october 13-19, 2013

Post on 29-Nov-2015






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vol. XXi, no. 10 bicol, the philippines october 13-19, 2013 p5.00 473-8888

Sarion lays down socialpact with the daeteños

Pldt laNdING SIte IN BaGaSBaS, daet

pact with the daeteñospact with the daeteñosby rosALitA b. MAnLAnGit

DAET, Camarines Norte – The municipal government here will be guided by a social contract to the people of Mayor Tito Sarion that focuses on the programs pushing for transformational leadership, on social services, local economy, and environment.

Mayor Sarion said that the social contract of his administration to the people embodies his platform of government which he seek to perform with the Sanguniang Bayan, func-tionaries and employees, non-government organizations, people’s organizations, pri-vate sector and most especially with the Daeteños.

Sarion bared this roadmap highlighting the100 days report of accomplishment of the local government held Thursday (Oct. 10).

He said that the fi rst thrust on local transformational leadership manifests service with honesty and professionalism

(Turn to page 6)

Daet named 3rd landing site for PLDt Asia submarine-cable express

rDC okays bagasbas airport rehab

by rosALitA b. MAnLAnGit

DAET, Camarines Norte -- The Bagasbas Beach here will be the third landing station of the Asia Submarine Cable Express (ASE) with an investment of $300 million from local and international investors expected to boost the local economy and provide employment opportuni-ties for the locales.

global competitiveness in at-tracting investments from Business Process Outsourc-ing or call centers and other multi-national companies.

The ASE is owned by the Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) together with NFFCom of Japan, Telekom Malaysia and Star-Hub of Singapore. It was built in partnership with NEC Corp. and Fujitsu Ltd.

Sarion added that the proj-

Daet Mayor Tito Sarion said during a press confer-ence on Monday this week that the landing station will serve as the gateway of the 7,200 kilometer ASE that connects Singapore, Ma-

laysia, Philipppines, Hong-kong and Japan

Sarion said that the proj-ect will further the growth of broadband internet and inter-national data connectivity as well as enhance the country’s (Turn to page 4)

(Turn to page 6)

by DAnnY o. CALLeJA

LEGAZPI CITY – Finally, the hope for the resump-tion of the long-been-mothballed operations of Bagasbas Airport in Daet, Camarines Norte, has been renewed.

This came to light fol-lowing the recent approval by the Regional Develop-ment Council (RDC) for Bicol of a resolution for its rehabilitation based on a request by the Camarines Norte Provincial Develop-

ment Council headed by Gov. Edgardo Tallado.

In approving the resolu-tion, RDC chairman Joey Salceda said that the council considered the importance of the Bagasbas Airport as a key infrastructure support for the

continuous development of Bicol’s travel industry where-in Camarines Norte should be a major contributor, given its various ecotourism destina-tions.

Tourism, according to Salceda, will defi nitely take a crucial role in the region's pursuit of inclusive and hori-zontal growth.

It will benefi t not only big

bikol reporter2 october 13-19, 2013opinion



this should be just second to thrift in energy usage.

Energy saving measures are less costly than energy-sourcing. In areas where energy (power and water) supplies are ample – people tend to over indulge in usages, unconcerned that there could be supply shortage somewhere nearby. We must remember that all of us are living in just one earth – and our resources must be justly shared, more so when these are non-recurring. Conservation should be taught to our children starting in the grade schools.

PDAF SCAM: As the “illegal” drawings by politicians versus their assigned Priority Development Funds came to the fore – we recalled the experience of then Cong. Pol San Buenventura who was elected in the second district of Camarines Sur. He zealously listed on advertising boards which he installed on street corners – all the public work projects he completed with the use of his pork barrel funds.

Many of his friends labeled him

as “corny” – saying that what he is doing was “silly”. They claimed that nobody anyway is interested to know “where their tax moneys are being spent”. They seemed to have the good sense – as shown by the fact that Pol San Buenaventura (a.k.a. Cong. “Putol”) lost the next elections to a radio commentator. Perhaps the former congressman is now laughing to high heavens muttering “sinabi ko na sa inyo!”

PARTIDO: Either now or never – another known CamSur politician (Speaker Arnulfo Fuentebella) is being asked to explain as to where the PDAFs released to him during the past regimes went. The fCOA Auditors reported that huge amounts were used to fund rice purchases which did not reach the supposed beneficiaries. The good things is - he is given the time to reason out and show valid proofs.

Politicians need good accountants to counter the supposed findings of the COA examiners. Remember, the government auditors simply rely on paper trails and whatever supporting evidences are attached to vouchers. Factual explanations – backed up by sworn statements are needed to counter allegations of fraud or graft and corruption. The sooner these are gathered and presented to the fraud investigators, the earlier the charges can be quashed.

WIT: God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform; He plants his footsteps in the sea – and rides upon the storm.

(Atty. APA – chairs Acyatan & Co., CPAs-DFK International – is PICPA past president and Hall-of-Famer, past chair of ASEAN Federation of CPAs, and ACPAPP Lifetime Achievement Awardee).

TILL YEAR-END: The Bangko Sentral has issued the pronouncement that the official policy on interest rates will be kept steady up to December. The decision is based on the findings that there are no drastic changes expected from the Federal Reserve Bank (USA) and our country’s fiscal indicators (including FOREX volatility) are constant. BSP claims if there be upheavals in our financial system, the Monetary Board is ready with remedial measures.

Our economic experts use surveillance tools that are regularly shared with the public – including the Quarterly Business Expectations Survey, Consumer Expectations Survey, and Senior Loans Officers Survey. Also considered are the results of the Business Cycle Analysis. Primary to these are the Early Warning System on probable currency crisis, and the degree of stresses to our system. BSP says these tools – in total, say our system is A-OK.

ENERGY: Similar to the recommended approach on efficient rice consumption (to balance supply and demand) ADB recommends that the people of Southeast Asia – particularly the Filipinos, must change their attitude towards energy conservation. The regional bank suggests Asians must do away with wasteful habits in light and water consumption. Countries should find more energy sources – but

Interest rates steady

After Sen. Jinggoy Estrada exposed the P50-million incentive given to senators who voted to convict former Chief Justice Renato Corona in the 2012 impeachment trial, the Palace initially denied the existence of the incentive or bonus, but later said it was part of the PDAF and much, much later admitted that it was part of DAP which was created supposedly for pump priming.

None of the senators then and before Estrada’s revelation knew that they have been used as conduits for the program and would have never known anything about the DAP had it not been unraveled.

Former Sen. Ping Lacson and Sen. Pia Cayetano were the latest to protest their being unknowingly used in the Palace program after finding out from Science and Technology Secretary Mario Montejo that P40 million was appropriated under their names, supposedly for “nutrition-related” projects.

The piecemeal revelations are expected to continue since it may have become the Palace practice to use DAP as a political leverage on top of the usual PDAF, a bonus so to speak, for legislators who toe Malacañang’s line.

Instead of being found out by installment, the Palace had better release the full list of senators or members of the House who were unwittingly made accomplices in the DAP controversy.

What difference would the Palace practice have with that of the Janet Napoles syndicate of faking the signatures of legislators in carrying out their pork barrel racket with the way legislators are unknowingly used in the DAP deal?

Opinion: Budget Sec. Butch Abad decides fund releases be it the PDAF or DAP. It appears he is not following the “Daang Matuwid” policy of P-Noy.

* * * * * I wish to correct two sentences

erroneously printed in my column dated Sept. 29-Oct. 5, 2013. It should be: “I agree with the peace talk with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front but any agreement with them should not violate our Constitution, not isolate our Constitution and any of our laws.”

