nidiafavela final essay-play silence screams

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Nidia Gabriela López Favela 3rd semester student LeDLI UJED


Play “Silence Screams”

Nidia Gabriela López Favela

Final essay-Play “Silence Screams”III semester

Licenciatura en Docencia de la

Lengua Inglesa LEDLI



Play “Silence Screams” November 2013


Home presentation------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (1)

Index------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (2)

Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2)

Statement 1: Antecedents-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3)

Puppet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3)

Statement 2: Identify the problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4)

Statement 3: Solution-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (5)

Acquisition in adolescents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (6)

In classroom we have--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (7)

Bloom´s Taxonomy------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8)

Roles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (8)

References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (9)

Conclusion----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (9)



Play “Silence Screams”INTRODUCTION

This essay is for a better understanding of what is the idea and the reason for the play we developed, the play is about one adolescent who didn’t acquire the English language very well. The play is a funny way to focus in one problem, give the solution and see how it is applied, like a fable, so the adolescents and the public can catch the idea, and reflect a very common situation.

First, the play is a tale of one adolescent, who is North American and lives with his family in Mexico, assist to a Mexican school and has problems with his English class, he decided to take English classes, but he didn’t develop the language and it´s weird, because English it´s his mother language. So the mother of the adolescent is worried, and asks for help to a Mexican show called “Letty sin censura”, in this program Letty and the staff found a solution to the problem.

Second, we decided to develop the play in a funny way because we want our public to laugh and, in the same time give a teaching, because it’s easier to digest in that way. And because in the public are teenagers mostly.

Third, the music, the problem of the adolescent and the type of the show, are elements the adolescents can identity easily.


AntecedentsWe don´t say it, but the play, is about Waldo. Waldo is an adolescent from U.S., who lives in Mexico and go to the school, his mother language is English, even he knows something and has fluency, Waldo decided to take the English class but his Teacher and classmates are constantly beating him and taking advantage of their knowledge. His teacher doesn´t believe in him and the Teacher (Teacher Secundina) doesn´t use methods especially for his students; and Waldo, who knows a little more, is not wanted by the teacher. We see the Teacher bully him and permit that his students do it too. For That, Waldo cannot acquire a better English, and Spanish, he only wants to know more. But why we decided to choose this topic? Well, because the rubric says “An adolescent who didn´t acquire English”, because we are preparing to be English teachers, but why we don´t turn a little and see the other part? The tools are almost the same, but in a different context, the Mexicans can be discriminatory too sometimes.

Talking about the play…Well in the play the first scene shows a mother worried of weird attitudes and changes in Waldo, his son. Waldo said to her, "leave me alone" and "you do not understand me." Because, first is the easier sentiment to show to Waldo who doesn’t want to go to school anymore and stay in Mexico. Second Waldo doesn´t want her mother help, it´s quiet embarrassing for him, and third he doesn’t want help from anybody.



Play “Silence Screams”The adolescent suffers bullying and he wants to go back to his country and old school (who represents “the comfortable mode"). FOR THAT we decide to use a puppet, trying to show Waldo´s conscience. We know the adolescents have: personal fable, imaginary audience and still have strong sense of egocentrism. Also, for adolescents, it’s very important to be accepted, for that is common they form part of urban cultures, and maybe they can discover or they turn in a less tolerant person for others. In this case, Waldo isn’t part of a urban culture, but he feels apart, which makes him sad, and brings the opportunity for his classmates to bother him.

Means they "drown in a glass of water," (ahogarse en un vaso de agua) he didn’t see or didn’t want to see a way out of their problems. But in this specific case, Waldo is alone, he does not make any friends and he doesn’t even want anything to do with his school.

“Anna Freud dealt mainly with deviant or pathological development and paid very little attention to normal sexual adjustment. She described obstacles to normal development: 1) the id overriding the ego - in which she says no trace will be left of the previous character of the individual and entrance into adult life will be marked by a riot of uninhibited gratification of instincts (A. Freud, 1948, p. 163); and, 2) the ego may be victorious over the id and confine it to a limited area, constantly checked by numerous defense mechanisms.

