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January 6 January 21 February 5 February 7 March 2 March 10 March 18 March 26 April 6 April 8 May 4 May 13 June 1 July 6 August 3 August 31 September 8 October 5 November 2 llovember 23 December 7 December 15



3 1 1 4 2 9 7 2 4 1 5 1 3 3 3 1 2 6 2 1 3 1

?l,)·' ... ~~ ,~r"'~" \. .

'. ~'


Dartmouth" Nova Sootia, Monday. J,muary 6, 1936.

Town Oounoil met this date a.t 8 P. M. ,.

Preaent,Mayor'Topple. Oounoillors AUltin, Yaloolm, Pettipaa, Otto, llnor and BellI alBo Town Solioitor Mololey_

The minutes or the lalt regular meeting were read and appro ..... d.

On motion of Oounoillor. Pettlpal and Ianor. Counoil met in oaamittee

tor a 'hort period and then reverted baok to Counoil meeting.

The Plumbing Inspeotor" report of fixturee inltalled and inlpeoted for

the month ot Deoember, as annexed, 'Was reoeived and fUed.

Dartmouth Natal Day Committee submitted statement 01' reoeipt& and ex­

penditurel oovering expenses of Natal Day, Augult 7th, 1935 niGh was on motion

reMind and adopted.

Mr. A. G. Sagage, President 01' the Dartmouth & Eastern Halifax Oounty

Tourilt Alsooiation, submitted a oomprehenlive report OD the aotiTities ot the

Allooiation linoe its inoeption and alkad that the Counoil oonlider the oontin­

uanoe of thh 'Work and that a. grant be made for the ooming leason the IlIle as '

lalt. year. On motion of Crs. Pettipal and Ianor report wal reoeived and filed,

and the Mayor and the Clerk were authorised to have an abstraot of the report

printed in the Town's annual report.

Cr. Austin submitted a report tram the Town Engineer in referenoe to

the petition of the property owners on Jemes Street, both aidel, tor ourb& and

gutterl, Ihowing the owners of frontage on the north side 1:0 be 62% of the front­

age and on the south side 66.6% of the trontage. Total peroent, both dde, 64.14".

Total oost ot 'Work 11417.00. Referred to the inooming CO\DloU to deal wi\h.

Cr. AUltin allO submitted a report in retereno~ to the street li5htins

'Vt. 01' the Tawn Ihowing n\lllber ot pole. to be 1273 of whioh the Tcnm ot Dari>o

mouth own 88, Marit~e Telegraph & Telephone Company 668 &D4the Nova Sootia. Light

and Power Oc:mpany 617. The lights are distributed ae "tolln ..

On Town pole. 44 • telephone pol.. 72

• power poles 203 • C.N.R. pole, ~ Trattio'lightl 3 Swinging lights 2

Total lightl ~ . ,'1';'0 . ,.., '

:ReporiJ reoeived ~(on motion of,Or .. Austin and Ianor it .... r .. ol .... d. . -" '.

, • " ~ , 1 . .. 't \0 • " • .' ; • • ( ,

,th,t a Camaittee be appointed trc:athe Oo~oll to .e.t a O.o.ll1tt .. t'rc:m the T.l-, . " .

Or, Ilaloolm ,suggested tha'" Cn. Au,tin

andPettipa. be that Committee, 'and on motion ot Cra. I,nor and otto it wail 're-\ '. ." . .',

,olvea'th .. t, Or •• Austin and Pettipu be appointed a O.1tt.e trca';the C:ounoll' i . ·1;

.' -:-

to •• et with the other Ocam1tt .... .,'


Cr. Austin also Illbmitted I. report by the, Tc:III'l\ Engineer ~ referenoe to

the drainage problem in North Darizouth and its bearing on the 8I.le 01' lots on

Lyle Street, and Illo the oast at laying I. sewer tram Viotoria Road to Wyee Road

I. diltanoe 01' 800 feet would be about t1200.00 or t16.00 per lineal toot at sewer.

Report wal reoommended t~ adoption by the Chainnanof the Streetl and Publio Prop­

erty Caaaittee and was referred to the inooming Counoil tor disoussion.

Cr. AUltin alIa reported in reterenoe to the oost 01' removing snow tram

the Itreetl during the reoent heavy tall 01' Inow and asked the Oounoil's opinion

in reterenoe to the hauling at snow away trom the busine.s seotion at the Town,

and on motion it waB resolved that the Chairman ot the Street COD1IIlittee be empow­

ered to olear the streets or snow after eaoh snow storm on streets defined by Or.

Austin in the businesl seotioDs 01' the Town.

Re Bus btand This question was again brought up tor disou8sion and after

some deliberation, on motion at Cl's. Pettipae and AUltin, it was resolved that an

"AD" be inserted in the prels stating that a hearing at all partiel intere8ted will

be granted and a apeoial meeting 01' the Town Counoil will be held on January 21st,

at 6.16 p. 11.

Re Presiding Ottioerl and Poll Clerks tor Eleotion This matter was upon,

motion reterred to the llayor and the Town Clerk to make appointmentl.

Cr. Bell, Chairman 01' the Finanoe Committee, reported that applioationl had

been oalled tor the position at Depu~ Town Clerk, and atter giving the matter due

oonaideration, reoommended that Mr. J. B. Conrad be appo~ted to the Itaft ot the

Town Clerk'l Ottioe at a aalary 01' tl500.00 per annum, and that he be appointed

Deputy Town Clerk. Report adopted and on motion 01' Crll. Bell and Ianor it was

rellolved that on the reoommendation of the Committee on Finanoe Mr. J. B. Conrad

be appointed to the IItatt 01' the offioe of the Town Clerk at a la1ary 01' tl500.00

per annum. The Town Clerk then appointed Mr. J. H. Conrad, Deputy Town Clerk

01' the Town 01' Dartmouth and on motion at Crs. Bell and lsnor it was relolved that

the Counoil hereby oonour in the report 01' the Town Clerk appointing 1Ir. J. B.

Conrad to be Deputy Town Clerk 01' the TO'IID 01' Dariaouth and that the appointment

be and the 8ane is hereby ratitied and adopted.

On motion at Cl''' Pettipall, and otto it, was RESOINED thatCounoll grant per ..

million to a oommittee ot reaident. h North Dartmouth to UI' the property known

1.1 "VICTORIA PARK" tor the purpose 01' an OPEN AIR RINK and that Counoil nlile a

repre.entative to act with laid oCllllllitte. 01' reaidents. On motion 01' Cr,I, Aust1n '

and Otto. Cr. ~ettipa • .... unanhlouBly appointed from the Oounoil.

R •• olution. tor loan authorisations tor the ourr.nt year w.r. adopt.d

... tollows.

Town G.neral Aooount at Royal BUlk ot Oant.d .. W .. t.r Maint.nano. Aooount .. t Bank ot Hoy .. Sooti ..

leo,ooo. 12,000.

Humb.r ot bill.' signed b1 2 oounoillor. were p ..... d tor pa,m.nt. "

M •• ting adjourn.d.

Approved •

.. Zv.'~~ .... MAYOR

Darbaouth, N. S., Tueaday, January 21, 1938.

Speoial .eetins ot the,Oounoil held thia da, at 6.16 P. M.

Preaent. MaJOr Topple, Oounoillors Austin, lIaloolDi, Pettipaa, Otto, Ianor and Bell. also Town Solioitor Kosele,_

fhe meeting RS oalled tor the purpose ot grantiDg a hearing to

oitizens who were interested in the propoaed BUS PARKING AREA on Oommeroial


1Ir. A. E. Hyde, 1Ir. Diokie, 1Ir. Hiltz and Mr. Ralph DeYoung were

heard in oonneotion therewith and Counoillors otto, Bell and Pettlp&a alao

expreaaea their opinion, and attar aane diaousaion, on motion .or' Ora. Pettipaa

and Otto, it was RESOLVED that the matter ot the proposed bUB parkiDg area be

referred to the POLICB COKUlTfEB to brins in a detinite report at the next

Counoil meeting.

Meeting adjourned.


, , .

, '

I, 'fALE Jl)8BBR, )(aF, eleoil tor tIM !cnrn ot DaMaouth, ao al •• rel,

pr_1.. _4 ... ar that 1 "Ul bt t" thtal ud btar tru. all.ciuot to Ill.

113"'7 I1q I4nrd Ylll a. lawh1 IOver.l", ot the Unlt.d I1qd_ ot

Great Britain ud Ir.l&nd, _d ot tbeDca1Jlloa ot 0.141., d.pend_' on and

beloqiDc to I&id 1C1q4oa, and tat r will det.nd hill to the UtlllOlt ot a:r power "pinl' all traitol"OUl oonlpirao1 .. or ""aptl whatlon.r wbioh .hall

be • .,d. agaluet hi. Perlaa, Crown 01" DieD1t" and that I "ill do ., .tRo.t

to 41.010" aDdaake tnawn to Hil Maj •• t" Hl. Helr., .,nd 5UOO •• IOI"', all

tr .... on. 01" trat torou. oaa.plru1ei anel attapt. whioh I Ihall blow iD bt

&pla.t hill 01" UI1 one ot \ha U4 all thil I do "'&1', witMut aD, .qUiTO-

oation, aental oya.ion or •• or.t r ••• rT&tlon.

80 HBLP lIB GOD ,. Swom to bltor. _ thil ~

cla, ot r.bI"Q&I'1. A.D.1988 •

••••••••••••••••• and tOI" the Count, ot Halifax

I, 'fAL'fIR 1l0SBIR. do ... ar that I _ clulJ qualifi.4 a. l"'qa1Nd b,l.,


tOI" tbe ottioo or ...,01" ot the '1'0lIl. ot Dviaouth, and that I will tal thta1l7

pertOI'll the auti .. ot 1iq0l". whU. I hold ottioe, to tll. bllt ot a:r abiUt,.


Swora to b.tor ... tlll.l

daJ ot r.bI"Ul'7, A. D. leM

----- -••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• and tor th. Count, ot Hal1tax

Town eo_oll a.1I tM. date a1l 8 P. I.

Pr ••• n~ I Mayor Mo.her, Oounoil1Or • .lu.tin, Maloolm, P.1I1I1pa., otto, lInor and B,UI al.o TCIIfn SoUoitor 1I01.1.y. '

!he ainuttl ot the l .. et two aeetbse w.r. aJid apprOT.d.

The three eenlo~ OO\lJlolllorl, nlllely, .luetin, Kal'oolm and Pet1l1pa',were !

appolnt.d a Hominatln, Comalttee to report on Standlng and Other Coaaltt.e. tor

the .n.ulns year. they ret1r.d and after a l.ngthly dellb.ration pr ••• nted a

aajor1\1 r.port and ... inod\)' r'PGn. oopl •• ot lIhloh prtlent.d to the

CO\lJloil10rl. Cr •• .luetin 'and KaloolaaOY.d the adoptlon ot the aajorlty r.~or'

ana Cr. htUpa. the actoption ot the ainorit1 report. Motion .... then put

1st. to the actOptiOll1 ot the ainor1117 r.port 1Ihloh , to 2, Or ••

P.ttlpal, BeU, Ienor anel otto Toting tor and Cre. Jli.loolm an4 Au.tin apia.t.

Th ... Uo. to actopt the aajorit1 report .... 10.t, there b.1q two oO\lJloll1or. tor

ancl tour apin.t. Th. report react. u tollowSl






(The tlr.t named OD eaoh Committee to be o~alraan ther.ot)







01'1'0 PlmPAS





I. L. 001'1


, , .



On aotlO111 ot Or •• Au.tin ancl Btll, Cr. httlpa ...... PNl1cliaC

COUJlol11or tor the en.uing ~ar.

On aoUoa ot Or •• Bell ancl ot1Io, lt .... r .. olT.dl wThat J .... T. Clarke be appoint.d Chlet ot Polio., Sanltary In'peotor, anI! rn'peotor ot'Lio.n ... tor the fClWll ot Dar1:lll0uth md that John J. tarlor be appoint.d Deputy Chl.t ot Polioe and Sanitary In'p'otor, and that Weldon Amold and Walter D. Page be appointed polio. orUoer. and lanitary in­'peotor. tor the Town at Dartmouth to lnolude all dut1 •• al aay be a •• iened to them trOll tim. to time by the Town OOUllOll and the limit. within wMoh th.y .hall haT. jurlediotian thall be d •• ignated to b. the T~ ot Dartaouth.-

••• \ \{ , \1\,



On aotion ot Or •• P.tt1pu tad Otto. 1t ..... rllolftdl -. -!hat 11'. O. Ii.hop. Oharl •• Georp. '1I'alt.r IItrtd1th. p. S. Bar4!q. L.B. S.tUt.L.B. 8a1th IDd Ralph DeYouqbe appointed welch.r. in the town ot DIJ'1aouth.-

On aot1aD ot Or •• Pett1,... and otto, It .a. r •• olv.dl

-1'hat J.tI Oara. J. P. Duzm &ad D. w..ellllD be appointt4 Fir. Oo •• table. iD tad tor the ton of Darillllouth.·

!he appointlll.nt ot the Superint.ndent ot Str •• t ••• dloal Health Otf10.I',

Pl_b1ac 1 •• .,..tor and O~tabr of the Bng1ne Boil" and Audltor ...... aD aoUaD

d.t.rl'ld amtll the next •• ettni.

Lett.r .... read trOll Uwar4 Cutt, Town ol.rk, Dartaouth, Insland, .tat1Dc

that he had be.n in.truoted by his oounoil to pr •• ent to the oounoil ot the Town

ot Dartmouth, lova 500tia,Volume on. ot the history ot Dartmouth a. ta 'SPI"'· 8~OD ot tr1enclab1p and &oodwnl trCII nameim iD th1. oountr1' fhe volume

.... It.1d on the table aDd OD aot1OD et 01". httl,... 1D4 llaloobl lt .... rllolTtcl

that the Toft Ol.rk IDd the Town Sol1dtor b. author1ltd to po.par. a 'Ilitabl.

letter ot aolalowl.dpent to be dpe. It,. the Mayor and 'l'0Wft Ol.rk Sa appreolation

ot the k1adnea ••

!be .111111101'" r.port tor the ,.ar lIaB .... aD aotiOll ot Or •• Btll and lInor

re .. lftd and tabl.d •

.1ppl1.at1on. tor p'l'II1t., approv.4 ot b1 the 'l'cnm 1Il,1naer •• '1" OIl aot1aD

ot Cr •• .1u.t1D IDd otto ,rant.d a. tollowwl J.... L. Warn.r 21 PortlID4 St. ..t~t.4 oo.t 11400. Alfr.d 111"1' tor Capt. A. H. YOUDC, r.pair. .ou~h .14. ot Portltad St • •• oo.t 11100'.

l\alb.r .t b111. dpt4 by two 0011110111.1" wer. pu ••• tor ,..,..t . leetSag adjourn.4.


"­••••••••••••••••••••••••• IOWI OLIBI 11. Btll.

ttri. J. hllOl'

w. 0,., Otto


OoaO!l1or tor War4 OAt

OOUBoll1or tor War4 Iro

Oouaoillor for War4 Thre.

tor the fan ot Darilloutb, 40 ..... 1'&11'. liDotrel, IDcl ... ar that

,.. wl11 be faltbtul gcl 'bear Vu. allte1Mot 110 Bh 1I~ .. t, !tiDe 1c1nrcl T1)1,

u larh1 'Oftl'llp ot tbt Uns.t" I1l1Celoa ot Oreat BritaiD IDcl u4

of tbt DoabtoB ot Oana4 ... eltpen4t1t.t OB gel beltlt.PBI to the 11ai1ll4 ISnccl-,

g4 that,.. willd.hllcl Ma to thl u.o.t ot our ~I' .. ",iD.t all trattoro" •

oOB.piraoi •• or .. tt_ptl'What.o ..... whioh Ihall b. aacl. "sab.t hi. per.oB,

Orown. or Dlplty, gd that w. w111 do our Utaolt to dl10101. gel aakll mown

to Hil ~ .. ty. Bh lleir., IDci Suo .. llor., all t ...... OIl or tl'&1tol'OU" OOIl.plr­

us... &Del ""'.pt. whlob •• .ball JmcM 110 b. Ma or ur OIl' ot tb ...

&Del &11 thi. we 40 ......... 11' anar •• 111ho"t ut .quiToo .. Uoa ... B.l nalioa

or ... r.t r •• ...,.atloll.


8nrIl 110 .. t D..r.outb WI

~ • .., of r.bruarr. .l. D. 1,se.

. , .


,. f· ~ , ~ f. .


. ... ~ ....

'. ,



f()a or J)ARDlOum 88

OOUDolllor tor War4 ODe

Oouaolllor tor War4 !Wo

Oowmolllor tor War4 thre,

tor the !GInl .t Dv_ouh, 40 ,n,rall, IOlllllll, "'&1' that we aro aul,.

qua11tll4 a' r'qulrlll b, 1_ tor the otfloe ot OOUllo111or tor the !GIIl

ot D .. iaouth, M4 1Ihat ... wUl talthhll, pertora tb, clu1l1e' ot OouolUer,

while ... hola ott'lOl, to ~ be,t ot 0111' abUlt,.


Swon to at Du1IIpQiIIl till'

..-~ cl.., ot r,bnar"

A. D. 18156.

J .. nu, that tb, oathl ot ott'loe ot

. ... ~ ...... .

~M' M. B,l1, !.ni, J. I_or Ma W. GU1 otiIo

u 001aOlller, ... re 4ul, talllna cm tbt ~..., ot rebraary,

A. D. UN, the .~' a' taDD, app'arlq iD tbtH aiD., Ma 4&_a

the mcl 7 a.., .t ',bruar" .1. D. leN, Mcl lcl'lltltl,' b,. .,


Datea at Dar_outh, 10Tt. SooUa, thh

. , '


Dartmouth, Nova 600tia, Kond~y, M~oh 2, 1936.

