no child left behind regional meetings april, 2007

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No Child Left Behind

Regional Meetings

April, 2007

Regional MeetingsNCLB Consolidated Application and

Performance Report Update

For district specific discussions, feel free to call the NCLB Clearinghouse at 624-6705 to schedule a time for

one-on-one or small group technical assistance.

Reauthorization ESEA is up for reauthorization in 2008

• Current thinking is that it will be ready by the end of this year.

• President’s Plan—Building on Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening NCLB.

• At this time, it removes support for all students in certain areas by eliminating Titles IID, IVA & V.

• NASTID Legislative Recommendations

Reauthorization• NEA and other organizations report that

NCLB was authorized with little input from educators. Many educational groups are urging you to be involved.

• Check the Federal Register.

• Let legislators know what is important to you and support your input with data.

NCLB Allocations

• Title IA-- decreased approximately $2 million (variable hold harmless in effect)• Title IC-Migrant—no change• Title IIA—no changes at this time• Title IID Educational Technology- no change• Title III—slight increase• Title IV –no change• Title V—no change• Title VI Rural – no change

NCLB Monitoring Visits

• SAUs are monitored on a 5-year cycle.• 2007-2008 reviews listed on handout in

packet.• This begins a new monitoring cycle.• Letters will be sent out to the SAUs to be

monitored in 2007-2008 before the end of this school year with the date of the review.

• If changes must be made, the SAU will need to call promptly to determine a different date.

NCLB Monitoring Visits (Cont’d)

• Want more information on preparing for an NCLB Review? Go to the afternoon roundtable or go to the following web site:

Report Cards

• State and local school district report cards are critical tools for promoting accountability for schools, local school districts, and States by publicizing data about student performance and program effectiveness for parents, policy makers, and other stakeholders. Report cards help parents and the general public see where schools and districts are succeeding and where there is still work to do.


Report Cards

• Assessment Data (Assessment Report) for SAU/School

• Accountability (AYP Report) for SAU/School

• The professional qualifications of all public elementary and secondary school teachers in the State, as defined by the State (e.g., bachelors and advanced degrees, licensure) for SAU/School.

Report Cards•Assessment Data—all students•Accountability Data—does not include students who have not been in the district for a full academic year (FAY)

– Data: whole group and disaggregated by subgroups•Major Racial & Ethnic groups•Students with Disabilities•Limited English Proficient•Economically Disadvantaged•Migrant*•Gender**Note that the subgroups of migrant and gender are subgroups for reporting purposes only and are not among the required subgroups for adequate yearly progress (AYP) determinations.

Report Cards

SAUs must disseminate district and school report cards to:

 (1) All schools served by the local educational agency;

 (2) All parents of students attending those schools; and

 (3) The community, through public means, such as posting on the Internet, distribution to the media, and distribution through public agencies, public libraries, etc.

Important Dates!

Applications and Performance Reports are due by August 1, 2007 or 30 daysafter the end of any summer programming. See handout with outlined dates in packet.

If you have a summer program and will not meet the August 1 date, you must send your date of submission by July 15 to the NCLB Clearinghouse by letter, fax, or e-mail.

Please note:

• Application can not be submitted until the Performance Report has been submitted.

• Outcomes from this report will be considered as we review your application.

• Our goal is to have timely submission with projects based on data and input from all constituents.



Performance Reports and Applications will be read in the order they are received. Requests for additional information or clarification will be e-mailed to districts.

Timing and Quality Count!!

• Submit Early• Make sure your submissions are complete and

well written.• The NCLB Team will process as quickly as

possible—get in line early.• Check your e-mail and respond as soon as you can

to our request for clarification/additional information.

Maine is 100% Electronic

Don’t forget to:

Check your site set-up—is everything correct?

Are all schools listed?

Are the phone numbers, extensions, and e-mail addresses current? (MDOE uses this info for e-mail blasts and we wouldn’t want to miss you.)

Are all non-public schools included?

Cash Management

• Did you ask for your funding based on when you would need cash?

• Got carryover? Don’t ask for new money early in the year.

• Use the carryover funds before you spend the new allocation.

• Cash management has been a common finding during the local single audit process.

Cash Management Questions?


