news from advent lutheran church january 2019€¦ · on this special day we will have our epiphany...

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News from Advent Lutheran Church January 2019

Sunday, January 6th

Epiphany Worship Service 9:30am

Epiphany Luncheon and

Flaming Cherries Jubilee

following worship



Jason PetersonJason Peterson

Andrea WindsorAndrea Windsor--PetersonPeterson

Director of Music/OrganistDirector of Music/Organist

Melinda EastMelinda East


Tara SprayTara Spray

Nursery AttendantNursery Attendant

Brandi PateBrandi Pate

_____________ _____________

Church CouncilChurch Council


Angie HubbleAngie Hubble

Vice PresidentVice President

Erin TaylorErin Taylor


Marcy JimenezMarcy Jimenez


Steve MerzlakSteve Merzlak

At Large MembersAt Large Members

Diana PerryDiana Perry

Zack TeffetellerZack Teffeteller

_____________ _____________

Ministry Ministry

Chairpersons Chairpersons

Christian Education Christian Education

Heather HerrmannHeather Herrmann


Mary FilpusMary Filpus--LuyckxLuyckx


Linda JaathLinda Jaath


Marcy JimenezMarcy Jimenez


Linda Lawrence Linda Lawrence


A Word from the Pastors

"10When the wise men saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. 11On entering the

house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening

their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matthew 2: 10-11

As we move from Christmas into the season of Epiphany, we along with the wise men come to Jesus where

we pay homage. This year, the Day of Epiphany, January 6th, falls on a Sunday. The day of Epiphany begins

a new season of the church year. On this special day we will have our Epiphany celebration on January 6th

with a special worship service, where we can pay homage to the Christ child. This will be followed by a

special luncheon and flaming cherries jubilee. Throughout the season of Epiphany we will experience little

epiphanies as to who this Christ child is, and how he came down to save and redeem each and every one of

us. We look forward to all that this new season and new year will bring.

However, before we get too far into January, we first wanted to take a moment to say thank you!

· First we give all thanks and glory and honor to God for the many blessings here at Advent Lutheran

Church. We thank God for calling us to be your pastors here in this place each and every day.

· Thank you Melinda for being our organist and music director. You have out done yourself once again this

Advent and Christmas season! Thank you for all of your hard work putting together all of the special music,

instrumentalists, choirs, joint choirs, programs, services and so much more this season. We truly give God

thanks and praise for bringing you to Advent. We are so blessed with your talents on the organ and for the

love you show directing all music at Advent. You always go above and beyond in your musical calling and

we are so grateful for you!

· Thank you Tara for your kindness, love, and dedication as Advent’s Church secretary. You always work

so diligently through the many hours and days it takes to put the bulletins and newsletters together each sea-

son of the year. You are always so caring and go the extra mile to make everything so organized and effi-

cient in the church office. You bring such a glow of positivity that can be felt throughout the office and we

thank you for all of your hard work.

· Thank you to all who serve on the Altar Guild throughout the year. Advent has such a dedicated team of

members that work tirelessly in their preparations for worship and truly help to lift our joint worship to

God. Thank you Renee Blanchette for serving faithfully as the Altar Guild chairperson. You truly care,

love, and show excitement for the ways we praise our Lord. Your attention to detail, including making the

communion bread each week, and ironing the paraments is so appreciated! Each of our members give gen-

erously of their time behind the scenes. This year, we want to say a special thank you to Mary Suprek who

is stepping down from her time on Altar Guild. We truly give God thanks for the many years she has served

with a loving and generous heart for God!

· Thank you to the choir for sharing your love of music and praise of God through music. Thank you for

your faithful time given in choir practice. Your dedication truly shows forth through all of the wonderful

anthems and special music you share throughout the year. Your work and dedication is truly inspiring and

lifts our worship to God!

