new road information primary school report€¦ · we hold parents’ evenings three times a year...

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New Road

Primary School

Date approved: September 2019

Review date: September 2020


New Road Primary School SEN Information Report

September 2019

Introduction At New Road Primary School, we embrace the fact that every child is unique, and, therefore,

the educational needs of every child are different; this is certainly the case for children with

Special Educational Needs.

We use the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice (2014) which

identifies the four areas of special educational needs as:

Communication and Interaction,

Cognition and Learning,

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties, and

Sensory and Physical Needs.

Our school aims to be an inclusive school (UNESCO, 2009). We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children, in accordance with the United Nations Conventions of the Rights of the Child (1992).


1. How does New Road School know if a child needs extra help?

At New Road Primary, we adopt a Quality First Teaching approach and follow the New

Road Primary SEN Identification Pathway (See graphic below).

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Identification Pathway

Class teacher leads on setting outcomes and plans the QFT and

early intervention targeted at a child’s areas of weakness. They speak to the parents/carers about how to best support at home.

Parents/carers or

outside professionals raise

a concern


Inform parents Currently ‘Underachieving’

Address other causal factors e.g.


SEN Inform parents

Formally record at SEN Support and add child to school SEN register. Write a SEN Support



Less than expected progress despite QFT and targeted

early SEN support in areas of weakness

SENCO working together with parents and class teacher:

1. Carries out further assessment to provide identification of pupil’s additional needs.

2. Agree whether the child has a learning difficulty which requires

Additional SEN Support and/or further outside specialist support.

Some progress made. Repeat

cycle once


Good progress. Return to regular class


The class teacher requests SENCO involvement. SENCO

advises with action points.

If regular assessment in class and progress tracking of pupils at termly pupil

progress meetings shows less than expected progress, despite Quality First Teaching (QFT), or concerns are raised

regarding emotional well-being or


Communicate with parents and SENCO


2. What should I do if I think my child may have SEN?

If you have a cause for concern or worry regarding your child’s educational progress or

social and emotional development, you should first speak to your child’s class teacher.

All parents are welcome to visit their child’s class teacher as part of our open-door policy.

If you continue to be concerned that your child is not making progress, you may speak to

Mr Riley, the Special Education Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO).

You are always able to speak to Mrs Forrest, our head teacher, who is always ready to

support and advise you or to Mrs Willson, our Family Liaison Officer.

3. How will New Road School support my child?

High quality teaching first and foremost, which means that learning objectives and

learning tasks are matched to your child to enable them to progress in their learning at

their level of ability. This is monitored by the Senior Leadership Team.

Early help intervention programmes are provided when necessary by the class teacher

and SENCO who ensure that you are informed, supported and involved in your child’s


If your child is identified as having SEN then further assessments may be requested from

outside agencies such as the educational psychologist, speech therapist or occupational

therapist and other outreach services and always with parental/carer consent.

All additional support beyond Quality First Teaching or early interventions are recorded

on a SEN Support Plan after being discussed with parents/carers and the professionals


4. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Pupil progress meetings are held termly with the Senior Leadership Team and class

teachers to discuss progress and appropriate support for each child.

Reviews of learning targets for your child are held three times a year between the SENCO

and class teacher.

Our curriculum is designed to match your child’s needs by offering personalised learning,

which is varied and matched to their ability and their style of learning. This will develop

their skills as learners and help them to become more independent, enabling them to

progress and reach their full potential.

5. How will both you and I know how my child is doing?

We hold parents’ evenings three times a year to inform you on progress and support for

your child, the SENCO can be present at your consultation if you wish.

Home/school contact books are provided for each child. You can see your child’s teacher

at the end of each day.

You will be given a copy any additional provision for your child with their targets and if

your child’s needs change you will be informed.

You can make a separate appointment to see the SENCO.


You will receive an annual report from the class teacher for your child.

6. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

The support for your child’s emotional well-being will be through The Thrive Approach.

Thrive is a dynamic, developmental approach to working with children and young people

that helps teachers and adults to interpret their behaviour and address their emotional


What is the Thrive Approach?

Thrive is a specific way of working with all children that helps to develop their social and

emotional well-being, enabling them to engage with life and learning. It supports them in

becoming more self-assured, capable and adaptable. It can also address any troubled, or

troubling, behaviours providing a firm foundation for academic attainment. Informed by The

Thrive developmental model, we use relational, play-and arts-based activities in one-to-one

sessions, in small group sessions, or in class as lessons progress.

