new qur'an translation & harvard university's "islam in america" report

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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This PDF file contains my brand new English translation of the first two Suras (Chapters) of the Holy Qur'an followed by Harvard University's "Islam in America" Report where my name, Yasin al-Jibouri, is mentioned twice.





The Qur'ān

Translated by








The Opening/Preamble [Al-F¡ti¦a]

1. In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم )١

2. Praise belongs to Allāh, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds,

الحمد لله رب العالمني )٢

3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

الرحمن الرحيم )٣

4. Master of the Day of Judgment.

مالك يوم الدين )٤ 5. You alone do we worship and only Your aid do we seek.

إياك �عبد وإياك �ستعني )٥

6. Guide us to the straight path, إهد�ا الصراط المستقيم )٦ 7. The path of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, neither that of those whose (lot) is Your wrath, nor of those who have strayed.

غير المغضوب ،صراط الذين أ�عمت عليهم )٧ عليهم وال الضالني

هم آمنيالل

SŪRA 2 The Cow [Al-Baqarah]

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Mercifulبسم اهللا الرمحن الرحيم

1. Alīf Lām Mīm. 1. امل 2. This is the Book; in it there is sure guidance, without doubt, for those who fear Allāh,

ذلك الكتاب ال ريب فيه هدى للمتقني .2

3. Who believe in the unseen, are steadfast in prayer and spend (for charity) out of what We have provided for them,

الذين يؤمنون بالغيب ويقيمون الصالة ومما .3

رزقناهم ينفقون

4. And who believe in the revelation sent to you and sent before your time and (in their hearts) they are convinced regarding the Hereafter.

والذين يؤمنون بما أ�زل إليك وما أ�زل من قبلك .4

وباآلخرة هم يوقنون 5. They are the ones who are on the

(true) guidance from their Lord and it is these who will be the winners.

ربهم وأولئك هم المفلحون أولئك على هدى من .5

6. As for those who reject faith, it is the same for them whether you warn them or do not; they will not believe.

إن الذين كفروا سواء عليهم أأ�ذرتهم أم لم .6

ون تنذرهم ال يؤمن


7. Allāh has set a seal on their hearts and hearing and there is a veil on their vision; (moreover) the penalty they (incur) is truly great.

ختم الله على قلوبهم وعلى سمعهم وعلى .7

م أبصارهم غشاوة ولهم عذاب عظي8. Among people are those who say, “We believe in Allāh and in the Last Day,” but they do not (really) believe.

ومن الناس من يقول آمنا بالله وباليوم اآلخر وما .8

هم بمؤمنني

9. Fain would they deceive Allāh and those who believe, but they only deceive their own selves though they do not realize it!

يخادعون الله والذين آمنوا وما يخدعون إال .9

أ�فسهم وما يشعرون

10. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allāh increased their disease and the penalty they (incur) shall be painful on account of their lies.

في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا ولهم عذاب .10

أليم بما كا�وا يكذبون

11. When it is said to them, “Do not make mischief on earth,” they say, “Why?! We only seek reform!”

وإذا قيل لهم ال تفسدوا في األرض قالوا إ�ما �حن .11


12. They surely are the ones who commit mischief, but they do not even realize it.

أال إ�هم هم المفسدون ولكن ال يشعرون .12

13. When it is said to them, “Believe as other people have believed,” they say, “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?!” No, without doubt they themselves are the fools, but they do not realize it.

اس قالوا أ�ؤمن كما وإذا قيل لهم آمنوا كما آمن الن .13

آمن السفهاء أال إ�هم هم السفهاء ولكن ال يعلمون

14. When they meet those who believe, they say, “We believe,” but when they are alone with their Satans, they say, “We are really with you; we (were) only ridiculing (the believers).”

وإذا لقوا الذين آمنوا قالوا آمنا وإذا خلوا إلى .14

شياطينهم قالوا إ�ا معكم إ�ما �حن مستهزؤون

15. Allāh will throw their mockery back on them and grant them an extension in their trespasses; so they, like the blind, will aimlessly keep wandering.

الله يستهزئ بهم ويمدهم في طغيا�هم يعمهون .15

16. Such people are the ones who have bartered guidance for misguidance, so their barter is

أولئك الذين اشتروا الضاللة بالهدى فما ربحت .16


profitless and they have lost the true direction. تجارتهم وما كا�وا مهتدين

17. Their analogy is like one who has kindled a fire; once it has lit what is around him, Allāh takes away their light, leaving them in utter darkness, so they cannot see.

مثلهم كمثل الذي استوقد �ارا فلما أضاءت ما .17

حوله ذهب الله بنورهم وتركهم في ظلمات ال يبصرون

18. Deaf, dumb and blind; so they will never return (to guidance).

صم بكم عمي فهم ال يرجعون .18

19. Or like a rain-laden cloud from the sky; in it are zones of darkness, thunder and lightning: they press their fingers in their ears in order to keep out the stunning thunder-clap, terrified by the thought of dying, while Allāh is ever encircling those who reject the faith!

أو كصيب من السماء فيه ظلمات ورعد .19

وبرق يجعلون أصابعهم في آذا�هم من الصواعق حذر الله محيط بالكافرين الموت و

20. The lightning almost snatches away their vision; whenever light helps them, they walk in it, and when darkness grows (thickly) on them, they stand still. If Allāh wills, He can take away their faculties of hearing and seeing, for Allāh has power over all things.

يكاد البرق يخطف أبصارهم كلما أضاء لهم .20

مشوا فيه وإذا أظلم عليهم قاموا ولو شاء الله ير لذهب بسمعهم وأبصارهم إن الله على كل شيء قد

21. O people! Worship your Guardian-Lord Who created you and those before you so that you may be pious.

يا أيها الناس اعبدوا ربكم الذي خلقكم والذين .21

من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون

22. It is He Who has made the earth (like) a couch for you and the heavens a canopy, sending down rain from the heavens, thus bestowing fruits for your sustenance. So, do not set up rivals to Allāh while knowing (the truth).

الذي جعل لكم األرض فراشا والسماء بناء .22

وأ�زل من السماء ماء فأخرج به من الثمرات رزقا لكم فال تجعلوا لله أ�دادا وأ�تم تعلمون

23. And if you are in doubt regarding what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a Sūra like it and call on your witnesses (or helpers) (if there are any) besides Allāh, if you are truthful.

وإن كنتم في ريب مما �زلنا على عبد�ا فأتوا .23

وادعوا شهداءكم من دون الله إن ، بسورة من مثله كنتم صادقني


24. But if you cannot–and surely you will never be able to do so–then fear the Fire whose fuel are people and stones, which is prepared for those who reject the faith.

فإن لم تفعلوا ولن تفعلوا فاتقوا النار التي وقودها .24

والحجارة أعدت للكافرين الناس

25. Convey the glad tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they shall have gardens beneath which rivers flow. Every time they are served of its fruits, they say, “With this were we sustained before,” and they were, indeed, served the like thereof, and they shall have (pure and holy) consorts and they shall live there forever.

وبشر الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أن لهم .25

زقوا منها من ثمرة جنات تجري من تحتها األ�هار كلما ررزقا قالوا هذا الذي رزقنا من قبل وأتوا به متشابها

ولهم فيها أزواج مطهرة وهم فيها خالدون

26. Allāh does not disdain to use any analogy, the lowest as well as the highest. As for those who believe, they know that it is the truth from their Lord; as for those who reject the faith, these say, “What does Allāh mean by this analogy?!” By it He causes many to stray and many He guides to the right path, but He does not cause (anyone) to stray except those who disobey Allāh,

إن الله ال يستحيي أن يضرب مثال ما بعوضة فما .26

فوقها فأما الذين آمنوا فيعلمون أ�ه الحق من ربهم وأما اد الله بهذا مثال يضل به الذين كفروا فيقولون ماذا أر

كثريا ويهدي به كثريا وما يضل به إال الفاسقني

27. Those who violate the covenant with Allāh after having confirmed it, rending what Allāh has ordered to be joined and making mischief on earth: These are surely the losers.

الذين ينقضون عهد الله من بعد ميثاقه ويقطعون ما .27

أمر الله به أن يوصل ويفسدون في األرض أولئك هم الخاسرون

28. How can you disbelieve in Allāh, seeing that you were lifeless and He gave you life, then He will cause you to die and will (thereafter) bring you back to life, and to Him shall you be returned (again)?

كيف تكفرون بالله وكنتم أمواتا فأحياكم ثم .28

ثم إليه ترجعون يميتكم ثم يحييكم

29. It is He Who has created for you all things on earth; moreover, His design comprehended the heavens, giving them order and perfection, making them seven firmaments and

ي خلق لكم ما في األرض جميعا ثم هو الذ .29

استوى إلى السماء فسواهن سبع سماوات وهو بكل


He has perfect knowledge of all things. شيء عليم

30. Behold! Your Lord said to the angels, “I will create a vicegerent on earth.” They said, “Will You place on it one who will cause mischief, shed blood as we celebrate Your praise and glorify Your holy (name)?” He said, “I know what you do not know.”

وإذ قال ربك للمالئكة إ�ي جاعل في األرض .30

ويسفك خليفة قالوا أتجعل فيها من يفسد فيهاالدماء و�حن �سبح بحمدك و�قدس لك قال إ�ي أعلم

ما ال تعلمون

31. And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the angels and said, “Tell Me the names of these (things) if you know the truth.”

وعلم آدم األسماء كلها ثم عرضهم على .31

المالئكة فقال أ�بئو�ي بأسماء هؤالء إن كنتم صادقني

32. They said, “Glory to You: We have no knowledge except what You have taught us: In truth, You have the perfect knowledge and wisdom.”

:قالوا .32 سبحا�ك ال علم لنا إال ما علمتنا؛ إ�ك

أ�ت العليم الحكيم

33. He said, “O Adam! Tell them their names.” When he (Adam) told their names, Allāh said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth and that I know what you reveal and what you conceal?”

يا آدم أ�بئهم بأسمائهم ؛ فلما أ�بأهم : قال .33

ألم أقل لكم إ�ي أعلم غيب : بأسمائهم قالألرض وأعلم ما تبدون وما كنتم السماوات وا

تكتمون ؟

34. Behold! We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam;” and they prostrated except Iblis; he refused and was haughty; he was of those who (thus) reject faith.

جدوا آلدم ، فسجدوا إال وإذ قلنا للمالئكة اس .34

إبليس، أبى واستكبر وكان من الكافرين

35. We said, “O Adam! Dwell, you and your wife, in the garden and eat of the bountiful things in it as you both please, but do not approach this tree or else you should be among those who transgress.”