The other sentence should be: We should thank God and our Ina for our good weather (during the fiesta) and the PEACE we enjoy here, not the PLACE we enjoy here.

The following excerpt from the editorial of the Daily Tribune dated October 10, 2013 entitled “You Got DAPped” narrated recent happenings in one country which is informative.

“Amid the controversy generated by the use of the DAP, (Disbursement Acceleration Program) the Palace seems to have exceeded its generosity after being discovered belatedly that it has been awarding projects to legislators without their knowledge, making them accomplices to what is turning to be a constitutionality infirm practice.

The first to raise a howl was former Sen. Joker Arroyo who was roused from his temporary retirement when Budget Secretary Butch Abad included him in the list of senators who had received a total of P1.2 billion in DAP allocations. Arroyo was listed as having received P47 million which Arroyo countered was a request for appropriation included in the budget.

Malacañang pooled the DAP from savings and realignments and based on Abad’s claims, this totaled P137.3 billion including P82.5 billion in releases in 2011 and another P54.8 billion in 2012, a huge amount compared to the P25-billion Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) which the Palace wants public anger to be focused on, related to the P10-billion pork barrel scam that is being pinned on mainly leaders of the political opposition.

The Palace has been releasing piecemeal information about the DAP to suit its comfort and mainly as a damage control measure.

You Got DAPped

NeNiTA fueNTebellA-PeÑONes



lee G. Dullesco iiHead, Advertising Associates



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[From left to right]: Dr. Jaime Aristotle b. Alip, Founder and Managing Director, CArD Mri; Ms. Dolores M. torres, President and Ceo, CArD bank, inc.; Ms. Lorenza dt. bañez, executive Vice President, CArD bank, inc.; Mr. Amando M. tetangco Jr., Governor of the bangko sentral ng Pilipinas; Ms. Flordeliza L. sarmiento, executive Director, CArD, inc.; Ms. Mary Jane A. Perreras, President and Ceo, CArD sMe bank, inc.

CArD banking Group:bsP’s Hall of Fame for

Financial inclusion ChampBSP Complex, Manila --- CARD Bank, Inc. and

CARD SME Bank, Inc., both members of the CARD MRI group, received prestigious awards from the Bang-ko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) during the 10th Awards Ceremony and Appreciation Lunch themed, “Hand in Hand in Sustaining a Steadfast and Strong Economy.”

CARD Bank, Inc., for the third straight year, is the Fi-nancial Inclusion Champion. This elevated the bank to be-come a Hall of Fame awardee for the said category. Looking back, CARD Bank, Inc. was established on September 1, 1997 and envisioned to build a sustainable financial institu-tion owned, managed and controlled by the landless rural women by providing continued access to financial services to an expanding client base by organizing and empowering landless rural women.

Meanwhile, the CARD SME Bank, Inc., received the second place award also for the Financial Inclusion cat-egory. It was established on July 2011 to purposely reach out to clients who need bigger financial assistance on their businesses which microfinance service providers cannot ca-ter anymore.

The award on Financial Inclusion recognizes partners who demonstrate tangible results in terms of breadth and depth of outreach to the previously unbanked or under-banked. The recipients of the award contribute to BSP’s goal of financial inclusion in the areas of policy and regula-tion, capacity-building, and consumer protection.

Other notable institution awarded is the Microfinance Council of the Philippines, Inc. (MCPI) as the Most Out-standing Financial Inclusion Partner this year. This year’s awarding ceremony recognized 71 outstanding institutional partners all over the country in different categories.

In a related development, Bank Card, Inc. has opened its new branch in Naga City. It is located at the ground floor of DMG Bldg. along Peñafrancia Avenue, Naga City and soon to transfer in its own building just in front of DMG Bldg.

bikol reporter 3october 13-19, 2013



Sea turtle freed JesseL bAsAntA

Denr undersecretary Demetrio ignacio frees a green sea turtle off the coast of Albay Gulf while Denr bicol regional executive Director Gilbert Gonzales (3rd from right) and technical personnel from the Protected Area and Wildlife Division look on. Harvey Ecal, a fisher from Brgy. Pigcale, Legazpi City caught the sea turtle entangled in his fishing line. USEC. Ignacio lauded the efforts by concerned citizens who were able to turn over endangered sea turtles to the Denr.

salceda named 2013 Presidential Lingkod bayan awardeeby sALLY A. Atento

LEGAZPI CITY -- The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has declared Albay governor Joey Salceda as the 2013 Presidential Ling-kod Bayan awardee this year besting the other 16 semi-finalists selected out of 97 qualified nominations all over the country.

CSC Chairman Francisco T Duque recently made the announcement in a letter ad-dressed to Salceda congraulat-ing the latter for being chosen as the 2013 Presidential Ling-kod Bayan Awardee!”

Salceda in response said: “It is my honor to serve the people of Albay, and to be

recognition.”Previous recepients of the

award include Department of Interior and Local Govern-ment (DILG) secretary Jesse Robredo, Batangas governor Vilma Santos-Recto and Phil-ippine Institute of Volcanol-ogy and Seismology director Renato Solidum Jr.

The province of Albay has reaped many recognitions and awards under Salceda.

Such honor includes the Gawad Pamana ng Lahi Award conferred by the De-partment of Interior and Local Government (DILG) to Albay last March for exemplary per-formance in administrative, social, economic and environ-mental governance.

The province also received the much coveted Galing Pook Award, recognition for innova-tive approaches in local gover-nance from the United Nations Development Program and another from a Dutch develop-ment agency.

With intensified tourism programs and advocacies for the province, Albay ranked 7th among the fastest grow-ing tourist destination in the

country.Salceda initiated disaster

risk reduction and climate change adaptation programs for local government units

He is currently the board director of the Green Climate Fund representing Southeast Asia and developing coun-tries.

He was also acclaimed Se-nior Global Champion with the province declared the global

model for disaster risk reduc-tion and climate change adap-tation by the United Nations.

The Lingkod Bayan Award is given to an individual or group in recognition of the recipient’s exceptional perfor-mance and extraordinary con-tributions to public welfare, resulting from an idea or per-formance that had nationwide impact on public interest, se-curity and patrimony.

chosen as Presidential Ling-kod Bayan Awardee for 2013, after six years, I thank the CSC and His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III for this

winners of world Food Dayposter mosaic contest bared

Gemini Detera, 12 year old grade 6 pupil of Sorsogon Pilot Elementary School won this year’s Regional Poster-Mosaic Making Contest in celebration of the World Food Day. She bested eleven grades 4 to 6 contestants

the winners in the regional poster mosaic contest pose with their winning artwork and with DA and DepEd officials. First prize winner Gemini Detera (center) of Sorsogon Pilot Elem. school; second place winner is John reynold brioso (right) of iriga north Central school; and third place winner Froilan Villar (left) of Magarao Central school. with them (L-r) emily Bordado, DA Chief Information Officer, OIC - RED Abelardo R. Bragas; Dr. Amancio Doblon, Deped educ. supervisor, Melecio Postrado, Deped focal person for Agriculture, and romulo Joseco of DA –AFis (Manila).

coming from the provinces of Albay, Camarines Sur and Masbate.

The contest was held Oc-tober 4 at the Department of Agriculture RFO 5 Library at San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur. Detera will compete in the

national poster-mosaic making contest in Quezon City on Oc-tober 11.