What are the principles of Thrive?

There are four guiding principles of the Thrive Approach:

• Every child is a unique person, constantly developing and learning in different ways and at

different rates, each with his/her own abilities, talents and potential to be fulfilled.

• Children’s healthy development, emotional well-being and learning are crucially

dependent upon, and promoted through, positive relationships.

• Children flourish when they are confident, self-assured, capable and resilient.

• Children thrive in enabling environments, in which their individual development, learning

experiences and needs are understood, responded to and supported through strong

partnerships with parents/carers.

What are the benefits of Thrive?

• Thrive teaches the understanding of children’s behaviour as communication, improves

learning skills and leads to greater attainment.

• It promotes productive learning for all children.

• It creates practical strategies that can be implemented the next day.

• It supports and empowers, providing the confidence and competence to work with

challenging and vulnerable children, and with parents and integrated teams.

• It leads to better relationships at home and in school.

How is it that all children benefit from Thrive?


Thrive is an approach to working with all children. It is based on neurological evidence which

addresses brain development so that all children learn to regulate their emotional

responses, develop resilience and manage disappointment and frustration.

All children (and adults!) need a little emotional support when things are going wrong.

Thrive provides a way of understanding and addressing the emotional and social

development of all children. It pays specific attention to children as and when they

experience interruptions to that development whenever and for whatever reason they


What kinds of behaviour does it help with?

The Thrive Approach helps children who are, temporarily or more permanently, restless,

withdrawn or underachieving as well as those with attachment issues or challenging and

disruptive behaviours. Schools that have introduced Thrive report improved attendance,

reduced classroom disruption, better educational attainment and fewer exclusions. Parents

report significant improvements in their relationship with their children as well as improved

behaviour. The children themselves say they feel better understood and they get more out

of school.

Other support includes:

We have a Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Willson, who is available for any child to talk to.

We access counselling and play therapy for children who have experienced trauma or

who need additional emotional support.

We liaise with the Medway Inclusion Team who facilitates the School Support Group for

pupils with challenging behaviour to reduce exclusions.

The school uses the Thrive Approach to support children and staff understand and

manage the variety of emotional issues and needs within the school.

We run attendance reviews every fortnight with the Attendance Advisory Practitioner

(AAP) and invite parents to attendance clinics to improve attendance.

We have good links with the school nurse, who will come in to talk to parents or children.

Each class has an elected school council member, who attends meetings weekly and any

problems raised by the pupils are discussed and acted upon.

Lunchtime clubs and Sports Activities led by trained coaches are available for all children,

particularly those who find lunchtime challenging.

The Early Help Assessment is used to support the wellbeing and behavioural issues of a

child and the family, with the child invited to attend if appropriate.


7. Pupils with medical or sensory needs

We access a variety of Children’s Therapy services for children with physical and sensory


Care Plans for health are drawn up with the school nurse for children with medical needs.

Medicine can be administered in school with signed parental permission

There are six nominated first aiders in school and members of the Foundation Stage staff

have paediatric first aid qualifications.

Our Business Manager keeps a register of pupils with medical problems, which is made

available to staff

8. What training have the staff supporting children with special educational

needs (SEN) had or will be having in the future?

Mr Riley our SENCO is a qualified teacher with the National Award for Special Educational

Needs Qualification and is a Thrive Practitioner.

All staff have regular training on Autism, Attachment, Disability Awareness and Child

Protection, as well as updates on other training, such as Positive Handling.

The Head Teacher is the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) co-ordinator and

ensures that staff have the skills they require to support the pupils.

9. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by New

Road School?

We have access to a wide range of specialist services as follows:

o Attendance Advisory Practitioner (AAP)

o Young People’s Wellbeing & Mental Health Service

o Children’s Therapy Services (Snapdragons Centre)

o Counselling Services

o Educational Psychologist (EP)

o Occupational Therapist (OT)

o Paediatric Services (Snapdragons Centre)

o Physical & Sensory Service (PASS)

o Outreach Services (Bradfields, Dane Court, Marlborough)

o School Nursing Team

o Children’s Services Advice Team (CAD)

o Speech & Language Therapist (SALT)


10. How will New Road School prepare and support my child to join, transfer to a

new school or for the next stage of education?

There is an induction evening in the Summer Term for all children who will be joining the

Foundation Stage in September and a Welcome Club is available for sessions in the

summer term.

Nursery tasters are held before children enter school.