يا آدم اسكن أ�ت وزوجك الجنة وكال : وقلنا .35

منها رغدا حيث شئتما، وال تقربا هذه الشجرة فتكو�ا من الظالمني

36. Then Satan made them slip out from the (garden), thus getting them out of the state (of felicity) in which

فأزلهما الشيطان عنها فأخرجهما مما كا�ا فيه .36


they had been. We said, “Get down, all of you (people), with enmity among you (humans). Your dwelling place and means of livelihood will be on earth–for a fixed (pre-determined) time period.”

وقلنا اهبطوا بعضكم لبعض عدو ولكم في األرض مستقر ومتاع إلى حني

37. So Adam received words (of inspiration for repentance) from his Lord, and his Lord turned to him mercifully; for He is Oft-Returning (to mercy), the Most Merciful One.

فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه إ�ه هو .37

التواب الرحيم

38. We said, “Get down, all of you, from it; if guidance comes to you from Me, those who shall follow My guidance shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.

قلنا اهبطوا منها جميعا فإما يأتينكم مني هدى .38

فمن تبع هداي فال خوف عليهم وال هم يحز�ون

39. “But those who reject the faith and belie Our signs shall be the fellows of the Fire; there shall they dwell (forever).”

والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا أولئك أصحاب .39

النار هم فيها خالدون

40. O Children of Israel! Remember the (special) favor which I bestowed on you, and fulfill your covenant with Me as I fulfill My covenant with you, and fear none but Me.

يا بني إسرائيل اذكروا �عمتي التي أ�عمت عليكم .40

ارهبون وأوفوا بعهدي أوف بعهدكم وإياي ف

41. And believe in what I have revealed (this Qur'ān) which confirms the revelation with you; do not be the first to disbelieve in it, nor should you sell My signs for a petty price, and fear Me and Me alone.

دقا لما معكم وال تكو�وا وآمنوا بما أ�زلت مص .41

أول كافر به وال تشتروا بآياتي ثمنا قليال وإياي فاتقون

42. And do not cover the truth with falsehood, nor should you conceal the truth while knowing it.

بالباطل وتكتموا الحق وأ�تم وال تلبسوا الحق .42


43. And be steadfast in your prayer; pay the zakāt and bow your heads down with those who bow down (in worship).

وأقيموا الصالة وآتوا الزكاة واركعوا مع .43


44. Do you require right conduct from people while forgetting (to practice it) yourselves even as you

أتأمرون الناس بالبر وتنسون أ�فسكم وأ�تم تتلون .44


study the Scriptures? Will you not understand? ؟أفال تعقلون؟ الكتاب

45. Seek (God's) help for perseverance and prayer; it is indeed hard except to those who fully submit to Allāh,

واستعينوا بالصبر والصالة وإ�ها لكبرية إال على .45


46. Those who believe for sure that they shall meet their Lord and that to Him shall they return.

الذين يظنون أ�هم مالقوا ربهم وأ�هم إليه .46


47. O Children of Israel! Remember the (special) blessing which I bestowed on you, and that I preferred you over all others (as bearers of My message).

يا بني إسرائيل اذكروا �عمتي التي أ�عمت عليكم .47

وأ�ي فضلتكم على العالمني

48. Then guard yourselves against a Day when no soul shall avail any other, nor shall intercession be accepted for it, nor shall compensation be taken from it, nor shall anyone be helped (by others).

واتقوا يوما ال تجزي �فس عن �فس شيئا وال يقبل .48

منها شفاعة وال يؤخذ منها عدل وال هم ينصرون

49. And remember how We saved you from the people of Pharaoh: They set hard tasks and punishments for you, slaughtering your sons and letting your women live; this was a tremendous trial from your Lord.

ء وإذ �جيناكم من آل فرعون يسومو�كم سو .49

العذاب يذبحون أبناءكم ويستحيون �ساءكم وفي ذلكم بالء من ربكم عظيم

50. And remember how We parted the sea for you and saved you, drowning Pharaoh's people before your very eyes.

حر فأجنيناكم وأغرقنا آل وإذ فرقنا بكم الب .50

فرعون وأ�تم تنظرون

51. And remember how We appointed forty nights for Moses, and how in his absence you took the calf (for worship), thus committing a grievous wrongdoing.

ربعني ليلة ثم اتخذتم وإذ واعد�ا موسى أ .51

العجل من بعده وأ�تم ظالمون

52. We thereafter forgave you, perhaps you would be grateful.

ثم عفو�ا عنكم من بعد ذلك لعلكم تشكرون .52

53. And remember when We gave Moses the Scriptures and the criterion (for right and wrong): There was then a chance for you to be rightly guided.

وإذ آتينا موسى الكتاب والفرقان لعلكم .53



54. And remember when Moses said to his people, “O my people! You have indeed wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf; so, turn (in repentance) to your Maker and kill (the wrongdoers), this will be better for you in the sight of your Maker.” Then He turned to you (in forgiveness), surely He is the Oft-Returning, the Most Merciful One.

وإذ قال موسى لقومه يا قوم إ�كم ظلمتم أ�فسكم .54

باتخاذكم العجل فتوبوا إلى بارئكم فاقتلوا أ�فسكم ذلكم خير لكم عند بارئكم فتاب عليكم إ�ه هو

التواب الرحيم

55. And remember when you said, “O Moses! We shall never believe in you unless we see Allāh manifestly,” so you were dazed with thunder and lightning even as you looked on.

وإذ قلتم يا موسى لن �ؤمن لك حتى �رى الله جهرة .55

تكم الصاعقة وأ�تم تنظرون فأخذ

56. Then We raised you up after your death: You had then (another) chance to be grateful.

ثم بعثناكم من بعد موتكم لعلكم تشكرون .56

57. And We shaded you with clouds and sent down to you manna and quails saying, “Eat of the good things We have provided for you.” (But you rebelled;) they did not harm Us; rather, they harmed only their own selves.

وظللنا عليكم الغمام وأ�زلنا عليكم المن .57

من طيبات ما رزقناكم ؛ وما ظلمو�ا كلوا: والسلوى ولكن كا�وا أ�فسهم يظلمون

58. And remember when We said, “Enter this town and eat of the plentiful things in it as you wish, but enter the gate prostrating, in posture and (humble) in words, so We may forgive your faults and increase (the portion of) those (from among you) who do good deeds.”

وإذ قلنا ادخلوا هذه القرية فكلوا منها حيث .58

شئتم رغدا وادخلوا الباب سجدا وقولوا حطة لكم خطاياكم وسنزيد المحسنني �غفر

59. But the transgressors changed the statement from what it had been conveyed to them; so We sent a plague from the heavens on the transgressors because they repeatedly violated (Our command).

الذين ظلموا قوال غير الذي قيل لهم فأ�زلنا فبدل .59

على الذين ظلموا رجزا من السماء بما كا�وا يفسقون

60. And remember when Moses prayed for water for his people; We said, “Strike the rock with your staff.” Twelve springs gushed forth

اضرب : فقلنا، وإذ استسقى موسى لقومه .60

: جر، فا�فجرت منه اثنتا عشرة عينابعصاك الح


from it. Each group of people knew its own watering place. So, eat and drink of the sustenance provided by Allāh and do not commit evil or mischief on earth.

قد علم كل أ�اس مشربهم؛ كلوا واشربوا من رزق الله، وال تعثوا في األرض مفسدين

61. And remember when you said, “O Moses! We cannot endure one kind of food (always); so ask your Lord to produce for us of what the earth grows—its pot-herbs and cucumbers, garlic, lentils and onions...” He said, “Will you exchange what is better for what is worse? Go to any town and you shall find what you want!” They were stamped with humiliation and misery and incurred God's Wrath upon themselves. This is so because they went on rejecting God's Signs and killing His messengers without a just cause. This is so because they rebelled and went on transgressing.

يا موسى لن �صبر على طعام واحد : وإذ قلتم .61

فادع لنا ربك يخرج لنا مما تنبت األرض من بقلها وقثائها وفومها وعدسها وبصلها قال أتستبدلون

اهبطوا مصرا فإن لكم ما الذي هو أد�ى بالذي هو خيرسألتم وضربت عليهم الذلة والمسكنة وباؤوا بغضب من الله ذلك بأ�هم كا�وا يكفرون بآيات الله ويقتلون النبيني بغير الحق ذلك بما عصوا

وكا�وا يعتدون

62. Those who believe (in the Qur’ān) and those who follow the Jewish (Scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians and those who believe in Allāh and in the last Day and do acts of righteousness… shall all have their reward with their Lord; on them there shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

إن الذين آمنوا والذين هادوا والنصارى .62

والصابئني من آمن بالله واليوم اآلخر وعمل عليهم وال صالحا فلهم أجرهم عند ربهم وال خوف

هم يحز�ون

63. And remember when We made a covenant with you, when We raised above you (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai) (saying), “Hold firmly to it and always remember its contents, perhaps you may attain piety.”

خذ�ا ميثاقكم ورفعنا فوقكم الطور وإذ أ .63

خذوا ما آتيناكم بقوة واذكروا ما فيه لعلكم تتقون

ثم توليتم من بعد ذلك فلوال فضل الله عليكم .64

ورحمته لكنتم من الخاسرين

64. Then you (O Children of Israel!) turned back after all of that: Had it not been for God's grace and mercy to you, you would surely have been among the losers.


65. And you knew very well those among you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath: We said to them, “Be apes, despised and rejected.”

،ولقد علمتم الذين اعتدوا منكم في السبت .65

كو�وا قردة خاسئني : فقلنا لهم

66. So We made it an example to their own time and to their posterity and a lesson to those who fear Allāh.

فجعلناها �كاال لما بين يديها وما خلفها .66

وموعظة للمتقني

67. And remember when Moses said to his people, “God commands you to sacrifice a heifer.” They said, “Are you making a laughing-stock of us?!” He said, “God save me from being one of the ignorant folks!”

إن الله يأمركم أن تذبحوا : وإذ قال موسى لقومه .67

أعوذ بالله أن : قال! أتتخذ�ا هزوا؟: بقرة؛ قالوا أكون من الجاهلني

68. They said, “Ask your Lord on our behalf to make it plain to us: What (heifer) is it?” He said, “He says: The heifer should be neither too old nor too young, but of middling age; now do as you are commanded.”

ال إ�ه يقول إ�ها قالوا ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما هي ق .68

بقرة ال فارض وال بكر عوان بين ذلك فافعلوا ما تؤمرون

69. They said, “Ask your Lord on our behalf to tell us what her color is.” He said, “He says: It is a fawn-colored heifer, pure and rich in tone, the admiration of the beholders!”

قالوا ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما لو�ها قال إ�ه يقول إ�ها .69

بقرة صفراء فاقع لو�ها تسر الناظرين

70. They said, “Ask your Lord on our behalf to make it plain to us: What is she? All heifers look alike to us; we truly wish to be guided, if Allāh so pleasess.”

