newsletter of summerland sports & …...event –refer october ‘accelerations’ club run 15th...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS of material for publication are encouraged and greatly appreciated. Preference will be given to original material.

COPYRIGHT of all material herein remains with the creators /writers /photographers /artists /other contributors, as per Australian copyright law and the Berne Convention. If you plan to reproduce any content, please acknowledge Accelerations as the source.

DISCLAIMER: Views and ideas expressed within Accelerations may exhibit some editorial independence, or may be those of contributors, and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of Summerland Sports & Classic Car Club.

You are invited to join us:

Summerland Sports & Classic Car Club invites members of the following clubs to attend any SSCCC events. Club registrars are requested to list our events in their clubs’ day book.

If you are planning to attend, please advise our President so we expect you. This helps with catering and other arrangements.

Clubs: Ballina District Vehicle Restorers Club; Coffs Sports Touring & Classic Car Club; Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club; North Coast Street

Machines; Northern Rivers Classic Car Club; Northern Rivers Vintage & Veteran Car Club; Gold Coast Antique Auto Club; Mt Warning Historic Auto Club

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 7

If not claimed, PLEASE RETURN to:

PO Box 761, Lismore, NSW 2480

Please tell us if your address changes




PRESIDENT David Besson PO Box 5204 02 6672 6620

Murwillumbah South, 2484 0412561805

VICE PRESIDENT Bryan White "Fernbrook" 931 Fernleigh Rd 02 6687 2188

Brooklet 2479 0418 654 400

SECRETARY Barry Granatelli 29 Conte St 02 6621 7835

Lismore 2480 0414 817 223

TREASURER Sue De Paauw 1McInnes Lane 02 6683 2740

Tuckurimba 2480

REGISTRAR Jason Crimmins Lot 105 Jersey Drive

North Casino 2470 0423 042 271

MAGAZINE EDITOR Fiona Gordon 26 Godfrey Place 02 6628 1519

Alstonville 2477 0431 984 410


Shirley Bryce 625 Wardell Rd, 02 6628 3443

Alstonville 2477 0412 866 199

Editor's email - (DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE 18/10/2017)



PUBLIC OFFICER Robert Lovell 58 Beaumont Drive, 02 6621 9682

Lismore 2480 0427 257 190

PUBLICITY OFFICER David Gordon 26 Godfrey Place 02 6628 1519

Alstonville 2477 0431 984 410

EVENTS COMMITTEE Jeff Johnston 4 Windsor Court 02 6624 5962

Executive plus :- Goonellabah 2480 0419 006 302

Terry Goldman 12 Kookaburra Terrace 02 6624 7043

Goonellabah 2480 0429 380 381

Rudy De Paauw 1McInnes Lane, Tuckurimba 2480 02 6683 2740


Member must be financial. Vehicle has to be at least thirty years old.

Vehicle must be inspected by the Club Registrar at least once each year

(RMS pink slip is acceptable).

Minimum insurance cover of Third Party Property Damage. Full Comprehensive is recommended,

proof of cover must be provided to Registrar prior to initial registration or renewal.

RMS has introduced a 2-year Trial program to test the viability of a new category of participation.

The new program will permit the use of approved vehicles for personal purposes for 60 days in the year,

in addition to attendances at authorised Club Outings.

Owners will be required to maintain a Log Book showing the date, time and departure location for each

day that the vehicle is used. (Failure to maintain an accurate and up-to-date daily record could mean

severe consequences for the member and our club!)

Eligibility of your vehicle(s) may be reconsidered if the following vehicle attendances are not met :- One Vehicle – Must attend three Club events each year. Two Vehicles – One vehicle must attend one Club event & the other vehicle two Club events each year. Three or more Vehicles – Each vehicle must attend one Club event each year.

Any variation from these rules, for acceptable legitimate reasons, will require prior Club approval.

Non-compliance can result in registration being cancelled. The Club cannot afford the risk of the system being abused and the subsequent loss of the benefits of these worthwhile concessions for other Club members.

