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Post on 18-Apr-2020






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تخصصي / فني نشريات ميكروفيلم آرشيو

نفت سايت در رساني اطالع مرکز اطالعاتي هاي پايگاه در جستجو

شورک مقررات و قوانين مجموع

نظير المللي بين استانداردهاي کامل متن به دسترسي(AGA, API, API MPMS, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ISO)

ايران نفت صنعت استانداردهاي اطالعات بانك به دسترسي (IPS)

آموزشي متنوع هاي فيلمبه مالتی مدیا دسترسي(VCD)

فارسي مقاالت متن تمام اطالعاتيهای پايگاهدسترسی به )Magiran, Noormags, Civilica(

بريتانيا ملي کتابخانه مقاالت بانك به دسترسي

التين مقاالت پايگاه در بعد به ٢٠٠٢ سال مديريتي و تخصصي – فني منتخب مقاالت املک متن به دسترسي

مرکز سايت وب در موجود ...و انرژي مديريتي، تكنولوژيك، منابع از اي ذخيره با الكترونيك منابع به دسترسي

فارسي مقاالت پايگاه در تخصصي / علمي منتخب مقاالت املک متن به دسترسي

التين و فارسي گزارشات پايگاه در تخصصي / علمي گزارشات املک متن به دسترسي

ايران نفت ملي شرکت رساني و مدیریت اطالعات علمی اطالع مرکز

محققين، اختيار در را زير تسهيالت نشريات، و کتب مراجع، از استفاده امكان بر عالوه

:دهد مي قرار پتروشيمي و گاز، پاالیش و پخش نفت، صنايع کارکنان کليه و پژوهشگران


هىل دسترس ع و تسهي ران به منظور تسري نفت اي ى شرآت مل ى و آتابخانه مرآز ىمرآز اطالع رسان ب

تن از مستقي ىر دسترس نظي ى، امكانات از صنعت نفت مورد ني ى و فن ىاطالعات علم ام م االت تم ه مق م ب

يق جستجو در پايطري االت الت اه مق ابع الكترونيگ ايىكن و جستجو در من ود در وب س ز موج ت مرآ

اي بر اي . ن فراهم نموده است متخصصي ى را برا ىاطالع رسان اربران عضو وب س ت مرآزن اساس آ

ابع موجود نترنت از مجموعهق اتصال به شبكه اي طري ازى و مكانىت زمانبدون محدودي توانند ىم من

االت فن در زمي شري ىنه مق ا ىك ات الكتروني ، آتب و ن ن آور ى در حوزه ه ي ى ف از، پتروش ت، گ ، ىم نف

ال ري، مدي ىانرژ صاد و م ردار ىت، اقت ره ب د نمايى به د از طري ىد م جدي ان متقاضي . ن دي توانن ت ريق م

.ند فوق استفاده نمايىگاه ها و رمز عبور جهت استفاده از پايىافت نام آاربرربط، نسبت به دريذي

وان استفاده از پايى راهنماىكخه الكترونينس به ذآر استالزم ا، تحت عن اه ه تفاده"گ دستورالعمل اس

عه سياز ط الترح توس ديىستم م يا در پاي م االت الت اه مق شارات"در بخش " نگ اي"انت ز وب س ت مرآ

: باشدى مىر قابل دسترس زيى به نشانىاطالع رسان

ت مرآز اطالع رساني اعضاء وب سايپراآندگي






ستاد وزارت نفت شركت ملي صنايع پتروشيمي شركت ملي پااليش و پخش فرآورده هاي نفتي شركت ملي گاز شركت ملي نفت

فھرست مندرجات

صفحه عنوان

١ كتابھا

۶ نشريات

١١ مقاالت

کتابها تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

Microsoft Access ٢٠١٦آموزش گام به گام ١؛ مترجم ]ايلين مارمل/ []٢٠١۶ مايکروسافت اکسس [

.١٣٩۵ آيالر، : تهران-.فاطمه لواسانيا م ٠٠۵/۵ ۶٠٧١٣ : شماره ثبت

دهيم، در زندگي و چرايي کارهايي که انجام مي: قدرت عادت ٢

ترجمه مصطفي طرسکي، چالرز داهيگ؛/ کسب و کار .١٣٩٧ نوين توسعه، : تهران-.معصومه ثابت قدم

دا ١۵٨/١ ۶٠٧١٩ : شماره ثبت

-.تاليف مريم الريجاني، حسين فخرايي/ اخالق محيط زيست ٣

.١٣٩٨ تاالب، : تهرانا ل ١٧٩/١ ۶٠٧٠۶ : شماره ثبت

هاي قدرت، فقر و مهسرچش: خورند چرا کشورها شکست مي ۴

رابينسون؛ . دارون عجم اوغلو، جيمز اي/ غناي کشورهامترجمان پويا جبل عاملي، محمدرضا فرهادي پور؛

دنياي اقتصاد، : تهران-.ويراستار محمود صدري ١٣٩۵.

ج ع ٣٣٠ ۶٠٧٢١ : شماره ثبت

با مهناز رشيدي؛ / الملل تحريم نفتي ايران از منظر حقوق بين ۵

موسسه مطالعات و : تهران-.ديباچه ياسر ضيايي .١٣٩۵ پژوهشهاي حقوقي شهر دانش،

رش ٠٩۵۵ ٣٣٠/٩۵۶٧ ۶٠٧٢٨ : شماره ثبت

تهيه / )١٣۶٧ -٩۵( سال آمار انرژي کشور ٢٩ مروري بر ۶

کننده معاونت امور برق و انرژي وزارت نيرو، دفتر : تهران-. و انرژيبرنامه ريزي و اقتصاد کالن برق

.١٣٩٧ وزارت نيرو، ر م ٣٣٣/٧٩٠٩۵۵

۶٠٧٢٠ : شماره ثبت


کتابها تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

International chamber of= المللي اتاق بازرگاني بين ٧

commerce /فرهوش، : تهران-.مولف نادر رودساز ١٣٩٧.

رو ٣٣٨/٠٠٢۵ ۶٠٧٣٧ ، ۶٠٧٣۶: شماره ثبت

و تنظيم حسين بهرامي، سميرا ميرزاپور، تهيه/ کارآفريني ٨

.١٣٩٧ اديبان روز، : تهران-.محمود صياديه ب ٣٣٨/٠۴ ۶٠٧٣٠ : شماره ثبت

مولفان حسين / نظام حقوقي حاکم بر قراردادهاي نفتي ٩

.١٣٩۵ مجد، : تهران-.قربانيان، مريم شفيعي خواهر ق ٩۵۵ ٨٢٠ ٣٣٨/٢٧٢

۶٠٧٢٢ : شماره ثبت

Comfarهاي اقتصادي با تحليل و امکان سنجي طرح ١٠انتشارات : تهران-.مولف رضا خسروي/ مهندس يار

.١٣٩۵ دانشگاهي کيان، س خ ٢٨۵ ٣٣٨/٩٠٠

۶٠٧١٢ : شماره ثبت

المللي دادگستري با تاکيد دفاع مشروع در رويه ديوان بين ١١ -. تاليف اميرحسين ملکي زاده/بر قضيه سکوهاي نفتي

.١٣٩٧ مجد، : تهرانل م ٣۴١

۶٠٧٠٨ : شماره ثبت

-.مولف الهام نژادبخش/ الملل نقض قرارداد در حقوق بين ١٢ .١٣٩۵ هزاررنگ، : تهران

ژ ن ٠٢٢/٣۴۶ ۶٠٧٢٩ : شماره ثبت


کتابها تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

غات فرهنگ ل: واژه پرکاربرد انگليسي١٠٠٠ ] هزار[ ١٣تدوين مرکز آموزش زبان و کامپيوتر / النگمن سري دوم

.١٣٩٧ ستايش، : تهران-.شرکت ملي نفت ايران۴٢٣ / ز فا ه ۶٠٧۴١ - ۶٠٧٣٩: شماره ثبت

Concepts of shale gas= مفاهيم مخازن شيل گازي ١۴reservoirs] /؛ تاليف و ]هونگ-کون سانگ لي، کيم ته

-.تا ارباب محمد اصالحاتي، بي] رجمهت: صحيح[ترجمه .١٣٩٧ ستايش، : تهران

ي ل ۵۵٣/٢٨۵ ۶٠٧٢۵ ، ۶٠٧٢۴: شماره ثبت

تاليف خداداد / کنترل و مهندسي ساخت مواد نانوساختار ١۵: تهران-.دار نظري، نسيم تدين پور، مريم ملک

.١٣٩۶ پژوهشگاه صنعت نفت، ظ ن ۵/۶٢٠ ۶٠٧٢٧ : شماره ثبت

نامه روش تحقيق در محيط زيست با رويکرد نگارش پايان ١۶مولفان لعبت تقوي، حسين يوسفي، / هاي تحصيلي

.١٣٩٧ تاالب، : تهران-.غالمرضا آقامراديق ت ۴٩٢ ۶٢٨/٠٧٢٠

۶٠٧٠۵ : شماره ثبت

: ١٩ راهنماي بکارگيري استاندارد بين المللي حسابداري ١٧

-.تاليف و ترجمه محمدحسين صفرزاده/ مزاياي کارکنانسازمان حسابرسي، مديريت تدوين استانداردها، : تهران

١٣٩۶. ف ص ۶۵٧/٠٢١٨

۶٠٧٣١ : شماره ثبت

استانداردهاي : اصول و ضوابط حسابداري و حسابرسي ١٨حسابرسي، ساير خدمات اطمينان بخشي و خدمات

سازمان حسابرسي، کميته تدوين : ن تهرا-.مرتبط .١٣٩۶ استانداردهاي حسابرسي،

ا س ۶۵٧/٠٢١٨۵۵ ۶٠٧٣٢ : شماره ثبت


کتابها تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

غالمرضا تيزفهم فرد، / سرپرستي واحدهاي کسب و کار ١٩ .١٣٩۵ اديبان روز، : تهران-.فائزه وزيرمقدم

ي ت ۶۵٨ ۶٠٧٠٩ : شماره ثبت

هاي همکاري چالش: ونوسيبزرگ مريخي، کوچک ٢٠و ) ها استارت آپ(هاي نوپا فناورانه بين شرکت

رضا اسدي فرد، ياسر / ...هاي بزرگ در ايران شرکت .١٣٩٧ رسا، : تهران-.خوشنويس، آرمان خالدي

اس ۶۵٨/١١ ۶٠٧١٠ : شماره ثبت

سوجاتا مانگاراج؛ / جهاني شدن و مديريت منابع انساني ٢١دفتر پژوهشهاي : تهران-.مه کاظم بني هاشميترج

.١٣٩٧ فرهنگي، ا م ۶۵٨/٣٠١ ۶٠٧١٨ : شماره ثبت

پرويز / سازماني) تعلق(و دلبستگي ) تعهد(وابستگي ٢٢دفتر پژوهشهاي : تهران-.احمدي پرديس شکري

.١٣٩٧ فرهنگي، اح ۶۵٨/٣١۴ ۶٠٧١۶ : شماره ثبت

گام به (اجراي استراتژي : ريزي عملياتي ي برنامهراهنما ٢٣دفتر : تهران-].و ديگران... [محمد اعرابي / )گام

.١٣٩٧ پژوهشکده مديريت سما، : پژوهشهاي فرهنگي را ۴٠١٢/۶۵٨

۶٠٧١۶ : شماره ثبت

تاليف آنتوني جي رهام؛ ترجمه / مديريت دانش در عمل ٢۴ .١٣٩٧ ترآوا، : اهواز-.پور سعيد غالمي، فرخ اسدي

رم ۴٠٣٨/۶۵٨ ۶٠٧٢٣ : شماره ثبت


کتابها تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

رضا مسيبي بهبهاني، / فرآيندهاي جداسازي غشايي ٢٨ .١٣٩۶ آييژ، : تهران-.ابوالفضل جمعه کيان

ابتدا تئوري و سپس : کنترل و مديريت يکپارچه پروژه ٢۵: تهران-.اهللا قادري ماريو ونهوک؛ ترجمه روح/ کاربرد

س م ۶۶٠/٢٨۴٢ .١٣٩۶ روزنه، ۶٠٧١۵ : شماره ثبت وا ۴٠۴/۶۵٨

۶٠٧٢۶ : شماره ثبت

نگارنده جان سي / پذيري متالورژي جوشکاري و جوش ٢٩ .١٣٩٧ دانشگاه تربيت مدرس، : تهران-.ليپولد

دهي براي عدم سازمان: پوياسبد پروژه در محيطهاي ٢۶ -.ايوان پتي، براون هابس؛ ترجمه حسين زيلويي/ قطعيتي ل ۶۶٩/١۴٢ .١٣٩٧ روزنه، : تهران

