no. 23friday 5 august 2016 · writing rather they reflect each child’s attempt at writing for a...

Post on 17-Jul-2020






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Address: 357 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154 Phone: 9634 2898 Fax: 9680 2282 Email: Website:


Let us pray:-

For all the people in the world who are suffering

and without food and clothing, we ask you through

Mary MacKillop to help each of us to extend

ourselves in kindness and generosity.

Leanne Nettleton—Principal

Please pray for the children in our school

and parish who are commencing their

preparation for the Sacrament of

Confirmation. It is an exciting and

challenging time for families to participate

actively with their children on this journey

of faith, to foster their growing sense of God

and ensure their initiation, begun in Baptism

is completed through Confirmation. For our

school and parish it is a joy to support these

children and families through prayer.

A Prayer for Confirmation Candidates

May you have the strength of the SPIRIT, the

power of PRAYER and the force of FAITH…

To live in SERVICE, to LOVE, with all your

heart and to let God lead you, always.


Mrs Shane Robinson

Religious Education Coordinator

No. 23 Friday 5 August 2016

Dear Parents,

Monday 8th August we celebrate the feast

of Australia’s first saint, St Mary


In early Australian times if

you were poor and a Catholic

there was little or no

chance of an education and

especially a Catholic

Education like we have today.

The poor stayed poor,

neglected and uneducated.At

this time there was a young woman Mary

MacKillop who dreamed of being a Sister.

She really wanted to help these poor children

to get a good Christian Education, so they

could do something with their lives. She

wanted them to know of God’s love for them.

Together with a young priest Julian Tenison

Woods, she began to do something

about her dream. They began a

Congregation called the Sisters of St Joseph

of the Sacred Heart. The Sisters went out to

isolated bush places to educate the

poor children where ever they were. They

went across Australia and New

Zealand, not only for education but they also

cared for the sick, homeless and


Mary faced many difficulties, hardships and

misunderstandings but through it all

she had faith in God and worked to bring

God’s word to the poor people. Where

ever there were poor children or a need to

be met the Sisters were there for

them. Mary believed wherever there was a

need you did something about it.

This is a wonderful model for us all but most

especially for all our young children.

This week the SRC is launching St

Bernadette’s support of Rotary’s Oral

Hygiene Initiative. The initiative educates

children in third world countries about the

importance of oral hygiene to their health.

The SRC would like to invite each of our

students to donate a toothbrush that will be

then donated to children involved in the Oral

Hygiene Initiative. This is a very real way in

which our students can “see a need and do

something about it.”

Week 4 Dates

Mon 8 August

Feast of St Mary of the

Cross MacKillop

8.30am Assembly



3-4pm Wanderers

Training, Green Up Park

Tue 9 August

7.30am Years 3 & 4 Boys

Basketball Trials-Top


Yrs 3 to 6 Australian

Folklore visitor

1.10pm Choir

Wed 10 August

Student Banking

7.30am Years 3 & 4 Girls

Basketball Trials-Top


Years 5 & 6 Wanders


Thurs 11 August

Years 3 & 4 Cricket Gala


Fri 12 August

Kindy excursion Golden

Ridge Animal Park

Yr 6 Debating

1.40pm Whole School



English & Quick Writes

books coming home

Coming Dates:

Wed 17 August

7.30pm P&F Meeting

Sat 22nd October P&F 60th Celebration

St Bernadette’s School News 2

Friday 5th August is School Census Day Today was CENSUS day. If your child was absent

today, please ensure that you have emailed the

school explaining their absence and their date of

return to school. Please note: Auditors have advised

that written advice from parents is essential for

absences. This is of course a requirement that

applies to everyday of the school year, however,

Census data is directly related to Government

funding for our schools and the requirements outlined above are set by the Department of


ACARA Information required to

determine the Index of Community Socio

-educational Advantage (ICSEA) for

schools Yesterday you will have received an email with an

attachment of a PRIVACY NOTICE from ACARA. If,

after reading this notice, you do not want the

school to provide this information to ACARA, please

contact the school office before Thursday 11th August


Word Mania The results are in for the final practise

round of LiteracyPlanet's Word Mania

2016 and YEAR 1 and YEAR 2 students placed in the top three in SYDNEY NORTH WEST!

Well done girls and boys. Reminder to everyone -

you can still be playing Word Mania. There is no

limit to how many games you play.

Grade Mentors At St Bernadette’s each of the leadership team

members act as a communication point for parents

when necessary. Of course the first point of

communication about your child is always with the

class teacher. Please find below the Grade Mentors

for 2016. They can be contacted through the school


Kindergarten - Mrs Pam Hord

Year One - Ms Lyn Sweetnam

Year Two - Mrs Rochelle Borg

YEAR Three - Mrs Leanne Nettleton

Year Four - Mrs Kathy Watt

Year Five - Mr Peter Visser

Year Six - Mrs Shane Robinson

Student Workbooks will be

coming home Friday 12th August Next Friday your children will be bringing

home their Literacy workbooks and Quick

Write books to share their learning with you. This is

an opportunity for you to encourage your child to do

his or her personal best. We encourage you to write

a comment to your child in their book after their last

piece of work. Children really do enjoy reading

your comments. Additionally, we ask that the books

be returned promptly the next school day so that

your child can continue their written work in the

appropriate book.