REGISTRAR - Jason Crimmins 0423 042 271




Held at Lismore Workers Club - 6th September 2017

Meeting Opened: 7.32pm Chair: David Besson

Present: George & Marj. Jensen, Lex Cole, Terry Goldman, Barry Granatelli, Rudi & Sue de Paauw, Jim & Barb Hodgson, Ray & Diana Collingwood, Doug Galpen, Bob Sawyer, Jason & Sandra Crimmins, Mike McIntosh, David Besson, Gayle Mckay, Ted & Sue Parkinson, Denise Fenwick, David & Fiona Gordon, Ray Lovett, Bob Sweeney, Peter McGowan, Josephine Phipps, Winton Brocklebank, Ross & Di Betts, Ellis Vaughan, Bryan & Helen White, Ken Malcolm, Jim Hanley, Josh Oliver, Gary Tracey, Bill & Sue Babbs, John McLean, Alan & Lucky Howard,

Apologies: Rod Johnston, Jeff Pettitt, Tim Pettitt, Ann McLean, Grahame Anderson, Lynda Lovett, Jeff Johnston, Ken & Shirley Bryce, David & Robyn Hughes, Jeff & Julie Snow.

Visitors: Gary Pearce, Matt. Cox, Corey Rodgers, Mark Dowling, Craig Bulmer.

Minutes of the August Meeting: That Minutes circulated to Members in ‘Accelerations’ be accepted as true and correct. B.Granatelli / P.McGowan

Correspondence In / Out: As separate listing.

Motion: That correspondence tabled and action taken by the Secretary by ratified -B.Granatelli /B.White

Treasurers Report: As at 31/08/17 as read, be accepted as true and correct. S.dePaauw / D.Betts.

General Business

Past Events – August

Coffee Run – 9th Aug. to “Torakina” Café - Brunswick Heads - Jim Hodgson – route ‘a bit rough after Binna Burra, parking in Brunswick chaotic due to roadworks. Good coffee and company.

Club Run - French Run - 20th August – In association with the Peugeot Club of Qld – Great run, excellent morning tea, some delays with lunches

Future Events - September

Coffee Run – 13th September – ‘Evans to Betsy’ Evans Head - refer September ‘Accelerations’

Club Run 17th Sept. – to “Aranyani” Bison Adventure Park, at Myrtle Creek – $15 p.p to visit. - lunch now at Hotel Cecil, Casino - refer September ‘Accelerations’

Future Events

Display at Italo Club – 14th Oct. – Keryn/Norm Clapham / NRV&VCC – “Light the Night”- Leukaemia Foundation event –refer October ‘Accelerations’

Club Run 15th Oct.- to ‘Wilsons Robotic Dairy’ – lunch at Cawongla Store -Dairy Visit and lunch $32 p.p. Refer October ‘Accelerations’

Coffee Run – 25th Oct – to ‘Botero Café & Coffee Roasting Shed’ – Preliminary numbers taken Terry Goldman.

Bangalow Show 18th November - 2.00pm to 5.00pm – possible 10 cars to attend.

Standard of Excellence / Christmas Party -10th December – ‘Summerland House Farm’ preferred. Barb. Hodgson to organise at her discretion.

Other General Business

Club Plates / Classic Vehicle Log Book Trial. – RMS letter 14/07/2017 – Reply drafted and forwarded to RMS by email to meet 04/08/2017 deadline. No reply to date.

Registrar Jason Crimmins spoke to the Meeting and referred Members to an item on the RMS website titled “Historic Vehicles” which details their requirements. Generally, Historic Vehicles must be as close to original as possible. Copies were handed out to Members at the Meeting. Vehicles on ‘full registration’ transferring to ‘historic registration’ will be inspected and processed as appropriate. Un-registered vehicles and vehicles from interstate will require a ‘Pink Slip’

Details of ‘Attendances’ to 31/08 of vehicles on ‘Club Plates’ were circulated for the information of Members

Barlows of Ballina - ‘Show & Shine’ and barbecue – 24th June - presentation of cheque ($300) - Southern Cross School no longer conducting ‘driver training’ – PCYC Lismore possible alternative – Mark Greig (PCYC) on leave - to be contacted after 25th Sept.- David Gordon to contact and report to October meeting.

Sponsorship - Shannons and Barlows – Payments have been received

Club Banner – David Gordon to contact ‘Office Works’ re possible replacement ‘sign’ to fit ‘roll-up’ part of sign received from Dayal Singhs and report to October meeting.

Rusty Iron Rally – Ray Lovett reported that he had visited this Rally which is held at Macksville on the first weekend in September. Ray was impressed with the ‘vintage’ machinery / tractors, trucks, cars, motorbikes and other interesting items.

Pepper Grinder – the Pepper grinder was presented to Mick McIntosh for “getting lost” on a recent Club outing.

Meeting Closed: 8.29 pm




Another great month of pleasant day trips and great cars to drive. When we show up it is a veritable

mobile ‘show and shine’. There are opportunities to swap information and sometimes even buy and sell

vehicles. People are finding the web site, turning up to put a toe in the water and are really assured to

see our variety of vehicles on historic plates.