· Thank you to all those who help to lead worship. A special thank you to all who serve as greeters, aco-

lytes, crucifers, ushers, lectors, assisting ministers, and counters. Your faithful stewardship of time and tal-

ents really help the whole church give all praise and glory to God in the most highest.

· Thank you Heather Herrmann, Lynn Reed, Jaime Sadenwasser, Marcy Jimenez and Melinda East for all you

did with the Intergenerational Christmas Program. Thank you to all who came to practice each and every Satur-

day in November and December. From the children to the adults, the program this year truly helped us to re-

member to turn down the noise and distractions and open our eyes to the blessings we receive this time of year,

as we remember the Nativity of our Lord.

· Thank you to all of our special musicians who shared their musical gifts during the Christmas Eve services!

We had wonderful pre-service musical pieces from members of Advent. It was amazing to hear the choir share

multiple anthems and our children share a musical gift as well. The special instrumental offerings also add so

much to make this Christmas Eve so elevated as we join together in our praise of Christ who is born for us and

in us! What a most blessed Christmas Eve worship time it was!

· Thank you to our awesome Banner ministry! The new Christmas banners are spectacular! Paired with the new

white paraments, the sanctuary for Christmas was truly majestic. The creativity and artistry helped us truly

glorified God to the most highest!

· Thank you to the Fellowship ministry led by Linda Jaath for providing the many special opportunities to eat

together in God’s name during Advent and Christmas. From the Wednesday nights in Advent, to all the recep-

tions following events, we truly had many opportunities to come together and fellowship in Jesus' name. The

family that eats together grows in faith together.

· Thank you to the Service ministry led by Linda Lawrence this Christmas season. This ministry truly pulled

together with many hands doing all the work together. Over 14 families were blessed through the angel tree and

holiday food baskets. Thank you to the congregation for continuing to be so generous in giving to those in


· Thank you to our congregational council members. President Angie Hubble, Vice President Erin Taylor,

Treasurer Steve Merzlak, Secretary Marcy Jimenez, and council at-large members Zack Teffeteller and Diana

Perry! What a faithful and enthusiastic group that truly wants the best for Advent at every turn. You follow Je-

sus' command to love one another and share this love throughout the congregation with so much faith and com-

mitment. We are truly blessed to have such leaders as you!

· Thank you Steve and Debbie Merzlak for your continued faithfulness as Advent's financial secretaries. You

continue to balance the books, pay the bills, and manage all the finances of the church and so much more in the

most trustworthy ways. Your strong leadership as stewards of the finances of the church are remarkable and a

true witness to your love and dedication to God at Advent.

· Thank you for the many special personal gifts and the congregational monetary Christmas gift this year. We

are always humbled by your love, generosity, and support. This year even more so as we were absolutely God

smacked by the gift of new white and gold vestments. What a special gift of love we will remember as long as

we live. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

· And a SPECIAL THANK YOU to the people of God at Advent. Your continued serving and love in this

Church really exemplifies the light of Christ shining brightly in this congregation, community, and world. We

truly feel God at work at Advent through all the many ministries. Each time we gather together for worship or

fellowship or serve together in God's name, we feel at home. We look forward to a blessed 2019 and what God

has in store for us at Advent Lutheran Church!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Jason and Pastor Andrea

January Worship Schedule

Friday, January 6th Epiphany Worship Service

Worship & Holy Communion 9:30am

Epiphany Luncheon and Flaming Cherries Jubilee

Following worship

No Sunday School & Confirmation

Sunday, January 27th Third Sunday After The Epiphany

Worship & Holy Communion 9:30am

Sunday School & Confirmation Class 10:45am

Sunday, January 13th Baptism of Our Lord

Worship & Holy Communion 9:30am

Elizabeth Ostendorff Baptism Sunday School, Confirmation & New Mem-

ber Class 10:45am

Sunday, January 20th Second Sunday After The Epiphany

Worship & Holy Communion 9:30am

Installation of New Members & Breakfast

Sunday School & Confirmation Class 11am

Pray for Healing & Provision: Marge Rahn, Edgar Bollinger, Tania Hayes, Mary & Art Suprek, Irmgard Crowder, Maggie

