한국분자∙세포생물학회 - ksmcb.or.kr윤리위원장 전방욱(강릉원주대학교)...

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Sponsored by Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies

Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology

October 7-8, 2010 COEX, Seoul, Korea

Seminar: Conference Center (3F)Grand Conference Room (4F)

Exhibition and Poster Presentation: Hall C1-C2 (3F)


Sponsored by Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies

Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology

October 7-8, 2010 COEX, Seoul, Korea

※ 2011년도 정기학술대회 개최 일정 : 2011년 10월 6일(목)-7일(금), 서울 코엑스

Seminar: Conference Center (3F)Grand Conference Room (4F)

Exhibition and Poster Presentation: Hall C1-C2 (3F)

대 의 원

학술위원장 성노현 (서울대학교)

기금위원장 송우근 (광주과학기술원)

학회지편집위원장 이서구 (이화여자대학교)

뉴스지편집위원장 김은경 (한국과학기술연구원)

출판위원장 문애리 (덕성여자대학교)

국제협력위원장 이공주 (이화여자대학교)

산학연협력위원장 최치용 (㈜ BMS Korea)

선거관리위원장 황덕수 (서울대학교)

학술상위원장 이건수 (서울대학교)

전산위원장 전용성 (서울대학교)

윤리위원장 전방욱 (강릉원주대학교)

일천위원장 서정선 (서울대학교)

복지위원장 오병하 (한국과학기술원)

융합사이언스위원장 권기선 (한국생명공학연구원)

동계학술위원장 이한웅 (연세대학교)

교육위원장 조진원 (연세대학교)

총무운영위원 이준호 (서울대학교)

재무(기금)운영위원 강해묵 (청주대학교)

학술운영위원 안진현 (성균관대학교)

기획운영위원 최도일 (서울대학교)

학회지편집운영위원 권영근 (연세대학교)

학회지편집운영위원 김재범 (서울대학교)

학회지편집운영위원 안지훈 (고려대학교)

학회지편집운영위원 엄홍덕 (원자력의학원)

학회지편집운영위원 윤홍덕 (서울대학교)

학회지편집운영위원 임대식 (한국과학기술원)

뉴스지편집운영위원 박석희 (성균관대학교)

회원운영위원 최은영 (서울대학교)

교육운영위원 안주홍 (한양대학교)

출판운영위원 김철희 (충남대학교)

국제협력운영위원 이도희 (서울여자대학교)

산학연협력운영위원 최종순 (한국기초과학지원연구원)

선거관리운영위원 이명민 (연세대학교)

전산운영위원 임현정 (건국대학교)

학술상운영위원 조쌍구 (건국대학교)

윤리운영위원 조윤제 (포항공과대학교)

복지운영위원 박의균 (경북대학교)

동계학술운영위원 김정호 (서강대학교)

동계학술운영위원 송재환 (연세대학교)

융합사이언스운영위원 강경선 (서울대학교)

일천운영위원 안정혁 (이화여자대학교)

강원분회장 이한수 (강원대학교)

대전충청분회장 이광호 (건국대학교)

부산경남분회장 강호성 (부산대학교)

대구경북분회장 임진규 (경북대학교)

호남제주분회장 최현일 (전남대학교)

구조생물학분과장 오병하 (한국과학기술원)

리보핵산분과장 진형종 (수원대학교)

마우스유전체분과장 이한웅 (연세대학교)

미토콘드리아분과장 윤계순 (아주대학교)

단백질대사분과장 정진하 (서울대학교)

분자바이러스학분과장 배용수 (성균관대학교)

샤페론분과장 진익렬 (경북대학교)

세포주기분과장 이창우 (성균관대학교)

시스템생물학분과장 김도한 (광주과학기술원)

식물분자생물학분과장 김우택 (연세대학교)

에피유전체학분과장 장연규 (연세대학교)

예쁜꼬마선충분과장 심용희 (건국대학교)

제브라피쉬분과장 허태린 (경북대학교)

초파리분과장 윤재승 (경희대학교)

■ 농수산학김동수 (부경대)

김영호 (경북대)

김우택 (연세대)

김익영 (고려대)

김주곤 (명지대)

김철중 (충남대)

김 훈 (순천대)

남백희 (명지대)

송경빈 (충남대)

송민동 (건국대)

신정섭 (고려대)

유상렬 (서울대)

유장렬 (생명연)

윤성중 (전북대)

이상용 (강원대)

이용환 (서울대)

이인구 (경북대)

이택견 (한국해양연구원)

임용표 (충남대)

정의배 (충북대)

조백호 (전남대)

진동일 (충남대)

최양도 (서울대)

한옥수 (전남대)

한태룡 (경희대)

황병국 (고려대)

황인규 (서울대)

■ 의약학고규영 (한국과학기술원)

고재영 (울산대)

권오유 (충남대)

김경근 (전남대)

김남득 (부산대)

김명희 (연세대)

김석용 (충북대)

김우현 (전북대)

김응국 (충북대)

김인산 (경북대)

김인후 (국립암센터)

김재룡 (영남대)

김태윤 (강남성모병원)

배석철 (충북대)

서영준 (서울대)

송규영 (울산대)

신재균 (성균관대)

유대열 (생명연)

유호진 (조선대)

윤주헌 (연세대)

윤화영 (서울대)

이공주 (이화여대)

이광호 (경상대)

이복률 (부산대)

이제호 (성균관대)

이증훈 (충남대)

이현철 (전남대)

임 규 (충남대)

전용성 (서울대)

정진호 (서울대)

조명제 (경상대)

진형종 (수원대)

하권수 (강원대)

한평림 (이화여대)

호원경 (서울대)

■ 이학강창원 (한국과학기술원)

권혁만 (한국외국어대)

김경태 (포항공대)

김균언 (충남대)

김성준 (조선대)

김연수 (인제대)

김윤희 (경희대)

김은희 (충남대)

김지영 (경희대)

김진미 (충남대)

노정혜 (서울대)

류성호 (포항공대)

박동은 (서울대)

박충모 (서울대)

배용수 (성균관대)

백경희 (고려대)

백형석 (부산대)

서동상 (성균관대)

서판길 (울산과학기술대)

양재명 (서강대)

오영준 (연세대)

유미애 (부산대)

유영숙 (한국과학기술연구원)

유영준 (광주과학기술원)

유종신 (한국기초과학지원연구원)

이기성 (배재대)

이동희 (이화여대)

이영숙 (포항공대)

이영훈 (한국과학기술원)

이주헌 (연세대)

이찬희 (충북대)

임헌만 (충남대)

장광엽 (전북대)

전길자 (이화여대)

조남정 (충북대)

최강열 (연세대)

최경희 (중앙대)

최의주 (고려대)

최준호 (한국과학기술원)

허태린 (경북대)

황덕수 (서울대)

회 장 (이사) 정진하 (서울대학교)차기회장 (이사) 최양도 (서울대학교)부 회 장 (이사) 박노동 (전남대학교)이 사 강신성 (경북대학교)감 사 박주배 (성균관대학교)

윤영대 (이화여자대학교)김도한 (광주과학기술원)백상기 (충남대학교)

김인수 (경북대학교) 정명희 (서울대학교)

2010년 한국분자∙세포생물학회 운 위원 및 의원 명단KSMCB Organizing Committee

운 영 위 원

2010년 한국분자∙세포생물학회 정기학술 회The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology

■ Host: Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology

■ Sponsor: Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies

I. Plenary Lectures

Plenary Lecture I. Tobias Meyer, Ph.D.

(Stanford University, USA)

Plenary LectureⅡ. Isaiah J. Fidler, D.V.M., Ph.D.(The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA)

Plenary Lecture III. Jürgen Roth, M.D., Ph.D.(University of Zurich, Switzerland)

Plenary Lecture IV. J. Clark Lagarias, Ph.D.

(University of California, USA)

Ⅱ. Academic Research Award & Lecture

III. Macrogen Young Scientist Award & Lecture

IV. Ilchun Memorial Lecture

V. Symposia

Symposium 1. Small RNA: Biology and Applications

Symposium 2. Signaling in Plant-Microbe Interaction

Symposium 3. Multifunctional Molecular Imaging

Symposium 4. Biomolecular Interactions: Protein Structure, Function, and Disease

Symposium 5. Inflammatory and Immunological Signaling

Symposium 6. Chromatin and Transcription

Symposium 7. Biology of Metastasis

Symposium 8. Molecular Genetics of Aging in Model Organisms

Symposium 9. Protein Modification and Neurological Disease

Symposium 10. NK Cells and Therapeutic Application

Symposium 11. Research Ethics Symposium: 연구윤리 부정행위에 대한 규율

Symposium 12. General Feature of Whole-Genome Study in Bacteria, Fungus, Rotifer, Plant and Human

Symposium 13. Cell Cycle Regulation

Symposium 14. Plant Stress Response and Development

Symposium 15. Stem Cells and Their Therapeutics (by the KSBMB)

Symposium 16. Human Evolutionary Genetics and Disease

Symposium 17. Sensory Biology

Symposium 18. Translational Control and Diseases

Symposium 19. Autophagy and Cell Death

Symposium 20. Plant Hormones and Development

Symposium 21. Differentiation and Development

Symposium 22. Convergence Sciences and Stem Cells

Symposium 23. Viral Pathogenesis

Symposium 24. Bioimaging-Based High Content Screening for Biomarker Discovery

VI.Poster Presentation


•October 7-8, 2010, COEX, Seoul, Korea•Seminar: Conference Center (3F), Grand Conference Hall (4F)

•Exhibition and Poster Presentation: Hall C1-C2 (3F)

초대의 글 (Invitation) 6

일정표 (Schedule) 8

학술대회장 안내 (Venue Guide) 9

학술 프로그램 일정 및 세션 소개 (Scientific Lectures) 10

런천 심포지아 (Luncheon Symposia) 42

일반 연구자 포스터 발표 일정 및 제목 목록 (Poster Presentation List) 43

초록 (Abstracts)

기조강연 (Plenary Lectures) 99

학술상 수상 강연 (Academic Research Award Lecture) 100

마크로젠 신진과학자상 수상 강연 (Macrogen Young Scientist Award Lecture) 100

일천기념강연 (Ilchun Memorial Lecture) 100

바이오니아 차세대 연구자상 (Bioneer Next Generation Research Awards) 101

우수박사학위논문상 (Excellent Doctoral Thesis Awards) 102

심포지아 (Symposia) 104

일반 연구자 포스터 발표 (Poster Presentation) 125

전시 (Exhibition) 297

저자 색인 (Author Index) 303

주제 색인 (Keyword Index) 321




회원 여러분 안녕하십니까? 우리나라 생명과학계의 가장 큰 행사인 2010년도 한국분자·세포생물학회 정기학

술대회가 오는 10월 7일과 8일 이틀 동안 서울 삼성동 코엑스에서 열립니다. 생명과학의 지속적인 발전은 우리에

게 끝임 없이 새로운 지식을 받아들이고 서로의 연구 결과를 공유하도록 요구하고 있는 바, 한국분자·세포생물학

회의 정기학술대회는 지난 스무 해 동안 회원 여러분이 최신의 생명과학 지식을 접하고 또한 자신의 연구 결과를

발표하고 토론하며 서로의 정보를 교환하는 자리를 마련하여, 우리나라 생명과학이 세계의 다른 나라와 어깨를 나

란히 할 수 있도록 발전하는데 견인차 역할을 해 왔습니다.

올해 정기학술대회에서는 Dr. Tobias Meyer (Stanford University, USA), Dr. Isaiah J. Fidler (The University of

Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA), Dr. Jürgen Roth (University of Zurich, Switzerland), Dr. J. Clark

Lagarias (University of California, USA)를 기조 강연자로 초청하였으며, 생명과학 전 분야에 걸쳐 24개 주제에 따

른 심포지엄에 국내외 전문가 140여 명이 최신 연구 업적을 발표하고, 국내 생명과학 관련 학회에서는 유일하게

연구윤리 심포지엄도 개최합니다. 특히 올 해는 모든 심포지엄에서의 발표를 영어로 하게 될 것이며, 이는 우리 정

기학술대회가 명실공히 국제화 되는 중요한 계기가 될 것입니다.