Karen Knyff


Title IV questions, contact

Carla McPherson



$ in NCLB Applications under contracted services requires the following:

• A written contract signed by the SAU and the contracted entity;

• Rationale for why the contractor was chosen;

Contracts (cont.)

• References obtained as applicable;• A written code of standards of conduct for

the SAU;• Relevant records maintained such as copies

of contracts, participants attending professional development, other costs documented;

• A process for dispute resolution.

Contracts (cont.)

The NCLB Application will have a process verifying that you are aware of these requirements and plan to comply.

• An SAU response of “NO” on the NCLB Application will result in not being able to submit the project. You will either have to answer in the affirmative or revise your project to not include a contract.

•Performance Report: Didn’t put money in contracts, but you spent some--then then the contracting box will appear and you will have to agree to comply with the contracting requirements. •Carryover Continuance: You can only request money in contracts if there was money in the original project. •Carryover New Project: The SAU will also be asked to verify that you are aware of the contracting requirements and plan to comply. A response of “NO” will result in not being able to create this new project.

Contracts (cont’d)

• While the costs for attending workshops/ conferences and course registrations should be reported in the contract category, contracts are not needed; however, you do need supporting documentation on file.

• Stipends for persons on staff providing professional development are reported under the Salary/Benefits category.

• A contract is required for all outside vendors.


• Purchases with a cost of $3,000 or more must be inventoried and identified under the Title purchased.

• This is the amount the State of Maine has identified as capital equipment.


• You need to inventory and track the location/movement of any purchase with a cost of $500 or more or if it is something you would expect to be replaced or repaired.

• Sample inventory and tracking forms are included in Administrative Letter 7.

Procedures for Non-Public School Grant Participation

1. The public school district obtains e-mail address of the non-public school lead administrator.

2. A consultation meeting is set-up.3. The district enters the e-mail address into NCLB

Site Set-up menu.4. The district, through its menu, sends a system-

generated username, password and electronic signature to non-public school lead administrator.

5. The non-public school completes the non-public participation form using its username and password.

Procedures for Non-Public School Grant Participation (cont’d)

6. The participation form is submitted either electronically with electronic signature or by mail/fax to the State.

7. If sent electronically, the application will be set up properly for further district input.

8. If the form is mailed and the State certifies the form, the application will be set up properly for further district input.

9. If Title IA is chosen for participation and the non-public school is eligible, the Affirmation of Consultation form is available in the non-public school menu.

10. After the consultation meeting is held, the non-public school submits its Affirmation of Consultation electronically or by mail/fax.


• Transferability open to all districts

• REAP-Flex possible for small (under 600 students) rural districts.

• Contact Dennis Kunces if help needed

NCLB Administrative Project Sheet

• Coordinator funding must come from

at least two Titles.• Coordinator project must include tasks

and outcomes consistent with

NCLB timelines.• Can be up to 4% of all Titles

except Titles III (III projects only)

and IVA (2%).



• All districts opting to have a Schoolwide Program (SWP) must have an approved SWP Plan on file with the SEA or submit one by August 1. See information at Title IA website:

• For approved SWP, a Schoolwide Project Sheet will appear. The project page for each SWP should include the total amount of state, local, and federal funding that will support this project in the project description. Show the amount of funding in the “Other” category on the budget line.

Targeted Assisted Schools (TAS)

• Multiple educationally related objective criteria and uniform procedures are used to identify and select the students in greatest need.

• Title IA served students receive the same amount of instruction from the classroom teacher as non-Title I students. Services supplement—never supplant.

Targeted Assisted Schools (TAS)(cont.)

• Parents receive notification of eligibility• Documentation exists to support the absence of

services to any child in greatest need of receiving services.

• Procedures have been developed to enable students to enter and to exit Title IA services throughout the year.

• Only students residing in eligible attendance areas are receiving services.

Targeted Assisted Schools (TAS)(cont.)

• Title IA services are coordinated and integrated with the classroom services as well as other federal services.

• The process for identifying students does not automatically exclude ESL/ELL or students with disabilities.

• Title IA staff work only with students identified for Title IA services.


