om (our mind)_manifesto of the human rights party of canada

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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The political manifesto of the Human Rights Party of Canada.





Our pact…………………………………………….p. 4

Our principles.....................................................p. 5

Our plan…………………………………………….p. 13

Your voice………………………………………p. 24


This is our pact

The covenant

The Human Rights Party of Canada represents the political arm of those for whom the OM

Principles resonate as a viable alternative and who want to dedicate themselves to a 21st

century Canada that is free of ideology, dogma, party politics, class interest, and greed.

With the help of Canadians,

We will shatter the matrix of control imposed on us by manufactured consent, economic

exploitation and police state methods and we will free the people from the oppressive system that

holds us hostage.

We will pursue individual freedom, collective wellbeing, environmental sustainability, universal

prosperity, social inclusion and global unity with equal determination.

We will make government the people’s vessel for all our dreams and will keep all competing

interests and forces in balance so that we all matter equally and are equally entitled to dignity,

prosperity and freedom.

We will safeguard Canada’s democracy and facilitate social evolution and global unity.

We will always tell the truth, we will never stop listening, and we will always deeply care about

each and every Canadian.


These are our governing principles


The OM Principles are the socio-political sentiments of the people, the voice and will of the

99%, and the root that nourishes our political body. The OM Principles provide the rationale

and guidelines for all actions that are to be undertaken by the people’s representatives.



OM mind

The voice and will of the 99%.

One nation for all mankind, living in peace, equity and justice, respectful of differences, united in

purpose and treating nature as a sacred garden.

National governments and international organizations have gone astray and are treating

people as commodities to be used and abused, as one time voters to be deceived and lied

to, and as potential enemies to be spied on, censored, controlled and punished. The society

the New World Order has created is militaristic, unstable, punitive and oppressive and

serves only the interests of the elites who are impoverishing and disenfranchising the

masses in order to advance a global government that is undemocratic and unfair. The

system the global elites have created is collapsing because it is both morally and fiscally

bankrupt, a state it has arrived at by virtue of its monopolistic, undemocratic and

predatory nature. We, the people, must take control of our destinies and this can only

happen if we make the economic and political decisions by which we are to live. Our elites

have failed and have lost our trust and therefore the right to govern. It is now our turn and

we can only prevail if we organize across borders as an international political force united

in purpose, devoid of prejudices and free of false loyalties.



ECONOMY An economy of inclusion not exclusion.



The income gap will be addressed through universal rules and firm legislation that tie the

highest earner to the lowest in every industry and between every industry, be it private or public,

at a ratio of 1 to 10 and through proportional wage increases and profit sharing programs

across the board and equal taxation limited at 25% of income. No more CEOs or bankers who

earn 600 times an employee’s salary. Exorbitant profits at the top will be replaced with

prosperity for all by legislating that the highest earners cannot bring in more than 10 times what

the lowest earners bring in.



Investment and strategic development decisions will be made by human need and supported by

science and foresight and will no longer be made by bankers and the stock market and their

special interest groups. Need not greed will henceforth inform economic policy. Self-serving

regulations that have led to the corruption of the system and a depraved collusion between big

business and politics will be replaced with rational and fair regulations that benefit society at




Sustainable development and collaborative and cooperative industrial and agricultural activity

will replace the destructive development and predatory and competitive practices of today.

Corporate entities too big to fail will be broken up or dissolved and industrial production will be

duplicated from region to region to be run independently and locally, free of monopolies and in

the spirit of cooperation and sharing and not with the goal of destroying the competition and

increasing market share. No more too big to fail and no more predatory practices that drive

employment conditions and wages down by pitting workers in the developing world against

workers in the developed world and make life unbearable for the working man and employment





Employment in today’s fully monetized economies must be enshrined as a right and not seen as a

privilege. Everyone must and will be working. If the private sector cannot provide employment

the public sector will through infrastructure development, food production and home

construction on a massive scale to prevent poverty and desperation and to empower people to be

in control of their lives and destinies by giving them the tools necessary to fill in the gaps left

open by the free market. Work is a right not a privilege and universal wellbeing depends on

society’s ability to include each and every one in the creation of wealth in a free market that is

not free to abuse and exploit.



The division of labour between manual and intellectual work leads again and again to social

division and ultimately to class war. The new socio-economic system must henceforth not only

enable but demand from each and every individual the opportunity for both types of labour,

manual and intellectual, according to the individual’s skills and abilities. This will eradicate

disdain for manual labour, the monopolization of professions, unfair income gaps between

manual and intellectual labour, and the tyranny of technocrats, bureaucrats and intellectuals

over the working man. It will naturally lead to a fair economy and a respectful society. It will

also ensure a healthier life by alternating sedentary intellectual work with active manual work

within the work week of every man and woman. Everyone must work with their hands and with

their heads and society must be redesigned to provide opportunities for dual employment.