정기학술대회에서는, 학술상으로 생명과학상 및 M&C우수논문상, 마크로젠 신진과학자상, 그리고 일천기념강좌

와 더불어 신진과학자를 위한 바이오니아 차세대연구자상, 우수박사학위논문상, 우수포스터상 시상이 예정되어 있

습니다. 또한 150여 개의 부스에서 생명과학 관련 업체가 전시에 참여할 예정이어서, 연구자 여러분에게 시약과

기기에 대한 풍부한 정보도 제공할 것입니다.

따라서 올해도 정기학술대회가 최신의 연구정보를 서로 교환하는 풍성한 결실의 장이 될 수 있도록 회원 여러

분의 적극적 참여를 부탁 드립니다.

끝으로 성공적인 학술대회 조직을 위해 노력해 주신 학술위원장을 비롯한 학술위원, 그리고 심포지엄 오가나이

저들께 감사 드리며, 본 학술대회를 후원해 주신 한국과학기술단체총연합회 및 전시 참여 업체에도 감사 드립니다.

2010년 10월 7일

한국분자·세포생물학회 회장 정 진 하


회 장 정 진 하



Dear Colleagues,

The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB), thelargest bioscience society in South Korea, will be held at COEX in Samsung-dong, Seoul, on October 7thand 8th, 2010. The continuous development of bioscience requires the diligent propagation of newknowledge and research results. The KSMCB’s regular academic conferences have played the role oflocomotive in developing South Korean bioscience to a world-class level by offering the opportunity toacquire cutting-edge bioscience knowledge, present and discuss study results, and collaborate with oneanother.

This year, the Annual Meeting will be graced by Dr. Tobias Meyer (Stanford University, USA), Dr.Isaiah J. Fidler (The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA), Dr. Jürgen Roth(University of Zurich, Switzerland), and Dr. J. Clark Lagarias (University of California, USA) as keynotespeakers. More than 140 domestic and foreign experts will present novel research results at symposiumsspanning 24 different themes. There will be a symposium on research ethics, the only one of its kind atdomestic bioscience associations. Presentations will be given in English at all symposiums, laying thegroundwork for internationalizing our association.

Also, there will be a ceremony of awards; the Molecules and Cells Award, the Macrogen Young ScientistAward, the Ilchun Memorial Lecture, the Bioneer Next Generation Research Award, the ExcellentDoctoral Thesis Awards and the Excellent Poster Awards. In addition, bioscience enterprises will provideparticipants with valuable information on reagents and machinery at more than 150 booths.

I would like to recommend that you actively participate in this year’s regular academic conference so thatyou may reap the rich harvest of cutting-edge scientific information that will be available.

Lastly, I would like to express heartfelt thanks to our Association’s Academic Committee chairman andcommissioners and symposium organizers, as well as the Korean Federation of Science and TechnologySocieties, and the enterprises holding exhibitions for all of their hard work in making this year’sconference possible.

Sincerely yours,

October 7, 2010

Chin Ha Chung, Ph.D.

President of Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology


Schedule of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the KSMCB

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Room 401PlaceTime

SY01Small RNA:Biology andApplications


Academic Research Awards Lecture (Rm. 401)

PL 1. Dr. Tobias Meyer (Stanford Univ., USA)Plenary Lectures(Rm. 401) PL 2. Dr. Isaiah J. Fidler (The Univ. of Taxas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA)

Council Meeting

Room 402 Room 307 Room 308 Room 317 Room 318Poster/ExhibitionHall C1- C2 (3F)

Poster Presentation

I09:20 - 18:00

(Duty :11:30-12:30,15:20-16:20)

08:00 - 09:20

09:20 - 11:50


Reception (Rm. 402)

11:50 - 12:50

12:50 - 13:10

13:10 - 13:50

13:50 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:10

15:10 - 15:30

15:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 19:00

SY02Signaling in





Protein Structure,Function, and






SY06Chromatin andTranscription

SY07Biology ofMetastasis


Genetics of Agingin Model



Modification andNeurological


SY10NK Cells andTherapeuticApplication

SY12General Feature of

Whole-Genome Studyin Bacteria, Fungus,Rotifer, Plant and


SY11 ResearchEthics Symposium

Friday, October 8, 2010

Room 401Place


SY13Cell Cycle



Ilchun Memorial Lecture (Rm. 401)

Macrogen Young Scientist Award (Rm. 401)

PL 3. Dr. Jürgen Roth (Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland)

PL 4. Dr. J. Clark Lagarias (Univ. of California, USA)


Room 402 Room 307 Room 308 Room 317 Room 318Poster/ExhibitionHall C1- C2 (3F)

Poster Presentation

II09:20 - 18:00

(Duty :11:30-12:30,15:20-16:20)

08:00 - 09:20

09:20 - 11:50


Excellent Poster Awards & Closing Remark (Rm. 401)

◆ Luncheon Symposium (12:20-13:10)★★ Korean

◆ Luncheon Symposium (12:00-12:50)

11:50 - 12:20

12:20 - 12:50

12:50 - 13:10

13:10 - 13:50

13:50 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:10

15:10 - 15:30

15:30 - 18:00

18:00 - 18:30

SY14Plant Stress

Response andDevelopment

SY15Stem Cells and




EvolutionaryGenetics and


SY17Sensory Biology

SY18TranslationalControl and


SY19Autophagy and

Cell Death

SY20Plant Hormones

and Development


and Development

SY22ConvergenceSciences and Stem Cells


Pathogenesis SY24Bioimaging-Based

High Content Screening for

Biomarker Discovery

SY11 ResearchEthics Symposium

Plenary Lectures(Rm. 401)



Carl Zeiss Co.Young WhaScientific Co.


Bio-MedicalSci. Co.


학술 회장 안내Venue Guide

컨퍼런스센터3F▶위치 : 전시장 3층

▶행사내용 : 각종 심포지엄, 제품설명회, 기업워크샵

그랜드 컨퍼런스룸4F▶위치 : 전시장 4층

▶행사내용 : 기조강연, 시상식및기념강연, 각종심포지엄, 정기총회, 리셉션, 폐회식

Hall C1-C23F▶위치 : 전시장 3층

▶행사내용 : 등록처, 전시, 포스터발표

Conference Center

Grand Conference Room

층 내용 구분 장소


등록처사전등록처/현장등록처 Hall C1, C2 로비

4층 각종행사장기조강연, 시상식및강연, 리셉션,

정기총회, 폐회식, 우수포스터상시상식,경품추천

그랜드컨퍼런스룸 401호

전시장 관련업체전시 Hall C1, C2

발표연사 Preview 실


컨퍼런스센터홀 309호

컨퍼런스센터홀 310호



심포지엄강연컨퍼런스센터홀 307호, 308호,

317호, 318호, 402호

연사및좌장, 무료 등록처 컨퍼런스센터홀 307호 앞


Tobias Meyer, Ph.D.

Department of Chemical and Systems Biology, Stanford University, USA

“Signaling Control of Collective Cell Migration”

Professor Tobias Meyer is Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology in StanfordUniversity since 1999. He received his MS in nuclear physics and then Ph.D inbiophysics from the University of Basel, Switzerland. He trained as a Postdoctoraland Research Fellow at Stanford University with Professor L. Stryer. He had beena faculty member in Duke University Medical Center during 1991-1998. Professor

Meyer has been working on the cell signaling, especially on the systemic understanding of signaling networksfor cell migration and neuronal synapse formation and contributed over 100 publications in Cell, Science,Neuron etc. with pioneering research outputs. His current research direction may be summarized in the synopsishe described in his website as follows:

“Cells make use of an elaborate control system that integrates inputs from multiple receptors, computes thisinformation and makes decisions about key cellular outputs such as cell migration, synapse formation,differentiation or proliferation. Our laboratory is focusing on discovering the rules that govern these decisionprocesses by perturbing signaling steps, by monitoring signaling events and cell functions, and by employingmathematical modeling. We have already developed a number of novel biosensors and microscopy techniquesto monitor cell signaling and functional processes over time, developed novel chemically induced enzymeactivities for rapid signaling pathway perturbations and created a set of 2300 RNAi’s to perturb signalingpathways by selectively reducing the expression of most human signaling proteins. We are particularlyintrigued by the roles of calcium and lipid second messengers in the spatial and temporal coordination ofcellular responses and a main current focus of the laboratory is on the questions how migrating cells polarizeand chemotax and how neurons polarize their axons and dendrites and regulate their synapse number. Whilethese studies focus on understanding specific control circuits, we are also working towards solving what isarguably the ultimate systems biology problem: How can a cells entire control system be quantitativelymodeled? The experimental part of these studies makes use of genome-wide perturbations and monitoringmultiple cellular decision points such as those triggering cell proliferation and differentiation. Our ultimategoals are to determine what elements of cellular control systems enable them to make specific decisions whilebeing robust, how control systems have evolved, how we can synthetically create novel regulatory functions inexisting control systems and how we can predict from mathematical models of signaling systems suitablemolecular targets for therapeutic intervention”

Organizer & Chair : Sung Ho Ryu (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)

Plenary Lecture

13:50-14:30 Thursday, October 7, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401)

Plenary Lecture I


Plenary Lecture

Isaiah J. Fidler, D.V.M., Ph.D.

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, USA

“The Biology of Cancer Metastasis to the Brain”

Isaiah J. Fidler, D.V.M., Ph.D., is the R.E. ‘Bob’ Smith Distinguished Chair in Cell Biology,Professor and past Chairman Department of Cancer Biology, and Director of the CancerMetastasis Research Center at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, inHouston, Texas.

Over the past 40 years, Dr. Fidler has devoted his career to understanding the biology ofcancer invasion and metastasis. In 1970, while carrying out research at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,he described the first method for labeling tumor cells with the radioactive marker 125I-5-iodo-2 -deoxyuridine, allowingstudies on the fate and distribution of tumor cells in vivo. These experiments provided the first evidence that only a smallfraction of cells that enter the circulation survive to produce metastasis. Three years later, Dr. Fidler published a paper inNature New Biology on the in vivo selection of successive tumor cell lines for metastasis, demonstrating that metastasis is aselective rather than random process - which up to then had been the prevailing view. In 1977, he published anotherlandmark paper, this time in Science with his colleague Margaret Kripke at the NCI Frederick Cancer Research Center,demonstrating that clones derived in vitro from a parent culture of murine malignant melanoma cells vary greatly in theirability to produce metastatic colonies in the lungs of syngeneic mice. This work provided the first definitive evidence thattumors are biologically heterogeneous and that metastatic cells preexist in a cancer cell population and are not the result ofadaptation during the metastatic process.

After moving from NCI-Frederick Cancer Research to The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center inHouston in the early eighties, he continued his work understanding the processes of tumor progression and biologicdiversification of human malignancies. To this end, he has performed seminal work showing the utility of orthotopic nudemice models in studying the biology of human metastases compared with ectopic models, which generally fail to producemetastases. He has also demonstrated that specific organ microenvironments influence the resistance of metastatic cells tochemotherapy and experimental biological therapies.

His work on the importance of the organ microenvironment (e.g., in influencing tumor cell gene expression) hasreinvigorated interest in the venerable ‘seed and soil’ hypothesis first put forward by the English surgeon Stephen Paget in1889 (who noted the dependence of metastasis on cross talk between selected cancer cell ‘seeds’ and specific organ ‘soils’).More recently, Dr. Fidler’s group has shown that organ-specific cytokines (e.g., epidermal growth factor, vascularendothelial growth factor, transforming growth factor beta and platelet derived growth factor) also regulate angiogenesis inprimary neoplasms and their metastases.

Dr. Fidler has authored more than 800 primary research articles, book chapters, and reviews. Among his many honors arethe American Cancer Society’s Distinguished Service Award, City of Paris Medal of Vermeil, the WHO Medal forBiological Science, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Award for Distinguished Achievement in Cancer Research, and NaturePublishing’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

Much of what is known about the fundamental biology and mechanisms of metastasis originated from the Fidler group.Over 50 clinical fellows have passed through the doors of his laboratory, and he has been responsible for training andmentoring over fifty postdoctoral researchers, most of whom are leading research in the cancer field.

