nutr 405 reflection statement

Post on 14-Nov-2015






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Reflection Statement (NUTR 405)In Experimental Food Science and Technology, I gained a new perspective on the steps the production companies go through to find out about certain qualities of their food product or measure amounts of a certain nutrient available. I was introduced to different types of equipment to evaluate and analyze food products by measuring mineral content, fat, protein, pH, water activity and other qualities. We used standardized methods, to learn about how to perform a study, gather data, think critically and analyze the results. For example, for the first project in this class, I worked with a group to measure the mineral content of whole wheat flour ash. I learned that vitamins, fat and other components present in food product break down except the minerals and this is a good way to see how much minerals are present in a food sample. We as a group performed the experiment, recorded the data, analyzed the results and came up with conclusions and reported our findings with following a standard research template. I also learned how to use appropriate software to organize and interpret data.In addition, as a part of the group projects, I learned how to follow the steps in the scientific research, conduct an experiment and clearly state all the steps necessary for others to perform the experiment. I practiced on how to prepare and perform an oral presentation that is clear, effective and easy to follow. I also learned that working in groups, each person brings in some strengths and weakness and to find ways to work through everything as a group and create an acceptable final product. Although all the projects in this class were meaningful, I especially enjoyed the last project. I was able to be creative and come up with new or improved product ideas. I found myself coming up with many product ideas that the market can use. I will certainly use the information I learned to put together new food products. I actually found out that I enjoy the process of coming up with an idea, looking to see what is the gap around it in the market and start creating the product and add or take out different ingredients to make the product acceptable.

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