ادع لنا ربك يبين لنا ما هي ؛ إن البقر تشابه : قالوا .70

علينا، وإ�ا إن شاء الله لمهتدون

71. He said, “He says: It is a heifer not trained to till the soil nor water the fields; sound and without a blemish.” They said, “Now you have brought the truth.” Then they offered her in sacrifice, but grudgingly.

ثري األرض وال قال إ�ه يقول إ�ها بقرة ال ذلول ت .71

تسقي الحرث مسلمة ال شية فيها قالوا اآلن جئت بالحق فذبحوها وما كادوا يفعلون

72. Remember when you killed a man and fell into dispute among yourselves about the crime, but Allāh was to bring forth what you

وإذ قتلتم �فسا فادارأتم فيها والله مخرج ما .72

كنتم تكتمون


were concealing. 73. So We said, “Strike the (corpse) with a piece of the (sacrificed heifer).” Thus does Allāh bring the dead to life; He shows you His signs, perhaps you may understand.

فقلنا اضربوه ببعضها كذلك يحيي الله الموتى .73

ويريكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون

74. From then (on) your hearts were hardened: they became like rocks and even worse in hardness, for among rocks there are some from which rivers gush forth; there are others which, when split asunder, send forth water, and there are others which fall down due to fear of Allāh. Allāh is not unmindful of what you (O Children of Israel!) do.

فهي كالحجارة ، قست قلوبكم من بعد ذلكثم .74

أو أشد قسوة وإن من الحجارة لما يتفجر منه األ�هار وإن منها لما يشقق فيخرج منه الماء وإن منها لما

ه وما الله بغافل عما تعملون يهبط من خشية الل

75. Can you (O believers!) entertain the hope that they (non-believers) will believe in you, seeing that a party of them heard the word of Allāh and perverted it knowingly even after understanding it?

تطمعون أن يؤمنوا لكم وقد كان فريق منهم أف .75

يسمعون كالم الله ثم يحرفو�ه من بعد ما عقلوه وهم ؟يعلمون

76. Behold! When they meet the faithful (Muslims), they say, “We believe.” But when they meet each other in private, they say, “Shall you tell them about what Allāh has revealed to you so that they may engage you in argument about it before your Lord?” Do you not understand (their aim)?

ال بعضهم وإذا لقوا الذين آمنوا قالوا آمنا وإذا خ .76

إلى بعض قالوا أتحدثو�هم بما فتح الله عليكم ليحاجوكم به عند ربكم أفال تعقلون

77. Do they not know that Allāh knows what they conceal and what they manifest?

لله يعلم ما يسرون وما يعلنون أوال يعلمون أن ا .77

78. Among them are those who are illiterate who do not know the Book, yet they (see in it their own) false desires, and they do nothing but conjecture.

وإن هم ، ال أما�ي ومنهم أميون ال يعلمون الكتاب إ .78

إال يظنون

79. So, woe unto those who write the Book with their own hands then say, “This is from Allāh,” in order to traffic with it for a miserable price!

فويل للذين يكتبون الكتاب بأيديهم ثم يقولون هذا .79

من عند الله ليشتروا به ثمنا قليال فويل لهم مما كتبت


Woe to them for what their hands write and for the gain they get from it!

أيديهم وويل لهم مما يكسبون

80. And they say, “The Fire shall not touch us except for a few numbered days.” Say: “Have you taken a promise from Allāh, for He never breaks His promise? Or is it that you say things about Allāh which you do not know?”

عدودة قل وقالوا لن تمسنا النار إال أياما م .80

أتخذتم عند الله عهدا فلن يخلف الله عهده أم تقولون على الله ما ال تعلمون

81. Surely, those who seek to gain evil and are engulfed in their sins__they are the companions of the Fire: they shall dwell in it forever.

بلى من كسب سيئة وأحاطت به خطيئته .81

فأولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون

82. As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, they are the companions of the Garden: they shall dwell in it forever.

والذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات أولئك .82

أصحاب الجنة هم فيها خالدون

83. And remember that We made a covenant with the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but Allāh; treat your parents, kindred, orphans and the needy with kindness; speak fairly to people; be steadfast in prayer and pay the zakāt. Then you turned back, except for a few from among you, and you backslide (even now).

لله ال تعبدون إال ا:وإذ أخذ�ا ميثاق بني إسرائيل .83

وبالوالدين إحسا�ا وذي القربى واليتامى والمساكني، وقولوا للناس حسنا، وأقيموا الصالة وآتوا الزكاة؛ ثم توليتم إال قليال منكم وأ�تم


84. And remember that We (also) made a covenant with you (to this effect): Do not shed your blood, nor should you turn your own people out of your homes. You even solemnly ratified this, and you can bear witness to this.

ال وإذ أخذ�ا ميثاقكم ال تسفكون دماءكم و .84

تخرجون أ�فسكم من دياركم ثم أقررتم وأ�تم تشهدون

85. After this, it is you, the same people, who kill each other and banish some of your folk from their homes and assist (their enemies) against them in acts of guilt and rancor and if they come to you as captives (seeking protection), you ransom them, although it was

ثم أ�تم هؤالء تقتلون أ�فسكم وتخرجون فريقا .85

منكم من ديارهم تظاهرون عليهم باإلثم والعدوان وإن هم يأتوكم أسارى تفادوهم وهو محرم عليكم إخراج

أفتؤمنون ببعض الكتاب وتكفرون ببعض فما جزاء 19

unlawful for you to banish them (in the first place). So, do you believe in only a part of the Book and reject the rest? But what is the reward of those from among you who behave like this other than disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment they shall be assigned the most grievous penalty? Allāh is not unmindful of what you do.

من يفعل ذلك منكم إال خزي في الحياة الد�يا ويوم القيامة يردون إلى أشد العذاب وما الله بغافل عما


86. These are the people who trade in the life of this world at the expense of (losing) the Hereafter; their penalty shall not be lessened, nor shall they be helped.

أولئك الذين اشتروا الحياة الد�يا باآلخرة فال .86

عذاب وال هم ينصرون يخفف عنهم ال

87. We granted Moses the Book, followed him up with a succession of Messengers; We granted Jesus son of Mary clear (signs) and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that whenever a Messenger comes to you with something which you do not desire, you (O Children of Israel) are puffed up with pride? Some you called impostors, murdering others!

ولقد آتينا موسى الكتاب وقفينا من بعده بالرسل .87

د�اه بروح القدس وآتينا عيسى ابن مريم البينات وأيأفكلما جاءكم رسول بما ال تهوى أ�فسكم

استكبرتم ففريقا كذبتم وفريقا تقتلون

88. They say, “Our hearts are the wrappings (preserving God's word; we need nothing more).” Undoubtedly God has cursed them for their blasphemy. Little do they believe.

قلوبنا غلف؛ بل لعنهم الله بكفرهم؛ : وقالوا .88

فقليال ما يؤمنون

89. And when a Book from Allāh (Qur'ān) came to them, confirming what (Divine knowledge) is already with them–even though for ages they had prayed for victory against those (around them) who had no faith–when such (Book) came to them which they should have recognized, they refused to believe in it; therefore, God's curse is on those who do not have faith.

ولما جاءهم كتاب من عند الله مصدق لما .89

وكا�وا من قبل يستفتحون على الذين كفروا، ،معهمفلما جاءهم ما عرفوا كفروا به، فلعنة الله على



90. They have sold their souls for a miserable price by thus denying (the revelation/Qur'ān) which Allāh has sent down, in insolent envy that Allāh, out of His grace, should send it to whomever of His servants He pleases. Thus have they brought wrath upon wrath on their own selves, and the punishment of those who reject faith is truly humiliating.

بئسما اشتروا به أ�فسهم أن يكفروا بما أ�زل الله .90

بغيا أن ينزل الله من فضله على من يشاء من عباده للكافرين عذاب فباؤوا بغضب على غضب و


91. When it is said to them, “Believe in what Allāh has sent down,” they say, “We believe in what was sent to us.” Yet they reject everything besides it, even if it is the truth that confirms what is with them. Say: “Why, then, did you kill God's prophets in the past, if you did indeed believe?”

�ؤمن بما : آمنوا بما أ�زل الله، قالوا:وإذا قيل لهم .91

أ�زل علينا، ويكفرون بما وراءه وهو الحق مصدقا فلم تقتلون أ�بياء الله من قبل إن كنتم :لما معهم؛ قل


92. Moses came to you (O Children of Israel) with clear (signs); yet you worshipped the calf (even) after that, and you behaved wrongfully.

ثم اتخذتم ،اتولقد جاءكم موسى بالبين .92

العجل من بعده وأ�تم ظالمون

93. And remember when We made a covenant with you and raised above you (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai), (saying), “Hold firmly to what We have given you and listen to (Our Word).” They said, “We hear and we disobey;” and they had to drink into their hearts (of the taint) of the calf because of their disbelief. Say: “Vile, indeed, are the biddings of your faith, if you have any faith at all!”

:نا فوقكم الطوروإذ أخذ�ا ميثاقكم ورفع .93

خذوا ما آتيناكم بقوة واسمعوا قالوا سمعنا وعصينا وأشربوا في قلوبهم العجل بكفرهم قل

بئسما يأمركم به إميا�كم إن كنتم مؤمنني

94. Say: “If the last abode, with Allāh, is especially for you exclusively rather than for anyone else, then seek death, if you are sincere at all.”

قل إن كا�ت لكم الدار اآلخرة عند الله خالصة .94

من دون الناس فتمنوا الموت إن كنتم صادقني

95. But they will never seek death on account of the (sins) which their

ولن يتمنوه أبدا بما قدمت أيديهم والله عليم .95


hands have sent before. And Allāh is well acquainted with the wrong-doers.


96. You will, indeed, find them, of all people, the most greedy for life–even more so than the idolaters; each of them wishes he could live for a thousand years. But granting one such a life will not save him from (due) punishment, for Allāh sees well all that they do.

ولتجد�هم أحرص الناس على حياة ومن الذين .96

أشركوا يود أحدهم لو يعمر ألف سنة وما هو بمزحزحه من العذاب أن يعمر والله بصري بما


97. Say: “Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel–for he brings down the (revelation) to your heart by God's will to confirm what went before and as guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,

قل من كان عدوا لجبريل فإ�ه �زله على قلبك بإذن .97

ا لما بين يديه وهدى وبشرى الله مصدق للمؤمنني

98. “Whoever is an enemy of Allāh, of His angels and Messengers, of Gabriel and Michael–Beware! Allāh is the enemy of those who reject faith.”

ه وجبريل من كان عدوا لله ومالئكته ورسل .98

وميكال فإن الله عدو للكافرين

99. We have sent clear signs (āyāt) to you and none reject them except those who are perverse.

وما يكفر بها إال ،ولقد أ�زلنا إليك آيات بينات .99


100. Is it not (the case) that every time they make a covenant, some of them throw it aside? In truth, most of them have no faith (at all).

