new - safety not guaranteed

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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New - Safety Not Guaranteed


1. Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)

2. In A World

3. In Secret

4. Great Expectations

5. Mom's Night Out

6. Detention (2011)

7. Zaytoun (2012)

8. Take This Waltz (2011)

9. A Little Bit of Heaven (2011)

10. Endless Love

11. The Pretty One

12. The Angriest Man in Brooklyn (2014)

13. Blended

14. Night Moves (2013)

15. Kill Your Darlings (2013)

16. The Oranges (2012)

17. Why Stop Now (2012)

18. The Weight of Elephants

19. Begin Again (II) (2013)

20. My Brothers (2010)

21. Son of Rambow (2007)

22. Wild Bill

23. Is Anybody There?

24. . The Book Of Eli

25. Paul

26. The World's End (2013)

27. Hot Fuzz (2007)

28. High School (2010)

29. Restless (2011)

30. Terri (2011)

31. Disconnect (2012)

32. Tracks (2013)

33. Waiting For Forever (2011)

34. The Signal (2014) -

35. The Answer Man (2009)

36. Flash of Genius (2008)

37. Little Man Tate (1991)

38. THE BLIND SIDE (2009)

39. Wristcutters: A Love Story (2006)

40. World's Greatest Dad (2009)

41. The Chumscrubber (2005)

42. Jakob the Liar (1999)

43. Brother, Where Art Thou?

44. You've Got Mail (1998)

45. Jerry Maguire (1996)

46. Jerry Maguire (1996)

47. Sunshine (2007)

48. Sex Drive (2008)

49. Children of Men

50. Serenity (2005)

51. Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Unknown (2011)

Non - Stop   (2014) Dogma (1999)Three Kings (1999)Jarhead (2005)Super (2010) That's What I Am (2011)Killer Elite (2011)Scenes of a Sexual Nature (2006)Bronson   (2008) Locke (2013)

Last Night (2011) Dear Lemon Lima (2009) Child 44 (2014)

Black Hawk DownLayer Cake (2004)Lone Survivor (2013) The Fall (2006) The Science of Sleep (2006) Elf (2003) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)Just Like the Son (2006)The Go-Getter (2007) Sassy Pants (2012)

The Messenger

52. Year53. Best Picture

Academy Award Winners

54. Director

(of the winning Film)

55. Studio or

Production Company

57. 1927-28 58. Wings (Best Production)

Sunrise (Unique and Artistic Picture)

59. William A. Wellman 60. Paramount Famous Lasky

61. 1928-29 62. The Broadway Melody (Best Production) 63. Harry Beaumont 64. MGM

65. 1929-30 66. All Quiet on the Western Front 67. Lewis Milestone 68. Universal

69. 1930-31 70. Cimarron 71. Wesley Ruggles 72. RKO Radio

73. 1931-32 74. Grand Hotel 75. Edmund Goulding 76. MGM

77. 1932-33 78. Cavalcade 79. Frank Lloyd 80. Fox

81. 1934 82. It Happened One Night 83. Frank Capra 84. Columbia

85. 1935 86. Mutiny on the Bounty 87. Frank Lloyd 88. MGM

89. 1936 90. The Great Ziegfeld 91. Robert Z. Leonard 92. MGM

93. 1937 94. The Life of Emile Zola 95. William Dieterle 96. Warner Bros

97. 1938 98. You Can't Take It With You 99. Frank Capra 100.Columbia

101.1939 102.Gone With The Wind 103.Victor Fleming 104.MGM (Selznick)

105.1940 106.Rebecca 107.Alfred Hitchcock 108.United Artists (Selznick)

109.1941 110.How Green Was My Valley 111.John Ford 112.20th Century-Fox

113.1942 114.Mrs. Miniver 115.William Wyler 116.MGM

117.1943 118.Casablanca 119.Michael Curtiz 120.Warner Bros

121.1944 122.Going My Way 123.Leo McCarey 124.Paramount

125.1945 126.The Lost Weekend 127.Billy Wilder 128.Paramount

129.1946 130.The Best Years of Our Lives 131.William Wyler 132.RKO Radio (Goldwyn)

