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1020 Wendover AvenueGreensboro, NC 27411(336)

Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD) offers professional development opportunities that explore diverse technologies and a variety of teaching and learning pedagogies to enhance instructional activities and daily operations. We offer in-person workshops, on-line learning experiences, as well as handouts and quick reference guides to help empower students, faculty, and staff. N.C. A&T faculty and staff can sign up for free hands-on training in any of four categories. Blackboard includes sessions on building course content, course management, collaboration, grading, and testing. Multimedia Design* includes workshops on the Adobe Creative Suite, graphics and animations, interactivity, and video production. Online Teaching and Learning includes sessions on creating interactive lessons, collaboration and engagement, teaching online, and developing quality online courses. Productivity Tools* includes workshops on a variety of practical applications that help increase productivity, including topics on creating and sharing documents, designing and delivering presentations, email, Office 365 and operating systems (Windows and Apple OSX).

*The Multimedia Design and Productivity Tools categories

include sessions for students.

The ITTD offices are located in the Wendover Building

(1020 E. Wendover). The majority of our in-person

workshops are hosted in the Faculty Resource Center

(Suite 206) or in the Technology Training Lab on the

ground floor.

Nanette DeBerryInstructional

Ben McFadyenInstructional

Bessie Nkonge, PhDBlackboard

Tracie Lewis,


B L A C K B O A R DIntroduction to

BlackboardLearn how to set up and manage your Blackboard course. Topics include: Accessing Blackboard, edit mode, student preview, menu items, control panel, course availability, announcements, course tools, adding content as items or files, creating folders, uploading syllabi and other documents, discussion boards, and creating assignments.

Blackboard Assignments including SafeAssign Learn how to manage assignments, receive paperless submissions for grading, and provide feedback to students. Participants will also learn to reduce plagiarism by using SafeAssign to compare submitted assignments against a set of other academic papers. Learn to link SafeAssign to an assignment, manually submit assignments, and interpret results.

BB101 BB103

Assessments Learn how to create quizzes, tests, and other assessments by manually adding questions, copying and pasting, and uploading multiple questions (from Publishers). Also, learn to create test pools and randomize questions.

Conquering the

Grade CenterLearn how to manually enter and change grades, create weighted columns, drop/exempt grades, change your grading schema, and link assignments and rubrics to the Grade Center.

BB104 BB109

Creating and Managing

Groups Learn how to create spaces where students can collaborate on coursework, access group collaboration tools, and establish closer relationships with other members of the group. Faculty can create a single group or create multiple groups at one time.

Blackboard Content CollectionLearn how to store, manage, access and share content from any computer with an internet connection using Blackboard’s Content Collection.

BB110 CC100


Collaborate UltraCollaborate Ultra is the newly redesigned version of the Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing application. Join this session to explore the new features, including: The Java-free Ultra experience that runs directly in a browser; the streamlined interface with a clean, intuitive navigation, and the quick and easy file application sharing.

Collaborate Advanced FeaturesThis session is intended for faculty and staff who have previously attended workshops or have some prior experience with Blackboard Collaborate Classic or Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Learn how to creatively and effectively use various features within the tool during your meetings, online classes or host virtual office hours at an intermediate to advanced level.

CL103 CL106








Engaging Students in DiscussionsInterested in an easy way to track attendance for your face-to-face classes? The Qwickly Attendance tool will allow you to take attendance that can be stored and graded in the Blackboard LMS. Qwickly Attendance will automatically create one Bb Grade Center column and keep a running attendance grade for the whole semester. Faculty and students can easily access attendance records.

Managing and Creating

Exams Using RespondusIn this session, you will learn to quickly create exams or quizzes with multiple test questions. You will learn to import tests from Word, create and upload blocks of questions, and upload tests and test banks/pools directly into Blackboard.

BB107 RS100

Digital PortfoliosLearn how digital Portfolios are used to exhibit and assess learning, achievement, artifacts, and accomplishments and enable students to showcase their academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. Portfolios can be used as teaching and learning tools, or a course or capstone project or as career planning and professional sites. WIth a Digital Portfolio, students are able to organize and highlight their activities, internships, and real samples of reports, papers, and projects.

Reduce Cheating During Online Exams

Respondus Lockdown Browser and MonitorWorried about academic dishonesty during online tests? Join this session to learn about two new Blackboard enhancements, Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor, designed to reduce cheating during online tests and protect academic integrity. You will learn to use the LockDown Browser to prevent students from printing, copying, and accessing other applications and URLs.

PF100 RS101

Qwickly AttendanceInterested in an easy way to track attendance for your face-to-face classes? The Qwickly Attendance tool will allow you to take attendance that can be stored and graded in the Blackboard LMS. Qwickly Attendance will automatically create one Bb Grade Center column and keep a running attendance grade for the whole semester. Faculty and students can easily access attendance records.


Introduction to

Quality Matters Online Course StandardsIn this workshop, we introduce the Quality Matters rubric, a set of standards designed for course development and continuous improvement of online courses. We’ll review examples from courses that meet QM standards and discuss ways to implement these in your courses.




















SoftChalk Cloud Interactive Content CreationLearn how to easily create content in this user-friendly application, with interactive activities, quizzes, and scoring that links back to the Blackboard grade center. With SoftChalk, you can transform content from PowerPoint presentations, documents, and lecture notes into interactive and engaging lessons that can be embedded into Blackboard.


Interactivity in the online classIn this workshop, practical suggestions will be shared on how to manage learner-learner, learner-content, and learner-instructor interactions in the online class.

