nues & vues @westvueif you are unable to serve, contact danny … files/120317.pdf · 2017. 12....

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Westvue Church of Christ

1710 Mooresville Hwy.

Lewisburg, TN 37091

(931) 359-2571

Office e-mail:

Elders Thomas Blalock

David Cook

Joe George

Tony Matthews

Deacons Ed Anderson

Tres Beasley

Mark Blalock

Brian Cook

Tony Cross

Danny Morgan

Ministers Rick Rolin

359-2571 (office)

Youth Minister

Mike Whitehead

Volume 49 December 3, 2017 No. 46

Nues & Vues @Westvue Church of Christ

If you are unable to serve, contact Danny Morgan or the elder on call immediately. The week of December 3, 2017

Schedule of Services Sunday AM Worship - 9:00 Sunday Bible Classes -10:15 Sunday

PM Worship - 5:00 Wed. Bible Classes - 6:30pm Radio Program (WJJM) - 6:20 am daily

12/3 (Sun a.m.)

12/3 (Sun p.m.)

12/6 (Wed)

Song Leader

Mark Blalock Mark Blalock Larry Pigg

Opening Prayer

Roy Huey Joel Schwartz

Thomas Blalock


Race Wilson (Hebrews 10:23-24)

Joel Schwartz (Hebrews


Lane Courtemanche

(Proverbs 25:23)


Rick Rolin “Your Gifts to the Congrega-

tion #1—An

Uplifting Spirit ”

Rick Rolin “Which God is More


Rick Rolin

Closing Prayer

Danny Morgan

Jim Bingham

For the Month of November Serve Table - Tres Beasley, Joe George Serve Congregation – Clint Hammons, Dwayne Hart Eric Hillard, Benton Thompson, Joel Schwartz, Ray Barnett Alternate - Kyle Martin, Ethan Courtemanche Serve Table - Evening service Tres Beasley, Joe George Ushers - Brian Cook, Gary Owen, Danny Morgan, Dwayne Dunkle, Joel Schwartz, Chesley Newton Prepare Communion- 12/3 & 12/10 Joyce Crigger, Linda Shaddy Nursery 12/3 & 12/10 Susan McKnight Baptismal Assistants - Brian Cook, Jane George Sound Control - Jim Cross (Sunday am) Benton Thompson (Sunday pm), Frank Musgrave (Wed pm) Camera Monitor week of 12/3 & 12/10 Frank Cook Library Volunteer week of 12/3 Linda Riley (am) Deena Alexander (pm), Sue Rolin( Wed) Food Pantry: Put Away Groceries in the Cart - Week of 12/3 - The Beasley family Food Distribution on Monday/ fix bags - Week of 12/3 - Donna King Elder on Call Tony Matthews Van Driver Race Wilson

Record - November 19, 2017 AM - 275 SS - 157,

PM - 87 Wed. - 132 Contribution - $5,390

Budget - $4,500

Record - November 26, 2017 AM - 254 SS - 142,

PM - 122 Wed. - 132 Contribution - $4,631

Budget - $4,500

50th Anniversary

1967 - 2017

The Adventures of

Little Willie

Little Willie’s mother wanted to teach him a lesson about giving after all this is the sea-son for giving. As they were making their way into the church building, Willie’s mom gave him a quarter and a dollar for church. “Put whichever one you want in the offering basket and keep the other for yourself”. When they were coming out of the church building after services, Willie’s mom asked him, “Which amount he had given. “Well,” said Willie, “I was going to give the dollar, but just before the offering basket I remembered hearing my favorite preacher, Brother Right say, “We should all be cheerful givers”. “I knew I’d be a lot more cheerful if I gave the quarter, so I did”.

Rick’s Joke of the


Westvue Nues and Vues / Rick Rolin, editor

A weekly publication of the church of Christ at Westvue

1710 Mooresville Hwy Lewisburg, TN 37091

The Joy of Christmas Spending

Sue and I spent Thanksgiving Day in Knoxville, Tennessee, with our son, Caleb. We enjoyed the day, especially waiting an hour and a half to be seated at Cracker Barrel. I am not being sarcastic because it was a beautiful day, and we were able to sit on the porch talking about various topics. We spent our time talk-ing about politics, Volunteer football, and church. Later, we went back to Caleb’s house and watched football while snacking on junk food and wondering why I sense the need to “get back on my diet."

The following morning (Black Friday) Sue and I made the mistake of thinking we could do a bit of Christmas shopping. We were in West Knoxville in an area called Turkey Creek. It has all the trendy stores, and signs of wealth are everywhere. According to what I saw on the television news, American shoppers spent a record $5 billion in 24 hours ( According to, “Black Friday sets online sales record; shoppers spent up to $1 million per mi-nute.”

