one planet living communications toolkit · 1. one planet living 4 our vision 5 our aims 6 the ten...

Post on 05-Jun-2020






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One Planet LivingCommunications toolkit


This is a guide to help you understand and

communicate Bioregional’s One Planet Living

initiative and framework. It defines its vision and

purpose and how the various elements relate to each


It provides guidance on the correct use of the

One Planet Living visual identity, and sets out

how to describe the initiative. Finally it covers the

communications protocols that govern how we talk

about our partners’ work.

The way we communicate with our audiences will

directly affect how easily they understand the

initiative, the opinions they form about it and their

decision to support it. This communications toolkit

will help you to present One Planet Living effectively,

consistently and professionally.


One Planet Living is about enjoying a better life within our fair share of the earth's resources.


1. One Planet Living 4 Our vision 5 Our aims 6 The ten principles of One Planet Living 7 The structure 8 Describing One Planet Living - endorsed partners 10 Describing One Planet Living - unendorsed partners 11

2. One Planet Living logos 12 The One Planet Living logo family 13 The three lock ups - visual executions 14 Logo artwork 15 Logo colours 16 Use of the logo 17 Colour palette 18

3. Graphics, illustration and images 19 Graphics and illustrations 20 Images 22

4. Communications protocols 23 Partner approval 24 Key contacts 25


1 One Planet LivingThe One Planet Living vision, aims, structure and framework are explained here to give you a clear understanding of its origins, journey and implementation.

To ensure consistent communication standard text has been formulated for your use.


Bioregional’s vision is of thriving regional economies where we meet more of our needs from local, renewable and waste resources, enabling people to live happy, healthy lives within the natural limits of the planet, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness. We call this One Planet Living.

The One Planet Living framework, based on ten easy-to-grasp principles, enables you to plan for, deliver and communicate sustainable development. The framework provides a clear, practical route map for those who are seeking a better way to live and do business.

Our vision


Our aims are to:

• Build a worldwide network of One Planet Living communities, regions, companies and individuals

• Demonstrate what a sustainable future looks like through a variety of real life projects

• Promote One Planet Living as a desirable and positive lifestyle choice and business strategy

• Make it easy for people to understand their environmental impacts and enable them to do something about it

• Promote One Planet Living to bring about change among governments, businesses and individuals.


Our aims


We’re consuming resources and polluting the planet at a level the Earth cannot sustain.

Ecological footprinting shows that if everyone in the world consumed as many natural resources as the average person in Europe, we’d need three planets to support us. If everyone in the world lived a North American lifestyle, we would require five planets.

We developed the One Planet Living initiative to help people and organisations to live and work within a fair share of our planet’s resources.

It uses ten guiding principles as a framework to help individuals and organisations to examine the sustainability challenges that they face, and to develop appropriate solutions.

When using the framework these 10 principles are not to be edited, amended or amalgamated.

The principles have been translated into several languages. To maintain consistency in the use of translated principles please contact Bioregional’s communications team if you need to use the principles in a language other than English.

The ten principles of One Planet Living

Health and happiness Encouraging active, sociable, meaningful lives to promote good health and well being

Equity and local economy Creating bioregional economies that support equity and diverse local employment and international fair trade

Culture and community Respecting and reviving local identity, wisdom and culture; encouraging the involvement of people in shaping their community and creating a new culture of sustainability

Land use and wildlife Protecting and restoring biodiversity and creating new natural habitats through good land use and integration into the built environment

Sustainable water Using water efficiently in buildings, farming and manufacturing. Designing to avoid local issues such as flooding , drought and water course pollution

Local and sustainable food Supporting sustainable and humane farming, promoting access to healthy, low impact, local, seasonal and organic diets and reducing food waste

Sustainable materials Using sustainable and healthy products, such as those with low embodied energy, sourced locally, made from renewable or waste resources

Sustainable transport Reducing the need to travel, and encouraging low and zero carbon modes of transport to reduce emissions

Zero waste Reducing waste, reusing where possible, and ultimately sending zero waste to landfill

Zero carbon Making buildings energy efficient and delivering all energy with renewable technologies


The structure

Individuals Families, Households

and Community groups

Government Local, Regional and National

CompaniesRetail, Manufacturing,

Tourism and Events

Built Environment Developers, Planners,

Architects and Engineers

One Planet Living, an initiative by Bioregional, uses the 10 One Planet Living principles as a framework to support local government, companies, organisations and individuals in their efforts to find and deliver solutions for sustainable living.