ت پ ۴٠۴/۶۵٨ ۶٠٧١۴ : شماره ثبت ۶٠٧١١ : شماره ثبت

/ همگام با توسعه٢٠١۴ گزارش وضعيت کار در جهان ٢٧؛ مترجمان محمد ]و ديگران... [مولفان ريموند تورس

سازمان ] زير نظر[زاده؛ ياي، شکوه کاشف حمزهالمللي کار بخش تحقيقات؛ ويراستاران زهرا عزيزي، بين

: تهران-.خانه کارگر] به سفارش[الکتابي؛ فرشاد اشرف .١٣٩٨ فارابي،

٤٫٥طراحي و محاسبه تاسيسات حرارتي و برودتي در ٣٠Carrier / مولف محسن ايزدخواه؛ ويراستار علمي محمد .١٣٩۶ نوآور، : تهران-.عرفان

اي ٢٨۵ ۶٩٧/٩٣٠ ۶٠٧٠٧ : شماره ثبت

ز گ ۴۵/۶۵٨ ۶٠٧٣۵ ، ۶٠٧٣۴: شماره ثبت


نشريات تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

سياي مرکزي وقفقازآ ١

١٠۵ ، شماره ٢۵ ، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

١٣٨٠٠١٠۵ : شماره ثبت

٢ اکتشاف وتولید

١٣٩٨، مرداد؛ شماره ۱۶۶

شماره ثبت: ١١١٠٠١۶۶

ايران و انگليس ٣

۶۵ ، شماره ١٩ ، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

۵١٠١٩٠۶۵ : شماره ثبت

بازارجهاني نفت ۴

۶٨۵١ داد؛ شماره مر، ١٣٩٨

١٢٢٠۶٨۵١ : شماره ثبت

بررسيهاي بازرگاني ۵

٩۵ و ٩۴ ، شماره ١۵ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

١٢٧٠٠٠٩۵ : شماره ثبت

بندر و دريا ۶

٢۶٧ ؛ شماره مرداد، ١٣٩٨

٧٣۵٠٣٣٢۶٧ : شماره ثبت


نشريات تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

فصلنامه علوم و مهندسي نفت: نفت پژوهش ٧

١٠۵ ، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد خرداد و تير، ١٣٩٨

١۵٧٠٠١٠۵ : شماره ثبت

تحقيقات اقتصادي ٨

٠۵ ، شماره ۵۴ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٧٢٢٠۵۴٠۵ : شماره ثبت

تحقيقات حسابداري و حسابرسي ٩

۴١ ، شماره ١٠ ،بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٢٢۵٠٩٠۴١ : شماره ثبت

تدبير ١٠

٣١۴ ؛ شماره خرداد، ١٣٩٨

١۶٣٠٠٠٣١۴ : شماره ثبت

توسعه کارآفريني ١١

٠١ ، شماره ١٢ ، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٧٢۴٠١٢٠١ : شماره ثبت

دانش نفت ١٢

۶٨۴ ، شماره ١۴ ؛ جلد مرداد، ١٣٩٨

٢٠٧٠٠۶٨۴ : شماره ثبت


نشريات تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

دستاورد صنعت نفت ١٣

٣٠ ، فروردين و ارديبهشت؛ شماره ١٣٩٨

٧۴١٠٩٨٠٣٠ : شماره ثبت

رسانه ١۴

١١۴ ، شماره ٣٠، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٢۴٨٠٠١١۴ : شماره ثبت

رشد فناوري ١۵

۵٨ ، شماره ۵۴، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

١٧٣٠٠٠۵٨ : شماره ثبت

جمهوري اسالمي ايرانروزنامه رسمي ١۶

۶٧٠ ، شماره ٧۵ ؛ جلد مرداد، ١٣٩٨

٨٠٢١۶٧٠ : شماره ثبت

سازه و فوالد ١٧

٢۵ ، شماره ١٧ ، بهار و تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٧٢٧٠٠٠٢۵ : شماره ثبت

سياست خارجي ١٨

٠١ ، شماره ٣٣ ، بهار؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

١٣۶٠٠٣٣٠٠١ : شماره ثبت


نشريات تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

صنعت تاسيسات ١٩

٢٣۵ ، شماره ٢٠ ؛ جلد مرداد، ١٣٩٨

١١۴٠٠٢٣۵ : شماره ثبت

گزيده مديريت ٢٠

٢١٠،تير، شماره ٢٠ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٣٢۶٠٠٢١٠ : شماره ثبت

محيط شناسي ٢١

٠٢ ، شماره ۴۵ ؛ جلد تابستان، ١٣٩٨

٢١٩٠۴۵٠٢ : شماره ثبت

بازرگانيمديريت ٢٢

٠٢ ، شماره ١١ ، تابستان؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٣۴٨٠١١٠٠٢ : شماره ثبت

مديريت دولتي ٢٣

٠٢ ، شماره ١١ ؛ جلد تابستان، ١٣٩٨

٣٣١٠١١٠٢ : شماره ثبت

مشروح مذاکرات مجلس شوراي اسالمي ٢۴

۶۴١ ، شماره ٧۵ ؛ جلد تير، ١٣٩٨

٢٢۶٠٢١۶۴١ : شماره ثبت


نشريات تازه های مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

مشعل ٢۵

٩٣۴ ؛ شماره مرداد، ١٣٩٨

٢٢٧٠٠٩٣۴ : شماره ثبت

ماهنامه نفت و انرژي ٢۶

١۵٢ ، خرداد؛ شماره ١٣٩٨

٢۴٧٠٠١۵٢ : شماره ثبت

، دستورالعمل ها، ضوابط و بخشنامه های مجموعه قوانين ٢٧ مربوط به صادرات و واردات

٠١ ، بهار؛ شماره ١٣٩٨

٢۴١٠٩٨٠١ : شماره ثبت

نفت و پااليش ٢٨

٧٠ ، شماره ١١ ، خرداد؛ جلد ١٣٩٨

٧٢٠٠٠٧٠ : شماره ثبت


مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

انگيز فرح /آپ به منابع انساني نياز دارند؟ ھاي استارت آيا شرکت ١ . ۵۶ -۶٠: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -زاده. عبداله

. مديريت. ۴ . شرکت نوپا. ٣ ھا. . استارتاپ٢ . منابع انساني. ١ . ايران.۵

٩٧٠١٢٣٢ شماره مقاله: : ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.آپ چيست؟ استارت ٢

١٨ . . مديريت.۴ . فناوري. ٣ ھا. . استارتاپ٢ . شرکت نوپا. ١

٩٧٠١٢٩۵ شماره مقاله: ؛ ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.ھاي منتخب بخش حمل و نقل کشور استراتژي ٣

. ٢٢ -٢۵: ٣٠٨، شماره ٢٩ جلد . ھوشمندي.٣ . استراتژي. ٢ . حمل و نقل. ١

٩٧٠١٠٩٠ شماره مقاله: گزيده مديريت. -/ فرزاد مقدم.انسانيت، چالش آينده برندسازي ۴

. ٧٨ -٨٠: ٢٠٨، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ ھا. . چالش٣ . مديريت. ٢ . برند. ١

٩٨٠٠٠٠٧ شماره مقاله: تدبير. -.آپ ھاي انساني استارت اھميت ايجاد حال خوب در سرمايه ۵

. ۵٢ -۵۵: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . مديريت.٣ ھا. . استارتاپ٢ . سرمايه انساني. ١

٩٧٠١٢٣١ شماره مقاله: تدبير. -/ ميثم جعفرزاده.ھاي لجستيک آپ بازار گرم استارت ۶

. ٢۶ : ٣٠٨، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ رساني به نيروھا. . تدارک٣ . شرکت نوپا. ٢ ھا. . استارتاپ١ ر.. بازا۴

٩٧٠١٠٩١ شماره مقاله: بازشناسي تئوري حس اضطرار لزوم الگوسازي يک مؤلفه ٧

/ نيما استوار، روزبه ھاي آوانگارد شتابگر در سازمان-٣٩: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -کاردر. زاده عباس

٣۵ . . مديريت. ۴ . مھارت ھا. ٣ . توانايي. ٢ . رھبري تحولگرا. ١ . فرھنگ سازماني.۵

٩٧٠١٢۴۴ شماره مقاله:

بازشناسي جھش ارزي: يک مدل ھفت فازي براي بازشناسي ٨/ پديده افزايش قيمت ارز از شروع طوفان تا رسيدن به آرامش

-۵۶: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -مھدي غضنفري. ۵٢ .

. بازار.۵ . فاز. ۴ . مدل ھا. ٣ . قيمت ھا. ٢ . ارز. ١ ٩٧٠١٣٠٨ شماره مقاله:

تدبير. -.ھاي ايران، سردار عرصه اقتصاد ھاي شرکت برتربن ٩

. ۶٢ -۶٣: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . مديريت.۴ . ايران. ٣ . شرکتھا. ٢ . اقتصاد. ١

٩٧٠١٢۵٠ شماره مقاله:

بررسي اھميت و لزوم تعيين بھبود عملکرد انرژي در ١٠، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -/ ساقي صالحي، آراز عليزاده.ازمانس

. ٣ -۴: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ . عملکرد.٣ . بھبود. ٢ . انرژي. ١

٩٧٠١۴٠٧ شماره مقاله:

اکبر / عباس غفاري، االھام توسلي، عليبرند کارفرما ١١ . ١٨ -٢٣: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -چي. تسويه

. ھدف.٣ . برند. ٢ ارفرما. . ک١ ٩٧٠١٢٢۵ شماره مقاله:

، فروردين؛ ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -علي عياري. /بقا در رکود ١٢ . ۶٠ -۶۵: ٢٠٨، شماره ٢٠ جلد

. مديريت.٣ ھا. . ھزينه٢ . رکود اقتصادي. ١ ٩٨٠٠٠٠۵ شماره مقاله:

اللھي، آيت/ اميررضا پاراديم انتقادي در تحقيق در عمليات ١٣، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. - داريزدي. عليرضا سررشته

٣١١ :۵۴- ۴٨ . . مديريت.٢ . تحقيق در عمليات. ١

٩٧٠١٢۴٧ شماره مقاله:

/ ): اينترنت اشيا۴ ھاي مديريت( پرکاربردترين ابزارھا و شيوه ١۴، آذر؛ ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -زاده، مريم دھقان. مجتبي مالکي، محمد افضل

. ۴٩ -۵١: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ جلد . ابزارھا.٣ . مديريت. ٢ . شيوه مديريت. ١

٩٧٠١٣٠٧ شماره مقاله:



مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

) سيستم ھاي ۴ ھاي مديريت( پرکاربردترين ابزارھا و شيوه ١۵اسفندآبادي، مرجان / مجتبي مالکي، خسرو شمسمشارکت کارکنان

. ٣۶ -٣٩: ٣١٠اره ، شم٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -شيرازي. . ھدف.۴ . مشارکت. ٣ . کارکنان. ٢ . مديريت. ١

٩٧٠١٢٢٨ شماره مقاله:

ھاي مديريت: کاھش پيچيدگي پرکاربردترين ابزارھا و شيوه ١۶تدبير. -/ مجتبي مالکي، صدارا شاھسون، عرفان ھوشمند.سازمان

. ١۵ -١٧: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . پيچيدگي ۴ . شيوه مديريت. ٣ . ابزارھا. ٢ . . مديريت١

سازماني. ٩٧٠١٢٣٨ شماره مقاله:

گذار و مديرعامل شرکت پيشگامان کارآفرين؛ مصاحبه با بنيان ١٧/ احمد سماتک و رييس ھيات مديره انجمن ملي زنان کارآفرين

، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -خاني. عيسي١ -٢٠: ٢٠٨۴ .

. زنان.۴ . مديريت. ٣ . کسب و کار. ٢ . کارآفريني. ١ ٩٨٠٠٠٠١ شماره مقاله:

تأثير مسئوليت اجتماعي سازمان و مديريت دانش بر تعديل ١٨/ ھاي مديريت منابع انساني از طريق تأثير ھوش تجاري ريسک

، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -اشکان فربد، مجتبي ھداوند.٢ -٣٢: ٣١٠۴ .

. ۴ . منابع انساني. ٣ . مديريت دانش. ٢ . مسئوليت اجتماعي. ١ . پژوھش.۶ . ريسک. ۵ ھوش تجاري. ٩٧٠١٢٢۶ شماره مقاله:

اي سازي اخالق حرفه تبين راھکارھايي براي توسعه و نھادينه ١٩ھاي دولتي مطالعه موردي: بخش بھداشت و درمان در سازمان

، ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -گو، مجتبي کفاشي. حق/ مھرانگيزايران . ١٠ -١٧: ٣١٠شماره

. بھداشت و درمان. ٣ . سازمان دولتي. ٢ . اخالق حرفه اي. ١ . پژوھش.۶ . مدل مفھومي. ۵ . ايران. ۴

٩٧٠١٢٢۴ شماره مقاله:

/ فريد گيري سازماني در شرايط پرريسک و بحراني تصميم ٢٠ . ٨ -١٠: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ بير. تد -الحان. خوش

. ۵ . سازمان ھا. ۴ . بحران. ٣ . ريسک. ٢ گيري. . تصميم١ مديريت.