Organizer & Chair : Yeup Yoon (Mogam Biotechnology Research Institute, Korea)

14:30-15:10 Thursday, October 7, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401)

Plenary Lecture Ⅱ


Jürgen Roth, M.D., Ph.D. (Distinguished Professor at Yonsei Univ., Korea)Department of Pathology, University of Zurich, Switzerland

“Cell under Stress: Dislocation and Degradation of Aberrant Proteins”

Professor Jürgen Roth became the first Professor of Cell and Molecular Pathology inEurope when he was appointed to the University of Zurich in 1990. He directed thenewly established Division of Cell and Molecular Pathology at the Department ofPathology until 2009 and currently is a Distinguished Professor at Yonsei University

Graduate School, WCU program. He received his medical degree from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and aPhD in Cell Biology from the University of Jena and of Basel in Switzerland. He trained as a Visiting Scientist at theCancer Research Institute of the University of Vienna, Austria. He was a resident and docent in General and SurgicalPathology at University of Jena, Research Associate and Lecturer in the Department of Morphology at University ofGeneva, and Associate Professor of Cell Biology at the Biocenter of the University of Basel. He has been Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Cell Biology and is currently Editor-in-Chief of Histochemistry and Cell Biology.He has served as president and past-president of the Society for Histochemistry and of the InternationalGlycoconjugate Organization and as board member of the International Federation of the Societies forHistochemistry and Cytochemistry. He has been awarded a medical honorary degree from Peking University, waselected Honorary Member of the Society of Histochemistry, received medals of Honor from various JapaneseUniversities, was named Invited Fellow of the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science and was awarded manyscientific prizes. Professor Roth has contributed over 300 publications to the cell biology of cellular organelles andfor immunoelectron microscopy, has published or edited several books and organized many InternationalConferences and Symposia.

Professor Roth’s research interest encompasses the molecular cell biology of the endoplasmic reticulum and the

Golgi apparatus in regard to protein glycosylation and protein quality control and of cell surface glycoconjugates

during development and in tumors. He invented the immunogold technique for electron microscopy, the most

powerful and most widely used technique of immunoelectron microscopy today and advised lectin-gold techniques as

well. He was the first to directly demonstrate the subcompartmentalization of the Golgi apparatus and to characterize

the TGN as part of the Golgi apparatus, to demonstrate that protein O-glycosylation starts in the Golgi apparatus, and

for instance that polysialic acid of the neural cell adhesion molecule is an oncofetal antigen in human organogenesis

and malignant tumors. His work on protein quality control resulted in the discovery of the first glyco-code for

glycoprotein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system, the identification of pre-Golgi intermediates as a major

quality control check point, and led to the discovery of the first known ERAD dislocation receptor. His recent studies

on the ERAD dislocation receptor EDEM1 established a novel vesicular exit pathway from the endoplasmic

reticulum and demonstrated the importance of selective basal autophagy in quality control and protein turnover.

Organizer & Chair : In Kwon Chung (Yonsei University, Korea)

13:50-14:30 Friday, October 8, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401)

Supported by WCU Program atYonsei University

Plenary Lecture Ⅲ

Plenary Lecture


J. Clark Lagarias, Ph.D.

College of Biological Sciences, University of California, USA

“Molecular Mechanisms of Light Perception by Phytochromes”

Professor J. Clark Lagarias received his Ph.D degree from University of California,Berkeley, joined the UC Davis faculty in 1980 as an assistant professor, and becamethe full professor in the section of Molecular and Cellular Biology in 1991. He wasappointed as the Paul K. and Ruth R. Stumpf Professor of Plant Biochemistry from

1999 to 2006. Professor Lagarias was elected to the National Academy of Sciences (USA) in Plant Biology in May2001.

Professor Lagarias has studied how plants perceive light through phytochromes, a group of plant photoreceptors. Heis renowned for his research on the molecular and biochemical bases of how phytochromes perceive lightinformation - light intensity and quality. His meticulous characterization of the biochemical and photochemicalproperties of purified phytochrome in 80’s presented a portrait of phytochrome as we know of it now. In late 80’sand early 90’s, he studied in planta synthesis of phytochrome chromophore and developed a method to assemblephytochrome holoproteins using recombinant apoproteins. The method provided scientists around the world a toolwith which one can investigate the biochemical and molecular properties of phytochromes without grinding tons ofetiolated oat seedlings in the cold dark room. In late 90’s, he showed that cyanobacteria has a phytochrome withhistidine kinase activity and demonstrated that plant phytochromes possess serine/threonine kinase activity. Thesetwo discoveries startled the world, providing new insights into how phytochromes transmit light signal to theirdownstream signaling components. His revelations are going on in the 21st century as he recently engineeredfluorescent phytochromes and light-independent constitutively active phytochromes. The achievements promisepractical applications in biomedical and agricultural fields. The impression of his works reverberates in our minds,reminding us how much a brilliant and determined scientist can achieve in a mere three decades.

Organizer & Chair : Giltsu Choi (Department of Biological Sciences, Korea AdvancedInstitute of Science and Technology, Korea)

14:30-15:10 Friday, October 8, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401)

Plenary Lecture Ⅳ

Plenary Lecture


Jongkyeong Chung, Ph.D.

School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

“Parkinson’s Disease and Mitochondrial Dysfunction”

Jongkyeong (JK) Chung is a professor of School of Biological Sciences and also amember of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics at Seoul National University.He received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University and earned aPh.D. degree in cell biology from Harvard University in 1993. During his graduate

studies, he firstly demonstrated S6 kinase as a target of PI3 kinase and rapamycin. After completing his postdoctoralresearch at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and Harvard Medical School, he joined the faculty of KoreaAdvanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 1996 and served as a professor until 2009. Since heestablished his own lab, he has been using both mammalian cell system and Drosophila genetics to understand theregulatory mechanism of cell growth and metabolism. His group has generated many important loss-of-function andgain-of-function Drosophila models for PI3 kinase pathway, MAP kinase pathways, TOR pathway, LKB1/AMPKpathway, and p53 pathway to characterize the pathways. Representatively, they include null mutants for p53, RSK,MKP3, PDK1, TOR, FOXO, LKB1, AMPK, and TRAFs. In addition, he has been interested in understanding thepathological mechanism of genetic Parkinson’s disease (PD). His group has generated first relevant animal modelsfor PD genes such as Parkin, PINK1, DJ-1, and LRRK2. Using these disease models, his group discovered that twoindependent PD genes, PINK1 and Parkin genetically and functionally interact and make a novel signaling pathwayto control mitochondrial remodeling process. This seminal finding provided a completely new concept forunderstanding pathological mechanism of both genetic and sporadic PD. Based on these scientific achievements, hehas won various awards and honors, such as “Scientist of the Month Award” from Korean government (2006),“Best Research Award” from KAIST (2008), and “Kyung-Ahm Academic Award” (2008).

Since 1994, the Foundation of the Mogam Biological Engineering Research Center has sponsored the MogamAwards that recognize members of the Society who have contributed substantially to the advancement ofmolecular and cellular biology in Korea. Later, in 2001, these awards were replaced by the Academic ResearchAwards of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology. Of these, the Life Science Award is given to aKorean scientist who has displayed creative research activity in the fields of molecular and cellular biology andexhibited outstanding research performance in Korea for the recent five years. The Molecules and Cells Award(M&C Award) is given to a member who has published the highly cited paper in the Society’s main journalMolecules and Cells during the previous three years. The awardee of Life Science Award is given prize money10,000,000 won and a plaque and the awardee of M&C Award is given prize money 3,000,000 won and a plaque.

Chair: Rho Hyun Seong (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University,Korea)

13:10-13:50 Thursday, October 7, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401, COEX)

Academic ResearchAward & Lecture

학술상 생명과학상 수상 강연Academic Research Award & Lecture


Ki-Up Lee, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Internal Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul,


“α-Lipoic Acid: a New Look at an Old Drug in the Treatment of Metabolic


Dr. Ki-Up Lee graduated from the College of Medicine, Seoul National University in1980. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine in 1984 in the Seoul National

University Hospital. He did clinical fellowship in the Division of Endocrinology & Metabolism in Seoul NationalUniversity Hospital during 1984-1986. He received Ph.D. from the Seoul National University in 1986, with thethesis on “the effect of plasma free fatty acid on the glucose metabolism” from his mentor, Dr. Hun Ki Min. Hecontinued his research fellowship in Dr. Ji-Won Yoon’s lab in the University of Calgary, Canada. After returning toKorea in 1988, he became a faculty member of Department of Internal Medicine in the University of Ulsan Collegeof Medicine / Asan Medical Center,

Dr. Lee is a clinician taking care of diabetic patients, and has many important clinical papers in famous journalslike Diabetes Care and Diabetologia. However, during the past 15 years, he has more or less focused on the basicbiomedical research. His major research interest has been on the molecular mechanism of metabolic syndrome,diabetes and its complications. In recent years, he is focusing on the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in thepathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. Dr. Lee has published more than 140 articles in international journals, amongthem is a paper published in Nature Medicine in 2004, describing an anti-obesity effect of alpha-lipoic acid.

He received Yuhan Medical Research Award (1989) from the Seoul Medical Association, Namkok ResearchAward (1999) from the Korean Association of Endocrinology, Hamchoon Medical Research Award (2004) from theAlumni of College of Medicine, Seoul National University, and Emil von Behring Research Grand Award (2005)from the Korean Medical Association.

He is now the principal investigator of Translational Research Center for Diabetes, supported from the KoreaHealth Industry, and also the principal investigator of a “Future-based Technology Development Program” grantsupported from the National Research Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The Ilchun Memorial Lecture was introduced in 1994 to commemorate the work of Professor Ki-Nyung Lee(nicknamed Ilchun), a pioneer molecular biologist in Korea. The Committee for the Ilchun Memorial Lecturehandles all the administrative affairs. A commemorative lecture is given every year by the keynote speaker at theAnnual Meeting of the KSMCB.

Chair: Jeong-Sun Seo (Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea)

13:10-13:50 Friday, October 8, 2010(Grand Conference Room 401, COEX)

Ilchun MemorialLecture

일천기념 강좌Ilchun Memorial Lecture


바이오니아 차세 연구자상Bioneer Next Generation Research Awards

분자생물학및세포생물학분야의정규/임시직박사급이하연구원, 박사후연구원, 석박사과정대학원학생을포상하기위하여

우리학회정회원의추천을받아“바이오니아차세대연구자상”을시상하고있습니다. 수상자격은전년도 7월이후에발표된

국내에서수행한분자세포생물학관련연구성과를토대로발표한논문의제1 저자인정규/임시직박사급이하연구원, 석박사

과정대학원생으로하며, 대상의경우해당연구를수행한연구실/연구기관의책임자는제외하고정규/임시직박사급연구원으

로제한하고있습니다. 수상자는학술상위원회의심의와이사회의인준을거쳐선정됩니다.

시상식: 10월8일(금) 12:20, 코엑스4층, 그랜드컨퍼런스룸401호





대상 우현애 이화여자대학교 생명·약학부 상패와 상금 500만원

금상 고영준 한국과학기술원 의과학대학원 상패와 상금 300만원

은상 이종길 경북대학교 수의과대학 상패와 상금 200만원

소속 시상

우수박사학위논문상Excellent Doctoral Thesis Awards

분자·세포생물학을전공하는 대학원생의연구를진작시키기위하여, 우리 학회 정회원의추천을받아 우수박사학위논문을

선정하여시상하고있습니다. 수상자격은대한민국에서분자및세포생물학을연구하는박사과정의학생으로서전년도정기

총회이후부터시상년도정기총회 1개월전까지박사학위를수여받는자입니다. 수상자는학술상위원회의심의와이사회의인

준을거쳐선정되며, 수상자에게는상패와상금100만원이수여됩니다.

택산상역 우수포스터상Techsan Community Excellent Poster Awards

정기학술대회에서발표하는포스터중우수한내용의포스터, 약 30편을선정하여시상합니다. 포스터의평가기준은포스터

내용의과학성과발표자의발표및방어, 포스터제작수준등이며, 시외지역에서참가한발표자에게는가산점을부여합니다.


- 대 상: 정기학술대회포스터발표자중회원에한해응모한자

- 시 상 식: 2010년도10월8일18:00, 코엑스4층, 그랜드컨퍼런스룸401호

- 시상내역: 상장과상금(200,000원)



시상식: 10월8일(금) 12:20, 코엑스4층, 그랜드컨퍼런스룸401호

※코엑스3층전시장(Hall C1-C2) 내휴게공간A에수상자의포스터가전시되어있습니다.