Town Oounoil m.t thll date at 8 p. M.

Fr .. entl .,01' 1I0Ih.r, Oouno111orl AUltin, Iialoolm, Pettipal, Otto, hnor. and Bell. allO Town Solioitor Mole1.y.

Minutes at la.t meeting were read and approved.

The Plumbing In.peotor' s report ot f'ixtur.. in.taU.d and inspe oted

tor January ed February. al annexed, wal on 1IIOtion reoeived and tUed.


The Dartmouth Board 01' Trade enololing oopy ot re.olution palled by

the Sarnia Ohamber 01' Oommeroe January 23, in reterenoe to the Imperial Oil

Company, Limited, and alking that a similar resolution be passed by the Dart-

mouth Town Counoil. Letter reoeived,and on motion it was resolved that the

Mayor. the Olerk and the bolioitor be authorized to prepare and torward suit-

able re.olution.

The Dartmouth Park CQMaission applying tor an appropriation ot 1600.00

tor Smprovements to the Park property. Letter reoeived, and on motion at CrI.

AUltin II1d llaloolm wal reterred to the Finanoe OQMaittee.

Dartmouth Sohool Board applying tor an appropriation ot.72.UO. being

the aaount required by the Board tor .obool purpo.e. tor the ourrent year. Letter

r.oeived and on motion 01' Ors. Pettipas and Otto was reterred to the Finanoe Com­


The Town A ..... or. acquainting the Oounoil ot.11ae of' the ohang.s in , . '

properti.s and matter I ooming under their attention and asking that they b. oon­

sldered when the estimat.e are made up. Letter reoeiv.d, and reterred to the

Finanoe Committee.

Dartmouth Printing and Publishing Company, Limited on printiq the ToWn

report w1 th a .peoial oover as per lample attaohed tor the lum 01' .2.46 per page.

inoluding the oost ot the Town'l Finmoial Itatement in the Dartmouth Patriot.

On motion 01' CrI. Pettipas and Otto, the tender was &Ooepted and the matter 01'

ohoosing a 'uitahle oover wal reterred to the Clerk and Ohairman 01' the Finanoe •

C OIIIIIli ttee •

The appointmen~ot 'the 'Superintend.nt 01' Streets and Plumbing Inlpeotor

~ deterred until the next ... t1zlc.

Or. lIa10011ll moved, leoonded by Cr. Au.tin, that B. A. Pays ant be ap­

pointed Medioal Health Of'rioer tor 1Ibe Town ot Dartmouth at'th.,aae salary

a. paid la.t year. Or. Otto. leoonded. by Cr. ,Bell aoved ID .. en_nt to the

, ~ .


motion th&t E. I. Glenister be &ppolnted Medio&l Be&lth Offioer for the Town ot

Dartmouth at the I ... e lalar)" aa laat )"ear. The m.otion was put and 101t. 01'11.

lIaloola IZld AUlltin. voting tor and 01'1. Pett1pall. Otto, hnor and Bell voting

againllt. The amendment to the aotion wal then put; end oarried. CrI. Otto, Bell,

Ianor and Pettipu voting tor end 01'1. llalooba and AUlltin againltJ Cr. AUlltin

than ,ave notioe ot reoonlideration.

Cr. Pettipaa m.erred, leoonded by Cr. 011110 that Harry Preeper be re-

appointed Caretaker ot the EngiQ Houlle. Cr. AUltin objeoted to tballOtion

and the reaolution was then ginn all notioe ot aotion.

The Auditora' report wall reterred to the FinlZloe COlIDittee.

Cr. AUlltin allked to be relieved ot hill ChainnlZllhip ot the Street

COIIIIlittee ........ " .... • .. '.-rI,"' .......... IIX.CS ......... tIlMll4 and on m.otion ot CrI. Bell and

Ilnor it wal resolved that Cr. Otto be appointed Ch&irman of the Street Committee

and that Cr. Austin remain al a member ot that Committee.

The Clerk reported th&t he had reoeived an otter ot 150.00 tor the

Wright lot on Heater Street troll. Mr. J. L. Dlllllan. the said lot having been

bOlllht in at Tax Sale in 1934. 1Ir. Dll1m.1Zl atated that be would have a house

built on the lot within a1x m.onthl. On m.otion ot Cl's. Austin and Otto it was

reaolved that the Town do lell thil lot to 1Ir. J. L. Dlllmen tor .50.00 P:I'0vid-

1ng he gives an undertaking to htre a dwelling ereot.d there within six m.ontha.

The petition trcm the ratepaJ8rs ot J .. ea Stre.t tor permanent ourbs

and gutters. both aidea. waa referred to the Street Oo~ttee.

Applioations for build1q pennita,apprond ot by the Building Inapeot-

or, were granted as tollowal

llargaret A. Parl ... clnlling South weat lide ot Portland St. eatmated ooat 14.000.

Jean Lellie. alterations Pleaaant·St. elt~ated ooat .1400. Dartmouth Contr&otora Supplf1ng and Milling Co. It 1000.

Bortb aide or Mott St. rred M. Labey, tor eleotrio Sign and oanopy over the m.ain entranoe ot the Thorndyke Hotel.

Letter ot A. E. Hyde quoting ~i&bllit1, propert)" and tire inaurano.

on the traotor _cl pln. wall on motion or Ora. Otto and Pettipall reterred to the

.Street 00lllll1ttee tor report. , . 1

I~r ot bills aienea b1 two CoUi~illorll paelled tor payment.

lIe.tins adjourned.

.... I/:tI.~ ....

, (:>

.. ' .• ~ -.,....-~.-:.;z,...-e...-(.~A \ .. ~.~ .•..•.......•..........•.•. 'J ,; !0IIlf CLBRlC



DaMaouth, H. S., Tuelday, JIuooh 10, 1936.

Bp.ola1.e.ttag ot the Town Counol1 held thl. date at 8 P.'y.

Pretentl Jlayor lIother, Oounoll1or. AUltin, lIalooba, p.ttipaa, Otto, l'nor aDd Bell •• allo Town So1101tor Mo •• 18Y. '

Tbe F~. Com.1ttee r'ported reoommending that.

Mr. BugeD.e lfioholll be auperlDnUated, at a •• at tl,OOO. p.r arma.

The R.Uet Otrioe be IUlpende4 during the month. ot 11.." June, Jul,., August and September.' . '

The tax rate 1'01' the ourr.nt year be Itruok at $3.60 on ever,. .100.00 01' the aaaesmnent.

Report was r.oelved and there wal oonslderab18 disoullion thereon.


Or. Bell aOTed, .eoonded by Cr. l'nor that the a ...... ent roll a. tin •

Inally palll.d by the Court ot Appeal and ocap1eted and now 1ald betor. this

••• ting be and the ••• is oontinled ancl that thia OounoU authorial

the 1eTyins and 0011eotlon ot a rat. tor the curr.nt year ot .3.60 per tloo.00.

on the al.e ••• d value a. per aa ..... ent roll Whioh a ....... nt roll aa4 rat ••

are h.r.b,. ooDtinled.

Tbat the 10th day at JIuooh 1936. be and it 11 her.b,. tlx.4 aa the date

the rat •• tor the ourrent year .hall b. due and payable and that a dl'oOUllt

o~ 2 per08Jlt be al10w.d th.reon up to the ftth day otJune. 1936, and arter

tha 2nd day ot July. 1936, intlrllt be ohargecl OD all tues tor the ourrent

,ear then 1Ulpaid, at the rate ot ! peroent p.r umua ' , '

Further relolved that a Poll Tu 01' .3.00 b. levied on and oolleoted

trClll persons &l88811ed tor per.onal property only and a Poll Tax ot .7.00 be

levied and 0011eot.d trom perlon8 not a8ae.8ed on and ~r.ona1 property

a. pravided by Lur.

Ko1d.on waa pu't and oarr1ed, Cn. Bell, hnor, Otto and Pettipas votiag

tor and Cr •• Austin againlt. Cr. lIaloolm the,n gave notioe to reoonlider the

r •• o1utton at a .peola1 aeeting of the Couno11 whloh ft. oalled tor Fr1da,.,

Karoh 1S, ail &.15 p. 11.

O:Il_ilioJl of Cra. P.tti,.. md Otto, 1Ir. Harry Preeper ft. appointe4

Oaretabr at the Engine Hou" 'a1i the ..... alaryas la.t year.

lleetblg then adjourned until Fr1dI.1~

At the adjourn.d 'meeting h.1d on Fr1uy at whloh the 11&701', all Oouno11-

lora and the 'l'0WJl 801101tor were pre.nt. Cl'. J(aloolm .0't'8d, .eooadea by Dr~

AUltinthat tb. relolution fixing the tax rate passed Yaroh 10th be r.oon-

... ! Motion oarried 1IIlubao1ls1y, _11 att.r ••• di.ousllilon the FIn_o.

OOllllittee r.ported Oil tlw •• tbaated reoelpt. and expenditur.s ot tbI!cnm tor

the ourr.llt year as amlexed, .lUI1r1nS the net ........ et to b. 1 •• 9$2.100.00

_d the rat. to be IS.GO per al00.00, further that Mr. B. Iloholla b. auper­

lmlUat.d at a .UIl ot .1,000.00 per &IID_, and that the aeUet Ottl .. be .!!!!.

pen,," durSng the JIOntha ot 11&,. JUIUI, July, Aupllt and S.ptelaber. aapon

adopted, Ore. Bell, IlIlor, Pettipae and ottlo TotSng tor, and Cre. Au.till and ,

Maloola against.


..... w.~. MAYOR

. I~ ;.~.


Balanoe due Royal Bank of Cana.da

AMOUNTS REQUIRED PER REPORT OF COLIMITTEES Finanoe Fire Charities Polioe and Lioense Streets and Pub1io Property Cemetery

SCHOOLS. per estima.te

SOhools, Sinking Fund 94,000 ':1) 1% " " 100~000 SI 1% "

" " " 12~500 '" 2% " 11 " 30,000 .." 2% " 11 " 12,000 ." 2% " " 11 27,000 3% " " 11 3,000 '" 34% " " 11 40,000 ..; 3 1/3~

Munioipa.l Sohool Fund

LES5 Uunioipal Sohoo1 Fund

Exemption to Firemen & Firemen's Widows

Disoount on Taxes

Allowanoe tor non-oolleotable this year

REVENUE on hand •••••••••••••••••.••••••• Taxes reoeivable ...•.......•••••••.•••• Poll Taxes ....................... . Buk Taxes .....•••••.•••••••..••. Fines ....................... . Court Fees .•••••••••••••••••••••• Lioenses ••••••••••••••••••.•••• Dog Taxes ••••••••••••••••••••••• Interest on overdue taxes •••••••••••••• Brightwood Golf & Country Club ••••••••• 5tarr Manufaoturing Company •••••••••••• Consumers Cordage Company •••••••••••••• bidewa1k Revenue ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cash - Dartmouth Ferry Commission ••••••



568. 96,888 2,000

300. ~O. 900. 500. 600.

5,000. 750.

1,000. 2,613. 1,000.

10,000 .~

· : I !

,I,. ; "\ .'.


County Hates (Amount fixed by County)

GRANTS.Dartmouth Park Commission V. O. N. Natal Day Committee Dartmouth Fire Dept. Tourist Committee U. P. C.

Interest on Overdraft Consolidated Debt 17,000 @ 5%

" 11 1,000 @ 4%

LESS from Sohool Board

Int. on Bonds Perm. sidewalks " 11 11 11

850.00 40.00

890.00 260.00



600.00 460.00 826.00


600.00 460.00 700.00 600.00 300.00 260.00

11 "

Motor Fire Engine

10,000 @ 6% 10,000 @ 4!% 15,000 .5ir.

3,000 ~~ 5% - i yr. 15,600 @ 5% 14,000 @ 6%

75.00 775.00 840.00 126.00 200.00 426.00 276.00 560.00

11 Ladder Truok Fire Truoks Roller Widening Windmill Rd.

11 11

Cemetery Paved Streets

11 It


11 11

tI 11

11 tI

tI 11

Eleotrio Light Unemployed Relief

" 11

Crusher Publio Works Improvmts. Overdraft Loan

Traotor,Plough & Truok Curbs & Gutters?

PUBLIC HEALTHa Salary, Health Offioer Supplies,Anti-tox,eto.

2,600 @ 5% 4,000 @ 5% 8;500 @ 5% 5;000 "l 5~%

11,000 <;) 5% 50,000 "" 4~% 11,000 .is 5~o 25,000 ..s 5% 90,000 <!> 4ti'o 19,000 d 5'2/' 21,000 @ 5t~ 50,000 8 5%

3,500 @ 4M' 15,000 ~ 5% 12,600 @ 4%

3,100 @ 5% 22,200 ~ 5% 24,000 @ 4% 8,600 :} 4%

200. -1..Q£

Registration Births & Deaths

SALARIESa- -t 71t~ Mayor Clerk & Treasurer Deputy Clerk C. M. Bhp 1'. H. Myers 932. I 61'1.00 B. Dares 624. , 76.00 Stipendiary ~agistrate Town ~olioi tor hloBsenger & Janitor Auditors Assessors Revisors Eleotoral lists Revisors Jury lists Tax Colleotor

Contingent Mayor's Contingent Aooount Convention of Munioipalities

FORWARD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

2,260.00 550.00

1,250.00 4,050.00 1,045.00 1,165.00 2,600.00

167,00 760.00 500.00 165.00

1,110.00 960.00 340.00

~3~,tltl 400.00

2,260.00 1,500.00 1,300.00 1,000.00

700.00 600.00 850.00

1',040.00 600.00

1,200.00 360.00




100.00 I~, ~~.O() 1,200.00 lS,999a99

3,600.00 ioo.oo 200.00 ' 3,800.00

I~ \

Finanoo Bstbnatos 1936

FORWARD •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


1919 1919 1922 1921 1921 1927 1932 1925 1920 1925 1928 1929

Highways i,ot It

1931 1931 1932 1933 1932 1926



1929 1931 1933 1933 1935 1934 1935

Provinoial Highway Tax

4% Motor Fire Engino 2% Stoam Roller 1% Widening Windmill Road 1% 11 11 11

2% Motor Truok 2~ Permanent bidewalks 2Y. It 11

3 1/3% It 11

3% Cometory 2% Water and Sewer 3% Porm.streots, $50,000 @ 3% 3% It 11 11,000 G 3% 3~ 11 11 25,000 @ 3% 3~ 11 11 90,000 @. 3~ Permanent Stroots 19,000 @ 3 1/3%

" It 21,000 .'1 3 1/3% " 11 50,.000 .!!i 3 1/3%

Unemployed Relief 15,000 @ 8i%' Water & Sew~r 3% Fire Truoks 2,500 @ 3% Elootrio Light 3,500 a 3i% Crusher, 3,100 (j} 3 1/3% Improvements 22,.200 d 3 1/3% Consolidated Debt 1,000 'i~ 3i% Overdraft Loan 24,000 Direot Relief 12,£00.} 8 1/3%

620., 80., 85., 50.,

280. , 200.' 200 ..... 500.' 330. '

2,000.' 1,500 .....

330., 750. '

2,925. ' 633. ~

700 •• 1,667. ' 1,237. ' 1,200 ,

75.' 113. "-103. , 740 ... 35.-

6,000 ...

#9, /5'7 00 '1I.981u88

1,041., 23,394.00

4,895.00 '. $ TT ,111lw Illl


\" \' f

, 11:' It {'

., < " I ,

.. '

. ;.


e -1938 -

Salary w. Harrilon .•................•...........•... 11 H. Stevens .••...............••........•••... 11 H. Preepor •......•...•.......••..... , ........

Lighting •••••••••••••••••.••••••.••.•.••••.•••.•••••••

Fuel ••.•••..•.....•....••.••...••..•.••...•••.•.•••••.•

Telephones ..•..••.....•.......••.•..•.••.•..•..•..••••.

Repairs to Apparatus .•..............•.......••..•...••.

Gas, Oil & Grease •••..••....•......•••......•••••••••.•

Insuranoe .............................................. Sundry ••••••••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•••••

Extension Ladder .................... , ................. . 2 Tires. 30 x 5 .•.....••••..•.......................... 1 Hand HBlIllIler 2 Iba ••••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••

2 Rough Rider ExtinguiShers. oomplete with holders •••••

1 5" Viso ••••.•••••.•.••.••••••••.•••••.••••••..•••••••

Fire Convention Delegates ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

1 doz. Clutoh Faoings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

! oost 6 Uniforms - oversize •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

4 Coats ..•..••...............•...••..•..•••.....••••••. 4 Pairs Boots .......................................... 6 Single Bittod Pole Axes

2 Pike Axes


75 ft. Flexible 00.1'1'. hire Rope

150 ft. Best Manilla Rope

100 ft. - i in. Best Manilla Rope

1 - 24 ft. LaFranoe Extension Ladder

Autanatio Bell Alarm

Red Lights - Apparatus and Street Corner

~ ) ) )

~ l

UNION PROi'ECTION COMPANY 5 Pairs Boots .•..•.............•.••..•.... ~.~ ... 25.00 6 Hats ••••••••••••••••••••••••·•• ••••••••••••••• 10.00

. 6 Coats •• '.1 •••• I, •••••••••••• _ •• •• • •• • • •• •• •.•• •• 72.00 Sundries ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 60.00

. ,l1 61>

$ 1500.00





















110·00 ie&w8Q

16.00 &,166,68 5"..j3J.5"r


1936 CHARITIES COMMITTEE ESTIMl~TES -----------------


Maintonwnoe of paupers · •••...••••.••••••• 1 yr.