SC100 OL800

Digital Accessibility for Inclusive Learning (Online Course)Can everyone access your information? Join us in discovering design considerations that can help eliminate barriers in information technology. Design documents for those with vision, motor and cognitive impairments. We will look at how to become compliant with accessibility standards for word and pdf documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms and online multi-media content.

This online course is intended to take 4 hours. For faculty and staff creating digital documents that are accessed online.

FlipGrid Video DiscussionsUsing FlipGrid, students share short video responses to discussion questions or prompts. This new app helps empower students’ voices and asynchronous dialog with each other via their computer or smart phone. Students capture short videos to share ideas and experiences with their classmates on topics you define. Everyone has equal chances to respond, and to comment on classmates’ responses.

o365106 NCAT100


Teaching Online: a Course for Online InstructorsGet prepared to teach online! (Note: This is an 8-week online course). Best practices, skills and competencies for teaching online are studied. Participants will share experiences and create a comprehensive student-focused syllabus. Topics include: readiness for teaching and learning online; Quality Matters overview; measurable learning objectives; foundations of online instruction; learner-centered course design; instructor presence; student engage-ment; time management; academic honor; developing a course syllabus and course calendar. Various instructional applications are integrated into the course (Blackboard LMS, SoftChalk Cloud, MediaSite, Flipgrid.)


SEPTEMBER 2019Date Day Time Workshop

9/17 Tues 10:00 am - 11:30 am CL103 Introducing Collaborate Ultra

9/18 Wed 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm QW100 Qwickly Attendance

9/20 Fri 9:30 am - 11:00 am BB107 Engaging Students in Discussions

9/24 Tues 10:15 am - 11:45 am BB103 Blackboard Assignments including SafeAssign

9/24 Tues 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm RS100 Managing and Creating Exams Using Respondus

9/26 Thur 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm CL106 Bb Collaborate: Advanced Features

9/26 Thur 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm QW100 Qwickly Attendance

9/27 Fri 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm BB109 Conquering the Grade Center

9/27-12/6 Fri ONLINE OL700 (ONLINE) Teaching Online: a Course for Online Instructors

OCTOBER 2019Date Day Time Workshop

10/2 Wed 10:15 am - 11:45 am BB103 Blackboard Assignments including SafeAssign

10/4 Fri 10:00 am - 11:30 am OL800 Managing Interactivity in th Online Class

10/4 Fri 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm BB109 (ONLINE) Conquering the Grade Center

10/8 Tues 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm QW100 Qwickly Attendance

10/8 Tues 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm BB107 Engaging Students in Discussions

10/9 Wed 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm RS101 Reduce Cheating During Online Exams

10/10 Thur 11:00 am - 1:00 pm BB101 Introduction to Blackboard

10/14 Mon 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BB109 Conquering the Grade Center

10/17 Thur 10:00 am - 11:30 am CL103 (ONLINE) Introducing Collaborate Ultra

10/18 Fri 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm QW100 Qwickly Attendance

10/22 Tues 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm SC100 Introduction to SoftChalkCloud

10/22 Tues 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm RS101 (ONLINE) Reduce Cheating During Online Exams

10/23 Wed 10:00 am - 11:30 am BB110 Creating and Managing Groups

10/25 Fri 10:00 am - 11:30 am CL106 (ONLINE) Bb Collaborate: Advanced Features

10/28 Mon 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm RS100 Managing and Creating Exams Using Respondus

10/29 Tues 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm OL800 Managing Interactivity in th Online Class

10/30 Wed 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm NCAT100 FlipGrid Video Discussions

10/31 Thur 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm BB103 (ONLINE) Blackboard Assignments including SafeAssign


NOVEMBER 2019Date Day Time Workshop

11/5 Tues 11:00 am - 1:00 pm BB101 (ONLINE) Introduction to Blackboard

11/5 Tues 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm BB104 Assessments

11/6 Wed 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm CC100 (ONLINE) Blackboard Content Collection Overview

11/7 Thur 10:00 am - 11:30 am CL103 (ONLINE) Introducing Collaborate Ultra

11/7 Thur 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm BB109 Conquering the Grade Center

11/12 Tues 10:00 am - 11:30 am BB103 (ONLINE) Blackboard Assignments including SafeAssign

11/12 Tues 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm CL106 (ONLINE) Bb Collaborate: Advanced Features

11/13 Wed 10:00 am - 11:30 am BB110 (ONLINE) Creating and Managing Groups

11/14 Thur 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm QW100 Qwickly Attendance

11/15 Fri 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm RS100 (ONLINE) Managing and Creating Exams Using Respondus

11/19 Tues 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm BB110 (ONLINE) Creating and Managing Groups

11/20 Wed 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm QM100 (ONLINE) Introduction to Quality Matters

11/21 Thur 10:00 am - 11:30 am CL103 Introducing Collaborate Ultra

DECEMBER 2019Date Day Time Workshop

12/4 Wed 10:00 am - 11:30 am CC100 (ONLINE) Blackboard Content Collection Overview

12/4 Wed 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm RS101 Reduce Cheating During Online Exams

12/5 Thur 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm PF100 Digital Portfolios

12/6 Fri 10:00 am - 12:00 pm BB101 (ONLINE) Introduction to Blackboard

*Online Course Self-Paced 0365106 Digital Accessibility for Inclusive Learning

Registration is required for participation in all sessions. Most workshops will be held at 1020 E. Wendover Ave.Check workshop details on to confirm location.

Register for a workshop:• Visit:• Login with your N.C. A&T OneID user name and OneID password.

For more information, contact: or (336) 285-4491. 7

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Please reach out to us with any course suggestions you may have. Your feedback impacts our future offerings.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of LinkedIn Learning! To access your account, visit: Use your OneID credentials to access the system.

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