김보규 서울대학교 생명과학부

양시영 광주과학기술원 생명과학부

이미진 전북대학교 의학전문대학원

주영석 서울대학교 의과대학

최형우 고려대학교 생명산업과학과

학위취득 학교

*씨그마알드리치코리아(유) 후원


Organizers : Sang-Kyung Lee (Department of Bioengineering, Hanyang University, Korea)

Dong-Eun Kim (Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Korea)

Chair : Dong-Eun Kim (Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Konkuk University, Korea)

09:20-09:30 (10 min) Introduction of Small RNA

09:30-09:50 (20 min)

Reprogramming into Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Wonhee Suh, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University,

CHA Stem Cell Institute, Korea

09:50-10:20 (30 min)

Cell-Specific Delivery of siRNA for Targeted Therapy

Priti Kumar, Ph.D.

Department of Internal Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, USA

10:20-10:40 (20 min)

Exploiting Gene-Expressed RNAi for Cancer Gene Therapy

Chae Ok Yun, Ph.D.

Institute for Cancer Research, Yonsei Cancer Center, Yonsei University College of

Medicine, Korea

10:40-11:00 (20 min)

Delivery of siRNAs Using Self-Assembled Oligomeric Nanoparticles

Yu-Kyoung Oh, Ph.D.

College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea

11:00-11:20 (20 min)

Tumor-Targeting siRNA Delivery System in Cancer Treatment

Kwangmeyung Kim, Ph.D.

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

11:20-11:50 (30 min)

Creation of Knockout Rats: A New Paradigm for Target Validation and Preclinical


Tomoji Mashimo, Ph.D.

Institute of Laboratory Animals,

Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan

Regulation of gene expression is a potent means of countering human diseases. This session focuses on altering gene expressionthrough novel mechanisms using small RNAs and Zinc finger nucleases for human disease therapy, advances in the development ofnovel vehicles for the delivery of these molecules to desired cells and exploiting such mechanisms for stem cell therapy.

Session Introduction







Symposium 1 Small RNA: Biology and Applications09:20-11:50, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 401)



In this session, there will be 5 different talks dealing with recent advancement on plant-microbe interaction. Three of them willdiscuss about immunity of plant host against pathogen or pathogen-derived factors. Two of them will focus on microbial factors thatdetermine the pathogenecity on plants or signals that induce plant defense against pathogen. We hope the audiences enjoy theamazing advancement of our knowledges in plant-microbe interaction.

Session Introduction

Organizer : Doil Choi (Department of Plant Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea)

Chair : Kyung Hee Paek (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea)

09:20-09:50 (30 min)

GDSL Lipase 1 Regulates Plant Immunity Associated with Ethylene Signaling

Ohkmae K. Park, Ph.D.

School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea

09:50-10:20 (30 min)

A Calmodulin Binding NAC Transcription Factor that Interacts with SNI1 Acts as

a Negative Regulator in Systemic Acquired Resistance

Woo Sik Chung, Ph.D.

Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National University, Korea

10:20-10:50 (30 min)

Reshuffling Plant Defenses via Above and Underground Signals Exchange

Choong-Min Ryu, Ph.D.

Systems Microbiology Research Center,

Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea

10:50-11:20 (30 min)

Functional Genomics of Pathogenicity in the Rice Blast Fungus,

Magnaporthe oryzae Yong-Hwan Lee, Ph.D.

School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Korea

11:20-11:50 (30 min)

Activation of a Rac GTPase by the NLR Family Disease Resistance Protein Pit

Plays a Critical Role in Rice Innate Immunity

Ko Shimamoto, Ph.D.

Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Nara Institute of Science and Technology,







Symposium 2 Signaling in Plant-Microbe Interaction09:20-11:50, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 402)


Organizer : Jung-Joon Min (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea)

Chair : Hyon E. Choy (Genome Research Center for Enteropathogenic Bacteria, Chonnam National University Medical School,


09:20-09:55 (35 min)

The Use of Fluorescent Proteins for Cellular and Subcellular Imaging in Live Mice

Robert M. Hoffman, Ph.D.

AntiCancer Inc., USA

Department of Surgery, University of California, USA

09:55-10:20 (25 min)

Bacteria Therapy Using Tumor-Targeting E. coilHyon E. Choy, Ph.D.

Genome Research Center for Enteropathogenic Bacteria,

Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea

10:20-10:55 (35 min)

Visualization of Bone Marrow Cavity by Using Intravital Two-Photon Microscopy

Masaru Ishii, M.D., Ph.D.

World Premier Innitiatives Immunology Frontier Research Center,

Osaka University, Japan

10:55-11:20 (25 min)

Visualization of Bacterial Tropism for Myocardial Infarction

Jung-Joon Min, M.D., Ph.D.

Laboratory of In Vivo Molecular Imaging, Department of Nuclear Medicine,

Chonnam National University Medical School, Korea

11:20-11:45 (25 min)

Application of Radiation-Inducible Promoters for Cancer Therapy in Combination

with Salmonella typhimuriumSangyong Lim, Ph.D.

Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea

Recent unprecedented progress in the development of noninvasive imaging technologies and molecular/cell biology techniquesshould allow molecular imaging to play a major role in the field of biomedical research. This session is now organized to discussseveral important goals in biomedical research, namely: (1) To develop non-invasive in vivo imaging methods that reflect specificcellular and molecular processes, e.g. gene expression or protein-protein interactions; (2) To monitor multiple molecular eventsnear-simultaneously; (3) To follow trafficking and targeting of cells or organisms; (4) To optimize drug and gene therapy; (5) Toassess disease progression at a molecular pathological level; and (6) To create the possibility of achieving all of the above goals ofimaging in a rapid, reproducible, and quantitative manner, so as to be able to monitor time-dependent experimental, developmental,environmental, and therapeutic influences on gene products in the same animal or patient.

Session Introduction






Symposium 3 Multifunctional Molecular Imaging09:20-11:45, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 307)


The function of biomolecules, such as proteins, polysaccharides, and nucleic acids as well as small molecules, can only be definedthrough their interactions in vivo. Such interactions, including those involved in signal transduction, and transcriptional and translationalregulation, play a key role in determining cellular differentiation, in maintaining cellular homeostasis, and in triggering abnormaldifferentiation events leading to human diseases. This session will highlight the molecular recognition principles of protein interactionsin relation to diseases. In particular, it will focus on the structural features of biomolecular interactions and discuss the fundamentalmolecular level insights into the underlying biological and biochemical functions of biologically important proteins.


Session Introduction

Organizer : Myung Hee Kim (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea)

Chair : Young Ho Jeon (Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea)

09:20-10:00 (40 min)

Structural Biochemical Understanding of Pathogen-Host Interaction

Feng Shao, Ph.D.

National Institute of Biological Sciences, China

10:00-10:25 (25 min)

Pattern Recognition by Toll-like Receptor Family

Jie-Oh Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Chemisty,

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

10:25-10:35 (10 min) Break

10:35-11:00 (25 min)

Structure of eya2 Provides Insight into a Unique Substrate Specificity for

Histone H2A.X and Interaction Sites for Transcription Factors, So and Dach

Seung Jun Kim, Ph.D.

Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea

11:00-11:25 (25 min)

A Structure of the Pre-microRNA Nuclear Export Machinery

Soo Jae Lee, Ph.D.

College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University, Korea

11:25-11:50 (25 min)

Recognition of Type-1 N-end Rule Substrates by UBR Box

Hyun Kyu Song, Ph.D.

School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea





Symposium 4 Biomolecular Interactions: Protein Structure, Function, and Disease09:20-11:50, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 308)


Organizer : Hyeyoung Kim (College of Human Ecology, Yonsei University, Korea)

Chairs : Hyeyoung Kim (College of Human Ecology, Yonsei University, Korea)

Dong Min Shin (College of Dentistry, Yonsei University, Korea)

09:20-10:05 (45 min)Isoprostanes and Prostaglandins as Novel Biomarkers ofOxidative Stress and InflammationSamar Basu, Ph.D.Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala Universtiy, Sweden

10:05-10:30 (25 min)Redox Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory SignalingYoung-Joon Surh, Ph.D.College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea

10:30-10:50 (20 min)Effects of Polyphenolic Anti-Inflammatory Agents on Ion Channels of Immune CellsSung Joon Kim, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Physiology, Seoul National University Medical College, Korea

10:50-11:10 (20 min)Functional Characterization of Novel Modulators during Cytokine-InducedInflammatory Signaling and Links to Down Syndrome and Parkinson’s DiseaseKwang Chul Chung, Ph.D.Department of Biology, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Korea

11:10-11:30 (20 min)Dietary Protein Restriction Induces Steatohepatitis and Alters Leptin/SignalTransducers and Activators of Transcription 3 Signaling in Lactating RatsMyung Gi Baik, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Korea

11:30-11:50 (20 min)Inflammatory Signaling and Glutamine Deficiency in Pulmonary Epithelial CellsExposed to Lipid-Associated Membrane Proteins from Mycoplasma pneumoniaeHyeyoung Kim, Ph.D.Department of Food and Nutrition, College of Human Ecology, Yonsei University, Korea







Symposium 5 Inflammatory and Immunological Signaling09:20-11:50, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 317)

Recent advances in inflammation and immune studies reveal unexpected diversity of signal transduction pathways and their cross-talks. Inflammatory ad immunological signalings are essential research fields for the scienitists to understand the pathogenesis ofinflammatiory diseases and immunological disorders in various organs and tissues. And molecular understanding of the signalingmolecules and mediators could lead to the development of new drugs. We hope the audiences to share the exciting novel conceptsand findings in inflammatory and immunological singalings in various cells and tissues.

Session Introduction


09:20-09:40 (20 min)CCAR1, a Key Regulator of Mediator Complex Recruitment to Nuclear ReceptorTranscription ComplexesJeong Hoon Kim, Ph.D.Samsung Medical Center, Samsung Biomedical Research Institute, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea

09:40-10:00 (20 min)Analyzing the Role of CTD-Interacting Domain Proteins in the Choice of RNAPolymerase II Termination Pathway by Domain SwappingMinkyu Kim, Ph.D. Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology, Seoul National University, Korea

10:00-10:25 (25 min)Epigenetic Regulation of Muscle Differentiation with Histone Chaperoens Eun-Jung Cho, Ph.D. College of Pharmacy, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

10:25-11:05 (40 min)Role of Chromatin Loops in Gene RegulationAnn Dean, Ph.D. Gene Regulation and Development Section,Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology, National Institute of Diabetes andDigestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, USA

11:05-11:30 (25 min)The SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Is an Essential TranscriptionalRegulator in Hematopoietic Cell Development in Bone MarrowRho Hyun Seong, Ph.D. Department of Biological Sciences and Institute of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Seoul National University, Korea

11:30-11:50 (20 min)Sequential Changes in Chromatin Structure during Transcriptional Activation inthe βGlobin LCR and Its Target GeneAeRi Kim, Ph.D. Department of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, Korea







Organizers : Aeri Kim (Department of Molecular Biology, Pusan National University, Korea)

Yeun Kyu Jang (Department of Biology, Yonsei University, Korea)

Chairs : Hyockman Kwon (Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea)

Soo-Jong Um (Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Sejong University, Korea)

Symposium 6 Chromatin and Transcription09:20-11:50, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 318)

Eukaryotic genes are transcribed in chromatin environment. Chromatin structure is modulated during transcriptional activation andprocedure. The changes of chromatin structure, such as chromatin remodeling, histone depletion and covalent histone modifications,play critical roles in regulating the gene transcription. Recently long range interactions between regulator regions and their targetgene by chromatin looping have been reported as key factors for transcriptional regulation. In this symposium, recent studies tomediator complex, RNA polymerase II, histone chaperone, chromatin remodeling complex, and histone modifications will bepresented, which show correlation between chromatin structure and eukaryotic gene transcription. Specially Dr. Ann Dean willpresent her recent study about chromatin looping using 3C technique in the complex gene loci and explain the long rangeinteractions of enhancers and insulators.

Session Introduction


Organizers : Yeup Yoon (Mogam Biotechnology Research Institute, Korea)

In-San Kim (Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea)

Chair : In-San Kim (Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea)

15:30-16:10 (40 min)

Site-Specific Bone Metastasis of Human Prostate Cancer in

Animal Model -Clinical Implication-

Sun Jin Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

Cancer Metastasis Research Center, Department Cancer Biology,

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

16:10-16:45 (35 min)

Possible Therapeutic Modalities for the Brain Metastasis

Do-Hyun Nam, M.D., Ph.D.

Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea

16:45-17:20 (35 min)

Targeted Antivascular Therapy with the Apolipoprotein(a) Kringle V, rhLK8

Inhibits the Growth and Metastasis of Human Prostate Cancer in

an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model

Jang-Seong Kim, Ph.D.

Cancer Biology Team, Mogam Biotechnology Research Institute, Korea

17:20-18:00 (40 min)

Strategy for Combining Imaging and Therapy of Tumor

In-San Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea

Despite the recent advances in the treatment of localized cancer, metastasis remains the primary cause of morbidity and mortality ofcancer. As clinical oncology progresses towards personalized cancer medicine, the need to understand the biology of metastasisbecomes in great demands. The important aspects to be addressed are the understandings on the sites and temporal course ofmetastasis into experimental models as well as the clinically relevant cellular and molecular components of this process, especiallywith focuses on the pathophysiology of the metastatic microenvironments. In this session, it will provide the case studies on the twoimportant target organs as bone and brain. In addition, the advances on the visualization of cancer cells in vivo to detect cancersand to monitor therapy will have huge clinical implications. The strategy for the combining the imaging and therapy of cancer will bepresented.

Session Introduction





Symposium 7 Biology of Metastasis15:30-18:00, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 401)


All animals develop through successive stages and have defined life spans determined by their genome and modulated by theirenvironment. What determines a species life plan? What are the genetic pathways involved in aging process? And how does theenvironment impact these processes? By studying the simple model organisms, we have discovered several pathways andenvironmental factors. We hope the audiences to share the exciting novel concepts and findings in aging research using modelorganisms.

Session Introduction

Organizer & Chair : Kyung-Jin Min (Department of Natural Medical Sciences, Inha University, Korea)

15:30-15:55 (25 min)

Mechanism of Caloric Restriction in Lifespan Extension of SaccharomycescerevisiaeCheol-Koo Lee, Ph.D.

College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea

15:55-16:20 (25 min)

Life-Extending Mechanisms of Dietary Restriction in C. elegansSang-Kyu Park, Ph.D.

Department of Medical Biotechnology, Soonchunhyang University, Korea

16:20-16:45 (25 min)

Inhibition of Respiration Extends C. elegans’Life Span via Reactive OxygenSpecies that Activate HIF-1

Seung-Jae Lee, Ph.D.

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

16:45-17:10 (25 min)

Regulation of Drosophila Aging by Insulin-Like Peptides

Marc Tatar, Ph.D.

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University, USA

17:10-17:35 (25 min)

High-throughput Misexpression Screen of the Genes Controlling Drosophila Life


Joong Jean Park, Ph.D.

Korea University College of Medicine, Korea

17:35-18:00 (25 min)

Modulation of Age-Related Genes by Calorie Restriction in Aging Rodent Model

Hae Young Chung, Ph.D.

College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University, Korea







Symposium 8 Molecular Genetics of Aging in Model Organisms15:30-18:00, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 307)


Organizer : Cheol Yong Choi (Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

Chair : Jong-Bok Yoon (Department of Biochemisty, Yonsei University, Korea)

Post-translational protein modifications, such as phosphorylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation and methylation play essential roles inmany aspects of cellular functions and therefore in the maintenance of cell integrity. One of the more rapidly expanding fields in cellsignalling nowadays is the characterization of proteins conjugated to Ub (ubiquitin) or Ub-like peptides, such as SUMO (small Ub-related modifier). The reversible covalent attachment of these small peptides remodels the target protein, providing new protein-protein interaction interfaces. Neurodegenerative diseases comprise an important group of chronic diseases that increase inincidence with rising age. In particular, the two most common neurological diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease,are associated with aberrant modification of proteins. We hope the audiences to share the exciting novel concepts and findings inprotein modifications and neurological diseases.

Symposium 9 Protein Modification and Neurological Disease15:30-18:05, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 308)

15:30-16:00 (30 min)

SUMOylation Regulates Ribosome Biogenesis:

Fundamental Biology and Implications for Disease

Mary Dasso, Ph.D.

National Institutes of Health, USA

16:00-16:25 (25 min)

Lysine Methylation-Dependent Ubiquitination of Orphan Nuclear Receptor

Sung Hee Baek, Ph.D.

School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

16:25-16:50 (25 min)

Ras Stability Regulation Via the Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Involves Cellular

Proliferation and Transformation

Kang Yell Choi, Ph.D.

Yonsei University, Korea

16:50-17:15 (25 min)

The Effect of Glucose Modification on Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease

Inhee Mook-Jung, Ph.D.

Department of Biochemistry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea

17:15-17:40 (25 min)

SUMO in BRCA1-Mediated DNA Damage Response

Jong-Soo Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Life Science, Ajou University, Korea

17:40-18:05 (25 min)

Role of Oxidative Modifications in the Propagation of Synucleinopathy Lesions

Seung Jae Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Science and Technology, Kunkuk University, Korea







Session Introduction


A small portions (~2%) of the lymphocytes circulating in the blood are neither T cells nor B cells. Most of these are called naturalkiller (NK) cells, a type of cytotoxic lymphocyte. The cells are one of most important immune cells in host defensive mechanismsince NK cells have the intrinsic ability to efficiently kill diseased cells (e.g., tumor cells and virus-infected cells) and to produceabundant cytokines such as anti-viral cytokine IFN-γand the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, without the need of prior sensitization.Through these potent effector functions, NK cells contribute significantly to host defense against malignancy and pathogen infection.Due to the functionality, a lot of efforts have been focused on the clinical application of NK cells toward patients with cancer or viraldiseases. In our session, several important issues such as molecular activation mechanism of NK cells and clinical perspectives ofNK cell therapy will be presented. We hope this session greatly helps audiences to expand their knowledge on NK cells and toshare their relevant research results.

Session Introduction

Organizer : Jae Youl Cho (School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kangwon National University, Korea)

Chairs : In Pyo Choi (Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea)

Sungjin Kim (Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, USA)

15:30-16:00 (30 min)

Functional Adaptation of Natural Killer Cells to MHC Class I Environments

Sungjin Kim, Ph.D.

Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Michigan State University, USA

16:00-16:30 (30 min)

Transcriptional Regulation of NK Cell Activation

In Pyo Choi, Ph.D.

Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea

16:30-17:00 (30 min)

NK Cell Therapy for Advanced Cancer: Clinical Perspectives

Dae Seog Heo, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Korea

17:00-17:30 (30 min)

Natural Killer Cells in Immune Response against Tumors

Kyung-Mi Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Biochemistry, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea

17:30-18:00 (30 min)

Functional Expression of Formyl Peptide Receptors in

Natural Killer Cells

Yoe-Sik Bae, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea






Symposium 10 NK Cells and Therapeutic Application15:30-18:00, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 317)


Symposium 11 연구윤리 심포지엄:연구윤리 부정행위에 대한 규율

15:30-16:20, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 318)15:30-16:20, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 318)




- Organizer : 조윤제교수(포항공과대학교생명과학과)

- Chair 및종합토론진행자: 전방욱교수(강릉원주대학교생물학과)

- 종합토론패널리스트: 조윤제(포항공과대학교생명과학과)




10월 7일(목)

15:30-15:50 (20 min)

과학의 윤리, 과학의 신뢰

오철우 기자 (한겨레신문)

15:50-16:20 (30 min)

종합 토론

10월 8일(금)

15:30-15:50 (20 min)

연구윤리 위반행위에 대한 규정 검토

정규원 교수 (한양대학교 법학대학)

15:50-16:10 (20 min)

과학자의 윤리와 사회적 책임

양재섭 교수 (대구대학교 분자생물학과)

16:10-16:20 (10 min)

종합 토론

※후원: 교육과학기술부·한국연구재단

날짜 별 참가자선착순 100명에게USB Memory Chip(4G) 증정


Since the human genome project (HGP) was begun in 1990 and the genome sequence was completely released in 2003, withfurther analysis still being published, automated high-throughput genome DNA sequencing platform was developed as nextgeneration sequencer with Illumina-GA, Roche/454 GS_FLX, and ABI_Solid. The technology of whole genome shotgun sequencing,transcriptome and small RNA sequencing have been challenged with bioinformatics software toward understanding biology systemthrough wide genome study. We hope to understand the general feature of whole genome study through a review of the multipleresearch applications in bacteria, fungus, rotifer, plant and human.

Session Introduction

Organizer & Chair : Ik-Young Choi (Seoul National University, Korea)

16:20-16:40 (20 min)

Complete Genome Sequence of Novel Mycobacterium Species 05-1390:

Direct Evidence of Lateral Gene Transfer of rpoBC Operon from

Mycobacterium paratuberculosis to Mycobacterium Intracellulare

Bum-Joon Kim, Ph.D.

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea

16:40-17:00 (20 min)

Dynamic Features of Fungal Genomes: from Comparative Genomics of

Rice Blast Fungus to Comparative Fungal Genomics Platform 2.0

Jongsun Park, Ph.D.

School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Korea

17:00-17:20 (20 min)

The Brackish Rotifer, Brachionus sp. as a New Model Species for Marine

Molecular Ecotoxicology and Environmental Genomics

Jae-Seong Lee, Ph.D.

National Research Lab of Marine Molecular and Environmental Bioscience,

Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Korea

17:20-17:40 (20 min)

Tracing Soybean Domestication History: From Genome to Nucleotides

Moon Young Kim, Ph.D.

School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National University, Korea

17:40-18:00 (20 min)

Genome Sequence Analysis and Methods

Jong Bhank, Ph.D.

Theragen Bio Institute, Korea






Symposium 12 General Feature of Whole-Genome Study inBacteria, Fungus, Rotifer, Plant and Human16:20-18:00, Thursday, October 7, 2010 (Hall 318)


Organizer & Chair : Yun-Sil Lee (College of Pharmacy & Division of Life Science & Pharmaceuticals, Ewha Womans University,


09:20-09:50 (30 min)

Polo Kinase and Mitotic Controls

Kyung Sang Lee, Ph.D.

National Institute of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI),

Laboratory of Metabolism, USA

09:50-10:15 (25 min)

Novel Molecular Signaling in Regulating the Maintenance and Resolution of

Sister Chromatid Cohesion

Chang Woo Lee, Ph.D.

Molecular Cell Biology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Korea

10:15-10:40 (25 min)

Collaboration of BRCA2 and Plk1 in Mitosis

Hae-ock Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Pathology, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea University, Korea

10:40-11:05 (25 min)

Understanding the Mechanism Leading to Cell Death from Mitotic Arrest

Eunhee Kim, Ph.D.

Chungnam National University, Korea

11:05-11:30 (25 min)

Role of Mitotic Kinase VRK1 in Cell Cycle

Kyong-Tai Kim, Ph.D.

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

11:30-11:50 (20 min)

Mechanism and Regulation of Meiotic Recombination

Keun Pil Kim, Ph.D. NEBS Travel Awardee

Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Harvard University, USA

Mitosis is the key event of the cell cycle during which the sister chromatids are segregated onto two daughter cells and manyfactors are involved in the regulation of mitosis. It is well established that abrogation of the normal mitotic progression is a highlyefficient concept for anti-cancer treatment. Therefore, the identification of novel mitotic drug targets have gained recently muchattention. From this session, the audience will share the new concepts or mechanisms of mitosis that are based on recent progress.

Session Introduction







Symposium 13 Cell Cycle Regulation09:20-11:50, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 401)


Despite a significant increase in food production during the last century, world production will need to be doubled by the year of2050 to meet the needs of an expected 9 billion global population. Fortunately, a second revolution in agriculture appears to betaking place from advances in biotechnology. Adverse conditions such as drought, temperature extremes, and high salinity pose aserious threat to the sustainability of crop yields in agriculture. Such environmental stimuli regulate gene expression at transcriptionaland post-transcriptional levels. Genomics-based approaches are being taken to identify genes that are critical to the response ofplants to adverse changes in the environment and to manipulate these genes to obtain stress-tolerant transgenic crops. We wishthe audiences to share recent advances in stress biology.

Session Introduction

Organizer : Ju-Kon Kim (Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Myongji University, Korea)

Chairs : Sang Yeol Lee (Environmental Biotechnology National Core Research Center, Gyeongsang National University, Korea)

Hyun-Sook Pai (Department of Biology, Yonsei University, Korea)

09:20-09:45 (25 min)

MSL4 Encoding a Small-Conductance Mechanosensitive Channel-like Protein

Mediates Ion Homeostasis in Arabidopsis

Zhzhong Gong, Ph.D.

