newsletter- holistic education

Post on 02-Aug-2015






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“From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy

of discovery.” (Alfred North Whitehead)

Ours is a fast-paced world, constantly changing. This makes it essential for educa-

tors to draw out the best in children and adults, by developing the powers of head,

heart, and hands. We ensure that our education goes beyond classrooms and is

aligned towards project-, activity- and community-based learning. This helps re-

lease varied, untapped, limitless potentialities of the human spirit, as Plato stated.

Year 2014 – 2015

Located at Gattahalli, the school brings together diverse children from surrounding

villages, educating them, so they in turn can uplift their communities. At Nirmala

Vidyalaya, we emphasise values and wisdom. What good is education if it cannot

equip our children to live harmoniously and to make a difference in our society?

As a subsidiary of ACTS Group of Institutions, we strongly believe in Integrated

Holistic Education, which helps us achieve the overall wellbeing of a child.

Compassion, Commitment, Competence

Independence Day

Singing Competition

Teachers Day


Village Theatre

Nirmala Vidyalaya


We were on the verge of our Unit Tests and

yet, despite a tight schedule, we managed

to produce a colorful event that celebrated

our freedom.

It was wonderful to see our principal John

Prakash Kumar setting an example of self

confidence, as he sang at the singing com-

petition. He and his team have experienced

many transformations this year and through

it all, they have been able to strengthen

discipline, build character, and uplift social

and emotional skills of individuals.

Compassion, Commitment, Competence

Independence Day

Teacher’s Day Morning assembly

In Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligence, author Howard E. Gardner talks about the

Greeks and their belief that their artistic and athletic activities would develop a body that is perfectly

proportioned and graceful in movement, balance and tone. They sought a harmony between mind and

body, with the mind trained to use the body properly and the body trained to respond to the expressive

powers of the mind.

Did You Know

Nirmala Vidyalaya


UKG students posing as national leaders Discipline and order: A key to morality

Singing competition

Rebecca from Std III

Year 2014 – 2015

Compassion, Commitment, Competence

Programme for Environmental Awareness in Schools is a nationwide environ-

ment awareness programme aiming to motivate children into environmental action.

Hundreds of schools are involved in various activities that create awareness as well as

action to protect the environment. With its launch at our school, came a hope and a

dream to stand out as a model school and set an example for other institutions in the

village. Reduce, Recycle and Reuse were emphasised via activities and videos. Basic

compost making and waste management techniques were introduced to our students

and our own compost pit stood as a fine example.

Nirmala Vidyalaya


Encouraging waste segregation Depositing dry leaves for compost

Reduce — Reuse — Recycle

Year 2014 – 2015

Compassion, Commitment, Competence

Enthusiasm was outpouring, as we rallied across the village expressing

our love for nature, as part of our second PEAS programme. We en-

thralled the Government Primary School and Anganwadi children who

joined us in sharing the message of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Our chil-

dren took part in an exciting drama that portrayed care for flora and

fauna. With sheer joy and a sense of achievement, we returned to our

school, carrying real life experiences to integrate with our education.

Education can be delivered in many forms, but the most efficient is that

which relates and connects to a real life environment. In future, we want

to thrive as a system that is interactive and character-based and which

produces self-reliant individuals who will transform our society.

It is an overwhelming experience to be part of a holistic educational system. The writing and works are not of my own and are

purely inspired by the book Learning in an Integrated Environment by Dr Ken Gnanakan. It collates works of well-known educa-

tors across the world such as Whitehead, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Gardner, Gandhi, Confucius, Dewey, Tagore, Mandela and

others. I am thankful to the team we have at Nirmala Vidyalaya whose efforts have produced such fruitful results. Their teamwork

and support has made it possible for us to make a curriculum that imparts both classroom knowledge and a blend of skills and atti-

tudes through varied practicalities.— Azam Nathaniel — Project Development Coordinator.

Nirmala Vidyalaya

4 Year 2014 – 2015

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