Sue and Rudi’s coffee run to Evans-to-Betsy had a good roll-up with spectacularly fine food, great

coffee and location. There was much good-hearted banter and conversation spilling onto the street. This

is the hallmark of our club.

How big and rough are those bison; people who have eaten their meat say it is lean and a bit tough. No

wonder! I take my hat off to the people who are breeding and displaying them, they are way to scary for

me. Many thanks to Terry for finding such an unusual and interesting venue. Robotic cows next month.

We do it all in this club.

How good is it to drive on the expressway to Brisbane with signs for trucks to use the left lane. If it is

enforced everywhere it may be as much fun to drive on our motorways as the European Autobahns.

Well, without the speed.

Please take note of the number of times your vehicles have been out since joining the club, or during

the year. Three runs are necessary to retain plate membership. Last year I received a letter and had to

get a hurry-up prior to December. The year goes by so quickly, so little time – so many cars. I am not


See you at the robot cows next month. David Besson

“ A c c e l e r a t i o n s ” b y p o s t

At our Monthly Meeting on 2nd

August, a motion was passed that, from the 1st


2018, an annual charge of $20.00 would be made to Members who receive our

monthly Club Magazine “Accelerations” by post.

This charge would be ‘pro-rata’ for new Members joining the Club during the year.

To Members who now receive “Accelerations” by post, it might be a good time to review

your situation and save yourself $20.00.

If you are able to change to email, you should advise our ‘Magazine Editor’ Fiona Gordon

or ‘Assistant Editor’ Shirley Bryce. Contact details are shown on page 2 of

“Accelerations” each month.


The November President’s run will be a romantic hinterland tour, with the tops down for those

who want to bring their convertibles.

We will meet at Alstonville in the park next to the tennis courts on the corner of Old Bruxner

Hwy and Pearces Creek Rd at 4.30pm.

We will begin with a light refreshment to set the mood, then tour to Ocean Shore Country Club

for a sunset drink.

We will finish with dinner and still get home for the 7 o’clock news!




Owen Maguire David Gordon Heather & Brian Sidney

Sandra Crimmins Jason Crimmins Alan & Lucky Howard

Robert Melville Stephen Craven

Tim Pettitt


Marg Jensen Suzanne Lee Anne & Grant Moehead

Ross Betts

Club Regalia

If any members are interested we do have the following club regalia for sale:

Metal Car Grill Badges $20.00, Cloth Badges $6.00, Sticker Badges $3.00

Club Name Badges

If any members wish to buy a club name badge, please contact Sue de Paauw. The badge has a small

logo and your name. You have the choice of a magnetic fastener (quite strong) or a more traditional pin

fastener. The badges cost $12.00.

Club Shirts

The club decided in 2015 to change the club shirt from the grey polo shirts to a button up chambray shirt

(either short or long sleeve). If any member wishes to purchase a shirt for use on club outings the

procedure is as below:

Purchase the shirt from George Gooleys, Lismore, they have all the necessary sizes and can provide

the best fit. Take the shirt to either Daleys ( 21 Woodlark St ) or MR Promotional Products (145 Keen

St) for embroidering of the logo. You have the choice of any/all of the following - club logo; club name in

letters; your name. Bring your receipt for the embroidery to the Treasurer and the club will refund $5.00

towards the cost.

Several members have expressed a desire to purchase the old club polo shirts. I have contacted the

lady who used to make the shirts for the club and she is willing to make more. I spoke to the Club

executive at the last meeting and they were agreeable for members to purchase either the old polo

shirts or the new chambray shirts. Therefore if anyone wishes to purchase the polo shirt please contact

me on 02 6683 2740 or see me at one of our meetings/outings. Sue de Paauw (Treasurer)





We have received an invitation from NRVVCC Inc for us to display our cars at

a Leukaemia Foundation event in Lismore.

The event "LIGHT THE NIGHT" will be in the grounds of the Italo Australia

Club Barrow lane North Lismore, on Saturday 14th Oct 2017 from 3 PM to

7.30 PM (please arrive from 2.30pm to display vehicles until 5pm) you may

stay longer if you wish.

The Italo Australia club is fully licenced with all facilities available to the public.

