north island gazette, april 04, 2013

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April 04, 2013 edition of the North Island Gazette





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NEWS: SubScriptioNS: 250-949-6225 SalES:

47th Year No. 14 Newsstand $1.29 + GSTwww.northislandgazette.comthurS., april 4, 2013 Editorial Page 6 lEttErS Page 7 North iSlaNd lifE Page 11 SportS Page 13 claSSifiEdS Pages 17-19

• ‘Tis The seasonConservation Officer

Service warns residents to be bear aware.

Page 12

• The lasT walTzFigure skating club

wraps season with dance pairs exams.

Page 14

• in midweekEggstravaganza suc-

cess has Port McNeill society aiming for more community events.

Midweek, inside

fire scorches restaurantJ.R. RardonGazette editorPORT McNEILL—A

local business landmark was badly damaged in an early morning blaze Saturday that may have had suspicious origins.

Sportsman’s Restaurant and several offices attached to the building at the water-front on Beach Drive were left with fire, water and/or smoke damage after flames leaped from a near-by storage building to race

up a section of wall near the rear of the two-storey building. Along the way, the fire melted vinyl sid-ing and scorched wood beneath before it reached the roof and spread.

“The roof of the origi-

nal building is completely destroyed,” Port McNeill Volunteer Fire Department chief Chris Walker said. “We managed to contain the fire to the roof, but it still makes for a lot of water damage. The build-

ing itself had a fire-sup-pression (sprinkler) sys-tem, and that’s where a lot of the water came from.”

RCMP stepped in to See page 5

‘Cause unknown’



Dyllan Dixon of Port McNeill gets a jump on the competition at the start of the annual Lioness Easter egg hunt at Cheslakees School in Port McNeill Sunday. See more Easter images from the region in North Island Life, page 11. J.R. Rardon

RDMW chair Huddlestan diesJ.R. RardonGazette editorPORT HARDY—The

North Island lost a vigorous champion last week when Al Huddlestan, chairman of the Regional District Board of Directors and former Port

Hardy mayor, died Mar. 26 following a extended battle with pancreatic cancer.

“I have no hesitation in saying (Huddlestan) was probably the best chair the regional district ever had,” Port McNeill Mayor Gerry

Furney said. “And I say that having served as chair myself.”

Huddlestan, 62, contin-ued working on behalf of the North Island right up until he entered a palliative care facility in Nanaimo.

On March 5, he appeared at the legislature in Victoria with other regional district chairs to lobby Minister

Al Huddlestan

See page 5‘‘Huddlestan remembered’ Thursday, April 4, 20132

J.R. RardonGazette editorPORT McNEILL—

Residents of Alert Bay

will be able to drive

their automobiles on

Cormorant Island or

on Vancouver Island

throughout the month

of April.

But it’s an either-or


As part of a series

of major terminal

upgrades throughout

its coastal ferry sys-

tem, BC Ferries will

close the Alert Bay

ferry dock April 8, the

Regional District of

Mount Waddington’s

transportation adviso-

ry committee was told

last week by Marnie

Crowe, co-chair of the

local Tri-Island Ferry


Cormorant Island

will then be served by

a combination of water

taxi and barge until the

dock is reopened April


“The big debate is

where people are going

to leave their cars,”

said Jo Mrozewski, the

commission’s other

co-chair and a resident

of Cormorant Island.

“We’ve been telling

people that Sunday,

April 7, at 8:20 p.m.,

is the last time we’re

going to see the (ferry)

Quadra Queen II until

April 28. If you want

to take your car over

to Port McNeill, that’s

the last chance.”

Two parking areas

in Port McNeill —

one on Beach Drive

across the street from

the harbour lot, below

Rona/Shoprite, and

one between Port

McNeill Post Office

and the CIBC branch

on McNeill Avenue

— have been set aside

for Alert Bay motor-

ists who choose to

leave their vehicles

on the big island, and

for those traveling by

water taxi from Port

McNeill to Alert Bay.

Parking is free for

those who qualify, but

passes must be picked

up at the BC Ferries

ticket booth at the Port

McNeill ferry dock.

The ferry dock

upgrades in Alert Bay

are the first in a series

scheduled at each of

the Tri-Island fer-

ries ports, with Port

McNeill scheduled for

construction in 2014

and Sointula in 2015.

“For three straight

Aprils we’re going to

see these dock closures

on the North Island,”

said Mrozewski. “The

construction actu-

ally lasts for months,

but BC Ferries needs

the docks completely

shut down for three


Sailings of the ferry

Quadra Queen II

between Port McNeill

and Sointula will

continue as normally

scheduled during the

Alert Bay dock clo-


Construction on the

Alert Bay ferry dock

began in January and

is scheduled for com-

pletion in June.

Foot passengers trav-

eling between Alert

Bay and Port McNeill

during the closure will

be served by the M/V

Lukwa, a 45-passenger

vessel, with support as

needed by the 25-pas-

senger Tenacious III.

Sailings will be at the

regular BC Ferries

scheduled sailing

times between the

communities, though

in cases of overload

delays may be encoun-

tered for passengers

awaiting a return sail-

ing by the Lukwa or

supplementary sailing

by Tenacious III.

Shipping of large

and volume goods by

truck, including sup-

pliers like ShopRite

and Island Foods, will

be done by barge, but

the barge will not be

available for personal

passenger vehicles,

Mrozewski said.

“As you can imag-

ine, there have been

a lot of rumours and

misinformation,” she

said. “BC Ferries has

been doing their best

to answer everyone’s

questions. (The Tri-

Island commission)

had our first meet-

ing on this issue in

October, and another

meeting in January.

“I think we’re as pre-

pared as we can get.”

Bus anniversaryA big bash, includ-

ing a visit by the head

of BC Transit, is on

tap this summer as

Mount Waddington

Transit celebrates the

five-year anniversary

of the start of its local

bus service.

North Island

Community Services

Society, which admin-

isters the local transit

service, has sched-

uled the anniversary

party for July 2 at Port

McNeill’s Gate House

Community Theatre.

“I think it’s going to

be a great day,” said

Mary Mavis of NICSS.

“I’m looking forward

to it. And I know the

youth are.”

A short film will be

made of the event for

BC Transit TV, and its

marketing department

has contributed funds

to offset the cost of

printing posters and

bus placards promot-

ing the anniversary cel-

ebration, Mavis said.

“We have a $5,000

marketing budget that

we can only access

through BC Transit,”

Patterson said. “We’ve

never maxed it out


Alert bay braces for ferry dock closure

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SUBSCRIPTIONS: 250-949-6225


9. 0909



Living Oceans gives

presentation to Young

Naturalists Club. Page 19

Telefest draws tele-

mark ski enthusiasts to

Mount Cain.


Page 13

migrants get


ough new

roroecond lan-


m.m. k, inside



— Page 11—

Vickie Clair grins in the balloon pit at the Gwa’sala-’Nakwaxda’xw School fun fair last week.

A O’Toole


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Boundary ExtensionSointula Waterworks Improvement DistrictNotice is hereby given that Ministerial Order # M 228 was approved

and ordered on October 11, 2012 authorizing an amendment to

Letters Patent for the Sointula Waterworks Improvement District,

effective from that date.

The authorizing legislative provision is chapter 323, section 734 of the

Local Government Act. The purpose of the amendment is to extend

the boundary for the Sointula Waterworks Improvement District to

include the parcel of land described as lease #103949, District lot

2303, Rupert Land District, Malcolm Island.

A copy of the amendment to the Letters Patent and a map showing the

boundary of the Sointula Waterworks Improvement District may be

viewed or obtained from the administrator at the Sointula Waterworks

Improvement District office, 270-1st Street, The Old Medical Clinic,

Sointula, BC.

This notice is published in accordance with section 15(1)(b) of the

Local Government Act.

“As you can imagine, there have been a lot of rumours and misinformation...

I think we’re as prepared as we can get.”

Jo Mrozewski

The wrong title was given to the Hon. Joe Oliver, Canada’s Minister

of Natural Resources, in last week’s Gazette editorial (This is spill

response? March 28). The Hon. Denis Lebel is the federal Transport


The Gazette regrets this error.


Thursday, April 4, 2013 3

Gazette staffDr. Andre Jacob de

Wit, the former Port

Hardy physician,

has been reprimand-

ed by the College

of Physicians and

Surgeons of British

Columbia after he

admitted to engaging

in unprofessional con-

duct during his time in

the town.

The doctor will face

a litany of disciplin-

ary actions after he

admitted entering into

a personal and sexual

relationship with a

patient with whom

he had a professional

patient-physician rela-


Dr. de Wit informed

the College of these

events and acknowl-

edged that the conduct

should be penalized.

The patient involved

did not wish to pro-

ceed with a formal

complaint or to partic-

ipate in a disciplinary

hearing or any other

College process.

Following the issu-

ance of a disciplinary

citation, Dr. de Wit

consented to the fol-

lowing disposition by

the College:

• A transfer from the

Full – General/Family

class of registration

to the Conditional –

Disciplined class of


• a six-month sus-

pension from prac-

tice effective March

1, 2013 (with three

months stayed if terms

and conditions are


• a formal repri-


• completion of a

mul t i -d i sc ip l inary

assessment program;

• participation in a

course of assessment

and counselling with a

psychiatrist(s) and/or

psychologist(s) cho-

sen and approved by

the College, with writ-

ten reports;

• attendance at

an interview at the

College for the pur-

pose of discussing

his conduct and his

current understand-

ing of and insight

into ethical and pro-

fessional issues, the


selling conducted, and

to allow the College

to further assess and

determine the limits

and conditions of his


• use of a chaperone

throughout all exami-

nations of a sensi-

tive nature involving

female patients;

• establishment of a

mentorship with a phy-

sician approved by the

College, with provi-

sion of reports accept-

able to the College;

• participation in

continuing medical

education in ethics and

professionalism; and

• compliance with

any monitoring of his

practice established

and acceptable to the


The College of

Physicians and

Surgeons of British

Columbia is the licens-

ing and regulatory

body for all physicians

and surgeons in the

province. Governed

by provincial legisla-

tion, the College’s role

is to protect the public

by establishing, moni-

toring and enforc-

ing high standards of

qualification and ethi-

cal practice across the


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Deadline: April 12 Publishes: April 25


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Former Hardy doc disciplined for ethics breach

Woodlot Licence Plan # 2 for W1909Notice is hereby given that Leigh and Dennis Swanson (the Licensee) are making available for public review

and invite written comment on the proposed Woodlot Licence Plan (WLP) and Management Plan (MP) for

W1909 for 2013 to 2023, located on Malcolm Island

The WLP provides strategies that the Licensee will follow for objectives that are set for various forest and

resource values. This WLP for W1909 is a new operational plan in accordance with the Forest and Range

Practices Act (FRPA) that will replace the former Woodlot Licence Plan for W1909 and W1963. The WLP

is available for review by the public, First Nations and other stakeholders before the Delegated Decision

Maker from the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) considers approval.