The initiative consists of a network of a range of practical projects and partnerships around the world that demonstrate how we can live within our fair share of the earth’s resources.

The initiative works with four audiences:1. Individuals - Families, Households and

Community groups

2. Government - Local, Regional and National

3. Companies - Retail, Manufacturing, Tourism and Events

4. Built environment - Developers, Planners, Architects, and Engineers


One Planet Community

A One Planet Community is part of a network of the earth’s greenest neighbourhoods, where people can live a healthier, high-quality lifestyle within a fair share of our planet’s resources.

One Planet Action Plan

The One Planet Action Plan toolkit is a free resource available to individuals, small businesses and community groups.

One Planet Region

A One Planet Region is a defined geographical or administrative area which has committed to adopt the ten principles of One Planet Living. They can include cities, counties, districts and boroughs.

One Planet Company

These include business, who reduce their impact on the environment, using the ten principles of One Planet Living.

These audiences come together to create a One Planet Living network, which informs policy makers and the outside world to better understand One Planet Living.

They relate to distinct One Planet Living sub-brands i.e. One Planet Community, One Planet Company and One Planet Region.

One Planet Living is an international partnership initiative run by Bioregional and its regional bodies: Bioregional North America, Bioregional South Africa and Bioregional Australia.

Endorsed partners Unendorsed partners

The structure

One Planet Living – A definition One Planet Living is the vision of a world in which people enjoy happy, healthy lives within their fair share of the earth’s resources, leaving space for wildlife and wilderness. One Planet Living initiative (long version) We’re consuming resources and polluting the planet at a level the Earth cannot sustain. [Ecological footprinting shows that if everyone in the world consumed as many natural resources as the average European, we’d need three planets to support us.] One Planet Living, an initiative by Bioregional, consists of a range of practical projects and partnerships across the world that [use the One Planet Living framework to] demonstrate that living within our fair share of our one planet’s resources can be easy, attractive and affordable.

One Planet Living initiative (short version) One Planet Living, an initiative by Bioregional, is a network of practical projects and partnerships across the world that [use the One Planet Living framework to] demonstrate that living within our fair share of our one planet’s resources can be easy, attractive and affordable. One Planet Living framework One Planet Living, a framework by Bioregional, is based on ten easy-to-grasp principles [covering areas such as carbon, waste, transport, food and water], which enables us to plan for, deliver and communicate sustainable development. The framework provides a clear, practical route map for a better way to live and do business. Describing Bioregional Bioregional is a registered charity and award-winning social enterprise.

Common International Targets The Common International Targets set out what each endorsed project aims to achieve by 2020 and beyond, across the 10 One Planet Living principles. [For some principles, such as ‘zero carbon’ and ‘zero waste’, there are clear quantitative common international targets. For other principles, such as ‘sustainable transport’ and ‘culture and heritage’, targets are set according to local opportunities and constraints.] One Planet Action Plans Each endorsed project has an approved One Planet Action Plan. This is collaboratively developed with the participation of stakeholders. A One Planet Action Plan is a positive response to challenges faced in each local context, or within the business, and the actions that the partner needs to take to make One Planet Living affordable, attractive and achievable.

Describing One Planet Living - endorsed partners

It is important that we describe the One Planet Living initiative, framework and related concepts clearly and consistently. We can achieve this by using these standard descriptions. Optional paragraphs that you can include for a fuller explanation are highlighted [within brackets].


Organisations and individuals that have voluntarily developed a One Planet Action Plan may use the One Planet Action Plan Logo. under the Creative Commons licence.

Such organisations must not imply or create any perception that their work is approved or endorsed under the One Planet Living initiative. In using the One Planet Living framework, and without official endorsement, only factual and verifiable statements may be made.

For example:

“Our company has used the One Planet Living framework to help us work more sustainably.”

However, it is not acceptable to make claims that cannot be verified or are not true, for example:

“Our work meets the One Planet Living standard.”

“We comply with the One Planet Living principles.”

“We are a One Planet Living company.”


