newsletter - the cherubim music ·...

Post on 20-Apr-2018






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In the end, judgesSimon Archer andNicholas Ormrod, ROHpercussionists, EddyHackett and MM Steer,awarded the instrumentto 22 yearold SamWilson, a third yearpercussionst at theGuildhall with manycreative collaborationsin progress likely toexpand the repertoireand awareness of themarimba, including performing inPeter Grimes on the beach atAldeburgh and work with hip-hopcomedy duo Abandoman at

Glastonbury. As themarimba passes to itssecond awardee, theTrust feels the £10,000investment in thisinstrument is validatingthe policy of buyingreliable premium-quality instruments,especially as thecurrent list price is nownearly £15,000. Wewould like to extend therange of tuned

percussion instruments we o!er andwould welcome collaboration withdonors interested in supporting suchan investment.

Cherubimarimba!Fascinating the diversity of experiences a small trust throws up!Thanks to Eddy Hackett, former awardee of our five octavemarimba, in June we held a competition for the next awardeein the Crush Room of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.The four competitors were all truly virtuoso exponents of theversatility of this relatively new orchestral instrument.

Corsby Cello - a rare giftSince each instrument we acquireis to some degree unique we arealways delighted by the new worldeach opens up for us. Howeverfew instruments are as beautifulor remarkable as this Corsby cello,given to the Trust by DouglasSpence of Northumberland.

10 years ago Douglas commiss-ioned a full restoration of theinstrument in which the maker’slabel and date was exposed. JohnCorsby was a well-regardedNorthampton maker of cellos inthe early nineteenth century andhis signature marquetry is shownon this exquisite back.

As the date of manufacture isSchubert’s death, 1828, we feelthat it is appropriate to retain thecello as a classical-era instrumentthat can be used by studentsspecialising in historically-informed performance practice.The instrument has beenappraised by Jonathan Manson,RAM professor of classical cello,who considers it among the finestspecimens of its style.

Douglas Spence reached thedecision to present his belovedcello to Cherubim, when herealised he was unlikely to play itmuch in the future, and hopesthat under the Trust’s auspices itrepresent a resounding legacy forfuture generations of musicians.

S U M M E R 2 0 1 3

(CHARITY No. 1088403)

Sam Wilson, winner of the Cherubim

Marimba One

In February there was a full house inthe Savile Club Ballroom to enjoy aChairman’s Recital, where Felix Riggaccompanied both Mellor-Calvertclarinettist Rachel Chesney (seenhere playing) and former CherubimYoung oboist (seen here page-turning) performed a rich selectionof music that included Poulenc andthe less-well-known Edmund Rubbrasonata. Former Cherubim Young

guitarist Daniel Bovey and his sister Octavia Lamb, whocurrently has our bass flute, gave thefirst performance of part of Noli MeTango, written for them by TrustDirector Michael Maxwell Steer

Beckford AlfrescoAs this newsletter goes to press,last minute preparations are inhand for the Trust’s mostambitious event - which willfeature an ensemble comprisedmostly of current or formerCherubim Young Musicians.

William Beckford was an 18thCeccentric - author, traveller and artcollector - famed for his gothickfolly Fonthill Abbey built on theestate he owned in Wiltshire, witha spire that rivalled SalisburyCathedral. After moving to Bath in1818 he built ‘Beckford’s Tower’ nowopen to the public as a museum.

At this garden party in aid of theTrust there will be performancesof Beckford’s compositions,including excerpts from his balladopera Arcadian Pastoral by theCherubim Singers and Orchestra,directed from the harpsichord byMichael Maxwell Steer, who himselfedited and published the music,shortly after moving to Tisbury20 years ago. Readings fromBeckford’s writings, includingVathek, will be given by MarioReading, a one-man show abouthim by Elizabeth Coyle-Camp willbe given by Dan Evans. There willalso be an exhibition of Beckford-iana curated by Amanda Hall.

Cherubim is grateful for MrsClare Martin's invitation toAshley Wood Farm Barn, and forthe sponsorship of CG Fry & SonDevelopment.

Savile Club Concert

In June Cherubim Wiltshire awardeesgave a much enjoyed concertsponsored by E=MC2 Ltd PublicRelations, featuring a wide range ofmusic, including Octavia Lamb, seenhere on flute, and Seth Jordan,Heaton pianist but seen here on aclarinet loaned by the Felicity

Belfield Trust, accompanied by DavidGrierson.

Other performers included‘Rothermere’ pianist Finn Murphy,who played Rhapsody in Blue, andDaniel Bovey and Octavia Lamb, whogave a complete performance of NoliMe Tango.