I have said for years that the reason I try to avoid Black Friday shopping is that I fear for my health. For instance, while waiting for a parking spot in front of World Market, a fellow driving a big truck pulled up about the time a driver was backing out of a parking space that I had been waiting on for about two minutes. I was prepared to give up the parking spot to the big burly driver of the big Ford 250. I was not prepared to get punched in the mouth over a parking spot. (Oh, by the way, his truck was too big to fit into the parking spot, so it worked out okay).

Well, all joking aside, you must admit images of angry shoppers are dis-turbing. The “Christmas season” is loosely based on Luke 2 and Luke 2:14 “peace on earth and good will toward men.” It seems people are better at talking about Christmas and the Christmas spirit than they are at living it.

The apostle Paul wrote about the spirit of the world in I Corinthians 2:12. He gave a contrast between “the Holy Spirit who is from God” and the “the spirit of the world.” (Leon Morris, commenting on this verse in his Tyndale New Testa-ment Commentaries, 1955, said, “the spirit of this world is the temper of this

Continued inside . . .

Mark Your Calendars

ALL ages are invited to go CAROLING, Tuesday, De-cember 19 from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Children 3rd grade and un-der MUST be accompanied by a parent. Parents are wel-come and encouraged to attend. Supper is provided at 7:30 at the building. Sign up so we can plan food.

Tuesday Ladies Bible Class

Schedule for December

They will have class on December 5 at the

building. On December 12, they invite you to go with them or you can meet them at Cracker Barrel

on Hwy. 99 around 10:50.

The class will resume on January 9, 2018.

YOUTH NEWS REMEMBER ME IN PRAYER (CARE Line - 359-9589 after 3:00 p.m.)

Pat Cook is home after a stay in the hospital. Valton Martin is in NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil) as he recovers from surgery. Della Rudd is home after a stay in the hospital. She is recovering from a fall. Artie Allen (father of Trina Blalock) is home after a stay in the VA Hospital. Curly Bradford (relative and friend of several in the congregation) is in NHC-Oakwood, room 11. He is recovering from leg amputation surgery. Keith Dixon (co-worker of Brenda Norris) is taking treatments for lung cancer. Mike Keller (who has visited with us) is in ICU at Centennial Medical Center. Sharon King (mother of Robert King, who is the son-in-law of Terry & Teresa Howse) is currently taking radiation treatments for breast cancer. Her address is 6498 Grand Cypress Blvd., North Point, FL 34287. Shelia Richardson (co-worker and friend of Amy Blalock) has been diagnosed with cancer and she is currently taking treatments. Michael Wheeler (brother of Mitchell Wheeler) has finished his radia-tion treatments and will undergo surgery soon. His address is 301 Woods Ave. N., Lewisburg. Phil Willis (friend of many in the congregation) will be moved to NHC-Oakwood Thursday or Friday of this week. Elizabeth Wood (mother of Ann Hastings) is in NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil). She is recovering from a stroke.


Additional Prayer List NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil): Donna Albrecht, Ann Cochran, Mary Alice Fielder, Valton Martin, Malvena Sweeney, Clarice Wales, Ruth Hargrove, Barbara Elise Mur-phy, Margaret Tyree, Lela Victory, Elizabeth Wood NHC-Oakwood: Curly Bradford Village Manor: Nancy Derryberry, Penny Gipson Members and Family & Friends: Donna Albrecht, Donna Campbell, Billy & Barbara Chunn, Ann Cochran, Virginia Corbin, Dan Courtemanche, Carolyn Curtis, Patricia Hillard, Jerry & Connie Hodge, Sue James, Catherine Kennedy, Valton & Angie Martin, Dot Parsons, Sam Roberts, Della Rudd, Dorlene Sargent, Linda Shaddy, Mal-vena Sweeney, Doris Webb, Pam Williams, Bobby Winsett, Ruth Hargrove, Maggie Hollandsworth, Jane Keith, Phillip & Michelle King, Polly Middleton, Donna Pinkston, Harvey Victory, Lela Victory,

12/1 Grief Support Meeting and Potluck 12/3 Elders/Deacons Meeting 3:00 p.m. 12/5 Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:00 a.m. 12/8 David Cook’s Class Christmas Fellowship Meal 12/9 Care Bag delivery 12/10 NHC-Lewisburg (Merihil) service 10:30 a.m. 12/12 Tuesday Ladies Bible Class lunch at Cracker Barrell 12/17 Haiti School Funds Due 12/17 Westvue Youth Group Christmas Party 12/19 Abbreviated Day for Marshall Co. Schools 12/19 Caroling 12/20 Tour of Christmas Lights 7:30

BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARIES continued from inside . . .

world.”) Humankind, because of worldly think-ing, has the tendency to take something that was meant to be good and mess it up.