Other winners were: John Reynold Brioso of Iriga North Central School (2nd place) and Froilan Villar of Magarao Central School (3rd place). The

winners received cash prizes of P3,000 for the first place, P2,000 for the second place, and P1,000 for the 3rd place plus certificates of appreciation and tokens.

DA RFO 5 Regional Execu-tive Director Engr. Abelardo R. Bragas in his keynote speech, thanked the Department of Education for their support and cooperation in this annual undertaking. He said that this year’s theme “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition,” is significantly re-lated to the Department of Ag-riculture’s goal of achieving food security and self sufficien-cy. Director Bragas likewise provided garden tools set to the coaches/teachers present. He also promised to increase the cash award for the next year’s contest.

The winners were selected by a panel of competent judges based on the following criteria: originality (20%), visual im-pact (20%), creative use of ag-ricultural and fishery products (30%), relevance to the theme (30%). The board of judges were Analiza Macatangay, OIC Provincial Head of PIA Cama-rines Sur; Yolanda Diokno and Lorenzo Alvina of DA RFO 5. -Lovella P. Guarin

CbsuA, tennessee’s Council ink MoAPILI, Camarines Sur ---

Recognizing the critical role of institutional collaboration to successfully implement the efficient utilization of renew-able resources, the Central Bicol State University of Ag-riculture (CBSUA) recently inked a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Ten-nessee Renewable Energy and Economic Development Council (TREEDC) with the aim of strengthening capabil-ity building among other en-ergy stakeholders.

CBSUA, led by university president Atty.Marito Bernal-es, and TREEDC, represented by president and Tennessee Mayor James Talley, acknowl-edged the importance of sup-porting collaborative effects, roles and mutual interests to further advance renewable and economic development through cooperative capability building, intelligent partner-ships and knowledge sharing activities like participation in International Exchange Pro-

gram.Bernales said that it is one

of the mandates of the uni-versity to forge alliances with various institutions to raise the awareness of the community on the importance of renew-able energy.

“CBSUA is committed to enhance the economic condi-tion of the community by pro-viding them with avenues on how to raise the level of their understanding on the signifi-cance of promoting other alter-native sources of energy. They are just around us, waiting to be properly utilized,” Bernales stated.

TREEDC director Warren Nevad, who is in charge of the council’s International Ex-change Program Development in the Philippines said that the council chose the Philippines as its pilot country after recog-nizing its great potential to ac-celerate programs that would support renewable energy due to the vast resources that can be found here. (Turn to page 7)

bicol civil groups use robredo model in trainingyouth towards leadership, good governance

LEGAZPI CITY – Two civil society groups based in Bicol are putting their acts together in empowering the youth into becoming future leaders using the examples of the late Department of Inte-

rior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo.

To start with this noble cause, the Outstanding Students of the Philippines (OSP)-Bikol and the Youth Public Servants (YPS) will launch this month its Jesse Robredo Legacy Program (JRLP) that banners its Project POGI (Promoting Outstanding Governance Initiative): A Ca-pacity-Building Workshop for Bicol Youth in Active Leader-ship and Good Governance.

The workshop, which ex-pects the participation of hundreds of Bicolano youth nominated by selected local government units (LGUs) -- including provincial govern-ments in the region, will run on Oct. 26-27 at the Ateneo de Naga in Naga City.

Modeling Jesse Robredo as good governance icon and the Naga City Youth Official (CYO), a youth program he ini-tiated while Naga City mayor, the JRLP anchors on his lead-ership values in empowering youth leaders to engage with their LGUs and in providing a space for constructive engage-ment.

The program will have a set of activities that includes an inspirational formation on Robredo’s leadership life, a capacity-building workshop for youth empowerment, a techni-cal workshop in drafting Youth Development Code and bench-marking on Naga City’s CYO program and socialization and networking among young lead-ers in the region.

A joint statement of OSP and YPS here on Monday said participants of the two-day program shall provide outputs

like the action plan on lobby-ing Youth Development Code to local legislative councils of towns and cities; and a Naga City Template of Youth Devel-opment Code as well as Guide-lines in City Youth Officials Program.

In the same statement, the two groups said that while it is true that the untimely death of Robredo brought so much pain and sorrow to the many Filipi-nos who think they lost a great man, his death even reverberat-ed more the meaningful life he had lived, his many advocacies and the countless souls he had inspired.

Robredo died in a plane ac-cident off the coast of Masbate City on Aug. 18 last year.

Through the JRLP, the two groups said they hope to pro-duce youth leaders who shall exemplify the ideals and lega-cies of Robredo.

JRLP seeks to immortalize Robredo’s legacy of transfor-mative and servant leadership, transparent, accountable and good governance, and egalitar-ian ethics, the OSP and YPS added. -PNA

“The Philippines has enor-mous potential not only in terms of resources but also in terms of promoting the tech-nology and enjoining the com-munity to be partakers of this endeavor,” Nevad added.

CBSUA’s counterpart will be its institutional and techni-cal expertise. The university will also provide a venue for the conduct of research and development and binds itself to actively support the es-tablishment of linkages with academic and research insti-tutions, government units and industry organizations that further enhance the capacity of the institution to achieve its objectives.

Also as stipulated in the signed MOA, TREEDC on the other hand will provide leadership in the promotion of renewable energy and eco-nomic development programs by establishing linkages, net-works and partnerships. They are also responsible for the

bikol reporter4 october 13-19, 2013etcetera

inner chessbY J. HenrY DAniCAn

tours and travel – in Focus

dr. mArilissA j. AmPuANPresident, Bicol Association of Tourism

and Hospitality Educators (BATHE)

Tourism stakeholders have been experiencing a sustainable increase in tourists’ arrivals since last year. This enthusiasm for the Philippines tourism sites and destinations plus the government’s good governance agenda gives us the confidence to achieve our objective of realizing 10 million tourists’ arrivals year 2016. For the first two quarters of 2013 tourists who have visited our country have reached unprecedented growth compared to the same period in 2012. This is an affirmation of the Department of Tourism various marketing and destination development activities strengthened by partnerships with private stakeholders. While this upsurge may be attributed to tourists’ interests to fun and adventure, we must not lose sight of the fact that the Philippines has galvanized its reputation as an attractive tourist destination in the Asia Pacific region.

With tourism playing an important role in alleviating the plight of our poverty stricken sector of our country, under the Department of Tourism agenda jobs in the tourism sector will increase from 4.9 million this year to 7.4 million new jobs by year 2016. This would in effect reduce

the number of unemployed Filipinos living below the poverty line. With this targeted goal of new jobs in the tourism industry there can be no hindrance whatsoever for us to realize what we had been expecting all along that of surpassing other Asian countries in terms of tourists’ arrivals from 2013 to 2016. It would therefore be in keeping with our thrusts tourism wise to make these things happen. Further it would be an indication that our concerted efforts are sure initiatives in realizing our goals for the tourism industry.

Just recently the national government has allocated P14.4 billion from the proposed national budget for road projects to make our tourist sites and destinations accessible. This 2014 budget for infrastructure is a 20% increase from the P12 billion allocated for 2013. Conversely it would be in keeping with our tourism agenda that next year’s budget for its infrastructure shall cover wide array of road projects to be constructed and rehabilitated. This budget for various tourism infrastructures is a welcome development considering that under the present administration tourism had been recognized as an industry where job creation and poverty alleviation could be realized.

