norms, values, mores and roles are learned during the process of socialisation. they make up the...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Norms, values, mores and roles are learned during the process of socialisation. They make

up the culture of a society, and they vary enormously between societies and over time.

Unspoken and unwritten rules of behaviour. We learn them during socialisation. They tell us what we should and shouldn’t

do in a situation. They can be taught

Explicitly Through observation Trial and error (by seeing the reaction of others)

Mores are stronger form of norms. They have a moral aspect.

These can be formal and informal. They can be set by governments (LAWS) Or by institutions, such as schools (RULES) Rules and laws have clear punishments

Detention Fines Prison

Discuss which examples are norms and which are rules.

Beliefs that are the reasons for norms A majority of any society believes in the

values. Example

◦ People may disagree about politics but they believe in having a political system

You may think some values are personal but many are shared with others

Many basic values in the UK can be traced back to Christianity,

Values differ a lot between societies and times.

Western society puts a lot of importance on money and possessions.

The Cheynne of North America (past society) believed that possessions were not important unless you give them away.

If you gave everything away in Britain, people would thing you were mad.

Read the article and highlight any examples of a society with different norms.

Now work with someone else. Do you have the same examples?

Now write your examples down. What do you think about Mosuo Society?

Status is the position you have in society. Ascribed status is social characteristics

which are given to you at birth (gender, ethnicity)

Achieved status is what you work to get (qualifications, job role)

Norms and status fit together. You behave in a different way if you are a student or a teacher, even though you are both at school.

We all have different roles in our life. They fit into categories.

Family roles (brother, sister, mother, father) Work related roles (teacher, Key Stage

Coordinator, Head of Secondary, Principal) Social and Leisure roles (team, friends, hobbies.)

We also get roles temporarily Passenger on a bus Dentist patient customer

Roles mean that we know what to do in a new situation.

If I go to a new doctor I know what to do because I have been to a doctor before, I understand my role.

Some times your roles don’t fit together. Your role as an Academy student may clash

with your role as playing in a band. This is called role conflict.

Write a list of all your roles in your present life.

Do you have any role conflict?

Which future roles would you like to have in ten years?

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