How does my child use their Quick Write

Book ? “Quick Writes” is a daily writing strategy that teachers use

from Kindergarten to Year 6. The goal of this strategy is to

build an enthusiasm within our children to want to write about

something personally meaningful in a style that they

choose. Every day the teachers provide a stimulus to

motivate the children to first talk about and then write

about. The stimulus are varied and may be a picture, a short

film clip, a piece of music, a short story, a poem, a word, a

prop or an artefact. After writing, the children are given the

opportunity to share their written work with their partner or

the class. The Quick Write strategy encourages reluctant

writers to ‘have a go’ and all writers to experiment with

different writing styles and techniques. In order to improve

in the technical aspects of writing such as spelling,

vocabulary, grammar and structure writers firstly need to

be motivated about writing and this is the purpose of having

a Quick Write book – to motivate our students as writers.

The entries in the Quick Write book are not edited pieces of

writing rather they reflect each child’s attempt at writing for

a purpose and an audience. While there will be some

annotations by teachers in these books the most powerful

feedback that the teachers provide to the children about

their writing is the verbal response given in real time as the

children are sharing their writing with their class group.

When your child brings home their Quick Write book your

focus is on what motivated the writing and how your child

has had a go at writing creatively.

Social Skills—Term 3 Weeks 3 to 4 Being a Knowledgeable Student at St Bernadette’s

People who are knowledgeable know about important

things and are curious and want to learn more.

Knowing things is the accumulation of facts and information.

It is the ability to recall and use this information.

Our students are encouraged to read, use their time with

learning in mind, visit the library and talk to people- ask

questions and then listen well.

There are a number of steps you can take and encourage

your children to follow:

Concentrate - you can’t remember something if you have never learnt it.

Remove distractions- when you are trying to remember something you need to concentrate.

Be aware of your learning style - most people are visual learners, they learn best by reading or seeing. Some are

auditory learners who learn better by listening.

Review what you learn.

Keep a positive attitude - tell yourself that you want to learn, what you need to remember, and that you can learn

and remember it.

Family Discussion Starters

How did you remember things when you needed to learn them?

What is the best book you have ever read?

Is the movie better than the book when they make a book into a movie?

Mrs Kathy Watt

St Bernadette’s Primary Athletics Carnival Great weather throughout the day allowed us

to complete all events on time at our school

athletics carnival. Special thanks to all

children, parents and teachers for their

efforts on the day it was a success once again

thanks to the cooperation of everyone.

The day saw children involved in, 800m races, 100m

races, 200m races, Long Jump, Shot Put and Ball/Relay


Congratulations to the children who received place

ribbons in the heats of the track and field events in their

age group at the carnival. Special congratulations to

those children who placed in the top four overall in

their age group events and have received ribbons

during this week.

An extra special thanks to all of the St Bernadette’s

parents, student teachers and Gilroy College students

who worked doing various jobs throughout the day to

keep the carnival running smoothly and ensure that all

of the children had a chance to participate in the

carnival events.

Congratulations to the Age Champions and Age

Runner-Ups for this year!

Point Scores

Primary Carnival

Congratulations to the children listed below who are in

the St Bernadette’s Athletics Team for the Hills Zone

Athletics Trials in Term 3. We wish them all the best for

the day.

Anthony Bye—Sports Coordinator

Age Champion Runner Up

8 Yrs Boys Marc-Anthony


Cohen Orsini

8 Yrs Girls Eva Bailey Alyssa Khoudair

9 Yrs Boys Owen Suyko Louis Malandrino

9 Yrs Girls Holly Williams Olivia Drogaris

10 Yrs Boys Lucas Tole Thomas Silvester

10 Yrs Girls Raquel Sahyoun Holly Miller

11 Yrs Boys William Jamison Patrick Stennett

11 Yrs Girls Abby McCann Audrey Dimataga

12 Yrs Boys Saxon Orsini Jacob Zaiter

12 Yrs Girls Caitlin Gething Katelyn Ho

Place Colour Score

1st Gold 581

2nd Green 530

3rd Blue 407

4th Red 390

St Bernadette’s School News 3

Kid-next A-Thon At the heart of learning and growing

is making connections between our

ideas, information and experiences. At St Bernadette’s

we pride ourselves on creating learning experiences

that allow students to work together in building their

connections across key learning areas.

This year our school fundraiser, ‘Kid-nect’ A-thon, will

celebrate and promote how students grow and develop

by making connections between their learning and the

world around them. On Friday the 2nd September (Week 7), students across the school will be engaged in

learning tasks linked to syllabus

outcomes to English, Mathematics,

Geography, Science & Technology

and PDHPE.

Next week students will be

bringing home a note about the A-

thon and a sponsorship card. During the day each

student will be complete five key learning tasks.