Anna Freud believes the factors involved in adolescent conflict are:

The strength of the id impulse, which is determined by physiological and endocrinological processes during pubescence.

The ego's ability to cope with or to yield to the instinctual forces. This in turn depends on the character training and superego development of the child during the latency period.

The effectiveness and nature of the defense mechanism at the disposal of the ego.”

Cabrales Julio “DESARROLLO DEL ADOLESCENTE” Escuela de Lenguas Fount: DA_3_2011-A_antología_teorias_pag. 5-6 Date: 12/02/13 20:20

And in the other hand, teens often want nothing to do with their parents; they are in a stage where they discover that they are free. But the parents at the end of the day are very sensitive. And the mother, who was concerned about his son Waldo, decides to ask for help on a television program.

The show is pretty much like TV programs that are commonly seen today (Laura en América, Caso cerrado, Cosas de la Vida…). Letty sin censura is like a judgment, so Letty (the judge), calls Waldo’s mother and teacher to the stage, and then exposes evidence with videos. The show has the participation of a school psychologist, and one member of the public. Everything revolves around the subjects taken during the semester.



Play “Silence Screams”

Identify the problem

Through the play, Waldo knows that despite of his English, he didn´t perfectly developed. The attitude of the teacher, his partners and the atmosphere cannot permit it.

The videos presented during the trial are offering us some info we can catch, for example, in the first video we can clearly see that the attitude of the teacher isn’t correct, the Teacher should be kind and tolerant with the age of their students and his culture, state, the fact that the students are teenagers, and what she does, didn’t motivate the students and they aren’t interested in the class, so obviously, they focus his energy in other things, like bother Waldo, because he’s North-American, he’s different, and the Teacher permits those bad attitudes from his companions.

We can see too that the Teacher doesn’t care much for what could be the easy way the learners can develop the new language she teaches. She doesn’t worry about the intelligences of his students, his background, his culture or the style they have to learn.

There exist 3 general views of see the teaching: Cognitivism, Constructivism and Behaviorism.

Cognitivism: Interested in how the learning occurs in the mind. The Info has meaning for them.

Constructivism: The learner feels he discovers, he selects and forms his own judgment.

Behaviorism: With stimuli and repetition, they can succeed.

In this particular case we see the use of the Behaviorism and a traditionalistic style. Because the teacher uses his authority, he can control the atmosphere and use discriminatory stimuli.

They cannot have good effect in the students because they feel fear, even of the environment the teacher develops. Actually they didn’t have interest in the class.

The MI Theory was developed by Gardner, he believes each one of us has all the intelligences, but they don’t develop in the same way and at the same moment, they are:


Musical Naturalist


Linguistic Visual-Spatial

Existential Intrapersonal Interpersonal

The only motivation the students had was fear and that isn’t a good motivation, and for the Teacher it didn’t matter either, the attitude of his students and they feels.

Krashen established 5 hypothesis, Natural Order, Input-Output, Acquisition-Learning, Monitor, and AFFECTIVE FILTER.



Play “Silence Screams”“embodies Krashen's view that a number of 'affective variables' play a facilitative, but non-causal, role in second language acquisition. These variables include: motivation, self-confidence and anxiety. Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, and a low level of anxiety are better equipped for success in second language acquisition. Low motivation, low self-esteem, and debilitating anxiety can combine to 'raise' the affective filter and form a 'mental block' that prevents comprehensible input from being used for acquisition. In other words, when the filter is 'up' it impedes language acquisition. ”

Schütz, Ricardo. "Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition." English Made in Brazil <>. Online. 2 de julho de 2007. Fount: Date:11/23/13 21:09

According to Krashen, it´s important how they feel, because if you feel bad or feel anxious or angry, it doesn’t import what you do or learn, in that moment you are UNABLE.


For that, the thing I propose (and it’s what we see in the second video) is that Teacher Secundina uses these tree focuses (Cognitivism, Constructivism and Behaviorism), but with a major focus in the Cognitivism, and for the age of the students, Constructivism.

Also if she focuses in the mind, she should take into account the multiple intelligence theory. There exist a lot of ways to find the person intelligences, and then explode them. When the Teacher Secundina finds them, she can design classes according to her students, and the ways the students prefer, and they will understand better. She only needs to canalize them.