The WLP, when approved, will form the basis for future development of cutblocks and roads, leading to the

issuance of cutting permits and road permits, which provide authority to harvest. Stakeholders are invited to

provide information about specific resource features so that this information can be incorporated into planning

of primary forest activities. The WLP may be amended as a result of written comments received during

the public review and comment period which runs from April 8th, 2013, to May 8th, 2013, in accordance

with section 17 of the Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation. The WLP will be available for

review at the MFLNRO office at Mine Road, Port McNeill, BC, V0N 2R0,during regular business hours,

& in Sointula at the Sointula Resource Centre on April 13th, 2013, from 12pm to 4pm. If interested parties

are unable to review the proposed WLP during these times, arrangements can be made to review the plan

during alternate hours. This advertisement serves as notice to all trappers and guide outfitters regarding forest

operations in the WLP area. Comments must be in writing and received no later than May 8th, 2013, at the

following address: Leigh & Dennis Swanson, PO Box 350, Sointula, BC, V0N 3E0, 250 973 6948.

Starting on Feb 11, Totran Transportation will be moving

wind mills components for the Cape Scott Wind Farm

from Duke Point, BC to Port Hardy, BC.

With 6 haul units per night Monday To Friday, starting at

Duke Point at 8.30 pm and proceeding north on Hwy 19,

will be going though Campbell River app. 6.00 am then

north on Hwy 19 to Goodspeed Road at Port Hardy.

Each load will have 3 pilot cars and will be on vhf Radio


Like to take this time and thank everyone for their


Wind Farm hauling

Gazette staffPORT McNEILL—

The local RCMP

detachment is seek-

ing the public’s help

in identifying the

suspect or suspects

involved in a pair of

home break-ins and

thefts that occurred

early last week.

The break-ins were

discovered Tuesday,

March 26, but may

have occurred a day

or two earlier, Port

McNeill RCMP ser-

geant Craig Blanchard


A variety of jew-

elry, gold and other

valuable small items

was taken from the

homes, which were

unoccupied at the


“It was unusual for

here,” said Blanchard.

“They were two

empty houses whose

owners were away on


Blanchard asked

that anyone with

information on

the crimes contact

Crimestoppers at

1 - 8 0 0 - 2 2 2 - T I P S

(8477) or the Port

McNeill RCMP

detachment at 250-


“If anyone sees

somebody with jew-

elry they shouldn’t

have, we’d like to

hear from them.”




Padding the coffers

Wakas Hall recently played host to a fund-raiser to send G w a ’ s a l a -’Nakwaxda’xw floor hockey teams to the upcoming tour-nament in Port Alberni.

A O’Toole Thursday, April 4, 20134

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Problem dog owners to be put on short leash Aidan O’TooleGazette staffPORT ALICE—

Council took steps last week to put problem pet owners on a short leash after a series of com-plaints.

A d m i n i s t r a t o r Madeline McDonald told councillors the Village had received four complaints relating to at least three individ-ual dogs running loose, the issue coming to a head with the injury of a family pet.

Currently, the Village’s bylaws lack the teeth to adequately deal with the problem. Public works employ-ees pick up the ani-mals and return them to their homes, and the

Village Office notifies the owner. But with some owners apparent-ly unable or unwilling to rein in their dogs, complaints are on the rise.

“This is an emerg-ing problem,” said McDonald. “We’re seeing the number of complaints increasing and we have no good mechanism to deal with repeat offender dogs.”

The existing dog con-trol bylaw has a pro-vision to designate a “pound keeper” but, without a pound in which to place the ani-mals, there are minimal consequences for dog owners who allow their animals to roam free.

McDonald suggested

three amendments to policy to counter the problem.

The first recommen-dation was for staff to prepare a new dog con-trol bylaw to be brought forward for council’s consideration. “Our animal control bylaw is quite antiquated and needs updated,” explained McDonald.

Secondly, she suggest-ed staff bring forward a municipal ticketing bylaw to allow peace officers to issue fines to repeat offenders. It is hoped the introduction of fines would serve

as a deterrent to repeat offenders.

The third recommen-dation was to pursue a service agreement with the District of Port Hardy, allowing the use of Port Hardy’s pound facilities to house dogs impounded in Port Alice. “We have approached Port Hardy to see if an agree-ment could be found,” said McDonald. “Port Hardy’s admin staff were willing to explore the options.”

“We can deal with this effectively through these three recommen-dations,” said Mayor Jan Allen. “The lack of a bylaw exacerbates the problem. We need con-crete action to act as a


Rumble Beach McDonald brought

councillors up to date on the ongoing Rumble Beach Marina project.

Council heard the breakwater portion of the project was nearing completion, with blast-ing finished and Western Forest Products helping to source rock. The silt fence erected to contain runoff will remain in place until the breakwa-ter is fully complete.

Requests for propos-als to supply concrete floats and to install pil-

ings, piers and floats are set to close this month through BC Bid.

“Everything is on time and moving ahead on schedule,” said McDonald.

If funds remain after completion of the out-standing elements, the Village will turn its attention to other poten-tial upgrades including improved lighting and parking facilities.

New appointmentsCouncil heard of a

pair of new appoint-ments in the Village.

Elizabeth Brackett has taken the posi-tion as the Community

Centre Coordinator in Port Alice. She will be responsible for running the Community Centre and its programming along with the Sea View Activity Centre.

Brackett began in the position last week, shad-owing other Community Centre employees by way of orientation.

The allocation of the gardening con-tract required council’s approval, and a motion was approved to award the contract to Beth Thompson following the earlier in camera discussion.

The contract is effec-tive Apr. 1- Oct. 31.

District of Port Hardy

Pursuant to Section 166 of the Community Charter, there will be an open meeting to present the proposed 2013-2017 Financial Plan.

Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2013Time: 6:30-7:00pmPlace: Municipal Hall Council Chambers

7360 Columbia Street, Port Hardy, BC

We invite you to view the draft bylaw online

All enquiries may be directed to:Allison McCarrick

Director of Financial


2013 - 2017 Financial Plan

Council Meeting

Port Alice


Thursday, April 4, 2013 5

The grade 7 students of Eagle View will be cleaning up our

community in conjunction with Earth Day and to raise funds for

their trip to Camp Homewood. The students will be canvassing

the neighbourhood starting the first week of April seeking pledged

donations. We will also be hosting a hotdog sale just in front of


With the blessing of the Thunderbird Mall Administration and

donation of garbage bins from Fox`s Disposal, we will also be

setting up a scrap metal bin in the mall parking lot.

Come on out and support our students.

Eagle View School Grade 7

Camp Homewood FundraiserGARBAGE DAY CLEAN UP

April 20 - 10am-4pm


Claire Trevena, MLA(North Island)

Room 7 Robert Scott School

PO Box 2479 Port Hardy

Phone 250-949-9473

or 866-387-5100

Fax: 250-949-9403

Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday

11 am to 3 pm

from page 1investigate the origin of

the fire, which start-

ed in a building with

no electrical power or

other obvious causes

for ignition.

“The investigation is

ongoing,” Port McNeill

RCMP sergeant Craig

Blanchard said Tuesday.

“We have nothing to go

on so far, no cause of

origin or suspects.

“We have security at

the scene and we have

an investigator coming

to look at it later this


The fire was called in

at 3:40 a.m. Saturday,

and trucks from Port

Hardy Fire Rescue and

from Hyde Creek Fire

Department arrived to

assist through a mutual

aid agreement between

the departments.

“We had great coop-

eration between all

three departments,”

said Walker. “It was

all very professional. I

would work with either

department again.”

Walker toured the

site Monday along with

an insurance adjustor,

and a security guard

watched the premises

around the clock.

The main dining area

of the Sportsman’s, a

single-storey addition

on the waterfront side

of the main building,

was untouched by the

flames. But it was

inundated by water,

and atop the original,

two-storey building

blackened sections of

trusses, some draped

with melted shingles,

pointed toward the


The RCMP asks any-

one who might have

seen unusual activity

in the area late Friday

or early Saturday, or

who has any informa-

tion, to contact the

Port McNeill detach-

ment at 250-956-4441

or Crimestoppers

at 1-800-222-TIPS


Cause unknown in blaze

from page 1of Transportation and

Infrastructure Mary

Polak on coastal ferry


“Al was a tire-

less advocate, and he

worked right up to

the last minute,” said

Greg Fletcher, RDMW

administrator. “He

basically went right to

the hospital from that


Huddlestan’s passing

leaves a void on both

RDMW board of direc-

tors and on Port Hardy

Council, from which he

served as regional dis-

trict representative and

chair since his election

in 2008.

Port Hardy Mayor

Bev Parnham said

Huddlestan’s replace-

ment to the RDMW

board would likely be

appointed during coun-

cil’s next meeting on

April 9. At that time,

she said, Port Hardy

would likely establish

a date for a by-election

to fill his spot for the

remaining 18 months

of a three-year term.

“We’re really going

to miss him,” said

Parnham. “He was a

very good friend for

over 30 years, and

always gave a lot to

the North Island over

the number of years he

served as either mayor

or councillor and on

the RD.”

Dave Rushton, Area

D director and vice-

chair of the RDMW

board, will serve as

chair until Port Hardy

appoints Huddlestan’s

replacement, said

Fletcher. The board

will then vote to select

a chair and vice-chair,

perhaps as soon as its

next regular meeting

April 16.

Huddlestan, born in

Victoria in 1950, moved

to Port Hardy in 1978

and remained, splitting

his time between pub-

lic service and private


He first served as

Port Hardy Councillor

for one term in the

mid-1980s, then served

two terms as mayor

from 1986-1993. After

returning to council in

2008, he was appoint-

ed again the RDMW

board and held the

office of chair until his


He was diagnosed

with cancer in late 2011

and began undergoing

treatment down-Island,

while continuing to

attend council and RD

board meetings when

he was back home.

“I was amazed at his

ability to fight through

this whole thing and

carry on at the level

he did,” said Rushton.

“He really amazed

me; it’s a testament to

his tenacity. And he’ll

be missed; there’s no

doubt about it.”

