nikko king! portfolio dont delete

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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(805) 202-6758


Programs used: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

To the left is the website logo I have designed which is basically a heart upside down with an arrow pointing up words.

These t-shirt designs sold out!

Had our photo shoot at various locations in San Luis Obispo for Rise Against Design where we used props and lights to create our scene.

Bumper stickers!

To the left you can see we took a picture of my little cousin, imported the picture into photoshop and we drew the tattoos and gave stylin’ hair. These were also simply flyers that we made to attach to each piece of clothing we sold.

Before and After Photoshop!


These characters started out as some of my sketches and I turned them into 3D.

First I model out the character in 3D then I color them in Adobe Photoshop. To the right is an example of the before and after I color the character in photoshop.

Started as a sketch then I sculpted the characters in a 3D program and then I used photoshop to color in the characters and the scene.


After high school I thought it was time to move on from cartoons and start drawing some realistic characters. I saw this person in a book and decided to draw him on a larger canvas.

All of my drawings are completely free hand. I like to use just a regular pencil and a sketch pad when I draw out my ideas. When I come up with an image or an idea I like to sketch them out onto paper, then try to transfer that idea into Adobe Illustrator or into 3D.

More sketches…

There used to be a large field and an oak tree right by my house with a tire swing. Now there are a bunch of houses built. The oak tree is still there but with out the swing.

I love how these trees have that creepy look to them. I got inspired and decided to draw it.

I started oil painting freshman year in high school.


Programs used: Mudbox, Maya and Photoshop.

Here is a snapshot of the sword that I designed in 3D animation.

This is an example of my animation work in dynamics.

Here is an example of my human model in 3D also created the skeleton for the character.

To the right is a snapshot of a battering ram that I have designed for 3D animation class.

Thank you!

Contact me at:

Mobile number: (805) 202-6758

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