ofs comprehensive forecast

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Historical Data and Projections for BHI

    General assumptions

    Ticker Symbol BHI

    Latest Fiscal year end (dd/mm/yy) ########

    Current share price 40.88$

    Financial Statements

    Income Statement

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    Revenues 2,668$ 2,336$

    Costs of Sales, Services, and Rentals 1,960 1,797

    Research and Engineering 109 102

    Marketing, General, and Administrative 281 284

    Acquisition-Related Costs - -

    Operating Income 318$ 153$

    Operating Margin 12% 7%

    Interest Expense, net (34) (31)

    Other, net - -

    Income (Loss) before Taxes 284$ 122$

    Benefit (Provision) for Income Taxes (89) (35)

    Tax Rate 31% 29%

    Net Income 195$ 87$

    Weighted-average Shares Outstanding 310 310

    Earnings (Loss) per Share Attributable to BHI 0.63$ 0.28$

    Balance Sheet

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    Cash and equivalents 1,179

    Accounts receivable 2,521

    Inventories 2,104

    Current deferred tax assets 231

    Other current assets 182

    PP&E, net 2,914

    Goodwill 1,392

    Other intangible assets 195

    Other assets 296

    Total Assets 11,014 -

    Short-term debt

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    Revenue and Rig Count Data

    Revenues by Region (mln):

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,083$ 794$

    Latin America 288 276

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 776 743

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 521 523

    Industrial and other

    Total Revenues 2,668$ 2,336$

    Rig Count by Region:

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,676 1,024

    Latin America 371 350

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 148 145Middle East / Asia Pacific 506 488

    Industrial and other

    Total Rig Count 2,701 2,007

    Revenue per Rig (mln):

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 0.65$ 0.78$

    Latin America 0.78 0.79

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 5.24 5.12

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 1.03 1.07

    Industrial and other - -

    Revenue per Rig (mln): 0.99$ 1.16$

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Minimum Maximum

    North America 1,024 1,815

    Rig Counts

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    Latin America 350 384

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 135 181

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 484 523

    Industrial and other 2,007 2,878

    Rig Count Analysis

    North America Rig CountSelect a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Latin America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak caseOverride

    Projected rig count

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Industrial and Other = Worldwide Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Projected rig count

    Revenue per Rig Analysis

    North America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong caseBase case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: BHI also derives decent amount of revenues from deepwater GOM. How

    but still more than WFT and HAL. But the BJS acquisition has a lot of exposure to shal

    this a 'strong' case.

    Latin America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Revenue per rig in Latin America has been picking up quite a bit for BHI.

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian Revenue per RigSelect a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Last conference call, BHI mentioned delays on projects in Africa and asso

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Three years ago BHI made significant investment in the Middle East that

    Without any significant news, this is rated a 'base' case at the moment.

    Industrial and Other = Worldwide Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: This is a new segment that just started to show up in BHI's filings upon co

    comparison with one year ago. Not sure the proper way to account for this, but for t

    per global rig count worked out to $0.08 per rig.

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    2,232$ 2,428$ 2,539$ 3,374$ 3,662$ 3,902$

    1,761 1,879 1,912 2,662

    88 98 94 112

    272 283 305 312

    - 18 10 56

    111$ 150$ 218$ 232$ 275$ 293$

    5% 6% 9% 7% 8% 8%

    (28) (32) (24) (30)

    - 4 - -

    83$ 122$ 194$ 202$ 275$ 293$

    (28) (38) (65) (109) (97) (104)

    34% 31% 34% 54% 35% 35%

    55$ 84$ 129$ 93$ 178$ 189$

    301 312 315 399

    0.18$ 0.27$ 0.41$ 0.23$ #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    - - - - - -


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  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    817$ 890$ 1,030$ 1,486$ 1,761$ 1,914$

    265 305 279 384 385$ 395$

    666 740 762 736 716$ 773$

    484 493 468 545 553$ 557$

    223 247$ 263$

    2,232$ 2,428$ 2,539$ 3,374$ 3,662$ 3,902$

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,156 1,312 1,815 1,669 1,978 2,150