٩٧٠١٢٣۵ شماره مقاله:

، ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.ھا در ايران آپ ھاي موفقيت استارت چالش ٢١ . ٢١ -٢٣: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ آذر؛ جلد

. ۵ ھا. . استارتاپ۴ . فناوري. ٣ . ايران. ٢ . شرکت نوپا. ١ ھا. . چالش۶ موفقيت.

٩٧٠١٢٩۶ شماره مقاله:

-محمدابراھيم محجوب. /چرا مديران بايد تاريخ بخوانند؟ ٢٢ . ٢١ -٢٨: ٢٠٨، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت.

. ايران.۴ . مديريت. ٣ . تاريخ. ٢ . مديران. ١ ٩٨٠٠٠٠٢ شماره مقاله:

/ ؟ھا را دگرگون مي کند آپ چگونه تکنولوژي چھره استارت ٢٣-٢٠: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -مصطفي صيادي.

١٩ . . توسعه.۴ . رقابت. ٣ . فناوري. ٢ ھا. . استارتاپ١

٩٧٠١٣١٠ شماره مقاله:

/ چھار گام اصلي براي يک مشاور موفق درر توسعه رھبري ٢۴: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -طفي صيادي.مص١۵- ١٣ .

. مديريت.۴ . توسعه. ٣ . رھبري. ٢ . مشاور. ١ ٩٧٠١٢٣٧ شماره مقاله:

خروج از بحران: رھبري سازماني در شرايط دشوار: ٢۵، ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -.کارھا ھا و راه چالش

. ٢٩ -٣٨: ٢٠٨شماره . ۵ . سازمان ھا. ۴ ھا. . چالش٣ . رھبري. ٢ . بحران. ١

مديران. ٩٨٠٠٠٠٣ شماره مقاله:

ھاي مديريت ھا؛ نسل جديد منابع انساني: ظرافت دھه ھفتادي ٢۶ . ۶١ -۶٣: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.نسل دشوار

. مديريت.٢ . منابع انساني. ١ ٩٧٠١٢٣٣ شماره مقاله:

/ مھديار ھاي بزرگ مديران راه تحقق توليد ملي تصميم ٢٧ . ٢٨ -٢٩: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -اسماعيلي.

. مديريت.۴ گذاري. . سياست٣ . توليد داخلي. ٢ . مديران. ١ ٩٧٠١٢۴٢ شماره مقاله:



مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.آپ بندي استارت رتبه ٢٨٣٠٩ :۴٨- ۴٧ .

. مديريت.۴ . شرکت نوپا. ٣ بندي. . رتبه٢ ھا. . استارتاپ١ ٩٧٠١٣٠۶ شماره مقاله:

): درتأمين MTOرويکرد توليد بر مبناي سفارش مشتري ( ٢٩/ ھا نياز شبکه خدمات پس از فروش سايپا، صادرات و ساير شرکت

، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ ر. تدبي -خجسته. سعيد سنجابي، عليرضا مرادي . ۴٠ -۴٣: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩

. ۵ . مديريت ريسک. ۴ . توليد. ٣ . خدمات. ٢ . مشتري. ١ توليد.

٩٧٠١٢۴۵ شماره مقاله:

رھبري سازماني براي تعالي در محيط ناپايدار: پايداري در ٣٠، بھمن؛ ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.ھاست فضاي مدل تعالي رمز موفقيت شرکت

. ۴ -٧: ٣١١شماره ، ٢٩ جلد . ۵ . کسب و کار. ۴ . موفقيت. ٣ . سازمان ھا. ٢ . رھبري. ١

. کارکنان.٧ . پايداري. ۶ مديريت. ٩٧٠١٢٣۴ شماره مقاله:

/ علي ھاي به کارگيري الگوي تعالي سازماني ريسک ٣١ . ١١ -١٢: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -ھرات. زاده تقي

. مديريت.۴ . الگو. ٣ . ريسک. ٢ لي سازماني. . تعا١ ٩٧٠١٢٣۶ شماره مقاله:

-/ محمد عندليب.ژاپن چگونه به يک قدرت اقتصادي تبديل شد ٣٢ . ٣٩ -۴١: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير.

. الگو.۴ . توسعه. ٣ . ژاپن. ٢ . اقتصاد. ١ ٩٧٠١٣٠٣ شماره مقاله:

سند آمايش مراکز لجستيک: حلقه سوم از زنجيره اقدامات ٣٣، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -مقدم. / مھدي، صفرياستراتژيک

٢٧ -٢٩: ٣٠٨ . . برنامه ريزي استراتژيک. ٣ . استراتژي. ٢ . حمل و نقل. ١ رساني به نيروھا. . تدارک۴

٩٧٠١٠٩٢ شماره مقاله:

نام و اندونزي در حمايت از خريد ھاي کشورھاي ويت سياست ٣۴ . ۴٢ -۴٣: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.کاالھاي داخلي

. حمايت.۴ . اندونزي. ٣ . ويتنام. ٢ . کاالھا. ١ ٩٧٠١٣٠۴ شماره مقاله:

سيستم مديريت انرژي: راھنماي اجرا، نگھداري و بھبود ٣۵مريم زارع، / ISO5004: ٢٠١١سيستم مديريت انرژي

، ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -احمدرضا سجادي، سھيل ميزاني. . ۵ -٨: ٣٠٩شماره

. ۵ . اجرا. ۴ . بھبود. ٣ . نگھداشت. ٢ . مديريت انرژي. ١ . انرژي.٧ . خدمات. ۶ طراحي.

٩٧٠١۴٠٨ شماره مقاله:

/ رضا ھاي اطالعاتي در معادن و صنايع معدني سيستم ٣۶ -اصغر خداياري. بافقي، علي پناه، عليرضا ياراحمدي پوريزدان

. ۴۴ -۴٧: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. . مديريت.٣ . معدن ھا. ٢ ھاي اطالعات مديريت. . سيستم١

٩٧٠١٢۴۶ شماره مقاله:

ھاي ھوشمند: مفاھيم ھاي مديريت انرژي در خانه سيستم ٣٧تدبير. -/ سھيل ميزاني.استراتژيکريزي بندي و برنامه پيکره

. ١٣ -١٧: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . منابع ٣ . برنامه ريزي استراتژيک. ٢ . مديريت انرژي. ١

. ۶ . مصرف خانگي. ۵ . سيستم ھوشمند. ۴ تجديدپذير. مصرف انرژي.

٩٧٠١٢٩۴ شماره مقاله:

-ي، کريمي يکتا./ پروانه دانايشاخص جھاني تريلماي انرژي ٣٨ . ۴۴ -۴۶: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير.

. مديريت.٣ . شاخص پايداري بررسي. ٢ . انرژي. ١ ٩٧٠١٣٠۵ شماره مقاله:

گزيده -خاني. / احمد عيسيساالري يا سياست بازي شايسته ٣٩ . ۶۶ -٧٧: ٢٠٨، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ مديريت.

. ۴ . مديران. ٣ . ارتقاء شغلي. ٢ ساالري. . شايسته١ مديريت.

٩٨٠٠٠٠۶ شماره مقاله:

ھاي ھاي پتري روشي کارآمد براي مدلساري شبکه شبکه ۴٠تدبير. -احمد. حميد اسماعيلي، متين آل /لجستيک و زنجيره تأمين

. ٣۴ -٣٩: ٣٠٨، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . مدل ٣ به نيروھا. رساني . تدارک٢ . زنجيره تامين. ١

. طراحي.۴ سازي. ٩٧٠١٠٩۵ شماره مقاله:



مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

کنندگان در ميز گرد تدبير بررسي مي کنند: تعديل، گشودن شرکت ۴١-٩: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.گره يا کور کردن آن؟

٣ . . بخش ٣ . سازمان دولتي. ٢ . مديريت منابع انساني. ١

داش.. پا۴ خصوصي. ٩٧٠١٢٢٣ شماره مقاله:

شکوفايي اقتصاد چين با اتکا بر الگوي توسعه بومي: چگونه ۴٢، بھمن؛ ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -محمد عندليب. /چين تبديل به کارخانه دنيا شد؟

. ٢۵ -٢٨: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ جلد . ۶ . الگو. ۵ . توسعه. ۴ . چين. ٣ . اقتصاد. ٢ گرايي. . بومي١

ايران. ٩٧٠١٢۴١ مقاله: شماره

شناسايي موانع گفتگو ميان کارکنان با در نظر گرفتن ابعاد ۴٣، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -شيما غزايي. /ھوش ھيجاني

٣١٠ :۴٩- ۴٠ . . ۵ . مدل ھا. ۴ . گفتمان. ٣ . ھوش ھيجاني. ٢ . کارکنان. ١

گيري. اندازه ٩٧٠١٢٢٩ شماره مقاله:

ھا در رقابت براي جذب فر و لجستيک نقش دادهصنايع س ۴۴: ٣٠٨، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -/ طناز، امير فريدي.مشتري

١٩ -٢١ . . ۴ . مشتري. ٣ ھا. . داده٢ رساني به نيروھا. . تدارک١

مديريت. ٩٧٠١٠٨٩ شماره مقاله:

گذار و مديرعامل ضربان کسب و کار: مصاحبه با بنيان ۴۵گر احمد آرش منصوري؛ مصاحبه /آپ فيدبک سنتر رتاستا، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -خاني. عيسي٨١ -٨٧: ٢٠٨ .

. شرکت نوپا.۴ . مشتري. ٣ . مديريت. ٢ . کسب و کار. ١ ٩٨٠٠٠٠٨ شماره مقاله:

عوامل موثر بر رضايتمندي مشتريان با استفاده از مدل کانو ( ۴۶زينب /اي رفاه شھر کرمان) طالعه موردي: فروشگاه زنجيرهم

: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -محمدي، حانيه نورالھي.۶١- ۵٧ .

. مديريت.٢ . رضايت مشتري. ١ ٩٧٠١٢۴٩ شماره مقاله:

فرھنگ در تعالي سازماني: نشست ھم انديشي فرھنگ ۴٧، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ ر. تدبي -.صنعتي و تعالي سازماني

٣٠٩ :۵٩- ۵٧ . . نشست.٣ . فرھنگ. ٢ . تعالي سازماني. ١

٩٧٠١٣٠٩ شماره مقاله:

-فراھاني. / سياوش واشقانيکالبدشکافي بازاريابي چريکي ۴٨ . ٣٠ -٣۴: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير.

. مديريت.٣ . کسب و کار. ٢ . بازاريابي. ١ ٩٧٠١٢۴٣ شماره مقاله:

گذار و مديرعامل وکاري بر پايه اعتماد؛ مصاحبه با بنيان کسب ۴٩ -خاني. گر احمد عيسي / محمد حاتمي؛ مصاحبهآپ استادکار استارت

. ۵١ -۵٩: ٢٠٨، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. يت.. مدير۴ . شرکت نوپا. ٣ . اعتماد. ٢ . کسب و کار. ١

٩٨٠٠٠٠۴ شماره مقاله:

، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.ھا آپ مدل حمايتي آمريکا از استارت ۵٠ . ٢۴ -٢۵: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩

. ۵ . آمريکا. ۴ . مدل ھا. ٣ . شرکت نوپا. ٢ ھا. . استارتاپ١ حمايت.

٩٧٠١٢٩٧ شماره مقاله:

/ون چکھاي حقوقي مديران در پرتو اصالحات قان مسئوليت ۵١، شماره ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -حسن خزائي.

٨٨ -٩٣: ٢٠٨ . . ۴ . قانون. ٣ . اصالحات اقتصادي. ٢ . مديران. ١

مسئوليت. ٩٨٠٠٠٠٩ شماره مقاله:

آرمين /)TTMمعرفي اجمالي مدل مديريت گنجينه وظايف ( ۵٢، ٢٩ دي؛ جلد ،١٣٩٧ تدبير. -خوشوقتي، طاھره علي اصفھاني.

. ٣٣ -٣۵: ٣١٠شماره . مدل ۴ . آموزش. ٣ . مديريت. ٢ . مديريت منابع انساني. ١

ھا. ٩٧٠١٢٢٧ شماره مقاله:



مقاله ھاي فارسي تازه ھای مرکز اطالع رسانی شرکت ملی نفت ايران

تدبير. -/ حسين غالمي.موانع استقرار سيستم مديريت انرژي ۵٣ . ٩ -١٢: ٣٠٩، شماره ٢٩ ، آذر؛ جلد ١٣٩٧

استانداردسازي.. ٣ . موانع. ٢ . مديريت انرژي. ١ ٩٧٠١۴٠٩ شماره مقاله:

: ٣١٠، شماره ٢٩ ، دي؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.مھندسي اجتماعي ۵۴۵١- ۵٠ .