One Planet Action PlanThe One Planet Action Plan toolkit is a free resource available to individuals, small businesses, non-for-profit organisations and community groups. The toolkit enables these groups to develop their own One Planet Action Plan, which are unendorsed.

Describing One Planet Living - unendorsed partners


Describing One Planet Living - Initiative or framework?

Please refer to One Planet Living as either an initiative or a framework.


When referring to the growing family of One Planet communities, companies and regions, and Bioregional’s goal of spreading One Planet Living, refer to the One Planet Living initiative. It’s something which links people and organisations together.

Example: North West Bicester eco-town, part of Bioregional’s One Planet Living Initiative, is one of a growing number of One Planet Communities.


When referring to people and organisations moving towards One Planet Living using the ten One Planet Living principles and an action plans refer to it as the One Planet Living framework. It’s something people use.

Example: The One Planet Community of North West Bicester is using Bioregional’s One Planet Living Framework as a guide for achieving sustainability.

2 The One Planet Living logosThe One Planet Living initiative has a range of logos to be used by officially endorsed and unendorsed projects and partners.


The One Planet Living logo family

B – Secondary lock up option that can be used by partners with own logoOnly use one lock up, either the initiative or framework version, as appropriate to your context

C – Part of the One Planet Living Family To be used with other One Plant Living sub-brands such as One Planet Community/ Company/ City etc. In accompanying copy, one of the following pieces of text should always be included:A – One Planet Living, a framework by BioregionalB – One Planet Living, an initiative by Bioregional

There are three lock ups for the Bioregional and One Planet Living visual identity that can be used by endorsed partners and projects.

These lock ups establish, in the most immediate way possible, the relationship between Bioregional, One Planet Living and the endorsed project or partner. Please refer to page 12 for guidance on when to use initiative or framework.

All logos available for use by endorsed One Planet Living initiative partners include the planet with a heart logo. This is a recognition that the initiative has an approved Action Plan and aims to meet stringent targets.

For trademark reasons, the standalone ‘One Planet Living’ version of the logo may only be used by Bioregional.

A – Preferred lock up to be used by partners with own logoOnly use one lock up, either the initiative or framework version, as appropriate to your context


The three lock ups - visual executions

Partner/Project logo

Partner/Project logo

B – Secondary lock up option that can be used by partners with own logo

C – Part of the One Planet Living Family To be used with other One Plant Living logo variants

A – Preferred lock up to be used by partners with own logo


Logo artwork

Exclusion zone

We should allow sufficient clear space between the logo and other graphic elements, such as type, images and the edge of the page. The clear space should be equivalent to the height of the capital letter ‘O’ as shown.

Minimum size

In normal use, the the logo should be reproduced no less than 10 mm high. When resizing the logo, it should be scaled proportionately from the master digital artwork.

Reproduction of the planet heart logo lockup must be from the master digital artwork.

Artwork is available in various formats, including EPS, PNG and JPG. Artwork can be obtained from Bioregional’s Marketing and Communications Team.

To make sure that the logo has maximum impact, there are some simple rules that govern how it is reproduced.




Pantone process cyan u

C 100 M 0 Y 0 K 0

R 0 G 160 B 230


Pantone 382 u

C 50 M 0 Y 100 K0

R 150 G 194 B 30


Cool grey 10

C 0 M 0 Y 0 K 70

R 112 G 112 B 112

The core logo colours are green (Pantone 382 u), blue (Pantone process cyan u) and grey (Pantone cool grey 10).

In most cases these will be reproduced from four process colours, as per the colour palette shown here. Against certain backgrounds the grey lettering may be ineffective. In such cases it is permissable to use the white lockup as shown. It is not permissable to reproduce the logo in any other colours.

Logo colours


Use of the logo

The planet with a heart logo is a ‘Registered Community Design’.

This means that it is protected from unauthorised use. Only officially endorsed One Planet Living projects or organisations may use the logo.

Detailed conditions covering use of the logo by partners are contained in the contract between Bioregional and the partner. Any questions over the use of the logo should be referred to Bioregional’s Communications Team.

Where a project or initiative that contributes to the delivery of a partner’s approved Action Plan is being delivered by a third party, the project or initiative may be allowed to use and publish the One Planet logo, provided that certain conditions are met, and that written permission is given by Bioregional.