MUNICIPALITY OF EAST RANTS Maintenwnoe of · ................ .


HOME OF GUl\.ttDl.t.N .&iliGI!;L Maintonwnoe of Bl1zaboth )lilliwne . . . . . . . . . . .

lU~Fl.x INFANTS H01!E Maintonwnoe of


ST. Pl,TRICK'S HOME Maintenanoe


VICTORIl, GENERJ.L HOSFITi.L Maintenanoe of Pationts

GRilCE M.h.TERNITY HO::;PIT1,L Treatment



Hi.LIF.Jl VIfllTING Dl~l-J!,NSAhY Grnnt

BT. THERES., 1 S RETREi.T Board of' Mise Oleon

BOlIRD OF POOR IN TCNIN Lovett a.nd Warner

· .............. "" . · .. , ............... · ................. · ................. · .... , ............. · ................. • •••••••••• I ••••••

· .......... , ...... · ................ . · ................ ' "'

· ................ .














" " GROCERIES fIND C01,L • ••••••••••••••• I ••• I

" SUNDRIES • • I •••••••• , •••••••


~il1l',.R'Y, SECRETARY · ................. . LESS ~ i,GE I'ENSION 267

l:m:OUNT CHaRLES, CITY HOME Loee Colleotabl~


Maintenanoe of Pationts ••••••••• 1 yr. 6,000. LESS. MoPherson 180.

Goro.rd 47R 668.

LEbS. Se.1D.ry seo~ary (mOB,

130 •













700. 14,305.

267 14,038.

500. 111,538.




/7· fit.

" " 11



• 1936 -


,J. T. Cla.rko, Chiof of Polioe ••••••••

John J. Lawlor, Deputy Chiof 01' Polioo ••

W. Arno1d, Offioer ............. .. ', . W. D. Page. Ot't'ioer .. , .... , ......... H. Preoper .... ~ ........................

Spooial Polioe .•...•....•.•.•...•......•....•...•••

Clothing •••..•.•......••....•...•.••.•••••••••.••••

Lighting Lo okup •••••...•••.•••••••••••.•••••••.••••

Fuel for Lookup •••••••.••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••

Telophonea .... , ................... , .............. . Prisoners' Meals •••.•..•...••••••••••••••••.• , •••••

Advortising and Printing •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Cleaning, Flashlights, eta •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••

Globe s, biltint Polioe .....................•..•.....

Gas, Oil, Repa.irs •••.••.••••.••••.••. ··••·•••••••·••

Painting .- Traffio Zones ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Sundry •••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•.••.•

Car ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I ~,

U 1800.00

~" 1476.00
















• ~ 11f j'.()O

., . l •• 1 "' __ \


SPENT ESTIMATE ITF.M __________________ ~1~~~ __________ ~1~9~3~8 ______ ___

Salary Town Engineer 1600.00 1500.00

11 bupel'intendent

~treet asphalting, gravel & oil

Maoadam Roadwork

Sundry street rep~irs


Drains anc oulverts

Snow removal

\~ Clea.."ling streets

SideweJ.k gra.ding

Catoh pits oleaninc

Walls and i'enoes

Repairs and upkeep plant

Gas and Oil

~orkmen's Compensation Board

Publio Property

Sinkin& Fund 1/5 Prinoipal Truok, Traotor and plow

Purohase 14oseloy Land Jamieson St.

~~ Lightin& & Power

Nova Sootia Light & Power Co. Power


















11 11 Street Lighting 3726.00

" 11 Buildings 371.26

11 " Sub-station 160.00

Salary - Superintendent 117.00

Labour 139.74

Lamp 0 629.90

Fixtures 260.03

Pole Rental 90.00

Extension 94.92

.,...-'3.0" ~


~ 600.00


600.00 30()p.oo 8500iOQ









1700.00 '





120.00 4q.oo ~






I 9. 'Y S'~. () 0


IIt.IISSiSS ?-",,.?>,, 0 "


r. '

DartmO"th, N. S., Weeelda" Maroh 18, 1936.

Speoial me,ting ot the fawn 00unoi1 held thll-date at 6.16 P. K. to

deal with m .. tter. pertaining to legla1ation.

Prelent- K~orYollher, OOWloUlora Austin, p.ttipal, otto, lenor Illd Belli al.o fawn Solioitor Ko.eley.

Town Solioitor Yo.eley pre •• nt.d draft or propolI.d legl.1 .. tion,

ola"s" #1 to 9. The draft was dealt with olaulle by olaUle. the fir.t

tour 018."1" .er. pass.d, olaus. 6 W .. 8 pass.d, olaUI. 6 wall p ..... d wlth


a Ilight ohang" olau •• 7 was pa.s.d, Or. Au.tin voting aga.1n.t, olau ••

e wal palll.d, olauI' 9 .ntailed .oa. diaoul.lon th.reon, and on motlon

ot Or •• Pettipa. and B.ll,_ it wa. r.lo1Ted that ola,," 9 be d.t.rr.d tor

turther ooneid.ration bl the Counoil and a hearing be given to p.r.on~


On motion ot Orl. B.ll and P,ttipas, it was r'lolved·that the dratt

ot l.,illation a. lubaitted by the fawn Solioitor Illd ~end.d by the Coun-

011 ocapril1ng •• otions 1 to 8 lnolul1ve, b ... dopt,d, and that the .em'

be r.oomaended to the Governor Illd AII.embly tor enaotaent and that ~hI

Town 801i01tor be in.truoted to take n.o,.sary .t.p. to ha~ ..... naot­

ed at the pre •• nt Ses.ion ot the Legi.1Atur ••

Applioation tor building permit tor dwelling on the North East .ide

ot Windmill Road on Park lot r.o.ntly puroh .... d by Olareno, Ki •• n.r traa , ( .

Harold S. Allen, WA. on motlon of Ors. lI.11 Illd otto grlllted.

Keeting adjourned.

'1'0II!l OL!RI


.... w.~., MAYOR


No. BILL 1936

An Aot Relating to the Town 01' Darimouth.

BE IT ENAOTED by the Governor and Assamb1y as fo110wsI

h The Town 01' De.rimouth is authorized to borrow or raise by way 01' loan Th,l:ee

on the oredit 01' the Town, a sum not exoeedingfThousand. Five Hundred Dollars

$3.600.00) to be used to pay and retire at maturity debentures 01' the Town

amounting in the whole to Five Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) dated the 1st

day of Novamber. A. D. 1915, payable on the 1st day 01' November. A. D. 1936,

issued under Seotion 105 of Chapter 66 01' the Aots 01' 1902, the sinking fund

in respeot 01' said debentures being insuffioient.

2 • ,,'/here any money is borrowed or raised by the issue and sale 01' deben-

tures 01' the said Town under this Aot and the Munioipa1 Debentures Aot. the

Counoil 01' said Town shall provide for a sinking fund with respeot to suoh

debentures. The amount to be paid into the sinking fund shall be an amount

whioh the Counoi1 deems suffioient to provide for the payment ot' the deben-

turos when the same are payable, and the first payment into such Sinking fund

shall be made within one year from -the date of such debentures; provided, how-

over that where such debentures are serial debentures of tho samo denomina-

tion one or more be ing payable eaoh yoar, and an equal number 01' suoh dc~:en­

tures being payable eaoh year, it shall not be neoessary to provide for tho

said Sinking fund •

~ Every sum required tor .-

(a) interest on suoh debenturesl

(b) the sinking fund so required;

shall be held to be sums required for the ordinary lawful purposos of the

Town, and shall be raised, levied and oolleoted in the SwmG manner and in

all respeots as other BumS required for the ordinary lawful purposes 01' the

said Tawn are raised, levied and oo11eoted.

~ Clause (a) of Seotion 1 ot Qhapter 67 of the Aots 01' 1936, is amended

by striking out the figures "1935" in the 7th line 01' said Clause (a) and

substituting there tor the figuros "1940."

. ,



~ Soot1on 14 ot Oh~pter 57 ot the Aotl ot 1935 11 ~onded by Itriklng

out tho word "ed" in the 6th line thoreof, and lu'bltltQtinC theretor the

L. i'he i'CMn et Dvtmouth 11 .ut;!u)rh04 "'0 bolud- 1D ..... OI~.tOl'

ea.oh and every year or any )'ear or yearll, end to ~lIIe .. tor, levy and oolleot

~ 1\1111 not exoeoding 'l'wo Hundred ed Fifty Dollarl (1260.00) to be paid over

to the union Proteotion Oompany tor the somoral purpolal ot that body. i'hia

laotion Ihall be read, oonlltrued and civen offeot to, all it tko I~e had been

onaoted the 31lt day ot Deoember, A. D. 1935.

l!. (1) The Town ot Dartmouth sha.ll pay to Eugene Niohoh, 1'rOII the date

~f kt .• retirWPlSt tr-. .lut of~ ot SI.lllP~nt ot Str-oMO u4.w..,","~k.

tor the Town (whioh retirement Ihall not be betore the lat day of May, A. D.

1936) a penlion ot One Thouland Dollar. (11000.00) per year, whioh Ihall be .

paid over to Mm in monthly inltalmentl on the laa1l day or eaoh end every oal­

endar month, not in advanoe, 10 long al he Ihall live.

(2) The Tawn of Dartmouth il authoriled to inolude in itl elttmatel

eaoh and evory year,'and to allela tor, levy and oolleot the ~ ot Fivo Hun­

dred Dollarl (1500.00) tor the purpole of payinc one half ot the pension re­

fopped to in aU~lootion (1) hereof, ao lone al the lame ia required. /

(3) The Town ot Dartmouth ia a.uthoriled to inolude in the olttmatel

and of its Water Worka Department, and to aSsel1 tor, rata end 001-

leot a.a a part or tho expenditures or laid Department, in eaoh and every year.

the 1\1111 at Five Hundred Dollarl ($500.00) for the purpOle or pa1in& one halt or

the penSion reterred to in lub-Ieotion (1) hereot, 10 lone al the lame il re­

quired, and the said amount shall be held to be e ordinary lawf'l.ll exp8ftdlture

ot the laid Department ot the T""lb

(4) Tbil seotion shall be read, oonatrued and given etfeot to al it the

lame had been enao~ed the Slst da.y of Deo~ber, A. D. 1936.

8. Notwithltandin, the FO'V'illonl ot "The Anel8ment Aot", Ohapter 8&. -R. S. H. s. 1923, Where property, whother real or personal or b01lh, 11 OWDed

by two or more persona, whother al busine .. p~~.rl. jobt ttnantl, tenqtl

in common or by any other ktnd ot joint intorelt, the exemption reterr~d to



in Sootion 2 (g) of sdd Assossment i.ot shall be allowed only onoe as to the

whole of the property, and no .'parson who s nut for this sootion would have been

entitled to a soparato exemption, shall bo ontitlod to or be granted any other

exomptlon_theroon than thnt-providod horoin.

9. (1) SUbjeot to the provisions of this sootion, the Town of Dar1~outh shall

have power, by rosolution of its Town Counoil, to subdivido, and to give, grant,

soll and oonvoy, from time to time, for any oonsideration Whatever, to such per-

son and persons as it so deoidos, any and all of tho lots of land owned by it at

the time of suoh resolution within the paroel of land bounded as followsl

(Desoription to be inserted)

(2) The purohaser of any SUO,\ Innds shall prooeod forthwith to the oon-

struotion of a building thereon; and tho oonstruotion thereof, and the use of

(... said lands, shall oonform to the following roquiroments and restriotionsl

(a) the building so oonstruoted shnll be of a value of not less than

Two Thousand Fivo Hundrod Dollars ($2500.00).

(b) all buildings oonstruotod on said lots shall be at loast fifteen

foot distant fram tho lines of all Town Stroots at their nearost approaoh


(0) only one building shall be ereoted on anyone lot, oxoept that

neoessary garagos may be ··reoted in oonneotion with private dwellings, no build-

ing other than ono for purely residential purposes shall be ereoted on any lot;

(0) no plain board fenoe shall be ereoted on any lotJ

(d) buildings shall oonform in all othor respeots to the building by-

laws of the Town.

(3) The purohaser of any suoh lands from the Town shall not be entitled

to reoeive a deed thereof unless he has oampleted suoh oonstruotion within six

oalendar months from the date of the adoption by the Town Counoil of the resol-

ution authorizing the sale to him of the said lands, nor unless he has oomplied

in all rospoots with the provisions of sub-seotion 2 'jereof. Should the pur­

ohaser fail to do so within said six oalondar months, the Town Counoil may adopt

0. resolution deolaring that the lands havo beoomo forfeited to the Town, and in

suoh resolution it shall not be neoessary to desoribe the lands by metes and bounds.

Upon the adoption of suoh resolution, and without any demand, notioe or futhor

.~ aot by or on the part of the Town, all th~ right, title, interest, olaim, properM , .

•. ' ,"

"1/ ,

tyand demand of the purohaser ot, in~ ~ O~ out of' tho"sai4 landa and .v.~1thin' affixed thereto, shall forthwith,oease and determinel and the Town may at any

time thereafter enter upon the same, without writ, warrant or other legal prooess,

and the Town shall be and r01llain the C1Rner thereof in fee aimple as effeotive1y

as if no resolution had ever been adopted tor the salo thereof, and the purohas-

or eha11 have no right of aotion against the Town for any olatn arieing out of

the proposed purohaae ot said landa or anything subsequent thereto. For the pur­

poses of this seotion, a oertifioate signed by the Town Engineer shall be oon-

olusive evidenoo that the provisions of sub-seotion 2 have not been oomplied

wi th wi thin said a1x oalendar month a •

(4) Upon reoeiving a oertifioate signed by the Town Engineer that

in his opinion the provisions of sub-seotion 2 have been oanplied with, the

Mayor and Town Olerk shall (unless the Oounoil has previously adopted the reso1u-'

tion referred to in sub-seotion 3 hereof) exeoute and deliver to the purohaser,

his heirs and assigns, on behalf of the Town, its deed of oonveyanoe of said

lands in the form oustomnrlly used by the Town. Notwithstanding the exeoution

and delivery of said deed, the said lands shall be subjeot to the lien referred

to in Seotion 18 of Chapter S6 of the hots of 1902, and for all rates and taxes

aoorued due atter the adoption of the resolution authorizing the sale thereof.

and the said lands may be assessed to the purohaser thereof at any time after

said resolution tor the purpose of assess~ng and levying all rates and taxes,

although no deed thereof has been exeouted or de1ivored.'

(S) Notwithstanding the provisions of Seotion 152 of Chapter 56 of

the Aots of 1902, when and if thereunto requested by a resolution of the Town

CO\lllol1, the Commissioners of Dartmouth Park may oonvey to the Town of Dartmouth

suoh portion of the lands referred to in sub-seotion (1) hereof as is owned by

the sdd Commissioners, and the Chairman and Seoretary of the sdd Commission-

era are hereby authorized for and on behalf of the said Commissioners to ex-

eoute and deliver to the Town a deed ot oonveyanoe of the same.

(\~. , ,

, [ .... , \:~;

No. BILL 1938


BE IT ENACTED by the Governor and Assembly as follows:

1. The Tawn of Dartmouth is authorized to borrow or raise by way of

loan on the oredit of the Town, from time to time,

sums not exoeeding in the whole Two Hundred Thousand Dollars

($200,000.00) to be paid over to the Dartmouth Ferry Commission to be used

by that Commission for the oonstruotion or reoonstruotion of a dook or dook<

with or without adjoining Wharves, at Dartmouth or at Halifax or at both

for the use of the said Commissi.on in the operation of its Ferry system,

2. Where any money is borrowed or raised by the issue and sale of de-

bentures of the said Town under this Aot and the Munioipal Debentures A.:n:,

the Counoil of the said Town shall provide for a sinking fund with respart

to suoh debentures. The amount to be paid annually into the sinking f\;nd

shall b:'amount whioh the Counoil deems suffioie~t to provide for the pa!~

ment of the debentures when the same are payable, and the first payment in-

to suoh. sinking fund shall be made within one year from the date of suoh de-

bentures; provided, however, that where suoh debentures are serial deben-

tures of the same denomination, one or more being payable eaoh year and a.'1

equal number of suoh debentures being payable eauh year, it shall not bo"nooEls·-

sary to provide for the said sinking fund.

3. The Dartmouth Ferry Commission shall pay over to the Treasurer of the

Town of Dartmouth fran time to time at his reque st, all amounts requ~red r'Q~'

interest and sinking fund on the debentures issued pursuant to Seotion -.

hereof, and suoh amounts shall be used by the said Treasurer for payment of

Buoh sinking fund and interest. For the purpose aforeSaid, the words "tile

interest un the debentures issued under the authority of this Aot!! in Se I) ••

tion 126 of Chapter 66 of the Aots of 190.2, shall be deemed to inolude the

sinking fund and interest hereinbefore mentioned. If the Dartmouth FEll'ry

Commission makes def~ul~ in whole or in part in oomplying with the provis­

ions of this seotion, every sum requlr~d for--

(a) any interest on suoh debentures}

(b) any sum required for the sinking fund in respeot thereof, shall

be held to be sums required for the ordinary lawful purposes or the Tawn,

.! and .hall be raised, levied and oolleoted in the lame lIIanner and in all re-

speots as other SWl' required for the ordinary lnwtul purpoaea ot the Town I.

are raised, levied and oolleoted.