    350 356 378 384 385 395

    135 146 168 181 176 190484 495 517 523 549 553

    2,757 3,088 3,288

    2,125 2,309 2,878 2,757 3,088 3,288

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    0.71$ 0.68$ 0.57$ 0.89$ 0.89$ 0.89$

    0.76 0.86 0.74 1.00 1.00 1.00

    4.93 5.07 4.54 4.07 4.07 4.07

    1.00 1.00 0.91 1.04 1.01 1.01

    - - - 0.08 0.08 0.08

    1.05$ 1.05$ 0.88$ 1.22$ 1.19$ 1.19$

    Average Minimum Maximum Average

    1,442 0.57$ 0.89$ 0.71$


    Revenue per Rig

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    365 0.74$ 1.00$ 0.82$

    154 4.07$ 5.24$ 4.83$

    502 0.91$ 1.07$ 1.01$

    2,463 0.08$ 0.08$ 0.08$

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1,815 1,815

    2 1,442 1,442

    3 1,024 1,024

    4 1,978 2,150

    1,978 2,150

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 384 384

    2 365 365

    3 350 350

    4 385 395

    385 395

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 181 181

    2 154 154

    3 135 1354 176 190

    176 190

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 523 523

    2 502 502

    3 484 484

    4 549 553

    549 553

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 2,903 2,903

    2 2,463 2,463

    3 1,993 1,993

    4 3,088 3,288

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    3,088 3,288

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.89$ 0.89$2 0.71 0.71

    3 0.57 0.57

    4 0.65 0.70

    0.89$ 0.89$

    ever as a percentage of overall regional revenue it should not be as much as SLB

    e gas / onshore rigs. Taking everything into consideration we can probably give

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.00$ 1.00$

    2 0.82 0.82

    3 0.74 0.74

    4 0.90 0.95

    1.00$ 1.00$

    hat leads to a 'strong' case at this point in time.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 5.24$ 5.24$

    2 4.83 4.83

    3 4.07 4.07

    4 4.25 4.50

    4.07$ 4.07$

    rted problems in the region curbing expected growth.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.07$ 1.07$

    2 1.01 1.01

    3 0.91 0.91

    4 1.00 1.03

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    1.01$ 1.01$

    id not pan out. However now they believe it is beginning to show benefits.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.08$ 0.08$

    2 0.08 0.08

    3 0.08 0.08

    4 0.08 0.08

    0.08$ 0.08$

    mpletion of the BJS merger. Last 10-q showed data for this new segment plus a

    ese purposes it is based as a function of global rig activity. In both years, revenue

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Revenues by Region and Rig Count for HAL

    General assumptions

    Ticker Symbol HAL

    Latest Fiscal year end (dd/mm/yy) ########

    Current share price 32.77$

    Revenue and Rig Count Data

    Revenues by Region (mln):

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,683$ 1,259$

    Latin America 556 544

    Europe / Africa / CIS 968 971

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 700 720

    Total Revenues 3,907$ 3,494$

    Rig Count by Region:

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,676 1,024

    Latin America 371 350

    Europe / Africa / CIS 148 145

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 506 488

    Total Rig Count 2,701 2,007

    Revenue per Rig (mln):

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1.00$ 1.23$

    Latin America 1.50 1.55

    Europe / Africa / CIS 6.54 6.70

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 1.38 1.48

    Revenue per Rig (mln): 1.45$ 1.74$

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Minimum Maximum

    North America 1,024 1,815

    Latin America 350 384

    Europe / Africa / CIS 135 181

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 484 523

    Rig Counts

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    Rig Count Analysis

    North America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak caseOverride

    Projected rig count

    Latin America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Europe / Africa / CIS Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Revenue per Rig Analysis

    North America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: HAL derives revenues from deepwater GOM, but as evidenced in last quar

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    amount of revenues from deepwater GOM to be small compared to the overall regio

    those regions have high activity levels. In the end, consider this to be a 'strong' case.

    Latin America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: Activity in Mexico and some other parts of Latin America are down consid

    this should likely come in as a 'base' case.