POLITICS Global democracy not autocracy



Politics is too important to be left to politicians. Direct democracy through referenda for the

most important decisions and truly representative democracy for daily governance are the

answers to today’s state dysfunction and self-serving political class. The political class will be

replaced by rotating representatives of the populace elected locally every two years to represent

a cross-section of society for one and only one term of office in life. This will free democracies

of the tyranny of lawyers and will ensure that government is composed of members of all

professions and income groups. It will also prevent the monopolization of political power by the

established elite and their manipulation by interest groups.



No bill shall pass into law that compromises the highest standards of international law, violate

the individual’s dignity, or alter the division of wealth and labour advocated by OM. Never

again will humanity allow capitalist greed and class-interest to divide us by giving rise to

immoral and destructive inequities. Nor will we ever again allow communism’s artificial

division of wealth through misguided methods of redistribution to destroy private initiative and




Every nation that chooses to be governed according to the principles of OM will immediately

dissolve its standing armed forces and shift their resources and manpower to existing and newly

created civilian institutions tasked with assisting the implementation of the massive work- and

wealth-creation programmes necessary to ensure universal prosperity and economic stability.

Never again will the military-industrial establishment and the mentality of war waste earth’s

precious resources and disrupt peace on earth by pitting nation against nation.




Every nation that chooses to be governed according to the principles of OM will immediately

open its borders to allow the unrestricted movement and resettlement of people regardless of

their origin as well as unrestricted trade with nations that reciprocate in full the practice of free

and fair trade. Never again will capital enslave labour by taking advantage of national or

regional differences to exploit the working man and to shackle him in economic bondage.



The United Nations will be reformed by dissolving the Security Council and by ensuring that

each member of the General Assembly is voted into office by general elections at the regional

level and that he/she has no affiliation whatsoever to the ruling party and no contact with the

national authorities for as long as he/she serves in office. The role of the people-elected UN

General Assembly will be that of a global government limited to working towards a one nation

world by coordinating a plan for global unity that adheres strictly to the highest standards of

international law, but that allows enclaves of stubborn regional and cultural differences to live

by their norms and values as long as they are limited to clearly delineated geographic areas and

do not impose their rules on global citizens who pass through or choose to or have to reside in

their areas of control.


SOCIETY A humane and just society where every individual is respected and nature protected



Nations are obsolete and stand in the way of developing a global consciousness and of working

together to solve new and old problems. When capitalism’s economic cycles arrive at recession

or depression politicians blame outsiders, leading to conflict between nations, and prejudice

displaces reason within the population, leaving the weak, the foreign and the disenfranchised

vulnerable to abuse. Open borders not detention camps, healing centres not prisons,

brotherhood not animosity, peace corps not armies is what we all want but fail to find because

we are trapped in nationalism. Only by thinking of the world as our home and of every human

being on earth as our cousin will we succeed in finding peace, serving justice and bringing

prosperity to all. Our actions must reflect our ability to think globally, for only then will we give

ourselves the freedom to be global citizens and the benefits of a global economy.



The natural balance has been destroyed by human civilization and needs to be restored at all

costs because the future of mankind depends on it. Technological innovation, energy savings,

individual and corporate reductions in the carbon footprint, and emissions trading will not bring

down greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level necessary to prevent let alone

reverse climate change. Nor will any of these measures free the space now occupied by

industrial and agricultural activity back to nature so that ecosystems can regenerate and

corridors of life can be created that are large enough to allow nature to take its course. Only by

reducing our numbers will we be able to restore the natural balance and to ensure that human

civilization continues to evolve within nature’s limits. To reach equilibrium between civilization

and nature our numbers will have to decrease by half and this can only occur if the next three

generations adopt a one child policy. Without the will and the wisdom to reduce our numbers

humanity will self-destruct.



The individual is more important than institutions. Institutions that demand from individuals

that they surrender their own judgements and consciences to safeguard their place within a

bureaucracy and the bureaucracy itself do not deserve to exist and have to be replaced by new

institutions. Our current system is partly failing us because it is sustained by bureaucracies that

kill individual dignity and take away man’s ability to make value judgements that are subtle and

humane. The social, economic and political package envisioned by the 99% puts man at the

centre of civilization and compassion at the forefront of society, giving hope and dignity to all.




The wisdom of the ages, to treat others the way we want to be treated ourselves, must be

inculcated in our psyche through education and once again allowed to flourish by a socio-

economic organization and by political and legal structures that do not force the individual to

act contrary to the Golden Rule. The current capitalist economy and class-structured societies

are antithetical to the Golden Rule and allow individuals only to pay lip service to it. Without

the ethical guidance of the Golden Rule mankind will not advance to the higher level of

consciousness we need to think of one another as family, to work for each other as brothers, to

treat nature as our mother, and to share and to love one another without expectations of

advantage or ulterior motives.



No one man and no religion knows the will or nature of God. The spiritual domain and the

divine that inhabits it must be freed from the arrogance of organized religion and surrendered to

the individual and our innate spirituality so that we may all seek and find our own God.