4. Tho amount paid over to the Dartmouth Ferry Commission pursuant to

the provisions ot Seotion 1 hereof, and all alllounts for interest aooruinS

due upon the same, .hall be a debt due trolll the Dartmouth Ferry Commission

to the Town of Dartmouth, lIIaturing as to prinoipal and interest at the sev­

oral dates upon whioh the prinoipal and interest upon the said debentures

respeotively fall due. The said debt shall be a first lien and oharge up­

on all the property, both real and Plrsonal, 01' the Dar'bnouth Ferry Can­

lIIission, Without neoessity of registration in any Registry of Deeds or in

(_ any Govermnent offioe, and suoh lien lIIay, in default of pa,ymont. be on­

foroed in the same lIIanner as a lien for rates and taxes due to the Town.


The oonsent of the TaRn Counoil to the sale by the said COIIIIIlission of any 01'

its property shall be a suffioient rolease of said lien as to the property

so to be sold.

50 (1) !'he building known as "St. Peter's Sohool," lying to the west

01' Criohton Avenue in the Town of Dertmouth, and the land on whioh said

building now stands, but not inoluding wny surrounding land or bUildings,

owned bW the Roman Catholio Episoopal Corporation and used for sohool pur-

poses, shall be exempt for taxation and rating for goneral pur~oses of the

TdIfn at Dartmouth, from and after tho first day of January, A. Do 1937.

(2) The exemption oreated by subseotion Cl) horeof, shall forth-

wi th oease and detel'llline I

(a) it the said building shall bo usod lUVany tins to a reasonably

subatantial extent fer other purposes than as a sohool for the teaohing at

suoh subjeot. a. are taight in the publio sohools of the Town ot Dartmouth, or~

(b) if, in ~ sohool year, the averago n\lllber of pupila Who are at­

tonding at suoh sohool and being taught suoh sUbjeots aB are taught in the

publio lohoola ot the Town of Dartmouth, talls below three hundred.

(3) Thia ~eotion Shall no~app1y to nor affeot yearly water and pipe

ratOll,. sewer. rates, aidewalJc rates, ourb or pavement oharges or any other

ratea; taxes, oharKQS or liens of the Tawn ot Dartmouth, exoept the taxes an­

nually levied and asses.ed within the Tawn under ths proviaiona or the

"As'enment Aoto"

~ , .• r- ,h


Dartmouth, ,Bova Soot1a, Thursday, Maroh 26, 1936.

Spe.1al .e.tin, ot tM T01Ql Oounoil held th1. d.., at 6.16 P. 11.

Pre •• nt- 11&101' Ko.her, Counoillor • .lu.tin,Ka100bl, Pett1pa', hnor and Bell, allO Town So1101tor 1Io •• ley.

The a .. tin, n. oalled at the requ .. t ot a n,.ber ot rat.pa1"r.

to oonlld.r the advl.lbl11ty at the prel.nt •••• 10n of the Le,1.1ature to

have St. Pet.r'. Sohool Dariaouth exeapt trOll taxatlon.

A delegation .1.. prllent at the .. etin" Mr. M. S. R.,an aotin, ~ •

• pokellWl, and after .c.. dllou.aion Cr. lIaloollllloved, aeoond.d by Cr. Au.­

tin that St. Pebr'. Sohool. Dartmouth, a .. eesed to the Raman Oatholio Bpl.­

oop&l Oorporatlon and uaed tor .ohool purpo •••• b. 'XfIIlpt trail taxation. fur­

ther that 1Ig1l1 .. ti011 be .toured ex.pting .the above .ohool tr .. taxation

at the 19S6 lel.ion of the Legl.1atur., suoh ex.ption to b. eff.otive a.

tram January 1. 19S7. provid.d that in the .vent ot the laid St. p.t.r's

Sohool us.d substantially tor other than sohool purpoles, thl. exemp­

tion will 0...... Suoh .xemption to b. 8ubj.ot to a t .. vorable vote ot the

ratepa1lra aSl8aled on e.tate. Cr. B.ll •• eoonded b1 Cr. Isnor moved

an •• ndment to the aotion that the re.olution aa lu1:altted be 8IIended by

.tr1t1n& out the prodaion oalling tor a vat. ot the ratepa1lra and b1 add­

ing I. provilo th .. t the .xemption oe .. a. it the anrage nlBber ot pupilS in

the aohool in any ,.ar tall below aoo. Tbe .. endment waa put and oarrl.d,

Cr •• Bell. lenor and Pettlp'" TOtinS tor and Cra. Kaloolm and AUltin againat.

n. aotlon as .ended .... then put and oarrl.d. Cra. Bell. lanor and P.ttipas lo,

TotiJIS tor and Cr .. ~loolll an4 Auat1D t.p.1nst. Cr. AUltin then gave notio.

ot reoonlld.r .. tlon.

On aotion ot Cra. Pettipal and Bell. it waa rllol,..d that thla

COlmoll prooure permissive LeShlation to borrow or raise b1 way ot loan on

the oredlt ot the Town ot Dartmouth .. lum not exoeeding Two Hundred ThoUland

Dollara (.200,000.) tor the purpol' ot reoonstruoting dookl ot the Dartaouth

Ferry 00llll\1 .. 1on.


J. T. Doyl., Juleaon Street, .app1ying tor pel'llliadon to keep a

poultr1 hou.e in the reil' ot ,h~. ,propertr lower JlIl1 .. on Street. Referred to

the .Uoa1 ott1oer and Sanitar, Inspeotor to report buk at the .. et-

me ot.1.1ed tor Fr1day.

! J. B. PelrSne 1.110 in reterenoe to the taepSng ot pouItr1 etatSng

that he wal interelted ~ the properv owned b1 the Town ot Dartmouth .known

1.1 the old Joeeph Hawe propert,. Letter reoeiTed, and on motion ot Or ••

Bell and Pettipae, the Olerk wal Snltruoted to noUr, Mr. Pelrine that the

Town will not taTor tho lelling ot thil property or 'the operation ot a

poultr1 tar. Sn that diltriot.

Counoil then ad30urned until 'rida1 at 6.16 P. I.

At the adjourned meeting, held on Friday at 6.16 P. M. at whioh the

Ma70r and all the Oouna1llorl and the, Town So1101tor were pr .. ent. Or.

Au.tin moved, .eoonded b1 Cr. Maloolll that reoonl1d.ration be ginn to the

I1Otion adopted at the prmou .... ting. Motion wal put and oarried \II1an­

Doull,.. There beSng a Iarp nUlllber ot ratepayer. prelent at the ... ting

Or. Pettipaa mOV'ed, .e.onded b,. Or. Bell that they be glTen a hearing and

.ev.ra1 ratepayer. a. Well a. the C0\ll1oi11orl were heard exprelling

opinion I tor and againlt the propoe.d .x.aption.

Tb ... en_nt to the motion ae palled at the previous .e.ting wal th.n

put again, n.e11, r.lolTed that the r •• olution 1.1 IUbldtted be .. ended b1

Itrlting out the provllion oallSng tor a Tote at the ratepayer 1 and b,. adding

a proTiI' that the ex_pt ion 0..... it the a",rage nllllber ot pupill taught Sn

the lohool in any year tall below 800.

lanor, otto and Pettipal Toting tor and CrI. !laloolm and AUltin againlt. The

motion as 8IIlended wal then put and o~~~~rll. BeU, rlmor, Otto and Pet­

tlpaa Toting tor and Cra. Maloolm and~ainat. '

~ Town Solioitor 10181ey prelentJd aeoopd bill tor Legialation, olaulle.

I to 6, on motion ot CrB. Pottipas and 18nor bill wal adopted and the Solioitor

.as authorlled to pre.ent the I~' to the pr •• ent 101.10n ot the Legillature.

The Medioal Health Ottio.r Il\d the OJlier Sanitar1 Inlpeoto'r report.d

Sn ret.renoo to the applioation at John T. Doy1e, 10 Jamielon Street tor per­

a1laiOll. to buUd a l1li1.11 poultr1 house :In the rear ot hia premieee that th.y

had Tiaited the pr_il .. and tOUJld the inetallation to b •• anitar1. Report

reodn4 and on motion ot CrI. Bell and otto it wal relolnd that p81'11iaaioD , /

be granted.

',. " .

.... ZI/.~ .... JlAYQt '

, " ;:" \-..

, Dartmouth, N. S., MOnday, April 6, 1986.

Town Oounoll met thil date at 8 P. K.

Prelentl Mayor KOlher, Oouno111orl Auatin, lIaloolm, Pettlpaa, Ot1l0 and Bell, allo Tawn 801ioitor MOaeler.

IUnutel 01' the lalt resular meeting and tive lpeoial meetings

were read and approved.

Cr. Austin moved, .eoonded by Or. Mllloolm that re-oondderation be

given to the amendment ot the resolution passed Maroh 2nd appointlng E. I.

Glenlster, Medioal Health Ottioer tor the Town 01' Dartmouth. Motion pas.ed

unantmou.l,. The motion a. amended waa then put and oarried, Cr. Bell, Ot­

to and Pettipae voting for Dr. Gleniater t I appointment and Cra. AUltln and

Maloolm again et •

Plumbing Inapeotor'a report tor plumbing tixture. in.talled and

taken out tor the month 01' Karoh was reoeived and tiled.

The Water C01llDlittee reported on the elttmated reoeipta and expen­

ditures tor the water maintenanoe aooount tor the ourrent year, ahowing a

balanoe 01' $27,140.00 to be raised by direot taxation. Report adopted and

on motion 01' Crs. AU8tin and Bell, it .as RESOLVED.

-That the estimated reoeipb8 and expenditures lubmitted by the Water Committee for the ourrent Jeer, showing a balanoe of

$27,140.00 to be railed b1 direot taxation, be a~proved, and that the levying 01' a domestio rate 01' .60; per '100.00 on an asseSBment 01' $2,777,810.00 also the levying of a pipe rate or .20; per tlOO. on an aS8es~ent 01' tl,650,100. minimum domee­Uo rate ,.,lua'liid, $1000 J maximum daneatio valuation, $2,600. be, and the 8ame is hereby approved •

FURtHER RESOLVED. that the rates beoome due and payable Aug­Qst 15, 1936, that all rates not paid by then be subjeot to interest Ohargel at 6" per annum, and that the ... ter be turn­ed ott all premile' where rates remain unpaid to September 15, 1936.


Kargaret A. Parlee alking the Town to extend the lewer and take

over part 01' PreBoott &treet 01' the Eltate or Alliaon lub-diviaion. Letter

reoelT8d and on motion ot Cr.. Pettipal and Otto the matter wal referred to

the Town Engineer tor report.

V. E. MoGweeney, Prellden~ ~t the Sottbal1 Alaooiation, applying tor

the ~Ie ot the D. A.A.A. Field tor the ASlooiation'l lottball ,amel during

the oaing Bealon. Referred to Ipeolal Comitt .. on D. A. A. A. groundl.

Dartmouth AII-Itar Bal.ball t,~ applJ1ng tor the ule 01' the D.A.

A. A. dimond tor the eains ltalon. R,terred to the COllllll1tte. on D. A. A. A.

ground ..


. On moUon it w'a. RESOLVED that the same Oounoi,llors as la.t year, namely

Otto and Pettlpal be appointed a Committee ~ the D. A. A. A. ground ••

B. O. Bl.hoi asking to be appointed one ot the revi.or. ot.the voter'l list

tor the ooming year, Letter reoei vod to be dealt with when the appointment 111

John Boyle and other. oomplaining that the tee tor bU"es, n~ely .26,00 il

not lutfioient in oampari.on with the teel oharged for taxies. Several ot the

taxi men were present at the meeting IUld were hsard in oonneotion therewith, and

on motion ot Crs. Austin and Otto the matter was reterred to the Polioe Committee

tor report on at the next regular meeting.

The applloationo tor lioensed taxiee 'Wero also retened to the Polioe and

Lioen.e Committee and the matter ot the tee oharged tor lioensed truoks was like­

wice referred to the Polioe and Lioense Committee to report on at the next regular


Resolutions were reoeived trom the Town of New Glasgow 1n reference to a re­

quest that the Provinoial Government allow the Towns to tax oertain travelling

~u.ement oompanies equipped with merry.go-rounds, ferrie wheels, eto. Also that

the Town. be a110wed their .hare ottbefinee under the Nova SootS-a Liquor Control

~ Reaolutions reoeived and on motion of .Crs. Otto and Bell it was RESOLVED

that this Counoil go on reoord ao endorsing both resolutiono.

Re appointment ot revilors- Cr. ,Kal.oolm lI!oved, lIoonded by Cr. Austin that

Fred Labey, Edgar Levy and Charles Manuels be appointed revilors ot electoral lists

at the salary ot $360.00 oolleotively. Cr. Pettipas moved, seoonded by Cr. Otto

an emendment that hed Labey. Edgar Leg and B. O. Bishop be appointed revisors

at the salary ot $360.00 oolleotively. The amendll!ent was put and oarried, Ors.

Pettipe.s, Otto and Bell voting for and Crs. Ua,loolm and Austin against.

Letter was read from p. T. Moseley applying for the position ot Auditor, stat­

ing it the Town needed two auditors he oould name as hie asslltant Jea.nne I. Chis­

holm. Letter reoeived and on motion it was resolved that the Counoil meet in

lpeoial lel.ion on Wednesday at 6.16 P. M. to deal with the appointment at auditors.

Letter was read troll! J. J. KoIntoeh, Pre8jdent ot the Somme Branoh in reter-

onoe to the applioation ot Jame., Graham. 41 Pine Street tor admittanoe into the

Tuberoulodl Hoapital, KentviUe, for trea'bnent. Letter reoeived and referred to

the Oharitiel ComIIIittee with power to aot •

On motion, at Crs. Bell and AUlt1n, it was RESOtvED that

"J. M. Benneberry be appointed an extra Constable in and tor the Town ot Da.rbnouthtor a term ot one year and that the territorial llmits wi thin whioh he shall have power to aot sha1l be the lmi ts at the Town . at Dartmouth."

RESOLVED"that W. E. KOleley be appointed Deputy Stipendiary Magiltrate in and for the Town ot' Dartmouth tor a tenn of' one year."

it waa reaolved On motion 01' Cra. AUltin and Bell.lapplloatlons tor bul1ding permit.

al approved of by the Buildlng Inspeotor, be'gr~nted, nnmelya

E. Abbott tor alteratione Portland St. garage B. J. Hollett "dwelling 186 P~tland St. J. L. D111111111 new dw.Uhlg ,HlOt.r St. Gordon C. Day n" Windmill Road George C. Biahop " Windmill Road Kary D. Forayth alteratlono Portland St. C. G. Cl.veland dwelling Oleveland Crel.

!B.!.~ BoutmARY UJ.m OF WARDS

On motion 01' Ors. Bell and otto it was RESOLVEDa

"That the boundary line of' the wards be ohanged al tollOW'l a .... '

!!!!!.! Beginning at the Harbour tront to the ea.t and aouth frOM the oenter 01' Canal Street, Prinoe Albert Road, to Nawlan Stre.t, both aidel~inol Albert Road trOM Nowlan Street to Town boundary line.

Ward 11

Beginning at Harbour tront to the weat and north from the oenter of' Canal Street, Prinoe Alb.rt Road to Nawlan Street, aoroa. Lake Banook in direot line to end of' Banook Road to the 'outh 8ide from the oenter of Banook Road, Criohton Avenue, Dahlia Street, Park Avenue to Harbour tront.

Ward 111 Seotion A

Beginning at Harbour tront to the weat and north tram the oenter ot Park Avenue, Viotori .. Road to Town Boundary line.

Ward 111 Seotion B

From the Town boundary line at the end of' Viotorla Road, the eaet aide trom the oenter of' Vlotori .. Road to Dahlia Street, the north alde from the oenter of Dahlia btreet, Crlohton Avenue, Banook Road to Lake Banook. "

On motion 01' CrI. Bell and otto it was IU:SOLViD that the Town Olerk be

authoris.d to pay to Frank Moa.ley the sum 01' 1815.00 tor the puroh.... 01' oer­

tain land on Jamieaon Street aa per deed lubmitted whioh h .. d been .. pproved 01'

by the Town Solioitor.

Th. m .. tter 01' quarr1~ atone on the Town lot on Johnatone Avenue w... re­

terred to the Street Committ.e with power to aot. 4

Number of bill. aigned by -two Councillor. were palled tor pa~ent.

Me.ting adjourned.


.. 7tt!~~. KAYOR




Hi. Wor.hip the MaJor aDd Jlemb .• r. ot OOUDol1,

TOIm or JlAR!lOtmI.

O.DU ... IU

tour OOllllitile. on 'nTBR u4 8JmBUGI be, to r.oo_en4 the &40pUoD . ot the following •• •• tor 18Se,·


Out.tan4ing .... ter rate •• Oolleotabl. thil )'tu . 8t.lller ,upply tor 1988 Meter rat.. tor 1988 ~ W. o. 19r~ tl> ~ ? All ·other rat .. a ... r trontag' S ... r interllt

Oftrdratil at Bmk Int.r •• t on Bond.d Debt'·

8'~.~ 1111,000 • 188,800. 11

111,000 • 100,000 • e

Interllt OD Oyerdratt

8.ALlRIJI, W. t. Smith J. L. A11u I. Niohol. to K~ 1 W. N. 'orb ••

1580. 8,ft'lI. 8,810 ft,lIl1. 8,000

'frO. 1,000.

158ft. aoo. -

Superaxmuation I. lUoholl IIaf 1 to Deo. n

Labor Kat.rial. ~4 luppli •• Al1owano. vaoant houl" Sundry

B1nk1Dg Fundi,· 1918 11,000 • 1~ 1918 16,000 • 8~ 1821 110,000 • I~ 198a 8,000 • S~ 181ft &,000 • ~ 188e &,000 • S~ 1887 7.000 • S~ 188' ft.OOO • S~ 198a 8ft,000 • a~ 1818 lft,OOO • S~ 19S1 10.000 • S~ 18S1 211,000 • S 1~~ 19S5 Sa,200 • S_ll!~

8,800. 800. 600. 100.