بل ؟أوكلما عاهدوا عهدا �بذه فريق منهم .100

أكثرهم ال يؤمنون

101. And when a Messenger from Allāh (Muhammed) came to them, confirming what was with them, some of the People of the Book threw away God's Book behind their backs, as if (this advent had been something) they did not know!

صدق لما ولما جاءهم رسول من عند الله م .101

معهم �بذ فريق من الذين أوتوا الكتاب كتاب الله وراء ظهورهم كأ�هم ال يعلمون

102. They followed what the evil ones recited (falsely) against the kingdom of Solomon: The blasphemers, the evil ones, not Solomon, were teaching men magic and such things that came down at Babylon to

واتبعوا ما تتلوا الشياطني على ملك .102

سليمان وما كفر سليمان ولكن الشياطني كفروا مون الناس السحر وما أ�زل على الملكين ببابل يعل


angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these (angels) taught anyone (such things) without saying, “We are only (sent) for a trial; so do not blaspheme.” They learned from them (from those Satans) the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not harm anyone in this way except with God's permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what benefitted them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And the price for which they sold their souls was vile, if they only knew!

هاروت وماروت وما يعلمان من أحد حتى يقوال إ�ما �حن فتنة فال تكفر فيتعلمون منهما ما يفرقون به بين

ما هم بضارين به من أحد إال بإذن الله المرء وزوجه وويتعلمون ما يضرهم وال ينفعهم ولقد علموا لمن اشتراه ما له في اآلخرة من خالق ولبئس ما شروا به

أ�فسهم لو كا�وا يعلمون

103. Had they kept their faith and guarded themselves from evil, their reward from their Lord would have been far better, if only they knew!

ولو أ�هم آمنوا واتقوا لمثوبة من عند الله خير .103

لو كا�وا يعلمون

104. O you who believe (Muslims)! Do not speak (to the Prophet as the Jews do, saying,) "Make those of us hear you." Rather, you must say, "Grant us a respite (to comprehend your statements)," and do listen (to him): There is a grievous punishment for those who have no faith.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا ال تقولوا راعنا وقولوا ا�ظر�ا .104

واسمعوا وللكافرين عذاب أليم

105. Neither the faithless from among the People of the Book, nor the polytheists, ever wish that anything good should come to you from your Lord. But Allāh will choose for His special Mercy whomsoever He pleases–for Allāh is the Lord of abundant grace.

ما يود الذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب وال .105

،المشركني أن ينزل عليكم من خير من ربكمالله يختص برحمته من يشاء، والله ذو الفضل و


106. We neither abrogate any of Our revealed verses (of the Qur'ān), nor do We cause any to be forgotten without substituting it with something better or similar: Do you

ما �نسخ من آية أو �نسها �أت بخير منها أو .106

؟ مثلها ألم تعلم أن الله على كل شيء قدير


not know that Allāh has power over all things?

107. Do you not know that the dominion of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allāh? You have neither patron nor helper besides Him.

ألم تعلم أن الله له ملك السماوات واألرض .107

وما لكم من دون الله من ولي وال �صري

108. Or do you wish to ask your Messenger as Moses had been asked (by the Jews to let them "see" their Lord) before? Whoever replaces faith with faithlessness has undoubtedly strayed from the straight path.

أم تريدون أن تسألوا رسولكم كما سئل موسى .108

فقد ضل سواء ومن يتبدل الكفر باإلميان؟من قبل السبيل

109. Many from among the People of the Book, out of selfish envy, wish they could turn you back to faithlessness after you have believed, even after the truth had become manifest to them. But forgive and overlook until Allāh accomplishes His purpose, for Allāh has power over all things.

ود كثري من أهل الكتاب لو يردو�كم من بعد .109

إميا�كم كفارا حسدا من عند أ�فسهم من بعد ما تبين حتى يأتي الله بأمره إن الله لهم الحق فاعفوا واصفحوا

على كل شيء قدير

110. And be steadfast in performing the (daily) prayers and in paying the zakāt. Whatever good deeds you do for (the goodness of) your souls, you shall find (their rewards) with Allāh, for Allāh well sees all that you do.

وأقيموا الصالة وآتوا الزكاة وما تقدموا .110

أل�فسكم من خير تجدوه عند الله إن الله بما تعملون بصري

111. And they say, “No one shall enter Paradise unless he is a Jew or a Christian.” These are their (vain) desires. Say: “Bring us your proof if you are truthful.”

:وقالوا .111 لن يدخل الجنة إال من كان هودا أو

هاتوا برها�كم إن كنتم : �صارى ؛ تلك أما�يهم؛ قل قني صاد

112. Nay! Whoever submits entirely to Allāh and is a doer of good deeds will get his reward from his Lord; on such (doers) there shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

بلى من أسلم وجهه لله وهو محسن فله أجره .112

به وال خوف عليهم وال هم يحز�ون عند ر

113. The Jews say, “The Christians have nothing (to stand) upon,” and the Christians say, “The Jews have

وقالت اليهود ليست النصارى على شيء .113


nothing (to stand) upon.” Yet they (profess to) study the (same) Book. Their word is similar to what is said by those who do not know, but Allāh will judge between them in their dispute on the Day of Judgment.

وقالت النصارى ليست اليهود على شيء وهم يتلون كذلك قال الذين ال يعلمون مثل قولهم فالله الكتاب

يحكم بينهم يوم القيامة فيما كا�وا فيه يختلفون

114. And who is more unjust than one who forbids God's name to be celebrated in places (dedicated) for His worship, one whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It is not fitting for such (people) to enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this life and an exceeding torment in the life to come.

الله أن يذكر فيها ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد .114

اسمه وسعى في خرابها؟ أولئك ما كان لهم أن يدخلوها إال خائفني؛ لهم في الد�يا خزي ولهم

في اآلخرة عذاب عظيم

115. The East and the West belong to Allāh: Wherever you turn, God's presence is there, for Allāh is Boundless, Aware.

ولله المشرق والمغرب فأينما تولوا فثم .115

وجه الله إن الله واسع عليم

116. They say, “God has begotten a son.” Glory to Him! Nay! Everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to Him. Everything worships Him.

:وقالوا .116 بل له ! اتخذ الله ولدا؛ سبحا�ه

ما في السماوات واألرض؛ كل له قا�تون

117. (He is the) Originator of the heavens and the earth: When He decrees a matter, He says to it, “Be,” and it is.

وإذا قضى أمرا ؛بديع السماوات واألرض .117

كن ، فيكون : فإ�ما يقول له

118. Those without knowledge say, “Why does Allāh not speak to us? Or why does a sign not come to us?” So said the people before them: words of similar meaning. Their hearts are alike. We have, indeed, made the signs clear to any people who have conviction (in their hearts).

لوال يكلمنا الله أو : وقال الذين ال يعلمون .118

لك قال الذين من قبلهم مثل قولهم؛ تأتينا آية؛ كذ تشابهت قلوبهم ؛ قد بينا اآليات لقوم يوقنون

119. Surely We have sent you (O Muhammed) in truth as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. But you shall be asked no questions about

وال تسأل ،إ�ا أرسلناك بالحق بشريا و�ذيرا .119

عن أصحاب الجحيم


the companions of the blazing Fire. 120. Neither the Jews nor the Christians will ever be pleased with you unless you follow their form of religion. Say: “God's guidance_that is the (only) guidance.” Were you to follow their desires after the knowledge which has reached you, you would then find neither protector nor helper against Allāh.

ولن ترضى عنك اليهود وال النصارى حتى تتبع .120

ملتهم قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي وال


121. Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied. They are the ones who believe in it; (as for) those who disbelieve in it–the loss is their own.

؛الذين آتيناهم الكتاب يتلو�ه حق تالوته .121

أولئك يؤمنون به؛ ومن يكفر به فأولئك هم الخاسرون

122. O Children of Israel! Remember the special favor which I bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over all others (for My message).

يا بني إسرائيل اذكروا �عمتي التي أ�عمت .122

عليكم وأ�ي فضلتكم على العالمني

123. Then guard yourselves against a Day when no soul shall avail any other, nor shall compensation be accepted from it, nor shall intercession be of any benefit for it, nor shall anyone be helped (by others).

ال واتقوا يوما ال تجزي �فس عن �فس شيئا و .123

يقبل منها عدل وال تنفعها شفاعة وال هم ينصرون

124. And (remember when) Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled. He said, “I will make you an Imam (guide) to the nations.” He pleaded, “What about (imams from among) my offspring?” He answered, “My promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.”

: قال؛ وإذ ابتلى إبراهيم ربه بكلمات فأتمهن .124

إ�ي جاعلك للناس إماما قال ومن ذريتي قال ال ينال هدي الظالمني ع

125. Remember that We made the House (Ka`ba) a place of assembly for men and of safety; take the station of Abraham as a prayer place, and We made a covenant with Abraham and Ishmael: "Sanctify My House for those who circle it or who

وإذ جعلنا البيت مثابة للناس وأمنا .125

واتخذوا من مقام إبراهيم مصلى وعهد�ا إلى إبراهيم وإسماعيل أن طهرا بيتي للطائفني


use it for i`tikāf, or to bow or prostrate (in it in prayer)." والعاكفني والركع السجود

126. And remember that Abraham said, “Lord! Make this city peaceful and feed its people–those of them who believe in Allāh and the Last Day with fruits.” He said, “(Yes,) as for those who reject faith–for a while I will grant them enjoyment but will soon drive them to the torment of the Fire, a (truly) evil destination!”

وإذ قال إبراهيم رب اجعل هذا بلدا آمنا .126

وارزق أهله من الثمرات من آمن منهم بالله واليوم اآلخرقال ومن كفر فأمتعه قليال ثم أضطره إلى عذاب النار

وبئس المصري

127. And remember how Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House (with this plea): “Lord! Accept (this service) from us; for You are the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.

وإذ يرفع إبراهيم القواعد من البيت .127

وإسماعيل ربنا تقبل منا إ�ك أ�ت السميع العليم

128. “Lord! Make us Muslims, bowing to Your (will) and make our progeny a Muslim people, bowing to Your (will), and show us our places for the celebration of (due) rites and turn to us (mercifully): You are the Oft-Returning (mercifully), the Most Merciful.

ربنا واجعلنا مسلمين لك ومن ذريتنا أمة .128

وأر�ا مناسكنا وتب علينا إ�ك أ�ت مسلمة لك التواب الرحيم

129. “Lord! Send them, from among themselves, a Messenger who recites Your Signs to them and instructs them in the Scriptures and wisdom, (thus) sanctifying them; You are Exalted in might, Wise.”