Spirituality thus freed will strip away the dogmas and hierarchies of organized religion and

consign them to the past so that they will be looked upon as traditions we have outgrown and

respected as historic necessities that helped us find unity and decency at the heart of the

elemental universal consciousness that inhabits us and that we inhabit. Organized religions

must cede ground to individual spirituality if human beings are to live in the image of God.


This is our plan of action

The 12-point agenda

The democracies of today have without exception slipped out of people’s control and have

been taken over by advantaged minorities who have gradually turned open democracy into

veiled autocracy. Canada is no exception. What remains is the illusion of freedom where

rights and freedoms exist only as long as one does not try to exercise them, where the rule of

law is compromised by those who have set themselves above it, and where surveillance,

censorship and control are the ubiquitous methods by which the masses are manipulated,

coerced and exploited. The establishment obstructs the free exchange of ideas and impedes

the formation of grassroots movements that are sufficiently strong, persuasive and informed to

propose and pursue alternative solutions the people would readily embrace but which threaten

the existing system and its primary beneficiaries. The road to democracy has therefore been

closed shut and the 99% have been excluded from government, from prosperity and from

being masters of their own lives and destinies. We have been reduced once again to the status

of victims of history. To reopen the arteries that keep democracy alive and well and to re-

establish the checks and balances that protect it from decay, corruption and implosion, we

need a bold new vision and the determination to turn it into reality here at home, in our



Platform of governance



(To be called the “Victoria Grant Bill”, in recognition of the 12-year old Canadian girl whose

speech on bank reform is an inspiration.)

1. We will take away from the banks the power to regulate the money supply and its value

and make that a public trust.

2. We will then lend money to banks at interest, rather than vice versa as is currently the

case, and use the proceeds to eliminate and then outlaw all public debt so that subsequent

administrations live within their means and do not mortgage our children.

3. We will allow banks to continue to allocate loans since the private sector has a vested

interest to be more responsible and effective than the government, which would abuse

this power and give rise to favouritism and hyperinflation. The government however will

reserve the sole right to allocate funds for strategic investments in key industries like

energy and infrastructure.


(To be called the “Che Guevara Bill”, in recognition of the Argentinian doctor and

revolutionary who fought and died to give people the right to self-determination.)

1. We will retire the political class and give power to the people who will nominate

candidates to political office for a single term only and who will then never be allowed to

hold political office for the remainder of their lives. This will prevent graft and corruption

and will annihilate the influence of special interests on politicians. It will also prevent the

resurgence of a new generation of professional politicians and thus the gradual

entrenchment of a new political class.

2. We will encourage leadership and civic engagement and will broaden political

participation by stimulating interest in self-determination and public service as a right and

responsibility of citizenship. We will do so by making voting compulsory and by

legislating that the House of Commons and the Senate must represent a cross-section of

society by profession, gender and race so that every section of society is equally present

in government.


3. We will conduct the business of government in an open and honest fashion. All cabinet

meetings will take place under the scrutiny of live cameras and public broadcasts. We

will keep no secrets from the Canadian public and we will declassify all information

(except that pertaining to military installations) because we believe that a government

that has its people’s best interests at heart does not need secrets.


(To be called the “Mohammed Bouazizi Bill”, in memory of the Tunisian street vendor who set

himself on fire in protest of callous bureaucrats and sparked a revolution in his own country and

throughout the Middle East.)

1. We will make prosperity universal through a new and equitable division of wealth and

labour that ties the highest to the lowest earners in the economy so that incomes rise

across the board and the rich no longer get richer while the poor get poorer, but that we

all advance in step.

2. We will make employment and a living wage inalienable rights and we will empower

your government and the business community to provide a 30-hour work week to every

able-bodied adult who is not self-employed and who has completed a college or

university program. We will also raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour to keep

everyone above the poverty line and make it inflation-adjusted to ensure that no one falls

behind and that corporations can no longer take advantage of us.

3. Instead of early retirement, we will legislate two-months of mandatory paid holidays for

every year of employment. The demographics of our aging population, coupled with the

need to limit the size of families, means that we will all have to work for most of the

duration of our lives and that the only way to enjoy leisure time is to earn it and use it

when we can make the most of it and not when we are too old. Demanding pensions from

our children at 55 is simply no longer an option at a time when the old will soon

outnumber the young. We will push the retirement age to 70 and give those who want to

continue to work the ability to do so by accommodating them in age-appropriate



(To be called the “Made in Canada Bill”, in recognition of the fact that increasingly more goods

and services come from abroad and that Canadians have as a result no security and no jobs.)


1. We will introduce a flat and universal tax rate of 25% for both personal and corporate

incomes and will remove all loopholes and subsidies. This will free private enterprise to

use its resources for productive investment and wealth creation rather than for the support

of a burdensome government.