Before the end of year 2013, this November our country will host the 5th World Ecotourism Conference considered as an international tourism event which will be participated by more than 300 delegates both local and foreign. Among others this summit is for all intents and purposes being sponsored by the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Pacific Area Travel Association (PATA), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Department of Tourism (DOT) and Discovery-mice an affiliate organization of UNWTO. This event is scheduled November 13-15, 2013 at Radisun Blu Hotel in Cebu City. In this Ecotourism Conference plans and programs will be discussed and taken up to bring global eco-tourism stakeholders together for the purpose of networking collaboration and sharing of experiences, best practices and technologies for the protection and conservation of environment, including renewable energies, the preservation of communities and their culture. Said agenda has for its purpose the advancement of ecotourism worldwide. Aside from the format of the conference this big event for tourism will focus on the various governments worldwide goal of cooperation and unity with its continued investments in sustainable projects in ecotourism to secure its multiplier beneficial effects to people.

With this development the Philippines as an emerging tourist destination and due to the abundance of many tourist spots that are found in its 7,107 islands and islets will continue to work for a result that would in effect transform our country as one of the foremost destination in the entire Southeast Asia. When the time comes hopefully in the near future for our country to achieve its goal various stakeholders can do no less but to focus its resources on tourism as an indication that the growth potential will go on and on.

jokee botor-reYes


the CAsureCo black out, whose Fault was it?

For over two straight days, Iriga City and the municipalities served by Camarines Sur Electric Cooperative (CASURECO III) were plunged in total darkness because it owes its electricity provider a huge amount totaling millions of pesos that dates back some years ago. Cooperative members, especially us, the small fries, meaning those who regularly settle monthly bill as P500 or P1000 or even P3000 like I do learned that Casureco’s debt is caused by the the big fries non-payment of their bills. I am aware Casureco is very strict in its collection. Their standing policy is one bill unpaid means line cut. And this is enforced very strictly. Many a consumer would even borrow money if only to pay their bills on time or else their line is cut. And Casureco management cannot collect from big consumers? Wow naman! So, they just wait for their bills to run so high and when CASURECO cannot settle it anymore, the electricity provider has to no option but cut all lines. And who suffer but the small cooperative members who pay regularly. They suffer the consequences of the sin of the big fries. And they suffer the discomfort of not having electricity because of the inability of Casureco III management to collect. These big fries who do not pay do not get the discomfort of the black out. They have generators. What is management doing? Just sitting pretty banking only on collections from small consumers who religiously pay their bills? Then, they must be useless in their position. Yes, Virginina?

I was watching a television news about CASURECO III black out and it looks like the CASURECO manager was not in any way bothered by the sentiments of the small consumers who suffered over two whole days in darkness. The queue for candles at the market and gas at the local gasoline station was long. Son of a bitch, it was a cuss heard many times.

My brother who is sick and in bed, developed a very high temperature on the first night of the black day. It was very hot and he has to be ‘fanned’ the whole evening. A rich child sent over a generator the following morning because he did not like dear father to go through the discomfort of a very hot day. Was I lucky because I did have a line connected to their residence and my three young grandchildren have only to breathe a prayer of thanks while I continued to feel bad about the black out and continue to hope management will use its iron hand and collect big bad debts from irresponsible consumers.

During the first night of the black, I had, however, the luck of a small light that flickered continuously until it was already morning and the sun was starting to show its face. My grandson caught a firefly, hold it in his hand carefully and took it home. Wonderful! God be praised for His beautiful creation.

Very soon, my CASURECO bill will be there again by our doorstep unless somebody is home. I must pay it on time just like the many others like me who suffered the consequence of an irresponsible management who does not collect from the big fries for reason I do not know. Afraid? What’s your guess. I heard CASURECO GM Claro Turiano on TV said smiling , pag pinutulan mo kuryente, an iba naaangot pa.Why don’t you tell that to the marines?

ect has already started its inter-national connectivity while the same will commence operation here on November this year.

He said that the challenge for the local government unit is to offer the possible incentives and sites for would be BPOs investors in the town.

He also said that there is already one existing BPO in town operated by a local cor-poration with a contract about to expire with Software Ven-tures International (SVI) yet has pledged to resume through the project plus another three (3) from Makati base, United State base and PLDT.

This would bring initial four (4) investments in town.

He said that Daet with these developments should maxi-mize the opportunity especial-ly this will help boost employ-ment for those graduates who want to work in call centers which will be available here and will not anymore go out of the town.

He also said that with the existence of internet connec-tivity in Legazpi City and in Pili, Daet will offer its good peace and order situation, cre-ates quality graduates of Infor-mation Technology (IT), offers investment incentive programs to would be investors and mas-sive information campaigns that it is better to invest in town.

Recently in September 26, the Japan Ambassador to the Philipppines Toshinao Urabe and Embassy of Japan First

Daet nameD 3rD lanDinG . . .Secretary Kazuto Okazaki vis-ited the ASE landing station here accompanied by PLDT President and CEO Napoleon L. Nazareno and welcomed by Mayor Sarion and Governor Edgardo Tallado.

The ASE is the first and only direct cable from the Phil-ippines to Japan that bypasses the calamity-prone Bashi Channel in Taiwan, leading to the shortest latency and least points of failure to Japan. It is also the first Philippine cable to use 40 Gbps technology which is upgradeable to 100 Gbps.

With the ASE, PLDT now operates three landing stations in the country, the most among telcos in the Philippines. The other two landing stations are located in Nasugbu, Batangas and Bauang La, Union.

Including this new inter-national submarine cable, the PLDT Group now has more than 71,000 kilometers of fiber assets.

“This fortifies our already formidable network advantage as we cover more areas, in-crease date speeds and provide enhanced redundancies for im-prove resiliency”. PLDT presi-dent Nazareno said.

The expansion of PLDT’s fiber optics network is ac-celerating the deployment of PLDT’s fiber to the home (FTTH) service and the fourth-generation mobile data service called Long Term Evolution (LTE) of its wireless subsidiary Smart Communications.

bikol reporter 5october 13-19, 2013

uPHoLDinG eDuCAtionAL QuALitY bY CoMMunAL resPonsibiLitY

by MA. CeCiLiA M. DuLFoMatacla elementary school, Goa District

It has always been a common goal to raise a child effectively. Whatever a kid has become is a result of a partnership mutually engaged by conscientious stakeholders of teaching and learning. These stakeholders complement and supplement each other. As faithful co-partners in education, they share in gains and take the pains for the best interest of the young in a learning community.

Together, they have communal responsibilities for upholding academic standards and sustaining quality education. Thus, they ensure a substantial kind of creative environment whereby wholesome life’s practices and meaningful learning experiences nurture and develop a person in full.

For this reason, while the school aims to offer the learners with sound academic learning environment, the community, in strong alliance and support of the school’s end, provides the resources and makes itself as extension center on which quality learning is shaped and significantly integrated.

Specifically, the home and the family is the core of the community; and as one, it represents the most important learning resource that an academic institution should work hand in hand with, in order to succeed. It is from this basic unit of society that the children’s first teachers abound.

Therefore, the development of values, attitudes and habits exhibited when dealing with other members of the community most likely starts from this venue. As it is, family members, especially parents, build concrete supportive condition and create tremendous impact on learners’ motivation. With the larger community, and withstands what on earth that life at present and future may bring.