ربنا وابعث فيهم رسوال منهم يتلو عليهم .129

آياتك ويعلمهم الكتاب والحكمة ويزكيهم إ�ك أ�ت العزيز الحكيم

130. And who turns away from the religion of Abraham save one who debases his own soul with folly? We chose him (Abraham) and made him in this world pure, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of the righteous.

ومن يرغب عن ملة إبراهيم إال من سفه �فسه .130

�يا وإ�ه في اآلخرة لمن ولقد اصطفيناه في الد الصالحني

131. Behold! His Lord said to him, “Surrender (your will) to Me.” He said, “I surrender (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the universe.”

إذ قال له ربه أسلم قال أسلمت لرب .131

لعالمني ا


132. Such is the legacy which Abraham left for his sons, and so did Jacob: “O sons! Allāh has chosen the faith for you, so do not die except as Muslims.”

ووصى بها إبراهيم بنيه ويعقوب يا بني إن الله .132

كم الدين فال تموتن إال وأ�تم مسلمون اصطفى ل

133. Were you witnesses when death approached Jacob? He said to his sons, “What will you worship after me?” They said, “We shall worship your God and the God of your fathers–of Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac–the One (true) God: To Him we bow (in Islam).”

أم كنتم شهداء إذ حضر يعقوب الموت إذ .133

قال لبنيه ما تعبدون من بعدي قالوا �عبد إلهك وإله احدا آبائك إبراهيم وإسماعيل وإسحاق إلها و

و�حن له مسلمون

134. That was a nation that has passed away. It shall reap the fruit of what it did and you of what you do! You shall not be asked about what they used to do.

تلك أمة قد خلت لها ما كسبت ولكم ما .134

كسبتم وال تسألون عما كا�وا يعملون

135. They said, “Be Jews or Christians if you want to be rightly guided.” Say: “No! (I would rather follow) the religion of Abraham, the true religion: he did not join gods with Allāh.”

كو�وا هودا أو �صارى تهتدوا قل بل ملة وقالوا .135

إبراهيم حنيفا وما كان من المشركني

136. Say: “We believe in Allāh and in the revelation sent to us and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes and in the one sent to Moses and Jesus and to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no distinction between any of them and another, and we surrender to Allāh (in Islam).”

قولوا آمنا بالله وما أ�زل إلينا وما أ�زل إلى .136

سحاق ويعقوب واألسباط إبراهيم وإسماعيل وإوما أوتي موسى وعيسى وما أوتي النبيون من ربهم ال

�فرق بين أحد منهم و�حن له مسلمون

137. So, if they believe as you believe, they are indeed on the right path; but if they turn back, it is they who are in schism. Allāh will suffice you (O Muhammed!) against them; He is the all-Hearing, the all-Knowing.

فإن آمنوا بمثل ما آمنتم به فقد اهتدوا وإن .137

كهم الله وهو تولوا فإ�ما هم في شقاق فسيكفي السميع العليم

138. Such is Allāh's design; who is better than Allāh in designing? It is He Whom we worship.

صبغة الله ومن أحسن من الله صبغة و�حن له .138



139. Say: Will you dispute with us about Allāh, seeing that He is our Lord and yours, that we are responsible for our deeds and you for yours, and that we are sincere (in believing) in Him?

قل أتحاجو�نا في الله وهو ربنا وربكم ولنا .139

مالكم و�حن له مخلصون أعمالنا ولكم أع

140. Or do you say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Jews or Christians? Say: Do you know better than Allāh? Ah! Who is more unjust than those who conceal the testimony which they have had from Allāh? Allāh is not unmindful of what you do.

أم تقولون إن إبراهيم وإسماعيل وإسحاق .140

ويعقوب واألسباط كا�وا هودا أو �صارى قل أأ�تم له أعلم أم الله ومن أظلم ممن كتم شهادة عنده من ال

وما الله بغافل عما تعملون

141. That was a nation that has passed away. It shall reap the fruit of what it did, and you of what you do, and you will not be questioned about what they used to do.

ا كسبت ولكم ما تلك أمة قد خلت لها م .141

كسبتم وال تسألون عما كا�وا يعملون

142. The fools from among the people will say, “What has turned them away from the Qibla which they had before?” Say: Both East and West belong to Allāh. He guides whomsoever He pleases to a straight path.

سيقول السفهاء من الناس ما والهم عن .142

قبلتهم التي كا�وا عليها قل لله المشرق والمغرب يهدي من يشاء إلى صراط مستقيم

143. Thus have We made you a justly balanced nation so that you may be witnesses to the nations while the Prophet testifies in your regard and We appointed the Qibla which you had before only to distinguish those who followed the Messenger from among those who would turn on their heels (from the faith). Indeed, it was a momentous (change) except for those whom Allāh has guided. Allāh would never render your faith to no effect. Allāh is most surely full of kindness, the Most Merciful (to all people).

وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا لتكو�وا شهداء .143

دا وما جعلنا على الناس ويكون الرسول عليكم شهيالقبلة التي كنت عليها إال لنعلم من يتبع الرسول ممن ينقلب على عقبيه وإن كا�ت لكبرية إال على الذين هدى

لناس لرؤوف الله وما كان الله ليضيع إميا�كم إن الله با رحيم


144. We see you turn your face to the heavens: Now We shall turn you to a Qibla that will please you. So, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: Wherever you are, turn your faces in its direction. The People of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord, Allāh is never unmindful of what they do.

فلنولينك ،قد �رى تقلب وجهك في السماء .144

قبلة ترضاها، فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام، فولوا وجوهكم شطره؛ وإن الذين وحيث ما كنتم

أوتوا الكتاب ليعلمون أ�ه الحق من ربهم ، وما الله بغافل عما يعملون

145. Even if you were to bring all the signs (together) to the People of the Book, they would not follow your Qibla; nor are you going to follow their Qibla; nor, indeed, will they follow each other's Qibla. If you, after the knowledge that has reached you, were to follow their (vain) desires, you would then be (clearly) in the wrong.

أتيت الذين أوتوا الكتاب بكل آية ما ولئن .145

تبعوا قبلتك وما أ�ت بتابع قبلتهم وما بعضهم بتابع قبلة بعض ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم من بعد ما جاءك من

لمنيالعلم إ�ك إذا لمن الظا

146. Those whom we gave the Book know it as they know their own sons; but some of them conceal the truth which they themselves know it.

الذين آتيناهم الكتاب يعرفو�ه كما يعرفون .146

يكتمون الحق وهم أبناءهم وإن فريقا منهم ل يعلمون

147. The truth is from your Lord, so do not be one of those who entertain doubts.

الحق من ربك فال تكو�ن من الممترين .147

148. Each has a direction to which Allāh turns him; so strive together (as in a race) towards everything that is good. Wherever you are, Allāh will bring you together; Allāh has power over all things.

فاستبقوا الخيرات؛ ،ولكل وجهة هو موليها .148

ن الله على كل أين ما تكو�وا يأت بكم الله جميعا؛ إ شيء قدير

149. Wherever you go forth, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque: This, indeed, is the truth from your Lord, and Allāh is never unmindful of what you do.

ر ومن حيث خرجت فول وجهك شط .149

المسجد الحرام وإ�ه للحق من ربك وما الله بغافل عما تعملون


150. So, wherever you start from, turn your face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque; wherever you are, turn your face towards it so that there will be no grounds for dispute against you among the people, except those that are bent on wickedness; so do not fear them but fear Me, so I may complete My favors to you and you may be rightly guided.

ومن حيث خرجت فول وجهك شطر .150

الحرام وحيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم المسجدشطره لئال يكون للناس عليكم حجة إال الذين ظلموا منهم فال تخشوهم واخشو�ي وألتم �عمتي عليكم

ولعلكم تهتدون

151. (You have already received) a similar (blessing when) We sent you a Messenger from among your own selves reciting to you Our signs, sanctifying you and instructing you regarding the Book (Qur'ān) and wisdom and teaching you what you did not know.

فيكم رسوال منكم يتلو عليكم كما أرسلنا .151

آياتنا ويزكيكم ويعلمكم الكتاب والحكمة ويعلمكم ما لم تكو�وا تعلمون

152. Remember Me, therefore, so I may remember you (too). Be grateful to Me and do not disbelieve.

فاذكرو�ي أذكركم واشكروا لي وال .152


153. O you who believe! Seek help from perseverance and prayers; Allāh is with those who patiently persevere.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا استعينوا بالصبر والصالة إن .153

الله مع الصابرين

154. And do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allāh, “They are dead.” No! They are living, though you do not perceive it.

وال تقولوا لمن يقتل في سبيل الله أموات، بل .154

تشعرون أحياء ولكن ال

155. We shall test you with some fear and hunger, some loss of goods or lives or fruits (of your toil), but convey glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,

ولنبلو�كم بشيء من الخوف والجوع و�قص من .155 موال واأل�فس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين األ

156. Those who, when afflicted with calamity, say, “To Allāh do we belong, and to Him shall we return.”

الذين إذا أصابتهم مصيبة قالوا إ�ا لله وإ�ا إليه .156 ونراجع

157. They are the ones on whom God's blessings and mercy (descend), and they are the ones who

أولئك عليهم صلوات من ربهم ورحمة .157


are rightly guided. وأولئك هم المهتدون

158. Behold! The Safa and Marwa are among the signs appointed by Allāh; so, if those who visit the House during the pilgrimage season or during the `umra and who circle them, there is no blame on them if they circle them. And if anyone does so on his own accord, be sure that Allāh is Grateful and all-Knowing.

إن الصفا والمروة من شعائر الله فمن حج .158

البيت أو اعتمر فال جناح عليه أن يطوف بهما ومن تطوع خيرا فإن الله شاكر عليم

159. Those who conceal the clear (Signs) and guidance We have sent down after having made it clear for people in the Book, the curse of Allāh on them and also the curse of those entitled to curse,

إن الذين يكتمون ما أ�زلنا من البينات والهدى من .159

اس في الكتاب أولئك يلعنهم الله بعد ما بيناه للن ويلعنهم الالعنون

160. Except those who repent, make amends and openly declare (the truth): To these do I turn to (accept their repentance), for I am the oft-Returning, the Most Merciful.

فأولئك ،ال الذين تابوا وأصلحوا وبينواإ .160

أتوب عليهم وأ�ا التواب الرحيم

161. Those who reject faith and die rejecting it, the curse of Allāh on them and also the curse of the angels and that of all mankind.