I am willing to say, at risk of being accused of being judgmental, that there will be some church mem-bers to behave badly this Christmas season. How many will be offended because their loved ones did not spend enough time at their house? How many who are prepar-ing the Christmas dinner will find themselves behaving like Martha? Read Luke 10:38-42.

Before anyone draws the conclusion that I am another Ebenezer Scrooge, let me set the record straight. I enjoy giving gifts and I do not wait until Christmas to do so. I enjoy receiving gifts. (Yes, I have some ideas for all of you who are wondering what to give me this Christmas. Golf balls are a sure winner, especially the way I play golf.)

I am saying this: The Lord is more concerned with how we live our day-to-day lives and not some sen-timental feeling we may experience on or around Decem-ber 25. The only day that He has set aside is Sunday, the Lord’s Day. It is the day that we are to gather for Lord’s Day worship, yet the Lord’s Day is often pushed back to the back burner. Why? Because we are being consumed by the Christmas Spirit.

You can read into this article what you will. I assure you that I am not anti-Christmas. However, I am suggesting the “god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:3-4) is capable of using what should be a good thing to ac-complish his purpose.


Food Pantry: The food pantry is in need of the fol-lowing items to have in stock to give to those in need. Crackers, peanut butter, Stove Top Stuffing, Canned Hams, Chicken & Dumplings, Beef Stew, canned car-rots, corn, black eye peas, pinto beans, potatoes, cereal, canned soups.

12-05 Gale Francis 12-07 Jeff Sharpe 12-08 Roy Huey 12-10 Mary Scoggins 12-11 Novalee Carnes, Emily Fullerton, Donna King

Care Bags Our youth and adults will be delivering

Care Bags to our sick, shut-ins, and widows on

December 9. If you would like someone to receive a Care Bag,

please call the church office or notify Mike Whitehead. Monetary donations are requested in order to make all the bags the same. Your dona-

tions may be given to Mike, one of the

elders, or the church office.

No birthdays this week.

Upcoming Events 12/3 KFC

12/9 Care Bags 12/17 WYG Christmas Party

12/19 Caroling

12/20 Tour of Lights

Kids for Christ Dec. 3rd @ 4:30 for grades 6th and un-

der in the front of the auditorium.

Care Bags Sat., Dec. 9th @ 9:00 a.m. There will

also be a Set Up day Thurs., Dec. 7th @ 6:00 p.m. Please sign up @ the Youth

Board if plan to help assemble, set up on Thurs., drive, and/or bake cookies.

WYG Christmas Party Sun., Dec. 17th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

for grades 5-12th @ Mike & Susan’s house. Bring a $5 gift to exchange and make sure to wear an ugly Christmas

sweater to win the contest! Sign up @ the Youth Board for food.

Caroling Tues., Dec. 19th from 5:30-8:30 p.m. for

all ages. Children 3rd grade and under must have a parent present. Supper is

provided @ 7:30 p.m. @ the building. Sign up @ the Youth Board.

Tour of Lights Wed., Dec. 20th from 7:30– 9:00 p.m.

Sign up @ the Youth Board if you plan to attend.

Congratulations to Norma Rutherford on the bir th of her great granddaughter Fenix Rayne. Fenix was born November 22 to Candice Spivey & Dane Whit-worth. Julie Bills is the proud grandmother. Sympathy—We extend our sympathy to the family of Ruby Sparks (grandmother of Tyler Sparks, husband of Samantha Sparks). Her services were conducted in Kentucky. Thank You—You have received thank you cards from Dwayne & Brenda Hart & family, and Rick & Sue Rolin. These cards are posted on the bulletin board. Please take a moment to read these cards. Silver-Celebration Committee—You have received thank you cards from Marion & Barbara Whitsett and Tony & Melissa Williams. These cards are posted on the bulletin board, please take a moment to read these cards.

Grief Support Meeting & Potluck will meet this Fr i-day evening at 6:00 p.m. in the Service Complex. Bill Tankersley will be this month’s guest speaker. Everyone is invited to attend especially those who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Restored - Eric Hillard responded to the invitation Sun-day morning requesting encouragement, support and prayers for his daily struggles in his Christian life. His address is 480 Liberty Ave. Lewisburg.

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