In turn, the school, through its teaching and non-teaching personnel, enriches child’s experiences gained from home and polishes them to the utmost level possible of his/her personal and societal efficacy. By principle in loco parents, the educational institution assumes parental responsibility for the child and becomes his cradle of empowerment and creativity. In that capacity, it sees to it that a child, under its loving auspices and care, consistently seeks for the truth, explores in good hands and transforms for the better.

trI-Peat!the Camsur Multi-Purpose Cooperative (CMPC) received the Gawad Parangal Award from the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) as regional winner as the most outstanding Cooperative-Medium scale Category for the 3rd straight year. the award was given by CDA Chairman emmanuel M. santiaguel, Ph. D. (center) to CMPC boD Chairman, Ms. Pachita t. Felix (left of center) and Ms. Annielen L. Panerio,

CMPC General Manager (7th from left) at the bicol Coop Congress on oct. 2-4, 2013 at Villa Caceres Hotel, naga City. Other CDA officials, PCDC-CamSur Pres. Tony Buena and the panel of judges led by CDA regional Director, Atty. Lourdes P. Pacao (6th from left) were also on hand to witness the ceremony while the other CMPC officers and management staff (right side of photo) gave cheers and jubilations.


NatIONal letter WrItING daY at SM CItYover two Hundred students from various elementary and High school in naga City and nearby towns of Camarines sur gathered at sM City naga for the First national Letter writing Day in celebration of the world Post Day last october 9. A joint project of

the Philippine Postal Corporation with the Department of education, sM supermalls and Manila bulletin, the event dubbed as the " sulat Mulat " aims to encourage children to use letters as means of communication and to use the postal service in today's digital age.

Gawad saka Achievers posed with DA oiC reD Abelardo r. bragas (5th from left); DA rtD for research and regulations edgar r. Madrid (left) and DA rtD for operations and extension elena b. delos santos (4th from right)

uneP holds annual Hospitality, tourism business ForumThe University of North-

eastern Philippines (UNEP), in one of its significant events during the weekend, has merged business, promotion of values and tourism in an activ-ity dubbed as the Annual Hos-pitality and Tourism forum at the university's mini theatre. It was spearheaded by the Col-lege of Business Education and Tourism, in cooperation with the Travel and Hospitality-Management Department.

Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Mo-raleda, UNEP's young prexy, looked at the activity as an ave-

nue for students to enhance their skills, discover opportunities and made them realize that the fulfillment of their dreams is just in the tip of their fingers.

“Activities like these are aligned in the holistic frame-work of UNEP- that is to put Bicolanos, particularly UNEPi-ans in the forefront of the tour-ism and hospitality industry and make them at par with their global counterparts in terms of excellence and oportunities,” Moraleda stated.

Related topics and discus-sions during the said forum were assigned to its respective field experts who were invited to pass on their thoughts on the theme entitled: “Instituting Tourism Ed-ucation and Hospitality Entrepre-neurship as a Career pathway.”

One of the invited speakers include Shirley Janiola, a for-mer Filipino TVET Expert of the Ministry of Education in the Federal Republic of Ethiopia who talked about Quality and Standardsof Tourism Education as a Potential Tool for Philippine Tourism Development.

The lecture speaks of the great potential of tourism oppor-tunities to serve as a great tool that that will launch and push our country into new heights of de-velopment.

UNEP has also invited gov-ernment organizations like the Department of Tourism (DOT) through DOT ROV Regional Di-rectorMaria “Nini” O. Ravanilla to convey to the community the government's programs on al-leviating poverty by means of promoting our local tourism in-dustry, Ravanilla also shared her thoughts on “Hospitality trends andBusiness Opportunities/ Bi-col tourism Landscape.”

Occasions like this gives the DOT the opportunity to educate the students and relate to them the current trends affecting the

local tourism industry. Travel and Tourism Pro-

gram Chair Bernard F. Soluta wrapped up the event and left valuable insights to the partakers on how to make use of their tal-ents and resources to contribute to the growth of the tourism in-dustry. Soluta is the concurrent Program Chair of theTravel and Tourism Management and spear-headed the first Annual hospital-ity and tourism business forum. He is also an advocate of Green Rinconada.

The said activity is also in sup-port of UNEP's vision of seeing

career orinted individuals who have developed a trong sense of professionalism and ultimately see them succeed in their chosen profession and career paths.

It is also in line with UNEP’s mission to produce world-class and quality graduates who are physically, mentally and spiritu-ally capable to pursue their ca-reers and contribute to the growth of their community. UNEP in-tends to relay to the students and other partakers the relevance of connecting and setting the pace with various industry players in order to realize this undertaking.

P20M worth of PAMAnA projects completed

DA cites 42 agri, fisheries achievers, partners

DAET, Camarines Norte – Some P6 million worth of infrastructure projects under the Payapa at Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA) in Camarines Norte were now completed while other proj-ects of the total P20 million are already underway, ac-cording to an official of the provincial government.

Elena B. Austria, acting provincial planning and devel-opment coordinator of the pro-vincial government, said during the Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) meeting held recently at least four farm to market roads were completed, six other projects underway while funding for one project has yet to be released.

Austria said completed projects included concreting of farm to market roads in baran-gay Tigbinan, Cabusay, Maot and Submakin all in Labo town with P1.5 million each or a total of P6M.

She added the establishment of tree park and management of of mangrove areas in Barangay Catioan, with P400,000 fund-ing and agro-forest planting of Mahogany trees in Barangay Alayao worth P100,000, both in Capalonga town; and concret-ing of farm to market roads in Barangays San Isidro and Sta. Cruz in Jose Panganiban worth P7M are underway.

Austria furthered the im-provement of water supply sys-tem for level 1 to 2 in the baran-gays of Masalong, Malangcao Basud and Guisican all in the town of Labo are 90 percent completed with P1M allocation each or a total of P3M.

The funding for the con-struction of the Crisis Center Cum Multi-Purpose Hall in Po-blacion of the Capalonga town has yet to be released, accord-ing to her.

Farm to market road proj-ects will benefit primarily the

(Turn to page 7)(Turn to page 6)

NAGA CITY - The De-partment of Agriculture honored 42 agriculture and fisheries achievers, program implementers and partners in glitzy ceremonies at the posh Avenue Plaza Hotel in this city on October 7. The occa-sion was graced by AKO Bicol party list representative Atty. Rodel Batocabe, who was the guest of honor.

Awarded by DA regional executive director Eng. Abe-lardo Bragas were 8 Gawad saka achievers in different cat-egories; 3 regional outstanding rural women, 1 rural woman model farmer set to be awarded by the Food and Agriculture Or-ganization in Thailand on Oc-tober 16; 2 organic agriculture program implementing LGUs including the respective focal persons; 3 outstanding munici-pal/city Corn Quality Achiev-ers and the corresponding corn program coordinators and 25 agricultural extension workers assisting in the different pro-gram cluster areas.

The Gawad Saka individual awardees were: Leonilo G. Mil-itante of Rangas, Juban, Sor-sogon- Outstanding Integrated

Rice farmer; Angelito Cerillo of Libod, Tigaon, Camarines Sur – Outstanding corn farmer; Jesus Ariel C. Alsua of Pau-log, LIgao City, Albay – Out-standing Small Animal Raiser; Christopher Balquin of Lahong, Bulan, Sorsogon – Outstand-ing Young Farmer and Nilo F. Fullero’s family – Outstanding Farm Family. Each of them re-ceived a plaque and cash prize of P30,000.

The Greenhand 4-H Club of Nagbarorong, Baras, Catand-uanes was adjudged Outstand-ing Young Farmer Organization and the Barangay Food Terminal of Barangay del Rosario, Iriga City operated by Banao Farmer Association was awarded as Outstanding Barangay Food Terminal (non-LGU operated). Both received P50,000. The Municipal Fisheries & Aquatic Resources and Management Council and (MFARMC) of Mercedes Camarines Norte was awarded for this category and also received a plaque and a Prize of P100,000.