2. We will pursue a strategic growth plan. A nation’s wealth depends on its ability to make

products, to grow crops, to provide services and to innovate and invent new methods and

processes. For Canada to prosper and for Canadians to be fully employed and fulfilled,

Canada needs a balanced, competitive and independent economy. We will therefore aim

to realize an economy based on 25% manufacturing, 25% services, 25% government, and

25% science and technology innovation. Canadians have no work because nearly

everything sold in Canada is made in China and because the corporations that employ us

are controlled from abroad. We will import only that which we cannot grow or extract at

home and only those products and services for which we have not sufficient labour or

know-how to make at home or of which we have not enough variety at home. We cannot

grow bananas, cotton and coffee so we will import them. We will remove all inter-

provincial trade barriers, secure the market for internal manufacturers first, and seek free

trade with every country on Earth that reciprocates our condition that we will only trade

in goods and services we cannot produce at home or in season and that do not jeopardize

our population’s full employment.

3. We will make your government into a wealth creation engine and not merely a wealth

redistribution vehicle. The Canadian government will be the largest venture capitalist in

the country and will support not only private initiatives but also and most importantly

public strategic investments into industries that will be kept fully or largely in the public

domain: energy, infrastructure, oil and gas, and the mining of select natural resources.

We will also rationalize and direct the manufacturing and distribution chains to break

monopolies and too-big-to-fail corporations and to ensure an economy of inclusion not

exclusion, of finished products not raw materials, and of local not foreign production.

The corporate controlled manufacturing and distribution chains are ineffective and

wasteful, for where is the logic in harvesting wood from Brazil or Canada, shipping it

across the Pacific Ocean to be milled in China into hardwood floors and then shipping it

back across the Pacific Ocean to be sold in Canada or the US or across the Indian Ocean

to be sold in Europe? The savings in labour are being wasted on energy consumption for

shipping and the carbon footprint per unit is that much higher than if the cycle of

production was kept closer to home.



(To be called the “Ben & Oliver Galalae Bill”, to commemorate the structural violence

committed by criminal elements within the government of Canada against human rights activist

Kevin Galalae.)

1. We will put families and children at the centre of our nation so that our social and

economic system contributes to the integrity and happiness of families and not to their

dissolution, as is currently the case. Work from home programs and flexible work hours

will be actively encouraged to facilitate the revival of family life. Most importantly, we

will legislate a 30-hour work week so that everyone has employment and that we all learn

to shift our priorities from empty consumerism to meaningful relationships.

2. We believe that every child is entitled to spend the first five years of life at home to

benefit from the love and exclusive attention of one stay-at-home parent who will receive

a $1200 a month stipend in return for forty hours of work per month for either the

government or the private sector to be performed from home or on weekends and

evenings. Children will no longer be institutionalized or dumped in childcare facilities

because parents have no choice and where children receive no parental attention and are

deprived of the security and comfort of their own home when they most need it for their

healthy emotional and cognitive development.

3. We will retire the immoral and covert methods of chemical, biological, psychosocial and

economic population control currently in effect and will replace them with education and

a system of incentives and penalties to ensure that Canadians have no more than two

children. Our children’s future depends on our ability to stabilize and reduce the global

population to a sustainable level and Canada must do its part. Since Canadian families

are by and large already within those limits, the challenge will be to achieve the same

level of restraint and global consciousness among our immigrant newcomers.


(To be called the “Good Samaritan Bill”, in recognition of the fact that Canada’s checks and

balances are not working and that Canada’s democracy is not functioning as it should.)

1. We will address the abysmal lack of courage and independence in the Canadian media by

ensuring that journalists are bound by law to publish and broadcast cases of structural

violence, institutional discrimination, systemic abuse and economic exploitation, all of

which have become taboo subjects that are suppressed either by corporate or political

interests. The Canadian media is utterly subservient to corporate and political interests

and does not give the Canadian public the duty of care it deserves because it is not acting


as a counterforce to political power and economic interests, as the fourth estate it was

designed to be. A Good Samaritan law must come into effect to force journalists to speak

truth to power or else lose their licences and even face prison terms for collusion,

complicity and tacit suppression of information that affects the public good and exposes

individuals to victimhood, but to also defend them from loss of jobs in retaliation for

speaking truth to power. Media owners who interfere with editorial independence will

have their newspaper, radio or TV stations confiscated and the ownership transferred to

the employees and the community they serve. The stranglehold of corporate censorship

of the media will thus be loosened.

2. We will address the feebleness of Canada’s non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

through legislation which ensures that any NGO receiving donations from the Canadian

public and/or funds and support from the government in whatever form has a duty of care

to defend the rights and liberties of Canadians first and foremost. Canadian NGOs are

very good at standing up for victims in the developing world but are nowhere to be found

when it is time to stand up for victims at home or in the developed world. This is

completely unacceptable and Canada’s NGOs should be severely punished in the future

for such self-serving double-standards. Failing to serve Canadians should automatically

result in the loss of their licenses to collect donations and to act as non-profit


3. We will give the Office for Democratic Stability, an independent institution we intend to

create, the authority to defend the integrity of our democracy’s checks and balances and

to act as a deterrent to any governmental or corporate effort to weaken or corrupt the

proper functioning of the institutions of civil society.