State Key Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,

China Agricultural University, China

09:45-10:10 (25 min)

Inducing Abiotic Stress Tolerance by External Stimulus

Soo Chul Park, Ph.D.

National Academy of Agricultural Science,

Rural Development Administration, Korea

10:10-10:35 (25 min)

ABA-Dependent Stress Response: Identification of Novel Signaling Components

Soo-Young Kim, Ph.D.

Division of Plant Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Korea

10:35-11:00 (25 min)

E3 Ubiquitin Ligases Regulate Drought Stress Responses via ABA-Dependent

and ABA-Independent Pathways in Arabidopsis

Woo Teak Kim, Ph.D.

Department of Biology, Yonsei University, Korea

11:00-11:25 (25 min)

RNA Chaperones in Stress Response and Development of Plants

Hunseung Kang, Ph.D.

Division of Plant Biotechnology, Chonnam National University, Korea

11:25-11:50 (25 min)

Isolation of Genes Involved in Plant Abiotic Stress Adaptation and

Their Functional Analysis

Dae Jin Yun, Ph.D.

Division of Applied Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Korea







Symposium 14 Plant Stress Response and Development09:20-11:50, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 402)


Organizer & Chair : Kyung-Mi Lee (Department of Biochemistry, Korea University College of Medicine, Korea)

09:20-09:50 (30 min)Multiple Molecular Mechanisms of Various Stem Cell Actions to BenefitNeurodegenerative Metabolic DiseaseJean-Pyo Lee, Ph.D.Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, UCSD School of Medicine,

Department of Pediatrics, USA

09:50-10:20 (30 min)Human Neural Stem Cells: Therapeutic Potentials and Clinical ApplicationsKook In Park, M.D., Ph.D.Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea

10:20-10:50 (30 min)A Novel Regulatory Network in Skeletal Cell Fate ControlDae-Won Kim, Ph.D.Department of Biochemistry, College of Life Science and Biotechnology,

Yonsei University, Korea

10:50-11:20 (30 min)Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells Using Non-ViralMagnet-Based Nanofection and their Differentiation Using Cell ExtractsSsang-Goo Cho, Ph.D. Department of Animal Biotechnoiogy, Konkuk University, Korea

11:20-11:35 (15 min)MMTR/Dmap1 Is Important for Maintenance of Embryonic Stem Cell IdentityJinseon JeonDepartment of Life science and Research Institute for Natural Sciences,

College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Korea

11:35-11:50 (15 min)BMP4 Induces Neuronal Differentiation of Neural stem Cells by on Ras-ERK-p21Cip/WAF PathwayByoung San Moon Translational Research Center for Protein Function Control, Department of

Biotechnology, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Korea

※ 대한의사협회 회원이 위 심포지엄 참가 시, 2010 연수교육 평점 2점을 부여받을 수 있습니다.

The progress in stem cell research has been excelled in recent years and it has just started to be translated in the clinics. Stemcell therapy might be applicable for various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, myocardial diseases, osteoarthritis andneurodegenerative diseases, in the near future. In particular, inducible pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have shown potential to generatea whole organism. Mesenchymal stem cells have also proved to be potentially useful therapeutics. In this session, novel discoveryand development in the field will be introduced and discussed.

Session Introduction







Symposium 15 Stem Cells and Their Therapeutics09:20-11:50, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 307)

By the Korean Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

(Short Talk)

(Short Talk)


Recently, the human genome research to discover disease casual gene is actively on process all over the world. Such a greatdevelopment contributes to the reduction of the genotyping cost by means of the advanced SNP genotyping techniques and over5,000,000 SNPs from International HapMap Projects. A wide variety of the case-control associated markers have continuouslyreported by the Genome-wide association (GWA) study and CNVs which are achieved from genomic analysis of a large humanpopulation using SNP chip. The research outcomes on discovery of disease associated variations and Korean’s genomiccharacteristics will be presented and discussed in this session.

Session Introduction

Organizers & Chairs : Dong-Jik Shin (Yonsei University College of Medicine, Yonsei Cardiovascular Genome

Center/Yonsei University Research Institute of Science for Aging, Korea)

Jong-Young Lee (Division of Structural and Functional Genomics, Center for Genome Science,

Korean National Institute of Health, KCDC, Korea)

Symposium 16 Human Evolutionary Genetics and Disease09:20-11:50, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 308)

09:20-09:25 (5 min) Opening Remark

09:25-09:50 (25 min)

Genetic Substructure of Korean Population Using Genome-Wide Autosomal


Chang Bum Hong

Center for Genome Science, National Institute of Health,

Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Korea

09:50-10:15 (25 min)

Linkage Analysis: An Old Story but a Missing Step in Genome Research

in Korea

Jong-Won Kim, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Genetics, Samsung Medical Center,

Sungkyunkwan University, School of Medicine, Korea

10:15-10:45 (30 min)

HLA Re-Visit : Re-Sequencing of the Entire HLA Region as a Model to Realize

Personal Medicine

Ituro Inoue, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Molecular Life Science, School of Medicine, Tokai University, Japan

10:45-10:55 (10 min) Break

10:55-11:20 (25 min)

Post Genome-Wide Association Study for Hypertension: From Discovery to

Functional Analysis

Bermseok Oh, Ph.D.

Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine,

Kyung-hee University, Korea

11:20-11:45 (25 min)

Copy Number Variations in Koreans: Implications on Disease Susceptibility and


Yeun-Jun Chung, M.D., Ph.D.

College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Korea

11:45-11:50 (5 min) Closing Remark







Organizer : Sung Joong Lee (Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Korea)

Chairs : Sung Joong Lee (Seoul National University School of Dentistry, Korea)

Uhtaek Oh (Sensory Research Center, College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea)

09:20-09:45 (25 min)

Anoctamin 1, a Cloned Ca2+-activated Chloride Channel and Implication in


Uhtaek Oh, Ph.D.

Department of Molecular Medicine and Biopharmaceutical Sciences and College of

Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea

09:45-10:10 (25 min)

Critical Roles of Central TRPV1 in the Pain Signaling

Seog Bae Oh, D.D.S., Ph.D.

School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea

10:10-10:40 (30 min)

Molecular Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain

Koichi Noguchi, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Hyogo College of Medicine, Japan

10:40-11:05 (25 min)

Nox2-Derived ROS in Spinal Cord Microglia Contribute to Peripheral Nerve

Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain

Sung Joong Lee, Ph.D.

School of Dentistry, Seoul National University, Korea

11:05-11:35 (30 min)

The Molecular and Cellular Basis of “Itch”in Primary Afferents

Sang-Kyou Han, Ph.D.

Department of Pharmacology, University of California at San Diego, USA

11:35-12:00 (25 min)

Effects of Exposure to an Unpleasant Odorant in the Olfactory System

Cheil Moon, Ph.D.

Daegu Gyeongbuk Institue of Science and Technology, Korea

Pain and itch are two distinct sensory modalities especially relevant in pathological conditions, yet the mechanisms for theirsensation have long been elusive. Recent molecular and behavioral studies have revealed that GPCRs or TRP channels are majormediators of different types of somatic sensation not only in cutaneous sensory neurons innervating the skin but also in the spinalcord. In primary afferents, the studies of TRP channels have unraveled molecular mechanisms underlying induction and transmissionof noxious pain. In contrast, various members of GPCRs and their downstream signaling molecules appeared to be specialized forgenerating itch signal. At the spinal level, a role of microglia cells that are activated in the process of neuropathic pain developmenthas shed light on understanding mechanisms of pain hypersensitivity. In addition, extensive studies on olfaction have provided aplatform on how sensory neurons encode diverse repertoire of neuronal circuitry to discriminate the sense of smell. Together, thespeakers will highlight several advances in our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms that control several aspects ofsomatic sensation. We hope the audience to share the excitement in the rapid-progressing research of this field.

Session Introduction







Symposium 17 Sensory Biology09:20-12:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 317)


Protein metabolism including synthesis, folding, trafficking, and turnover is critical for cell homeostasis and fate determination. For thisreason, disruption in the expression or function of critical translational components can result in various human diseases such ascancer, metabolic or neural disorders. This session will address recent discovery and progress to understand basic regulatorymechanisms in translation process. In addition, the session will cover the efforts to identify potential therapeutic targets amongtranslational components that can be used for drug discovery.

Session Introduction

Organizer : Sunghoon Kim (College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea)

Chairs : Sunghoon Kim (College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University, Korea)

Sung Key Jang (Department of Life Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)

09:20-09:50 (30 min)

A Role of CBP80/20-Dependent Translation in Histone Gene Expression

Yoon Ki Kim, Ph.D.

School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea

09:50-10:20 (30 min)

Cap-and IRES-Independent Scanning Mechanism of Translation Initiation as an

Alternative to the Concept of Cellular IRESs

Ivan N. Shatsky, Ph.D.

Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Moscow State University, Russia

10:20-10:50 (30 min)

Translation of Hepatitis C Viral mRNA through an IRES Element: Escaping from

the Host’s Innate Immunity Utilizing an Alternative Initiator tRNA Carrier

Sung Key Jang, Ph.D.

Department of Life Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

10:50-11:20 (30 min)

Novel Functions of Translational Factors in the Regulation of Tumorigenesis

Sunghoon Kim, Ph.D.

Department of Molecular Medicine and Biopharceutical Sciences,

Seoul National University, Korea

11:20-11:50 (30 min)

Rheb-mTOR Axis as a Signaling Hub for the Regulation of Translation

Sung Ho Ryu, Ph.D.

Department of Life Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea






Symposium 18 Translational Control and Diseases09:20-11:50, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 318)


Organizer : Dong Hyung Cho (The Graduate School East-West Medical Science, KyungHee University, Korea)

Chairs : Dong Hyung Cho (The Graduate School East-West Medical Science, KyungHee University, Korea)

Heung Kyu Lee (KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea)

15:30-16:05 (35 min)

mTOR Regulation of Autophagy

Do-Hyung Kim, Ph.D.

University of Minnesota, USA

16:05-16:40 (35 min)

Molecular Insights into Membrane Biogenesis in Autophagy

Tamotsu Yoshimori, Ph.D.

Department of Genetics, Graduate School of Medicine,

Osaka University, Japan

16:40-17:00 (20 min)

The Role of Autophagy in Host Defense against Mycobacteria

Eun-Kyeong Jo, M.D., Ph.D.

Chungnam National University, Korea

17:00-17:20 (20 min)

ESCRT, Autophagy, and Frontotemporal Dementia

Jin-A Lee, Ph.D.

Department of Biotechnology, Hannam University, Korea

17:20-17:40 (20 min)

Extended Lifespan in Atg5 Transgenic Mice by Enhanced Basal Autophagic


Jong-Ok Pyo, Ph.D.

School of Biological Science, Seoul National University, Korea

17:40-18:00 (20 min)

High throughput Screening of Autophagic Modulators for

Therapeutic Applications

Jung Jin Hwang, Ph.D.

Institute for Innovative Cancer Research, Asan Medical Center, Korea

For the last decade, a number of studies have highlighted the mechanisms underlying autophagy. Autophagy is a strategy for cellsurvival via the self degradation of proteins or organelles during stress conditions. However, it also represents the cell deathphenotype in non-apoptotic dying cells. Autophagic dysfunction has been directly associated with multiple pathological processesincluding neurodegeneration, cancer, infection by pathogens, and inflammatory diseases. In this symposium, we will discuss recentadvances in molecular mechanism and molecular pathogenesis of autophagy.

Session Introduction







Symposium 19 Autophagy and Cell Death15:30-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 401)


Plant hormone studies have taken a big step for the last decade, which highlights the discoveries of receptors and transporters ofmajor plant hormones. Identification of new steps in hormone signaling processes also boosted our knowledge on the actionmechanism of plant hormones during plant development. In particular, identification and characterization of auxin receptors andtransporters greatly contributed for understanding how auxin-mediated organogenesis occurs. Many in depth studies on differentplant hormones also have directed us to pay attention on interactions and cross-talks between hormones. This symposium sessioninvites five renowned plant scientists who will be talking and discussing on these recent topics in the plant hormone field.

Session Introduction

Organizer & Chair : Hyung-Taeg Cho (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea)

15:30-16:00 (30 min)

Auxin and Lateral Root Development: Transcriptional Cascades Regulating

Lateral Root Initiation in Arabidopsis thalianaHidehiro Fukaki, Ph.D.