There will be Market stalls, Sausage sizzle raffles ,and entertainment galore,

and finish with a lantern parade, All members, family and friends are welcome

This event is co-ordinated by Keryn Clapham

Phone 0478164331

In memory of Kayla

C O M I N G E V E N T S — S A T U R D A Y 1 4 T H O C T O B E R


Members of the Rover Club of Queensland will be joining us for the

weekend of 14th & 15th October.

Our Club members are invited to meet the Rover Club members at the

Wollongbar Tavern for dinner at 6pm Saturday 14th October.

Numbers please to Denise Fenwick by Wednesday 11th. October.

Contact Denise on Mobile: 0457 283058

Home:(02) 6628 3058







For train and history buffs like us, our recent visit to Junee and Temora proved to be really worthwhile. Firstly, we

visited the Junee Round House Railway Museum.

This enormous, very substantial and amazing building was built in the 1940’s to service the area and the Sydney

Melbourne line in the age of steam. It is circular with a system of railway lines radiating like spokes from a central

rotating platform which is 45 yards long. The outer half of the ‘round’ is roofed, the inner circle open to the

elements. Trains were brought in on the main line then swung or turned on the rotating platform into one of the

radiating rail lines which ended as bays where they were serviced.

While part of the Round house is still in use, the rest is a museum of real quality. There are a number of static

displays of electric, steam and diesel engines as well as wide variety of rolling stock. Our guide was an ex-fireman

who worked on the 38 class engine, among others. He said that even on our tracks it could reach speeds of 100

miles per hour. A big red electric was one used over the Blue Mountains, pulling coal as well as passengers.

According to this guide, when going down the mountain these trains using regenerative braking produced enough

power to pull two trains up the other side.

A travelling Post Office van where 3 or 4 mail sorters worked full time was also fascinating. What an unusual job.

They picked up bags, sorted the mail and dropped it off as they went up and down the line. Other rolling stock

included all ages and classes of passenger carriages, a crane large enough to pick up another train, coal and

cargo carriages and trikes used by the line maintenance men. Many were open and could be clambered over.

Junee turned out the be a gem. It has a chocolate and liquorice factory in a beautifully repurposed old flour mill.

They made the Guinness Book of Records for producing over 600 metres of liquorice in one strand and 62 metres

of rocky road in one block. It all happens in Junee! More of interest to us was the collection of Fords also housed

at the Chocolate Factory. They appear to be vehicles traded-in over the years and are still owned by the same

dealer. It is certainly worth a little time to look.

One of the town’s architectural gems is the railway station which still operates, as does its elegant dining/tea room.

The food is good, but the ambiance of history is even better. The station is set in a very classy square of beautiful

old public buildings and hotels reflecting the power and money which was once held in the town.

Junee Council has a unique practical solution for the use of old hotels. It bought one to use as a museum. It is very

well done with the main bar, unchanged, operating as a restaurant, the old dining and public rooms housing the

main part of the collection and the upstairs bedrooms each housing a themed collection relevant to the region.

Plus, the building itself is on view.

Temora is home to the Aviation museum at its old World War 2 training base. It displays a range of aircraft from

Spitfires to Vampires and Canberra Bombers. All of its planes still fly. On a previous visit we arrived just before one

of their bi-annual air shows. We saw planes being checked on the runway, taxiing, doing touch and goes. Although

this time there was only the static display, it is excellent and takes at least half a day to see properly. As well as

their big bi-annual show the museum has a number of fly-in days each year when various planes are displayed in

the air. We are told it is very popular, attracting huge crowds.

Unexpectedly, we found a real gem in the form of the Temora Agricultural Museum. On past trips we dismissed it

thinking it would be ‘just another country museum with a few rusty ploughs and drays.’ Instead we were blown

away by the quality and extent of the collection. It is one of the best we have seen. They have a comprehensive

collection of stationary engines, tractors, trucks and fire-engines from horse drawn to the latest versions. They

have an amazing collection of ambulances from a first converted FJ Holden through to the highly specialised

vehicles of today, all in NSW Ambulance livery and complete with their time appropriate medical gear.

The museum makes a few extra dollars hiring some of their items out for movies and TV, but attracts huge crowds

monthly when they fire up many of their engines including a large diesel from a local power station. All in working

order. Donald Bradman’s first home, transported to the site, along with a school house, some shops and well

presented displays of domestic items makes the museum a must see for anyone with an interest in man or


Like many western towns, Junee and Temora present their points of interest very professionally. Good

accommodation and food are easy to find. With well cared for parks, streetscapes and public buildings both towns

have much to offer. They also provide a chance to evoke memories from our past.