أولئك ،ن الذين كفروا وماتوا وهم كفارإ .161

عليهم لعنة الله والمالئكة والناس أجمعني

162. They abide forever in it: Their penalty will not be lessened, nor will they receive a respite.

خفف عنهم العذاب، وال خالدين فيها؛ ال ي .162

هم ينظرون

Your God is One God: There is .163وإلهكم إله واحد ال إله إال هو الرحمن .163no god but He, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. الرحيم

164. Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the alternation of night and day, in the sailing of ships through the ocean for the benefit of mankind, in the rain which Allāh sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives with it to an earth that is dead, in the beasts of all kinds that He

إن في خلق السماوات واألرض واختالف .164

الليل والنهار والفلك التي تجري في البحر بما ينفع الناس وما أ�زل الله من السماء من ماء فأحيا به األرض بعد موتها وبث فيها من كل دابة وتصريف


scatters throughout the earth, in the change of winds and clouds which they trail for a purpose between the sky and the earth…, there are, indeed, signs for people who understand.

ر بين السماء واألرض الرياح والسحاب المسخ لآيات لقوم يعقلون

165. Yet there are men who (worship) others besides Allāh as being equal (with Allāh): They love them as they love Allāh. But the (hearts of the) faithful overflow with love for Allāh. If only the wrongdoers could see the penalty, (they would realize) that all power belongs to Allāh, and that Allāh strongly enforces the penalty.

ومن الناس من يتخذ من دون الله أ�دادا .165

د حبا لله، ولو يحبو�هم كحب الله، والذين آمنوا أشيرى الذين ظلموا إذ يرون العذاب أن القوة لله جميعا،

وأن الله شديد العذاب

166. Then those who are followed will dissociate themselves from those who follow (them): They will see the penalty, and all relations between them will be cut off.

ورأوا ،إذ تبرأ الذين اتبعوا من الذين اتبعوا .166

العذاب وتقطعت بهم األسباب

167. And those who followed will say, “If only we had one more chance to dissociate ourselves from them as they have dissociated themselves from us!” Thus will Allāh show them (the fruits of) their deeds as (nothing but) regrets, nor will there be a way for them out of the Fire.

ا كرة فنتبرأ منهم لو أن لن:وقال الذين اتبعوا .167

كذلك يريهم الله أعمالهم حسرات ! كما تبرؤوا منا عليهم، وما هم بخارجني من النار

168. O people! Eat of what is on earth, lawful and good, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is your avowed enemy.

يا أيها الناس كلوا مما في األرض حالال طيبا .168

وال تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إ�ه لكم عدو مبني

169. He (Satan) commands you (to do) what is evil, to commit what is shameful, to say about Allāh that of which you have no knowledge.

إ�ما يأمركم بالسوء والفحشاء وأن تقولوا على .169

الله ما ال تعلمون

170. When it is said to them, “Follow what Allāh has revealed,” they say, “No! We shall follow the ways of our fathers.” What?! Even though

بل : اتبعوا ما أ�زل الله، قالوا: وإذا قيل لهم .170

ن �تبع ما ألفينا عليه آباء�ا؛ أولو كان آباؤهم ال يعقلو 33

their fathers were void of wisdom and of guidance?! شيئا وال يهتدون؟

171. The analogy for those who reject faith is one who shouts like a goat-herd to things that do not listen but to calls and cries: Deaf, dumb and blind, they are void of wisdom.

الذي ينعق بما ال ومثل الذين كفروا كمثل .171

صم بكم عمي فهم ال :يسمع إال دعاء و�داء يعقلون

172. O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for you and be grateful to Allāh, if it is Him do you worship.

ين آمنوا كلوا من طيبات ما رزقناكم يا أيها الذ .172

واشكروا لله إن كنتم إياه تعبدون

173. He has only forbidden you (from eating) dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine and that on which any name other than that of Allāh is invoked, but if one is forced by necessity without willful disobedience, nor transgressing the limits, then he is free of sin. Allāh is the oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

إ�ما حرم عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير .173

لغير الله فمن اضطر غير باغ وال عاد فال وما أهل به إثم عليه إن الله غفور رحيم

174. Those who conceal what God has revealed in the Book and purchase a miserable profit for it swallow nothing but the fire; Allāh will not address them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He purify them; their penalty will be grievous.

إن الذين يكتمون ما أ�زل الله من الكتاب .174

أولئك ما يأكلون في بطو�هم إال ،ويشترون به ثمنا قليالر، وال يكلمهم الله يوم القيامة، وال يزكيهم ، ولهم النا

عذاب أليم

175. They are the ones who have bought misguidance instead of guidance, torment instead of forgiveness. Ah! What boldness will they show to the Fire?!

ولئك الذين اشتروا الضاللة بالهدى والعذاب أ .175

؟بالمغفرة فما أصبرهم على النار176. This is so because Allāh sent down the Book (Qur'ān) in truth, but those who dispute about the Book are indeed in a schism far (from the right purpose).

وإن الذين ،ذلك بأن الله �زل الكتاب بالحق .176

اختلفوا في الكتاب لفي شقاق بعيد

It is not righteousness that you .177ن تولوا وجوهكم قبل المشرق ليس البر أ .177

turn your faces towards the East or the West; rather, it is righteousness


to believe in Allāh, in the Last Day, in the angels, in the Book and in the messengers, to spend of your wealth (for charity) out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves, to be steadfast in prayer and pay the zakāt, to fulfill the contracts which you have made and to be steadfast and patient, in pain and in adversity and through all times of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-fearing ones.

ولكن البر من آمن بالله واليوم اآلخر ،والمغربوالمالئكة والكتاب والنبيني وآتى المال على حبه ذوي القربى واليتامى والمساكني وابن

يل والسائلني وفي الرقاب، وأقام الصالة السبوآتى الزكاة، والموفون بعهدهم إذا عاهدوا، والصابرين في البأساء والضراء وحني البأس؛

أولئك الذين صدقوا، وأولئك هم المتقون

178. O you who believe! The law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: The free (person) for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. But if any remission is made by the brother of the slain, then grant (him) any reasonable demand and compensate him with handsome gratitude; this is a concession and a mercy from your Lord. After this, whoever exceeds the limits shall receive a grave penalty.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا كتب عليكم القصاص في .178

لحر والعبد بالعبد واأل�ثى باأل�ثى فمن القتلى الحر باعفي له من أخيه شيء فاتباع بالمعروف وأداء إليه بإحسان ذلك تخفيف من ربكم ورحمة فمن اعتدى

بعد ذلك فله عذاب أليم

179. O men of understanding! The law of equality saves your lives so you may restrain yourselves.

ولكم في القصاص حياة يا أولي األلباب .179

لعلكم تتقون

180. It is prescribed for you that when death approaches any of you, if he leaves wealth behind, that he should make a bequest to parents and the next of kin in a good manner; this is a duty incumbent on the pious.

كتب عليكم إذا حضر أحدكم الموت إن .180

معروف ترك خيرا الوصية للوالدين واألقربني بال حقا على المتقني

181. If anyone changes the bequest after hearing it, the guilt shall be on those who make the change, for Allāh hears and knows all things.

فمن بدله بعدما سمعه فإ�ما إثمه على الذين .181 دلو�ه إن الله سميع عليم يب


182. But if anyone fears partiality or wrongdoing on the part of the testator, so he makes peace between (the parties concerned), he has done no wrong: Allāh is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

وص جنفا أو إثما فأصلح فمن خاف من م .182

بينهم فال إثم عليه؛ إن الله غفور رحيم

183. O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you may attain piety.

نوا كتب عليكم الصيام كما يا أيها الذين آم .183

كتب على الذين من قبلكم لعلكم تتقون

184. (Fast for) numbered days; but if any of you is ill or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) later. There is redemption for those who cannot bear to do it: the feeding of the indigent. But it is better for him who, out of his free will, does so. It is better for you to fast, if you only know.

فمن كان منكم مريضا أو ؛أياما معدودات .184

يام أخر؛ وعلى الذين يطيقو�ه على سفر فعدة من أطعام مسكني؛ فمن تطوع خيرا فهو خير : فدية

له، وأن تصوموا خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون

185. The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’ān was sent down as guidance to mankind and as clear (signs) for guidance, the criterion (between right and wrong). So, every one of you who is present (at home) during the month should spend it in fasting, but if anyone is ill or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) later. Allāh intends every facility for you; He does not want to put you into difficulty. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him since He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful, too.

ي أ�زل فيه القرآن هدى للناس شهر رمضان الذ .185

فمن شهد منكم الشهر ؛ وبينات من الهدى والفرقان فليصمه، ومن كان مريضا أو على سفر فعدة من أيام

كم العسر، أخر؛ يريد الله بكم اليسر وال يريد بولتكملوا العدة، ولتكبروا الله على ما هداكم،

ولعلكم تشكرون

186. When My servants ask you concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the plea of everyone who pleads when he calls upon Me: Let them also listen to My call with a will, and let them believe in Me so they may walk in the right course.

وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإ�ي قريب أجيب .186

هم دعوة الداع إذا دعان فليستجيبوا لي وليؤمنوا بي لعل يرشدون


187. You are permitted to approach your wives on the night of the fast. They are (like) your apparel, and you are (like) their apparel. Allāh knows what you used to deceive yourselves; but He has turned to you and forgiven you; so now approach them and seek what Allāh has ordained for you, eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears to you distinctly from the black thread; then complete your fast till the night approaches; but do not approach your wives while you are in retreat in the mosques. These are limits (set by) Allāh: Do not cross them. Thus does Allāh make His signs clear to men so they may learn self-restraint.

هن :أحل لكم ليلة الصيام الرفث إلى �سائكم .187

ن علم الله أ�كم كنتم تختا�ون لباس لكم وأ�تم لباس لهأ�فسكم فتاب عليكم وعفا عنكم فاآلن باشروهن وابتغوا ما كتب الله لكم وكلوا واشربوا حتى يتبين

ن الفجر ثم لكم الخيط األبيض من الخيط األسود مأتموا الصيام إلى الليل وال تباشروهن وأ�تم عاكفون في المساجد تلك حدود الله فال تقربوها كذلك يبين

الله آياته للناس لعلهم يتقون

188. And do not consume your property among yourselves for vanities, nor use it as bait for the ruling authorities with a wrongful intent, knowingly eating up a little of (other) people's property.

وال تأكلوا أموالكم بينكم بالباطل وتدلوا بها .188

كام لتأكلوا فريقا من أموال الناس باإلثم وأ�تم إلى الح تعلمون

189. They ask you concerning the new moons. Say: They are signs to mark fixed periods of time for people and for the pilgrimage. It is no virtue if you enter your houses from the back: It is virtue if you fear Allāh. Enter houses through the proper doors, and fear Allāh (so) that you may prosper.