Heaney, Daisy Morgan, Alice Glisson, Hilda Sullivan, Suzanne Fouche, Lee Hoops, Betty

& David Kadlewicz, Steve & Debbie Merzlak, Jared Fischer, Emerson Johnson, Brett Bill-

ings, Barbara Williams, John Tokarska, Ray Kung, Ken Glisson, Erika Larson, Virginia Reed-

strom, Otis Smith, Raquel, Diana Walker (friend of Hilda Sullivan), Bruce Carlton (brother

of Melinda East's neighbor), Judy Younce (Debbie Merzlak's sister), Tony Cruize, Greg

Dross(friend of Daisy Morgan), Jay Prescott (Ina & Alli Prescott's dad), Toni Jimenez (Sam

& Marcy Jimenez's Aunt), Alton Andrews (Heather & Ivan Fernandez, Heather's father),

Thomas Reilly, Jr.(Donna &Ed Stover's nephew), Family and Friends of Donna Meisner

upon her death,

Pray for Our Deployed Military: Peggy Martin, Aaron Hanes-Dodd, Rob Gulbrand-

son, Rayland Dawood, Steven Johnson.

During the month of January, the Lay Communion Ministers will take

communion to our homebound on the second Sunday of


I want to thank everyone for a wonderful Advent-Christmas Season. I want

to especially thank the choir, the youth, & the children and adults who partici-

pated in the Christmas Program on December 23. Thanks to Heather

Herrmann and Jamie Sadenwasser who directed, to the Christmas Commit-

tee’s planning and leadership and to Pastors Andrea and Jason. We had a de-

lightful Christmas musical nativity told from the perspective of the animals in

the stable. So much fun and so meaningful!

Also, a special thanks to Samantha Jimenez for organizing a beautiful French

Horn Christmas Concert for our Chrismon service.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve, thanks to our choir, children’s choir, and

guest musicians: Jesse Garrison, Lauren Cawthon, Trumpet, and Morgan

Anderson, tuba.

For our Pre-Service Music, Violet Herrmann played a piano solo and we had

vocal solos by Heather Herrmann, Jim Smith, Pam Tipler, Holly Sadenwasser

and Amy Smith. All was done beautifully! Thanks to everyone involved in

Christmas Eve music!

I’m looking forward to a great spring season. Choir practice begins again on

Wednesday, January 9th. It will be on Wednesday from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. If

you enjoy singing, come and sing with us.


Melinda East

EDUCATION MINISTRY The Education Ministry would like to thank all of the people who came together to

make this year’s Christmas program a success. All of the actors, singers, set de-

signers, costumers, set builders, musicians, prop providers, cheerleaders and en-

thusiastic audience members helped to make the musical a success. The sanctuary

was filled with Christmas joy and love as we worshipped God in a special way.

In Christ,

Heather Herrmann


Beginning on January 13, 2019, Gayle Ricklefs will lead a

new Adult Sunday School Class. The class will run through

March 3, 2019. The class will focus on Love through their

study of the biblical book of First John.

1 John is a book of comfort and challenge. It comforts us

with the reminder that we are children of God. It challenges

us to make our faith genuine by expressing in our lives what

we believe in our hearts.

We hope you can come to this class as we explore how as children of God, we can

best live out our lives through love.


Beginning on January 13, 2019, Marcy Jimenez will lead a youth

Sunday School Class on Hunger. More than 800 million people -

that's 11 percent of people in our world today - are hungry. These

classes will discuss Hunger in our World and how we can raise

awareness and learn more about our bib-

lical witness to help our neighbor in

need. The class will lead up to our an-

nual Super Bowl of Caring on February

3, 2019.