School AYP• Assessment scores mid-July• AYP decisions mid-August• Gr 3-8 Proposed targets for 07-08:

– Reading 50% – Math 40% – Attendance 88%

• High School proposed targets for 07-08– Reading 50%– Math 20%– High school Grad rate 64%

2007 AYP UPDATESchool AYPAnnual AYP decisions based on:• Participation (group size >41):

– current year data – must be 95% or higher

• Performance (group size >20):– Gr. 3-8 (whatever is in school): current year

data– High school: two years 05-06 & 06-07

• Additional indicator– Gr 3-8 attendance– High school graduation rate

Schools with grades 3-8 Check your sub-group data!

Many sub-groups previously too small to measure will now be measurable.

REMEMBER: If you have 20 in a sub-group, that sub-group will be used to determine AYP .

Assessment and Accountability Data reported online

Check Measured Progress Web Site

Remember these files may contain confidential student information, including a confidential FERPA list. Please insure that only appropriate personnel have access.

MEDMS DATA IS YOUR DATA• When you enter the Measured Progress

Web Site, you are viewing reports generated with the data that was posted by your district into the MEDMS system.

• If your reports are incorrect, the data was incorrectly entered into MEDMS from your district.

• Student Data is the SAU’s responsibility. Please make sure all data entered into MEDMS is true and accurate. This will ensure true and accurate reports for your district.

MEDMS DATA IS YOUR DATAVerification issues

• Student exit/entry data– Transfers– Dropouts– Habitual truants

• Subgroup coding: NSLP, SWD, LEP

• Entry date: Full academic year (FAY)

AYP Status• Review your current AYP report. • Are you a monitor school this year?• You receive your state assessment scores before we

do so you can get an idea of your status before the SEA sends out the new AYP reports.

• Current 06-07 CIPS1 schools will be asked to attend a session regarding SES in May (TBD) in Augusta.

• More information regarding 07-08 CIPS will be coming in late Spring.

• Info Letter detailing AYP formula for 07-08 will also be coming in late Spring.

CIPS Title IA Project Sheet

•2006-2007 Monitor Schools:The CIPS 10% Project Sheet may be created with the project funds budgeted in the “Other-8000” category and updated after the required plan is completed in December 2007 or after notification of making AYP.

•For first year and additional year CIPS:

The CIPS 10% Project Sheet(s) will appear and details of activities for these funds must be presented in a separate sheet for each school.

Title IA Setasides• Homeless—all districts.• HQT—all districts—This project targets teachers

who do not meet the “highly qualified” require- ments; this IS NOT for general professional development. Performance Object is to maintain or increase % HQT.

• Parent Involvement Setaside—all districts with a Title IA allocation of $500,000 or more.

Other Title IA Set-asides

• Title I Administration—only supports time for Title IA program oversight; this IS NOT for an NCLB administrator/coordinator.

• Summer School.• Supplemental Educational Services/

Transportation.• Other i.e. District-wide Professional Development

to enhance the Title IA Program.


This page has 3 components:

• Eligibility of schools

• Ranking by poverty or grade span

• Distribution of funds

Eligibility of Schools

• Districts with fewer than 1,000 students or districts with only 1 building at each grade level do not have to comply, and all schools are eligible.

• All schools above 35% poverty are eligible for Title IA funds.

• All schools at or above the district poverty average are eligible.

• If a school was eligible in the previous

year, it is grandfathered for one year.

Ranking of Schools

• Schools may be ranked by poverty % or by grade span by poverty %.

• The electronic application forces you to choose one or the other.

• For example, SAUs choose the grade span option if they have a focus on early grades and have a middle school with higher poverty than one of the early grade schools.

Distribution of Funds• Schools with the highest poverty % must receive

equal or more funding per pupil than schools with lower %.

• The “125% Rule” applies if serving schools over and under 35% poverty and the district has more than 1000 students, each school must receive a per pupil amount of 125% of a Title IA district per pupil expenditure.

• Salary Differential—experienced vs. new staff.• Comparability—Complete this page; some will

have a separate report due in November.

Seeing Red Upon Submission?

• Title IA Salary and benefit amounts on Staff Information page must match the salary and benefits on all three types of Title IA project sheets.

• Title IA amounts from the three types of projects sheets must match this year’s allocation.