(To be called the “Save Justice Bill”, in recognition of the fact that lawyers and lawyer-

politicians are too dominant at all three levels of government and have become a law onto

themselves with dire consequence for justice and our nation’s social fabric.)

1. We will restrict through legislation the number of lawyers in government at all three

levels (executive, judicial and legislative branches) to a proportion that is not far above

the numbers of lawyers relative to the general population. Canada now has roughly twice

as many lawyers as doctors, which is a dangerously high and unsustainable number and is

the source of the tough on crime dogma that has saddled Canada with the harshest crime

bill (Bill C-10) in history at a time when the crime rate is lower than 30 years ago. If

lawyers account for roughly 0.5 % of the population, then only a maximum of 10% of

government should be lawyers; a provision that recognizes the fact that lawyers have a


more important role to play in government than any other profession by virtue of their

skills, but that also seeks to rectify their stranglehold on government where they are

grossly over-represented. If Canada is to be a truly representative democracy than our

government must be composed of a cross-section of Canada’s population.

2. We will ensure that the fees lawyers charge reflect the incomes of Canadians. Justice is

not possible at $400 per hour. We will pass legislation to force lawyers to charge clients

no more than triple the client’s hourly income and to accept clients as they come in

without selecting the wealthy and discarding the poor. If a client earns $10 an hour a

lawyer cannot charge that client more than $30 an hour for his services. If a client earns

$50 an hour he/she cannot be charged more than $150 an hour by his/her lawyer. The

maximum hourly fee will be set at $250. This will ensure that justice is equally accessible

to everyone, is not dependent on wealth and is affordable, and that it is rooted in the

economic abilities of the nation. Legal Aid is underfunded, susceptible to state

interference, and is not working. Furthermore, it does not establish a level playing field.

The profit motive will be taken out of the equation of justice and the administration of

justice will be able to breathe freely and to concentrate on serving justice not profit. This

will also ensure that the right people pursue a law career and that the legal system has a

symbiotic and not a parasitical relationship to the society at large.

3. To ensure that lawyers and the judiciary are subjected to true democratic oversight the

people must have recourse to an ad hoc judicial body that is controlled by the people and

not by lawyers and the government and that can be constituted locally to hear one case

and one case only of gross judicial abuse or miscarriage of justice. Lawyers cannot stand

in judgement over lawyers no more than criminals should stand in judgment of criminals.

We will give the People’s Protection Court the authority to correct judicial abuse,

corruption and negligence and to award victims proper compensation and exoneration. As

it is, the system destroys and impedes any victim who seeks redress for institutional and

systemic mistakes. That is why Canada’s judiciary has become utterly unaccountable and

totally self-serving and abusive. Compensation awarded by The People’s Protection

Court or existing higher courts must be paid not from the public trough but from the

incomes of the lawyers, judges and public servants who are directly and indirectly

responsible for the damage caused to the victim. The amounts must also be approved by

the Office for Democratic Stability to ensure that they are reasonable. The Canadian

taxpayer should not be liable for judicial incompetence, greed, negligence or corruption.

This will ensure that self-interest is put to work for justice not against it and that lawyers

and judges will be far more circumspect with the law and with the powers they have once

this is the case.


4. The government has no business in our bedrooms or in our families. Couples wishing to

separate must be referred to mediation not to courts. Equal and shared child custody

rights must be automatic as in the European Union. Parents cannot be arbitrarily

separated from their children and property by flawed authorities and institutions that have

their own economic interests at heart.

5. We will decriminalize cannabis and release all prisoners currently incarcerated for

marihuana related offences. We will not accept any American interference in this matter

and we will no longer fund the police to wage war on what is a harmless personal choice.

The government will take control of the marihuana production and distribution and make

it a source of income for all Canadians. Incarcerating innocent individuals and destroying

their lives and families to satisfy economic and judicial interests and ugly prejudices is a

crime that has gone on for far too long and that constitutes a terrible stain on our national


6. Given the injustice with which the Canadian judiciary has turned large numbers of poor

and helpless Canadians into criminals it is necessary to grant a general amnesty to all

Canadians serving time for non-violent offenses and to wipe their records clean through

pardons so that Canada can start a new life and begin healing after 50 years of judicial

abuse. During this time of empty prisons we will convert the great majority of prisons

into healing and detoxification centres and we will pursue a policy of minimal

incarceration so that the current rates are brought down to the level of nations that are

most kind to their citizens. Instead of gearing Canada to reach America’s incarceration

rate (at 740 prisoners per 100,000 being the highest in the world and nearly as high as

that of the Soviet Union under Stalin, at 823), Canada should aim to reach India’s level of

civilized behaviour (at 21 prisoners per 100,000). We will put an end to the Conservative

policy of impoverishing our people by transferring our jobs and capital abroad to enrich

themselves while criminalizing our poverty to cover up the social ills they have created.