. مديريت.٢ . مھندسي اجتماعي. ١ ٩٧٠١٢٣٠ شماره مقاله:

ھا و نتايج سند آمايش مراکز لجستيک کشور (پھنه ۵۵ . ٣٠ : ٣٠٨، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.ھا) شھرستان

رساني به نيروھا. . تدارک٢ . آمايش سرزمين. ١ ٩٧٠١٠٩٣ شماره مقاله:

گيري در ايجاد خالقيت ھاي پشتيباني تصميم نقش سيستم ۵۶، ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -/ سعيد سلطاني.بازاريابي الکترونيک

. ۵۵ -۵۶: ٣١١شماره گيري. . تصميم٣ . بازاريابي الکترونيک.٢ . خالقيت. ١

٩٧٠١٢۴٨ شماره مقاله:

ھاي نوين مديريت نقش مديريت راھبرد فناوري در شيوه ۵٧، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -ھوشنگ رستميان. /ھا نگھداري دارايي

. ١٨ -٢٠: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ . ۵ . دارايي. ۴ . شيوه مديريت. ٣ . راھبرد. ٢ . فناوري. ١

مديريت مالي. ٩٧٠١٢٣٩ قاله: شماره م

ھايي از شھر، دھکده و پارک لجستيکي در دنيا االنيس نمونه ۵٨، شماره ٢٩ ؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ تدبير. -.تگزاس، بولونيا، درفت انگلستان

٣١ -٣٣: ٣٠٨ . . خدمات.٢ رساني به نيروھا. . تدارک١

٩٧٠١٠٩۴ شماره مقاله:

ايراني در شرايط ھاي اي فراروي سازمان نوآوري باز: دريچه ۵٩تدبير. -/ ھدايت کارگرشورکي، فاطمه پاکنژاد.اقتصاد مقاومتي

. ٢١ -٢۴: ٣١١، شماره ٢٩ ، بھمن؛ جلد ١٣٩٧ . سازمان ھا.٣ . اقتصاد مقاومتي. ٢ . نوآوري. ١

٩٧٠١٢۴٠ شماره مقاله:

ھاي ي سازمان کاري پنج نسل، بايسته آموزي و ھم ھم ۶٠، ٢٠ ، فروردين؛ جلد ١٣٩٨ گزيده مديريت. -يفي./ فريبا لطامروزي . ۴ -١٣: ٢٠٨شماره

. ۴ شناسي. . جمعيت٣ . نيروي کار. ٢ . سازمان ھا. ١ ھمکاري.

٩٨٠٠٠٠٠ شماره مقاله:



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1 Adjustable thermal expansion in La(Fe, Si)13-based conductive composites by high-pressure synthesis/ Wei Wang,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.04 p.

Compounds/ Composites materials/ Conductivity/ Thermal property/ Expansion/ Synthesis/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190879

2 Analyses of fluids used in gravel pack placement in sand control operations/ S. T. Ekwueme, K. K. Ihekoronye, N .C. Izuwa.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.05 p.

Sands/ Control/ Gravel/ Fluids/ Propping material/ Testing/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190866

3 Analysis of geological and technical conditions for creation of underground gas storage in a depleted gas reservoir of Yuzhno-Lugovskoye field in Russia/ Odunlami Kazeem Alani, Chukwuemeka Augustine Okechukwu.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.11 p.

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4 Analysis of rheological properties of bitumen in relation to physical properties/ Eva Remisova, Viera Zatkalikova.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.07 p.

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5 Analysis on the weight-on-bit transmission efficiency of the static push-thebit rotary steerable system/ Shi Yucai,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.07 p.

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Doc. No: 190783

6 An assessment of the effect of coal blending on Hardgrove grindabilitty index/ Niaz Muhammad Shahani.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.08 p.

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Doc. No: 190840



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7 Assisted history matching using evolution strategy algorithm/ Mohammed Abdelfetah Ghriga,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.10 p.

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Doc. No: 190815

8 Blends of laurate ester with menthol and camphor as synthetic base fluid/ Janet Bassey Edet,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.07 p.

Esters/ Additives/ Density/ Fluids/ Synthetic/ Mud/ Drilling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190853

9 Burning characteristics and fuel properties of OBOMKPA, IHIOMA, and OGBOLIGBO lignite coals from NIGERIA/ Bemgba Bevan Nyakuma.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.07 p.

Nigeria/ Coal/ Lignite/ Fuels/ Characterization/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190836

10 Calculation method for prediction of the cetane index of blended diesel fuels/ Maria V. Kirgina,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.10 p.

Diesel fuels/ Calculations/ Methods/ Fraction/ Indexes (ratios)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190819

11 Calculation of fracture density via image logs and comparing the results of mud loss, GACHSARAN oil field, SW of IRAN/ Hossein Tabatabaei.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.05 p.

Iran/ Gachsaran/ Oil fields/ Fracture/ Density/ Mud/ Images/ Logging/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190857

12 CFD analysis of catalyst shape effects on hydrodynamic and heat transfer characteristics of fixed bed reactors/ Yaghoub Behjat, Afshin Ziyari, Majid Kakavand.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.13 p.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)/ Analysis/ Fixed bed/ Reactors/ Hydrodynamics/ Heat transfer/ Simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190843



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13 Compositional study of oil and gas drilling wastes in an Onshore Niger Delta Field, Nigeria/ Chiazor J. Egbuachor, Kingsley K. Nwozor.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.09 p.

Nigeria/ Drilling/ Wastes/ Environments/ Pollution/ Physicochemical properties/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190823

14 Construction of data resource sharing center of the Puguang Intelligent Gas Field/ Jiang Yiwei,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.05 p.

China/ Gas fields/ Intelligent fields/ Standards/ Data/ Sharing/ Storage/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190789

15 CoPt-Co hybrid supported on amino modified SiO2 nanospheres as a high performance catalyst for hydrogen generation from ammonia borane/ Hongming Zhang,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.09 p.

Hybrids/ Catalysts/ Hydrogen/ Hydrolysis/ Ammonia/ Nanoparticles/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190873

16 Corrections and comments on the mathematical model presented in [Hosseinzadeh Ali and Bakhtiari-Nejad Firooz. A new dynamic model of coupled axial-torsional vibration of a drill string for investigation on the length increment effect on stick-slip instability. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME 2017/ Li Zifeng.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.03 p.

Drill strings/ Vibration/ Mathematical models/ Boundaries/ Condition/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190785

17 Design and implementation of the overall architecture of the Puguang intelligent gas-field project/ Wang Shouping,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.10 p.

China/ Gas fields/ Intelligent fields/ Design/ Data/ Technology/ Decision making

Doc. No: 190794

18 Development characteristics and exploration potential of the Lower Carboniferous black shale in the Guizhong Depression/ Hu Dongfeng,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.10 p.

China/ Shale gas/ Exploration/ Thickness/ Organic matter/ Geochemistry/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190788



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

19 Development dynamic monitoring technologies used in the Puguang high-sulfur gas field/ Zeng Daqian,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.07 p.

Gas fields/ Sulfur/ Development/ Monitoring/ Technology/ Production/ Water/ Prediction models/ Leakage/ Prevention/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190786

20 Development of organic soil suitable for biodiesel-based drilling fluids/ Yan Jun.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.04 p.

Biodiesel/ Drilling fluids/ Temperature/ Resistance/ Soils/ Filtration/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190861

21 Distinct methodologies to assess the conditions of petroleum reservoirs with respect to onset of sand production/ Mohammad M. Ghiasi,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.12 p.

Sands/ Production/ Classification/ Modelling/ Reservoirs/ Decision making/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190846

22 A Drilling liquid to reduce the damage coalbed methane/ Du kun.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.07 p.

Coalbed methane/ Drilling/ Liquids/ Protection/ Surfaces/ Wettability/ Inhibition/ Water/ Sensitivity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190864

23 Economic model and risk analysis for natural gas plant in a dynamic gas pricing system in Nigeria/ G. Okechukwu Ani, S. Sunday Ikiensikimama.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.13 p.

Nigeria/ Natural gas/ Risk/ Uncertainty/ Economic models/ Forecasts/ Monte Carlo method/ Profitability/ Infrastructure/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190848

24 The effect of Al and Cr elements on the oxidation resistance of MoSi2 via first-principles calculation/ Liwu Jiang,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.06 p.

Alloys/ Impurity/ Substitution/ Oxidation/ Resistance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190880



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

25 Effect of asphalt mixture aggregate on tire slip on the wet surface of asphalt pavements/ Mohammad Hosein Dehnad, Abolfazl Arezoomand.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.08 p.

Vehicles/ Asphalt/ Friction/ Simulator/ Design/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190834

26 Effect of initial gas oil ratio, produced gas re-injection and formation compressibility on predicted production performance of a depletion drive reservoir/ Ikpeka Princewill Maduabuchi, Mbagwu Chinedu.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.20 p.

Reservoirs/ Depletion/ Gas- Oil Ratio (G.O.R.)/ Solution/ Compressibility/ Production/ Performance/ Material balance/ Equation/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190824

27 The effect of natural fracture on the fluid leak-off in hydraulic fracturing treatment/ Amir Ghaderi, Jaber Taheri-Shakib, Mohamad Amin Sharifnik.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.05 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Naturally Fractured Reservoirs (NFRs)/ Leak- off testing (L.O.T)/ Interaction/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190805

28 Effect of sintering temperature on phase evolution of Al86Ni6Y4.5Co2La1.5 bulk amorphous composites synthesized via mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering/ Ashutosh Sahu, Ram Sajeevan Maurya, Tapas Laha.- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.09 p.

Alloys/ Sintering/ Temperature/ Viscosity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190872

29 Effects of Ce-rich RE on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-8Li-3Al-2Zn-0.5Nd alloy with duplex structure/ Xiang Peng,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.07 p.

Alloys/ Rare earth/ Microstructure/ Mechanical properties/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190876

30 Effects of Cr and Mo elements on the microstructures and compressive properties of the in situ (TiCxNy TiB2)/Ni cermets/ Fang Chang,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.08 p.

Microstructure/ Compressive strength/ Properties/ In situ/ Combustion/ Synthesis/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190869



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

31 Enrichment laws and scale effective development of shale gas in the southern Sichuan Basin/ Ma Xinhua.- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.10 p.

China/ Shale gas/ Development/ Enrichment/ Productivity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190792

32 Evaluation of ASMARI reservoir properties via petrophysical LOGS in MANSOUR-ABAD oil field, SW of IRAN/ Hossein Tabatabaei, Reza Poursamad.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.07 p.

Iran/ Asmari formation/ Shales/ Porosity/ Water/ Saturation/ Evaluation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190830

33 Evaluation of shale fracture toughness based on micrometer indentation test/ Xue Su, Ping Chen, Tianshou Ma.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.06 p.

Fracture/ Toughness/ Experiments/ Rocks/ Mechanical properties/ Models/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190804

34 Experimental and CMG study of asphaltene precipitation under natural depletion and gas injection conditions/ Reza Hashemi,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.08 p.

Asphaltene/ Precipitation/ Gas injection/ Simulation/ E.O.R./ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190845

35 An experimental investigation into enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by polymer flooding in sandstone reservoirs under high temperature and high salinity conditions using a combination of two synthetic polymers/ Ali Mohsenatabar,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.09 p.

Polymers/ Flooding/ High temperature/ Salinity/ E.O.R./ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190821

36 Experimental investigations on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine using blends of tire pyrolysis oil and diesel/ N. Kapilan, L. J. Naik.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.06 p.

Fuels/ Tubes/ Pyrolysis/ Blends/ Engine/ Testing/ Compression/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190852



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

37 Feasibility studies of jet fuels using as a low-temperature additive to straight-run diesel fuels/ Maria V. Kirgina,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.08 p.

Diesel fuels/ Jet (Engineering)/ Temperature/ Properties/ Blends/ Additives/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190810

38 Geochemistry and multivariate statistical evaluation of major oxides, trace and rare earth elements in coal occurrences and deposits around KOGI EAST, NORTHERN ANAMBRA BASIN, NIGERIA/ E. G. Ameh.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.14 p.

Nigeria/ Coal/ Oxides/ Geochemistry/ Multivariate analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190847

39 Geological conditions and exploration potential of Permian marine-continent transitional facies shale gas in the Sichuan Basin/ Guo Xusheng,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.07 p.