Advent Lutheran Altar Guild,

A very special thank you to the wonderful devotion

of the Altar Guild Ladies. You have all worked so

hard to make our weekly Sunday services go so

smoothly. All of you make being part of the Altar

Guild an easy task for me at Advent each week.

Each and everyone of you are always there to help

when extra help is needed. And so I would like to

thank, Martha Ostendorff, Heather Herrmann, Linda Lawrence, Jamie Sadenwasser

and Julie Fillgrove. I could not lead the Altar Guild without you. To our newcom-

ers, Brandi Pate, Gina Hammock, Kate Peterson and Violet Herrmann, thank you

for joining our team. A grateful thank you to Pastor Andrea and Pastor Jason for

all the answered questions and help with any problems that arose during the

year. And a very special thank you to Mary Suprek for her many years of service

with our Altar Guild family.

Always in my heart,

Renee Blanchette

Advent will be welcoming new members on Sunday, January 20th during

the 9:30am worship time. We will hold a new member orientation class

during the Sunday school hour on January 13th following worship. If you

are interested in joining Advent Lutheran Church, we invite you to at-

tend the class on the 13th. If you have any questions, Pastor Jason and

Pastor Andrea would love to talk with you.

Month Set-Up Take Down

January Heather Herrmann Brandi Pate

February Martha Ostendorff Gina Hammock

March Carol Billings Julie Fillgrove

April Renee Blanchette Kate Peterson/

May Linda Lawrence Linda Lawrence

June Heather Herrmann Brandi Pate

July Martha Ostendorff Gina Hammock

August Jamie Sadenwasser Julie Fillgrove

September Carol Billings Kate Peterson/

Violet Herrmann

October Linda Lawrence Linda Lawrence

November Jamie Sadenwasser Julie Fillgrove

December Renee Blanchette Kate Peterson/

Violet Herrmann & All

Greetings from Liverpool—Pam Tipler

While at my tropical medicine course in Liverpool, we had lectures on lep-

rosy. My mind would wander to Matthew 8 when Jesus healed the man with lep-

rosy. The man cried out, "make me clean." After these lectures, I felt a calling to

see 1st hand this population of people who are so stigmatized by this disease...a

disease that is curable. Even up until the 1940s, doctors used to throw medica-

tions at leprosy patients as they stood in the doorway. So I went to India where

the incidence and prevalence of leprosy is the highest in the world. In Mumbai,

the population is almost 20 million with 60% being in the slums. The Bombay

Leprosy Project goes out to the slums, looking for possible new cases based on

skin changes, sensory loss, and nerve enlargement. Because there are no "streets"

in the slums, maps are drawn with landmarks so that patients can be found. Pa-

tients can then be brought to a referral center where their skin lesions are mapped,

sensation and function are evaluated, and skin smears are performed to look for

the bacteria that causes leprosy. Once officially diagnosed, patients are started on

multidrug therapy that is free of cost to the patient. If they have deformities, they

are given assistive devices to help. If they have early or partial paralysis, they un-

dergo physiotherapy. In the rural areas where access to care is very limited, pa-

tients have severe deformities and the project goes out there and gives them shoes

to protect their feet and clean wounds. When in America, I am used to always being on the go. I find myself needing

to fill downtime with other tasks. When I am overseas, I am usually more re-

laxed. I am more ok with downtime. However, there were times in India where I

felt like I was not contributing as I was not seeing the massive amounts of patients

that I normally do. I would get aggravated. How can I be making a difference if

I'm just sitting around? How can I be doing God's work and spreading Christ's

love if I'm just having conversations with people? But that's just it! Christ is still

working through me (and all of us) and had me meet all of the people who work

for the project. Christ was showing me how He is working through them! I heard

and saw so many stories on how that project is making a huge impact. Christ has

blessed these people with incredible gifts, and they are using them to their utmost


Although at times I felt like I was doing nothing, when a patient smiled because I

touched them...a simple human touch that they haven't experienced because of the

stigma of the disease...I could see Christ's light. I know that Christ was also teach-

ing me to Be Still and to be patient. Learn the lessons I am supposed to. Touch

the lives of those around me and show His light and love. I do not always need to

fill the "void" because Christ fills my life. There is no void. Christ reminds us

that even God rested. It is important to rest to reflect and grow closer to God. I'm

blessed for the experience I had in India and to see the incredible impact they have

made in thousands of lives.