(To be called the “Prodigal Son Bill”, in recognition of the fact that no human being is an alien

and that we all originate from the same source, Africa, and share a single planet and a common


1. We will open our borders to immigrants to gradually but rapidly bring our population up

to 100,000 million so as to be able to afford a coast-to-coast super modern infrastructure

and create an internal economy of scale that makes us largely independent of exports and

an industrial force to be reckoned with.


2. We will use our vast landmass and unparalleled yet under-utilized natural resources to act

as a safety valve to the world’s pressure points. As a nation of immigrants inhabiting the

second largest landmass on earth, we have no excuse why we should not do more than

anyone else to contribute to peace and stability worldwide.

3. We will never incarcerate immigrants or separate families. We will treat every human

being with respect and compassion and we will welcome them in our midst with gratitude

and hospitality.


(To be called the “David Suzuki Bill”, in recognition of the lifelong work of our national icon.)

1. We will embark on the largest public-private program of renewable energy in our history

to make our country largely independent of fossil fuels within a generation. We will build

the infrastructure necessary to take full advantage of a multipronged approach to energy

production through biofuel, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, tidal, wave and

wind power.

2. We will redesign our building codes to incorporate the latest energy-conserving

technologies and standardize their use in every new building as well as encourage the

retrofitting of existing structures. We will also encourage urban planning projects that

incorporate environmental sustainability.

3. We will conserve more land from development and industrial exploitation by expanding

our national parks system and strengthening the protection of existing conservation areas.


(To be called the “Universal Brotherhood Bill”, in recognition of global unity as the primary

goal of our generation.)

1. We will put your government at the global forefront for the universal acceptance of

global citizenship, the removal of frontiers and global and unimpeded freedom of

movement for every human being on earth.

2. We will give the people the authority to decide through periodic referenda their

sovereignty within the emerging global government that is currently taking shape without

our input and at great cost to us. As a first act of geopolitical leadership, we will be the

first nation to pull out of post 9/11 international accords that compromise our sovereignty

and threaten the world’s peaceful and equal coexistence. Autocratic policies and double-


standards have no place at the global governance level and we Canadians must show

courage and determination to safeguard international covenants and national prerogatives.

3. We will put your government at the global forefront for the most aggressive and honest

global policy of population reduction so that humanity can live within the earth’s

regenerative capacity within 100 years and the threat of environmental catastrophe is

eliminated once and for all. The survival of mankind depends entirely on our success in

this respect.


(To be called the “Global Village Bill”, in recognition of the fact that Canada is the home of

multiculturalism and tolerance.)

1. We will pursue a policy of cultural diversity within our nation’s borders and beyond to

preserve the world’s heritage and promote mutual respect, tolerance and equality for

people regardless of color, creed or culture so that our nation is viewed as the world’s

safe haven, a model of compassion and the home of multiculturalism. The most vibrant,

colorful and rich societies are those in which different cultures, religions and ethnicities

exist side by side. Cultural homogeneity is as dull and dangerous as a forest with just one

species of trees, which makes it susceptible to disease. In the cultural realm the disease is

expressed in political ideology, religious dogma, and delusions of racial and cultural


2. We will expand Canada’s cultural output and keep our talent at home. More importantly,

we will embark on a nation-wide program to enrich the public sphere in tandem with the

modernization of our infrastructure. We will create and fund new cultural institutions that

reflect our changing spiritual and intellectual priorities with the goal of edifying the spirit,

strengthening our health, and promoting closer cultural interaction and mutual respect.

3. We will restrict the use of advertisement in the media to five minutes for every hour to

limit the level of control and the manipulation of our base instincts for commercial

purposes. We will also secure funding for the CBC at twice the current levels through

direct household fees to ensure that the CBC has the means to provide Canadians with

world class news coverage and can be Canada’s voice abroad.



(To be called the “National Emancipation Bill”, in recognition of Canada’s transformation into

a Republic.)

1. We will take Canada out of the Commonwealth of Nations and make our country fully

independent of the British Crown by declaring Canada a Republic. The office of the

Prime Minister will be replaced with that of the President who will be elected for a single

five-year term and can never again be re-elected. While grateful for our British heritage,

we believe that the institution of the monarchy is antithetical to the principle of equality

among men and undermines Canada’s evolution towards non-hierarchical governance

structures and direct democracy.

2. We will pursue a foreign policy that is uniquely Canadian and not beholden to foreign

objectives and interests, but has at its ultimate outcome the peaceful and equal

coexistence of people throughout the globe and a common human civilization. We will

never extradite our citizens.

3. We will turn the properties of the Governor General in Ottawa and of the Lieutenant

Generals in each province into orphanages that we will fund with the money now used to

lavishly support the Queen’s representatives in Canada and her Provincial Viceroys.