China/ Shale gas/ Exploration/ Marine geology/ Total Organic Carbon (T.O.C.)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190787

40 Impact of mining depth on unit capacity/ V. V. Fitsak, E. S. Lomakina, A. A. Strakhova.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.04 p.

Mining/ Production/ Modelling/ Economic indicators/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190829

41 Implementations of microbial technology extend longevity of oil fields/ Chang Hong Gao.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.09 p.

E.O.R./ Longevity/ Biosurfactant/ Technology/ Case studies/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190814

42 Improving the technology of preparing coal for the production of blast-furnace coke under the conditions of multi-basin raw material base. Message 2. Optimizing the degree of crushing by means of petrographic characteristics of the batch components/ V. P. Lyalyuk,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.06 p.

Coal/ Crushing/ Batching/ Compositions/ Vitrinite/ Technology/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190828



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

43 Improving the technology of preparing coal for the production of blast-furnace coke under the conditions of multi-basin raw material base. Message 3. Influence of the moisture content of coal batch on the physicomechanical characteristics of the coke/ V. P. Lyalyuk,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.09 p.

Coking/ Coal/ Batching/ Packing/ Density/ Quality/ Moisture/ Removal/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190855

44 Improving the technology of preparing coal for the production of blast-furnace coke under the conditions of multi-basin raw material base. Message 1. Optimizing the composition of coal batch by means of petrographic characteristic/ V. P. Lyalyuk,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.04 p.

Coke/ Coal/ Batching/ Petrography/ Compositions/ Optimization/ Prediction/ Strength/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190827

45 Increase in resource efficiency of motor gasoline production with the help of mathematical models/ Vyacheslav A. Chuzlov,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.06 p.

Mathematical models/ Isomerization/ Blending/ Efficiency/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190811

46 Integrated Mineral Analysis of sandstone and dolomite formations using different chelating agents during matrix acidizing/ Mian Umer Shafiq,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.10 p.

Minerals/ Analysis/ Acidizing/ Sandstones/ Dolomite/ Porosity/ Permeability/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190803

47 Intermittent and short duration ultrasound in a simulated porous medium/ Augustine Agi,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.10 p.

E.O.R./ Ultrasonics/ Models/ Viscosity/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190801

48 Investigation of asphaltene precipitation in Bangestan reservoir, Kupal oil field, Sw of Iran/ Hossein Tabatabaei,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.09 p.

Iran/ Oil fields/ Asphaltene/ Precipitation/ Testing/ Temperature/ Pressure drop/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190856



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

49 Kinetics study of modified coal tar pitch foaming/ Iryna Krutko, Iryna Danylo, Viacheslav Kaulin.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.10 p.

Coal tar/ Pitch/ Foaming/ Kinetics/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190820

50 Laws of multi-fracture coupling initiation during blasting induced hydraulic fracturing/ Wu Feipeng,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.09 p.

Hydraulic fracturing/ Blasting/ Pressure/ Design/ Operation/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190796

51 Long-therm monitoring of oil contamination of profile-differentiated soils on the site of influence of oil and gas wells in the central part of the Boryslav-Pokuttya oil and gas bearing area/ Vasyl Karabyn,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.09 p.

Contamination/ Petroleum/ Soils/ Crisis management/ Ecology/ Geochemistry/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190817

52 Low salinity waterflooding; A promising prospect to improve oil recovery in the Niger Delta Oil Fields/ K. K. Ihekoronye, N. C. Izuwa, B. O. Obah.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.18 p.

Nigeria/ Waterflooding/ Salinity/ Residual oils/ Saturation/ Wettability/ Change/ Ion-exchange methods/ Mobility/ Control/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190867

53 Mapping of hydrocarbon prolific areas within the Cenozoic Niger Delta basin: observations from high-resolution potential field data/ Leonard N. Onuba.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.15 p.

Nigeria/ Offshore/ Hydrocarbons/ Mapping/ Data/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190838

54 Mathematical modeling of the process catalytic isomerization of light naphtha/ Emiliya D. Ivanchina,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.05 p.

Isomerization/ Catalysts/ Alkanes/ Naphtha/ Mathematical models/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190850



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

55 Microstructural characterization of cobalt treated by laser surface melting under different powers/ Jian Tu,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.08 p.

Cobalt/ Treatment/ Lasers/ Surfaces/ Melting/ Microstructure/ Evolution/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190870

56 Microstructure and texture evolution of a near titanium alloy Ti-7333 during continuous cooling hot deformation/ Jiahao Chen,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.07 p.

Titanium/ Alloys/ Microstructure/ Mechanical properties/ Recrystallization/ Deformation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190877

57 Minimizing evaporation of light hydrocarbons for Iraqi gasoline by using D-Glucitol fatty acid esters as reduced pressure agents, synthesis and characterization/ Abdullah Hussein Kshash, Ali Sami Ismail.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.10 p.

Fatty acid/ Esters/ Gasoline/ Pressure/ Iraq/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190816

58 A modified predictive model for estimating gas flow rate in horizontal drain hole/ Fadairo Adesina, Oladepo Adebowale, Adeyemi Gbadegesin.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.07 p.

Gas/ Flow rate/ Horizontal well/ Borehole/ Pressure/ Models/ Production/ Prediction/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190800

59 Nature of highly viscous component in the alkylbenzene sulfonic acid technology and its influence on the process efficiency/ Irena O. Dolganova,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.07 p.

Chemicals/ Sulfonates/ Production/ Process/ Mathematical models/ Viscous material/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190812

60 A new method used for reservoir production performance analysis/ Shuyong Hu,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.05 p.

Water/ Flooding/ Production/ Water injection/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190798



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

61 A new type of casing plug effectively preventing the backflow of cement slurry/ Liu Yunlou,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.04 p.

Cementing (shafts)/ Slurry/ Casing (well)/ Plug/ Failure analysis/ Design/ Application/ Manufacturing

Doc. No: 190791

62 Non-equilibrium multiphase wellbore flow characteristics in solid fluidization exploitation of marine gas hydrate reservoirs/ Wei Na,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.11 p.

Natural gas/ Hydrate/ Solids/ Fluidization/ Exploitation/ Multiphase flow/ Decomposition/ Wells/ Risk management/ Construction/ Prediction models/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190795

63 Numerical modeling of annular electromagnetic stirring with intercooling in direct chill casting of 7005 aluminum alloy billet/ Yajun Luo, Zhifeng Zhang.- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.07 p.

Aluminum alloy/ Simulation/ Electromagnetic method/ Cooling/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190871

64 An optimal design of crushing parameters of marine gas hydrate reservoirs in solid fluidization exploitation/ Wang Guorong,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.05 p.

Natural gas/ Hydrate/ Solids/ Fluidization/ Nozzles/ Jet flow/ Pumps/ Pressure/ Displacement/ Design/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190793

65 Optimal sizing of mud gas separators in well planning for effective well control in drilling operation/ Boniface A. Oriji, Offodum G. Okechukwu.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.08 p.

Mud/ Gas/ Separators/ Wells/ Control/ Capacity/Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190822

66 Optimization program for difficult-to-produce reservoir in Bonan Oil Feild/ Zhang Lu.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.04 p.

Reservoirs/ Optimization/ Programs/ Production/ Drilling/ Solution/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190868



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

67 Pipe inclination effects on high viscosity oil-gas two phase flow characteristics/ Yahaya D. Baba,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.10 p.

Pipes (tubes)/ Pressure/ Gradient/ Flow pattern/ Viscosity/ Electrical Capacitance Tomography (E.C.T.)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190831

68 Practical methods to determine the thermal stability of motor oils/ Tirapote Rattana-amron, Chuleekorn Chotsuwan.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.17 p.

Engine/ Lubricants/ Stability/ Degradation/ Oxidation/ Temperature/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190839

69 Prediction of asphaltene onset pressures during natural gas and carbon dioxide injections/ Oguamah Ifeanyi,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.07 p.

Asphaltene/ Precipitation/ Reservoirs/ Fluids/ Modelling/ Gas injection/ Operation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190841

70 Preparation and evaluation of n-alkyl methylacrylate-vinyl acetate - methacrylic acid terpolymers as pour point depressant for fuel/ T. T. Khidr.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.08 p.

Polymers/ Fuel oil/ Wax/ Modification/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190835

71 Preparation of an environmentally friendly emulsion-type lubricant based on crude rice bran wax/ Zhengqiang Xiong,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.08 p.

Lubricity/ Emulsions/ Biodegradation/ Drilling fluids/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190802

72 Producibility scenario of unidentified productive zone/ Anthony Kerunwa.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.05 p.

Nigeria/ Reservoirs/ Productivity/ Pressurization/ Sands/ Estimating/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190863



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

73 Production of plastic lubricants on the basis of waste lubricated oils/ Andrey Grigorov,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.05 p.

Lubricating oils/ Plastics/ Thickener/ Polyethylene/ Products/ Quality/ Indicator/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190844

74 Properties of Donetsk basin hard coals and the products of their heat treatment revealed via Mossbauer spectroscopy/ Andrii Koveria,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.09 p.

Coal/ Combustion/ Pyrolysis/ Spectroscopy/ Ashes/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190818

75 Rational design of carbon shell-encapsulated cobalt nanospheres to enhance microwave absorption performance/ Rambabu Kuchi,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.06 p.

Composites materials/ Thermal property/ Decomposition/ Impedance/ Microwaves/ Absorption/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190882

76 Relationship between gas reservoir distribution and structural system of upper Triassic Xujiahe Fm in the Sichuan Basin/ Liu Shu,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.16 p.

China/ Gas/ Reservoirs/ Structural systems/ Hydrocarbons/ Enrichment/ Prediction/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190790

77 A review on casing while drilling technology for oil and gas production with well control model and economical analysis/ Dipal Patel,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.12 p.

Casing (well)/ Drilling/ Wells/ Control/ Technology/ Nonproductive time (N.P.T)/ Models/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190808

78 Room-temperature facile synthesis of MnO2 on carbon film via UVphotolysis for supercapacitor/ Shiwei Liu, Kai Li, Xuebin Zheng.- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.04 p.

Carbon/ Film/ Temperature/ Synthesis/ Methods/ Electrochemical analysis/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190878



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

79 Sedimentary response to salt related tectonics and its hazards in a hydrocarbon field, KWANZA BASIN, ANGOLA/ O. A. Anyiam, B. A. Jolly, S. M. Harry.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.07 p.

Angola/ Tectonics/ Salts/ Sedimentation/ Fluids/ Pressure/ Blowouts/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190849

80 Self-cleaning property of AZ31 Mg alloy during plasma electrolytic oxidation process/ Jiaping Han,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.09 p.

Intermetallic/ Mechanical properties/ Processing/ Corrosion/ Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy/ Scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190875

81 Simulated calculation of Bullheading method when the well is empty/ P. B Gong,...[et al].- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.07 p.

Gas wells/ empty/ Control/ Methods/ Numerical simulation/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190860

82 Simulation of CO2 removal from ethane with Sulfinol-MAMP solvent instead of DEA solvent in the South Pars phases 9 and 10 gas processing facility/ Hassan Ghanbarabadi, Behnam Khoshandam, David A. Wood.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.12 p.

Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Solvents/ Amines/ Absorption/ Simulation/ Sulfonates/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190806

83 Solar-driven high-temperature steam generation at ambient pressure/ Xinyu Wang,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.06 p.

Solar energy/ Steam generators/ High temperature/ Sterilization (Cleaning)/ Vapors/ Heating/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190881

84 Staged premium screen completion design for horizontal well based on laboratory test: A successful application in block 451, Shengli Oil Field/ Chen Yang,...[et al].- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.09 p.

China/ Pipes (tubes)/ Perforations/ Density/ Inflow Control Device (I.C.D)/ Laboratory study/ Horizontal well/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190859



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

85 Studies on sulfur recovery plant performance using ASPEN HYSYS SULSIM simulations/ Nagamalleswara Rao K, Juma Haydary.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.14 p.

Sulfur/ Recovery/ Alumina/ Catalysts/ Performance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190842

86 A study of the performance of the LSWA CO2 EOR technique on improvement of oil recovery in sandstones/ H. Al-Abri,...[et al].- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.09 p.

E.O.R./ Salinity/ Water alternating gas (W.A.G.)/ Injection/ Carbon dioxide (Co2)/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190807

87 Study on development law and yield replacement method in Sazhong development area/ Gao Shang.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.06 p.

Water/ Development/ Tertiary/ E.O.R./ Decline curve/ Yield (productivity)/ Replacement/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190865

88 Study on mechanical behaviors of double shoulder drill pipe joint thread/ Liangliang Dong, Xiaohua Zhu, Desheng Yang.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.11 p.

Drill pipe/ Joints (junctions)/ Mechanical properties/ Structure/ Models/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190799

89 Study on the affection of drilling tools abrasion to the regular pattern of tensile strength/ Li Zijie.- Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development. 2019; Vol.17, No.01, p.06 p.

