ngo: whys and hows

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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NGO: whys and hows. 前提. 世界有很多問題 「應然」與「實然」 與我何關 ? 智性:為何有此問題 請考慮「結構性」的因素 所有的事 都有政治意涵 同理:認知到這些「人」和「問題」的關係 情緒:他和我有什麼關係?有哪些異同? What can be done? 資源在哪裡? 新想法、說服別人 提供者的技能與專長 財源. 純智性的考慮. 世界衛生組織:享受最高水準的健康照護是每個人的基本權利 每個人應該為自己的健康負責嗎? 吸菸是自己的決定?. Why me?. 自身遭遇 打抱不平 探索世界、興趣、探險 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


NGO: whys and hows

前提1. 世界有很多問題

「應然」與「實然」2. 與我何關 ?

智性:為何有此問題• 請考慮「結構性」的因素• 所有的事 都有政治意涵 同理:認知到這些「人」和「問題」的關係 情緒:他和我有什麼關係?有哪些異同?

3. What can be done? 資源在哪裡? 新想法、說服別人 提供者的技能與專長 財源


每個人應該為自己的健康負責嗎? 吸菸是自己的決定?

Why me?

自身遭遇打抱不平探索世界、興趣、探險目標、意義: Something larger than life

自發性It is not you do to live, it is what you live to do.

組織的目標每個組織訂定自己的使命( mission )Clear goals and measurable outcomes

Self-sustaining projects

Enabling :使其擁有能力Empowerment :讓受助者理解權力結構、以及其自身所處之環節,幫助他認清困難,協助其自立


公民社會 civil society


維薩嚴 組織瑪麗貝爾,十一歲就開始在一個陌生的大宅院裡幹活了。她的經歷同歌中的孩子非常相似。「我的雇主從一開始就傷害我,逼我沒完沒了的幹活。我不僅得不到應有的休息,而且連一分工錢也拿不到,很痛苦。我現在明白了,那樣的家務活根本就不應該讓一個孩子去做。」

Visayan Forum Foundation

Making the invisible visible

Curbing local trafficking

Mobilizing communities

Building advocates and children’s organizations




How to help the Cyclo Drivers in Phnom Penh

從第 9 世紀到第 13 世紀 , 柬埔寨王國控制整個東南亞 , 遭到越南和泰國的侵入 , 1863年成為法國的殖民地 , 1953年獨立。

Cyclo DriversinPhnom Penh,Cambodia

Population (1998 data)面積: 台灣的五倍人口 :台灣的一半 , annual growth 2.49%40% of population is children under 15 84.3% live in rural areas 40% live under the poverty line (1 USD/day)Life expectancy 56 yearsInfant Mortality Rate 80/1,000 live birthsMortality rate of children under 5: 115/1,000 live births

內戰 造成幾近兩百萬人死亡

遭到越戰的波及 , 內部發生矛盾 , 1970年代 , 親西方的軍事政府推翻施亞努親王 , 1975年 , 波布率領赤棉攻佔金邊 , 展開無情的屠殺。蘇聯撐腰的越南軍隊 , 於 1978年入侵 , 成立傀儡政府 , 中共支持的赤棉退到泰國邊界。 1989年 , 越南撤軍後 , 三支軍隊及赤棉於 1991年 10月簽下巴黎和平協定 , 結束多年的內戰。施亞努親王於 1993年回到柬埔寨。赤棉仍挑戰政府的權威 , 直到 1998年底才正式全部投誠。

Cyclo Drivers

About 3,000 cyclo drivers in Phnom Penh

Earn average 6,000 riels (1.5 USD) per day

They pay up to 2000 riels for renting the cyclo and a place to stay at night

Part of them 高流動性(農閒時之臨時工作)


The Cyclo Centre was established in July 1999 following a survey of the cyclo drivers of Phnom Penh.

The cyclo drivers identified that their preferred use of a cyclo center would be a place where they could

Identify Needs

receive medical care

access washing facilities

repair their cyclo

have opportunities to learn new skills

receive English language skills

education on a variety of topics.

Cyclo Center ActivitiesEnglish lessons: to improve communications with foreign clientshealth care and  health education and free consultations at the Centre. Education and information on health issues, AIDS/HIV awareness and prevention, human  rights, domestic violence, family planning, environmental appreciation, and also information on washing facilities and the use of bathroom facilities.

Cyclo Center Activities

Toilet, personal hygiene products;

Hair cuts twice per month;

Repair center: tools available and spare parts sold at cost;

Savings program and budget management;

Vocational training and education program Map reading

Social activities;


For 50 USD, buy a used cyclo

Pay back in 200 days (2,000 riel per day)

The staff After three years of activities, there are over 700 members of the Centre, including 120 members of the savings scheme, and 90 members of the NCHP sponsored non-smoking education programme.   The Cyclo Centre has one programme manager, one volunteer administrative assistant (who is a cyclo driver), two volunteer doctors, and three volunteer English teachers.

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Where do they come from?

Why are they working in this occupation?

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