I think it’s really important as a teacher to take interest and investigate the things which are in the mind of her students, probably if she knows it, design activities more specific to the necessities of the students so she can have their attention, and if the students are interest and motivated, the things they do, are important and well done.

Also Teacher Secundina must be up to date, focus in discover what interest and motivate the teenager´s students. And try to use the new technologies; they exist for the people´s use, why not prove them? They are things the adolescents can understand and feel more comfortable around to use.

Then I research some info, I received during this semester, and this research is what I think a good teacher must considerate in the design of better classes, because your goal is to get the student´s mind and make the best they can be.

Acquisition in adolescents



Play “Silence Screams”When you learn and want to acquire a new language, and when you teach (like us), you need to know the level of maturity of your students and determinate what to teach, how and what I can receive from my students.

There exist a specific process to acquire in a good way the language and it´s important because you need to know your/his limits and what you´ll want to show.

There exists an order, and if you give it to your

students in a wrong way, maybe they’ll never catch the language, and if you have a lot of errors and give or expect a “heavy” content, they will forget easily the grammar instructions or just won’t take interest in it.

Talking about maturity, this is one of the characteristic of a learner. Maturity is the brain´s age of our students, the age marks to the teacher the better way to teach according to them. Childrens, teenagers, and adults have different levels of maturity, you can´t give



Date: 11/24/13 20:51

Play “Silence Screams”the information in the same way to a kid of 4 years old like a person of 14 years or a person of 40 years.

In classroom we have…

According with some research’s and studies, I can determinate that:

By Krashen By Long By Swaim

We can call INPUT to all the info. The learner receives from the teacher, actually there are many important researcher´s and studies, but maybe the most important at the moment is Krashen, he believes that the info we provide must be clear and well organized. Also he said that there exist two processes in our mind, the acquisition is unconscious, and the learning is conscious. So, it´s important when we teach to give some interesting and clear tasks, because the learner chooses the info.

The OUTPUT, Swaim said, is the producer of the learner. Obviously, if at the beginning is good, the final product reflects that.

“…authentic learning is a vital part of education in the 21st Century. The need to create learning opportunities that are grounded in reality, and form a concrete basis for real world transferable knowledge and skills has never been more important. We also need assessment for learning. ” Posted 29th November 2012 by Steve Wheeler, “10 characteristics of authentic learning”

Date: 11/24/13 23:51

Bloom´s Taxonomy





Play “Silence Screams”Bloom´s Taxonomy, like others, is a teacher’s tool, especially for designing better classes. Teacher Secundina must to use this tool, and I recommend it. This tool shows all the things a teacher must develop and strengthen in his student´s mind. As you see in this chart, a good teacher first needs to strengthen the level, before the next level, and in the end is more probable to have good results, like they say “Get right from the beginning”

Video Game Culture and Theory January 2012 — Seton Hill University

Fount: 22:10


At the end of the Day, teacher and students play a role in the classroom, these are the game of knowledge, things Teacher Secundina must show in the things she does, and things she must develop in her students, but first in herself, because the example is better for them.

Teacher Student

Answer all the doubts Be creativeMake a respectful environment Arrive on timeMotivate to listen and participate Accomplish all the tasks and HWBe formal PatienceArrive on time Open mindPatience/Tolerant HonestyBe kind Be cleanProvide feed-back Make objective opinionsPlanning the class ParticipateConstantly update



Play “Silence Screams”REFERENCES

Other online pages I consulted:

CONCLUSIONWe try to focus the play in “bullying” because we think, as a team, it’s important to see, we can ignore this problem that exists in our society. It’s very delicate, bullying is like “carrilla”, but it exists in many different ways than how we did it. And in teens it’s very common, for some it’s only a bump (bache), and it could be a challenge, but, some others are too sensible and cannot stand it, and in this play, Waldo suffers bullying from his teacher, it´s more worrying because the teacher can understand the way his teenager students can be, but the teacher cannot be am example and the first who hurts his student and who knows and allows this behavior.



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