newsletter vol. x.pdf

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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IN THIS EDITION:THE INTERNATIONAL GENERAL FAIR, PRISTINA 2015The International General Fair, Pristina 2015 took place in the in the village of Shkabaj, PristinaandwasorganizedbytheEconomicChamberofKosovoandtheMinistryof TradeandIndustry.SHE-ERAinformedallwomenbeneficiariesinagricultureofthe SWEA2012-2015projectsupportedbytheMinistryofForeign AffairsofDenmark about the fair, where two booths were secured for those selected to participate. They had the opportunity to promote and sell food products and hand craft during the fair.1- The International General Fair, Pristina 2015- The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands visit in Gjakova- Kosovo Womens Entrepreneurship Event- "Days of female entrepreneurship" in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina- The Steering Committee Meeting- The visit of the Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian Embassy- The Round Table in the Region of Mitrovica- The completion of the one-month business training in the region of Peja- Workshop: the platform of women entreprene- urs in kosovo- Rotary District 7280 visit Gjakova- Citizens petition for the visa liberalization process in Kosovo"SUPPORTING WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSIN AGRICULTURE 2012 - 2015Volume 10 / April - August / 2015NEWSLETTERTHE AMBASSADOR OF THE KINGDOM OF NETHERLANDS VISIT IN GJAKOVADutch AmbassadortoKosovoMr.RobertBoschvisitedtwotextilefactories(currently not in production) in Gjakova on April 16, 2015 at the invitation on WBA "SHE-ERA. Mr. Bosch during his visit met with the factory owners where it was discussed of potential ways these factories could be activated and ultimately generate around 500 new jobs. Both parties discussed the barriers and challenges of the industry and exchanged ideas on possible cooperation and attracting foreign investors.KOSOVO WOMENS ENTREPRENEURSHIP EVENTThe conference by TEB Bank in cooperation with Womens Business Association SHE-ERA, Women for Women International and G7 was held in the Swiss Diamond Hotel in Prishtina. The purpose of the event was to promote and provide institutional support to womenentrepreneurs.WomenbeneficiariesofthetrainingofferedbyTEBBank received their certificates and had a meeting with potential investor to support their busi-nesses. There were also representatives from the public-private sector and developing partnerstosupporttheinitiativetofurtherpromotewomenspositioninthebusiness sector.Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DenmarkTHE STEERING COMMITTEE MEETINGThe Steering Committee meeting was held in the office of Womens Business Associa-tionSHE-ERAonJune10withthenewrepresentativefromtheMinistryofForeign Affairs of Denmark, Mrs. Marie Pedersen Haug. During the meeting the Executive Direc-tor of SHE-ERA, Mrs. Kusari-Purrini presented the Annual Progress Report 2014, the Work Plan and Activities and the Budget Proposal for 2015.2"DAYS OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP" IN SARAJEVO, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINASHE-ERA participated in the three day event (14-16 of May) organized by "ONE" which included the International fare of female entrepreneurship where women entrepreneurs introduced their products and the International Conference "Women's Strength" with the participationofentrepreneursandorganizationsfromtheregionandtheEUwhereit was discussed about the shortcomings of the Labor Act and the Strategy for the devel-opment of women entrepreneurship in BiH. The closing of the event was marked with the award ceremony which recognized and acknowledged successful women in busi-ness.THE VISIT OF THE AMBASSADOR OF THE ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSYThe Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian Embassy to Kosovo Mr. Jan Braathu visited thetextilefactoryEdmondTextileProductioninGjakova,attheinvitationofWBA "SHE-ERA"OnJune4,2015.Duringthevisititwasdiscussedofpotentialwaysthe factorycouldbeactivatedoncecompletedandultimatelygeneratenewjobs.The factory has an employment capacity from 300-500 workers. Both parties discussed the barriers and challenges of the industry and exchanged ideas on possible cooperation and on attracting international donors and investors.THE ROUND TABLE IN THE REGION OF MITROVICAWomens Business Association SHE-ERA held a round table in Hotel Palace in Mitro-vicawithwomenbeneficiariesoftheprojectSupportingWomenEntrepreneursin Agriculture2012-1015,aprojectsupportedbytheMinistryofForeign AffairsofDen-mark. Thepurposeofthisroundtablewastodiscusstheneedsandproblemswhich women farmers from the Mitrovica region face, as well as the opportunities to find an answer to