&O.~ 1500. ~

1,000 •• 'lao~ ~ 1110 .... 1110."

·210 ..... 120 .... '80 .... 620.,· 8110 .... ' asa .... ,

1,ITS." laO, •

1,600 . 1100'

2,000, ,.,)'1 700

8,1100 ' __ 600_' I ~'-'9







8,aae.00 18S, a,ooo • ~ .~~"

18.887. 15,800.


-~-"- ~. ~.-- ' .. ---.--.----- ... ~


Dar~outh, N. 6., Wednelday,·April 8, 1936.

Speoial meeting ot tho Town Oounoil hold thil day at 6.15 P. M.

Pr .. ,ntl ~r MOlher, Oounoillor. AUltin, Maloolm, Pettipal, Otto, lanor and Bell, allo Town Solioitor MOI,l,y.

The meeting wal. oalled tor the purpOI' ot appointing auditor. tor the our­

r.nt year, an4 the Finanoe OOllllnitte, reported reoOlllllending that Mr. A. J. Oonrad

and Mr. E. A. Bail,y ot Dartmouth be appointed auditor. tor the ourrent oivio

year 19S6, salary to be the lame ·al laat year, further that Mr. Oonrad be ohi,t

auditor and Mr. Bail,y to be hi. a'liltant. Report reoeived and at1:.r lca,

diloulaion, Cra. Pettipal and lanor moved and I,oonded the adoption ot the re­

port. Report wal then on motion adopted, tive Counoillor. tor and Cr. Maloolm

againlt •

Letter was read from E. Pearl Hopgood, Seoretary Shannon Chapter I. O. D. E.

alking tor permieeion to hold their annual St. George'e day lale ot 1'0'" on the

Itreeta or the Town on the morning ot Thuradaf, April 2Srd, and on motion ot Cr ••

Bell and l.nor, it wal RES~ED that thi. reque.t be granted.

Meeting adjourned.

~~ ............. " ........ ::: ..... :;C TOWN OWl


. ~


Dartmouth, N. 8., Monday, May 4, 1936. ,

Town Oounoil met this date at 8 p. K.

Prtlenll. Mayor Kosher, Oounoillors Auetin, MaloollL, Pettipas, Otto, hnor and Bell, allo Town Solioitor Mo.e1ey.

Kinute. ot the lalt two regular meetingl were read and approTed.

Pl\Dllbing Inapeotor's report ot tixturtl inltalled and takep out durinr: I

the aoath ot April, a8 annexed, wal reoeiTed and tiled.

The Town Engineer reported in reterenoe to the que.tion ot Mr •• Karsaret

A. Parlee,that the Tawn take OTer part ot Pre.oott Street in the Alli.on Sub­

diTilion and put in a sswer surrioient to take oare or the water now looked

atter by the prelent Itone drain.

Preaoott fltreet is a. proposed street in the sub-dividon ot the Butem portion ot the late J~ W. Allison property. It will run trom Allilon ATenue near the pond to Plea.sant btreet reaohing it just North ot Mr. S. B. Solomon'. hou.e. .Any sswer oonstruotion in thl •• treet would haTe its outlet in the Plealant Street ISWer. The elevation ot this outlet 11 luoh that the ... er along Pre.oott 8tree1l would ba about the lama depth below tha prelent lur­taoe ot the ground al the exiltinr:.rook drain. It il thererore eTident that prOYided tha rook drain 11 kept olear a sswer whioh il'made with oement joint. oannot be expeoted to drain oft water as effeotlTely al the rook drain.

A .ewer beoolM I more and more ulatul tor oarrying away treshet water aa dITelopment takel place, gutterl are oonltruoted and oatoh pits built.

It is e.t1mated that it will oo.t .1600. to build tha Pre.oott street aewer, as the trontar:e is about 660 teet the aaaesament will OOTer the oost.

It should be noted that Pre.oott Street i8 only 40 teet wide. The Town'. Inoorporation Aot, Chap. 84, Seotion 194 and 195, does not permit the Town to aooept dedioation ot new 8treetl 1ell than 50 teet wide.

Report adopted and on motion of Cra. Otto and Bell,. it waa reaolTed that

the reque.t be not granted •

Re Taxi Lioenael - On motion or Cri. Otto and ranor. the following ap-

plioations, approTed ot by the lioensed inspeotor were granted.

Ralph G. Fergu80n John Boyb

GordOl1 B. Boyll F. B. Ormon J. T. Pettipa. B. X. Publiooyer G. W. Fri .. a11 JlIIltl KoDonald L. K. Bell

4 oarl 3 n DriYera' lioen.e. -Loui~ ~e1 and

Sinolair Boyle 1 oar 1 " - DriTer'. lioen.e tor Barold Power 2 oar. • " " Kurdook Pettipa. 1 oar 1 oar I oar 4 bU8llet Dartaouth Ferry to Imperoyal. Dariaouth Ferry to Tuft. Ocne Sohool

, Dartmouth Ferry to Ga.ton Road Dar1lllouth Ferry throUih AUlttDTUlI and return to terry.

Applioations traa property awner. on OleTlland Ore.oent tor oonorete

ourbl and cutter., both lid .. , were on motion ot Or .. Bell and Ianor reterr.d

to the Street Oamaittae and Bngineer tor report. ".



F. S. COOlllbs objeoting to bill for frontage on Criohton Avenue reoently

lent him on the ground I that the property 11 too low tor the lewer to be at any

u.e. Latter reoeiTed and reterred to the AIselsment Gburt ot Appeal to deal


Chroniole Company solioitins adTertitement fram the Town in the lpeoial

19S6 Tourist Edition ot the Chronicl. and Star. Letter reoeiTed and on motion

of Cri. Pettipas 8J1d ranor was reterred to the Finanoe Committee tor report.

Capt. Hioks ot the Sal'ution Amy alking permission to hold a :rag Day in

aid at their Selt-Denial Appeal Wee~ on Saturday, May 16th. Letter reoeived

and on motion 01' Cra. liner and Bell requelt was granted.

J8mes K. Cody, Seoretary City Fire Fightera solioiting advertiling tram the

TOllD in the book they are putting out. Letter reoebed 8J1d on motion of Cra.

Pettipaa and Otto was referred to the Finanoo Camnittee.

Clarenoe Kisener offering the sum of $250.00 for Town lot on Windmill Road,

si&e 401100. On motion of Cra. Pettipas and Austin, it waa resolved that hil

ofter be aooepted and that the Mayor and the Clerk be authorised to exeoute a

deed to be prepared by the Town Solioitor.

RH DAYLIGHT SAVING TDIE On motion 01' Crs. Pettipas and Ilaloolm, it wal

re.olTed. "That oommenoing at Midnight, Sunday, the 31st day ot May, 1936, and oontinuing until Midnight, Sunday, the 13th day of September, 1936, the houra tor all oivio aotivities 8J1d tor opening and 0101-ing at the oftioea in the Town Hall for publio bUliness will be one hour earlier than the present aooepted Atlantio Standard Thle, that is to aay three hours behind Greenwioh )lean Sqlar 1'1IIe. AliD FURTBER RESOLVED. that the Chairman 01' the Sohool Board be

asked to direot that the ohange of time be etfeoted in the publio .ohoola. "

Town Solicitor Moleley pre.ented a by-I.- to the Counoil, oopy at whioh

ia hereby lUUlexed, relative to the new didsion of' the wards in the Town, and

also the two polling leotions in Ward Ill. and on motion of Crs. Otto and Pet­

tipas, it was resolved that the CounoH of the Town of Dartmouth do hereby adopt

and enaot the by-law pursuant to the provisions of Seotion 26 of Chapter 57 of

the Aot.s ot the !'rovinoe of Nova Sootia 1935, and that the Town Clerk be and he

iB hereby instruoted to forward leme to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Counoll with

a requelt tor the approval thereot • . , The matter at pr.paring a plan to aooOllpa.ny the b;o-law was referred to a

speoial Committee appointed in reterenoe to the allegations ot the wards.

Buildhg permitl, apprOTGd by the Building Inapeotor, were granted al


Edward Pettipall C. G. KitoheU C1arenoe Millener Clarenoe Misener

! Garage Garage Dwelling Dwelling

Viotoria. Road Green Street Windlllill Road Ka.it1end St.

.200.00 100.00

2600.00 200.0q

Renewal oertifioatell tor Inlluranoe on the polioe oar and 1.1110 the Reo truok

were prelentld to the Counoi1, and were on motion reterred to the Street Com.itte.

and Polioe Committee to dea.l with.

On motion of Crs. Otto and Bell, the following rellolution wall unan~oullly adoptedt

"V~S Eugene Nioholls has been in the lIervioe ot the Town of Dartmouth tor a period in exoess ot 46 yearll, for the latter part ot whioh he ha. held the responsible ortioe ot Superintendent or Street. and Waterworks.

AND TlBEREAS he has dur1n& that t~e given ot hh belt to the dutiell per­tuning to h1a ottioe, worldng long hourl and pertol'lllinr; hh work in a Tery lIa.tilfaotory manner •

.AND lfBEREAS thill Counoil deem. it fitting that he be now granted retire­ment on pendon in token of hie lout years of lervioe.

THEREFORE RESOINEDt that the laid Eupne Nioholll be granted retirement trom the POlt ot Superintendent ot Street. and Waterworkl etteotin May lilt, A. D. 1986, and that the Town do pay h~ an annuity ot .1,000.00 per year during the rut ot hi' na.tural lite,

FURTHER RESOLVEDt that this Oounoil place on reoord itl deep appreoiation ot the ta.ithtul lIervioe' rendered, the erreoti.e work pertormed and the hea.y relpon.ibi1itiel oheerful1y borne by laid Eugene Niohollll during the l1any years in whioh he has been in the _ploy ot the Town,

FURTHER RESOINEDt that a oopy ot thil resolution be sent to Mr. Nioholla.

Town Solioitor IIoleley reported that the Town l<IIle yearl ago Itarted a ~

against the Canadian National Railwar tor .25,000. for its re~burlement tor part

ot oertain streetl in the north end expropriated by the Railway and that the matter

had been in the hands ot )leurs. lIurray and JAaoKinnon and that Mr. lloKinnon was now , .

anxiOUI to know it the Town intended to tollow up this olaim, and on motion ot Cre.

• Pett,ip&8 and Bell it was relolnd that the Mayor and the Town Solio1tor be appointed

a. CODIIlittee to take the 1II.t.tter up with Mr. Molinnon.

Re DUMPS Cr. Pettipaa Itated that the North end re.identll were not in ttfor

ot the duap beinr; used on Wyee Road near the Arena lite, and a.tter lome diloullllion

a. Colllldttee was a.ppointed, n.e11, Cr. Pettipa." Chairman ot the Street Cca1IDitt ..

and the Town Engineer to l1eet the oiti.enl ot the North end and diaous. the litua­

tion'and report ba.ok to Counoil.

Re outltandinl; poll tax.. cm motion ot Cre. Pettipas and Auetin, the utter ot.

ooUeoting the poll taxes ftl ret.r~e~ t~ the Finanoe Committee with power to &ot.

HUmber or bills aitoed by two oounoil1orl .. re pal sed tor payment.

Meeting adjourned.

ApproTed t

.... 1«~.~. )(AlOR


~ ...

RESOLVED I That this Town Counoil of the Town of Dartmouth, do hereby

adopt and enaot the following by-law, pursuant to the provisions of Seotion

26 of Chapter 57 of the Aots of the Provinoe of Nova oootia, 1936, and that

the Town Clerk be &nd he is hereby instru~ted to forward same to the Lieu-

tenant-Governor-in-Counoil, with a request for the approval hereof.



1. The Town of Dartmouth shall oontinue to be divided into three wards,

whioh are respeotively bounded and desoribod as followsl

Ward 1

All that sootion of the Town lying to tho oast and soutb of a lino beginning at the Harbour front and passing along the oenter line of Canal Street

J Prinoe Albert Road, Nowlan Street to Lake Banook and by the oontor

line of Lake Banook to tho Town boundary line.

Ward 11

All that sootion of the Town bounded as follows I Beginning at the Harbour front and passing along the oenter line of Canal 5treet, Prinoe Albert Road, Nowlan Streot to Banook Lake) thenoe to the end of Banook hoad; thenoe passing along the oenter line of Banook Road, Criohton Avonue, Dahlia &treet and Park Avenuo to tho Harbour front.

Ward 111

All that seotion of tho Town lying to tho north of a lino beginning at the Harbour front and passing along tho oenter line of Park Avenue, Dahlia Stroot, Criohton Avonue and Banook Road to Lake Banook and bounded on tho north and east by the Town boundary lino. '

2. Pursuant to tho provisions of Seotion 48 of Chapter 84 R. S. N. S.

1923, Vlard ill is hereby divided into two polling seotions, to be oalled

Polling Seotion A and Polling Seotion B, and those are rospeotively bounded

and desoribed a.s followsl

Ward 111 Polling Seotion A

All that portion of Ward ill bounded as followsl Beginning at the Harbour front and passing along the oenter line of

Park Avenue, and Viotoria Roa.d to the northern boundary line of the Town ~nrl thenoe by the nor thorn boundary line to the Harbour front.

Ward 111 Polling Seotion B

All that portion of Ward 111 bounded as follows I Beginning at the northernboundary lino of tho Town; thenoe southerly

along the oentor line of Viotoria Road to Dahlia. Street and along tho oantor lino of Dahlia. Street, Criohton Avonue and Banook Road to Lake BanookJ thonoo by the oentor lino of the Lake to the Town boundary Une and follow-ing the Town boundary lino to plaoe of beginning. .

. , \~

, s. "


:So For tho purposo or rev'ialon or Votors' Lists, pUl'suant to the pro ..

visions of "The Nova Scotia Franchiso Act" Chapter:S, R. S. N.S. 192:S, this

by-loow shall cane into effeot tram and atter but not before the lat 'day ot

January, A. D. 1937.

4. For the purpose of holding eleotions for the oftioe. ot Mayor and

Counoillors for the Town, this by .. lo.w shall ocme into offeot tr(JII. and attar,

but not before, that day upon whioh there ia oompleted and delivered to the

Town Clerk, ready for use, the first list ot voters prepared al deeoribed

in Seotion 3 heroof subsequent to the 1st day of January, A. D. 1937.

5. For the purpose of preparation ot the Assessment Roll of the Tawn

this by-law shall oane into etreot trom and atter, but not before, the 1st

day ot August, I •• D. 1936, being the date upon whim is oODDllenoed the prepar­

ation of the Assessment Roll tor t~e year 1931.

6. For all purposes other than those herein mentioned, this by-law shc·:.

oomo into effeot trom and after, but not before the 1.' day of January, A. D.


7. Tho enao'bnent hereot shall not affeot the validity ot the holding

of ottioe by any member ot the Tawn Counoll. and tollowing the oaning into

effeot hereof under the provisions ot Seotion 4 of this b1-1aw, mambers of

the Town Counoil shall be deemed to hold offioe for the wards bearing the

same number as those for whioh they were respeotively eleoted but as bounder

and desoribed in Seotion 1 hereof •

8. Pursuant to the provision. ot Seotion 26 ot Chapter 57 ot tho Aots

of 1935. Seotion 2 of Chapter 56 of the Aot. ot 1902 is repoaled.

Dartaouth, N. S., ",.cme.dar, Kq IS, 1936.

Speoial .eetbag of the 'lown C080il held this date at &.30 P. M.

Pr .. entl Mayor Molher, Counolllora Auatin, lIaloola, Pettipaa, otto, Ianor and Bell.

!h. Polio. UId Lioen •• COIDit\e. reported reoC*aud!Ds the dllat .... l

ot J .. ea T. Clarb, Chief of PoliO', atter haTiDg thoroupl r lme•t1gated

Report was reoelTBd and atter oon.iderable di.·

oussion there OD the following reaolutionwal unantaoullr adopt.dl

· that Chief ot Polioe Clark be auspended without aalarr until the Counoil aeeting ot June 1, when report wl11 be .ubait­ted bl the Polioe Oommittee.-

B111 or R. G. s.dth tor gaaolbae, ,upplie., eto. 166.10 waa paal.d

tor pa,aent.


....••••...............•.•. ~ IIlYOR

• )


Dariaouth, ,Iova. Bootia., JrondaY', JUne 1, i986.

Town CO\Dloil met thh date at 8 P. M.

Preientl Mayor IIosher, Counoillors Austin, Pettipas, lkloolm, Otto and lanor, also Tawn Solioitor Moseley.

Minute. ot the la It regular meeting Were read and apprcmld.

The Pl1Dbing Inlpeotor'l report ot the tixtur .. installed and inspeot­

ed tor the aonth ot May, was reoeived and tiled.

The Polioe Committee reported that they have thorousbly inveltigated

the obarc-s again,t Ohiet ot Police Olarb and reoo.end that he remain IUI­

pended tram dUty without paY' until: June 16th, 1936. Report adopted UlWl- '


The fawn Engineer reported in reterence to the applioation traa rel­

idenu ot Cleyeland Cresoent tor oonorete curbl and gutterl, both lid .. ,

that the oOlt will be about .2400.00, and that the lIajorit, ot trontale would

be '12.4 both 11del, Report reoeived and onllotion or CrI. Otto and Pettlpas,

it was relolved that the work be carried out.