133.1947 134.Gentleman's Agreement 135.Elia Kazan 136.20th Century-Fox

137.1948 138.Hamlet 139.Laurence Olivier 140.Universal-International


141.1949 142.All the King's Men 143.Robert Rossen 144.Columbia

145.1950 146.All About Eve 147.Joseph L. Mankiewicz 148.20th Century-Fox

149.1951 150.An American In Paris 151.Vincente Minnelli 152.MGM

153.1952 154.The Greatest Show on Earth 155.Cecil B. DeMille 156.Paramount

157.1953 158.From Here to Eternity 159.Fred Zinnemann 160.Columbia

161.1954 162.On The Waterfront 163.Elia Kazan 164.Columbia

165.1955 166.Marty 167.Delbert Mann 168.United Artists

169.1956 170.Around the World in 80 Days 171.Michael Anderson 172.United Artists

173.1957 174.The Bridge On The River Kwai 175.David Lean 176.Columbia

177.1958 178.Gigi 179.Vincente Minnelli 180.MGM

181.1959 182.Ben-Hur 183.William Wyler 184.MGM

185.1960 186.The Apartment 187.Billy Wilder 188.United Artists

189.1961 190.West Side Story 191.Robert Wise and Jerome


192.United Artists

193.1962 194.Lawrence of Arabia 195.David Lean 196.Columbia

197.1963 198.Tom Jones 199.Tony Richardson 200.United Artists

201.1964 202.My Fair Lady 203.George Cukor 204.Warner Bros

205.1965 206.The Sound of Music 207.Robert Wise 208.20th Century Fox

209.1966 210.A Man for All Seasons 211.Fred Zinnemann 212.Columbia

213.1967 214.In the Heat of the Night 215.Norman Jewison 216.United Artists

217.1968 218.Oliver! 219.Carol Reed 220.Columbia

221.1969 222.Midnight Cowboy 223.John Schlesinger 224.United Artists

225.1970 226.Patton 227.Franklin J. Schaffner 228.20th Century Fox

229.1971 230.The French Connection 231.William Friedkin 232.20th Century Fox

233.1972 234.The Godfather 235.Francis Ford Coppola 236.Paramount

237.1973 238.The Sting 239.George Roy Hill 240.Universal

241.1974 242.The Godfather Part II 243.Francis Ford Coppola 244.Paramount

245.1975 246.One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest 247.Milos Forman 248.United Artists

249.1976 250.Rocky 251.John G. Avildsen 252.United Artists

253.1977 254.Annie Hall 255.Woody Allen 256.United Artists

257.1978 258.The Deer Hunter 259.Michael Cimino 260.Universal

261.1979 262.Kramer vs. Kramer 263.Robert Benton 264.Columbia

265.1980 266.Ordinary People 267.Robert Redford 268.Paramount

269.1981 270.Chariots of Fire 271.Hugh Hudson 272.The Ladd Co./Warner Bros.

273.1982 274.Gandhi 275.Richard Attenborough 276.Columbia

277.1983 278.Terms of Endearment 279.James L. Brooks 280.Paramount

281.1984 282.Amadeus 283.Milos Forman 284.Orion

285.1985 286.Out of Africa 287.Sydney Pollack 288.Universal

289.1986 290.Platoon 291.Oliver Stone 292.Orion

293.1987 294.The Last Emperor 295.Bernardo Bertolucci 296.Columbia

297.1988 298.Rain Man 299.Barry Levinson 300.United Artists

301.1989 302.Driving Miss Daisy 303.Bruce Beresford 304.Warner Bros

305.1990 306.Dances with Wolves 307.Kevin Costner 308.Orion

309.1991 310.The Silence of the Lambs 311.Jonathan Demme 312.Orion

313.1992 314.Unforgiven 315.Clint Eastwood 316.Warner Bros.

317.1993 318.Schindler's List 319.Steven Spielberg 320.Universal/Amblin

321.1994 322.Forrest Gump 323.Robert Zemeckis 324.Paramount

325.1995 326.Braveheart 327.Mel Gibson 328.Paramount

329.1996 330.The English Patient 331.Anthony Minghella 332.Miramax

333.1997 334.Titanic 335.James Cameron 336.Paramount/20th Century


337.1998 338.Shakespeare in Love 339.John Madden 340.Miramax

341.1999 342.American Beauty 343.Sam Mendes 344.DreamWorks

345.2000 346.Gladiator 347.Ridley Scott 348.DreamWorks

349.2001 350.A Beautiful Mind 351.Ron Howard 352.DreamWorks/Universal

353.2002 354.Chicago 355.Rob Marshall 356.Miramax

357.2003 358.The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the


359.Peter Jackson 360.New Line

361.2004 362.Million Dollar Baby 363.Clint Eastwood 364.Warner Bros.

365.2005 366.Crash 367.Paul Haggis 368.Lions Gate Films

369.2006 370.The Departed 371.Martin Scorsese 372.Warner Bros.

373.2007 374.No Country For Old Men 375.Ethan Coen, Joel Coen 376.Paramount

377.2008 378.Slumdog Millionaire 379.Danny Boyle 380.Celador Films

381.2009 382.The Hurt Locker 383.Kathryn Bigelow 384.Voltage Pictures

385.2010 386.The King's Speech 387.Tom Hooper 388.See-Saw Films

389.2011 390.The Artist 391.Michel Hazanavicius 392.La Petite Reine and ARP


393.2012 394.Argo 395.Ben Affleck 396.Warner Bros. Pictures

397.2013 398.12 Years a Slave 399.Steve McQueen 400.Regency Enterprises

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