The Human Rights Party of Canada will succeed only if Canadians find the courage to

take a leap of faith, the wisdom to live according to a higher level of understanding, the

strength to act now and act without hesitation, and the confidence to be a model for the

world to follow, for only then will we be able to unlock the benefits of a peaceful and united



The leadership

Your voice

Kevin Galalae



Kevin Galalae Leader

I stand before you for one and one reason only, to return this

country to the 99%. To accomplish this Herculean task Canadians

must rally behind us. We are fighting for our lives not just for our

livelihoods and for self-determination. Unless Canadians wake up

to this brutal reality we will all be too poor, too ill and too weak a

decade from now to defend ourselves against the global coalition of

interests and forces that have not only impoverished and

disenfranchised us, but have turned the basic elements of life into

weapons of mass destruction and have aimed them on us and on our

innocent and helpless children.

For 68 years we have been the target of a silent war of attrition carried out in complete secrecy.

In the name of peace and security, every Canadian government since 1945 has cooperated with

the United Nations and the international community to control population growth in order to

prevent war. While the goal is noble the methods used are anything but and have undermined

every right and liberty we think we have, including our right to life. Every ill in our country

today is a direct consequence of this international world order.

I have been arrested six times and held behind bars for nearly one year by our current

government and their criminal partners abroad to prevent me from exposing programs and

policies that are immoral and illegal. They have robbed me of my children, belongings, freedom,

livelihood, and intellectual property to force me into submission so that I would acquiesce to

their global autocratic regime and sell you out. I did not and never will. I have instead proposed

an alternative solution that accommodates the needs of the world without sacrificing our dignity

and freedom, but in fact strengthening them. I call it OM, short for ‘our mind’.

I stand before you as the father of two young children who has realized that unless I get off the

fence and take charge of the self-serving bureaucrats, lawyers and politicians who are in control

of our lives our children will have no future. I have always viewed politics and politicians with

the greatest suspicion, have voted only twice in Provincial elections, and only because friends

have asked me to support their candidates, and have never cast a vote in a federal election. But

that is not because I am apolitical. On the contrary, I have always been keenly interested in

national and especially international politics. Unfortunately, Canada’s political landscape is

almost as insipid as a Vegan diet and our country has no say at the international table. In

addition to that, Canada has yet to abandon its colonial thinking and to graduate to the status of a

sovereign country, which is why all important political decisions continue to be made in Britain


and all crucial economic policies emanate from Washington. This means that participating in the

Canadian political process is as futile and inconsequential as threading water. I have entered the

political fray to change that.

My views cannot be reflected by any existing political party or ideology, but emanate from the

understanding that party politics and national politics are anachronisms in a global world that is

wholly interdependent, ethnically mixed and multipolar and whose problems demand global

solutions reached by broad consensus not class interest. They are also guided by pure necessity,

the necessity to give a cohesive voice and a clear direction to the many disparate groups and

organizations that make up the civil rights movement and to the deep and growing dissatisfaction

with the political establishment by the 99%, but that unfortunately advocate single issues or

protest injustice but do not offer a vision and a roadmap that considers the many conflicting

interests governments must accommodate.

While the masses are fragmented and protest in vain, the elites pursue global alliances and

consensus that benefit only the 1%. Not surprisingly, the 1% have become fabulously rich and

the 9% that serve as their buffer are used to keep a system in place that drives us, the remaining

90%, like beasts of burden and treats us like herds of sheep. In the meantime, we, the people,

have become powerless because we are trapped by national politics and the votes we cast have

no relevance whatsoever to the supranational decision making process of the New World Order.

That is why the existing national and international institutions lack democratic control. The

autocratic financial and political forces that fund and influence these institutions want to keep it

this way. What we need is a global political compact that does not exclude the masses and is not

the exclusive domain of elites, which is currently the case. Such a compact is being opposed and

sabotaged by autocratic forces that are using the terrorist threat as a pretext to circumscribe our

fundamental rights, stifle legitimate political dissent, and prevent us from organizing as a united

political force across borders. All attempts currently underway to establish a democratic

counterforce at the grass roots level capable of wresting away power from the elites and put it in

the people’s hands are being destroyed through covert and immoral attacks on the emerging

leaders of this global movement.

The 1% are playing with fire. They fail to recognize that we can no longer be deceived through

propaganda and forced to submit to fake democracies. In their arrogance they refuse to concede

that global security cannot be achieved through fear and police state controls. Now, more than

ever, security can only be the result of a complex interplay of economic, political and cultural

factors tackled with the wellbeing of the entire world in mind and not the interests of privileged



The current state of instability cannot be counteracted through desperate overexpansion of

conventional security measures because it is the result of disrupted balances: in economics,

between capital and labour; in politics, between the people and the State; and in culture, between

the West and the Rest; and not the result of traditional armed conflict. These three sources of

conflict and animosity are the by-products of a global shift from trade within and between

nations to a global and borderless economy and the lack of a unified legal framework and the

democratic institutions to enforce it. This vast and rapid shift from the national to the global has

upset the internal balances of nation states and has brought about a state of global disequilibrium.