    Europe / Africa / CIS Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: Revenue per rig in this region has been slipping for the last 3 quarters. Do


    Middle East / Asia Pacific Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: Last quarter saw a significant improvent in revenue per rig. HAL has been

    contracts in Iraq. This is debatable between 'base' case and 'strong' case, but the goo

    positioned service companies.

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,285$ 1,435$ 1,704$ 2,111$ 2,502$ 2,719$

    542 539 495 567 571$ 586$

    1,012 997 920 981 954$ 1,030$

    749 715 642 728 850$ 856$

    3,588$ 3,686$ 3,761$ 4,387$ 4,877$ 5,191$

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,156 1,312 1,815 1,669 1,978 2,150

    350 356 378 384 385 395

    135 146 168 181 176 190

    484 495 517 523 549 553

    2,125 2,309 2,878 2,757 3,088 3,288

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1.11$ 1.09$ 0.94$ 1.26$ 1.26$ 1.26$

    1.55 1.51 1.31 1.48 1.48 1.48

    7.50 6.83 5.48 5.42 5.42 5.42

    1.55 1.44 1.24 1.39 1.55 1.55

    1.69$ 1.60$ 1.31$ 1.59$ 1.58$ 1.58$

    Average Minimum Maximum Average

    1,442 0.94$ 1.26$ 1.11$

    365 1.31$ 1.55$ 1.48$

    154 5.42$ 7.50$ 6.41$

    502 1.24$ 1.55$ 1.41$


    Revenue per Rig

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    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1,815 1,815

    2 1,442 1,442

    3 1,024 1,0244 1,978 2,150

    1,978 2,150

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 384 384

    2 365 365

    3 350 350

    4 385 395

    385 395

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 181 181

    2 154 154

    3 135 135

    4 176 190

    176 190

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 523 523

    2 502 502

    3 484 484

    4 549 553

    549 553

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.26$ 1.26$

    2 1.11 1.11

    3 0.94 0.94

    4 1.20 1.25

    1.26$ 1.26$

    ter's report, revenue per rig for the region was up. Based on that, consider the

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    . HAL is very much involved with fracing operations in the shale gas areas and

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.55$ 1.55$

    2 1.48 1.48

    3 1.31 1.31

    4 1.52 1.52

    1.48$ 1.48$

    rably this year. However HAL is not as affected as some of its peers. In all

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 7.50$ 7.50$

    2 6.41 6.41

    3 5.42 5.42

    4 7.00 7.00

    5.42$ 5.42$

    not foresee any catalysts to improve this for 3Q. Consider it a 'weak' case for

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.55$ 1.55$

    2 1.41 1.41

    3 1.24 1.24

    4 1.60 1.60

    1.55$ 1.55$

    making progress in the Middle East region for sure as they have announced new

    d jump in rig count should lead to improved pricing power for the best

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Revenues by Region and Rig Count for SLB

    General assumptions

    Ticker Symbol SLB

    Latest Fiscal year end (dd/mm/yy) ########

    Current share price 60.29$

    Revenue and Rig Count Data

    Revenues by Region (mln):

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,191$ 819$

    Latin America 1,029 995

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 1,803 1,782

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 1,375 1,233

    Western GECO 551 559

    Total Revenues 5,949$ 5,388$

    Western GECO as percent of total 9.3% 10.4%

    Rig Count by Region:

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,676 1,024

    Latin America 371 350

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 148 145

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 506 488Total Rig Count 2,701 2,007

    Revenue per Rig (mln):

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 0.71$ 0.80$

    Latin America 2.77 2.84

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 12.18 12.29

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 2.72 2.53

    Revenue per Rig (mln): 2.20$ 2.68$

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Minimum Maximum

    North America 1,024 1,815

    Latin America 350 384

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian 135 181

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 484 523

    Rig Counts

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    Rig Count Analysis

    North America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base caseWeak case


    Projected rig count

    Latin America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Rig CountSelect a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Revenue per Rig Analysis

    North America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig


  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    SLB revenues in N. America are typically from higher-margin areas such as deepwater

    than peers such as WFT and HAL in this region. This leads to using a 'weak' case argu

    Latin America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Although SLB revenues per rig in the region have slipped year-to-year, th

    value this quarter. Thus, consider it a 'base' case.

