occult symbols in american universities

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Occult symbols are every in Rice University if you just look closely!


Occult Symbols in American Universities!

Rice University is located in Houston, Texas. It’s a university that is known for high class achievement and a world-first class college. My whole purpose of diving into this subject is because I want to talk about some of the symbols that Rice University has engraved in their stone buildings and the symbolism they have on their internet site. I have noticed that their symbolism is very similar to all other symbolism that occultist use in their everyday rituals, ceremonies, and craft. Here I will display some images that Rice University has engraved in stone in different parts of their building structures.

Here’s an image that depicts a strange head of a man that appears to have a variety of lines, curves, and circles above his head. Now if you count the small circles that are above his head they will total to 18 in all, with 9 small circles on each side. Maybe the amount of balls is not significant, then again who knows. I’m guessing it’s more like devil horns. The “R” that appears right above his head is most definitely occult in nature. The lightning bolts are satanic in the occult world.

(As you can see by the image above, the lightning bolt is occult and influenced by the devil.)

Here is an interesting quote from the bible: “I saw satan fall from heaven like lightning” (Luke 10:18)

Is this the reason why satanist and occultist use this ‘lightning bolt’ emblem? It’s obvious to see that there is a connection between this lightning bolt and satan. Maybe we can even say that the LIGHTNING BOLT is the symbol of satan and that the RAINBOW is the symbol of our LORD ALMIGHTY. If you think about it is true! The GOD of Israel gave us the symbol of the RAINBOW as a promised never to destroy man again off of this earth.

(This is the rock band Kiss. They use the two lightning bolt symbols as their logo. Look at the devil horns that the one member in the back is throwing up.)

The satanic “S”-Represents a lightning bolt that means “Destroyer”. In mythology, it was the weapon of Zeus. It is worn to have power over others. This symbol was also worn by the feared SS Nazi of Germany.

So you see the lightning bolt symbol does have satanic influenced to it. We can even say that the ONLY reason the SS Nazi of Germany or the rock band Kiss even worn it was because they wanted to have powers over others with the power of satan.

So, can we conclude after what we have seen that the 4 lightning bolts that appear at Rice University’s architectural building was put there in loving memory of satan himself? Doubt it not!

Here is another demonic symbol that is engraved at Rice University:

In this image we can see clearly that this demonic entity is Molech from ancient times. Nowadays this demon is worshipped by a secret society called SKULL & BONES.

(As you can see this owl has been used pretty much in every occult faction.)

Let’s just say that this demonic entity Molech is not nice at all. And let’s not forget that the devil can speak through idols.

(As we can see here in this image there is an owl crown with a star.)

Again, the owl stands for Molech the devil. The star above is nothing more than the star of the devil. This is the same star that people put up on their Christmas tree; and you know what’s even scarier, is that the little fairy that some people put on top of their Christmas tree is a demon known in ancient times to abduct their victims through levitation methods just like the demons of today we call aliens!

Simple spiritual math: Christmas tree + the star of the devil + the demonic fairy = A demonic portal that gives way to the spirit of satan and other powerful demonic forces that influence you all through the satanic evil Christmas season!!!

(If you look closely you will see that there are 6 demonic little figures engraved in stone. Wouldn’t you say their demonic? I think they are!)

(If you go to www.riceuniversity.edu you will see this owl on the first front page. There is no doubt in my mind that the founders of this university where in some way involved

with the occult. Someone had to know what they were doing since no one just starts putting these symbols on their buildings.)

The symbol you see here is exactly what I’m talking about. The pyramids and the owls are all occult related to the mysteries of Egypt and Molech the demonic idol.

Unconventional wisdom stands for the unconventionality that Rice University truly represents!

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