Drilling/ Tools/ Testing/ Safety/ Abrasion/ Tensile strength/ Models/ Tables (data)

Doc. No: 190862

90 The suitability of egg shell and snail shell waste for pH and mud weight enhancement of water based drilling mud/ Rita U. Onolemhemhen,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.06 p.

Drilling/ Water bese mud/ PH control/ Additives/ Weighting/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190837



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

91 Sweet-spot mapping through formation evaluation and property modelling using data from the Goldwyer Formation of the Barbwire Terrace, Canning Basin/ Munther Alshakhs, Reza Rezaee.- Petroleum. 2019, March; Vol.05, No.01, p.17 p.

Australia/ Formation/ Evaluation/ Mapping/ Petrophysics/ Modelling/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190797

92 Synthesis and graphitization of resole resins by ferrocene/ S.I. Talabi,...[et al].- Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2019, February; Vol.29, No.01, p.10 p.

Resins (natural)/ Organometallic compounds/ Synthesis/ Microstructure/ Oxidation/ Resistance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190874

93 Synthetic density log and effective density porosity estimation of Kati formation, Seri Iskandar, Perak/ Sufizikri Sahari,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.13 p.

Malaysia/ Well logging/ Synthetic/ Porosity/ Petrophysics/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190825

94 Technologies for the benefit development of low-permeability tight sandstone gas reservoirs in the Yan'an Gas Field, Ordos Basin/ Wang Xiangzeng,...[et al].- Natural Gas Industry B. 2019; Vol.06, No.03, p.10 p.

China/ Tight gas/ Sandstones/ Development/ Permeability/ Prediction/ Fracturing/ Damage/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190784

95 Thermodynamic analysis of the reactions of sulphur containing compounds in the process of diesel fractions hydrodesulphurization on the base of quantum-chemical calculations/ Evgeniya Frantsina,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.07 p.

Thermodynamic properties/ Hydrodesulfurization/ Fraction/ Chemical/ Calculations/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190813

96 TPO-GC and TG-DTA investigation of dry decoking process in olefin plants/ Farhad Ghadyanlou, Ahmad Azari.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.15 p.

Combustion/ Coke/ Oxidation/ Pyrolysis/ Furnaces/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190809



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Technical Article

97 The use of processed polyethylene products in the manufacture of plastic lubricants/ Andrey Grigorov, Oleg Zelenskii.- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.04 p.

Hydrocarbons/ Raw materials/ Polyethylene/ Products/ Quality/ Indicator/ Thickener/ Grease/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190833

98 The using of coal blends with an increased content of coals of middle stage of metamorphism for the production of the blast-furnace coke. Message 2. Assessment of coke quality/ V. P. Lyalyuk,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.01, p.06 p.

Coal/ Bituminous materials/ Crushing/ Coke/ Strength/ Quality/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190826

99 Way to increase the energy efficiency of the distillation unit at ethylbenzene manufacturing technology/ Elena S. Khlebnikova,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.05 p.

Ethylbenzene/ Distillation/ Simulation/ Column/ Optimization/ Technology/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts)

Doc. No: 190851

100 Ways of improving the equipment for primary petroleum refining/ Nabil Abdul Sater,...[et al].- Petroleum & Coal. 2019; Vol.61, No.02, p.05 p.

Petroleum/ Refining/ Process/ Permittivity/ Electrical conductivity/ Control/ Separation/ Fraction/ Emulsions/ Salts

Doc. No: 190858



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

1 Acquisition Behavior of Emerging Versus

Developed Market Multinationals/ Kashif Ahmed and Ralf Bebenroth.- Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies. 2019; Vol.10, No.01, p.9-30.

Emerging markets/ Multinational Corporations/ Developed countries/ Japan/ Acquisitions/ Behaviour/ Market economy/ Doc. No: 190883

2 An Analysis of the Characteristics of

Maize Storage Types Used by Smallholder Producers in Developing Countries: A Case of Uganda/ Tibaingana Anthony, Godswill Makombe and Tumo Kele.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1524-1555.

Developing countries/ Storage/ Types/ Income/ Security/ Food/ Uganda/ Tables Doc. No: 190884

3 Analysis of the Role of Commercial Real

Estate in the Economic Development of the Northeastern United States/ Tizita Wasihun, Peter V. Schaeffer and Tesfa G. Gebremedhin.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, May; Vol.09, No.05, p.1201-1218.

U.S.A./ Real estate industry/ Investments/ Economic growth/ Population/ Equation Doc. No: 190885

4 Application of Duration Measure in

Quantifying the Sensitivity of Project Returns to Changes in Discount Rates/ Vahidreza Yousefi, Siamak Haji Yakhchali and Jolanta Tamosaitiene.- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-14.

Project management/ Discounts/ Rating/ Change/ Risk/ Investments/ Monte Carlo method/ Simulation/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 190886

5 Approaches to Risk Identification in

Public Private Partnership Projects: Malaysian Private Partners Overview/ Hadi Sarvari,...[et all].- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-18.

Risk/ Identification/ Risk management/ Public Private Partnership (PPP)/ Malaysia/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 190887

6 The Appropriation of Blockchain for

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises/ Ethem Ilbiz, Susanne Durst.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.1, p.26-45.

Business management/ Knowledge management/ New Technology/ Information processing/ Enterprises Doc. No: 190978

7 An Available-to-Promise Allocation

Decision Model Based on Assemble-to-Order Supply Chain/ Manxue Xu and Huaili Chen.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1475-1485.

Supply chain/ Production/ Supply and Demand/ Decision making/ Models Doc. No: 190888

8 Barriers and public policies impeding

SMEs international market expansion: a South African perspective/ Veli Sibiya, Tumo Kele.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Market/ Expansion/ International economics/ Barrier/ Public Policy/ South Africa/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190997



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

9 Belt and Road Initiative in China: The

Impact of Real Openness on Service Trade/ Siqin Yu and Siqi Sun.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1431-1445.

Services/ Trade/ Competitiveness/ Growth/ China/ Rating/ Vector/ Errors/ Response/ Function Doc. No: 190889

10 Biopharmaceutical Entrepreneurship,

Open Innovation, and the Knowledge Economy/ James Judson Gillespie, Gregory J. Privitera, Joseph Gaspero.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.59-77.

Entrepreneurship/ Innovations/ Knowledge economy/ Business/ Models/ Competitive Advantage/ Pharmaceutical industry Doc. No: 190986

11 Capacity to innovate as driver for

innovation enhanced growth/ Mohammed Kafaji.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Innovations/ Capacity/ Growth/ Sustainability/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190990

12 Case Study in a Malaysian Public Agency

on an Asset Management-Moving Towards the Accrual Basis of Accounting/ Sharifah Sabrina Syed Ali, Sharon Cheuk Choy Sheung and Mohd Waliuddin Mohd Razali.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.03, p.149-156.

Accounting/ Malaysia/ Asset management/ Public sector/ Software system/ Case studies Doc. No: 190890

13 The Casual Relationship between China's

Financial Stress and Economic Policy Uncertainty: A Bootstrap Rolling-Window Approach/ Xin Li, Rundong Zhang and.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1395-1408.

Economics/ Policy/ Uncertainty/ Time/ China/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190891

14 CEO overconfidence and shadow-

banking life insurer performance under government purchases of distressed assets/ by Shi Chen,...[et al].- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

CEO/ Banking business/ Insurance/ Performance/ Assets/ Purchasing/ Governments/ Tables (data)/ Graphs Doc. No: 191008

15 Characterisation of innovations within

the multi-level perspective with diffusion typology of innovations: a fruitful combination/ Dorothee Keppler.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.15-37.

Innovations/ Types/ Technology/ Energy efficiency Doc. No: 190984

16 Coaches' perceptions and intentions

towards entrepreneurship/ Yeliz Eratli Sirin.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.271-278.

Entrepreneurship/ Coaching/ Perception/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190969



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

17 The Commitment of Packaging Industry

in the Framework of the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy/ Eleonora Foschi and Alessandra Bonoli.- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-13.

Plastics/ Economy/ Europe/ Circular cylinder/ Environmental management/ Supply chain/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190892

18 Comparative analysis of sustainable

entrepreneurship among the East Coast homestays in Malaysia/ Zaleha Mohamad, Aslina Nasir.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Sustainability/ Comparative Analysis/ Malaysia/ Tables Doc. No: 190991

19 Comparison and Validation of Distance

on the Balanced Assignments of Group Having Entities with Multiple Attributes/ Young Rhee.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1464-1474.

Groups/ Assignments/ Cluster analysis/ Standards/ Comparative Analysis/ Tables Doc. No: 190893

20 The contradictory role of humor in

international competitiveness and innovativeness/ Jialei Yang, Pia Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, Eeva-Liisa Oikarinen.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.78-104.

Humor/ Competitiveness/ Innovations/ Internationalization/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190987

21 Customer engagement technology in

SMEs In Saudi Arabia: does it ensue in disturbance or disruption/ Mohammad Rishad Faridi, Azam Malik.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Customer relations/ Engagement/ Technology/ Enterprises/ Digital systems/ Transformation/ Saudi Arabia Doc. No: 190993

22 Design thinking in leading European

companies - organizational and spatial issues/ Juergen Seifried, Carola S. Wasserbaech.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.1, p.80-107.

Design/ Thinking/ Office management/ Work environment/ Innovations/ Europe/ Companies Doc. No: 190980

23 Designing an Organization for

Innovationin Emerging Economies: THE Mediating Role of Readiness for Innovation/ Tahseen Arshi and Paul Burns.- Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies. 2019; Vol.10, No.01, p.31-56.

Emerging markets/ Organization/ Design/ Innovations/ Oman/ Entrepreneurship Doc. No: 190894

24 Detecting Creative Accounting in

Businesses in Financial Distress/ Nikolaos Arnis, Konstantinos Karamanis and Georgios Kolias.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.02, p.232-244.

Business/ Accounting/ Creativity/ Bankruptcy/ Managers/ Behaviour/ Greece/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190895



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

25 The Development of Microcredit in

China under the Microfinance/ Zining Zhen.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1486-1491.

China/ Government policies/ Banks/ Small Businesses/ Risk/ Prevention/ Enterprises Doc. No: 190896

26 Domestic and International Cultural

Interference: Influence of Cultural Interference in Vietnam's Economic Development/ Nguyen Van Nguyen.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1332-1344.

Integration/ Interference/ Culture/ Globalization/ Vietnam/ Economic growth Doc. No: 190897

27 Dry Port Development in Togo: A Multi-

Criteria Approach Using Analytic Network Process [ANP]/ Degbe Sewodo Augustin, Dassanou Latre Akossiwa and Degbe Nana Esther.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1301-1317.

Fields/ Surveys/ Location factors/ Software system/ Models/ West Africa/ Graphs Doc. No: 190898

28 Dynamic capabilities, new business

creation and the entrepreneur: an analysis about the La La Land film/ Fabio Emanuel Farago,...[et al].- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Dynamic capabilities/ Entrepreneurship/ Business management/ Venture/ Film Doc. No: 190994

29 The Effect of Using Storytelling Strategy

on Students' Performance in Fractions/ Charalambos Lemonidis, Ioanna Kaiafa.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.165-175.

Education/ Storytelling/ Strategy/ Students/ Learning/ Performance/ Mathematics/ Tables (data)/ Graphs Doc. No: 190966

30 Effective assimilation of technological

innovation in an organization characterized as a Complex Adaptive System/ Alon E. Hagsall, Niv Ahituv, Nili Naveh.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.38-58.

Innovations/ Technology/ Assimilation/ Organization/ Management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190985

31 Efficiency Analysis of Electricity,

Thermal Power Production and Supply Industries in China/ Xuefeng Jiang.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.950-973.

China/ Linear programming/ Electricity/ Thermal power plants/ Efficiency/ Production/ Supply (economics)/ Graphs Doc. No: 190899

32 Employment Contribution of Producer

Services A Case Study of Beijing/ Hui Jia, Liyan Liu and Baocheng Liu.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019; Vol.09, No.07, p.1581-1595.

Producers/ Services/ Employment/ Contributions/ Estimating/ China/ Tables Doc. No: 190900



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

33 Entrepreneurial attitudes, self-efficacy,

and subjective norms amongst female Emirati entrepreneurs/ Roberta Fenech, Priya Baguant, Dan Ivanov.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Norms/ Attitudes/ Self efficacy/ Women/ U.A.E./ Tables (data) Doc. No: 191001

34 Entrepreneurial passion domains of

small and medium enterprises (SMEs): a case study of Lower Northeastern, Thailand/ Adisak Suvittawat.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Competition/ Opportunities/ Enterprises/ Thailand/ Case studies/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190988

35 Examination of Index Model and

Prediction of Beta A Case Study Examination in IT Sector/ B Rajesh Kumar and Manuel Fernandez.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.02, p.226-231.