Huddlestan served

during some trying

times on the North

Island, including as

Port Hardy mayor at

the time the Utah cop-

per mine began phas-

ing out its operations.

“Al did a lot of good

negotiating with the

mine to make sure the

town would be OK in

the transition,” said

Parnham. “He was

incredibly diplomatic.

He could look at things

from different perspec-

tives, and always had a

way of getting things

to happen.”

In recent years,

Huddlestan was instru-

mental as board chair

in overseeing establish-

ment of a regional heri-

tage bylaw and secur-

ing steam locomotive

113, and the Hornsby

steam crawler tractor

from a private collec-

tor who had taken it

from Vancouver Island

in 2005.

Huddlestan also

served as president of

the North Island Trail

Association when it

completed the North

Coast Trail in 2008.

“Al was a guy who

was absolutely full of

life,” said Parnham.

“He cared about his

community, about Port

Hardy and about the

North Island.”

Huddlestan remembered as advocate Thursday, April 4, 2013

VICTORIA – The Pacific

Carbon Trust orchestrated a

months-long campaign of

calls and letters to discredit

a report from B.C.’s Auditor

General on its first two

big carbon offset projects,

before it could be released.

Just as the audit report

was about to be made

public, the trust, a Crown

corporation created at tax-

payer expense, participated

in the leaking of selected

critical letters to media out-


Then the Speaker of

the B.C. legislature, Bill

Barisoff, made a final,

clumsy effort to delay the

release of the report.

As soon as it was

out, Environment Minister

Terry Lake tried to discred-

it it, by blustering about

all the highly paid experts

who swore up and down

that a forest reserve near

Kootenay Lake, and a gas

flaring reduction project

near Fort Nelson, were

bona fide carbon offsets

worth $6 million of taxpay-

ers’ money.

The Pacific Carbon Trust

was set up in 2008 as part

of former premier Gordon

Campbell’s climate change

program. To make the B.C.

government’s operations

“carbon neutral,” the gov-

ernment and all of its agen-

cies were required to pay

the trust $25 per tonne for

their carbon dioxide emis-

sions from fuel use.

The 55,000-hectare for-

est reserve is known as

Darkwoods. The audit

shows that the Nature

Conservancy of Canada

decided in 2006 to buy it,

using $25 million of federal

taxpayers’ money.

From 2008 to 2010, the

trust bought 450,000 tonnes

of carbon offset, based on

independent evaluations that

all rested on the assumption

that Darkwoods would be

clear-cut logged.

Since the forest was

already owned by Canada’s

leading conservancy, this

assumption makes no

sense. Was the conservancy

going to log it, or flip it to

someone who would, after

accepting $25 million in

tax money to acquire it?

Legally, it could not.

The audit found a simi-

lar case against EnCana’s

flare reduction program,

which the company used on

many wells before the trust

started offering money.

EnCana was saving money

as well as reducing emis-

sions without collecting

offsets. Therefore, the audit

concluded, neither of these

projects was a credible

offset because the emis-

sions savings would have

occurred anyway.

Here’s the next Pacific

Carbon Trust project that

should be audited. In a

complicated transaction,

the trust bought offsets

from something called the

Great Bear Carbon Credit

Limited Partnership. Yes,

this is the world-famous

forest on B.C.’s North

Coast that was subject to

a preservation deal ham-

mered out between the

Coastal First Nations, the

B.C. government and three

U.S.-backed environmental


That was in 2006. The

offset purchases were in

2009 and 2010, years after

detailed preservation areas

were mapped and codified

in law.

Again, the trust paid for

forest that was already pre-


Tom Fletcher is legisla-tive reporter and columnist for Black Press.



Canada’s media has focused much of its attention in the past week on the passing of former Alberta premier Ralph Klein, who died Friday at the age of 70.

Klein departs with his legacy secure as a larger-than-life public figure, the “King of Alberta,” whose reach extended well beyond the province.

Port Hardy’s Al Huddlestan never achieved that reach — though he did run for the federal Liberal Party’s nomination in the early 1990s — but his death just days before Klein’s is a greater blow for North Islanders.

Huddlestan, 62, was still in the prime of his career, still building a legacy for himself and the North Island when his life was cut short.

He was ideally suited for his position as chair of the Regional District of Mount Waddington Board of Directors. A physically imposing figure, he relished the rough-and-tumble of public life. But a withering glare was merely a shield used peri-odically in the political arena; he preferred to wield charm and diplomacy as his weapons.

Possessed of a stiletto-sharp and droll wit, Huddlestan more than once defused escalating conflict around the RDMW board table with a well-placed barb or anecdote that stopped the bickering in its tracks.

Cancer ravaged Huddlestan’s body, but it couldn’t break the essential Al inside. We thank him for his service, and offer our condolences to his loved ones and friends.

Kingcome Inlet soccer

team wins Victoria

tournament while

honouring a fallen fan

and family member

last weekend.

Port McNeill RCMP

have their hands full

trying to solve a pair

of home break-ins and

a business structure

fi re of unknown origin.

Comments? Box 458, Port Hardy, B.C. V0N 2P0 250-949-6225 Fax 250-949-7655 or email us at

A member ofThe North Island Gazette is published Thursdays at Port Hardy, B.C. by Black Press Ltd.Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #391275. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

One year home delivered North Island subscription = $48.05 (includes GST)

For other subscription rates call the Circulation Dept at 250-949-6225Follow us on Facebook: North Island Gazette

Question: Should Port McNeill install a 4-way stop

at Campbell Way and Mine Road?

Total votes received for this question: 23Voting deadline is Monday at 3 p.m.



B.C. Viewswith Tom Fletcher

Greenhouse gas leaks from trust

We Asked You

This North Island Gazette is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province's newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council.Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2.For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

Canadian Media

Circulation Audit

PUBLISHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandy GrenierEDITOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JR RardonREPORTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aidan O’TooleSALES REPRESENTATIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Harrison OFFICE MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sandy Grenier

PRODUCTION MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . Marlene ParkinCIRCULATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Julie Meredith

OFFICE 250-949-6225 CLASSIFIEDS 1-855-310-3535

Gone before his time

Thursday, April 4, 2013 7

Letters to the editor The goal is to publish every letter, so keep them brief, clear and to the point. Be hard on the problem, not the person; skip quotes except where readily confirmable; accept editing

for length and legality. Include full name and home community (plus phone number to confirm authorship). Mail, fax, email or drop off c/o the editor by 4:00 pm Friday.

The Kitimat Refinery

Project. I first heard of this

concept from David Black

a number of years ago.

At the time I was skepti-

cal of its chances. My ini-

tially negative attitude was

based mainly on my expe-

rience of 10 years service

on the board of directors of

Imperial Oil.

Since I was accustomed

to the discussion of petro-

leum economics centered

in Calgary, I saw no need

for a refinery in Kitimat.

That attitude was based

on the fact that there had

not been a new refinery

built in North America in

many years. And any need-

ed increase in petroleum

production was achieved

by expansion of existing

refineries throughout North


But after my service with

Imperial Oil, I went on to

serve 4 years at Canfor

which led to my nine visits

to China in search of lum-

ber markets.

My exposure to the phe-

nomenal expansion of

China’s economy opened

my eyes to the true merit

of the Kitimat refinery con-


It made me realize that

it would not be just anoth-

er refinery relying on the

North America market but

rather a refinery that would

supply the vast appetite of

China for petroleum prod-


The challenge will be to

draw the attention of Asian

investors who would see

the value to this investment.

It appears that David Black,

after many years of effort,

is nearing an agreement

that could provide the vast

capital infusion needed to

make this refinery initia-

tive a reality.

The appetite for oil prod-

ucts for all Asia will contin-

ue to grow and the Kitimat

refinery is ideally situated

to take advantage. Asian

countries, especially China,

are very interested in secur-

ing a sustainable supply

of resources that will flow

freely without undue trade

barriers like surprises with

taxes, regulations or tariffs.

Canada has a good repu-

tation as a free trade coun-

try that can be relied on

as a dependable source of


Now is a very oppor-

tune time to attract the vast

investment needed to make

the Kitimat refinery go


David Black, with his

years of diligence, deserves

our appreciation for dis-

playing the foresight and

courage to invest his time,

money and reputation to

help bring along this huge


The positive merits of

the Kitimat refinery are so

profound that this project

is really beyond any politi-

cal persuasion. Any and all

supporters of NDP, Liberal,

Conservative or even Green

should see the tremendous

benefits that would come to

B.C. with this project.

This initiative will involve

the investment of many bil-

lions of dollars. That’s for

sure. It’s hard for any of

us to visualize a million let

alone a billion of any thing.

So lets look at the “on the

ground” facts of such an

undertaking for all of us

in B.C.

Lets start with the big

picture. When it comes to

the benefits of a petroleum

cycle, from well explora-

tion to the gas station, the

jurisdiction that hosts the

refining process enjoys a

huge portion of the value

addition to the raw materi-

al. For the KRC Project that

would mean several thou-

sand mostly trade union

jobs for the multi-year term

of the construction phase.

It would also mean the

creation of over 3,000 per-

manent jobs for the opera-

tion and supply support of

the refinery when running.

This refinery would be

processing 175 million bar-

rels per year, which means

the tax revenue that could

go toward healthcare, edu-

cation, vital services for the

disabled and elderly would

be immense.

But job creation and tax

revenue is not the only

desirable feature of the


It also would provide

much lower risk to the

marine environment. The

shipments out of the refin-

ery would be finished prod-

uct like aviation fuel, gaso-

line and diesel. These prod-

ucts, if ever spilt, would be

much less impactful on the

marine environment. They

would also be transported

in smaller ships.

I know there are those on

both sides of the political

aisle that address this as a

political issue. And I would

disagree with both. This is a

project that can be attractive

to all political stripes. Trade

unions would see a sig-

nificant increase in jobs and

memberships. Hospitals and

schools across the province

would see an improvement

in government funding.

Business activity, especial-

ly in the challenged north-

west B.C., would be very

positively impacted. And

those with a concern for

the threat of marine spills

would see a significantly

reduced exposure for the


Based on the huge posi-

tive impact this initiative

could have on B.C., I think

the question should not be

if we want it, but rather,

how can we help make sure

that the petroleum world

sees this as an attractive

way to invest billions of

shareholder capital.

Jim ShepardRetired President of Finning and Canfor,

former Director of Imperial Oil

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Refinery project a boon for all of B.C.

Dear editor,

I have been des-

ignated under the

Assistance to Shelter

Act as the Community

Representative for the Mt.