David Besson



The roundhouse in Junee showing various engines and a crane, and the beautiful, still working Junee railway station




NB Note change of date to 4th Wednesday in October due to cluster of Events in early October.

Meet at Chemist Warehouse Car Park at Goonellabah by 8.15am for 8.30am departure

We will travel via Woodburn to the BOTERO CAFÉ & COFFEE ROASTING SHED at 275 River Street,


Optional: For those wishing to go the more direct route from home we can meet with you at Woodburn

on the highway at Woodburn Public School. (just south of Pacific Hwy/Woodburn Coraki Road junction) -

be there by 8.50am

For $13 per person charge we get a large Coffee & Cake & a guided tour of the Roasting Shed.

Weather permitting we will Visit the Maclean Lookout.

Optional: For those interested we can travel onto Yamba Tavern for lunch before travelling home.

Enquiries: Terry Goldman 0429 380 381 or 6624 7043 or Jeff Johnston 0419 006 302 / 6624 5962



September Coffee Run to Evans Head

It was a beautiful spring morning when we met at our usual spot in Goonellabah. Good to see some new

members coming along to enjoy the countryside and a coffee. As per normal we took a scenic route via

Rous Rd-Dalwood Rd-Wardell Rd to Wardell where we joined up to the highway to Broadway. We then

veered off again along Broadwater Rd and Kilgin Rd to Woodburn. It is a nice trip running alongside the

Richmond River. Then on to Evans Head.

Evans to Betsy is a retro style coffee shop just on the way in to Evans Head. We met up with some other

members, making a total of twenty eight to partake of the coffee/tea and a variety of scones or cakes/

slices. Mine was very nice and, as we did not hear any complaints, I am thinking that everyone enjoyed

themselves, food and conversation both. Thank you to all the members who came along to enjoy a day

out. See you at the next one. Sue DePaauw





An excellent turn out of Members and their treasured cars met in Lismore then travelled South from

Casino to Myrtle Creek. Aranyani is a very interesting destination and after morning tea our hosts

provided an informative talk and the opportunity to get close to the magnificent bison.

We then returned to Casino and the Cecil Hotel for a satisfying lunch with great company.

Another great day out.



Link to obtain information / entry form etc—



A big thank you to Jim Butler of Shannons for obtaining sponsorship for

our Club. Remember to consider Shannons for all of your insurance needs.

Northern Rivers Area 2017—shows Shannons supporting till end of 2017

(NB check as dates may change)

Oct—Sun 15th Casino Auto Spectacular (Ford Clubs) S & S Nov—Sat 18th Kyogle Street Festival—Show & Shine



Thank you to our magazine sponsor for ongoing support. Please support Barlows whenever

you can . This is their 4th year as our major club magazine sponsor and their generosity assists

the Club significantly.

Geoff Jacobs and the boys can be found at 2/19 De-Havilland Crescent, Ballina NSW 2478 or

telephone them on (02) 6686 2044.

Barlows can supply expert advice plus a multitude of workshop requirements, including bolts,

v-belts, pulleys, paint, Valvoline oils, work boots and shirts, abrasives, cut-off wheels, pumps,

BOC industrial gas, and so much more.




4th October 2017 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards

14th October 2017 14.30 to 17.00

“Light The Night” Car Display at Italo-Australian Club—Details Page 6

14th October 2017 Fenwick Rove—dinner with Queensland Rover Club at Wollongbar Tavern—Details page 6

15th October 2017 Club Run-Wilsons Robotic Dairy-Details Page 7

25th October 2017 Midweek Coffee Run to Maclean -details Page 9

NB. AMENDED DATE: Previously 11th October,2017 now to be 25th October.

1st November 2017 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards

4/5 Nov. 2017 Jacaranda Weekend-Grafton Vintage Motor Vehicle Club-Details Page 12

8th November 2017 Midweek Coffee Run- Details TBA

18th November 2017 Bangalow Show—display 2pm to 5pm—meet at location.

19th November 2017 Club Run– Presidents Run from Alstonville to Ocean Shores—Details Page 4

6th December 2017 Social/dinner from 6.00pm at Bistro, at Lismore Workers Club, Keen St, Lismore, followed by Meeting at 7.30pm and coffee/drinks afterwards

10th December 2017 Standard of Excellence & Christmas party. Details TBA

13th December 2017 Midweek coffee run—Details TBA




David Gordon will be 70 on 3rd October—a few “moments” from his many memories!

The infamous go-cart from a few years ago

Daves 65th birthday party

The beloved “Feronda”

Sharing an apple with a bison

His face says it all!

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