• Amount Dedicated to Schools must equal Total Building Funds

• Non-public school allocations must be included.

Maine Migrant Education Program

The Maine Migrant Education Program would like to provide program awareness to ensure

that all SAUs have a common understanding of who qualifies as migrant and what services are

available for migrant students.

Qualifying for Migrant Education Funds

• In order for an SAU to qualify for Migrant Education funding, the Maine Migrant Education Program will need to determine if the SAU has qualifying migrant students.

• In order to determine an SAU’s eligibility, we require that;– All SAUs distribute the Parent/Student Survey on a yearly

basis to all students, and complete the Migrant Education Eligibility Form for all new registering students.

– As soon as these forms are completed and returned to our office, we will review them and contact the families who answered yes on the form to verify eligibility.

– Once a child is determined to be eligible, the SAU will be notified of the total number of eligible students and funding amount.

Applying for Migrant Education Funds

The Title IC, Migrant Education Program has an electronic fund application on the NCLB

online applications website.

Migrant Education Program Services

Eligible migrant students qualify to receive:• After School tutoring• Free Lunch• Guidance Counseling• Referral Services

Maine Migrant Education Program Contact Information:

Maine Department of Education

Attn: Maine Migrant Education Program

23 State House Station

Augusta, ME 04333-0023

Phone: 207-624-6722

Fax: 207-624-6706


Title IIA Allowable Activities

High Quality Professional Development Supplies/materials for Professional

Development Class Size Reduction Recruitment and Retention Parent training to enhance involvement in

child’s education

Teacher Quality and Equity Action Plan

Satisfies requirement for 100% HQT 30 High Need Schools offered assistance HQT’s increased by 3.5% statewide – up to

94.37% Lowest % of HQT identified in: special

education, foreign language, basic math and alternative education.

Professional Development Categories

0 5 10 15 20 25

Administrator PD

Alternative Education



Classroom Management


Differentiated Instruction

English/Language Arts


New Teachers

Portfolio Development


Special Education



Study Groups/Professional Learning

Examining Student Work

Professional Networks


Title IIILanguage Instruction for

Limited English Proficient Students

To help ensure that students who are limited English proficient (LEP):

• attain English proficiency;• develop high levels of academic attainment

in English; and• meet the same academic achievement

standards that all students are expected to meet.

Title IIIAchievement Objectives and Accountability

Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs) must be met for:

1) making progress in attaining English;2) attaining English language proficiency; and3) academic performance.


ACCESS for ELLs® - measures language proficiencyMEAs and MHSA – measure academic performance

Title IIIApplying for Funds

• Title III, English Acquisition Program, has an electronic fund application on the NCLB online applications website.

• Title III has a minimum award amount of $10,000 (historically $100 per LEP student).

Title III Funds are to supplement services to LEP


Title III funds are to improve the existing instruction programs for English language

learners by:

• Providing training to school personnel;

• Implementing family education programs;

• Providing tutorials; and

• Developing policies to ensure LEP students have access to all education programs.

Title III-ESL/Bilingual Programs Contact Information:

Maine Department of EducationNancy Mullins

Title III-ESL/Bilingual Programs Director

SHS 23Augusta, Maine 04333


Maine Safe & Drug Free Schools & Maine Safe & Drug Free Schools & Communities Program (Title IV-A)Communities Program (Title IV-A)

Program Overview

• Maine's Title IV-A program is jointly administered by the Maine Department of Education and the Maine Office of Substance Abuse (OSA).

• The day to day administration of Title IV-A is handled by staff at OSA.

Title IV-A Funding for 2007-2008

• After President Bush recommended elimination of the program in his budget proposal, Congress has acted to continue funding for the Title IV-A Program for school year 2007-08.

• Therefore, LEAs can expect 2007-08 Title IV-A allocations to be similar to 2006-07.

• When 2007-08 Title IV-A allocations have been confirmed by USED, they will be posted on the Maine Office of Substance Abuse website:

A link to the allocations will also be posted on the Maine DOE website.

• We will notify all school districts by e-mail when the allocations have been posted.

How Can LEAs Use Title IV-A Funds?