    Europe / Africa / Russia / Caspian Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Over the last two quarters, SLB's revenue per rig in this region has slippe

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comments: Revenues per rig have remained relatively stable in this region in compar

    But at the same time rig count is improving so revenues per rig should not slip. In all,

    near future.

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    823$ 874$ 1,033$ 1,115$ 1,126$ 1,224$

    1,071 1,130 1,057 1,144 1,131$ 1,160$

    1,782 1,783 1,625 1,740 1,692$ 1,827$

    1,233 1,314 1,322 1,371 1,430$ 1,440$

    549 463 472 476 491$ 514$

    5,458$ 5,564$ 5,509$ 5,846$ 6,992$ 9,218$

    10.1% 8.3% 8.6% 8.1%

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,156 1,312 1,815 1,669 1,978 2,150

    350 356 378 384 385 395

    135 146 168 181 176 190

    484 495 517 523 549 5532,125 2,309 2,878 2,757 3,088 3,288

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    0.71$ 0.67$ 0.57$ 0.67$ 0.57$ 0.57$

    3.06 3.17 2.80 2.98 2.94 2.94

    13.20 12.21 9.67 9.61 9.61 9.61

    2.55 2.65 2.56 2.62 2.60 2.60

    2.57$ 2.41$ 1.91$ 2.12$ 2.26$ 2.80$

    Average Minimum Maximum Average

    1,442 0.57$ 0.80$ 0.69$

    365 2.77$ 3.17$ 2.94$

    154 9.61$ 13.20$ 11.53$

    502 2.53$ 2.72$ 2.60$


    Revenue per Rig

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    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1,815 1,815

    2 1,442 1,4423 1,024 1,024

    4 1,978 2,150

    1,978 2,150

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 384 384

    2 365 365

    3 350 350

    4 385 395

    385 395

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 181 181

    2 154 154

    3 135 135

    4 176 190

    176 190

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 523 523

    2 502 502

    3 484 484

    4 549 553

    549 553

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.80$ 0.80$

    2 0.69 0.69

    3 0.57 0.57

    4 0.65 0.70

    0.57$ 0.57$

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    GOM. Due to moratorium, assume SLB revenues are affected more negatively

    ent for SLB's revenue per rig in N. America.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 3.17$ 3.17$

    2 2.94 2.94

    3 2.77 2.77

    4 0.90 0.95

    2.94$ 2.94$

    ey showed improvement last quarter. They should revert back to a more normal

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 13.20$ 13.20$

    2 11.53 11.53

    3 9.61 9.61

    4 4.25 4.50

    9.61$ 9.61$

    significantly. As such, we consider this a 'weak' case.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 2.72$ 2.72$

    2 2.60 2.60

    3 2.53 2.53

    4 1.00 1.03

    2.60$ 2.60$

    ison to other areas. Right now, nothing stands out to move this to a 'strong' case.

    a 'base' case is warranted here and potentially moving to a 'strong' case in the

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Revenues by Region and Rig Count for WFT

    General assumptions

    Ticker Symbol WFT

    Latest Fiscal year end (dd/mm/yy) ########

    Current share price 17.40$

    Revenue and Rig Count Data

    Revenues by Region (mln):

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 837$ 571$

    Latin America 468 466

    Europe / West Africa / CIS 582 593

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia 369 365

    Total Revenues 2,256$ 1,995$

    Rig Count by Region:

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,676 1,024

    Latin America 371 350

    Europe / West Africa / CIS 104 94

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia 550 539

    Total Rig Count 2,701 2,007

    Revenue per Rig (mln):

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 0.50$ 0.56$

    Latin America 1.26 1.33

    Europe / West Africa / CIS 5.60 6.31

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia 0.67 0.68

    Revenue per Rig (mln): 0.84$ 0.99$

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Minimum Maximum

    North America 1,024 1,815

    Latin America 350 384

    Europe / West Africa / CIS 89 123

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia 530 578

    Rig Counts

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    Rig Count Analysis

    North America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak caseOverride

    Projected rig count

    Latin America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Europe / West Africa / CIS Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia Pacific Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Revenue per Rig Analysis

    North America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: As noted in a previous conference call, only 4% of WFT revenues come fro

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    areas. Those activities are up considerably so WFT should be given a 'strong' case for

    Latin America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: WFT is the most negatively affected of the companies in this region. How

    a 'weak' region overall.