Awarded as regional out-standing rural woman was Ade-lia Q. Magsino of Goa, Cama-rines Sur, who received a cash

prize of P20,000 and a plaque of commendation. The two other finalists Caren Arellano of Cas-tilla, Sorsogon and Luzviminda Oropesa of Baras, Catanduanes received cash prizes of P15,000 and P10,000 respectively and plaques.

Another rural woman from Goa, Myrna C. Asor, of Goa,

bikol reporter6 october 13-19, 2013

nAMe oF DeCeAseD DAte oF interMent1. inoCenCio A. PACHeCo sr. september 3, 20132. sALuD A. Job september 3, 20133. nAtiVitAs C. De LA torre september 5, 20134. DeMetriA L. MAnriQue september 7, 20135. Antonio b. ADornA september 8, 20136. erLinDA e. ZArAGoZA september 14, 20137. CeCiLiA M. bAiDer september 15, 20138. isiDoro e. ibAY Jr. september 19, 20139. LeonArDo o. PrADes Jr. september 24, 201310. eMeterio Z. rAMos september 25, 201311. Jose ViCtorino F. PereZ september 26, 201312. Jose u. torALDe september 29, 2013

republic of the PhilippinesLoCAL CiViL reGistrY oFFiCe

Province: Camarines surCity/Municipality: naga City

notiCe For PubLiCAtion

In compliance with Section No. 5 of R.A. No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that MirA M. PLACiDes, has filed with this Office a Petition for Change of First Name from “AnGeLA FAYe” to “AtHenA FAYe” in the birth certificate of AnGeLA FAYe t. MirAFuentes who was born on MArCH 25, 1993 at nAGA CitY, CAMArines sur, and whose parents are ____________________ and MirA triPuLCA MirAFuentes.

Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his written opposition with this office not later than oCtober 20, 2013.

(sgd.) ALeXAnDer M. CAYetAno City Civil Registrar

biKoL rePorterPublished: october 6 and 13, 2013

turN Over Of laNd dOCuMeNtS JesseL bAsAntA

Denr bicol regional executive Director Gilbert Gonzales (2nd from left) and reD reynulfo Juan of region 4A hands over pertinent land documents of nine (9) barangays that were previously part of Quezon Province and now considered as part and parcel of Camarines norte. the barangays that are now part of Camarines norte are Kagtalaba, san Pedro, Plaridel, Cabuluan, Guital, Maulawin, Don tomas, Patag ilaya/ibaba and tabugon. in november 1989, the supreme Court upheld the 1922 decision by the Chief of the executive bureau delineating and describing that said land area of approximately 8,762 hectares belong to Camarines norte not to Quezon Province.

eXtrAJuDiCiAL settLeMent oF estAte

Notice is hereby given that the named parties are the sole and only heirs and legitimate children of the late esVerGA P. AGuiLAr who died intestate on July 27, 2012 at Calabanga, Camarines Sur, with no known debts or obligations due against the estate and leaving certain real properties situated in Calabanga, Camarines Sur; for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and invoking the provision of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, the parties agree to divide, partition and adjudicate among themselves in pro indiviso equal shares the entire estate described, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Manuel C. Cariño Jr., Doc. No. 238, Page No. 91, Book No. XV, Series of 2013.

biKoL rePorterPublished: october 13, 20 and 27, 2013

LeGAL notiCe

Notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late FernAnDeZ t. FonG, who died on February 17, 2001 in Metropolitan Hospital Manila, consisting of 2 parcels of land. Parcel 1-a parcel of land situated at Bagumbayan, Naga City containing an area of 1,154 sqm covered by TCT086-2013001258, declared under TD No.0802000201264. Parcel 2-a parcel of land situated at Bagumbayan, Naga City containing an area of 2,599 sqm covered by TCT086-2013001259, declared under TD No.0802000201263, as acknowledged before Notary Public Atty. Eluisa B. Calucag, Doc. No. 183, Page No. 37, Book No. XXXVI, Series of 2013.biKoL rePorterPublished: october 13, 20 and 27, 2013

veering away from corruption and patronage.

This is also through the commitment to spur economic growth and stability of the lo-

sarion lays Down social . . .cal government finance while adhering to the principles of fairness and equity for all the Daeteños.

Also along this line is the

assurance of professionalizing the local government services and its service providers by establishing opportunities and guidance for personnel towards committed public servants.

The local government unit will also promote open, trans-parent, and accountable gov-ernance by involving people in crafting and carrying out of development priorities and programs.

Sarion said that social ser-vices thrust will focus on pri-oritizing health programs in the development agenda.

The local government will pursue a campaign to encour-age parents, partner agencies and various multi-stakeholders to give attention to quality education; and also afford mar-ginalized and disadvantaged to develop and become better members of the society.

He will also vowed the col-laboration of stakeholders to address the shelter needs of informal settlers and govern-ment employees; and also to enhance the efforts to maintain peace and order by promot-ing the principles of inclusive growth and participative gov-ernance.

The local chief executive explained that the local econo-my will push opportunities for economic growth giving prior-ity to job generation by invest-ing on the development of the quality human capital of the Daeteños.

He said that they will also promote other alternative agri-cultural production and viable farming methods which can increase agricultural produc-tivity.

Through the local econo-my the local government will recognize farms and rural en-terprises as vital in achieving food sufficiency and equitable economic growth.

He also said that among others are to invest on agricul-tural infrastructure projects and facilities, encourage business boom in Daet and develop the town as an ideal eco-tourism destination.

Sarion’s fourth social con-tract is the natural and built en-vironment which will provide for the required administra-tive, system or mechanism and infrastructure for solid waste management; and the readiness

on the risks of disaster.Along in this line is to orga-

nize the Solid Waste Manage-ment Board, formulate and im-plement the Solid Management plan and encourage sustainable use of resources to benefit the present and future generation and among others.

He said that he committed himself to the dauntless task of serving the Daeteños with justness and sincerity in conso-nance with the tenets of trans-formational leadership as epit-omized by esteemed President Benigno Simeon Aquino III.

He said that the social con-tract is in line with the vision for Daet as a country’s friend-ship city, the service and com-mercial center of Camarines Norte, endowed with rich cul-ture, balanced ecosystems and vibrant economy sustained by empowerment.

Also a God’s loving citizens living a quality and meaningful life in town of character with properly planned built environ-ment governed by dedicated leaders through high moral and people’s mandate.

tourism investors such as hotel and resort owners and opera-tors but also the people in the countryside where most of tourist destinations are located by providing more opportuni-ties for employment and busi-ness ventures, he said.

Other services and small-scale businesses such as trans-port, souvenir shops, handi-crafts and the like are created as tourism activities intensify in an area, while large-scale tourism stakeholders are need-ed to expand to include em-ployment for common people such as housekeeping and food services, Salceda added.

The project proposal sub-mitted to the RDC by Tallado carries with it a cost of the re-habilitation and improvement of the airport at P100 million which will be needed for the expansion of the existing run-way, construction of perimeter fence, lighting installation and putting up of a modern control tower equipped with air navi-gation and radar systems.

The RDC had earlier in-cluded in its 2011-2016 Public Investment Program for Bicol the rehabilitation plan with a total amount of P77 million divided into four installments of release—P40 million this year, P24 million in 2014, P5 million in 2015 and P8 million in 2016.

Serving once as Camarines Norte’s only aviation facility,

rDc okays baGasbas . . .the airport -- located along the world-famous Bagasbas Beach -- is classified by the Civil Aeronautics Authority of the Philippines as a minor com-mercial domestic airport that is presently non-operational.