The Town Engineer also reported that in the event ot prospective pur­

ohaaers of lot I 2 and 3 of Tawn sub-division, oorner Plealant Street ~d Es­

len Road, and in the eTlnt ot the water and sewer being extended 195 teet it

would oOlt approx1mate11 .1560.00 and that the trontage return would net



UniOll Proteotion CamP!Dl alldng tor paJlllnt ot the amount granted th811

b, Counoil thia 1Iar ~d inoluded in the esttaates, n_el, .260.00, and OIl

aotion ot Cl's. Pettipaa and otto it was r .. o1ved that the eaount bs paid pro­

vided that 1egislationwal in order

Dartaouth Tourist Assooiation asking tor paJment ot the grant ot .800. al inoluded in 'the estimat .. tor the ourrent year. On 1I0tion ot CrI. Austin

and Pettlpal this grant was referred to the Finanoe Ccmaittee with author:lt,

to aot.

Dartmouth Natal Day Oommittee aaking the CO\Dloil to appoint the mem-. ,

bers trOll the Counollto aerve on the CCIIIII11ttee and alao that the Counoil

srant be paesed. On aotlon ot Cl's. otto and laner, Counoillorl Pettipal,

AUltin and Bell were appointed tram the Oounoil and allo that the Counoil

grant be pal sed all'in tormer years.

R. Anderlon ottering the lua ot .800.00 tor lotl 1 and 2 ot the Town's

lub-d1vllion Bllen Road on oondltion that water and lewerage will be available.



On motion ot Ors. AUltin and Kalaola'it was ruolved that his tender be aa­

aepted and that the water and sewer mains be extended when the lotl are built

upon. ;~I/-

Morrh Bo&an tendering the lIum or $250.00 on lote '1 and two Dartmouth lIub,

divillion. On motion or Cra. Austin and laDor hia tender was rererred to the

Mayor and the Town Olerk with authority to lell the other two late 3 and , it

agreeable to Mr. Hogan.

Tbe Dartmouth Park OOllll1i11lion asking the Oounoil to appoint a man employed

by the Park Oommies10n as Constable. Mr. Case was present at the meeting IItat.

ing that the man would be Fred Robinson. On motion at Cra. Otto and lenor it

was relolved. "That Fred Robinson be appointed an extra aonstable in and tor the Town ot Dartmouth to serve under the direation at the Park Commilllion and at the expense of that CoJ!llllisaion, to hold or. fioe for a term of lix oalsndar monthll tram date."

Canada Permanent UortS;!:fIj.e Corporation in referenoe to the property of !!:.!. Edith B. Rooae, Eaton Avenue, stating that the matter at putting a strset through

her property had been up betore the Counoil at various t~es and that Mrs. Roose

ie now prepared to aoaept .SOO.OO for her lot. Letter reoeived and on motion

or Cra. Pettipas and Ienor a llpeoial oommittee waa appointed to negotiate, namely

t~ Mayor, Chairman or the Street Committee and the Town Solioitor.

J. Ho MoNeU, 303 Portland St. stating that an aaoident had happened to

his daughter by tripping over a set ot weighing 1I0alel outside the Owl Drug

Store. Letter reoei ... d and on motion ot Ianor and AUlltin wall reterred to the . '

Town Solioitor and the Polioe Committee.

lledloal report wall reaeived trOll the Kentville Sanatorium in referenae to

the progress of Clitton Bird Whose three monthll would be up on June 'the The

Doator reported that th1a man waa blprcrring and had gained 10 pounds in weight

and reoolllumded that he be allawed t~ rell&in there tor a tur\her period in order

to aohieve a satisfaotory oollapse at the right lung.

and Maloolm it was resolved that the request be grantsd.

On motion ot Crs. I enor

Petition tor permanent curbs and gutters, Dahlia Street between Maple and

Beeoh Streets, north lIide, signed by a number of owners at property was reoeived

and on motion of Crs. Maloolm and lllnor was rererred to the Street Committee and

the Engineer to report on.

Petition tor pe~ent ourbs and gutters ... 1.180 reoeived tram property

owner. on Dahlia Street between Pine and Uapla S,treets « both Dides, and wal like.

wise rererred to the Street Committee and Engineer to report on •.


Applioationl tor building p~it •• apprafed by the Building lnaptotor.

were on motion granted .. I tollowa'

E. L. Smith tor Jlllllla E. Dean. Portland Street. remodell 12000. William V. lfhebby tor Chaa. lIoaher. dwelling Pleaaant St •• 2000. Sydner O. Robert., alter and add to building Oakdale Ore •• 1600.

Re appointment at Asaessors On motion ot Crs. Maloolm and Pettipaa

it was resolved that W. N. Forbel. U. A. Lahey and C. G. Roane be appointed

aSlellor. in and tor the Town ot Dartmouth at the aame ... luy a. laat )e are

Humber ot bill. 'lgne4 by two ~ounoillor. were pasaed tor pa~ent.

Meeting adjourned.

A ppfoved ,

..... w:~.~. MAYOR

Dartmouth, Nova Sootia, July 8, 1988.

Town Oounoil met th1s day at 8 P. 14.

Prel.nta ~or Mosher, Oounoillorl .lUltin, Maloolm, P.tti~al, Otto, Ilnor and Bell. allO Tawn Solioitor MoI.l.y.

Minute. ot the last regular meeting and approved.

PlUlllbing Inapeotor' s r.port tor the month ot June Ihowing tixturll inatall.d

and inlpeoted in the Town was reoeived and tU.d.

Th. Chi.t ot Polioe r'ported, as annexed, on the aotivitiea ot the Polioe

Department for the past six months. On motion ot Cl's. Maloolm and Otto r.port

waa reoeived and filed and the Olerk wae inltruoted to notify the Chief to report


The Water and S .... r Committee reported reoommending th .. t Mr. &ward otto b.

granted permi.sion to oonneot up with the Town water and .ewer m .. ina on the Lak •

Road just outlide the Town limit. at an annu .. 1 water oharg. ot 120.00 per annum.

Total oo.t ot oonneotion to be paid by the .. pplioant , I

/ They allO reoomend.d that the annual oharge tor water supplied to out ot

Town partie. oonneoted with the Town'. wat.r .yatem be inor ..... d trom 116.00 to

120.00. On motion ot Cra. Pettipas and Bell report wal adopt.d.

Th. Cow ttea to whall was reterred the .m .. tter ot this Town' I olam againlt the

O~ian National Railway. tor 126.000. damagel tor .xpropriation ot olrtain Town

Street. reported that Kalars. Murray and MaoRinnon had already print.dthe neoel­

lary papers and taken the neoenary Itepa to bring the OUI to trial and reoom­

mended that the Town prooeed with the oale. Report reoeive4 and on motion ot

Cr •• Pettipas and Bell it was adopted.

Town Engineor Allan reported in referenoe to the applioation ot property

owners tor ourb and gutters on Dahlia btreot. that between Pine and Maple Stre.t

there was not a auffioient number of trontages to warrant the expenditure. but

that between Maple and Beeoh Street. on the North lide waa 89.2% and he

reoommended the oonltruotion on the North lide ot Dahlia between Mapl. and Beeoh

Streetl, "tSmated OOlt Isoo.oo. On motion ot Cre. AUltin and otto report wal


The COIIIIIlittee to 'Whom waa ret.rred the .att.r ot the prOPOlal to purohal.

a Itrip ot land. approxmately 30 te~t in tront ot Mrs. Bdith B. Roo •• '. house

on Baton Avenue tor the purpose ot opening up Baton .lven Ut through to Thcalon

Stroe,t r'ported that Ih. 11 willing to oonvey to the Town the laid land in quel­

tiontor the I\DI1 ot Isoo.oo and reoOllllll.nded the purohas. ot s~.. but that the

Town .hould not neo •• sari1y go to the 'xpenl, ot purohasing other land. or doing

any other Itreet work in the vioinity. Report reoeived and atter som~ dilou.-

! lion on'motion of Orl • .luetin and lanor wae ref.rr.d baok to the speoial Oommittee

tor turther r.port.


Patriot Printins and Publiehing OO!llpany statSng that they are pr.paring

a epto5al Natal Day edition of the Patriot Whioh would oonsiet of 10,000 oopies to

be distributed throughout the Provinoe, ielue to be published July 16th, and the

ooat would be ,$75.00 whioh they luggelt might be Ihared by the Ferry Commillion. On

motion of Or •• Bell and Auetin it WaB reaolved that the Town ttJce on •• ~lf page and

r.oOlllllend.d that the Ferry CCllllllillion take one-halt pa£e and the utter of the date

of the ilsu. to be r.f.rred to the Natal Day C~ittee.

Viotoria Road Baptilt Ohuroh alking to be allow.d to hold a Tag Day on

Saturday, August 8th for ohuroh purPOI.I. On motion of Ors. llnor and Bell it wal

r .. olved that the r.que.t b, granted.

Dartmouth Park Commillion alking to be allow.d a turther grant of 1260.00

to oompl.t. the work they had planned tor the eumaer on the park property. On motion

ot Ors. Au.tin &lid F.ttipae lt wal r.eolved that the be ref.rr.d to the Finano. "

OCllllllitt.e with power to aot.

Walter E. Onnon aaking to be allowed to .ell a partioular pieoe ot land

whiohw"l re.erved for a etreot ~n a plan or Brook.ide Avenue approTOd by the Town

Planning Board. Letter reoeived and reterred to the Town Planning Board.

Ageea E. ~isener ottering the lum 01' .100.00 tor the purohale of the ~­

ward Haire lot, PortltlXld Street. Letter reoeived and on JILOtion of Orl • .luetin and

Otto it wal reaolved that the Counoil .et the sale prioe of this lot at 1200.00, and

that the Mayor and Clerk be a.uthorilld to exeoute a deed to' arty "Person lIbo wllhel

to purohase it at that prioe.

Letter was read trom lIayor Bennett of' Windlor, Ontario, atating that the

Domin~o.n Allooit:.tion ot:.!ire Ohieta 11 holding it'. lMual oOllventioll in the Oity

of Windsor, August 26-27-28 and .xtending to the Mayor and Fire Ohiet and any mem­

bers of the Oounoil Who may be inter •• ted a oordial 1mltation to att.nd. Letter

r.oeived and tl1ed.

P.tition wal r.oeived traa ratepay.r. ot iaatmount aaking that a street

or road be oonetruotea to their resid.noe.. Several of the r •• id.nt. were present

and were heard in 'oonneotion therewith and the utter wae finally ref'.rr.d to the , "

Street Committee tor report.

Petition wal reoeivod tram residenta or Eason Roadnnd.Johnston Ave re­

que.ting ext.nl1on or eower and water me.inl to their propertie.. On motion of Or ••

Maloollll and p.ttipall th1l matter wa. reterr.d to the Water and S .. er Committee and

the IDgtneer tor report.

!... Petition waa reoeived,aigned by a lar~ number ot re.ident ratepayera

ot North Dartmouth, aaking that atepl be tallan to improve the appea~anoe ot

Viotoria Park. On motion ot Orl. Austin and Pettipaa it waa reaolved that the oit­

liens of North Dartmouth be aaked to appoint a CCllllldttee to oo-operate with the

Street a and Publio Property Committ~e of the Town of Dartmouth.

Cr. Pettipaa reported that Mr. David O'Heam ia deairoua ot purohaa­

ing a lot on Heater Street and offered the aum ot i60.oo, aaid lot being *11& an

a plan ot Billore.t .ub-divi.ion. On motion it waa re.olved that the Town do aell

thia lot tor the lum ot 176.00 and that the Mayor, Counoillor Pettipaa and the Town

Clerk be a Oommittee appointed with authority to aell any Iota on thia lub-diviaion.

Russell Atwood, son ot Peter Atwood, wal present at the meeting and

was heard in reterenoe to arrear. on taxes on hia father'a home whioh he teared

would be aold at Tax Bale and asked that he might be given aome employment by the

Town in order that he might pay towarda the taxea whioh his father ia unable to do.

The matter was referred to the Street Oommittee.

Or. Maloolm reported that a dangerous situation waa belng oreated on

Prinoe Albert Road at the inter.eotion ot Pleasant Street by the Starr Manufacturing

OClllpany" truok extending well out into the street when it ia loading and tmloading

at one ot the Company'a doors. Reterred to the Chiet ot Polioe to interview )lr ..

Luoaa, the Manager of the Company, in regard to same.

Applications for permits tor dwellings, approved ot by the Town Engin-

eer, were on motion ot Cre. Bell and Austin, granted a8 tollow ..

'William J. Bryne Georgo E. Hutchinlon Arthur Daine ~I. Ella A. Otto

Newcaatle St. Bolton St. Fairbank8 St. Dahlia St.

Application ot )lichael L. Romo tor dwelling on Hastings Drive waa

referred to the Building Oommittee with power to aot.

Applioation at Howard Shrum for garage, East aide ot Pleasant Street

was a180 referred to the Building Ommn1ttee.

Humber ot Bl118 .igned by two Councl11ora were paaaed tor payment.


. . ' . ......... , ................ , .... . roWN CLERK . Approvedi

it) V).J r A . / .......•.••.. ~~.~

MAYai .

Darblouth, Nova Sootia, Monda1, August S, 1936.

Town Oounoil met thil date at 8 P. M.

Prolentl Mayor KOsher, Oounoillors AUltin, Kaloolm, Otto and lsnor, a180 'lawn Solioitor KOleley.

Minutea of' the last meeting were read and approved.

PlUllbing Inspeotor' I report tor the month ot July wal reoeived and


The Ohiet 01' Polioe's report tor the month ot July waB allo reoeived

and 1'Ued.

Town Engineer Allan reported, as annexed, in reterenoe to the petition­

ers trem EBBon hoad and Johnstone Avenu! tor extena10n ot water and a .. er lIIaine,

thAt to oU'ry the _inl up a d1atanoe ot 826 teet would bxvolve a OOlt ot 16600.

and would neoessitate the 'lawn purohasing the land to widen the Itreet to at

lealt 50 teet, and that it was not advisable to make the extension betore the

atreet il straightened out. Petition reoeived and on motion 01' Cl's. Auetin

" and otto it was resolved that the reddnts ot Eason Road and Johnltone Aven- -

ue as petitioned tor be supplied with 'lawn water trom Cemeron at an approx­

tmate ooat ot '600. provided the Town has the funds, the oonneotors to depoait

'SO.OO each on applioation."

The Town ingineer also reported in reterenoe "~ the petition hem

property ownerl Sasblount tor mprov.entl to the road leading into their prop­

erties, that the Ealtmount sub-division had never been approved by the Town

Planning Board and the Town had never aoquired ownerllhip or any of' the streetl

in the lIub-divillion. Report reoeived and on lIIotion of' Crs. otto and IlInor

was reterred to the Town Planning Board.

Tha Tar.n Engineer reported in reterenoe to the applioation ot Willi ..

~ tor water end aewer oonneotion to the house whioh he is now building on .

Newoastle Stireet, that it would require a 77 tt. extension hem Albert Street

at en eatimated oost ot '1140.00 and the lewer and trontqe would be about '600.

On motion or Cra. otto and :Austin it wal resolved that Mr. Byrne'. request be



Solemon Broa. atating that he, S. B. Solomon, had been informed that

the polioe had ordered a(llle rainooatl hom a man in. Bal1tu: and that he would

like the fGWn to oarry out the bye-lawa ot the Town. Letter reoeiTt4 end tiled •.


Alfred T. Newell, 4SS Portland Street, o01llplaininr; that in the dayt1ll1e he

llal DO water. Reterred to the 'ft'ater and Sewer C01lllllittee tor report. ,

Valentine R. Oox, 'ft'06dalde, aaJdng to be allmred to oonneot up with the

Town water through the Aoadia Sugar Retining Company'a pipe. Referred to the Water

Committee tor report.

Arthur Roberta, Seoretary of the Nova Sootia lIuniolpalities, ltating that

the oonventionwill be held at, The Pines, Digby, on September 2, Sand', and that.

a program of the UIUal exoellenoe has been prepared and asked the Counoil to appoint

the delegatea. Letter reoeived and the Clerk was instruoted to aoknow1edge and

state that any Counoillora who oan avail themselvee ot the opportunity will go as


Town Aaaeaaorl applying for an inorease in salary. Referred to the Finanoe


Petition tram _large number ot reaidenta on Thistle Street asking that the

Town take lleasures to have the dUlt permanently laid b,. oiling or other meanl, waa

on motion ot Crs. Austin and lIaloolm reterred to the Street COIIIIl1ttee.

• Re Natal Day. On motion of' Crs. Austin and Kaloobl it was resolved that

this Counoil, having aet aaide 'ft'edneada,., August 6th, 19S6, as Dartmouth Natal Day,

do tor the purpoaes of' Bills of' !xohan&e Aot deo1are lald date to be a publio oivio

" holiday in tbe Town ot Dartmouth.

Applioations approved ot by the Build1Dg Inspeotor were granted al tollow ..

Clareno. Kiaener North lide na.aon Street S dwellings Rob.rt AndersOD Bason Road dwelliog IIorril Hogan Bison Road dweUiog Rattle Shattord Portland St. dwelliog . Burton Robar Brak!ne St. garage

Cr. otto reported that the residents of North Dartmouth had appointed aa

a COlllDlittee on Viotoria Parka R. Robertson, S. Moore, G. Hl11, A. Hill, G. Swatter,

J. Gully, Sr. and V. kobweeney.

S. H, Solomon waa present at the .eting and was gb·en a hearing. He atated

that he, fte alking the Town to retund hbl tor water rates on shop tap ohargea hbl

aino. 1918 whioh be olaimed ftS not there. Atter same diloussion a speoial Comaltte.

wal appo1ntea to report on the matter, DUlel,., CrI. llDor, otto and the

Town Solioitor.

