non_verbal presentation march 2015

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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NoN Verbal communication for BC



NON VERBAL COMMUNICATIONGROUP # _____03________Communication

Definition Communication is Latin wordcommnicre, meaning "to share.It is the process of sending and receiving messages.It enables the human to share knowledge, attitude and skills.There is no progress without communication.Human Relation is impossible without communication.

Types of communicationVerbalNon-Verbal

Non-verbal communication

Definition Nonverbal Communication: a system of symbolic behaviors that includes all forms of communication except words.Example: body languageThe most important thing in communication is to hear what isnt being said.- Peter F. Drucker Austrian writer and editorCommunication without use of spoken words.

Research on communicationResearch says that only 5% effect is produced by the spoken word, 45% by tone and other element of sound and 50% by body language.Interpreting Non-Verbal Communications7% Verbal38% Way words are said55% Facial expressions

Non-verbal communication includesFacial Expression GesturePostureMovementSmell and TouchVoice and SoundClothingTimeSpaceSilence, etc.

NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION THROUGH ArtifactsClothingJewelry PerfumeBeauty Aids

Material objects as an extension of oneselfClothing has the power to influence Change left in a phone booth was returned to well dressed people 77% of the time, poorly dressed people only 38% of the timeSeveral studies show that fancy suits, uniforms and high-status clothing are related to higher rates of compliance.The situation governs appropriate dress

10Facial Expression

DefinitionFacial expressions are dynamic features which communicate the speakers attitude, emotions, intentions, and so on. Thefeelingsexpressedonaperson'sfaceDuring oral communication, facial expressions change continually.The face is capable of conveying 250,000 expressions (Birdwhistle, 1970)Food servers who smile more often earn increased tips (Heslin & Patterson, 1982)Studies conducted on students caught cheating found that students who smiled were treated with more leniency (LaFrance & Hecht, 1995)

Examples for facial expressionsBasic Facial expressions include:



definitionA movement of a body (especially hands and arm) that shows and emphasize an idea or a feeling.Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily life.Meaning of gesture can be very different across the cultures and regions.Gesture is deliberate act with a purpose.We use gestures to take the place of words, or help us to increase understanding of what is being said

Examples of gesturesGesture:Brisk, erect walkMeaning:ConfidenceGesture:Arms crossed on chestMeaning:Defensiveness

Gesture:Hand to cheekMeaning:Evaluation, thinkingGesture:Rubbing the eyeMeaning:Doubt, disbeliefGesture:Biting nailsMeaning:Insecurity, nervousness


Definition with examplesPostureis the way you position your body or arrange your limbs.It is an affected and unnatural attitude.

examples StressConfident Face palm


definitionBody movement is an important part of successful communication. It reinforces, emphasizes and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.


Definition Various odors and fragrances sometime convey the emotions of the sender and sometime effect the reactions of receiver. Specially when, if the receiver is sensitive to scents.

examples If someone wore a little bit perfume before going for any occasion, a good message will convey to everyone whom he meet. If someone feel odor of sweats from other, it convey a message that he/she haven't bath for long time.


definitionTouching people can friendship, love, approval, hatred, anger or other feelings.examplesprofessional (a handshake) congratulatory (high-five) threatening (a push).

The power of touch:

A (1997) study found that strangers that were touched were more likely to return change left in a phone booth(Klienke)A (1992) study found that food servers who used touch received larger tips (Hornick)Library study (1976) found that students who were slightly touched by clerk while checking out library books evaluated the library much more favorably than those who were not touched.

Voice and soundYour voice quality and the extra sound you make while speaking are also a part of non-verbal communication called paralanguage.It includes Volume, Rate, Articulation, Pitch and other sound you may make. Such as throat cleaning and sighing.ExampleThe words You did a great job on this project! could be a compliment but if the tone of voice is sarcastic and said in the context of criticism the true meaning is anger.

How time, space and silence communicate


definitionHow is time used to communicate?What does it mean to you when someone is always late?A study conducted by Burgoon (1989) found that people who arrive 15 minutes late are considered dynamic, but much less competent, composed and sociable than those that arrive on timespace

Different cultures have different comfort levels of distanceAs children grow older and become less dependent on parents they require more space Men tend to take up more space than women Example: When you go to the movies with someone of the opposite gender who usually gets the armrest?


definitionSilence means absence of sound or noise.Silence is a very effective communication tool.Communication is simply about conveying a message, and sometimes silence can do that better than any words. Things such as anger, exhaustion, discomfort and so many more can be translated just by silence.

When someone talk too much it happens the key points will be missed. Silence forces us to shut up and deliver our message in fewer words, because fewer words can result in a clearer, stronger message.Keeping our tongue quiet give an opportunity to listen to our partner.

Physical AppearanceMore attractive people are judged to be happier, more intelligent, friendlier, stronger, and kinder and are thought to have better personalities, better jobs, and greater marital competence (Knapp, 1992)Attractive people get more dates, higher grades, higher tips, and lighter court sentences than unattractive people (Dunn, 2000)

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