In Christ,


THE WOMEN OF THE ELCA of Resurrection Lutheran Church

is inviting all of the women of Advent Lutheran Church to an

Epiphany Luncheon Saturday, January 19th at 12:00pm

At Advent Lutheran Church’s Fellowship Hall

Carol Page will be our guest speaker, she will present

“Gadgets & Gizmos”

Meat and drinks will be provided,

Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

And your favorite Nativity Scene.

Family and Friends are always welcome.

Please Sign-up on Sign-up Central,

so we can plan for the amount of food.

If you have any questions, please contact Tara Spray.


Instead of meeting in January, we will be attend-

ing the Southeastern Synod Fourth Annual

Advocacy Gathering on Saturday, Feb 2 from

9:00-3:00pm at St. John’s Lutheran Church,

1410 Ponce de Leon Ave. Atlanta, GA 30307 .

We can take a group but, must register in ad-

vance, so please register via Facebook on their

Facebook page or email Mary Filpus-Luyckx at if you plan to at-


Here are some of the details of the event: Walking Wet – Through Baptism.

This will give us a new perspective from which to love and serve our

neighbor. Walking Wet is all about who God has called us to be as He claims us in

the waters of baptism. Walking Wet implies we are part of a large group, brothers

and sisters in Christ.

Our Keynote Speaker will be Rev. Amy Reumann, ELCA Director of Advocacy.

Following our Keynote, Bishop Gordy will take us on a tour of the new Synod


Lunch will be provided. Following lunch, you will have the opportunity to attend

two out of five workshops. Topics will include:

Care for Creation by Georgia Interfaith Power and Light,

Migration by Lutheran Services of Georgia and Jordan Slappey,

Congregational Advocacy by Hilton Austin, Dawn Bennett, and Catherine


The Truth about Medicaid Expansion by Pastor Matt Steinhauer.

Criminal Justice Reform by Southern Poverty Law Center

We hope you can attend!

A SPECIAL WORD ABOUT STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry was established in 1975 by the Reverend Ken-

neth Hauck, when he realized two significant truths about the

pastoral care aspect of his ministry. First, he realized that as

much as he wanted to, he simply could not maintain a high and

consistent quality of care to his congregants. The need was too

great for one person to handle. The second truth he realized was

that there were very gifted lay members who had hearts for Je-

sus, and a desire to walk with, and help those who were suffer-

ing. And so, he gathered together a group of such people, and

trained them the art of compassionate care, empathy, and listen-


In the past 44 years, the Holy Spirit has grown Stephen Ministry across our country, and

across denominations reaching more than 13, 000 congregations. It has grown because it is a

ministry that is so needed, and because it is one that is an absolute blessing to people of God.

It is a blessing to pastors who want the best care for the people they shepherd, and it is a bless-

ing to people who are going through a difficult time. And the truth is, it is also a blessing to

those who are called to be Stephen Ministers. Advent Lutheran Church is one of the !3,000

congregations and has been blessed by this ministry for over 25 years.

Over the next few months Stephen Ministry will be publicized, highlighted, and explained so

that everyone at Advent is aware of this beautiful ministry and the benefits they, or someone

they know, can receive. For starters, let me give and overall explanation. Stephen Ministry is

a one-to-one lay caring ministry that trains, equips, and empowers lay caregivers- called

Stephen Ministers- to provide high quality, confidential, Christ centered care to people who

are dealing with tough times: the loss of a loved one, diagnosis of a chronic illness, job loss, a

move, divorce, or other life-changing events. Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care

receiver and are there to listen and be a compassionate companion, one who provides emo-

tional and spiritual support.