Humber at bills signed by ,two Counoillorl .. re passed tor pa,ment.

On motion ot Cra. llDer and Kaloollll, the Counoil adjourned to meet al a

Board of' Health. ,Letter ftl read tram the Chier ot Polio. ad the PlllllbiDg Inspeot­

or statins there had been an outl14e pri...,. build on a bulldincawned b,. lIr. Frank



MOI,l'l at the tootot North Street and that thel oOnlidered it a ~uil.noe. !he buildlDl proper iloooupied bl Benr, Oo11inl.·· Letter reod.,.a and OD , motion at Ora. A~at1n and lanor it was referred to the Polioe OOlllldttee with

power to act.

~eting adjournea.



...... U/.~.~ MAym


DarbIIouth, R. S., JIonday, August 51, 1936.

Speoial meeting ot the Town bounoil held this date 'at 5.15 p. M.

Presentl lia.yor Kosher, Counoillor Austin, Ka.loolm, Pettipa.s, Otto, 1sn<r and BellI also Town Solioitor Moseley.

The l118eting was oalla! d to deal with .. proposal ot the Street CCIIIII1ittee

to expend a further SUlll on repairs and asphalt to oertain streets ot the Town

as outlined in the report ot the Town Engineer.

Cr. Austin asked that he be allowed to bring up the Jll8.tter ot borrowing

hea the bank a suftioient s_ to enable the Counoil to oarry out the water

and lewer extension a8 paaaed at the last meeting ot the Counoil. On motion

ot Cri. Bell and hnor, it ftS RESOLVED.

"That the ~or and Olerk be authoriled to make arrangement I tor a further loan ot 15,000. trca a ohartered bank tor the purpose ot extend­ing the water and .rier systa. w1 thin the Town, laid loan to be paid ott trOll. the sale or Debentur.l. tI

On motion 01' Cri. otto and Bell it was RESOLVED.

"That thia Co~oll empower the Street C(IIIIlittee with authority to expend the SUIIl or 12,000. over and above the estimatel tor 1936, money to be spent a8 per statement "CH of the Engineer's report as attaohed, also to inolude North Street."

Re Daylight Sa3s 1'1m.., on motion ot Cri. Ianor and Pettipal, it ftl

RBSOINED. "That Daylight Savings Time be extended until Sept8lllber 27, 1936."

On motion 01' Cri. Pettipas and lenor, it was RESOlNED.

"That the Town pay lIrs. S5mpson tor the board of Miss Ethel Waler tor a

period tram Septanber 1st to the end ot February, at the rate ot 13.00 per

Meeting adjourned.




Dartmouth, N. S., Tuesdt.y, Sept. 8, 1936.

Town Oounoil aet thia date at 8 P. K.

Preaentl Kayor Kosher, Oounoillors Austin, Kaloolm, Pettipas, otto, Ianor and Belli also Town Solioitor Mose1ey.

Minutes ot the last two meet!ngl were read and approved.

Report from the Plumbing lns~eotor for the month of Augult was on motion


Report from the Chief of Polioe on the aotivities 01' the Polioe Department

tor the month of Augult was read and on motion filed.


William Cheek enolosing aooount ot .226.00 representing damage to his proper­

ty oaused by the explosion ot t1rewworks on Natt.l Day. Letter ~s also read tram

the Dartmouth Natal D8f COJIIIlittee askmg that aotion be taken by the Town Counoil

in oonneotion with the damag... Letter. and olahl reoeived and on motion ot Cl's.

Austin and otto were referred to Special OOllllDitt.e, namely, Mayor Mosher and the

Town Solioitor with power to aot.

E. G. otto and other. oaaplaming tht.t dwelling aitut.ted at /149' Dahlia Street

il not tit tor habitation and that reoently a tamily had moved mto the dwelling

who will likelr beOruBe a oharge upon the Town. Letter reoeived and tiled.

Loya1ilt Press, Yarmouth solioiting an order from their ~Oll Who" ot Nova

Soot1a, book they are putting out in the near tuture. Latter reoeived and tiled.

Town Engmeer in referenoe to the applioation of ~s. Annie D. Hart tor per -. mi8llion to build a small haule on Hastings Drive reoommending that DO permit be

issued. the epeoifioation submitted and the method 01' oonstruotion pursued are not

in aooordanoe with the Town's Building Bye-Las. a110 stating that he had written

Krlo Hart ordering the work to bease. On motion 01' Cl's. Pettipas and lanor

the matter was reterred to the Engineer and the Solioitor tor turther report.

Applioations tor building pe~its, approved 01' by the Town Engineer, were

passed ae tol10W11

C. W. Kotratt~ West side of Pleasant St •• 6300.00 aerald J. Smith, South side ElmWood Ave. 1600.00

Counoillor lanor, Chai~ ~f,the Speoial Committee appointed to look into

the matter 01' Mr. Solcaon' s ol.aim for oharge for shop tap for a DWDber ot ,ears

that he olaimed that he did Dot have a tap, reported reoommend1n,; that without

prejudioe Mr. S. H. Solomon be retunded the annual oharge of the shop tap trom

1927 to date, 9 years" without interest. On motion or Cra. Ianor and Ottlo report

was adopted.


Or. Austin, Chairman ot ... he Water ad S .. er Oc.aittee, reported not in tayor

It'" bt granting permission to Valentine Cox to ocmneot up with the Town'l water lupply

through the pipe. belong1nt; to the Aoadia Sugar Retining Oca~.

~! .. ,


Cr. Pettipe.. ga.,. notioe ot motion that at the next reSular Dleeting ot the

Counoil he would mOTe a resolution aeking ~he Town Engineer to mate a oaaplete

diagnoll1. ot the water luppl,. 11'tem ot the Town ot Dar1mouth.

Number or acoounts. signed by two Counoillors, were passed tor payment.

Meeting adjourned.

AptI"ovea •

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MAYOR



Dartaouilh. Non 8001l1a. Kondl.1. Oot. 6/30.

Town Counoil .. t thla date at 8 P. 11.

Pr.lent. II~ Kolher. Counoillor. Au.tin. Pettip ... and IanorJ al.o Town Solioitor lIoleley.

Minuteaot the hat meet1ng were and approv.d.

Report ot the n\lllblng Inlpeotor tor the IlOnth ot ..... r.oeived

and tiled.

Report ot the Chiet ot Polioe on the aotivities ot the Polio. n.partm.nt

tor the month ot S.ptemb.r ..... reoeived and tiled.

The apeoial Committee who were appointed in reterenoe to the olaim or

Wil1iam Cheek tor damagea ariaing out or the premature exp10Bion ot tireworka

in the reoent Natal Day oelebration report.d that the olaim .... a a liabillty

ot the Natal Day COIIIIIdttee and not ot the Town. and adTiI.d the olamant to

••• k hi. remuneration trOl1 that Collllllittee. 'llhioh la. a body oorporate. Your.

eo .. ittee. purauant to the power to aot giTen it by Counoil. hae made an ad ..

ditional ,rant ot 1228.00 to that body. and 1Ir. Oheek'. olaim h ... been paid •.

On action of Orl. Au.tin and Pettipal thl1 report was reoeived and adopted.

Tbe Water and Sewer CODlllitt •• reported in rerer.noe to the olam ot..!!:!,

Alfred T. Newell that he do •• not obtain a rea.onably .atllfaotory flow ot

.... tar at h1a ~emil" on PorUmd Street. that they had intervined 1Ir. Knell

and ue reoOlllllending that h. inltall a pump on hl1 pr8lll1a.. and the Town _lee

a r.411otlon in hiB .... tar rate. ot 14.00 tor the ourrent year. On motion ot

Cra. !Ultin and lanor report .... a adopted •


The Dartmouth Park Commia.ion Itating that they are in tavor ot bul1d1ns

a .. iI!!dD,g ROol tor the tohool children on the Park property oorner of OODl.r- .•

olal 'Street and Park Annue. On motion ot Cri. Pettlpa' and Ienor letter ....

reoelved and tabl.d.

Albert J. Foreman • .bherlt, applyblg tor position ot Sanitary Plllllbing

and Water Worb Intpeotor. Letter reo.ived and tUed, there bes.ns no vaoanoy

at the pre.ent tbae.

Thou.l Labey otteriq the lUll. ot Three Hundred and F11'ty Dollar. <1360.00) • l •

tor the J. B. lIitoheU property on Geary Street whioh had been bought in by the

Tawn at a Tu Sale in 1932.' Ref.rred to a 'peoial Coaltt.e, name1ylla1Or

Kolher and the Town Engineer.

On motion ot Cr •• Ianor and Pettipaa. relolutiona aa annexed, were unan­ pa ••• d authoridnc the ialUe ot 15,000. Water and S ... er Debentur .. to

pay otr overdraft at the Royal Bank and $3.1500 Water .. lid Sewer Debentures to ~'.



" 2

be applied a,;a1nlt retiring .6,000. Water and Sewer Debenturee whioh mature

on Ho,..mber lIt, and the Clerk ftl instruoted to oall tor tender I tor the

la1e ot the Debentures.

Applioation ot Resinald Smith tor dwel11~ on the South side ot

Tulip atree·, apprO'Yld ot by the Tawn Engineer ftS granted.

On motion ot Cl's. Auatin and lanor it ftS resolnd that 1Ir. Baward

~be granted a permit to build .. gara,;e on hll property oorner ot Prinoe

A1bert Road and Pleasant, it apprO'Yed ot by the Town Engineer.

On motion ot Cl's. Pettipas and AUltin it was relolTed that the

Fire Dspartment be allowed the ueual grant to the tiremen tor Fire Prevention

Week, the grant not to exceed 175.00.

On motion or Cra. Pettipas and Auatin the Clerk was instruoted

to oall tenders for eupplylng ooats, boote and hats for the Fire Department,

tendere to be in by Ootober 14th and the Oommittee was authoriled to award


CrI. Austin and Pettlpae were appointed a epeoial Committee to

negotlate with 1Ir. Jom Gray, Weat Street, Halitax, for the purohale ot a num-

bel' ot benohes.

Humber ot bll1e li~d by two Counoillors were passed tor payment.

Counoil then adjourea and met. as a Board ot Health. Cr. Pettipal

ltatea that )(illl Pepper of the Department ot Agrioulture, ottaft, waa oom~

to Nova SooUa. to leoture on ILille, and on motion ot Cl's.. :Pettipae and lanor

lt ftS resolved that an invitatlon be extended from the Dartmouth Board ot

Health to leoture in a hall ln Dartmouth probably under the aUlploes ot the

Viotorian Order ot Nurael.

Meeting adjourned.


Approyed l

.. a!d .. IlAYOR

lb..... l' 11 •• 0., o'b •• 'hl ....... t.4 ,J I.e" •• 1 ot Oh.p,.r 70 ., th. ,.t. ot 193' ••• 'ltl.4

.,. Aa, l.l.\lD, ,. th. 'owa ot ».r'.ou'h-, al '011 ••••

1. !h. '0" ot ».rt.ou'h 11 au'ho.ll.4 ,. bo .. ow 01' ... he " .a, ot loa. OD 'h. erdn of 'h. !o.n, 'b. tollo.ln,'

(4) • IU. ao' •• 0 •• 41a. fl •• !ho~ •• a4 Doll ... 1 <.0.000) for •• , •• aD4 •••••••


Aaa 'her ••• " th. Multip.l Attal .. (lv.pnYldoa)

'I' •• l~'u •• b.ll la 'h. 'l ..... 'lo. of 'b. towa G.UDltl

It, 'orr ••• el ............ la oat •••• , .a. U" .-.'la ,.,'.1 .. •• a ••• , 4'fte"'.' , ....... aa4 'h •• ua •• , ,h.ll ,.

b •••••• el '1' ... 1 ••• " 'h. l •• u ••• el •• 1. .t I., •• tu •••

0' 'ht 'owa '0 .u.h .a •• OQa' ,. ,uoh Gluaoll el.... • •• -

• •••• , , .... 1 •• ,u.h Iv.. ,roy14., 'h., 'h. ',,1",." aao .. ' .t .11 'h. ", •• \v.r., , •• u.el purluaa' •• IU.' .'a'huU, 'h,n •• , ...... 'h, .. ou., •• 'hoth.'· " ,.

'-'1.4 0' '.rr ..... ' A.' Ib .... a, l' , ...... , .ap",.a' ., bo .. ro.

'h ••• U,ft.'oI· " •• : ,,~ ••••• l~Doll.r&tor "h. pv..po •• ·

.' ..... 141 'al lb.,... 'h. ,.1.4 Glv.aoll '~.a. 'h.' 'h.

lieu ••• 4 ,.1. 0' Dt' •• ,ur •• • t 'h. Iowa '0 th ...... ,

.f .1 •• fho •••• ' Dolt.r ••• ,h, •• , ... ,., , •• t'o.,' .111

b' ••••••• r' , .... , •••• 14 ••• ,

I. I' 'hlr.f.r. ..SDt~1 'b., u.~.r •• , "

yl .. ,v.a of ,.1' Oh.,.,,, '0 'b. ,.lel '0 •• ,. " .. , •• I •

... , •• br .ar ot 11 .... th. ,wlell' of 'h. , ... th •

•• 11 ,u. .f " •• !ho ••• ael ».ll.r. to, th. purp ••• • t.t.­

•• 1., ~Iba' uaell." al' la ••••• ia.ot .. nh •• U.Ohaphw

'0 .ael ,b ..... 1.1,.1 'ttal. .. (lv.p •• y, ..... ) Ad 'bt,.lel

, •• 't ,., •••• el 0' ,a",' br 'h. ' •• ut .a4 'al •• f I •• . , . b •• h, •• ot 'h. '0 •• ',0 tbl .,1.4 DOU.' of ,.. .. n ..... l

DoU ....


.. I -

'h.' '.a De'e.t.f •• ot. the ",,1 ,.wa tor " ••••

.1011 ••••• ,h ,. "oo~4'DI1F , •••• 4 .al .014a

. 'hat th ••• iI D., •• t.rel , •••• '.re4 ooa .. o.U .... l'

'.1 to .jlO '0'" b.l •. ".,.. , .... ,., the aal 4., 01 ....... Ur.

l. D. 19". ,. ,.,.'1. la t ••• " , •••• I •• m 'h. 4.'.'

.t'h. ottl •• • t 'h. 'owa Olert .... 'real.r ... la 'b. '0 •• ot

D •• tmou'Il, •• 1 '.a .. 1.' ..... ' •• the rah 01 three .. nd one halt

, ...... , .. pe ..... ua p.,.'l. 'alt., .... I, ., th ••• ,' ottl'"

!b.' 'h. M.,or ot 'b ••• l' 'on 1.~.ll~a.1 .h. Oll.t 'h.r.ot 40 .... ' ••• l •• 'h •• all D.' •• '.r •• , tha' 'h.,

1o ••• 1 the ..... lth th •• orpor." ••• 1 ot the •• 14 'on,

•• , 'ha' 'h. ..i4 al.rk ,. .1,. 'h. t.'e .... ' o •• po.. •• it

'h ......... 1"'.,1""" .t'h ••• 1,. th ..... 01' h ..... 'h ••

l.; ••••• 1 .,,'h • , ••• tall. ot ht. Il, •• ta •••

'h.' •• tat .. a. '-at ."h , •• ,.., ••••• h De' •• '.'.1 .'.11 lI ••• , "'ta •• ,. h.,." •• ,.'11., •• , p.rl •• at ,.

1 •••• &0 •• • t •• &. Obap' •• '0, •• , t'" " ••••••••• ,. ,.,4 ..... llF ,." thl Il~'.' ,.. •• h'll b. 'h ••••• , .a.­ "".a' .. of 'h •• , ••••• ,. ,.0 •• ' ot 'h. la'4 D,' •• , ..... , 'ht 0 .... 11 .""'11 th., 'h. ..14 .. oaa' ,. ,. patl ••••• 11,

'.'0 'h. Itakl •• 'ual .111 b. ,uttlo".' '0 pf •• ,4. tor 'h •

.. ,.. •• • t 'h. D.' •• '.r ••• h •• 'he .... af.·,.,.)l., 'h. ttr.' pa, •• at '.". 'hi I'ati., '.al ~a~.l'hl ••••

, ••• t •• m the , ••• • , th'JD.,.a'.r •• ~~~~ fhl. 1. t •••• tltF that 'h. • ••• 1utloa ot whl.h

th. t.r •• o'., i •• , ... ,oP7 ••• 4.a, p •••• 4 ., • lul,

•• 11.1 .... l~' ot th. , ... a .... il of 'h. , ••• of D •• t.o.'h •.

•• l,!b.l' oa thl

A. D. ltl,.

•• , .t

I .. , •••• ,., th' , ••• , .t th ••• ,0' •• , th. , •••

~1.rk ••••••• r t~ ••• .,.r.' ••• al .t th. ..14!0... 'hll > .. ., 0' . A.. D. ttl' •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • , ••••••• ill •••• , •• . I., .. I, ,v'

••••• t •••••••• ··~ ••••• " •••••

! ... Ghrk


nu ••• b, a •• uoa 1 ot Oh,ph' " ot 'h. Ao'. ot·

1"' ••• 'ltl.A ·A. Aot •• 1"tne to 'h. to~.ot D,r'.o.'h l,

" l' •••• '.A •• t.l1 •••• 1. thl t ... ot D.,'ao.'h 1 ••• 'ho.' •• ' ,. b •• , •• O. ."1. b, •• , .t 1... oa the ••• A" of 'he 'on,

• , ... ot .a ••• AtD, thr.' thou".' .,.­••• 4,.4 Doll ... ,. b •• 1.4 ' •••• 4. p.,­t •• ,a4 ~.tlrla •• t .. , •• tt, 4.b •• , •••• ot 'h. 'o.a •• o •• tta. la ,h. .hol. , • • , •• 'ho •••• a Doll.~ •• 4.,.A 'h. let 'a, ot ••••• b.r.·A,D. 1911, p.,.bl. o. the t., •• , of ••••• b.'. A.D. 11". l ..... • a' •• 'h ••• 'ho~l', ot ••• 'l.a 10. Oh.p­, ••• 1 ot th. A.', ot 1'0', 'h •• iakl •• t •• , t. r •• peo' of •• t4 ,.b •• ,.r.' b.t •• h,.tUoha'.

