nicole rege-colet - innovative teaching and learning practices: stepping beyond the boundaries

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Innovative teaching and learning: stepping beyond the boundariesGAIHE Peer learning activitiyEuropean research and reflections about innovation in FranceMonday 25 January 2016

Share my views on innovation in higher education

Explain my framework

Present actions carried out

My intentions

Actionless mind


Mindless action

Building up teaching and learning capacities in higher education

Reinventing 21st century higher education

Facilitating paradigm shifts

My goals

Core questions and challenges

Action research

Framework to observe my experience and the system in which I am operating

What do I need in order to achieve my goals?

I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in

which they can learn

Je n’enseigne jamais à mes étudiants; je m’efforce seulement de leur fournir les conditions dans lesquelles ils peuvent apprendre

Shifting teaching and learning paradigm

Student-centered focussing on learning


Teacher-centered focussing on

transmission of contents

Single courses & programmes Educational system

Self-management Collegial management

Micro regulatory procedures Accountability & governance

Internal assessment External assessment

Short-term adjustments Long-term decision making

A change of mindset that implies shifts

Going beyond the boundaries

Thinking out of the box

Stepping out of the comfort zone

Going through the eye of the needle

Metaphors related to transformational learning include …

More on innovation

Ceci n’est pas une innovation pédagogique

Innovating, a big leap forward?

MITx U.Lab, 2015

Otto Scharmer & Theory U


The transformational journey



Act swiftly

MITx U.Lab, 2015


Seeing with fresh eyes



Crystallising vision & intention


Performing from the whole

Letting go Letting come





Voice of judgment

Voice of cynicism Compassion


Open mind

Open heart

Open will

Voice of fear

Who am I ?What is my work ?


System thinking Help the system see itself

Ownership Taking responsibilities for our actions and

the consequences

Inner leadership Being the change that we want to see in

the world

Leading transformation: the social technology

Let no one enter who cannot see that the issues outside are a mirror of the

issues inside

Three conditions

for supporting innovative teaching and learning practices

1. Experimenting

2. Reflecting on experience

3. Support generative conversations

Prototyping with numerous iterations Calls for proposals Funding innovations in teaching & learning

Organising work groups Coaching circles Communities of practice

Experimenting with appreciative inquiry tools World café Humble inquiry Sensing journeys

Empowering people to become creators and innovators

Professional developement of academics

Three phases of professional development

1. The novice: phase of first steps (survival)

2. The experienced teacher : phase of developing professional identity as a teacher

3. The expert: phase of innovation and sharing of expertise

Leverage of professional development

Workshops and programmes

Individual or team


Quality enhancement

Scholarship of teaching and


Berthiaume, D. & Rege Colet, N. (Eds) (2013). Pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur : repères théoriques et applications pratiques. Tome 1. Enseigner au supérieur. Berne : Peter Lang.

Rege Colet, N. (à paraître 2016). L’institution face à l’innovation pédagogique: la conduite du changement entre repères théoriques et mesures administratives. Dans A. Dumont & D. Berthiaume, D. (Eds), Enseigner autrement dans le supérieur. Réflexions théoriques et pratiques autour du concept de classe inversée. Bruxelles : de Boeck.

Rege Colet, N. & Berthiaume, D. (Eds) (2015). Pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur : repères théoriques et applications pratiques. Tome 2. Se développer au titre d’enseignant. Berne : Peter Lang.

Scharmer, C.O. (2015). Notes du cours en ligne. U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self. edX MITx: 15.671x

Scharmer, C.O. Theory U. Leading from the future as it emerges. The social technology of presencing. San Francisco (CA): Berret-Koehler.

Scharmer, C.O. & Kaufer, K. (2013). Leading from the emerging future. From ego-system to eco-system economies. Applying theory U to transforming business, society, and self. San Francisco (CA): Berret-Koehler.

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline. The art and practice of the learning organisation. New York: Currency Doubleday.

Références bibliographiques



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