Here at Advent we currently have 6 Stephen Ministers. They are Gayle Ricklefs, Ann Simon,

Marcy Jimenez, Carol Billings, Bobby Bisbee, and Liza Fincher. Each week, following wor-

ship, two of them will be standing at the Stephen Ministry banner in the narthex, They will be

ready and willing to answer any questions you may have about the ministry as a whole, or how

to receive care. It is my prayer that after this year of promotion and education, we will be

ready to begin a new training. There will be more information on this at a later date. In the

meantime, please pray for this ministry and how God might be calling you to receive the gift

of this one to one care.

In Christ,

Pastor Andrea

ADVENT BOOK CLUB 2019 Meetings are on the 4th Monday of the month at 7:00pm unless otherwise noted.

Join us on Monday, January 28th at 7:00pm

in the Adult Sunday School Room as we meet to

discuss the book, “The End of Your Life Book Club.”

The Discussion Leader for the evening will be Jan Lamke

and the Hostesses is Susan Ditslear. All are welcome!




The End of Your Life Book Club

Will Schwalbe

Jan Lamke

Susan Ditslear

2/25/19 Your favorite

childhood book Ingrid Zamecnik Betsy Walker

3/25/19 Quiet, the Power of

Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

Susan Cain

Gayle Ricklefs



The Wonder

Emma Donoghue

Martha Ostendorff

Jan Lamke


Before We Were Yours

Lisa Wingate

Mary Suprek

Pat Grim


It is a tradition at Advent Lutheran Church to take a moment at Christmas time to recog-

nize our Amazing Pastors and our Awesome staff with a heartfelt thank you and a gift

from the congregation.

If you have ever had the opportunity to deal with Tara, then you know how truly out-

standing she is! Each year we continue to increase her workload and responsibilities and

she accomplishes every task with grace and precision. We truly thank you Tara for all

your hard work and dedication!

Bradi Pate is our Nursery Attendant. It is hard to remember a time when Brandi was not

single handedly running the nursery. In fact, I would bet that many of our now teenagers

probably started out in the nursery with Brandi. Each week Brandi cares for our young-

est Lutherans in the nursery. For all Brandi’s care for our littlest ones, we truly give

thanks to our God for you!

Melinda East is our fabulous Music Director and Organist. Each week Melinda spends

hours and hours at the church working tirelessly to learn and perfect the music that we

enjoy and sing along to each week. This past year, Melinda was able to incorporate a lot

of our children and youth into the choir seamlessly along with leading us musically in

all the many wonderful services throughout the year. Melinda is truly a blessing to Ad-

vent. Thank you Melinda.

Speaking of blessings to our church, I would like to thank our AMAZING Pastors, Pas-

tor Andrea and Pastor Jason. Words cannot begin to describe how much they mean to

both me personally as well as to all the people of God here at Advent. Each week they

pour their hearts and souls into caring for us and teaching us God’s Word. They lead us,

they mentor us, they participate in all the ministries, and help us to become stronger

Christians. They serve in absolutely every capacity and strive to start even more minis-

tries to ensure everyone is involved and feels like they have a place to call home here at

Advent. They truly love us and I think I can speak for the whole congregation when I

say, we truly love them too! Thank you so much Pastors Andrea and Jason!

We are truly blessed here at Advent to have such amazing and gifted leadership and I

truly give God all thanks and praise!

In Christ’s service,

Angie Hubble, Advent Church Council President


1 Office

Will Be


2 AA 8am -9am

3 AA 8am -9am

Bible Study




4 AA 8am -9am



Meeting 9:00am


Crowder’s 90th



3pm - 6pm

6 Epiphany of

Our Lord Worship & Holy



Epiphany Luncheon

Followed by

Flaming Cherries

Jubilee after



AA 8am -9am






11 AA 8am -9am

12 AA 8am -9am


Strength for




AA 8am -9am


AA 8am -9am



Service Min.