their requests addressed to the decision-making institutions in the local and centrallevel,developingpartners,financial/bankinginstitutions,civilsocietyandthe business community. The Think Tank group of women beneficiaries from the Albanian, Serbian and Bosnian community, addressed their needs and problems as women far-mers, and discussed the opportunities to resolve these issues.WORKSHOP: THE PLATFORM OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN KOSOVOWomens Business Association SHE-ERA with the support of Gender Task Force held the workshop with Gender Equality officials from the municipalities of Kosovo to support theNationalPlatformofWomenEntrepreneursinKosovo(NPWEK)inaccordance with the Small Business Act of Europe. The main objective of the platform is advancing womenentrepreneursinKosovothroughpublic-privatepartnerships.Thecurrent platform is a common agreement of governmental institutions, the civil society, business associationsandacademicinstitutionsasamodernandeffectiveinstrumentforthe establishmentofabasisfordevelopingthepublic-privatedialoguebasedonthe principlesofdemocracyforpartnership,freedomofspeechandthewillofinterestedparties for women economic empowerment. The platform will serve as the basis of the action plan: "Women Entrepre-neurs A job creation engine for South East Europe". The workshop the NPWEK was also signed by officials for gender equality at the municipal level.3THE COMPLETION OF THE ONE-MONTH BUSINESS TRAINING IN THE REGION OF PEJAThe one-month business training How to start a successful business within the project Support to Women Entrepreneurs in Agriculture 2012-2015 supported by the Ministry ofForeignAffairsofDenmarkandimplementedbyWomensBusinessAssociation SHE-ERA. The last groups of women beneficiaries were in the village of Treboviq during April, in Katund i Ri during May and the last group took place during June in the village of Nabrgjan, region of Peja the last region within the SWEA project. We are currently preparingthebusinessplansandcertificatesthewomenbeneficiariesandwewill continue with their distribution in the following months.ROTARY DISTRICT 7280 VISIT GJAKOVARotary Disctrict 7280 visited SHE-ERAs office while on a visit to Gjakova for the 15th anniversaryofRotaryClubGjakova.SHE-ERAFounderandExecutiveDirector,Mrs. Mirlinda Kusari-Purrini, was one of the new members indicted into Rotary Club Gjakova Cabrati. Honorable guests in the event organized to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Rotary Club Gjakova included the Mayor of Gjakova Mrs. Mimoza Kusari-Lila and mem-bers of Rotary District 7280 from Pennsylvania, USA.CITIZENS PETITION FOR THE VISA LIBERALIZATION PROCESS IN KOSOVOOn July 14, 2015 began the campaign to end Kosovos isolation by signing the petition tofosterthevisaliberalizationprocess.Thecampaignlastedforthreeweeksand Womens Business Association SHE-ERA was selected as a partner organization for the regionofGjakova.Thelocationsoftwostandpointhavebeensharedinthesocial media with the purpose of informing a wide range of citizens.4THE LINK FOR WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN AGRICULTURESHE-ERA has converted its internet web page into an effective tool through which it will enable its members to promote their work and to set up collaborations with different local and international actors, the business community, development partners and networking among the SHE-ERA members and women entrepreneurs from other countries.In the web page has been created the database of SHE-ERA partners ( and for Women Entrepreneursin Agriculture(,whereareincludedthedataofwomenfarmers which are updated monthly. Through this link, women in agriculture will greatly benefit toward the project realization process, and their entrepreneurial capacities as women entrepreneurs will be emphasized through access with cooperation opportuni-ties with local programs and international agencies focused on women economic empowerment.SHE-ERA STAFF:1. Mirlinda Kusari Purrini Executive Director2. Ardiana Qela Project manager3. Ymrane Nura - Finance adiministrator 4. Edita Axhemi Training Co-ordinator 5. Marigona Stavileci Training Assistant6. Afrdita Zherka Project Assistant 7. Ermira Kusari Project Assistant 8. Kosovare Sahatqija IT Assistant9. Dafina Zhaveli Project Assistant10. Bujar Haxhibeqiri Driver & LogisticsSHE-ERA BOARD MEMBERS:1. Xheraldina Vula Board Chair2. Prof. Dr. Justina Shiroka Pula3. Dr. Lulzim ela4. Luljeta Vuniqi5. Burbuqe BerishaHONORARY MEMBER:Naxhije BuqincaSENIOR ADVISER FOR ECONOMIC AND GENDER ISSUES:Glynis LongJocelyne TalbotWOMENS BUSINESS ASSOCIATION SHE-ERAStr.Ismail Qemali no.9 (arshia e Jupave)Tel: +381 (0) 390 323 194Fax: +381 (0) 390 323 194Web: she-era.orgEmail: wsheera@gmail.comFcb:

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