nutritious quick breads. 1. why called quick breads? much quicker to make than yeast breads uses a...

Post on 28-Dec-2015






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Nutritious Quick Breads

1. Why Called Quick Breads?

• Much quicker to make than yeast breads

• Uses a fast-acting chemical leavening agent instead of long-time yeast fermentation

• Baked immediately after mixing

2. Types of Quick Breads

• Quick bread loaves• Muffins• Pancakes• Waffles• Crepes• Scones• Biscuits

3. Muffin Mixing Method

• 1. Combine dry ingredients

• 2. Combine liquid ingredients (including oil)

• 3. Add liquid to dry and mix only to moisten

• 4. “Fold in” flavor ingredients .

4. What is “make a well”?

• MM mixing instruction; means use spoon to make indentation in dry ingredients, then pouring liquid into it.

• Helps keep from over mixing; makes more contact dry to liquid ingredients

5. What is “fold in”?

• Use a rubber scraper, cutthrough the middle of thebatter, go down to the bottom of the bowl, scrap the bottom of the batter to the top, repeat, turning bowl ¼ turn until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

• Used for fragile ingredients (whipped cream)

6. Quick Breads that use the muffin method

7. Biscuit Mixing Method

• 1. Mixing dry ingredients

• 2. “Cut in” solid fat.• 3. Add liquid ingredients

and stir

8. Quick Breads that use the biscuit method

• Biscuits• Scones

9. Reasons for alternative baking

• Better nutrition from baked goods

• Avoid carbohydrates (blood sugar/insulin imbalance; weight gain)

• Avoid gluten (celiac and gluten-sensitivity)

• Avoid GMO (genetically-modified organism) OR extensively genetically-altered grains

10. Flours with more nutrients• Amaranth Barley flour• Quinoa Bean flours• Almond meal• Flaxseed meal• 100% Stone-ground or sprouted whole wheat

(local)• Buckwheat• Oat flour• Coconut

11. Flours to avoid Carbohydrate

• Almond meal• Flaxseed meal• Coconut flour

12. Flours that are used to avoid gluten

• All BUT wheat (all), barley and rye

• Oats must be labeled “gluten free”

13. Healthful sweeteners to avoid blood glucose/insulin problems

• Stevia• Sugar alcohols (Erythritol, xylitol)

14. More nutritious caloric sweeteners

• Raw honey• Grade B maple syrup• Rapadura• Date sugar

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