Camarines Norte needs this airport to be operational so that it is able to cheer up further the province’s tourism industry, according to Tallado.

Once upgraded, the airport that for now could only accom-modate Fokker or light planes will be able to serve bigger air-craft and respond to the needs of the growing number of tour-ists who want to experience the wonders that the province offers, he said.

Although it is maintained with a civil security force and provided with a terminal build-ing, no schedule flights operate from and to this airport at pres-ent because of its dilapidated runway and other vital facili-ties.

When upgraded and its operations revived, Bagasbas Airport would also open the doors for more investments in the mineral-rich province that is noted for its gold mines.

The province also boasts of its queen Formosa pineapple, the sweetest in the world that is now being processed and exported by some local manu-facturers.

Daet town, the provincial capital and the province’s cen-ter of trade and commerce, was last year adjudged by the Na-tional Competitiveness Coun-

cil as Bicol’s most competitive municipality.

In tourism, Bagasbas is a famous surfing and kiteboard-ing spot with its long stretch of fine, white sand beach.

A road network named Cory Aquino Boulevard, which will become another tourism in-frastructure in Daet, is also undergoing construction along Bagasbas Beach.

Owing to the attention it has gotten from the world’s surfing community, the Department of Tourism accredited Bagasbas Beach as a surfing spot that since five years ago has been a venue of several international surfing and kiteboarding com-petitions.

Camarines Norte is also home to Calaguas, an enchant-ing group of islands which is considered an unknown para-dise that can rival the beaches of Boracay and the serenity of Pagudpud.

Owning to its reputation of being a virgin island as devel-opment is yet to be introduced, Calaguas is gifted with a long stretch of white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters and un-spoiled natural resources where tourists are raring to visit and enjoy the beauty and serenity of the place being kissed by the waves of the Philippine Sea.

Hopefully this time, funds for the airport will already be provided under the Ten-Point Agenda of Pres. Benigno Aquino III, which include the development of the tourism industry for inclusive growth and poverty reduction, Tallado said. -PNA

Camarines Sur who was the National Outstanding Rural Woman in 2011 was also given a special award and recognition as she was chosen this year by the Food and Agriculture Or-ganization- Regional Office in the Asia Pacific as one of the Model Farmers. She will re-ceive her award from the Prin-cess of Thailand on October 16 this year.

Meanwhile, the Municipal Government of Goa, Camarines Sur was cited as the regional outstanding LGU implement-ing the Organic Agriculture Program. Likewise, its focal person on organic agriculture, Arlene Dayo was cited for her outstanding performance. The municipality and Arlene Dayo also garnered the top award at the national level for which they will receive a prize worth P1M during the national awarding in Manila sometime this month.

Cited as regional outstand-

Da cites 42 aGri, fisheries . . .ing province implementing the OA program was the PLGU of Albay and its focal person, Luisa B. Bismonte.

For the corn program, the town of Tigaon, cities of Naga and Ligao were cited as out-standing LGUs for their efforts in implementing and complying with the standards in producing quality corn. The respective department heads of the agri-culture services of said LGUs were also cited. They were Lea Beltran of Tigaon, Edna Bonga-lonta of Naga and Cesar Sodsod of Ligao.

Also cited were 18 agricul-tural extension workers from the corn clusters of Tigaon, Naga City, Calabanga, Iriga City, Libmanan, Goa, Buhi, Bula, Ligao, Uson and Cataingan, Masbate. Each received a cash prize of P5,000. An additional P10,000 will be awarded dur-ing the national corn Congress on October 23-25 at Tagaytay City. -Emily B. Bordado

bikol reporter 7october 13-19, 2013

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at AsPe iGuALDAD PAwnsHoP, Cor. igualdad ext. & J. Hernandez Ave., igualdad, naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at AsPe eXPLorer PAwnsHoP, Ground Floor, bichara Complex, Abella st., igual-dad, naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at AsPe sPeeD PAwnsHoP, Jr. bichara Complex, san Antonio Poblacion, Calabanga, Camarines sur, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at rowenA AsPe PAwnsHoP, P. burgos st., corner J. Hernandez Avenue, naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at r. M. AsPe PAwnsHoP, Cor. Panganiban & elias Angeles street, naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at e. boY AsPe PAwnsHoP, Prieto street, Filabel Arcade, Dinaga, naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta

All unredeemed items/articles pawned at AsPe Crown-JeweL PAwnsHoP & JeweLrY store, bichara Mall corner J. Hernandez & Gen. Luna sts., naga City, pawned from MAY 01-31, 2013 whose terms have expired will be sold to public auction sale on noV. 04, 2013 from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 noon.

redemption/renewals of all pledges covered by the above-mentioned date will be honored until oCtober 28, 2013 only. tHe MAnAGeMentbiKoL rePorterPublished: oCtober 6 and 13, 2013

NOtICe tO tHe PuBlICauCtION Sale/SuBaSta


through the concerted efforts of Camsur Gov. Migz Villafuerte, Vice Gov. Ato Peña, and 4th District board Member, Atty. badong simando, the elementary and high school children of Partido District will enjoy donations of some 46,000 assorted books and other reading materials sourced from Children International Philippines. In fact, the first segment of the distribution transpired on october 08, 2013 at tigaon Central school (inset photo) with oiC Head teacher, Mrs. Judith Penaflor, receiving such generous gift of 2,072 volumes of books plus hundreds of school bags from Mr. Pol Maleniza and bM simando while Gov. Migz as assisted by bM simando ceremonially handing over 2,269 books to Mr. Joel de la Vega, Principal of Dr. rodolfo V. Pamor Memorial national High school, also in tigaon, Camarines sur (photo below). the young and indefatigable governor rallies the huge crowd gathered at the school campus to witness the turnover activity wherein he also gave away hundreds more school bags to the students (top photo).

conduct of formal dialogues, knowledge sharing and ca-pability building initiatives between alliances between academe, government, private sector organizations and other key stakeholders.

With the successful estab-lishment of its regional and local networks in the United States, TREEDC has initiated the creation of similar network in the Philippines through its International Exchange Pro-gram where CBSUA is one of its recipients.

The program is also in line

cbsua . . .

with President Benigno S. Aquino III’s National Renew-able Energy Program (NREP) which contains measures and policies for the promotion of renewable energy. - ANA-LI-ZA S. MACATANGAY

ey can change their life signifi-cantly, yet he opted to prioritize values over self-interest.”

“He has uplifted the dignity and morals of tricycle drivers in the city and has shown to the world that the people of Naga have strong sense of integrity. Thus, together with a commen-dation to a job well done, we also want to extend a little as-sistance to his family. We have been informed that his three oldest children were not able to finish college due to financial constraints,” Legacion said.

Last Monday, Oct. 9, Mayor John Bongat, accompanied by Legacion, Councilor Esteban Greg Abonal III and Lito Del Rosario, executive director of the Public Safety Office (PSO), also awarded Estanislao a Cer-tificate of Commendation and a cash incentive of P5,000. The awarding was held dur-ing the flag ceremony and was witnessed by employees of the city government. Estanislao’s wife, Analyn, and his 11 chil-dren were also present during the occasion.

naGa trike Driver . . .“Instead of personally ben-

efiting from it, Mr. Estanislao decided to return the money. We are proud of his deeds. His acts are worthy of public emu-lation,” Bongat said.

In response to the commen-dation given to him by the city government, Estanislao said that he was not expecting for any reward at all, because what he did was already satisfying.

Estanislao said “Returning a valuable thing to its owner is an uplifting experience, It is a bliss-ful feeling that can’t be bought by any amount of money.”

