nightmare on elm street 4: the dream master (remastered)

Post on 13-Dec-2014






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Shots: 62 Length: 1.10Characters: 1 antagonist, 1 protagonist Location Features: isolated areas, mansion, abandoned warehouse. Props: (children), typical sharp weapons, Freddie’s claws etc.


The main antagonists identity is very hidden in the trailer, we aren’t actually introduced to him clearly. However it is clear that the antagonist is a man, we know this from the characters big build and in which the way he dresses. The antagonist is wearing a manly jumper with a typical ‘old man’ hat, he also wears slouching jeans which again let us know that he is a man. His main prop is in fact his sharp deadly claws, the claws in which he succeeds to kill his victims with. In the trailer we aren’t given much information about him other than the fact that he plans to kill a young girl named Alice.



The main protagonist is named Alice. We are identified with Alice from the very beginning. From Alice’s point of view from the trailer, we are shown that she is seeing a group of children. Possibly a group of children that Freddy has haunted and sent to Alice. Alice is on edge right the way through the trailer as the children sing in her mind. Alice is also seen with a couple of her friends when they discover a mysterious place in an abandoned warehouse. However, Alice is only seen again by herself, with no clue as to where her friends are.



As clearly shown, Freddy Krueger’s costume is simply a striped jumper and jeans with the finishing touch of a hat. However, it is unclear to the audience in the trailer whether the claws are actually a prop used by Freddy or whether it is some form of condition. A condition which we are shown has also damaged his body. His costume is very old and raggedy, which may suggest that he isn’t normal with a loving family that provide for him, instead he has to fend for himself however cannot afford to waste his time caring about his appearance.


Alice’s costume is a simple white robe. However, as she has been clothed in white, this may suggest chaste and that she is pure. With Alice wearing white, we are instantly notified that she is a loving young lady and that she has never done anything bad in her life. However she is the next of Freddy’s victims. Her hair is also blonde, this could also imply that she is angel like, with angel features. Also suggesting that she is a smart and loving young lady.


Overall, the costumes used in this trailer can be easily replicated in my own . The use of different characters dressed differently allows my trailer and characters to have variety. Variety in clothing can determine different characters personality. For example if I was to replicate a such trailer as this example. My main character (girl) can be dressed in all white. As well as my antagonist wearing scruffy, raggedy clothes.


The props which have been used in the trailer all play an important role in the final film. There aren’t many different props in this trailer, however the fact that the film is based around Freddy and his famous claws, props and weapons aren’t necessarily needed. His claws play an important role in the trailer as that is how the audience know the victims die. Straight away, the audience is drawn into the trailer and furthermore want to find out in the film all about his claws. As well as Freddy’s claws, he uses other similar sharp weapons , although he doesn’t kill with them they are used as a prop.

Another prop that is usage of sweet and innocent children’s voices. The voices have been used as juxtaposition when they are being attacked and the atmosphere is suddenly ‘happy’ yet also ‘creepy’. This creates a sense of sadisticness and cruelty.

These props could easily be used in my trailer however using safer replicas that would cause no danger.


The location of the trailer is set in a weary, isolated destination. Which in most horrors is typically the case, the use of an abandoned mansion also plays an important role in horrors as isolation is seen as a typical horrific place. The abandoned mansion may well be Freddy’s home, therefore this means that the character prefers to be hidden away in a quite desolated place. When equilibrium kicks in, the setting and location is in a remotely large house (mansion) in the early hours of the morning. With it being in the dark, it allows the film and shot types to be more typically horror. This also means as there is no outsiders it eliminates the element of rescue. Therefore this implies there is no hope for survival adding to the tension.

This could be easily replicated for my trailer as I could use the countryside, including fields, barns etc. I could also use the basement of a regular house and edit in some weary ‘spooky’ effects.


The shot types in this trailer vary. At the beginning of the trailer, the shot types are very slow and calm creating a sense of peace. However, shortly after the shot types staggeringly increase. The shots become faster and shorter creating a sense of panic which also draws the audience in. The shots start out as establishing shots which introduce the surroundings, this clearly represents isolation. Shortly after the equilibrium has been disrupted it’s mostly medium shots with only one character in them, demonstrating their vulnerability.

The sound and editing play a role together in the trailer. They work together in setting the mood. For example the sound and editing at the start suggests that everything is calm however that mood doesn’t last very long. The sound and editing then picks up dramatically and a lot of flashing effects start to show, this allows the shot types to become faster creating a more dynamic scene. The trailer towards the end is very dramatic itself including the sound and editing making that happen. The editing of the shot types become more ‘horror like’ and the sound becomes more weary and disturbing. Finally, the use of the children work well together with the editing and the shot types, this allows the trailer to gain more suspense dramatic feelings.

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