Waddington Region (Port

Hardy, Port McNeill, Port

Alice, Alert Bay), British

Columbia. On November

1, 2012 I issued an Extreme

Weather Alert and request-


sent it to the detachment

responsible for policing

the of the Mt. Waddington


As of April 1, 2013 there

is no longer a need for the

EWA to remain in effect

and, as such, I am issu-

ing a cancellation of the

EWA. This cancellation of

an EWA is being issued

due to improved weather

conditions and forecast

as well as an end to the

Extreme Weather Shelter


We would like to thank

all of our community

partners and staff for pro-

viding a warm and safe

EWS. We could not have

done this without you.

Sean JunglasCommunity Ministries

Director,Lighthouse Resource


Shelter season

Shame on vandals

I think the people that have been helping themselves to the flowers along Rotary Trail on Campbell Way should have to give the Rotary a week’s worth of hard elbow grease on that trail.

Helen ScottPort McNeill


8 Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things to do on theThings to do on the


Bring Back Play Funmobile at Robinson Park in Port

McNeill after school. The Bring Back Play Funmobile

tour is back after a successful inaugural tour in the fall of

2012! Brought to you by ParticipACTION and Healthy

Families BC, the Funmobile tour brings a truck full of

fun games, activities and giveaways to parks, events and

schools in B.C. communities.

April 5-6-7Gate House Community Association presents The

Coffee Clutch, and original play by local author Terry

Ruth Eissfeldt, 7 p.m. each night at Gate House Theatre,

Port McNeill. Tickets $10; seniors and students $7. For

advance tickets and info, call 250-949-0160.

April 6Bring Back Play Funmobile at the Rec. Centre in Port

Hardy, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

April 9 Port Hardy Minor Hockey AGM and awards presenta-

tion, 5:30 p.m., Civic Centre.

April 9-14West Coast Amusements makes its annual carnival stop

on the North Island. Tues-Wed in Port McNeill at the

arena parking lot; Fri-Sun in Port Hardy at Thunderbird

Mall. Rides, games, prizes, food. Pre-sale wristbands in

Port Hardy only, $25 each cash only. Available at Port

Hardy Chamber, The Hobby Nook and Vaso's. Cut off

is April 11th.

April 13The Hardy Bay Seniors will host a spring bake sale at

the Seniors’ Centre, 9150 Granville Street, Port Hardy,

11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Preserves will also be available. Come

out and support the seniors.

April 13Port Hardy Chamber of Commerce Business Awards

Gala, 6:30 p.m., Civic Centre. Live auction, catered din-

ner, live music by Jam Shack Araknids. Tickets $35, on

sale at Port Hardy Chamber office. FMI, 250-949-7622.

April 13Reel North Island Film Festival presents The Sapphires,

doors 7:15 p.m., show 7:30 p.m., Port Hardy Secondary

School theatre. Tickets $6.99 in advance at Cafe Guido;

$10 day of show. Made possible by the sponsorship of

the Rotary Club of Port Hardy.

April 14Port McNeill Lioness host annual garage sale, 1-3 p.m.

at Lions Hall. $5 for table or space, prepaid. Free admis-

sion, door prize, lunch concession. To reserve table/

space or for info, call Helen at 250-956-3673.

April 16-18The B.C. Breast Screening Mammography Program

comes to the Port Hardy Hospital. To schedule an

appointment time call 1-800-663-9203.

April 20Port Hardy Museum’s Changing times in Holberg exhib-

it opening 1- 4p.m. Everyone welcome. Refreshments

will be served.

April 20Eagle View School grade 7 Camp Homewood fund-

raiser. The grade 7 students of Eagle View will be clean-

ing up the community in conjunction with Earth Day

to raise funds for their trip to Camp Homewood, Also

hosting a hotdog sale and scrap metal bin in front of




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CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENTSaturday, April 6Port Hardy Civic Centre

Doors open at 12pm - registration until 1pmPlay starts at 1pmCost: $10/person • $20/teamTeam format, singles welcome • Open to 19 years & older 10 games, cash prizes, high hand • Bar & concession

MEETINGS & ONGOING EVENTS• Port Hardy Museum open Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 am to

noon, 1:00 to 5:00 pm.

• Quatsino Museum & Archives is open Friday to Sunday

from 1:00pm-2:00pm. FMI

• The German Edelweiss Cultural Club meets Thurs. at

7pm in PH Inn Pub. FMI 250-230-1376.

• Lions Bingo every Thurs. @ Civic Centre. Doors open at


• Wild Heart Music Program for children and youth prac-

tices each Wednesday, 4-7 p.m., St. John Gualbert Church

in Port McNeill. Free; all kids welcome.

• Every other Tuesday: Footcare clinic at Hardy Bay

Seniors 9-5pm. FMI 1-888-334-8531.

• Third Sunday of every month: Hamburger and hotdog

sale from 11 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Hardy Bay Senior's

Centre, 9150 Granville St.

• The Port Hardy Seniors' Housing Board is looking for

volunteers to become a board member. We manage the

Rotary Seniors' Centre on Rupert St. Evening mtgs held

approx. once a month. FMI Jo-Anne Beek 250-949-6435

or Robert Fyles 250-949-2360.

• Toastmasters Club every Wednesday, 7-8 p.m. at North

Island College in Port Hardy: Toastmasters Club, info

Sandra Boyd 250-902-0523.

Herb Saunders Contracting901 Lanqvist Lane, Port McNeill250-956-4598 ask for Ev for details.

Herb Saunders Contractingwould like to let our customers know that we now have

GOOD SANDY TOP-SOILAlso along with our construction equipment we have:

Thursday, April 4, 2013 9

Gazette staffThe Da’naxda’xw

(Awaetlala) First Nation

of Knight Inlet is among

11 nations that will share

in $291,030 through the

First Nations Clean Energy

Business Fund (FNCEBF)

to pursue clean-power proj-


The Da’naxda’xw have

been approved for $40,000

to support a feasibility study

for an integrated wind/die-

sel/battery Hybrid Energy

System that would increase

efficiency, enhance reli-

ability, and significantly

reduce diesel consumption

and greenhouse gas emis-


The FNCEBF provides

money to build capacity

in First Nations communi-

ties and to invest in clean-

energy infrastructure. The

fund helps to generate jobs

for families and provides

opportunities that benefit

First Nations and non-First

Nations’ communities

alike. It also helps to fos-

ter economic independence

for First Nations.

“As part of the BC Jobs

Plan, we are firmly com-

mitted to supporting oppor-

tunities for First Nations to

benefit from and participate

in resource activities within

their traditional territory,”

said Ida Chong, Minister

of Aboriginal Relations

and Reconciliation. “First

Nations have taken a strong

role in B.C.’s clean-energy

sector, and this latest round

of funding will support new

opportunities in communi-

ties across the province.”

Since 2011, the pro-

vincial government has

invested more than $3.5

million to support clean-

energy opportunities in 72

Aboriginal communities

throughout B.C., including

wind energy, biomass and

run-of-river hydroelectric


Applications to the fund

are reviewed and decisions

made based on the strength

of each application and its

viability relative to other


Da’naxda’xw receive green power funding

WMap of:Greaves Island Foreshore andUpland(shown in bold black)Scale: 1:75,000Area: 7.5 Hectares











McBrideBa y

Gazette staffThe B.C. Ministry

of Forests, Lands and

Natural Resource

Operations and Black

Press have teamed to

produce the 2013-2015

Freshwater Fishing

Regulations Synopsis.

The Synopsis is

printed every two

years as a resource for

local and visiting fish-

ers to have on hand

as they enjoy B.C.’s

lakes and rivers. An

electronic version will

also be updated peri-

odically if regulations


In addition, the syn-

opsis will also be fea-

tured in a flip book

format on the web-

sites of all Black Press

newspapers in B.C.

Inside, in addition to

the most current fresh-

water fishing regula-

tions, readers will find

details about the pop-

ular Family Fishing

Weekend, an annual

event scheduled for

Father’s Day weekend.

Timed to coincide with

the licence-free week-

ends offered by both

the federal and pro-

vincial governments,

weekend events are

organized in nearly

50 communities with

help from the Family

Fishing Society of BC.

As well as encourag-

ing youngsters to try

their hand at fish-

ing, the events are an

excellent opportunity

to share the impor-

tance of fish and their

fragile habitat.

Other Synopsis

features include a

handy photo chart

from the province, the

Freshwater Fisheries

Society of B.C. and the

Habitat Conservation

Trust Foundation that

will help fishers more

easily identify the fish

on their lines.

And because many

of B.C.’s favourite

fishing holes are

found outside towns,

readers will also find

essential safety tips

for sharing the road

with logging trucks

and other resource

industry vehicles, how

to protect themselves

in bears country, and

how to stay safe while


And don’t miss the

Cover Photo Contest,

a chance to share

photographs of your

experiences at www.

e nv. g ov. b c . c a / f w /

photo.html – perhaps

your photo will grace

the cover of the next

Fishing Synopsis or the

Hunting & Trapping

Regulation Synopsis.

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Starting on Feb 25, Totran Transportation will be

moving wind mill components from

Port Hardy to Cape Scott.

Monday - Saturday starting at 6:00 am

Expect delays.

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Like to take this time and thank everyone for their patience.


Wind Farm hauling

New fishing regulations synopsis coming soon Thursday, April 4, 201310

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Thursday, April 4, 2013 11

North Island Life

Clockwise from left: Enola Tenney hugs a large stuffed lion offered as a prize after she found a specially marked egg during the Port McNeill Lioness Easter egg hunt at Cheslakees School; Kids at Tsulquate Park in Port Hardy race to collect chocolates at the Easter event hosted by the Lions Club; Brooklyn Cox shows off her find in the annual Easter egg hunt in Port McNeill; youngsters and parents queue for the start of the egg hunt at Tsulquate Park; Brydon Logan-Dorward leads grandfather Dale Dorward off the beaten track searching for Easter goodies at the Rotary-hosted event at the Quatse campground; Kira Lacasse sets a brisk pace in Port McNeill; Port McNeill Lioness Anne Dumonceaux offers a bag of chocolate eggs in exchange for the plastic egg held by Mason Cunningham of Edmonton at Cheslakees. Cunningham voiced his pref-erence for the plastic egg; Emersyn Stanley holds the prize stuffed bear she won during the Lioness Easter egg hunt in Port McNeill.

J.R. Rardon, A O’Toole, Sandy Grenier

Egg hunts no yolkGazette staffThe Easter bunny hit the North

Island in style last weekend, bring-

ing countless chocolate treats to

local youngsters on a memorably

sun-drenched weekend.