    Europe / West Africa / CIS Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: WFT divides up Africa different from the other companies. They separate

    to be the countries of Angola, Congo, Gabon, and Nigeria. West Africa saw a decent r

    consider this a 'strong' region.

    Middle East / North Africa / Asia Pacific Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: Revenue per rig has steadily increased in this region. Consider it a 'strong'

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    620$ 738$ 891$ 921$ 1,113$ 1,209$

    525 618 428 410 411$ 422$

    600 593 565 601 843$ 876$

    404 478 455 506 525$ 539$

    2,149$ 2,427$ 2,339$ 2,438$ 2,892$ 3,047$

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,156 1,312 1,815 1,669 1,978 2,150

    350 356 378 384 385 395

    89 93 116 123 125 130

    530 548 569 578 600 616

    2,125 2,309 2,878 2,754 3,088 3,291

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    0.54$ 0.56$ 0.49$ 0.55$ 0.56$ 0.56$

    1.50 1.74 1.13 1.07 1.07 1.07

    6.74 6.38 4.87 4.89 6.74 6.74

    0.76 0.87 0.80 0.88 0.88 0.88

    1.01$ 1.05$ 0.81$ 0.89$ 0.94$ 0.93$

    Average Minimum Maximum Average

    1,442 0.49$ 0.56$ 0.53$

    365 1.07$ 1.74$ 1.34$

    103 4.87$ 6.74$ 5.80$

    552 0.67$ 0.88$ 0.78$


    Revenue per Rig

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1,815 1,815

    2 1,442 1,442

    3 1,024 1,0244 1,978 2,150

    1,978 2,150

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 384 384

    2 365 365

    3 350 350

    4 385 395

    385 395

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 123 123

    2 103 103

    3 89 89

    4 125 130

    125 130

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 578 578

    2 552 552

    3 530 530

    4 600 616

    600 616

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.56$ 0.56$

    2 0.53 0.53

    3 0.49 0.49

    4 0.54 0.54

    0.56$ 0.56$

    m deepwater GOM. They have much more exposure to Canada land and shale gas

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    this region for now.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1.74$ 1.74$

    2 1.34 1.34

    3 1.07 1.07

    4 1.25 1.25

    1.07$ 1.07$

    ever, consensus is the downward pressure is done. But for now consider this still as

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 6.74$ 6.74$

    2 5.80 5.80

    3 4.87 4.87

    4 6.25 6.25

    6.74$ 6.74$

    it into West Africa and North Africa. For these purposes, West Africa is considered

    ig count increase this quarter. Also, WFT has a good presence in CIS so

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.88$ 0.88$

    2 0.78 0.78

    3 0.67 0.67

    4 1.60 1.60

    0.88$ 0.88$

    ' case.

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Revenues by Region and Rig Count for SII

    General assumptions

    Ticker Symbol SII

    Latest Fiscal year end (dd/mm/yy) ########

    Current share price n/a

    Revenue and Rig Count Data

    Revenues by Region (mln):

    Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,282$ 906$

    Latin America 276 227

    Europe / Africa / CIS 540 511

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 314 300

    Total Revenues 2,412$ 1,944$

    Rig Count by Region:

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 1,676 1,024

    Latin America 371 350

    Europe / Africa / CIS 148 145

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 506 488

    Total Rig Count 2,701 2,007

    Revenue per Rig (mln):

    3/30/2009 6/30/2009

    North America 0.76$ 0.88$

    Latin America 0.74 0.65

    Europe / Africa / CIS 3.65 3.52

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 0.62 0.61

    Revenue per Rig (mln): 0.89$ 0.97$

    Sensitivity Analysis

    Minimum Maximum

    North America 1,024 1,815

    Latin America 350 384

    Europe / Africa / CIS 135 181

    Middle East / Asia Pacific 484 523

    Rig Counts

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Rig Count Analysis

    North America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak caseOverride

    Projected rig count

    Latin America Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Europe / Africa / CIS Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Rig Count

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 4

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected rig count

    Revenue per Rig Analysis

    North America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: We need to include expected SII revenues into SLB's numbers since the SII

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    North America, however M-I SWACO which comprises approximately 50% of SII reven

    base' case for now.