“Even if we are eating lu-gaw and even if I am saddened by the fact that some of my chil-dren cannot go to college due to financial constraints, a good name, the trust of your fellows in you and peace of mind are far more precious to me,” Estanis-lao stated.

Analyn, on her part, pro-fessed that she is truly proud of what her husband did and has no regrets over his decision to return the money.

“I’m very proud of my hus-

band. Even if we are having financial difficulty in our life, still, he chose the right path as compared to those corrupt poli-ticians who have no conscience in stealing the money of the people,” Analyn said.

Analyn said that “By doing the right thing, we believe that we are being blessed and guid-ed by Our Lady of Peňafrancia. In fact, several months after my husband returned an attaché case containing P1.5M to a Ma-nila-based member of Iglesia ni Cristo, a young lady with curly hair left behind a librito. Inside the item is an image of Ina and a P2,000 cash. We tried to find the lady, but to no avail. That cash saved our lives during those fi-nancially difficult times.”

According to Del Rosario this is not the first time when Aldrex Estanislao returns a valuable property to its owner.

“A few years back, he was also commended for his hon-esty and good deed by return-ing another holder containing a huge amount of money which was left by another passenger,” Del Rosario said.

public Act No. 10154.This rule is known as “An

Act Requiring All Concerned Government Agencies to En-sure the Early Release of the Retirement Pay, Pensions, Gratuities, and other Benefits of Retiring Government em-ployees.”

The amendment is also now in effect, according to Nieto.

Before such amendment was issued, she said, thousands of retiring government em-ployees would line up at CSC offices requesting for the clear-ance as part of the requirement for retirement.

For the month of Septem-ber this year alone, she said, the records section of the CSC regional office for legal affairs received 14,000 clearance re-quests.

The burden is now resolved and it was done in consider-ation of the physical and finan-

cial limitations of retiring em-ployees as well as the limited manpower of the CSC in ren-dering the services of process-ing the clearances, the CSC of-ficial said.

“Thanks to the steadfastness of the commission headed by its chairman, Francisco Duque III,” Nieto said.

It affirms CSC’s being a the human resource institution of the bureaucracy committed to a responsive, accessible, courteous and effective public service aiming to provide con-venient retirement to civil ser-vants, she stressed.

Prior to this new issuance, retiring employees are re-quired to secure a clearance of pendency or non-pendency of administrative cases from his employer-agency, the CSC, office of the Ombudsman and Office of the President for presidential appointees. -PNA

csc eases retirement . . .

“This will also mean a sharing of knowledge and expertise in the field of good governance towards prosper-ity and continuous success in urban and rural development,” Rosal said.

He stressed that this rela-tionship will also serve as a vehicle to improve their initia-tives towards the adoption of science and technology, cul-ture and arts, tourism, plan-ning and urban development, commerce, trade and industry, education and sports develop-

ment, environmental protec-tion, public health and social services.

Binay, on the other hand, vowed to help Legazpi to continue improve its business sector by way of encouraging other giant investors to put up business here.

The Makati mayor said he is very willing to share the key programs of his administra-tion to Legazpi for the benefit of the Legazpenos and help Legazpi remain a strong mod-ern city of the region.

leGazpi, makati siGn . . .

farmers for the transportation of their agriculture products while the other projects will help the residents in the daily basic needs and other activities in the barangays.

PAMANA is the govern-ment’s peace and development framework that aims to respond and strengthen peacebuilding, reconstruction and develop-ment in conflict affected areas (CAAs) in line with the goal of putting a permanent and just closure to internal armed con-flicts.

The said projects funded by

p20m worth of pamana . . .the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for year 2012 are being implement-ed by the provincial govern-ment and line national govern-ment agencies.

There are projects for 2013 identified worth more than P106M under the DILG, De-partment of Agriculture (DA) and the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) wherein necessary preparations like Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing and others were already undertaken.

It can be recalled that in

2011 farm to market roads projects were completed in the different barangays of Labo, Mercedes and Jose Panganiban worth P140M from the stimu-lus fund of President Benigno Simeon Aquino III through the Office of the Presidential Ad-viser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) in partnership with the provincial government and supported by the different line national government agen-cies. - MAL



outstanDinG local newspaperfor five consecutive years by the st. peter

baptist catholic mass media awards

8 october 13-19, 2013

Naga trike drivercited for honesty

aCt Of HONeStYAldrex estanislao (left), a tricycle driver residing in Calauag, naga City poses with Pili Municipal Councilor rodel Divinagracia (center) and Lito Del rosario of the Public safety Offi ce. Estanislao returned Divinagracia’s wallet containing P3,500 cash and P690,000 check.

COurteSY Call CMro/ProtoCoL

A posterity post with Mayor John Bongat with the offi cers of the Asosasyon sa Pilipinas ng mga Colehiyo ng Agham at sining (APCAs) during their courtesy call on october 2.

NAGA CITY --- A tri-cycle driver who returned a wallet left behind by his passenger containing P3,500 cash and P690,000 check was commended for his honesty and liberality by the Naga City govern-ment.

The Sangguniang Pan-lungsod passed Resolution No. 2013-260, which was sponsored by City Councilor Esteban Greg Abonal III, commending Aldrex Estan-islao, the tricycle driver for his honesty and liberality in returning the wallet to its owner.

Under the resolution, Es-tanislao is also included as one of nominees for the city’s Mayoral awardees next year and one of his 11 children will enjoy an P 18,000 per semester scholarship grant from the city government.

Naga Vice Mayor Nelson S. Legacion said, “We are impressed by his character. Despite the diffi culties in life, he purposely chose to return a huge sum of money and deliberately decided not to benefi t even a single centavo from it. He has a humble life with eleven children to feed and rear and that sum of mon-

by PAuL JoHn F. bArrosA & GerALD o. enGuero

Legazpi, Makati sign sisterhood agreementby sALLY A. Atento

LEGAZPI CITY – The mayors of Legazpi and Makati City recently signed a sisterhood agreement to boost economic and com-munity development in the two cities.

Legazpi City mayor Noel Rosal and Makati City Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay both vowed to support each other to promote and foster strong friendship and goodwill.

This city initiated the agreement through Resolution Number 0258-2011 sponsored by Councilor Alan Ranola and approved by Vice Mayor Vit-torio Roces during the 35th regular session of the city council on October 11, 2011.

The resolution expressed the desire of the City of Legazpi to establish a sister-hood with the City of Makati.

It was offi cially approved on October 17, 2011 under the term of former mayor Carmen Geraldine Rosal.

The current city mayor said the relationship will open windows for opportunities to uplift the lives of all the people living in the territorial areas of the two cities.

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CsC eases retirementclearance for gov’t workersLEGAZPI CITY -- The

Civil Service Commission (CSC) has eased the burden of securing No Pending Ad-ministrative Case (NPAC) clearance being encoun-tered by retiring govern-ment employees.

This means that the CSC will no longer require each

employee applying for retire-ment an NPAC clearance and all that should be done now is to execute an affi davit under oath stating that he or she has no pending administrative case.

In an event that the appli-cant has a pending case, he or she should disclose its nature and status in the affi davit.

A notary public or any ad-ministering offi cer of the em-ployer-agency designated by the head of the agency may

administer the oath.The offi cial form for the

Declaration of Pendency/Non Pendency of Case shall be used by the em-ployee.

CSC Bicol Regional Di-rector Cecilia Nieto over the week here said this new policy is specifi ed in the resolution recently issued by the CSC amending the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Re-

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