Several communities played

host to Easter egg hunts to mark

the occasion, sponsored by local

branches of the Lions, Lionesses

and Rotary.

We managed to capture a few

moments from the day between

basking in the unseasonable sun-

shine and tucking into our own

Easter goodies... Thursday, April 4, 201312

Local students to get hands-on with scienceGazette staffPORT ALICE—

Science class at school

is about to get an


Through the

Scientists and

Innovators in the

Schools program

administered by

Science World, stu-

dents have the oppor-

tunity to learn from

real-world scientists

and their first-hand

knowledge of science

and technology.

The program invites

scientists, engineers,

technologists and tech-

nicians to volunteer

their time and share

their expertise with

science classes around

the province on topics

such as health, bio-

technology, computing

and the environment.

Megan Hanacek,

who has a background

in forestry, will visit

Sea View Elementary

School on Apr. 11.

“Schools from all

over the province are

benefitting greatly

from our SIS pro-

gram,” said Friderike

Möller, Science World

Program Coordinator.

“We hear back from

teachers all the time

about how much more

engaged with sci-

ence their students are

when they actually get

to hear from some-

one who does scien-

tific work every day.

It inspires us to really

want this program to


Since its inception in

1989, over one million

students have benefited

from the SIS program.

Using hands-on activi-

ties and career-related

information, its volun-

teers are knowledge-

able role models who

work with teachers

to present a different

approach to the discov-

ery of science in the


“The SIS program is

definitely an unsung

hero when it comes

to science education

in BC,” said Bryan

Tisdall, President and

CEO of Science World.

“It encapsulates every-

thing Science World’s

mission is all about:

making science fun

and accessible and

working with members

of our community to

inspire the science and

technology leaders of


Science World

British Columbia is

a not-for-profit orga-

nization that engages

British Columbians in

science and inspires

future science and

technology leadership

in the province.

AROUND TOWNNorth Island Concert Society

proudly presents

OUR ANNUAL DINNER SHOWPort Hardy’s Social Event of the Year!

Catered by the Quarterdeck PubSaturday, April 20, 2013 at Port Hardy Civic Centre

Sales close April 13Sold at Café Guido, PH Museum, Hobby Nook, Port McNeill Flower Shoppe


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Gazette staffSpring weather has

come to the North

Island. The bears won’t

be far behind.

“We are approaching

that time of year again

where our coastal black

bears will be coming

out of hibernation,”

said Tanner Beck, the

region’s Conservation

Officer. “The

Conservation Officer

Service (COS) encour-

ages all B.C. residents

to think strongly about

bear attractant manage-


Attractants to hun-

gry bears emerging

from hibernation can

include garbage, fruit

trees, compost, barbe-

cues and bird feeders.

“B.C. is bear coun-

try; please think about

how you can prevent

conflicts and protect

your bears this upcom-

ing season. Together

we can prevent human/

wildlife conflict,” Beck


He urged residents to

report all bear conflicts

and urban sightings as

timely as possible to

the COS at 1-877-952-

RAPP (7277). This

will allow officers to

deal with the situation

as early as possible

with education, aware-

ness and enforcement

to prevent short- and

long-term conflict.

For more information

on making your prop-

erty bear attractant free

please visit www.bear-

Bear awareness urged

With the changing seasons, bears will soon be making a reappearance on the North Island. The Conservation Officer Service is urging residents to be bear aware, limiting attractants and reporting urban sightings.

J.R. Rardon

Thursday, April 4, 2013 13

SPORTS & RECREATIONSubmit results to 250-949-6225 Fax 250-949-7655 or email us at • Deadline 10 am Monday

on deckTell us about items of interest to the sports community.

April 6Soccer

North Island Youth Soccer Association hosts free referee clinic, Sunset Elementary School, Port McNeill. Mini level (ages 12+) 9 a.m.-noon; Divisional level 1-4 p.m. Classroom and on-f ield sessions; please bring cleats. Info, Scott Harris at 250-949-7959.

April 9Minor hockey

Port Hardy Minor Hockey AGM and catered dinner, 5:30 p.m., Civic Centre. Election of officers for 2013-14 season, player, referee and volunteer awards. All new volunteers welcome to join.

April 21Golf

Seven Hill Golf and Country Club AGM Tournament, noon golf, followed by annual general meeting at 3 p.m. Info, 250-949-9818.

April 27Baseball

North Vancouver Island Baseball League season opener, 5 p.m., Hyde Creek Ballpark. Team matchups tba.

May 3-5Youth soccer

Annual Mud Bowl tournament, Port McNeill. NISS, Sunset Elementary and Cheslakees fields. Age group from tots to U18; divisional playoffs Sunday. Concession and snacks. Times tba.

Slo-pitchUmpires Ice-breaker tournament, Beaver Harbour Ballpark. Co-ed, skins format. To sign up or for info, call 250-949-7221.

June 14-16Soccer

Annual June Sports tournament, Alert Bay. Parade and pageant, men’s, women’s and youth tournaments, craft and food booths.

'Hockey Night' to visit Port AliceGazette staffPORT ALICE—This

small village on North

Vancouver Island may

seem a bit off the beat-

en path, but the hockey

world keeps beating a

path to its door.

The beat goes on

today at 4:30 p.m.

when a CBC camera

crew visits the local

arena to tape young

members of the Port

Alice Minor Hockey

club in a promo for

CBC’s Hockey Night

in Canada.

“The kids are pretty

excited,” said Doug

Bondue, a coach, ref-

eree and director with

the association. “We

were trying to keep it

pretty low-key until we

found out for sure.”

The Mud Sharks,

comprised of novice-

and peanut-level play-

ers, were nominated

for the Scotiabank

Hockey Tonight Kids

program by associa-

tion secretary-treasurer

Holly Aldis.

Their selection was

announced shortly

after the team’s last


The recognition is

the lasted in a series

of honours for the

hockey club in recent

years. In 2008, Bondue

was nominated and

selected as RBC’s

B.C. hockey volunteer

of the year and was

feted with other pro-

vincial winners by the

Hockey Hall of Fame

in Toronto.

Two years later, Port

Alice Minor Hockey

was one of 10 programs

in Canada selected in

the Scotiabank NHL

Alumni Skills Contest.

Its players were treated

to an off-ice event with

Trevor Linden followed

by an on-ice skate with

the former Vancouver

Canuck standout.

“We keep telling

people, there are ben-

efits to living in Port

Alice,” Bondue said

with a laugh.

Because the ice has

gone out at Port Alice

Arena, Bondue said

the visiting camera

crew may have to get

a bit creative. He said

they may tape images

in a locker room, and

possibly on-ice using

creative angles. The

players will be in full

uniform, with helmets

and gloves, he said.

The team will intro-

duce an NHL game

on the pre-game show,

Scotiabank Hockey

Tonight, at 3:30 p.m.

prior to the start of the

game on April 20.

“The ‘Scotiabank

Hockey Tonight Kids’

program was an abso-

lute hit with the kids

the past four years

and we’re thrilled

to be back ‘calling

up’ even more teams

from our Community

Hockey Sponsorship

Program this sea-

son,” said Michelle

Tovstigo, Branch

Manager, Scotiabank.

“Scotiabank has

always been proud to

support minor hock-

ey in Canada and we

hope this program

gives kids a once-in-a-

lifetime opportunity to

feel the excitement of

CBC’s Hockey Night

in Canada and what it’s

like to be part of the

big leagues.”

Kingcome claims Totem tournament titleGazette staffThe Kingcome

Wolves men’s soccer

club struck again on the

South Island, claiming

the championship of

the Totem Invitational

Tournament in Victoria

over Easter Weekend.

A team with highly

skilled players took to

the pitch on this past

weekend to show their

pride and prestige

for Kingcome Inlet,

a small remote com-

munity located east

of Port Hardy on the


The tourney was also

dedicated to the mem-

ory of longtime fan

Elsie “Auda” Willie, a

mother, grandmother,

and aunty to a lot of

the players on the team

who recently passed


“We played very

hard for her,” said

Mateo Kostering, the

tournament’s Most

Valuable Player. “She

was the backbone

of our team, always

cheering from the

sidelines. Every time

we won, she would

hug the whole team

and tell us how proud

she was.”

Kingcome was hit

hard with a flood in

2010 when most of the

homes were damage by

the deluge. It is uplift-

ing to the community

when their football

team wins.

The Wolves played

three games to get into

the final, posting wins

over the Alert Bay

Reds, Chehalis, and

the Saanich Braves.

In the final, the

Wolves were pit

against the Campbell

River Goldenwings

and the Wolves came

out on top with a score

of 3-0.

Wolves veteran

Randy Bell received

Most Valuable Defense.

Henry Nelson and

Corey Swain received

All Star awards. Blaze

Roberts received Most

Offensive Player.

The Kingcome

Wolves would like to

thank the all commu-

nities for their sup-

port, and are already

looking forward to the

next soccer tournament

Mother’s Day weekend

in Duncan.

With files from Mike Willie.

Port Alice Minor Hockey players join former Vancouver Canuck great Trevor Linden for a skate at Chilton Regional Arena in 2010. The club will tape an introduction today in Port Alice for a future Hockey Night in Canada broadcast. Kristen Douglas file photo

The Kingcome Wolves dedicated last weekend's tournament appearance to the memory of superfan Elsie "Auda" Willie, pic-tured (above) at a recent JuneSports tournament in Alert Bay. At right, the Wolves with medals and trophies after their win. Thursday, April 4, 201314 Sports & Recreation

Skaters hold last


Clockwise from top: Skating instructor Patrick O'Brien with Whitney Murgatroyd; Carley Bobb twirls with O'Brien; Cole Klughart and Lexie Murgatroyd take a prac-tice spin as O'Brien points the way.

Gazette staffPORT McNEILL—

For the second straight

year, the Port McNeill

Figure Skating Club

closed out its season

with a series of pairs

dance testing last week

at Chilton Regional


The club, whose

members compete only

in individual events

throughout the course of

the season, were guided

through the compulsory

steps by veteran instruc-

tor Patrick O’Brien, who

recently relocated to the

Okanagan Valley after

years on Vancouver


After a brief run-

through of their routine,

the skaters were paired

with O’Brien for a

series of dances ranging

from waltz, foxtrot and

swing to latin, swing

and tango, depending

on skill level.

The club’s one male

skater, Cole Klughart,

was paired with fellow

club member Lexie

Murgatroyd as O’Brien

directed their practice

from centre ice.