• Title IV-A funds can be used only for projects that employ “Model” prevention strategies” or “Other Allowable” prevention strategies.

• “Model” prevention strategies are prevention programs that have undergone rigorous review, are based on scientific research, are nationally recognized, and have been proven effective.

Examples of “Model” Prevention Strategies LifeSkills Training Project Alert Leadership & Resiliency Reconnecting Youth Second Step Project Northland Project Achieve Too Good For Drugs Class Action All Stars

And Many More…

Here is a link to the SAMHSA Model Programs Guide website where you can find detailed information about “Model” prevention programs:

“Other Allowable” Prevention Strategies

• Via a waiver process, the State can also grant permission for an applicant to use Title IV-A funds for 25 types of “Other Allowable” prevention strategies.

(The waiver process is built right into the online application system. There are no special waiver forms that you need to complete. When the Title IV-A project utilizing an “other allowable” prevention strategy is approved…the waiver is also considered to be approved.)

The 25 “Other Allowable” Prevention Strategies:

1. Conflict Resolution Programs 2. Student Assistance Programs 3. Prejudice / Intolerance Prevention 4. Service Learning / Community Service 5. Substance Abuse/Violence Prev. Programs 6. Alternative Education Programs 7. Character Education Programs 8. Truancy Prevention 9. Youth Suicide Prevention10. Domestic Violence / Child Abuse Response

11. Dissemination of Drug/Violence Prev. Info. 12. Emergency Intervention Services13. Student Drug Testing 14. Professional Development and Training15. Family / Community Prevention Activities16. School Security Personnel

(A maximum of 40% of the allocation is allowed for this activity and only if funding for this activity is not received from other Federal agencies.)

17. School Security Equipment (A maximum of 20% of the allocation is allowed for this activity and only if funding for this activity is not received from other Federal agencies. NO OTHER TYPES OF EQUIPMENT PURCHASES ARE ALLOWABLE.)18. School Safety Hotline19. School Security Planning 20. Reporting of Criminal Offenses

21. Safe Zones of Passage22. Program Evaluation23. Community-wide Planning/Organizing 24. Transfer of Suspension & Expulsion

Records25. Employee Background Checks

More detailed information about each of the 25 “Other Allowable” prevention strategies is embedded in the online application system.

Title IV-A Application Basics

(Your packet includes a sample Title IV-A application.)

The Title IV-A application consists of two pages.

1. Title IV-A Application Development Page:

This page captures information about the SAU’s community consultation process; data-driven needs assessment and planning efforts; review of community risk and protective factors; comprehensive, K-12 prevention programming; and prevention-related priority issues for the upcoming school year.

2. Title IV-A Project Page:

This page captures information about a particular Title IV-A funded project including identification of the priority issue that the project will address; selection of the “model” or “other allowable” prevention strategy that will be employed to address the issue; justification for use of the selected strategy; implementation details; establishment of measurable attitude and/or behavior outcomes; and a project budget.

Key questions:

1. Is the project allowable under Title IV-A? (The project must address substance abuse

and/or violence prevention and must employ a “Model” or “Other Allowable” Prevention Strategy.)

2. Will you be able to collect sufficient outcome data to measure project effectiveness including requisite attitude/behavior change?

If the answer to either of the above questions is "no" you cannot apply for Title IV-A funding of the project. If the project is still important to the LEA, consider using local funds or your REAP and/or TRANSFER options.

Reminders / Tips

• Title IV-A funds are disbursed directly from the Maine Office of Substance Abuse during the months of October, January, or April.

• The LEA can use no more than 2% of its Title IV-A allocation for administrative costs.

• A Title IV-A cash management report must be submitted to the Maine Office of Substance Abuse each quarter. This can be somewhat confusing because the quarterly cash management report for all of the other Titles is submitted to the Maine Department of Education. The Title IV-A form can always be downloaded at the following website:

• The online system includes blue HELP links for each section of the Title IV-A Application and Performance Report.

Contact Information

Peter Brough, LEA Program SpecialistTelephone: 287-6475 Fax: 287-8910 e-mail:

Carla McPherson, SecretaryTelephone: 287-2596 Fax: 287-8910 email:

Technology Plan Issues• Many Districts have plans due by July 1. • They need to be in well before the July 1

deadline, so they can be reviewed and approved.