Department of Biology, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Japan

16:00-16:30 (30 min)

Molecular and Developmental Function of Auxin-Responsive LBD16 and LBD18 in

Lateral Root Development in Arabidopsis

Jungmook Kim, Ph.D.

Department of Plant Biotechnology and Agricultural Plant Stress Research Center,

Chonnam National University, Korea

16:30-17:00 (30 min)

Molecular Analysis of Auxin Transporting PIN-FORMED Proteins

Hyung-Taeg Cho, Ph.D.

School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

17:00-17:30 (30 min)

Novel Regulatory Module of ARF-Mediated Lateral Root Organogenesis

Ildoo Hwang, Ph.D.

Department of Life Sciences, POSTECH Biotech Center,

Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

17:30-18:00 (30 min)

Regulation of Light Responses by PIFs

Giltsu Choi, Ph.D.

Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and

Technology, Korea






Symposium 20 Plant Hormones and Development15:30-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Grand Conference Room 402)


Organizer : Young-Yun Kong (School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea)

Chair : Young-Guen Kwon (Department of Biochemistry, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University, Korea)

15:30-16:00 (30 min)

Separable Core Pluripotency, Polycomb, and Myc Network Modules in

Embryonic Stem Cells and Cancer

Jonghwan Kim, Ph.D. NEBS Travel Awardee

Harvard Medical School/Children’s Hospital Boston,

Division of Hematology /Oncology, USA

16:00-16:30 (30 min)

Novel Regulators of Angiogenesis and Vascular Patterning

Young-Guen Kwon, Ph.D.

Department of Biochemistry, College of Life Science and Biotechnology,

Yonsei University, Korea

16:30-17:00 (30 min)

HIF-2α(EPAS1) Is a Catabolic Regulator of Osteoarthritic Cartilage Destruction

Jang-Soo Chun, Ph.D.

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

17:00-17:30 (30 min)

Cdo, Sonic Hedgehog and the Human Birth Defect Holoprosencephaly

Jong-Sun Kang, Ph.D.

School of Medicine of SungKyunKwan University, Korea

17:30-18:00 (30 min)

Notch Signaling in Vasculature

Young-Yun Kong, Ph.D.

School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea

The specification and determination of a cell involves progressive restrictions in their developmental potentials. Recent advances indifferentiation and development using genetic tools reveal the fine regulation mechanism of organogenesis and tissue remodeling,which provides critical clues to manipulate various developmental disorders. This section includes exciting novel roles of varioussignaling pathways in embryonic stem cell biology, vascular patterning and stability, and cartilage destruction. We hope theaudiences to share current exciting findings in differentiation and developmental research.

Session Introduction






Symposium 21 Differentiation and Development15:30-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 307)


To date, stem cells have been considered to be used for (a) basic mechanistic understanding how stem cells regulates the totalgenome and its cell behavior (cell proliferation in a symmetrical or asymmetical fashion; differentiation; apoptosis, immortality,senescence, etc.); (b) regenerative medicine or stem cell therapy; (c) drug discovery; (d) toxicity testing of pharmaceuticals and stemcell therapy; (e) genetic therapy; and (f) the role of stem cells in stem cell-derived diseases and in the aging process. Andconvergence science is also cutting-edged area for future technology. Therefore, this session will be discussed in the areas aboutstem cells and convergence science association with nanotechnology, imaging etc.

Session Introduction

Organizer & Chair : Kyung-Sun Kang (Adult Stem Cell Research Center, Lab. of Stem Cell and Tumor Biology,

Dept. of Veterinary Public Health, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National

University, Korea)

15:30-16:10 (40 min)

Very Small Embryonic/Epiblast Like Stem Cells in Adult Tissues -

Challenge for Regenerative Medicine

Mariusz Z. Ratajczak, M.D., Ph.D.

Stem Cell Institute at James Graham Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville, USA

16:10-16:40 (30 min)

In Vivo Nano-Molecular Imaging of Cancer

Keon Wook Kang, M.D., Ph.D.

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea

16:40-17:10 (30 min)

Nanobioelectronic Device for Diagnosis and Biomemory

Jeong-Woo Choi, Ph.D.

Interdisciplinary Program of Integrated Biotechnology, Sogang University, Korea

17:10-17:40 (30 min)

Comparison of FDG-PET Findings between Group with Human Umbilical Cord

Blood Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation and Group without in

Lithium-Pilocarpine Model of Epilepsy

Joong Koo Kang, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Neurology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine,

Asan Medical Center, Korea

17:40-18:00 (20 min)

The New Health R&D Strategy in Korea: ‘HT Initiative 2011-2015’

Ho-Young Maeng

Division of Healthcare Research and Development,

Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea






Symposium 22 Convergence Sciences and Stem Cells15:30-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 308)


Organizer : Yong-Soo Bae (Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

Chairs : Yong-Soo Bae (Biological Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)

Soon Bong Hwang (Ilsong Institute of Life Science, Hallym University, Korea)

15:30-16:10 (40 min)

When Autophagy Meets Microbes

Jae U Jung, Ph.D.

Molecular Microbiology & Immunology Department

University of Southern California School of Medicine, USA

16:10-16:35 (25 min)

Innate Immunity to Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Wang-Shick Ryu, Ph.D.

Department of Biochemictry, College of Life Science and Biotechnology,

Yonsei University, Korea

16:35-16:45 (10 min) Break

16:45-17:10 (25 min)

Molecular Determinants for Interspecies Transmission and Virulence of Influenza Viruses

Young-Ki Choi, D.V.M., Ph.D.

College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Korea

17:10-17:35 (25 min)

Infectivity of Porcine Endogenous Retrovirus from Miniature Pig to Human Cells

Eung Soo Hwang, M.D., Ph.D.

Department of Microbiology and Immunology,

Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea

17:35-18:00 (25 min)

MKRN1 Induces Degradation of West Nile Virus Capsid Protein by Functioning as

an E3 Ligase

Jaewhan Song, Ph.D.

College of Life Science and Biology,

Yonsei University, Korea

One of the threatening and incurable infectious diseases in 21c is viral diseases. In order to overcome the therapeutic barrier of viraldiseases, better understandings on the molecular mechanisms of viral replication and pathogenesis are inevitable prior to thedevelopment of therapeutic drugs or appropriate vaccines. We have five distinguished virologists invited to this session, one fromUSA and four from domestic. They will give us a presentation about their recent valuable findings which will shed light on the viralpathogenesis in the field of viral hepatitis, recent outbreak of influenza virus, human immunodeficiency virus and its associateddiseases, West Nile virus, and other new emerging viral diseases. We expect this symposium will lead you to a better understandingof the recent molecular studies on the pathogenesis of incurable viral diseases in 21c.

Session Introduction






Symposium 23 Viral Pathogenesis15:30-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 317)


High content screening (HCS) is based on the phenomic screen technology platform to shorten drug discovery pipeline, usingimages of living cells as the basic unit. HCS combines the information-rich content of large scale of imaging whole cells withautomated screening of thousands of compounds. When applied to relevant disease models, HCS gives a powerful tool for rapidlydiscovering novel compounds that are able to reverse disease phenotypes and is of interest for the discovery of newpharmaceuticals and new cell biological tools for modifying cell function. In this session, five professional speakers will give lecturesabout recent technologies of HCS cell-based bioimaging and preclinical applications.

Session Introduction

Organizer & Chair : Jong-Soon Choi (Korea Basic Science Institute, Korea)

16:20-16:45 (25 min)

Auto-luminescent Genetically-Encoded Ratiometric Indicator for Real-time Ca2+

Imaging at the Single Cell Level

Takeharu Nagai, Ph.D.

Research Institute for Electronic Science, Hokkaido University, Japan

16:45-17:10 (25 min)

High Content Screening at Institut Pasteur Korea: Drug Discovery for Chronic

and Infectious Diseases

Jonathan Cechetto, Ph.D.

Institute Pasteur Korea

17:10-17:35 (25 min)

Novel Fluorescence Probes for Label Free Protein Detection

Sang Jeon Chung, Ph.D.

BioNanotechnology Research Center,

Korea Research Institiute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Korea

17:35-18:00 (25 min)

Label-Free Bioimagings in Lipid-Associated Diseases: Towards Preclinical Drug


Se-Hwa Kim, Ph.D.

Nanobio Fusion Research Center, Korea Research Institute of

Standards and Science, Korea





Symposium 24 Bioimaging-Based High Content Screening for Biomarker Discovery16:20-18:00, Friday, October 8, 2010 (Hall 318)


런천 심포지아Luncheon Symposia

Achieving a Better Resolution by Combining Aperture Correlation Confocal Microscopy with Structured Illumination Microscopy

장성호교수 (서울대학교의과대학생리학교실·의과학과/신경기능및바이오이미징연구실)

10월 7일(목) 12:00-12:50, Hall 307

칼 자이스(주) (Carl Zeiss Co., Ltd.)

High Speed High Content Image Analysis of Cells and Particles in Flow

Scott Mordecai (Amnis Corp.)

Time Domain Technology를이용한 in vivo imaging


10월 8일(금) 12:20-13:10, Hall 307

(주)비엠에스 Bio-Medical Science Co., Ltd

Lonza shifts NucleofectionⓇ to a new dimension - Introduction of the 4D-NucleofectorⓇand HT NucleofectorⓇSystems

Gerhard Muster, Andrea Toell, Scott D’AndreaLonza Inc, one of the world’s leading suppliers to the pharmaceutical, healthcare and life science industries introduced thenew 4D-NucleofectorⓇSystem August 2010, advancing the AmaxaⓇNucleofectorⓇTechnology to the next dimension.

NucleofectorⓇ Technology is based on two unique systemcomponents. The Nucleofector? System delivers optimizedelectrical parameters and NucleofectorⓇ Kits, whichcontain cell-specific NucleofectorⓇ Solutions. As part ofNucleofectorⓇ Technology, Lonza provides cell-typespecific Optimized Protocols for many different cell linesand primary cells; including protocols for neurons, bloodcells, stem cells, endothelial, epithelial, and cancer cells.With over 160 protocols optimized by Lonza’s R&D teamfor cell lines and primary cells and more than 680 entriesin the online cell data base, NucleofectorⓇ Technology isthe transfection method-of-choice for most any difficult-to-transfect cell type. Moreover, Nucleofection is the onlyelectroporation based technology allowing reliabletransfection of adherent cells and cells in suspension.NucleofectorⓇ Technology offers high flexibility withinapplications, since the same transfection parameters applyfor almost all substrates. DNA vectors, RNA duplexes, andpeptides can be transfected using our customizedtransfection protocols. This makes NucleofectionⓇ theideal tool for providing answers to scientific questions inover-expression studies, gene silencing approaches,protein expression, generation of stable clones and manymore applications besides.In response to comprehensive user feedback Lonzaengineers and scientists have developed a system which isdesigned for maximum flexibility combined with advancedperformance and convenience. This novel modularNucleofectionⓇ Platform allows transfection of cells in

various formats and throughputs using the sameNucleofectionⓇ Conditions. The first functional unit, the4D-NucleofectorⓇ X Unit, provides two differentNucleocuvetteⓇVessels options, both composed out of thesame conductive polymer electrode material: 100 μl singleNucleocuvettesⓇ are suited for high cell numbers at lowthroughput, while 20 μl 16-well NucleocuvetteⓇ Stripsenable transfection of low cell numbers at mediumthroughput. As the same electrode material is now usedfor 20 and 100 μl cuvettes, NucleofectionⓇ conditions aretransferable between the different NucleocuvetteⓇVesselsoffering maximum flexibility and convenience.Furthermore, using modified NucleocuvettesⓇ primaryneurons can now be transfected at later developmentalstages by NucleofectionⓇ in adherence. In addition to theX unit, Lonza will introduce the Y Unit as secondfunctional unit early 2011 This unit uses innovative 24-well Dipping Electrode Arrays and expands the adherentNucleofectionⓇCapability to standard 24-well cell cultureplates for some adherent cell applications. Lonza is alsointroducing the HT NucleofectorⓇ System designed forhigh throughput screening to be released fall 2010. The HTNucleofectorⓇ System will provide researchers with theability to transfect 384 samples in less than one minute,employing the same technology, protocols and reagentsutilized with the 4D NucleofectionⓇSystem. The 4D and HT384 NucleofectorⓇ systems provideflexible throughput and format capabilities with advancetransfection performance and user convenience.