    Latin America Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 2

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: SII lost share in Latin America to rivals late in 2009 but appears to be comi

    Overall things should start to improve so consider it a 'base' case.

    Europe / Africa / CIS Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 3

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: Revenue per rig has been steadily falling in the region. Until strength is ob

    Middle East / Asia Pacific Revenue per Rig

    Select a case (1-best, 2-base, 3-weak, 4-override) 1

    Strong case

    Base case

    Weak case


    Projected revenue per rig

    Comment: SII has made big strides in Asia Pacific particularly as well as the Middle Ea

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Actual Actual Actual Actual

    Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End Qtr End

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    859$ 911$ 1,066$ 1,173$ 1,443$ 1,569$

    232 269 271 262 272$ 277$

    495 533 541 559 540$ 587$

    292 271 259 302 336$ 343$

    1,878$ 1,984$ 2,137$ 2,296$ 2,591$ 2,776$

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    1,156 1,312 1,815 1,669 1,978 2,150

    350 356 378 384 388 395

    135 146 168 181 175 190

    484 495 517 523 541 553

    2,125 2,309 2,878 2,757 3,082 3,288

    9/30/2009 ######### 3/30/2010 6/30/2010 9/30/2010 #########

    0.74$ 0.69$ 0.59$ 0.70$ 0.73$ 0.73$

    0.66 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.70 0.70

    3.67 3.65 3.22 3.09 3.09 3.09

    0.60 0.55 0.50 0.58 0.62 0.62

    0.88$ 0.86$ 0.74$ 0.83$ 0.84$ 0.84$

    Average Minimum Maximum Average

    1,442 0.59$ 0.88$ 0.73$

    365 0.65$ 0.76$ 0.70$

    154 3.09$ 3.67$ 3.47$

    502 0.50$ 0.62$ 0.58$


    Revenue per Rig

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    9/30/2010 #########

    1 1,815 1,815

    2 1,442 1,442

    3 1,024 1,0244 1,978 2,150

    1,978 2,150

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 384 384

    2 365 365

    3 350 350

    4 388 395

    388 395

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 181 181

    2 154 154

    3 135 135

    4 175 190

    175 190

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 523 523

    2 502 502

    3 484 484

    4 541 553

    541 553

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.88$ 0.88$

    2 0.73 0.73

    3 0.59 0.59

    4 1.20 1.25

    0.73$ 0.73$

    / SLB merger was completed on 27 August. SII has a good presence in all of

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    ues is more slanted towards deepwater GOM. Because of that this is rated a

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.76$ 0.76$

    2 0.70 0.70

    3 0.65 0.65

    4 1.52 1.52

    0.70$ 0.70$

    ng off the lows. It is debatable whether this one should be rated 'base' or 'weak'.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 3.67$ 3.67$

    2 3.47 3.47

    3 3.09 3.09

    4 7.00 7.00

    3.09$ 3.09$

    served, consider it a 'weak' case.

    9/30/2010 #########

    1 0.62$ 0.62$

    2 0.58 0.58

    3 0.50 0.50

    4 1.60 1.60

    0.62$ 0.62$

    st in comparison to past periods. This is rated 'strong' for now.

  • 8/2/2019 OFS Comprehensive Forecast


    Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

    Symbol Forecast Consensus % Change Forecast Consensus % Change

    BHI 3,662$ 3,780$ -3.1% 3,902$ 3,970$ -1.7%

    HAL 4,877$ 4,580$ 6.5% 5,191$ 4,730$ 9.7%

    SLB 6,992$ 6,840$ 2.2% 9,218$ 8,660$ 6.4%

    WFT 2,892$ 2,610$ 10.8% 3,047$ 2,790$ 9.2%

    3Q 2010 4Q 2010

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