• Missing or unapproved Technology Plans will hold up your Title IID funds.

• Submit plans to Sylvia Norton at the Maine State Library State House Station 64, Augusta, ME 04333. Phone # 1-800-322-8899.


Title IID UsesTitle IID Uses

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development Classroom IntegratorsClassroom Integrators Hardware/SoftwareHardware/Software Assessment SoftwareAssessment Software Data Management including SISData Management including SIS Parent Community OutreachParent Community Outreach

Title V UsesTitle V Uses

Support any other NCLB TitleSupport any other NCLB Title Staff dev, Library, Technology, Staff dev, Library, Technology,

dropout prevention, extended day dropout prevention, extended day programs (27 areas in all)programs (27 areas in all)

Can Can NotNot be used for be used for Pure AdministrationPure Administration SupplantingSupplanting

Title VI Rural Low Income - Title VI Rural Low Income - UsesUses

Support Titles IA, IID, III , IVA Support Titles IA, IID, III , IVA Teacher RetentionTeacher Retention Parent InvolvementParent Involvement Professional Development for TeachersProfessional Development for Teachers Class Size ReductionClass Size Reduction

Eligibility: Coded rural but not Rural Small Eligibility: Coded rural but not Rural Small School eligible & 20% or more poverty.School eligible & 20% or more poverty.

Title VI Rural Small SchoolsTitle VI Rural Small Schools

Directly from the Federal Directly from the Federal GovernmentGovernment

Uses e-grants SystemUses e-grants System REAP-Flex capable –fewer than 600 REAP-Flex capable –fewer than 600

students & rural (7 or 8 coding)students & rural (7 or 8 coding)

Uses similar to those of Title VUses similar to those of Title V

No Child Left Behind

Electronic Performance Reports

Purpose of the Report

• Show effectiveness of your projects

• Provide data to USDE on how many schools/students received services

• Account for the funds

• Plan for next year

• Show need for the programs

How Will the Electronic PR Help You?

• System brings in Project Description, Anticipated Outcomes, and Estimated Budget.

• Each project will appear so that no project will be overlooked for reporting purposes.

• Summary pages will be populated and calculated to ensure error free reports.

The Electronic System Can’t Help You Here.

• You will need to fill in the results or actual outcomes that align to the anticipated ones, the evaluation of the project to determine if all outcomes were met and any program changes, and the actual project costs.

• If not all outcomes were met, mark NO and include changes to improve your program.

Example: Acceptable; Not Acceptable

• Anticipated Outcomes: 85% of Title I served students will meet grade level benchmark as measured on the Reading portion of NWEA.

• Actual Outcomes: 75% of Grade 1 students met; 80% of Grade 2 met; 90% of Grade 3 met; 50% of Grade 4 met using DRA.

• Were Outcomes Met? _X__Yes ___No

No! But what is Acceptable

• Anticipated Outcomes: 85% of Title I served students will meet grade level benchmark as measured by NWEA in Reading.

• Actual Outcomes: 90% of Title I served students met grade level benchmarks as measured by NWEA.

• Were Outcomes Met? _X__Yes ___No


• Budgets should be monitored throughout the year in consultation with business manager.

• Actual project expenditure totals can be less than budgeted.

• If it is over expended by more than 10%, you must make an application amendment.

10% Budget Issue• The electronic system has no compassion. Going

over budget on projects will be an exact science with the electronic performance reports & applications.

• When the computer determines that the expenditures are over the budget by more than 10% in the Performance Report, an amendment will have to take place within the original application.

• Amending the application can be a complex process. Monitor your budget very carefully throughout the year to avoid this headache.


• The system will show you if you exceeded the carryover limitation (IA, IIA, IVA).

• It will provide a mechanism to request a waiver if you are eligible.

• If not eligible, the system will carry over only the allowable amount; and the excess will need to be returned to the SEA.

Carryover Continuance Projects• Not all projects have to be continued with

carryover funds even if you will be doing them next year.

• Any project you choose to carry over must allow you to use the funds within the allowable timeframe.

• Carryover funds must be expended by December 31 for allowable projects under each title.