Early Years Foundation Stage children are visited by a member of the Foundation Stage

team before joining. Staff also attend the child’s current pre-school. Reception children

attend four Welcome sessions in the Summer term.

Children who join New Road at a later date are given a tour of the school and parents are

given a parents’ handbook.

Previous schools are contacted to discuss any concerns and to share information.

Transition to a new class within New Road School is facilitated by several sessions to

meet new class teachers and get used to a new environment, with extra sessions for the

Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 transition.

We run a transition programme for Year 6 pupils across the two Year 6 classes.

Autistic or vulnerable pupils are given an enhanced transition pack and have extra

sessions to prepare for their transfer to secondary school.

Secondary school SENCOs visit New Road to meet teachers to discuss any extra transition

days which may be necessary.

If Early Help Support is running, the new school will be invited to attend the meeting

prior to transfer.

11. How are pupils helped to prepare for adult life so they can go on to achieve

and live happy lives?

Through the person-centred planning approach, the child and family are at the centre of

all decision-making, so a pupil’s aspirations will always be considered and targets will

reflect their needs in order to achieve and be successful in all areas of their life.

The school also has teaching and learning approaches that support independent learning

and the development of independence and transferrable life-skills including;

o Growth Mindset Approach

o Thrive Approach

o School Council

o Understanding how to apply their knowledge and skills through depth of


o Vocational/enterprise/understanding of the world of work

o Attendance

o Personal Social Health and Economics Education – Financial awareness

o Outside visitors – from variety of occupations/employment

o Independent learning activities.


The school’s motto of ‘Yes I can’ is based on the values of Respect, Honesty,

Responsibility and Consideration. This demonstrates our ethos and commitment

towards developing and readying our pupils for the adult world. Ours may be the first

steps but they are important and crucial to future success and happiness.

12. Who can I contact for further information?

Parents are kept informed at every stage of a child’s learning, development and

assessment and are encouraged to contribute and to support their children’s learning.

Discussions can be held with the class teacher informally or at parents’ evenings

The class teachers, SENCO, FLO, and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) are always available to

talk and listen to your concerns and help and advise you.

At New Road Primary School, the SEND terms that are abbreviated which can lead to confusion. Below is a glossary of the most frequently used SEN terms:

AAP Attendance Advisory Practitioner

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder

ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder

ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder

CoP Code of Practice

CP Child Protection

DfE Department of Education

EAL English as an Additional Language

EHCP Education, Health and Care Plan

EP Educational Psychologist

FLO Family Liaison Officer

FSM Free School Meals

GDD Global Developmental Delay

HI Hearing Impairment

ISR In-School Review

KS Key Stage

LAC/CLA Looked After Child/Child that is Looked After

LA Local Authority

MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty

NC National Curriculum

ODD Oppositional Defiance Disorder

OT Occupational Therapist

PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance

SALT Speech & Language Therapy

SEMH Social, Emotional and Mental Health

SEN Special Educational Needs

SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

SEND Special Educational Needs & Disability

SLD Severe Learning Difficulty

SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty (dyslexia, dyspraxia)

VI Visual Impairment


Here is information about the SEN Areas of Concern and Conditions:

Four Areas of Concern (SEN Code of Practice 2014)

Special Need Category (PLASC Need Code)

Conditions and presentation of need

Cognition & Learning Difficulties

Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD)

Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Discalculia

Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD)

Low academic attainment and progress (1 to 2 years behind)

Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD)

Global developmental delay, serious processing and working memory issues. Limited progress, 2 or more years behind expected across the curriculum.

Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD)

SLD, serious medical conditions, sensory impairment and physical disabilities

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (SEMH)

Serious wellbeing or mental health issues e.g. attachment disorder, adverse childhood experiences (ACE), trauma, diagnosed anxiety. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Communication and Interaction Difficulties

Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

Identified speech impediment Diagnosed delay in speech and / or language development.

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Diagnosed persistent difficulties with social communication and social interaction and restricted and repetitive patterns of behaviours, activities or interests since early childhood, to the extent that these "limit and impair everyday functioning".

Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties

Visual Impairment (VI) Decreased ability to see to a degree that causes problems not fixable by usual means, such as glasses.

Hearing Impairment (HI) A partial or total inability to hear.

Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)

A combination of hearing and vision impairments.

Physical Disability (PD) Medically recognised impairments that limit a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina, such as respiratory disorders, epilepsy and diagnosed sleep disorders.


We hope that this information answers your questions about

inclusion and SEN provision at New Road School.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to

talk about your child.

Telephone: 01634 843084


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