A.4 Wh.r ••• b, th. I.Dlllp.l Att,'r. (8up.,y,.to.)

A.t •• t4 I ••• h,ll l. the 41.or.tto. ot 'h. 1o .. Oo ••• tl

,. b.,r •• ,a or .,t ••• , •••••• a " ••• 'la. o~ t. 1 •• ,.1- ,t 41ft •••• ' 't ..... a the .U. r.quir.4 Ihall b.

bo,ro •• 4 o~ .al •• A b, 'h. t •• u. ,a4 •• 1. ot Debent.r •• ot ,

th. !o •• " luoh aD aao •• ' ,. ,.ob.Ot.a.l1 4 ••••••••••• r'

'0 ,atl' I.O~ , •• p.owI4.a th,' 'h •••• re •• '. aao.a' 0'

.11 tb. •• , ••• ,4 pu ••••• ' to .uoh ,.thorl', .h,ll

ao' .x, •• 4 'h. ,mou.' a.'ho,l •• 4 '0 b. .,I.,A 0. bo~~ ... 4.

A.4 Ib,r •• ' it l. , ••••• ,.pe'l •• , '0 , ••••• the , '

•• 14 ... • t fb ••• 'hou ••• I " ..... ,~ •• D.l1 ••• to. 'h •

..., ••• att .... ,.,

A.' Ih."" the •• 11 Oo.aoll ,.... 'hat 'h.

, •••• ,.4 •• 1. ot De, •• tur.. ot the '0" '0 'h. ,.ou.,

ot th ••• !ho •••• 4 '1 •• Hu.I~.4 Doll'" •• h.,., •• t, ••

••• '1.a.4 .111 b •••••••• ., ,. r.t •••• 14 .ual

J. I' 'h.~.t ••••••• 1 •• 4 'ha' .a4 ••• a' b,

.l.tu. ot •• 14 Ghap'" " 'h •• ,14 'o.a I. o~ •• t ••

b, •• , ot 1 ... o. 'h •• ~.4t' ot 'h. '0 •• 'h. "14 .u. ot

,.. •• thou ••• a 'lYe H~ ••• , Doll.r. fo, 'b. pu~po •• ,tor •• a141

'ha' .a' •• ,al 'a '1001'".0 •• l'h .,1a Oh,p'" "

.aa 'h. M~tllPll Att,l,. (8up.~.1.10a) Ao' the ,.14 ,um b.

bor •••• 4 or ,alled b7 'h. ll1u. ,ad •• le ot D.benhr .. ot 'h.

'ow. ,. 'h. .,14 •• oua' of !b~.e thou.,.4 'lYe Bua4~.a Doll,r,.


"'., •• 't •. ,~"Il.UI''' ot 'b ••• U '0 •• tor , ....

••• t •• 1 D.l1., •••• b b ••••• '& ... ,l',t •••••• a",10141.

'b., 'h. ,,14 ~\'.'Il'" bt ••• btr.' l.a.,IG""l,

1.\ '0 I.' both .... l •• 't-.,b. ,.t.4 'h. a.4 ... , ot 't,. '. .

1.11 ... , A. D. n ... 11, ,.,ab1l it , .... , ".,. tro. tbl" .

4 .... h •••• ' .t 'b" .tt .... 0' 'hi !OWI Ohl'k a." ! ..... ,r.' I. 'h. 'owe ot D., •• o." ••• 4'1I.a,' ll,.i •• , ., th. ,.,.' ot

. I" '.. '

three and one h&lf,.r ...... p ••• Ia •• , ,."'hb.~t.'I.rl, ., 'h ••• l4 ottl •• ,

!b., 'h. M.,or 01 'h., •• l4 fow, 40 Il, ••• 4 'bl

Ohrk th.rlO' .... utel'll'. 'h •• aU D.lIt1lh, .. , 'h.,. 'h., .... ,.1 tb ..... wUh ~h •• "por'" ... 1 of 'h •• aU 'on,

.... 'h., 'b' •• U Olel'k 40 Ill. 'h. inter'" I,oupolllor it

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.. ~.~ .............. ~ . M·ro~ .


. . . . . , , .................... , .. 'on 0111'1£


Dartmouth, Nova Sootla, Monday, November 2/36.

Town Counoil met thls date at 8 P. M.

Present: Mayor Mosher, Oounoillors.Austln, Maloolm, Pettlpas, Otto and Belli also Town Solioitor Moseley.

Mlnutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Report of the Chlef of Polioe was read and on motion of

ers. Otto and Bell, was reoeived to be f1led.

The letter of Ernest Albert Wambolt regard1ng a garage per­

mit issued to Howard Shrum objeoting to the ereotion of a pro-

posed garage was read. On motion of Crs. Pettipas and Maloolm

the Clerk was instruoted to write Mr. Wambolt that the permit

had already been granted and that Mr. Shrum is building his

garage under the supervision of the Town Engineer.

A letter from C. G. Oleveland, agent for Harriet V. Oleve­

land, offering the Town $100.00 for lot #16 Fernbrae sub-divis­

ion was read. On motion of Crs. Pettipas and Maloolm, the May­

or and Clerk were author1zed to g1ve Mrs. Cleveland a deed of

lot #16 Fernbrae sub-div1s1on providing she pays $150.00 for it.

A letter from Mrs. James Condran olaiming damages for in­

Juries whioh she stated were sustained on Windmill Road side­

walk was read. The letter on motion of Crs. Bell and Otto was

referred to the Town Solioitor who is to make a report baok

to Counoil. I.J. . 3t" • 0---

Tenders for $8500.00 Town of Dartmouth 20 year bonds, were

opened by the Finanoe Committee. The tender submitted by John­

stone and Ward offerlng 100.19 and aoorued interest was on

motion of Ors. Bell and Pettipas aooepted.

Tenders for Firemens ooats and boots were opened by the

Fire Committee. On motion of Crs. Pettipas and Otto, the reoom-. mendation that the tender of the Hiltz Shoe Store for nine (9)

pairs of Storm King rubber boots at $4.25 eaoh, was aooepted.

On motion of Crs.,Pettipas and Otto the reoommendation that·

the tender of Maur10a Ch1sling for the supply of Patoh ooats

at 810.25 eaoh was aooepted.

Building permits to J. R. Morash and Company, Limited

and to George Bishop, were on motion of· Ors. Bell and Austin



On motion of Crs. Otto and Austin the Mayor, Cr. Bell and

the Town Solicitor were delegated a Committee to interview Mr.

~ of the Starr Manufaoturing Company, Limited, regarding

the Company deeding to the Towm some of its land in considera­

tion of the Town's releasing the lien it now holds by statute

against the Company's property.

The resignation of Cr. W. G. Otto as Chairman and as a

member of the Polioe Committee was on motion of Crs. Pettipas

and Austin acoepted. Cr. Austin was on motion of Crs. Malcolm

and Otto appointed to the Polioe Committee to aot during the

remainder of the Civio year as its ohairman.

On motion of Crs. Bell and Austin, the Clerk was instructed

to oall for tenders for a 3/4 ton steel body truok with standard


On motion of Crs. Otto and Bell the Counoil went on record

as approving a snow removal program during the winter to include

the removal of snow from both streets and sidewalks, the Engin­

eer to report to Council the equipment required for the work

this winter.

On motion of Crs. Bell and Pettipas, the Chairman of the

Streets Committee was authorized to confer with lighting author~

ities regarding the installation of a new 400 candle power light

as an experiment.

Number of bills signed by two Councillors were passed.

Meeting adJoul~ed.

. ..... ~~ .•....•...... D~i TOWN CLERK


... w.~ .. ~k .. MAYOR


Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Monday, Nov.23/36. \

Special meeting of the'Town Council held this date at g P. M.

Present: Mayor Mosher, Councillors Austin, Malcolm, Pettipas, Otto, Isnor and Bell; also Town Solicitor Moseley.

Mayor Mosher said the meeting had been called to

deal \,lith two questions, that of the taxes on the Roman Catholic

Schools and the Starr Manufacturing Company proposition.

After some discussion on motion of Crs. Pettipas and

Austin, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

"Resolved that the Town Solicitor be authorized to consult other Counsel as he shall decide and obtain a written opinion for Council with regard to the assessibility, in the Town of Dartmouth, of the schools owned, managed and maintained by the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation. 1I

The proposition of the Starr Manufacturing Company

to deed to the Town certain lands in exchange for release of

judgment of $16,000. was after some discussion referred back

to the Committee for report.

The tender of Thomas Lahey for $350.00 for the pur~

chase of the lot of land on Geary and Turner Streets, Dartmouth,

was referred back to the Committee for report.

Meeting adjourned.


.. UltJJ.fw. .~~ . MAYOR

I \ •

Dartmouth, Nov &. booth., Monday, Docember 7, 1936.

Town Oounoil met thil date at 8 o'olook P. M •

Pre.entl Mayor I4osher, Counoillora Austin, Pettipas, Otto, hnor and Bell. also Town Sol1oitor'J,(oaeley.

The minutel ot the last two meetings were read and approved.

The Plumbing Inspeotor's report tor tixtures inltalled and inspeoted,

also tixtures taken out tor the montha ,ot October and Novembar. waa reoeived

and tiled.

Town Solioitor l40aeley reported in reterenoe to the olabn 01' Mrs. J~el

Condran tor d~t.&es ariling tr<iD. ).Irs. Oondran's having tallen on the aide­

walk on Windmill ,Road, that the Town i8 under no respon8ibility to keep ita

sidewalk8 in repair and that in his opinion Mrs. Condran has no oause ot .. ot­

ion againat the Town and that the Town dls01a~ any re8ponsibility in the

matter. On motion 01' Cra. Otto and llnor the report wal adopted.

The ~treet Oommittee reported reoommendinG the aooeptanoe 01' Teasdale

and Foot, Limited for 1937 Piok Up Truok with Itandard equipnent tor the

sum 01' 1798.00 lesl .. llowanoe on old truok 01' 1103.00. Report reoeived

and was tabled pending further intonnation.

The Town Engineer reported to the Chairman 01' the Street CODDDittee

that the Town had deoided to remove anow trem the aidenlkl that it would

be neoelsary to purohase a traotor suitable tor this work and he lubmitted

that the"Cletrao A.G: and the "C .. terpillar 22" are two typel .. hioh .. ould' be . ,

luitable tor the work. On motion 01' CrI. Otto and Pettipaa, the Street

Committee .. ere authoriled to oall tenders tor traotors suitable for lide-

.... lk ploughing.


Maritbne Telegraph and Telephone Company, Limited in referenoe to the'

gro .. th of telephone traffio between Helifax and Dartmouth stating that ad­

ditional oable faoilities will be required and they propose to have a

buried armoured l~e;e capaoity oable laid in the ground tr~ the terminal

building on Lyl. Street in 1.1 direot .. line 1.8 possible to the junotion ot

Wentworth Street and Park Av~u.. along Wentworth Street to their under­

ground oOll.4ult. system on Oohterloney Street, luoh oable to be buried two

teet, to oross ,the Park pr'operty 11' the rook level rendered it advilable.

Letter reoeived' and on motion 01' Cra. Auatin and Ilnor waa reterred to tho

Street OCllllDitte. and the Town Elngineer.


- 2-

Viotorian Order ot Nursel aalcing payment ot the annual grant ot 1460.00.

Letter reoeived and on motion ot Crs. Bell and hnor it'was resolved that the

amount be paid.

Halitax Visiting Dispensary aslcing tor p"1Jftent ot the annual grant ot

$76.00. Letter reoeived and on motion ot Cl's. lsnor and Bell it was resolved

that this amount be paid.

J. Gray, Halitax stating that he was willing to sell all the benohes

whiohwere used on the tormer terr.y steamer -Dartmouth" tor the sum ot tlOO.OO.

Letter reoeived and reterred to the Speoial Committee to report on.

Letter was read from F. F. P. Maloolm, M. D. tendering his resignation

as Counoillor tor Ward 2. On motion ot Cra. Bell and lsnor the reSignation

was aooepted and the seat is to be lert vaoant until the regular eleotion in


On motion ot Cl's. Bell and Austin it was resolved that Cr. PettiP,!l:s be

appointed a member ot the Polioe Committee replaoing ex-Cr. Kaloolm.

On motion ot Crs. Pettipas and Austin it was resolved that Dr. Ilalcolm

be appointed a member or the Darbnouth Sohool Board until suoh time as the

annual appoinbnenta to the Board are made by the Counoil in 1931.

Applioations tor pennits for dwellings approved ot by the Tawn Engineer

were on motion ot Cl's. Austin and Bell granted as tollows,

hed M. Labey, north side ot l'ortland St. Herbert Drake, oorner ot Wentworth and Queen Stre'ets. R. M. Barteaux, sout~elt side ot Criohton Avenue, on lot #14. H. N. Wrathall, aout~elt oorner ot ot Cleveland Creloe~t on lot #S. '

Town Engineer Allan reported on the applioation ot Mrs. Mar6!!et A. Parlee

tor dwelling on the south side ot Mott's Lane on Lot #56 ot the Allison Sub-

division, that this lane had never been oonveyed to the Town and that the

Town is not able to give water and sower oonneotion and reoommended that the

applioation be approved lubjeot to the owner supplying water and lewer ser­

vioe. bymeanl ot a well and properly oonltruoted lanitary oeaapool. On motion

ot CrI. Pettipas and Bell the applioation ... a reterred to the Street Committee,

the Medioal Health Otrioer and the Town Solioito~.

The Polioe and Lioense'C~tt~e reported that Chiet ot Polioe Clarke I

had been absent trom duty without leave and that they had IUlpended him trom

duty etreotive November 28th until the meeting ot the Oounoil,. Monday, Deoember

7th and reoommended that the Counoil_


1. Ratify the sUlpenaion of Mr. Cl .... ~ov .... r .Oth t. Do ... b.r 7th.

2. i'hat he be diaohlU"ged frc.ra the offioe ot Chief ot Polio. and all other fawn offioes held by htm, effeotive at onoe.

3. 1'ha.t Mr. Clarlee be paid two months' salary tor the months ot Deoember and. January, without deduotion trom the period ot suspendon, suoh aalary to be p'aid him in two equal instalments, one at the end ot eaoh said month.

Cr. Auatibi moved, aeoonded by Cr. Otto that the report be adopted. Cr. Pet­

tipas objeoted to the motion being put and atter oonliderable disoussion there­

on it was deoided to 01.11 a meeting ot ~he Counoil tor Deoember 16th to deal

with the matter.

Number of bill. signed by two Counoillors were passed for payme~t. I

Counoil adjourned and met as a Board ot Health.

Petition signed by A. E. Hyde and others was before the Board in refer­

enoe to the brook running through Carter's tield whioh he olaims gets tilled

up with silt and gravel washed fram the street and gutters. It was deoided

that the Kayor and Counoillors, Xown Engineer and the lIedioal Health Oftioer

visit the brook in question Saturday afternoon at 3 o'olook to disouss the

lituation and asoertain a remedy.

Keeting adjourned.


..... w.~.~ .. MAYOR



Dartmouth, Nova Sootia, 'Tuesday, Deo. 16,1936. "

Speoial meeting ot the Tawn Counoil held this day at 8 P. U.

Preaentl Il&yor Mo.her, Oounoillors Austin, Pettipal, Otto. Isnor and Bell, also Town Solioitor MOI018y.

Letter ns read trCllll Ralph P. Bell, Provinoial Chairman of the Home Im­

provement Plan Committee, setting forth the names of the Chairmen from

the City and County Committee, also the Chairmen and members of the dif­

ferent Counties in Nova Sootia, and asking if the Tawn of Dartmouth has

.not alreaqy organized to see that organiz~tion is oompleted rorthwith.

Letter reoeived and on motion of Cra. Pettipas and Ienor, Mayor MOlher

and lIr. Fred tabey were appointed m~bers representing the Town of Dart-


The report ot the Street Committee recommending the tender ot Melsrl.

Teasdale and Foot tor 1937 Pick-up Truck with Itandard equipment tor the

sum ot $798.00 lell al1awance .on·old truok ot $103.00 which ns tabled

at the previou. meeting or COUlloll,ns on motion or Crs. Otto and Austin


~e Polioe Committee report as read at the last meeting ot the Counoil

nl again read and Cr. Bell. member ot the Polioe and Lioenle Committee

brought in a minority report stating that he had reoonsidered his. opinion

and after. having given due regard to all the oir~umst~oes, reoommended

that the Chief of Polioe be re-inltated in his ofrioe, and that he be dis­

oharged trom the orrioe or Chier or Polioe and fram all other Town offioes

held by htm. to take effeot at the expiration of the present ter.a or his

appointment. allO that he submitted the report only out ot oonsideration

for the tmili17 or the Chiet and in view of the present leason. ltating

that the Chiet had shown little appreoiation ot the treatment aooorded

him. by members ot the Counoil in the past. The motion to adopt the

minority report ns put and oarried, Crs. Bell, Pettipas and Isnor voting

tor and Ora. Austin and Otto against. , 0

Meeting adjourned.

ApproTedl .

'· ..... wa&.~k ... MAYOR

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