Indexes (ratios)/ Models/ Prediction/ Stock markets/ Investment returns/ Information technology/ Companies/ Case studies Doc. No: 190901

36 Features of entrepreneurial activities

indice in the world: trends and prospects/ Andrei Plotnikov,...[et al].- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Activities/ World Doc. No: 190989

37 Framework of family business

professionalization/ Petru Sandu.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Family Businesses/ Professional identity/ Organization/ Ownership/ Life cycle Doc. No: 191000

38 Further insight into knowledge transfer

in post acquisition integration: a case study in a MNE [Multi National Enterprises]/ Sylva Zakova Talpova.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.66-78.

Knowledge sharing/ Information transfer/ Mergers/ Acquisitions/ Integration/ Transnational Corporations/ Case studies Doc. No: 190975

39 A genetic algorithm for investment

consumption optimization with value-at-risk constraint and information-processing cost/ by Zhuo Jin, Zhixin Yang, Quan Yuan.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Investments/ Consumption/ Optimization/ Value/ Risk/ Information processing/ Cost/ Genetic algorithm/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 191005

40 Hedonic motivation and social influence

on behavioral intention of e-money/ Husnil Khatimah, Perengki Susanto, Nor Liza Abdullah.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Motivation/ Social impact/ Money/ Electronic services/ Payment Systems Doc. No: 190992



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

41 Identification of the main risk factors in

infrastructure projects of transporting people on rail by public-private partnerships/ Vagner Sanches Vasconcelos,...[et al].- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Transportation/ Infrastructure/ Projects/ Railroad/ Public Private Partnership (PPP)/ Risk management/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 190998

42 Identifying enablers of innovation in

developed economies/ Agostino Menna, Philip R. Walsh, Homeira Ekhtari.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.1, p.108-128.

Innovations/ Policy/ Competition/ Developed countries/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190981

43 The Impact of Electronic Banking on

Financial Inclusion in Nigeria/ Emeka E. Ene, Gabriel O. Abba and Gideon F. Fatokun.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1409-1422.

Nigeria/ Economic growth/ Development/ Electronic services/ Banking business/ Automation/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190902

44 The impact of modern technology on

providing counseling services in the light of some variables/ Nashat Abu Hassouneh, Asad Farhan Alzoubi.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.132-144.

Counseling/ Technology/ Service industry Doc. No: 190965

45 Impact of personality traits on

entrepreneurial intention and demographic factors as moderator/ Nosheena Yasir,...[et al].- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Personality traits/ Demographic analysis/ Age/ Gender/ Ethnic groups/ Religion/ Education/ Occupations/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 191002

46 An indexation mechanism for retirement

age: analysis of the gender gap/ by Mariarosaria Coppola, Maria Russolillo and Rosaria Simone.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Retirement/ Age/ Gender/ Longevity/ Risk/ Life Expentancy/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 191011

47 The Influencing Mechanism of

Information Sharing Level and Inter-Firm Value Co-Creation: An Empirical Study Based on Synergy Effect/ Qiang Liu.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.821-833.

Information/ Sharing/ Value/ Information technology/ Information exchange/ Data analysis/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190903

48 An innovative framework for risk

management in construction projects in developing countries: evidence from Pakistan/ by Ahsan Nawaz,...[et al].- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Risk management/ Innovations/ Construction/ Projects/ Developing countries/ Pakistan/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 191010



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

49 An intelligence-based view of firm

performance: profiting from artificial intelligence/ Ulrich Lichtenthaler.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.1, p.7-20.

Performance/ Corporations/ Artificial intelligence/ Profits/ Competitive Advantage Doc. No: 190977

50 Knowledge and innovation: an empirical

analysis of firm's organization in the Baltic Countries/ Annunziata de Felice, Antonella Biscione, Isabella Martucci.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.34 48.

Knowledge/ Innovations/ Manufacturing/ Baltic Region/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190973

51 Knowledge creation in a participatory

design context: the use of empathetic participatory design/ Stephen Kyakulumbye, Shaun Pather, Mmaki Jantjies.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.49 65.

Knowledge creation/ Design/ Participation/ Empathy/ Information technology/ Tables Doc. No: 190974

52 Knowledge sharing and organizational

culture dimensions: does job satisfaction matter?/ Wioleta Kucharska, Denise. A. D. Bedford.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.1-18.

Knowledge sharing/ Organizational culture/ Job satisfaction/ Performance/ Knowledge management/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190971

53 Labor Market Imbalances and Personnel

Recruitment/ Raimondo Ingrassia.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1376-1394.

Employment/ Personnel/ Recruitment/ Economics/ Cycles/ Labour Market/ Italy Doc. No: 190904

54 Literature Review on Pricing of Initial

Discharge Right of Sewage/ Lina Wang,...[et all].- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, May; Vol.09, No.05, p.1187-1200.

Environmental management/ Pollution/ Emission control/ Sewage/ Discharge/ Pricing Doc. No: 190905

55 The Low Beta Anomaly and Estimation

Interval/ Brandon K. Renfro.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.01, p.203-211.

Equity/ Capital/ Assets/ Pricing/ Models/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190906

56 Machine learning in banking risk

management: a literature review/ by Martin Leo, Suneel Sharma, K. Maddulety.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Risk management/ Banking business/ Learning/ Fraud Doc. No: 191007



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

57 Macroeconomic effects of

entrepreneurship: evidences from factor, efficiency and innovation driven countries/ Mohsen Mohammadi Khyareh, Masoud Khairandish, Hossein Torabi.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Macroeconomics/ Efficiency/ Innovations/ Finance/ Government policies/ Support/ Taxes/ Bureaucracy/ Training/ Technology/ Market/ Infrastructure/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 191003

58 Market risk and financial performance

of non-financial companies listed on the Moroccan stock exchange/ by Diby Francois Kassi,...[et al].- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Market/ Risk/ Performance/ Financial aspects/ Stock markets/ Morocco/ Tables Doc. No: 191012

59 Mediating Effects between Perspectives

in Strategy Maps.- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-12.

Balanced scorecard/ Strategy/ Maps/ Equation/ Modelling/ Mediation/ Effects/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190907

60 The mediating role of stress on the effect

of self-control and self-management on level of hope in coaches/ Serdar Sucan.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.279-285.

Mental stress/ Self-Management/ Control/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190970

61 Modeling and Forecasting of Ghana's

Inflation Volatility/ Abdul-Karim Iddrisu,...[et all].- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.930-949.

Ghana/ Economy/ Inflation/ Volatility/ Macroeconomics/ Monetary system/ Fiscal Policy/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190908

62 Modelling recovery rates for non-

performing loans/ by Hui Ye, Anthony Bellotti.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Loans/ Credit/ Risk/ Recovery/ Modelling/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 191009

63 Multi-Sided Platforms Balance Demand

and Capacity/ Cameron Fisher.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019; Vol.09, No.07, p.1596-1624.

Business/ Models/ Customer satisfaction/ Profitability/ Cloud computing/ G.P.S./ Platforms/ Sensors/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190909

64 On double value at risk/ by Wanbing

Zhang, Sisi Zhang, Peibiao Zhao.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Value/ Risk/ Finance/ Tables (data)/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 191006



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

65 Online Shopping and Customers

Satisfaction in Lagos State, Nigeria/ Omoneye O. Olasanmi.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1446-1463.

Purchasing/ Retailing/ Online system/ Customer satisfaction/ Nigeria/ Tables Doc. No: 190910

66 Optimal Asset Allocation for a Mean-

Variance-CVaR Insurer under Regulatory Constraints/ Yu Shi, Xia Zhao and Xin Yan.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019; Vol.09, No.07, p.1568-1580.

Assets/ Allocation/ Optimal control/ Insurance/ Regulations/ Constraints Doc. No: 190911

67 Optimal portfolio selection in an Ito

Markov additive market/ by Zbigniew Palmowski, Eukasz Stettner, Anna Sulima.- Risks. 2019, March; Vol.7, No.1.

Portfolio management/ Selection/ Market/ Securities/ Finance/ Mathematical models Doc. No: 191004

68 A practitioners perspective on the

benefits of open innovation/ Timothy Eric Stroh.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.7-14.

Innovations/ Strategy/ Performance/ Risk Doc. No: 190983

69 Predicting Stock Return of UAE Listed

Companies Using Financial Ratios/ Arindam Banerjee.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.02, p.214-225.

Prices/ Earnings/ Equity/ Yield (productivity)/ Debts/ Stock markets/ Investment returns/ Companies/ U.A.E. Doc. No: 190912

70 Production Efficiency Improvement by

Using Tecnomatix Simulation Software and RPWM Line Balancing Technique: A Case Study/ Sadekul Islam, Shipra Sarker, Mahmud Parvez.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.809-820.

Simulation/ Software system/ Production/ Efficiency/ Improvement/ Time/ Case studies/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190913

71 Promoting self-learning and autonomy

with the use of ICT in higher education through projects close to professional practice/ Carlos R. Jaimez-Gonzalez, Wulfrano A. Luna-Ramirez.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.37-46.

Learning/ Higher Education/ Self-Management/ Autonomy/ Information technology/ Projects/ Innovations Doc. No: 190963



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

72 A Proposal for a Predictive Performance

Assessment Model in Complex Sociotechnical Systems Combining Fuzzy Logic and the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM)/ Hussein Slim and Sylvie Nadeau.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1345-1375.

Performance appraisal/ Variability/ Prediction/ Models/ Fuzzy logic/ Aircraft/ Safety/ Graphs (charts)/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190914

73 A Relational Approach to Leadership for

Multi-Actor Governance/ Marc Craps,...[et all].- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-11.

Interorganizational relations/ Collaboration/ Governance/ Complexity/ Leadership/ Theory/ Mining Doc. No: 190915

74 The relationship between management

style perceptions and motivation levels of the employees working in provincial organizations of the General Directorate of Sports/ Mehmet Yazici.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.117-131.

Management styles/ Perception/ Motivation/ Sports/ Organization/ Tables Doc. No: 190964

75 Research on National Scientific Research

Cooperation between China and the One Belt and One Road Based on the Frontier Gravity Model/ Wang Huan.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, May; Vol.09, No.05, p.1234-1253.

Scientific research/ Cooperation/ China/ Gravity/ Models/ U.S.A./ Patents/ Economics/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190916

76 Research on Relationship between Port

Logistics and Economic Growth Based on VAR: A Case of Shanghai/ Jiahui Sun and Siqin Yu.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019; Vol.09, No.07, p.1557-1567.

Port terminal/ Logistics/ Economic growth/ G.D.P./ Vector/ China/ Cargo/ Tables Doc. No: 190917

77 Research on Retailer's Dual Channel

Multi-Product Bundle Sales Pricing/ Rui Li and Huaili Chen.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1506-1523.

Consumers/ Online system/ Retailing/ Sales/ Cost/ Pricing/ Equation/ Graphs Doc. No: 190918



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

78 Research on Technology Spillover's

Bridge Effect between Bidirectional FDI and GVC Position A Case of Chinese Manufacturing Industry/ Pei Yu and Ge Peng.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.845-853.

China/ Manufacturing/ Industries/ Technology/ Foreign investment/ Tables Doc. No: 190919

79 Research on the Impact of Brand

Experience on Brand Love/ Xi Zhang.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.898-903.

Brand names/ Experience/ Correlations/ Consumers/ Emotional intelligence/ Tables Doc. No: 190920

80 Risk Assessment and Governance

Strategy of Production Safety Accidents in Jinwan District of Zhuhai City Based on Integrated Application of Risk Matrix and Borda Count Methods/ Yaxuan Wang.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.886-897.

Risk assessment/ Production/ Safety/ Accidents/ Matrix/ Governance/ China Doc. No: 190921

81 Risk Management as a Success Factor in

the International Activity of Spanish Engineering Alicia/ Alicia Lozano-Torro,...[et all].- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-20.

Foreign markets/ Risk management/ Success in business/ Economic recession/ Engineering/ Competition/ Spain Doc. No: 190922

82 The role of entrepreneurial orientation to

SME performance in Bangladesh/ Uzzal Hossain, Ahmed Al Asheq.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Orientation/ Enterprises/ Performance/ Bangladesh/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190995

83 The Role of Higher Education in

Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies: Some Insights from Castilla-La Mancha University in Spain/ Angela Gonzalez Moreno, Llanos Lopez Munoz and Rosario Perez Morote.- Administrative Sciences. 2019; Vol.09, No.01, p.1-24.

Entrepreneurship/ Education/ Teachers/ Universities/ Job creation Doc. No: 190923

84 Single entry method as the way to

improve small and medium enterprise governance/ Nuramalia Hasanah, Ratna Anggraini, Unggul Purwohedi.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Governance/ Improvement/ Enterprises/ Financial statements/ Accounting/ Graphs Doc. No: 190996

85 Sports manager training and leadership

behaviors/ Elif Bozyigit.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.248-255.

