october: becoming more christlike why is it important to

Post on 21-Jul-2022






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8..55″ xx 1111″ PPoosstteerrss::You can use these posters to display in your classroom to introduce the theme of the lesson:


October: Becoming More Christlike

"Why is it important to be grateful?"

Latter-day Saint Young Women lesson packet by LovePrayTeach.com


4"x6" JPG Handout - This is the perfect size if you'd like to send the handout to a print shop.

Handouts::3"x3" - There are 6 to a page. These little handouts can be used in numerous ways. They are the perfect size for the girls to use on their bulletin boards at home, taped in their locker at school, they can be collected throughout the year and made into a little book by punching holes in the corners and using a key ring to attach them each week. If your YW use class journals or smash books, these are the perfect size to tape into their individual books.

Treat Handout - This cute handout can be attached to a box or bag of Sour Patch Kids or any sweet and sour candy! You could also put the candy in individual baggies, tie a ribbon around the top, and string the handout through the ribbon.


5x7 Journal Cards::There are 2 to a page. You can use these during your lesson for the girls to write down their thoughts. You can add these to their class journals or smash books, or just a cute reminder to take home and put in their scriptures or journals.

Scripture Cards:These little cards have written on them already all the scriptures that were mentioned in the lesson. As always, there are blank cards included if you want to add your own scriptures!

Grateful Game::Pass out these worksheets at the beginning of the lesson. Set a timer for however long you'd like and have the girls fill in the questions. It might be fun to play it like Scattegories where they only get points if no one else wrote down the same thing!

Blank Strips::These blank strips could be used to go along with President Uchtdorf's talk. After the girls read their section, give them each a blank strip and have them come up with their own section heading and then have them put them up on the board:

Sabbath Day:If you're using the new format of the Young Women lessons on LDS.org (click here to go to this lesson), the lessons are actually only 15-20 minutes. The first bullet point in the lesson under "Learn Together" has the girls reading President Eyring's talk, “Gratitude on the Sabbath Day.” This may take too long if you want time to discuss their answers together. So, a few days before you teach this lesson, text one of the images below to each of the girls. I would also include a direct link to the talk to make it easier for them.

During class, give the girls time to discuss what they learned. Hand them each a journal card from above and encourage them to write down a plan to act on one of President Eyring's suggestions.

To save the image to your phone: click on the image. It should pop up in a new screen. Right click on the image and select "Save as" and save it to your computer. Now email the image to yourself and open the email from your phone and save the image.

If you're on a mobile phone, then take a screenshot or hold down on the image and save it to your phone.


Worksheet::You can use this worksheet to help you with the talk "Thanks Be To God" by Elder Nelson. You can divide the girls into groups and have each group work on just one section, or give each girl her own worksheet and have her choose one section to read. Encourage them to finish all three sections at home and fill in the worksheet!

(This talk is no longer in the lesson from 2018 if you're using the "New Experience" on LDS.org. I left it in here for this year if you'd like to still use it!)


Please do not share our files with others.You have permission to print as many copies as you need for personal and/or church use.

Grateful Calendar::A fun thing to do this week is to have the girls write down something they're grateful for each day for the next week. You could encourage your Young Women to try to do someone else's chore for someone in their family - like do the laundry for a week so you can understand and be grateful for your mom, iron your dad's shirts for the week so you can show gratitude for your dad, etc. Have them think of things that others typically do for them that maybe they could do for themselves or for their family. I know that I am much more grateful for the people in my life when I have to "walk a mile in their shoes".

Object Lesson::This would make a great attention-getting activity at the beginning of your lesson!

Bring to class:

• Cupcakes• Frosting• Cupcake decorations like a pearl or other smaller object to put on top of the cupcake• Plates and knives• Large pair of mittens (or several if you have them)• Invite a girl up to the front of the class. Have her put on the mittens. Now ask her to frost a

cupcake. It will be difficult! After she has frosted the cupcake, ask her to put the smalldecoration on top, but she still must keep the mittens on!

If you have more mittens, you can have more than 1 girl do this activity. After they are done, ask them how hard was it to frost and decorate without the use of your normal hands? Did it make you grateful for your hands? Talk a bit about what it must be like to not hear, or see, or taste, or have arms or legs (Be sensitive to any girls in your class with any disabilities. This activity might not be appropriate for every classroom!) Sometimes, when we walk in someone else's shoes, we realize how truly blessed we are! Always be grateful for what Heavenly Father has given you!

Give all the girls in your class an opportunity to frost a cupcake!

Here is a great little video I found on LDS.org of Elder Ballard teaching Seminary students about the 10 Lepers.

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