It was the last skating

in the arena until July,

as the ice was melted

for the season immedi-

ately after testing.

Figure skating

returns with the annu-

al Canskate clinic the

first two weeks of

July. Registration for

the summer camp will

be announced in June,

PMFSC coach Elizabeth

Kines said.

Gazette staffThanks in part to

posting the high score

in their sixth and final

game, the ladies team

from North Island

Lanes placed fourth

overall in the 27th

annual Vancouver

Island 5-pin Bowling

Championship, held

Mar. 22-23 at Brechin

Lanes in Nanaimo.

The squad, made

up of Carla Reusch,

Kathy Turgeon, Sonya

Gullacher and Rejeanne

Larue, finished with a

six-game total of 4,666

pins. That included

an 852 total that led

all houses in the final


“We all bowled well

over our averages,

which was nice to do,”

said Reusch.

Duncan Lanes

romped to a lopsided

win in the men’s team

competition, but Sunset

Lanes of Parksville

turned the tables in the

mixed event to take the

top spot.

Duncan Lanes, thanks

to its overwhelming win

in men’s play, claimed

the aggregate trophy as

the top bowling house

on Vancouver Island

for the year.

Reusch, who quali-

fied to represent the

Island Zone team in

the B.C. champion-

ships last weekend at

Brechin Lanes, led

the way for the North

Island Lanes ladies

with a 214 per-game

average that included

the tourney’s second-

highest score, a 297.

The ladies team trav-

eled with only four

players, including new-

comer Rejeanne Larue,

so had no alternate

available. Each of the

four had to bowl every

game in singles, ladies

team and mixed team


“We had some new-

bies,” said Reusch.

“Richard Mose for the

guys and Rejeanne

Larue were both first

time bowlers at the

Islands. They did quite


The men’s squad

struggled to a last-

place finish with five

bowlers, including

Danny Turgeon, Mike

Coburn, Richard Mose,

Ken Hutton and Nils

Nelson. The men had

their best showing in

the second game with

a 900-pin total, led by

Coburn’s 269 score.

Mose later rolled a

team-best 275 in the

fifth game.

Reusch again led the

way in the mixed team

competition, posting

highs of 251 for a sin-

gle game and an aver-

age of 217.

If you know someone who should be the Athlete of the Week, phone the Gazette at 250-949-6225.

CARLA REUSCHThe Port Hardy bowler rolled a 297 game to lead the North

Island Ladies team at last week’s Vancouver Island 5-pin championships, and also earned a spot on the Island Zone

team for the B.C. championships in Nanaimo.

J.R. Rardon

ATHLETE of the Week

6710 Hardy Bay Road Port Hardy, B.C.


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PO Box 68, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0

The following vessels will be auctioned if payment in full is not received:

F/V Hermit’s Choice – 11.35m

long welded aluminum ex-


o Owner: Kurtis McGarvey

Outstanding Debt: $1459.85

F/V Miss Fraser – 8.23m

long fibreglass ex-commercial

o Owner:Outstanding Debt: $1203.09

F/V 5K’s


o Owner: Kevin McGarvey

Outstanding Debt:

M/V Cod Father – 8.53m

long Bayliner fibreglass boat


o Owner: Jason Ellingson

Outstanding Debt: $1622.63

M/V Stryker Valuminum crew boat

o Owner: John deboeck

Outstanding Debt:

S/V Virginia Maddison –

8.53m long fibreglass sailing

o Owner:Outstanding Debt: $2958.62

S/V Muskwa – 8.23m long

fibreglass sailing vessel


o Owner: Rockwell Beamish

Outstanding Debt: $2260.44

S/V Big Kahuna – 12.19m

long fibreglass over wood

sailing vessel

o Owner:Outstanding Debt: $2315.23

M/V C19185BC – 8.83m long

aluminum outboard powered


o Owner: John Webster

Outstanding Debt: $1599.30

days from the date of the first advertisement to pay the outstanding debt in full or the

regular business hours within 14 days of this advertisement.

Bowlers 4th in Islands

Thursday, April 4, 2013 15

Baby Photo ContestBaby Photo Contest to promote Childcare Monthto promote Childcare Month

$5 entry per picture

Enter as often as you like!

Entry proceeds will be shared with The Mother Goose

Literacy Bus Program & Jeneece Place in


Now through April 30, you can enter your favourite baby photo(s) (old or

new) for a chance to win 3 great prizes!

All photos will be published May 16 and on Facebook when the liking begins.

Winners announced May 30.


Pictures must be minimum 1 mb.

Please do not ‘share’ on Facebook (likes only).

Top 10 with the most likes makes it to the fi nals where a panel of judges vote the top 3 winners. Email pics to: or drop off to our offi ce with your full name, phone # & $5 entry fee.

Deadline:April 30

$50 Cash & a Gift Basket

One Hour Portrait Package worth $150

from KPH Photography

$50 Gift Certi cate towards a photo

session from Kimberley Kufaas


Karin Moeller

If you are interested & qualified to purchase this amazing 2.15 acre property with immaculate 3,152 sq. ft. family & entertainment oriented house, call now! Property is partially treed & parklike. Huge workshop & outdoor storage areas. Insert, stove, water are all approved.Amazing price of only




PO Box 68, Port Hardy, BC V0N 2P0

The Port Hardy Harbour Authority wishes to remind harbour patrons that

pay parking, loading zone use, and short and long term parking policies

will be enforced by towing for the following parking lots beginning April

1st, 2013:



parking lot is for short

term parking only during

parking outside this

time period. The lower

short term parking only.

Parking passes can be

obtained from the harbour

office during business

hours or by credit card

or cash from one of the

parking Kiosks located in

the lots.

Parking rates include all applicable taxes and are as follows:Vehicle or Trailer Price

Daily 5.00


Monthly 50.00

Vehicle and Trailer

Daily 10.00


Monthly 100.00


Annual 80.00


Annual 125.00

Sports & Recreation

Gazette staffBeginners Kalina

Cotter and Jerzie

Cheetham of Port

Hardy each earned

aggregate champion-

ships in their respec-

tive divisions to high-

light North Island

finishes by Team

Charlton Highland

Dancers at competi-

tions in Campbell

River and Courtenay

in March.

Cotter won the Sean

Truibhas and was

second in three other

dances to win the

aggregate point title in

the Beginner-11 class

in Campbell River

Mar. 9

The following day in

Courtenay, Cheetham

won the Beginner

8-under aggregate

crown after placing

first in fling, sword

and reel and placing

second in flora in the


Other wins on the

weekend were earned

by Kylie McDonald

of Port Hardy

(Beginner-11), Emily

Walker of Port Hardy

(Premier-14) and

Georgia Walkus of

Port Hardy (Premier


Highland Dance results by

Team Charlton Highland


at Campbell River

Primary dancers — Paisley Barolet, Kaia MacKay, Sarah Tupper, Mecca Humphrey.

Beginner-9 — Sword: 1. Jerzie Cheetham. Seann Truibhas: 6. Cheetham.

Beginner-11 — Fling: 1. Kylie McDonald; 2. Kalina Cotter. Sword: 1. McDonald; 2. Cotter. Seann Triubhas: 1. Cotter; 3. McDonald. Lilt: 2. Cotter. Aggregate winner: Cotter.

Beginner 11-over — Fling: 3. Danielle Wigard. Sword: 4. Wigard. Seann Triubhas: 4. Shreya Narayan; 6. Wigard. Lilt: 4. Narayan.

Novice-12 — Sword: 2. Eileah Cotter. Seann Triubhas: 3. Cotter. Lilt: 2. Cotter. Flora: 2. Cotter.

Premier-14 — Fling: 4. Emily Walker. Sword: 1. Walker. Highland Laddie: 4. Walker. Village Maid: 3. Walker. Blue Bonnets: 4. Walker.

at Courtenay

Primary — Pas de Basques: 6. Sarah Tupper.

Beginner 8-under — Fling: 1. Cheetham; 6. Emma Harrison. Sword: 1. Cheetham. Reel: 1. Cheetham. Lilt: 6. Emma Walkus. Flora: 2. Cheetham. Aggregate winner: Cheetham.

Beginner 10-under — Fling: 3. McDonald. Sword: 5. McDonald. Lilt: 1. McDonald. Flora: 2. McDonald.

Beginner 11-over — Sword: 5. Wigard. Lilt: 4. Wigard. Flora: 5. Wigard.

Novice 11 — Sword: 2. K. Cotter. Flora: 3. K. Cotter.

Intermediate 11-under — Fling: 4. E. Cotter. Seann Truibhas: 4. E. Cotter. Half-Tulloch: 3. E. Cotter. Johnny: 4. E. Cotter. Hornpipe: 6. E. Cotter.

Intermediate 12-over — Seann Truibhas: 5. Catherine Symons.

Premier 11-under — Fling: 3. Georgia Walkus; 4. Walker; 5. Xandryn Frost. Seann Triubhas: 1. G. Walkus; 4. Frost; 5. Walker. Full Tulloch: 3. G. Walkus. Earl of Errol: 3. Jenna Brown; 4. Frost. Hornpipe: 3. Frost; 4. Brown; 5. G. Walkus.

Highland dancers score medal haul Thursday, April 4, 201316

Brittany JaredKristen Ron BrittanyB JaredKristen

In the 19th century, there was no control over the sale of “patented” medicines and many contained addictive substances like laudanum, which contains tincture of opium. It made addicts out of many people. An example was Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Many babies died because they were breastfed by mothers taking the nostrum and the child’s immature metabolic system couldn’t handle the narcotic and died from it. There is much more control and safety today.

More than 50,000 Canadians have a stroke each year and one-third die from it. Speed is of the essence for successful treatment so being familiar with the signs of a stroke is important. They include: sudden weakness, trouble speaking, sudden vision problems, sudden headache and dizziness. Call 911 ASAP.

Listening and playing music is good for your health and well-being. However, some musicians can develop stress injuries playing certain instruments. Examples include “fiddler’s neck” due to the chin-rest on the violin. Clarinetists can get a form of contact dermatitis called cheilitis on the middle of the lower lip. And cellists can get some soreness or redness on the ribs from contact with the cello.

As we age, we have more medical problems and often there is a “pill of every” ill.

Our body’s ability to metabolize and excrete drugs lessens with age due to our reduced kidney and liver functions. Dizziness can occur often in the elderly and may be due to medications. Talk to your doctor and pharmacist if you are concerned.

Questions about your medications? We have the answers. See you soon.