يسألو�ك عن األهلة قل هي مواقيت للناس .189

ظهورها ولكن والحج وليس البر بأن تأتوا البيوت منالبر من اتقى وأتوا البيوت من أبوابها واتقوا الله لعلكم


190. Fight in the cause of Allāh those who fight you, but do not transgress; Allāh does not love the transgressors.

وا في سبيل الله الذين يقاتلو�كم وال وقاتل .190

تعتدوا إن الله ال يحب المعتدين

191. And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from wherever they have turned you out, for sedition is worse than slaughter; but do not fight them at the Sacred

واقتلوهم حيث ثقفتموهم وأخرجوهم من .191

من القتل وال تقاتلوهم حيث أخرجوكم والفتنة أشد


Mosque unless they (first) fight you there. But if they fight you, kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

عند المسجد الحرام حتى يقاتلوكم فيه فإن قاتلوكم فاقتلوهم كذلك جزاء الكافرين

-But if they cease, Allāh is oft .192هوا .192

Forgiving, Most Merciful. ه غفور رحيم فإن الل، فإن ا�ت

193. And (continue to) fight them until there is no more sedition, and justice and faith in Allāh prevail; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except towards the oppressors.

ون الدين لله وقاتلوهم حتى ال تكون فتنة ويك .193

فإن ا�تهوا فال عدوان إال على الظالمني

194. The prohibited month for the prohibited month, and so for all things prohibited, there is the law of equality. Then, if anyone transgresses the prohibition against you, transgress against him similarly. But fear Allāh and be informed that Allāh is with the pious.

الشهر الحرام بالشهر الحرام والحرمات .194

قصاص فمن اعتدى عليكم فاعتدوا عليه بمثل ما وا الله واعلموا أن الله مع اعتدى عليكم واتق


195. And spend of your wealth in the cause of Allāh and do not contribute to your self-destruction, but do good deeds; Allāh loves those who do goodness.

لقوا بأيديكم إلى وأ�فقوا في سبيل الله وال ت .195

التهلكة وأحسنوا إن الله يحب المحسنني

196. And complete the Hajj or `Umra for worshipping Allāh. But if you are prevented (from completing it), send an offering for sacrifice, such as you may find, and do not shave your heads until the offering reaches the place of sacrifice. And if any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (necessitating shaving), (he should) in compensation either fast or feed the poor or offer sacrifice and when you are in a peaceful condition (again), and if anyone wishes to continue the `Umra up to the Hajj, he must make an offering, whatever he can afford; he should fast three days during the Hajj and

وأتموا الحج والعمرة لله فإن أحصرتم فما .196

وسكم حتى يبلغ استيسر من الهدي وال تحلقوا رؤالهدي محله فمن كان منكم مريضا أو به أذى من رأسه ففدية من صيام أو صدقة أو �سك فإذا أمنتم فمن

لم تمتع بالعمرة إلى الحج فما استيسر من الهدي فمن يجد فصيام ثالثة أيام في الحج وسبعة إذا رجعتم تلك عشرة كاملة ذلك لمن لم يكن أهله حاضري المسجد الحرام واتقوا الله واعلموا أن الله شديد


seven days on his return, making them ten days complete. This is for those whose household is not in (the precincts of) the Sacred Mosque. And fear Allāh and be informed that Allāh is strict in punishment.


197. The Hajj months are well known. If anyone undertakes the duty during them, let there be neither obscenity nor wickedness, nor wrangling during the Hajj. And whatever good you do, (rest assured) Allāh knows it. And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is piety. So fear Me, O you who are wise!

الحج أشهر معلومات فمن فرض فيهن الحج .197

فال رفث وال فسوق وال جدال في الحج وما تفعلوا ر الزاد التقوى من خير يعلمه الله وتزودوا فإن خي

واتقون يا أولي األلباب

198. It is no blame on you if you seek of the bounty of your Lord (during the pilgrimage). Then, when you pour down from (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allāh at the sacred monument, and celebrate His praises as He has guided you, even though you went astray before this.

ليس عليكم جناح أن تبتغوا فضال من ربكم .198

فإذا أفضتم من عرفات فاذكروا الله عند المشعر هداكم وإن كنتم من قبله لمن الحرام واذكروه كما


199. Then pass on quickly from the place where the multitude usually does so, and plead for Allāh's forgiveness, surely Allāh is the oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

أفاض الناس ثم أفيضوا من حيث .199

واستغفروا الله إن الله غفور رحيم

200. Once you have accomplished performing your sacred rituals, celebrate the praises of Allāh as you used to celebrate the praises of your fathers with far more heart and soul, for there are men who say, “Lord! Grant us (Your bounties) in the life of this world!” But they will have no portion in the Hereafter.

فإذا قضيتم مناسككم فاذكروا الله .200

قول ربنا كذكركم آباءكم أو أشد ذكرا فمن الناس من ي آتنا في الد�يا وما له في اآلخرة من خالق

201. And there are those from among them who say, “Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter and defend us from the torment of the Fire!”

يقول ربنا آتنا في الد�يا حسنة وفي ومنهم من .201

اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار


202. These will be allotted what they earn, and Allāh is swift in taking account (of deeds).

أولئك لهم �صيب مما كسبوا والله سريع .202


203. Celebrate the praises of Allāh during numbered days, but if anyone hastens to leave in two days, there is no blame on him, and if anyone stays, there is no blame on him if his aim is to do what is right. Then fear Allāh and be informed that you will surely be gathered before Him.

فمن ،واذكروا الله في أيام معدودات .203

تعجل في يومين فال إثم عليه ومن تأخر فال إثم عليه لمن شرون اتقى واتقوا الله واعلموا أ�كم إليه تح

204. There is the type of man whose speech about this world's life may impress you, and he calls on Allāh to testify to what is in his heart, while he is the most contentious of enemies.

د�يا ومن الناس من يعجبك قوله في الحياة ال .204

ويشهد الله على ما في قلبه وهو ألد الخصام

205. When he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle, while Allāh does not love mischief.

ى في األرض ليفسد فيها ويهلك وإذا تولى سع .205

والله ال يحب الفساد ، الحرث والنسل

206. When it is said to him, “Fear Allāh,” he is led by arrogance to (more) sinning. Hell suffices him, a truly evil bed (to lie on)!

اتق الله أخذته العزة باإلثم وإذا قيل له .206

فحسبه جهنم ولبئس المهاد

207. And there is the type of man who gives his life away in order to earn the pleasure of Allāh and Allāh is full of kindness to (His) devotees.

س من يشري �فسه ابتغاء مرضات الله ومن النا .207

والله رؤوف بالعباد

208. O you who believe! Enter into peace whole-heartedly and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, for he is an avowed enemy to you.

لوا في السلم كافة وال يا أيها الذين آمنوا ادخ .208

تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان إ�ه لكم عدو مبني

209. If you backslide after the clear (Signs) have already come to you, be informed that Allāh is Exalted in power, Wise.

ما جاءتكم البينات فإن زللتم من بعد .209

فاعلموا أن الله عزيز حكيم


210. Will they wait until (the wrath of) Allāh comes to them in canopies of clouds, with angels, and the question is (thus) settled? All matters are rendered to Allāh (for His decision in their regard).

هل ينظرون إال أن يأتيهم الله في ظلل من الغمام .210

وقضي األمر وإلى الله ترجع األمور ؟والمالئكة

211. Ask the Children of Israel: How many clear (Signs) have We sent them? But if anyone substitutes the blessing of God after it has already come to him, Allāh is strict in punishment.

كم آتيناهم من آية بينة؟ : سل بني إسرائيل .211

ومن يبدل �عمة الله من بعد ما جاءته فإن الله شديد عقاب ال

212. The life of this world is made to look alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Judgment; Allāh bestows His bounties without measure on whomsoever He pleases.

زين للذين كفروا الحياة الد�يا ويسخرون من .212

الذين آمنوا والذين اتقوا فوقهم يوم القيامة والله يرزق من يشاء بغير حساب

213. Mankind was one single nation, then Allāh sent messengers with glad tidings and warnings, sending with them the Book in truth in order to judge between people in matters wherein they differed and none but the very people to who it was revealed differed about it after clear arguments had already come to them, revolting among themselves. Allah guides whomsoever He pleases to the straight path.

كان الناس أمة واحدة فبعث الله .213

النبيني مبشرين ومنذرين وأ�زل معهم الكتاب فوا فيه وما بالحق ليحكم بين الناس فيما اختل

اختلف فيه إال الذين أوتوه من بعد ما جاءتهم البينات بغيا بينهم فهدى الله الذين آمنوا لما اختلفوا فيه من الحق بإذ�ه والله يهدي من يشاء إلى صراط

يممستق214. Or do you think that you shall enter Paradise without trials like those that came to those who passed away before you? They encountered suffering and adversity and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and the believers who were with him said, “When (will) God's help come?” Surely God's

أم حسبتم أن تدخلوا الجنة ولما يأتكم مثل .214

الذين خلوا من قبلكم؟ مستهم البأساء والضراء ول والذين آمنوا معه متى �صر وزلزلوا حتى يقول الرس

الله أال إن �صر الله قريب


help is (always) near! 215. They ask you what they should spend (in charity). Say: Whatever good things you spend is for parents, kindred, orphans, the needy and the wayfarers. Whatever good you do God knows it well.

يسألو�ك ماذا ينفقون قل ما أ�فقتم من خير .215

فللوالدين واألقربني واليتامى والمساكني وابن السبيل وما تفعلوا من خير فإن الله به عليم

216. Fighting is prescribed for you and you dislike it; but you might dislike a thing that is good for you and love a thing that is bad for you. Allāh knows whereas you do not.

وعسى أن ،كتب عليكم القتال وهو كره لكم .216

ر لكم، وعسى أن تحبوا شيئا تكرهوا شيئا وهو خي وهو شر لكم، والله يعلم وأ�تم ال تعلمون

217. They ask you whether there is fighting in the prohibited month. Say: “Fighting during it is a grave (offense); but in the sight of Allāh, it is more grave to prevent access to the path of Allāh, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque and to drive its people out. Sedition is worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith, if they can. If anyone turns back from his faith and dies in unbelief, his deeds will bear no fruit in this life or in the Hereafter; he will be a companion of the Fire wherein he will dwell (forever).”

تال يسألو�ك عن الشهر الحرام قتال فيه قل ق .217

فيه كبري وصد عن سبيل الله وكفر به والمسجد الحرام وإخراج أهله منه أكبر عند الله والفتنة أكبر من القتل وال يزالون يقاتلو�كم حتى يردوكم عن دينكم إن

اعوا ومن يرتدد منكم عن دينه فيمت وهو استطكافر فأولئك حبطت أعمالهم في الد�يا واآلخرة

وأولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون

218. Those who have believed and those who suffered exile and fought (strove and struggled) in the path of God hope for mercy from Allāh; surely Allāh is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

إن الذين آمنوا والذين هاجروا وجاهدوا في .218

والله غفور ،سبيل الله أولئك يرجون رحمت الله رحيم

219. They ask you about wine and gambling. Say: “There is great sin and some benefits in them for people, but their sin is greater than their benefits.” They ask you how much they are to spend. Say: “What exceeds your needs.” Thus does

فيهما إثم : قل؛يسألو�ك عن الخمر والميسر .219

كبري ومنافع للناس، وإثمهما أكبر من �فعهما؛ الله ويسألو�ك ماذا ينفقون ، قل العفو ؛ كذلك يبين


Allāh make His Signs clear to you so you may ponder— لكم اآليات لعلكم تتفكرون

220. (On their bearing) on this life and the Hereafter. They ask you about orphans. Say: “The best thing to do (for them) is what is good for them; if you become co-partners with them, they are your brothers (in faith); Allāh knows the one who intends to commit mischief from the one who has good intentions. Had Allāh wished, He could have put you into difficulties: He is indeed Exalted in power, Wise.”