Cherubim Young Musicians concert

News of awardeesYour name on a beautiful instrument?LEAVE A RESOUNDING LEGACY FOR THE NEXT GENERATIONCherubim Music Trust is a small established charity loaning professional instruments totalented young musicians who can’t a!ord one that matches their potential. Memorialdonations and bequests can name aninstrument to benefit tomorrow’s musicians

See our pa ge on Legacies:www.cherubimtrust.org01747

New advertising in the Oldie

To grow, every small trust needsmore supporters. While personalcontact remains the best method,as an experiment Cherubim isrunning a series of ads in The Oldieinviting memorial donations andlegacies. If you subscribe to thatamusing publication keep an eyeout for it.

New collaboratorsRuth Barlow

We’re delighted to welcome RuthBarlow to manageour onlinepresence, havinglong wanted tomake greater use

of social media, but not findingsomeone with the right mix ofcomputer and music skils. Nowfinding Ruth who is both anamateur musician and former

policy consultant for national and local government, seems

ideal. Ruth sings and playsclarinet and piano, and recentlyconsolidated her love of earlymusic by marrying Jeremy Barlow,a Cherubim supporter and well-known early-musicologist.

Harry Sutherland-HawesIf you have noticeda sharp rise in ourdesign standardsrecently then it’sthanks to Harry.He attended ourconcert in the

Savile Club and volunteered tohelp us improve our image – togreat e!ect. Circumspice.

Rebekah ReidViolin

Rebekah is currently freelancing andteaching in Manchester whilepreparing to apply for her Masters inthe autumn. As well as leading theBeckford Orchestra in the BeckfordAlfresco concert, Rebekah performedMendelssohn’s first piano trio andGrieg's second violin sonata at theDidsbury Festival in aid of Cherubim.

Julia Whiteformer Cherubim Young Oboe

Following a CD recording last yearwith tenor Ian Storey and SinfoniaMusicisti, a new cooperativeorchestra recently featured in theGuardian, Julia records a DVD ofPeter and the Wolf with them thissummer.

She is now leading an oboe class atTrinity/Laban College of Music, andhas been appointed an externalassessor at Leeds College of Music.

Rachæl Chesney Mellor-Calvert clarinet

Rachæl has now played as principalclarinet both with the RCM SymphonyOrchestra and RCM Philharmonic.Thanks to grants from the KathleenTrust and Countess of Munster Trustshe will be able to complete herpostgraduate degree next year. HerOak Wind Trio has entered the RCMwoodwind competition.

Harry Bradford (viola)Storrs viola

Harry's achievement as BBC Choristerof the Year has been added to honoursplaque in the Chapel Royal, where hisname appears directly under JamesBowman, with whom he was luckyenough to sing a few duets.

As well as performing his owncomposition for his A level music, hehas formed his own close harmonygroup “City Scholars”, who have twoprofessional engagements.

Gift AidI enclose a donation of £

Amount in wordsI am a UK taxpayer & intend that the appropriate tax be reclaimed on the abovedonation under the GiftAid scheme.

Signed Date





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Cherubim Music Trust125 Duck St, Tisbury SP3 6LJ, - 01747 870070

The Cherubim storyCherubim founder Clancy Steerexplains: Our daughter decided totake up the harp, aged seven. Atschool she had access to a goodone, but going to music college wewere faced with buying her a£10,000 instrument. For us a fairygodmother appeared, but realisingthis was a widespread need, thanksto the support of the GoslingFoundation I was able to createCherubim Music Trust in 2001;since when it has o!ered a musicallifeline to increasing numbers ofyoung musicians.

The Trust is especially gratefulto some exceptional benefactors,including Gosling Foundation,John Manser CBE, PF CharitableTrust, Promenaders’ MusicalCharities, Rothermere Foundationand Peter Storrs Trust. Thanksalso to Tony Fry of PBF Partnersfor auditing.

We also acknowledge donationsthis year from (alphabetically)Stephen Ainger, Ashley WoodFolk Festival, Azad Ayub, JeanBlondel, Paul Callingham,Campden Hill Ltd, Carltone Ltd,Gosling Foundation, Michael Keats,Nicholas Maunder-Taylor, Music& Psyche Network, Park HillSchool, Kingston-upon-Thames,Peter Storrs Trust, RothermereFoundation, Savile Club, Simon &Philip Cohen Trust, DouglasSpence, Regina Tierney, JonathanHorsfall Turner, Susan Walters,Philip Whitcombe, Ann Vile.

Subscriber FeatureElisabeth Woodthorpe

“I have been asubscriber to theCherubim MusicTrust for manyyears and derivegreat pleasurefrom following the

progress of such talentedyoungsters at the concerts inTisbury and London. These give awonderful opportunity to gainexperience and confidence,knowing their instrument will notlet them down.”

Be an Angel - become a Friend of Cherubim

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