AA 8am -9am

Lunch Plus

Group 12pm

Choir Practice

6:30pm -


13 Baptism of

Our Lord

Worship & Holy


9:30am Sunday School,

Confirmation &

New Member Class



AA 8am -9am

15 AA 8am -9am

Church Council


16 AA 8am -9am

Choir Practice

6:30pm -



AA 8am -9am

Bible Study





AA 8am -9am




Luncheon 12pm

Chinese Church


20 2nd Sunday

After Epiphany Worship, Holy &

Installation of New



9:30am Sunday School &




AA 8am -9am


AA 8am -9am




AA 8am -9am

Choir Practice

6:30pm -



AA 8am -9am







AA 8am -9am


27 3rd Sunday

After Epiphany

Worship & Holy



9:30am Sunday School/



28 AA 8am -9am

Book Club


29 AA 8am -9am

30 AA 8am -9am

Choir Practice

6:30pm -


31 AA 8am -9am



1/6/19 1/13/19 1/20/19 1/27/19

Assisting Ministers Mary Filpus-Luyckx Tom Alderson Heather Herrmann Lynn Reed

Lectors Paul Filpus-Luyckx Diana Perry Gina Hammock Bob Holm


Assistants Maggie Heaney Marcy Jimenez Gayle Ricklefs Carol Billings

Acolytes /Crucifiers Violet Herrmann/

Timmy Peterson

Max Van Bladel/

Brian Sadenwasser

Marianna Hammock-

Vandour/ Holly Sa-


Kate Peterson/

Sophie Van Bladel

Ushers Linda Lawrence/

Gary Lawrence

Steve Merzlak/ Jim


Samantha Jimenez/

Sam Jimenez

Tim Sadenwasser/

Tom Alderson

Greeters Shirley Chipman/

Julie Fillgrove

Vicki & Peter Kohler

Erin Taylor/

Pam Tipler

Renee Blanchette/

Bobby Bisbee

Flowers Given By

In Memory of Mother

Hilda Pollich given by

Hilda Sullivan

*Sign up in


*Sign up in


*Sign up in


Missionary Support

Given by

*Sign up outside

church office*

*Sign up outside

church office*

*Sign up outside

church office*

*Sign up outside church


Hospital/Shut In

Ministers Gayle Ricklefs Martha Ostendorff Vicki Kohler Tom Alderson

Visitor of Visitors Lisa Cheek Linda Lawrence Gayle Ricklefs Martha Ostendorff

Fellowship Coffee



Epiphany Luncheon Coffee Only


Potluck Breakfast Coffee Only

Altar Guild Sat. Martha Ostendorff Martha Ostendorff Martha Ostendorff Martha Ostendorff

Altar Guild Late: Mary Suprek Mary Suprek Mary Suprek Mary Suprek

3232 Washington Road

Augusta, GA 30907

Phone: 706-860-0439





Deadline for February Newsletter

Articles: Monday, January 23rd

Megan Tokarska - Jan 2

Greg Van Bladel - Jan 2

Irmgard Crowder - Jan 4

Art Suprek - Jan 5

Carolyn Teffeteller - Jan 9

Carol Billings - Jan 11

Brenda Hoops - Jan 11

Dean Summers - Jan 13

Barbara Williams - Jan 16

Brent Billings - Jan 18

Erin Taylor - Jan 18

Jimmie Morgan - Jan 23

Joey Tupper - Jan 23

Diane Aizcorbe - Jan 24

Kateri Engelin - Jan 24

Hilda Sullivan - Jan 27

Gary Agenbroad - Jan 27

Tamara Paulus - Jan 30

Pastors Andrea & Jason—

Jan 6

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