Students will be asking friends and family to sponsor

them to complete these five tasks. Not only will students

enjoy a fun filled day working together and making

connections, they will be increasing their chance of

winning fantastic prizes by raising money for our school.

SRC News:

Donate a toothbrush to support the

Glenhaven Rotary Oral Hygiene initiative in

the Philippines.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students

who have recently completed the


Sebastian Haywood, Nada Ishak, Kristina

Jelwan, Holly Procter, William Boxshall, Evie Hogan, Jessie

Oliver, Isabella Perete, Lucas Heyes, Lily Procter, Isla

Clark, Daniella Jelwan, Oliver Palmason, Sienna Symin,

Mathilda Martin, Shayan Pala, Yves Rahme, Caitlin

Ransome-Haberley, Thomas Runac, Racquel Sahyoun,

Patrick Stennett, Marcus Tchetchenian, Bailey Thom, Egor

Vishnivetskiy, Gianpiero Ferrante-Lopez, Saxon Orsini,

Oscar Polley, Sinead Delac, Ailish Lincoln, Jack Overend,

Annalise Besters, Andrew Kairuz, Samuel Antoun, Nicholas

Cushway and Alexandra Law.

Our congratulations to the Windress

family on the birth of a baby boy, Walter

Henry, brother to Patrick in 2G and

Douglas in 1W. Our best wishes to the


R.I.P. †† Our prayerful sympathy is extended to the Hennessey family (Xavier

in 3B), following the recent passing of his

Grandfather. May he rest in peace.

Student Transport—Change to Bus


Please be advised that from 15 August the

morning bus route No.3036 Ex Bannerman &

Glenhaven Roads will no longer be operating,

however there is a similar route 603 from Rouse Hill Town

Centre departing 7:15am. Should you require further

information, please do not hesitate to contact Fran at the

school office.

Student Opal Cards A reminder that every child that catches the bus to or

from school MUST have a Opal Card. If your child does not have an Opal Card you are asked to apply for one via

the following link:

Fathers’ Day Mass & PowerPoint Date: Friday 2nd September at 6.45am. 7.30am Breakfast followed by Open Classrooms to 8.30am. We look forward to seeing all of our dads for this special celebration. Notes coming home soon! For our Fathers’ Day PowerPoint, one photo (of students with their dad) per family may be emailed to the school on: no later than Monday 29th August. Unfortunately we cannot accept photos after this date.

St Bernadette’s Netball Club Our parish netball club is running a NetSetGo program at

the school from 3pm to 4pm on Friday afternoons,

commencing on 12 August. It’s open to all boys and girls

born in 2010 and 2011(and players born in 2009 who

have never played netball before). The cost is $60, which

includes seven NetSetGo sessions with an accredited

netball coach, a netball and a Tshirt. Registrations close

on 10 August. You can find out the details, and download

a registration form, here: http://




Are you in Year 6 and enrolled at Oakhill College in

2017? Joining the Oakhill Basketball Club is a great way

for any of the boys at your school that may be attending

Oakhill College in 2017. Games are played on Tuesday

nights. Summer Comp commencing Term 4, 2016 and

Term 1, 2017. Players will be placed in U/14’s comp

competing against boys their own age. Enrolment forms

on Oakhill College website under ‘Sports /Basketball

and submitted to the Oakhill Basketball Club l, by Friday,

2 September, 2016. Enquiries, please contact Rachel or

Melissa at or on

mobiles Rachel 0407 501 007 or Melissa 0401 152 899

Are you moving? To estimate enrolments for 2017, it would be

appreciated if the school could be notified in

writing of any children who may be leaving

St Bernadette’s at the end of the year from grades other

than Year 6.

You are reminded that CEO policy is that families need

to give the school one full term’s notice in writing in

these circumstances. Thank you for your cooperation.

Lost Property 2 x vivo fit watches—if you have lost one please contact

the school office on 9634 2898.

Fathers Day Wrapping Parent volunteers needed for Fathers Day Wrapping on

Thursday 11 September 10.30am until pick up time.

Please contact Melissa Younan on 0404 711 111 if you

can help.

Term Dates 2016

Term 3:

18 July—22 July

23 Sept—Staff Spirituality & Pupil Free Day

Term 4:

10 Oct—16 Dec

19 & 20 Dec—Staff Development & Pupil Free Days

Year 5 Mums Join us for an Italian Dinner—Thursday 11 August

7.30pm at La Carretta, Cherrybrook Village, Shepherd’s

Drive. $37 pp + corkage (BYO)

Please bring payment on the night—but RSVP essential

by Tuesday 9 August to or text

0412 912 323.

Basketball Team/Competition Registration Days: Sat 13 & Sat 20 August

9am to 12 noon—Hills Sports Stadium

Phone: 9894 8944 or

Milo in2Cricket Introduces girls and boys aged 5 to 8 to cricket. For

enrolments in the local area:


Online Lunch Orders—Munch Monitors A reminder to parents to please press the ‘CONFIRM’

button at the end of the order otherwise it may not go

through. Children are not getting lunch orders as the

process has not been fully completed.

Thank you.

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