You

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