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Merrilee Tognelacell:


7320 Thunderbird Way

7675 Duval St

6170 Hardy Bay Rd

2175 Haddington Cres

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540 Sunset Pl










Port Hardy

5 bdrms, 2 baths, centrally located, fenced


The owner of the Port Harvey Marine Resort

has applied for a zoning amendment from R-1

Residential to Commercial Marine Zone (C-2M)

located on Cracroft Island East.

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will

be conducted by the Regional District of Mount

Waddington on

TUESDAY April 16th , 2013

The meeting will commence at 1:45 pm and

will take place at the Regional District of Mount

Waddington Offices located at 2044 McNeill

Road in Port McNeill.

Written and mailed submissions must be received

prior to 1 pm on Monday April 15th and should

be mailed to PO Box 729, Port McNeill, BC


For information please call the Planning Office, Regional District of Mount Waddington at



Port Harvey Marine Resort Rezoning

Notice of Public Hearing

One Trustee to be Elected (One 3 Year Term)

For more info, please call 250-973-2308

Sointula Waterworks Improvement District


on Saturday, April 13, 2013 2-5pm

at the FO Hall, Sointula, BCAgenda, approval of agenda, previous minutes read and approved, business from the minutes, reports, correspondence, new business, meeting adjourned,

nominations, voting.

I truly believe some-

times that there are con-

trary spirits that dwell

deep in the forests, the

type that switch things

up just as you get too

comfortable, thinking

you know what’s going

to happen next.

Since last July,

almost every foray

into the forest has been

rewarded with sight-

ings of Roosevelt elk,

from herds of more

than 30 animals to sin-

gular massive bulls.

Three weeks ago, on

one of my favourite elk

trails, I ran into two

large bull elk and three

black bears all inhab-

iting the same glade.

There was poor light

but I took some photos

just for the record and,

thank the powers for

digital cameras, didn’t

have to waste a penny

on developing lousy


I recently read an arti-

cle about the relocation

of Roosevelt elk into

traditional territory in

B.C., where they have

gone the way of the

dodo bird due to man’s

progress. We have a rea-

sonably healthy popu-

lation but, of the six

subspecies of red elk

in North America, two

have become extinct

in the last 100 years

— the Eastern and the

Merriam Elk — with

the Tule Elk pushed to

the brink of extinction.

When you con-

sider that both the

Rocky Mountain and

Roosevelt elk dwell in

less than 30 percent

of their traditional ter-

ritory, and there are

transplants underway

to re-establish popula-

tions, what’s the time

frame before man’s

progress destroys the

wilderness that sup-

ports these elk?

Putting two days

aside to capture some

fresh photos of elk, I

could only smile after

the first day: no sight-

ings and no fresh signs

— the forest spirits

were playing games.

The second day was

the same, all signs

dried up drier than the

Gobi desert. Oh there

were a few bears, some

deer, but none of the

big guys.

Late afternoon on the

second day out, a large

meaty splash caught

my attention, followed

by raucous water fowl

and more splashing.

Arriving at the marsh

I saw an immature

bald eagle swimming

towards shore in my

direction. It wasn’t

until it was completely

out of the water with its

fine feathered meal, did

it become aware of my


Keeping an eye on

me, it hopped onto a

lower branch where it

spread its soaked wings

to sunbath, basically

absorbing solar radia-

tion to thermoregulate

its metabolic rate.

It was at this point the

1972 campaign of ”Is it

live or is it Memorex”

came to mind, because

young bald eagles are

very similar to golden

eagles, and there are

specific traits that dis-

tinguish the two.

What caught my

attention was the tawny

nape and head, which

can range from pale

tawny to dark orange.

From there I looked to

the legs, which were

covered with feathers

all the way to the base

of the toes, unlike a

bald eagle who’s lower

legs are unfettered. The

final clue was the mar-

bling of the tail feathers

found in golden eagles.

It’s not just physi-

cal traits, behavioural

traits also distinguish

golden and bald eagles.

Estimates are that up

to 80 percent of sec-

ond born golden chicks

are killed and eaten by

the first born. Too bad

humans don’t incorpo-

rate this process or I

could have dealt with a

pack of pesky sisters.

The golden eagle

made my day. In the

interior and along

the front range of the

Rockies where they

ride the thermals they

are the norm, but they

aren’t generally a wet-

land bird. They may

hunt in a marsh as

this one did, but it was

most likely migrating

through or wintering

on the North Island.

As for the elk, they’ll

just have to wait for

another day, or per-

haps the forest spirits

were foreshadowing

the elk’s future due to

man’s ‘minimal impact’


Lawrence Woodall is a longtime naturalist who has spent much of his life in the outdoors.

The forest spirits giveth and taketh away

Our Backyardwith Lawrence


A golden eagle photographed by the author on a recent outing. Lawrence Woodall

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Allan Sheridan Huddlestan on

March 26th, 2013 in Nanaimo, B.C.

Fondly known as “Grampie”, “Big Al, the Kiddies Pal”, “Huggy Bear”, “The Worst”, “Albert”, “Stone”

and “Poppa” - Al was born on July 2nd, 1950 in Victoria, BC the eldest son of

Jack and Margaret Huddlestan.

Survived by his loving wife Debbie, daughters Katrina Huddlestan, Erin (Denny) Seto, Lindsay

(Cory) Stephenson, Heather Smith, Katherine Smith and his adoring grandchildren Mina and Kaiya Seto and Ethan and Quinn Stephenson.

Al also leaves behind his sister Janet (Goldie) Kirkpatrick, brother John, many nephews and

nieces, a large extended family and many close friends.

Al grew up in Oliver, then Victoria, moving with his young family to Port Hardy in 1978 to work for BC Tel. He spent the remainder of his years in Port

Hardy and, in addition to his 38 years of service to BC Tel/Telus, was an entrepreneur, community

servant and politician.

Al served as District of Port Hardy Councillor from 1984 - 1986 and from 2008 - 2013 and as

Mayor from 1986 - 1993. Al also served as Chair of the Regional District of Mt. Waddigton Board

from 2008 until his passing. Al was known for his diplomacy, compassion and love of the “True” North Island. He served as an elected member of

UBCM and was a candidate for the Federal Liberal Party for the North Island Riding in 1993. He was instrumental in the development of the North Coast Trail and was always an advocate and champion for

his community and region.

Al fought a hard battle against cancer and passed away surrounded by all who loved him. The family

would like to thank the nurses at Port Hardy hospital and Nanaimo Palliative Care for their

compassion and great care of Al in his last days.

Known for his love of life, Al spread laughter and fun wherever he went. His greatest joy and proudest moments were being with his girls, his

grandchildren, family and friends. He always had Nerds in one pocket for the kids and treats in the

other for the neighbourhood dogs.

A Celebration of Life will be held in Al’s honour at the Civic Centre in Port Hardy on

Saturday, May 4th, 2013 at 2:00pm.

Allan Sheridan HuddlestanJuly 2, 1950-March 26, 2013

The next regular School Board Meeting of the Board of Education of School District No. 85

(Vancouver Island North) will be held on

Monday, April 8th, 2013 6:00 p.m. School Board Office, Port Hardy

This is a public meeting. All interested parties are welcome.

Mica Donaghy and mom

Deidre Haight of Port McNeill

enjoy a sunny tow up Mount

Cain Saturday.

J.R. Rardon

smile...of the week.

Land Act:

Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land

Take notice that Marc Kevin Grenier of Port Hardy, British Columbia, intends

to make application to Ministry Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations

(MFLNRO), West Coast Service Centre, for a Crown Grant, Residential situated on

Provincial Crown land located at Cedar Heights Trailer Park-Port Hardy, British Columbia.

The Land File Number that has been established for this application is 1412616.

Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Section Head,

Ministry of Forests, Land and Natural Resource Operations at 142 – 2080 Labieux

Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9T 6J9 or emailed to:

Comments will be received by

MFLNRO until May 11, 2013.

MFLNRO may not be able to

consider comments received

after this date. Please visit our

website: for

more information.

Be advised that any response to this

advertisement will be considered

part of the public record. For

information, contact the Freedom of

Information Advisor.





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Thursday, April 4, 2013 17

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Allan Sheridan Huddlestan on

March 26th, 2013 in Nanaimo, B.C.

Fondly known as “Grampie”, “Big Al, the Kiddies Pal”, “Huggy Bear”, “The Worst”, “Albert”, “Stone”

and “Poppa” - Al was born on July 2nd, 1950 in Victoria, BC the eldest son of

Jack and Margaret Huddlestan.

Survived by his loving wife Debbie, daughters Katrina Huddlestan, Erin (Denny) Seto, Lindsay

(Cory) Stephenson, Heather Smith, Katherine Smith and his adoring grandchildren Mina and Kaiya Seto and Ethan and Quinn Stephenson.

Al also leaves behind his sister Janet (Goldie) Kirkpatrick, brother John, many nephews and

nieces, a large extended family and many close friends.

Al grew up in Oliver, then Victoria, moving with his young family to Port Hardy in 1978 to work for BC Tel. He spent the remainder of his years in Port

Hardy and, in addition to his 38 years of service to BC Tel/Telus, was an entrepreneur, community

servant and politician.

Al served as District of Port Hardy Councillor from 1984 - 1986 and from 2008 - 2013 and as

Mayor from 1986 - 1993. Al also served as Chair of the Regional District of Mt. Waddington Board

from 2008 until his passing. Al was known for his diplomacy, compassion and love of the “True” North Island. He served as an elected member of

UBCM and was a candidate for the Federal Liberal Party for the North Island Riding in 1993. He was instrumental in the development of the North Coast Trail and was always an advocate and champion for

his community and region.

Al fought a hard battle against cancer and passed away surrounded by all who loved him. The family

would like to thank the nurses at Port Hardy hospital and Nanaimo Palliative Care for their

compassion and great care of Al in his last days.

Known for his love of life, Al spread laughter and fun wherever he went. His greatest joy and proudest moments were being with his girls, his

grandchildren, family and friends. He always had Nerds in one pocket for the kids and treats in the

other for the neighbourhood dogs.

A Celebration of Life will be held in Al’s honour at the Civic Centre in Port Hardy on

Saturday, May 4th, 2013 at 2:00pm.