10월 7일(목) 12:00-12:50, Hall 308

(주)영화과학 (Young Wha Scientific Co., Ltd.)


전 시Exhibition




대표자명 대표전화 주요취급품목 부스위치


문상훈 02-579-8787Electrophoresis system, PreCast gels,

81, ELISA Kits, Antibody, Antigen, Detection Kits..

2국가지정 미생물거점센터

이상섭 031-249-9898 세균, 곰팡이, 지의류, 혈청, 바이러스 등


민병덕 02-3392-4776 card


노정수 02-581-0131Tecan 자동화, Microplate Reader, Washer, Biometra PCR


남백희 031-330-6193 연구 개발 서비스


선지운 02-529-2282 실험기계, 시약키트, 수출입업, 식물병진단검사


장준근 02-6220-7726자동세포계수기, 세포전기천공기, 일회용 헤모싸이토미터 관련 소모품


이창우 02-578-0844ELISA, Ediponectin, Taugh-Tags&Spots, Cytokine

9(주) 니콘 인스트루먼트 코리아 마사이토시유키,

02-2186-8400 현미경, 컨포컬 장비 등 66, 김경섭


이동근 02-2081-2510TaKaRa, Clontech, LONZA,Mirus, ABvector, 111, 112, Dynacom, Mupid, Berthold, NuGEN 113


곽상명 02-458-5835 생명공학 관련 시약 및 장비 72,

12(주) 대일테크

이동건 02-508-1408Incubator, 실험실용냉장냉동고, 원심분리기,

95, Autoclave, Sonicator 등 범용장비


서은택 02-967-5235 이화학 전반 모든 소모품 및 일반실험장비78, 79, 80


김범식 031-478-4451 이미징기기, 기초과학기기, 필터 등 114,

15디아이 바이오텍(주)

김명수, 김승은 02-2027-5811Microplate reader, QPCR, Liquid handling system, SPR, chromosome analysis system

16(주)라이카 코리아

고승희 02-3416-4541광학현미경, 콘포칼현미경, 형광현미경,

27, 이미지분석 시스템, 마이크로톰, 동결절편기

17 라이프사이언스 김효중 02-447-6211 생명과학 원서 및 국내서 151


김형태 02-2113-7072Sequencing / NGS / Biochip / Oligo /

130, Reagent / GEM

머크 주식회사 실험실용 분석시약, 크로마토 그래피용 컬럼, 미생물용

19 유르겐 쾨닉 02-2185-3800 배지 및 환경모니터링, 의약원료, 임상실험용 염색 및 103, 104

/ 진단시약, 생명과학용 분석시약 및 원료, 실험실용 소모품


옥기윤 042-485-0118 분광광도계, 나노바이오스펙트로 108,

21메틀러 토레도 코리아(주)

양병모 02-3498-3500 전자저울, 적정기, pH미터, 파이펫, 열분석기 등. 138,


신와이와 02-3011-9600실험실용 각종 필터, 항체, 시약, 유세포분석장비 및

116, 순수/초순수 제조 시스템


박한오 042-930-8500PCR machine, Real-TimePCR machine, prep machine


이강일 031-707-2300 Buffer. Chemical


박종우 02-498-7686BioChemical, premade buffer, spectrophotometer 외

26(주) 비바젠

박준상 031-737-2080 ADVANTEC, SARTORIUS, EXL III 등



대표자명 대표전화 주요취급품목 부스위치


김선기 02-3471-6500 원심분리기, 이미징 장비 cell counter 등47, 48, 63, 64


문경배, 최윤식 02-6409-9338 Sorenson Cellgro BostonBiochem 29,


왕충모 031-755-0350 크로마토그래피 레진 1,


황을문 02-478-5911Thermo(Hyclone, Pierce, Abgene, Dharmacon,

46, openbiosystem), Affymetrix, Millipore, usb

31서울대학교 농생명과학공동기기원

최인규 02 880 4845첨단과학장비공동기기이용 및 분석서비스, DNA sequencing & bioinformatics service


정태완 02-9114-114Whatman사 필터 제품, KDS사 시린지펌프, Welch사 펌프, VistaLab사 인체공학 피펫 등


강동율 02-434-7093 In-vitro, In-vivo imaging 장비


최유정 02-575-7476Pipette, Tip, Tube, Centrifuge 등의 실험기자재 및 소모품

Membrane 관련 소모품, 농축및 정제 Kit,

Cell Cultivation, Disposable Bioreator,

35싸토리우스 코리아 바이오텍(주)

김덕상 031-782-7011 Benchtop Bioreator, Benchtop shakers, 39,

Balance, Ph meter, Moisture Analyzers,

Homogenizer, Centrifuge, Lab Water System


박천귀 042-933-3361 실험동물 사육장치, 이화학기기


박종태 010-3675-4091 전기영동기기, 챔버슬라이드

38(주)아스텍코리아 IRISA

02-2611-4281CO₂Incubaor, PCR, CCM, Block Incubator, NAOMICHI Clean Bench

Electrophoresis, Power Supply, Chemiluminescence

Imaging system, Gel Documentation system,


성시홍 042-822-1117 Peristaltic pump, Microplate Luminometer, 23,

Tube type Luminometer, Real time Luminometer

(Kronos-Dio), Single cell imaging(Cell Graph)

에스아이헬스케어주식회사광학영상장비(IVIS), 소동물용 초음파장비, Cellvizio,

이존종일 02-711-0754 소동물용 MRI, , Nano SPECT/PET/CT, 140

Tabletop Cyclotron 등


허상오 031-533-4800 Cell Culture / Immunoplate / Molecular Biology 등 21,


이승호 042-330-6300 제한효소, PCR 효소, Cloning Kit 외 분자생물관련 효소


박인기 02-2057-2207 Real time PCR, Genetic Analyzer, PCR, 관련 시약들

44엠 바이오텍

이정교 031-556-3905IDT Oligo, sonicator, protein.DNA marker,

99, Mirus transfection reagents, Genebridge


최영일 1577-2684Monoclonal antibody, Polyclonal antibody,

70, Custom antibody


안연옥 031-457-9187초음파파쇄기, 균질기, Incubator, Oven, Chiller, Plant growth chamber


안여환 02-2140-5400 초순수제조장치 및 필터류, 피펫, 분광광도계, 펌프 등 68,


석민철 031-732-2555 초저온 저장 탱크, 초음파 파쇄기, 무균작업대 외


이웅섭 031-776-3300 ELISA, Cytokine, Antibody



대표자명 대표전화 요취급품목 부스위치


박선진 02-581-5811 생명과학


박종구 02-2057-3288Animal Serum, Cell Culture Media,

2, Treasfection Reagent, Molecular Biology Kits

(주)이노진동식물조직 분쇄기, 전자동핵산추출기, 극미량흡광/

이봉년 031-988-6095 형광광도계, Plasticwares, Fluorescence In Vivo 124

Endomicroscopy, Biochemical reagents


이병칠 042-825-2801Realtime Cell Monitoring System, Live Cell Cultureware, CO2 incubator, Controlled Rate Freezer50


강현철 02-3473-2332 Octet System


유성권 02-2653-5131 의학, 보건, 자연등의 대학교재 및 전문서적, 영어교육교재


이효철 02-443-2382 Antibody, Assay kit, Cell culture media 53,


윤성준 031-739-5678 분자생물학 관련제품100, 101, 102


김선기 02-3471-4100Live Cell Imager, Robotic & Automation,

49, Cell counter 외

59재단법인 연구소재중앙센터

이연희 02-944-6692 연구소재 정보 제공 및 통합화


지석창 032-683-6200 Digital Slide Scanner

61(주)제노믹베이스 윤찬도, 손대연,

0502-335-4926 PCR, Biochemical reagent 이정민


김기옥 02-3010-8672 siRNA, miRNA, Transfection reagent 110,


김진억 02-2627-3810Stirrer, Mixer, Shaker, Incubator, Bath Circulator,

88, Oven, Hood, Clean bench, T&H Chamber 외


안성환 042-861-4551 Agilent DNA Microarray, pyrosequencing

65지이헬스케어 코리아

데이비드 시아 02-6201-3792AKTA, Chromatography Column & media,

128, ECL, Biacore, MicroCal, LAS , INCell


김용우 02-407-0096GnenAll Kits and Enzymes, Axygen, Labnet,

136, Major, Bioplastics, Biological Industries

실체현미경, 정립현미경, 도립현미경, 컨포칼 레이저

스캐닝 현미경, Living cell 전용 현미경, 시스템 현미경,

현미경 전용 디지털 카메라, 현미경 전용 소프트웨어

67칼 자이스(주)

피터티데만 02-3140-2600 (Stereo Microscopes, Upright Microscopes, Inverted 56, 57,

Microscopes, Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopes,

Living Cell Microscopes, System Microscopes,

Digital Cameras, Imaging Software)


김형길 031-716-6052Gel Image system, Thermal Cycler, Electrophoresis system


현인석 02-556-0311 유전자, 단백질 및 세포 연구용 각종 시약 및 기자재 69,


장재룡 02-477-7470Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer, Agilent 3100 Offgel,

115, Agilent microarray, FUSION FX/SL series


박용원 02-841-7530 바이오 이미징장비, 분석소프트웨어


이태헌 031-563-0158 Ultra Glove, eppendorf, Nihon freezer



대표자명 대표전화 요취급품목 부스위치


강 건 02-862-3434 CO2 Incubator, 세포배양용 시약31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36


우헌기 02-3481-6211 금속, 생물 현미경, 산업내시경 133,

75(주)테라젠 이텍스

박종화 031-888-9310 게놈, RNA-seq, 외유전체(epigenome)


박종식 02-2058-1222PCR기기 및 관련 시약, Image 장비, 전기영동장치,

19, 추출 시약, 세포 분석장비, DHPLC 등


최호일 042-360-8800펩타이드, 항체, protein A & G resin, GSH resin,

44, NTA resin


이강웅 031-776-4080 Incubator, Animal Live imaging machine 등 98,

79한국바이오래드 (주)

프랑소와카피 02-2186-9390Bio-Plex, Proteomics, Chromatography,

37, Gene analysis


김중열 02-6420-2005Centrigue, Lab automation, CE, CEQ, 51, 52, Flow cytometry, Clinical Diagnostics 59, 60

Gilson HPLC System , Gilson Manual Liquid

한국분석기기 Handler, Gilson SPE(Automated Solid Phase 85, 8681이강식 02-515-8525

Extraction Sample preparation) System, Gilson

GPC Clean-up System

82한국생명공학연구원 국가생명

이상혁 042-879-8511 자체 생산 데이터 15연구자원정보센터

83(주) 한국아이티에스

방정기 02-540-4360High Pressure Cell Disruptor, XRD, XRF, Bead Sampler, Mill, Press


김승열 1588-552283, 84, 91, 92

LABS 시리즈는 장비에 내장된 플렛품 아래에만 액체

질소를 충전하여 내부 온도를 기화 상태로 -190℃를


박홍준 031-737-8171유지하며 샘플을 안전하게 보관 할 수 있도록 개발된 최신 장비이다. 샘플을 더욱 안전하게 보관 할 수 있도록 자동

조절장치를 장착하여 온도조절과 액체 수위 및 충전을

자동으로 할 수 있다.


이문철 02-3672-3188 BD, Eppendorf, Biontex, Innovative Research


장규호, 장은호 032-543-6906 원심분리기, 발효기 146,

(주)현일 LAB-MATESlide/Cover Glass, Liquid Handling제품,

현세웅 02-2272-7618 Biology소모품, 이화학기기제품, Histology/ 17, 18

Pathology제품, Hematology제품 등등


배석규 031-429-7471 쉐이커, 락커, 인큐베이터.믹서, 볼텍스 118,

순수, 초순수 제조장치, 분광광도계, 초자세척기,

Lab blender, 스토마커, 현미경, auto dilluter, colony

counter, spiral plater, microplate equipment,


김형일 02-418-4182마이크로피펫, 분주기, 적정기, 피펫에이드, 전자저울, 수분측정기, 수분활성도 측정기, 점도계, 융점측정기,

굴절계, 편광계, 밀도계, 자석교반기, 핫플레이트,

homogenizer, shaker, 시약장, 유해물질시약장,


91John Wiley & Sons 한국지사

이토마스이라완 02-338-9700 WILEY-BLACKWELL 서적 및 저널

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