• CIPS and Parent Involvement projects must be carried forward for their original purpose if not fully expended.

New Carryover Projects

• If your carryover project was not part of your application last year, you will need to set up a new carryover project sheet.

• This project sheet is completed in the same manner as in your application.

• It is subject to approval.

• Funds must be expended by December 31.

Summary of Expenditures & C/O

• The electronic system will bring in expenditures and carryover into your summary sheet.

• Remember, if projects exceed 10% of the carryover project budget, an amendment will be required.

Carryover Report Narrative

• Provide a short narrative for either new or existing projects.

• If you have REAP-Flexed funds for use in a Title, report your outcomes under that Title.

Title IA Supplemental Pages

• This count is unduplicated for all students who participated in any Title IA activity.

• Gender/Ethnicity/Grade Level totals must match—you’ll see RED if they don’t.

• Participants by Special Services/Programs are a subset of the overall participants counted in Gender/Ethnicity/Grade Level.

• FTE of staff reported should be consistent with the % of staff time listed on your application.

Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals

• Targeted Assisted Schools (TAS) - Number of Ed Techs paid in whole or in part

with Title IA funds• Schoolwide Programs (SWP) - Total number of Ed Techs in this school

Note—all Ed Techs paid by Title IA in a TAS and all Ed Techs in a SWP must meet the requirement.

Continuous Improvement Priority School (CIPS) Data

• Were any schools required to offer choice?

• Were any schools required to offer supplemental services?

• Number of students eligible for choice/supplemental services or both?

• Number of students who participated?

• If none, why?

Five Levels of PD Assessment

Participants’ Reactions Participants’ Learning Organizational Support and Change Participants’ Use of New Knowledge and

Skills Student Learning Outcomes

(Guskey, 1998) Handout in Packet

Evaluation of Professional Development

1 2 3 4 5

Participants' Reaction

Participants' Learning

Organizational Change

Student Outcomes

Application of New Knowledge

Professional Development Data 2005-2006 84% report 76-100% participation overall. 66% report 76-100% participation of targeted

teachers. Least common activities include action

research, case studies and professional networking.

Most common activities include curriculum implementation, examining student work and workshops, institutes and courses.

Title IIA Data Summary

% of teachers participating in high quality professional development is increasing.

PD activities are becoming classroom–based and focusing on examining student work.

Increase in the number of hours in the average PD activity.

Increase in period of time over which activities take place.

Quality of professional development is improving.


Incidence of Prohibited Behavior (IPB) Data

By August 1 of each year, the LEA is required to submit IPB data (for the previous school year) to the online reporting system maintained by the Maine Office of Substance Abuse (OSA) at the following website:

It is expected that the OSA IPB system will be ready for input of 2006-2007 data sometime in May. An announcement will be sent out to all SAUs when the system is ready.

• Maine schools have been advised that 2006-07 incidence data should also be entered into the “new” MEDMS SDFS module that is maintained by the Maine Department of Education. (Informational Letter # 71 from Commissioner Gendron on 2/13/07)

• Once it has been determined that the MEDMS SDFS module is collecting comparable data, the plan is for the OSA IPB system to be eliminated.

Title IID ChangesTitle IID Changes

The supplemental page has 3 new The supplemental page has 3 new questionsquestions

See handout and share with your See handout and share with your tech persontech person

Title IID Data ResultsTitle IID Data Results

Ratio is 1 to 2.02 - computer to Ratio is 1 to 2.02 - computer to studentsstudents

About 96,000 computersAbout 96,000 computers About 13% of staff trained in inquiry About 13% of staff trained in inquiry

based learning (MLTI/eMints model)based learning (MLTI/eMints model) 93% of evaluated 893% of evaluated 8thth graders – literate graders – literate One to one in districts - Grade 6One to one in districts - Grade 6thth –49, –49,

99thth –24, 10 –24, 10thth-20, 11-20, 11thth –14, 12 –14, 12thth –11 –11

NCLB Clearinghouse NCLB Clearinghouse Phone #624-6705Phone #624-6705

See Bookmark in packet See Bookmark in packet for individual program for individual program

consultant names, consultant names, numbers, and e-mail.numbers, and e-mail.


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