The world is being reshaped and human civilization reconstituted but without the people’s input,

which is why increasingly more of us are being cut off from the circle of prosperity here in

Canada and abroad.

I stand before you as a man who was born free and intends to die free because I refuse to be

treated as a slave. As always in history, the establishment prevents change because it does not

want to share power and wealth. People have always had to fight to earn self-determination and

the right to keep the wealth they create. For the first time in history we the people must now

fight for control at the global level. But the people’s will and interests are being sabotaged with

covert measures of surveillance, censorship and control, imposed under the cover of a non-

existent and wholly fabricated terrorist threat; measures that have gagged the press, handcuffed

the courts, and annihilated civil society.

I have spent the past five years of my life proving and fighting the existence of covert and illegal

programs of surveillance, censorship and control that are rooted in policies designed to silence

anyone who speaks and acts against the autocratic system of the New World Order and do so

fully outside the law and without fear of ever being subjected to legal processes. My work is

nearly complete and the evidence is indisputable, we live in a police state and a police world At

the same time, I set in place the conceptual framework of a government of the people, by the

people, and for the people to take over from the current global government of the elites, by the

elites and for the elites, which is collapsing all around us and unless we are proactive it will

throw us into total chaos and anarchy.

The OM Principles I have drafted allow Canadians to lead the way and to unite people across

the world in common purpose. They represent the socio-political sentiments of the 99% and

show how we can replace the existing system, which is based on the ideology of greed and is

exclusionary and unjust, with a new system that is inclusionary, compassionate and just. The

People’s Protection Court that I have founded is a non-violent and organized way to check the

legal authority of corrupt national and international judiciaries and reestablish the rule of law and

equality under the law. What is still missing is an enforcement arm, a People’s Protection

Force, to protect people from structural violence and give the incipient movement of global

freedom fighters the power to impose its will on the 1%, who have monopolized the media,


political decision making and economic wealth and have thus wholly disenfranchised us from the

right and the means to self-determination, and who are clearly unwilling to take their hands off

our throats. We aim to make the Human Rights Party of Canada into a People’s Protection

Force that we now sorely miss. And that cannot happen without you; without each and every

Canadian standing up and joining us shoulder to shoulder.

To avoid conflict and preserve peace, I have given the Canadian government and the

international courts the opportunity to reverse course and to identify and punish those who have

instituted a global system of autocratic control. Should these courts choose instead to ignore us

and to do the bidding of the autocrats that now pose as our democratic leaders, we will begin

designating politicians, judges, police and military officers and other civil servants who have

collaborated in constitutional and moral crimes as enemies of the people and bring these

criminals to justice.

If the authorities resist the will of the people – having already eliminated any and all possibilities

of resolving conflict peacefully and of addressing our grievances – civil global conflict will

ensue. In this conflict the 90% will be pitted against the 10% and the 90% will inevitably win.

The question is at what cost. The leaders who will order the use of force against us will end up

in prison alongside the tyrants of the Middle East who now face the wrath and judgment of their

people, a turn of events thought impossible just a few years ago.

I stand before you as an immigrant who knows what it means to be excluded and

marginalized. Having fled the hell of communism I understand what it is like to start from zero

and to struggle from the bottom. I am no stranger to manual work and lack the disdain with

which our elites view those of us who labour for a living. In fact, I consider physical work

integral to a healthy mind and healthy body, and absolutely necessary for a healthy attitude.

I stand before you as a thinker, in the humble understanding that by waiting on the sidelines I

have failed to do my duty and expected the system to do it for me. I have abandoned our elected

officials and have expected them to perform miracles.

I now have the wisdom to understand and the humility to admit that our politicians have failed us

because we have failed them, and that our democracy is in shambles by our default. I now have

the courage to stand before you and to remind and warn you that nothing will change for the

better in this country or in the world unless all Canadians come to the same realization as I have

and walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. Whoever you elect to serve you will be

ineffective without your willingness to serve your country, your people and the world.

Most of all, I stand before you as a human being, who cannot bear to see my fellow man

suffer and the indifference with which those in the establishment make our lives unbearable. I


refuse to be told what to think and what to say. I refuse to be made redundant and I refuse to be

manipulated. I refuse, most of all, to be indifferent.

Should you elect me to lead you into the future, I promise you this. I will never lie to you or put

my interests before yours. I will never be compromised or intimidated to act contrary to my

conscience. I will set new standards of citizenship by example not rhetoric. I will spend a day or

night of every month in prison or in a care facility, stilling the sorrows of our fellow Canadians

who are behind walls, lest I allow my humanity to go dormant once again. I will spend one day

or night of every month doing menial labour, working shoulder to shoulder with honest and

hardworking Canadians, lest I forget where I come from and be contaminated with the poison of

power and the comforts of privilege. And I will keep my door open to those in distress, lest I

lose contact with you and forget why I have been elected.

I am an open book and will remain so whether I win your trust for public office or not. This is

my bio:

And these are my credentials:

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