Allan Sheridan HuddlestanJuly 2, 1950-March 26, 2013 Thursday, April 4, 201318

North Island Church ServicesPORT HARDY BAPTIST CHURCHCorner of Trustee & Highland

Morning Service 11:00 am Plus regular family activities


Pastor: Kevin Martineau 11/13


Reverend Wade Allen9190 Granville St. Port Hardy

Phone 250-949-624711:00 a.m. Sunday School and Service

Wed., 1:00 pm Bible StudyEveryone welcome

Meeting rooms available


FULL GOSPEL CHURCH2540 Catala Place Port McNeill

(across from Firehall)Sunday

10:30 am - Morning Worship Church Office 250-956-4741

Pastor Stan Rukin Youth Pastor: Steve Taylor

Cell: 250-527-0144Office hours: 10am-4pm Mon-Thurs

Visitors always



Sunday Services - 10 amReverend Lincoln Mckoen

1-250-974-5844Warden Flora Cook

250-974-5945Warden Joan Stone

250-974-2234 11/13


4680 Byng Rd. Port HardyPastor George Hilton

250-949-8925 or 250-949-8826“Everyone welcome”

Saturday Services9:30am - Bible Study groups

10:45am - Worship/Praise serviceWednesday @ 7pm - Prayer meeting

Avalon Adventist Jr. Academy Offering Christian Education

250-949-8243 11/13


Sunday MassesSt. Mary’s Port McNeill: 9am

St. Bonaventure Port Hardy: 11amSt. Theresa’s Port Alice:

Saturdays 5:00pmAlert Bay: 1st & 3rd Saturdays 10am Father Roger Poblete 250-956-3909



2501 Mine RoadSunday

9:45 am (Sept-June) - Sunday School11:00 am - Worship Service

7:00 pm - Evening FellowshipYouth Group Wed - 7:00 pm

Children’s Programs & Adult Bible Studies are scheduled throughout the year.

For information contact



(8635 Granville St. Port Hardy)250-949-8125



at Providence Place, 7050 Rupert St

Sunday Worship 10:30 am & 7 pmTuesday Prayer 7:30 pm

Midweek Biblestudies - Call the church for time and place

250-949-6466Pastor George & Karen Ewald




Reverend Wade Allen

Sunday Services - 4pm1-250-949-6247

Box 159, Port AliceYou are extended a special invitation to

share in our Services 11/13




Sunday Worship - 9:00am

Reverend Wade Allen

All Welcome

175 Cedar Street Port McNeill 11/13


CHURCHat entrance to Tsulquate Village

(8898 Park Dr)


10:00 am-Sabbath School

11:15 am-Worship Service

Pastor Randy Elliott

250-230-1885 cell 11/13

NOW HIRINGWestern Forest Products Inc. is an integrated Canadian forest products company located on Vancouver Island that is committed to the safety of our employees, the culture of performance and the discipline to achieve results. We currently have the following openings:

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Huckleberry House Children’s Centre

Cool Kids Program Supervisor15 hrs a week



Huckleberry House Children’s Centre

Closing date: April 11, 2013

Huckleberry House Children’s Centre

Cool Kids Program Assistant 15 hrs a week



Huckleberry House Children’s Centre

Closing date: April 11, 2013

2013 Port McNeill Summer Student Employment Opportunities

The Town of Port McNeill is seeking applications forPublic Works Parks and Ground Maintenance Personnel

AndHarbour Dock Assistants

Detailed job descriptions and qualifications may be obtained from the Port McNeill Town Office at 1775 Grenville Place, or on the Town’s

website at

Applications will be accepted until 4:00pm on Thursday April 18, 2013 at

the Town Office.

Please apply in writing with resume to:Administrator, Box 728, Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0;

or fax with cover letter to 250-956-4300;

or email

(Please indicate which job you are applying for)



ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Port Hardy meets every Wednesday & Saturday at the Upper Island Public Health Unit on Gray Street at 8pm. Sundays at the Salvation Army Lighthouse, 8635 Granville St., at 7pm.

NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS - Port Hardy meets on Mondays at 7:30pm & Fridays at 8pm. Located at Upper Island Public Health Unit on Gray St. (rear entrance), Port Hardy, B.C. For more information call 1-877-379-6652.



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Thursday, April 4, 2013 19p g






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STEEL BUILDING - Blowout clearance sale! 20x22 $4,188. 25x26 $4,799. 30x34 $6,860. 32x44 $8,795. 40x50 $12,760. 47x74 $17,888. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. or visit us online at:

STEEL BUILDINGS/metal buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for bal-ance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 or see us online at:



PORT MCNEILL: Small 2 bdrm, 1 bath home on easy care lot, partial ocean view. New fl ooring and roof. Pos-sible rent to own for qualifi ed buyer. $135,000. Call 250-902-9582 or 250-956-2388.



PORT HARDY 2400 sq ft house has been totally re-vamped, all new wiring, heat-ing, plumbing & all new appli-ances. Large private yard with good sized deck & patio. Am-ple room for RV’s, boats - has lots of potential. $255,000. Call 250-230-7540 or 250-230-0676.


Incredible 5 acre treed PARK-LIKE PROPERTY

with Well-Maintained Furnished Home - 1500 sq.ft, 3-bdrm,

2 bath. Extremely close to Pristine Cowichan Lake,

in the town of Caycuse. Perfect for recreational

property or full time living. Motivated seller $378,800.

Exceptionally low yearly cost. Not leased land.



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PORT HARDY: 2 bdrm, 5 appls,cable incl. Avail imm. $650/mo. Ref. req’d. Non-smoking, no pets. 250-949-7702.




Well managed 1 & 2Bdrm suites. Gym & sauna on site. Call for availability.

Phone Rick250-956-4555


New Management1, 2 & 3 Bedroom apart-ments. Competitive prices.

Call 250-956-3526.


PORT HARDY Highland Manor

•Bachelor •1bdrm furnished

•1 and 2 bdrms suitesReferences Call Jason



PORT MCNEILLMobile Home Park

Pads for rent.Short walk to shopping,

school & ocean.$283.00/ month

Call 250-956-2355


AFFORDABLE FAMILY hous-ing in Port Hardy, 3 bdrm, new kitchen, new fl ooring, NO PETS. Comes with F/S, W/D hook up, oil heat, $750. For further information call 250-923-4145, 250-203-2708.


PORT HARDY- 3 bdrms, 3 bath townhome, $800+ utils. Contact Roy Carlton at 250-973-6000. Coldwell Banker Slegg Realty.



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2007 CUSTOM Chev HHR. Excellent condition. Loaded. White. 119,000 km, mostly hwy driven. On-Star. $11,900 fi rm. 250-755-5191.


2003 TAHOE, 29 foot 5th wheel, 2 slides, everything works, setup at the Pioneer RV Site, (Port Hardy). Asking $10,000. Call (250)897-6197.


UTILITY TRAILER 4’x8’ box. New last Oct. 2000lbs rated. Used to haul motorcycle. $1600. Port Hardy. 250-949-7333.



20 FT 2011 welded aluminum with 4 electric down riggers and 150 hrp optiamamx 2 stroke. A mercury 20 hrp kick-er with power trim and con-trols. Will sell sperate. Total package $30,000. $10,00 for 150 and $4000 for 20 hrp. Both engines still have 1 yr warranty. Very low hours. Call 250-209-0707. Thursday, April 4, 201320

The Rotary Club CornerLeading up to 100 years of Rotary in BC, these spots highlight member profiles of the Rotary Club of Port Hardy

Rotary is a club combined of business

people, managers and professionals

that want to serve the local and International


If this interests you, contact

Sandra Masales at 250-949-7338.

Guess this week’s Rotary Trivia question and you are eligible to win a round of golf from Seven Hills Golf & Country Club. Submit your answer to by Monday 5pm.

Question: What weekend is the Rotary Radio Auction held every year in Port Hardy?

Since I joined the Club in 2005,

I have made lots of great friends

and met lots of interesting people.

But most importantly, I have been

given the opportunity to help my

community and get involved in

worthwhile local and international


Nigel ParrMaria Krekovic

Treasurer for


I moved to the North Island over 30 years ago.

I am proud to have been a member of the Rotary Club of Port Hardy for over 19 years and am still amazed at how many good things we have done as a Club in Port Hardy and the North Island.

I think our strongest achievements are the community service projects we have completed: the Storey’s Beach Pavilion, one of our biggest, along with the ever popular kids playground at Rotary Park, as well as our Youth Exchange program that has us send out and host inbound students to/from all parts of the world.









Maria Krekovic

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Gazette staffAlert Bay’s U’mista

Cultural Society will

receive more than

$81,000 from the

latest round of BC

Arts Council grants,

Community, Sport and

Cultural Development

Minister Bill Bennett

announced Monday.

The funding is part of

$16.8 million provided

by the B.C. government

to the BC Arts Council

for fiscal year 2012-

13. Approved grants

will provide essential

operating support for

local museums and

art galleries, as well

as media arts organiza-

tions in many British

Columbia communi-

ties. Council enlists

input from B.C.’s arts

community to evalu-

ate grant applications

through an indepen-

dent peer review pro-


The U’mista Cultural

Society will receive

$54,050 for opera-

tions at its museum,

the U’mista Cultural

Centre, and an addi-

tional $27,500 for spe-

cial projects, capacity

and sustainability.

“I’m very proud of

the BC Arts Council’s

strong commitment

to deliver effective

resources in a fair

and timely manner

on behalf of the B.C.

government to help the

province’s talented art-

ists and dynamic cul-

tural organizations,”

said Stan Hamilton,

BC Arts Council chair.

“I commend council’s

board, staff and sup-

porters for working

together with the arts

community to ensure

that arts and culture

continue to develop

and thrive in British


B.C. government

funding for the BC

Arts Council in 2013-

14 will reach a record

high $24 million,

including support for

BC Creative Futures, a

strategy to help British

Columbia’s creative

industries continue to


Established in 1995,

the BC Arts Council

serves as the B.C. gov-

ernment’s key devel-

opment and funding

agency for the arts.

Council consults with

the arts and culture

community to develop

policies, programs and

strategic priorities for

the sector. Last year,

council approved more

than 1,000 grants in

more than 200 commu-

nities in every region

of the province.

U’mista to receive Arts Council windfall

Annual Business Awards & Galawill take place in the

lost city of atlantis

Silent auction

door prizes

cash bar

Dive in & join us on Saturday, April 13 @ 6:30pm

Port Hardy Civic Centre $35 per diver - includes dinner

Live auction with big

ticket items

live music by

Jam shack araknids

Burnt umberMehran ‘Raz’ Razmpoosh and Sarah Caton give the ‘Group of One’ salute at the scene of the artists’ latest mural, a firefighter sil-houetted against a fiery background at the Port Hardy fire hall. A O’Toole

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