Leadership/ Behaviour/ Training/ Sports/ Turkey/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190967



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

86 The strength of trust over ties:

investigating the relationships between trustworthiness and tie strength in effective knowledge sharing/ M. Max Evans, Ilja Frissen, Chun Wei Choo.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.19 33.

Trust/ Knowledge sharing/ Social Capital/ Networking/ Management Doc. No: 190972

87 Student entrepreneurial intention

towards entrepreneurship course with different credit loading hours/ Muhammad Zainudin, Cholichul Hadi, Fendy Suhariadi.- International Journal of Entrepreneurship. 2019, March; Vol.23, No.1.

Entrepreneurship/ Education/ Students/ Courses/ Attitudes/ Perception/ Tables Doc. No: 190999

88 A study of how uncertainty emerges in

the uncertainty-embedded innovation process/ Sabrina Luthfa.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.1, p.46-79.

Uncertainty/ Innovations/ Management/ Safety/ Case studies Doc. No: 190979

89 Taxation and Income Inequality in

Nigeria/ John Obiora Anyaduba and Praise Oghenefejiro Otulugbu.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.03, p.118-135.

Income Inequality/ Taxation/ Error compensation/ Models/ Value Added/ Taxes/ Governments/ Economic growth/ Nigeria Doc. No: 190924

90 Teachers' organizational communication

and their job motivation/ Oznur Atas Akdemir.- Journal of Education and Learning. 2019; Vol.8, No.2, p.264-270.

Teachers/ Communication/ Organization/ Motivation/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190968

91 Testing the Level of Compliance of

International Accounting Standard IAS 38: Evidence from Bahrain/ Mohammed Saeed Hassan, Adel M. Sarea and Gagan Kukreja.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.03, p.136-148.

Accounting/ Standards/ Compliance/ Assets/ Disclosure/ Indexes (documentation)/ Bahrain/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190925

92 Theoretical Observations on Power in

Complex Organizations/ Federico de Andreis and Massimiliano Carioni.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1423-1430.

Leadership/ Authority/ Organization/ Productivity/ Managers/ Employees/ Relationship Doc. No: 190926

93 Thriving Products Designed to Fill

Uganda's Market Loopholes/ Juliet Kategaya Nsiima, Xing Fang and Jiefeng Lv.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.904-913.

Uganda/ Market/ Youth/ Products/ Design/ Innovations/ Technology/ Solar energy Doc. No: 190927



NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions Management Articles

94 Toward a deeper understanding of

competitive knowledge assets/ Scott Erickson, Helen N. Rothberg.- The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management. 2019, April; Vol.17, No.1, p.79-88.

Knowledge management/ Assets/ Competition/ Social media/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190976

95 Towards the science of managing for

innovation: the beginning/ Anne-Laure Mention, Joao Jose Pinto Ferreira, Marko Torkkeli.- Journal of Innovation Management. 2019; Vol.7, No.2, p.1-6.

Management/ Innovations/ Paradigms Doc. No: 190982

96 Trend in Viewing Quantitative Analysis

as a Primary Function Involving Decision Making in Organisations/ Karibo Benaiah Bagshaw and Kalio Linda Nissi.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, June; Vol.09, No.06, p.1492-1505.

Trends/ Quantitative analysis/ Decision making/ Organization/ Data analysis/ Network analysis Doc. No: 190928

97 Two Level Principal-Agent Analysis in

Farmland Transfer/ Hui Shen and Yaxiang Liu.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, March; Vol.09, No.03, p.427-438.

Land/ Circulation/ Scales/ Management/ Land/ Supply chain/ Equation Doc. No: 190929

98 Unbridled Commitment to Profit by

Nigeria's Electricity Distribution Companies andSpirituality in Consumer Value Creation/ Patrick S. Ohikhena, Williams Akerejola and P. O. Emenike.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, May; Vol.09, No.05, p.1254-1283.

Nigeria/ Electricity/ Distribution/ Commitment/ Profits/ Spirituality/ Value creation/ Consumers Doc. No: 190930

99 Unequal Impact of Conditional

Conservatism on Components Accruals: Evidence from French Capital Market/ Sihem Hmani.- Accounting and Finance Research. 2019; Vol.08, No.02, p.245-267.

Conservatism/ Companies/ France/ Capital market/ Equation/ Tables (data) Doc. No: 190931

100 What Determine the International

Competitiveness of Chinese Publishing Industry?/ Long Wei and Hui Yang.- American Journal of Industrial and Business Management. 2019, April; Vol.09, No.04, p.789-798.

China/ Publishing/ Competitiveness/ Market/ Culture/ Government policies Doc. No: 190932



News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

1 Adnoc Asian Tour Advances International Agenda.- MEES. 2019, July 26; Vol.62, No.30, p.4-5. U.A.E./ Adnoc/ Agreements/ China/ Market/ Indonesia/ Russia/ Lukoil Doc. No: 190941

2 Adnoc Boosts Trading Plans With VTTI Stake.- MEES. 2019, August 09; Vol.62, No.32, p.4. Adnoc/ Products/ Storage/ Terminal facilities/ Shareholdings/ U.A.E./ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 190956

3 ADNOC, Eni, OMV trading venture to start operations in 2020/ Dania Saadi and Eklavya Gupte.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 01; Vol.97, No.150, p.1,3. Adnoc/ Eni/ O.M.V/ Trade/ Joint venture/ Middle East/ N.O.C./ U.A.E. Doc. No: 190949

4 BP, Eni ink oil exploration, production sharing deal with Oman/ Dania Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 01; Vol.97, No.150, p.3-4. B.P./ Eni/ Crude oil/ Exploration/ Production/ Sharing/ Contracts/ Oman, Doc. No: 190950

5 CDU tower for Africa s biggest refinery heads to Nigeria/ Eklavya Gupte.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 31; Vol.97, No.149, p.5. Crude oil/ Distillation/ Towers/ Africa/ Nigeria/ Refineries/ Sinopec/ China Doc. No: 190948

6 China's Jereh to build 10 LNG fueling stations for trucks in Russia/ Lucie Roux.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 29; Vol.97, No.147, p.5. China/ Companies/ L.N.G./ Fuels/ Truck/ Russia Doc. No: 190940

7 ConocoPhillips raises 2019 capex 3%

to $6.3 billion, ramping Alaska activity/ Starr Spencer.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 31; Vol.97, No.149, p.1,5-6. Budget/ Alaska/ Exploration/ Drilling/ Appraisals Doc. No: 190946

8 COSL and Halliburton strike Kuwait rig deal/ Xu Yihe.- Upstream. 2019, July 12; Vol.24, No.28, p.23. Jack-up rig/ Drilling rig/ Kuwait/ Middle East/ Halliburton/ Oil fields/ China Doc. No: 190960

9 Eni & Total Strengthen Cyprus Ties.-

MEES. 2019, August 02; Vol.62, No.31, p.4. Eni/ Total/ Cyprus/ Exploration/ Appraisals/ Well drilling Doc. No: 190953

10 Eni softens 2019 output growth

target as lower prices dent earnings/ Robert Perkins.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 29; Vol.97, No.147, p.1,4,5. Eni/ Production/ Prices/ Earnings/ Venezuela/ Indonesia/ Cash flow/ Refining/ Egypt/ Projects Doc. No: 190939



News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

11 Falih says Saudi Arabia committed to oil cuts deal up to first quarter of 2020/ Dania Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 06; Vol.97, No.153, p.4. Saudi Arabia/ OPEC/ Non-OPEC countries/ Agreements/ Production/ Russia Doc. No: 190952

12 Galp sees 2019 production on high side of forecasts/ Gianluca Baratti.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 30; Vol.97, No.148, p.5,6. Portugal/ Floating/ Production/ Storage/ Upstream operations/ Downstream operations/ Brazil Doc. No: 190943

13 Iraq Signs MoU for Key Gas Processing Project.- MEES. 2019, July 19; Vol.62, No.29, p.10. Iraq/ Gas plants/ M.O.U/ Gas processing/ Projects/ Gas flaring/ Production Doc. No: 190934

14 JPTT adds to Singapore oil storage infrastructure ahead of IMO 2020/ Surabhi Sahu and Jeslyn Lerh.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 31; Vol.97, No.149, p.3-4. Singapore/ Clean fuels/ Joint venture/ Storage/ Bunker Doc. No: 190947

15 Karoon Gas closes in on Bauna asset victory/ Gareth Chetwynd.- Upstream. 2019, July 12; Vol.24, No.28, p.4. Fields/ Development/ Production/ Exploration/ Brazil/ South America/ Petrobras Doc. No: 190959

16 Kurdistan's Shaky Outlook For Gas Exports.- MEES. 2019, August 09; Vol.62, No.32, p.2. Iraq/ Kurdistan/ Natural gas/ Exports/ Supply (economics)/ Delay/ Gas fields/ Turkey Doc. No: 190955

17 Nigeria's NNPC eyes 94,000 b/d new oil output from onshore block.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 25; Vol.97, No.145, p.4. Nigeria/ Crude oil/ Production/ Reserves/ Funding/ Financing Doc. No: 190938

18 Nigeria's NNPC pledges to supply 10% of India's crude demand/ Eklavya Gupte.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 22; Vol.97, No.142, p.6. (economics)/ India/ Demand (economics)/ U.S.A./ Competition Doc. No: 190933

19 Oil futures slightly bullish,

shrugging off tumble in equities/ Jeff Mower.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 13; Vol.97, No.158, p.8-9. Crude oil/ Equity/ Argentina/ U.S.A./ China/ Trade/ Drilling Doc. No: 190958

20 Oman Cuts Deficit, But Oil Dependence Remains.- MEES. 2019, July 26; Vol.62, No.30, p.10-11. Oman/ Deficit/ Crude oil/ Prices/ Value chain/ Exports/ Revenue/ Graphs (charts) Doc. No: 190942



News NIOC Information Center New Acquisitions

21 Oman expects to discover more gas amid $20 billion of projects with Shell, Total/ Dania Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 26; Vol.97, No.146, p.5-6. Oman/ Natural gas/ Projects/ Shell/ Total/ Exploration/ Demand (economics)/ G.T.L/ L.N.G./ Bunker Doc. No: 190937

22 Oman's top oil producer set to boost output 10% in 5 years/ Dania Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 06; Vol.97, No.153, p.3-4. Oman/ Crude oil/ Producers/ Production/ Oman/ Sour crude oil/ Sour gas/ Enhanced oil recovery Doc. No: 190951

23 Oman to ramp up LNG output by 10% by 2021/ Dania Saadi.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 30; Vol.97, No.148, p.6,7. Oman/ L.N.G./ Trade/ Production/ Contracts Doc. No: 190944

24 Petrogas NEO sets sail for UK/ Eoin O'Cinneide.- Upstream. 2019, July 12; Vol.24, No.28, p.38. Fields/ Development/ Production/ Exploration/ U.K./ North sea/ Western Europe/ Total/ Oman Doc. No: 190962

25 Qatar buys into Guyana offshore blocks with Total farm-in/ Miriam Malek and Robert Perkins.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 30; Vol.97, No.148, p.7. Qatar/ QP/ Exploration/ Wells/ Drilling/ Guyana/ Offshore Doc. No: 190945

26 Saudi Aramco to expand East-West Pipeline to 7 million b/d by September/ Herman Wang.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, August 13; Vol.97, No.158, p.4,5. Saudi Aramco/ Crude oil/ Pipelines/ Exports/ Terminal facilities Doc. No: 190957

27 State oil giants raise trading game in battle for global flows/ Robert Perkins and Tamara Sleiman.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 17; Vol.97, No.139, p.1,8-9. Crude oil/ Trade/ Demand (economics)/ Exports/ OPEC/ Doc. No: 190935

28 Total Sees Algeria Revenue Fueling Mozambique LNG Plans.- MEES. 2019, August 02; Vol.62, No.31, p.7. Total/ Algeria/ Revenue/ Mozambique/ L.N.G./ Anadarko/ Africa/ Assets/ Cash flow Doc. No: 190954

29 Total to sell $5 billion of assets as profits slump on falling gas prices/ Eklavya Gupte and Robert Perkins.- Platts Oilgram News. 2019, July 26; Vol.97, No.146, p.1,3,4. Total/ Production/ Assets/ Profits/ Refineries/ Demand (economics) Doc. No: 190936

30 Uzbekneftegaz nets gas find near

Kazakh border/ Vladimir Afanasiev.- Upstream. 2019, July 12; Vol.24, No.28, p.26. Fields/ Development/ Exploration/ Uzbekistan/ Central Asia/ C.N.P.C. Doc. No: 190961



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