CMYK C 0 M 35 Y 100 K 0

RGB R 250 G 175 B 0

HEX # faaf00

CMYK C 50 M 0 Y 100 K

RGB R 150 G 190 B 30

HEX #96be1e

CMYK C 90 M 20 Y 50 K 0

RGB R 40 G 155 B 55

HEX #289b37

CMYK C 90 M 20 Y 50 K 0

RGB R 0 G 145 B 140

HEX #00918c

CMYK C 100 M 0 Y 0 K 0

RGB R 0 G 160 B 230

HEX #00a0e6

Colour palette

CMYK C 100 M 35 Y 0 K 0

RGB R 0 G 120 B 200

HEX #0078c8

CMYK C 35 M 100 Y 0 K 0

RGB R 175 G 20 B 130

HEX #af1482

CMYK C 0 M 100 Y 0 K 0

RGB R 230 G 0 B 130

HEX #e60082

CMYK C 0 M 100 Y 60 K 0

RGB R 230 G 0 B 70

HEX #e60046

CMYK C 0 M 70 Y 100 K 0

RGB R 236 G 102 B 8

HEX #ec6608

Effective and consistent use of colour helps to create a strong identity.

All visual communications promoting the One Planet Living initiative should aim to use the One Planet Living colour palette.

Pantone, CMYK, RGB and Hex colour values are given in the chart on the right.

43 Graphics, illustrations and images

A range of graphics are available to help you to produce effective communications.

Many of these are available to download online, and the collections will grow as the One Planet Living initiative expands.


3 planets - to explain ecological footprinting (for Europe only)

Endorsed flower Unendorsed flower

Graphics and illustrations

The 10 principles table

Health and happiness

Equity and local economy

Culture and community

Land use and wildlife

Sustainable water

Local and sustainable food

Sustainable materials

Sustainable transport

Zero waste

Zero carbon

Graphics and illustrations can be helpful in communicating One Planet Living. A number of graphics are currently available in the toolkit, and some of these are illustrated here.

Both RGB and CMYK artwork is provided, please use the correct artwork for application (ie RGB for web and CMYK for print as the colours vary according to application). Design variants of the separate petal principles are allowed (as shown on page 21), however in order to maintain consistency across the ten principles, utilising the icons and descriptors in their present form is required for brand consistency and should be sent to Bioregional’s communications team for approval. When using the separate principles, all ten should be referred to, if this is not possible, the flower (endorsed or unendorsed) should be included in the communication to illustrate the relationship of the separate petals to all


Design variants are allowed

Principle icon variants are not allowed

Principle wording variants are not allowed

Graphics and illustrations

Ten principles petal designsAll ten principles should be used

Ten principles design variant exampleAll ten principles should be used

Clean Fuel

Minimum size

Sufficient white space should be left around each principle for clarity




Using images of people really helps to show the human element and help the audience to connect with what the One Planet Living initiative is trying to achieve.

People should be central to the One Planet Living story. Where possible, the images you use should reflect sustainable living and people practicing a better way to live, and ideally be from your own implementation of One Planet Living.

4 Communication protocalsThe One Planet Living initiative involves many partners around the world. We have developed these communication protocols to ensure that all partners can benefit from being involved with the programme, while at the same time ensuring that the One Planet Living brand and our partners’ brands are protected.


Partner approval

The basic rule of thumb concerning approval of communications by partners involved in the One Planet Living initiative is as follows:

Whenever you are writing about a partner or their project, you should gain their approval before publication.

This applies when (a) Bioregional is referring to a partner or project, and (b) when a partner or project is referring to Bioregional, the One Planet Living initiative or to another partner or project.

Individual approval may not be required in every case. Where a copy library exists (for example in a project-specific communications toolkit) or where text has been previously approved such copy can normally be used without specific approval. However, circumstances may change as projects evolve, so it is good practice to periodically review standard text for each project.

Bioregional’s Communications Team maintains an up-to-date list of communications contacts for each One Planet partner, available on request.


Key contacts

BioregionalBioregional Development GroupBedZED Centre24 Helios RoadWallingtonLondonSM6 7BZ UK

Luned JonesHead of Communications and PolicyTelephone: +44 (0)20 8404 4880/4887Email:

Niusia WinczewskaMarketing and Design ManagerTelephone: +44 (0)20 8404 4880/4881Email:

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