يتامى قل في الد�يا واآلخرة ويسألو�ك عن ال .220

إصالح لهم خير وإن تخالطوهم فإخوا�كم والله يعلم المفسد من المصلح ولو شاء الله ألعنتكم إن الله

عزيز حكيم

221. Do not marry unbelieving women (idolatresses) until they believe; a slave woman who believes is better than a woman who does not believe even if she attracts you. Nor should you marry (your girls) off to unbelievers until they believe: A believing slave is better than an unbeliever (who is free), even though he may attract your attention. Unbelievers (only) invite you to the Fire. But Allāh, through His grace, invites you to Paradise and to forgiveness; He makes His signs clear to mankind so that they may celebrate His praise.

وألمة ، يؤمن وال تنكحوا المشركات حتى .221

مؤمنة خير من مشركة ولو أعجبتكم وال تنكحوا المشركني حتى يؤمنوا ولعبد مؤمن خير من مشرك ولو أعجبكم أولئك يدعون إلى النار والله

لجنة والمغفرة بإذ�ه ويبين آياته للناس لعلهم يدعو إلى ا يتذكرون

222. They ask you about women's menstruation. Say: “It is a discomfort; so keep away from women during their menstruation and do not approach them until they are clean. Once they have purified themselves, you may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allāh. Allāh loves those who turn to Him constantly, and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.”

يض قل هو أذى فاعتزلوا ويسألو�ك عن المح .222

النساء في المحيض وال تقربوهن حتى يطهرن فإذا تطهرن فأتوهن من حيث أمركم الله إن الله يحب

التوابني ويحب المتطهرين

;Your wives are as a tilth for you .223فأتوا حرثكم أ�ى شئتم ،�ساؤكم حرث لكم .223

so approach your tilth however you


please, but do good acts for your souls beforehand; fear Allāh and be informed that you are to meet Him (in the Hereafter), and convey to the believers (these) glad tidings.

وقدموا أل�فسكم واتقوا الله واعلموا أ�كم مالقوه وبشر المؤمنني

224. In your oaths, do not make God's (Name) an excuse for not doing good or acting rightly or making peace with others; Allāh is all-Hearing, all-Knowing.

وال تجعلوا الله عرضة لأيما�كم أن تبروا .224

وتتقوا وتصلحوا بين الناس والله سميع عليم

225. Allāh will not call you to account for idle talk in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts and He is oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.

ال يؤاخذكم الله باللغو في أيما�كم ولكن .225

يؤاخذكم بما كسبت قلوبكم والله غفور حليم

226. For those who take a vow of abstention from their wives, a four months' waiting period is ordained; if then they return, Allāh is oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

فإن ،للذين يؤلون من �سائهم تربص أربعة أشهر .226

فاءوا فإن الله غفور رحيم

227. But if they have resolved on a divorce, Allāh hears and knows all things.

وإن عزموا الطالق فإن الله سميع عليم .227

228. Divorced women shall wait for a period of three months. It is unlawful for them to hide what Allāh has created in their wombs, if they have faith in Allāh and in the Last Day. Their husbands have a greater right to take them back during that period, if they desire reconciliation. Women shall have rights similarly to the rights required of them, according to what is fair; but men have a degree above, and Allāh is Exalted in power, Wise.

وال ،والمطلقات يتربصن بأ�فسهن ثالثة قروء .228

يحل لهن أن يكتمن ما خلق الله في أرحامهن إن كن يؤمن عولتهن أحق بردهن في ذلك إن بالله واليوم اآلخر، وب

أرادوا إصالحا، ولهن مثل الذي عليهن بالمعروف ، وللرجال عليهن درجة، والله عزيز حكيم

229. Divorce is only permissible twice; after that, the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness. It is not lawful for you to take back any of your gifts (from your wives) except when both parties fear that they would be unable to observe the

فإمساك بمعروف أو تسريح ، الطالق مرتان .229

بإحسان، وال يحل لكم أن تأخذوا مما آتيتموهن م أال شيئا إال أن يخافا أال يقيما حدود الله؛ فإن خفت


limits set by Allāh. If you truly fear that they will be unable to observe the limits set by Allāh, there is no blame on either of them if she gives something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by Allāh; so do not transgress them. If anyone violates the limits set by Allāh, such persons wrong (themselves as well as others).

يقيما حدود الله فال جناح عليهما فيما افتدت به؛ تلك حدود الله فال تعتدوها، ومن يتعد حدود الله

فأولئك هم الظالمون

230. So if a husband divorces his wife (irrevocably), he cannot, after that, remarry her until after she has married another husband who he has divorced her. In that case, there is no blame on either of them if they reunite, provided they feel that they can observe the limits set by Allāh. Such are the limits set by Allāh, (limits) which He makes clear for those who understand.

فإن طلقها فال تحل له من بعد حتى تنكح .230

زوجا غيره فإن طلقها فال جناح عليهما أن يتراجعا ود الله يبينها إن ظنا أن يقيما حدود الله وتلك حد

لقوم يعلمون

231. When you divorce women and they complete their waiting period (`iddat), you should either take them back on equitable terms or set them free on equitable terms; but do not take them back in order to oppress them or to take undue advantage of them; if anyone does that, he wrongs his own soul. Do not treat God's Signs lightly; rather, you should solemnly rehearse God's favors to you and the fact that He sent down to you the Book and wisdom for your instruction. And fear Allāh and be informed that Allāh is well acquainted with all things.

وإذا طلقتم النساء فبلغن أجلهن فأمسكوهن .231

وال تمسكوهن ،بمعروف أو سرحوهن بمعروفل ذلك فقد ظلم �فسه وال ضرارا لتعتدوا ومن يفع

تتخذوا آيات الله هزوا واذكروا �عمت الله عليكم وما أ�زل عليكم من الكتاب والحكمة يعظكم به

واتقوا الله واعلموا أن الله بكل شيء عليم

232. If you divorce women and they complete their waiting period (`iddat), do not prevent them from marrying their (former) husbands, if they mutually agree on equitable terms. This instruction is for all

وإذا طلقتم النساء فبلغن أجلهن فال تعضلوهن .232

،أن ينكحن أزواجهن إذا تراضوا بينهم بالمعروف


among you who believe in Allāh and in the Last Day in order to (make) you more virtuous and pure, and Allāh knows while you do not.

كان منكم يؤمن بالله واليوم اآلخر ذلك يوعظ به من ذلكم أزكى لكم وأطهر والله يعلم وأ�تم ال تعلمون

233. Mothers shall nurse their children for two whole years, if the father wishes to complete the term. But he (father) shall bear the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms. No soul shall have a burden laid on it greater than it can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child, nor a father on account of his child. An heir shall have the same duty; if, after mutual consent and consultation, they both decide on weaning, there is no blame on them. If you decide on a foster-mother for your offspring, there is no blame on you, provided you pay (the mother) what you offered, on equitable terms. Fear Allāh and be informed that Allāh sees well whatever you do.

والوالدات يرضعن أوالدهن حولين كاملين لمن .233

أراد أن يتم الرضاعة وعلى المولود له رزقهن وكسوتهن س إال وسعها ال تضار والدة بالمعروف ال تكلف �ف

بولدها وال مولود له بولده وعلى الوارث مثل ذلك فإن أرادا فصاال عن تراض منهما وتشاور فال جناح

م فال جناح عليهما وإن أردتم أن تسترضعوا أوالدكعليكم إذا سلمتم ما آتيتم بالمعروف واتقوا الله

واعلموا أن الله بما تعملون بصري

234. If any of you dies leaving behind widows, these shall wait for four months and ten days: When they have completed their term, there is no blame on you if they make arrangements for themselves in a just and reasonable manner. Allāh is well acquainted with what you do.

والذين يتوفون منكم ويذرون أزواجا يتربصن .234

ربعة أشهر وعشرا؛ فإذا بلغن أجلهن فال بأ�فسهن أجناح عليكم فيما فعلن في أ�فسهن بالمعروف والله

بما تعملون خبري

235. There is no blame on you if you make an offer of marriage or hold it in your hearts. Allāh knows that you cherish them in your hearts, but do not make a secret contract with them except on honorable terms, nor should you sign the marriage contract until the prescribed term is fulfilled. And be informed that Allāh knows what is in your hearts, so be mindful of Him, and know

وال جناح عليكم فيما عرضتم به من .235

علم الله أ�كم ؛خطبة النساء أو أكننتم في أ�فسكمدوهن سرا إال أن تقولوا قوال ستذكرو�هن ولكن ال تواع

معروفا وال تعزموا عقدة النكاح حتى يبلغ الكتاب أجله واعلموا أن الله يعلم ما في أ�فسكم فاحذروه


that Allāh is oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing. واعلموا أن الله غفور حليم

236. There is no blame on you if you divorce women before consummation or the imposition of their dower, but grant them (a suitable gift), the wealthy man according to his means and the poor one according to his means, a gift of a reasonable amount is due from those who wish to do the right thing.

ال جناح عليكم إن طلقتم النساء ما لم .236

على ؛ تمسوهن أو تفرضوا لهن فريضة ومتعوهن الموسع قدره وعلى المقتر قدره متاعا بالمعروف

محسنني حقا على ال

237. And if you divorce them before consummation but after the imposition of a dower for them, (you will then owe them) half the dower unless they relinquish it, or (the man's half) is remitted by the person who holds the marriage tie and the (man's) remission (of one half) is nearest to righteousness. And do not forget liberality among yourselves. Allāh well sees all what you do.

وإن طلقتموهن من قبل أن تمسوهن وقد فرضتم .237

إال أن يعفون أو يعفو الذي لهن فريضة فنصف ما فرضتمبيده عقدة النكاح وأن تعفوا أقرب للتقوى وال تنسوا

الفضل بينكم إن الله بما تعملون بصري

238. Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers, especially the middle prayerm, and stand before Allāh in a devout (frame of mind).

حافظوا على الصلوات والصالة الوسطى .238

وقوموا لله قا�تني

239. If you fear (an enemy), pray while walking or riding (as may be convenient), but when you are safe, celebrate God's praises in the manner He taught you and which you did not know (before).

فإذا أمنتم ،فإن خفتم فرجاال أو ركبا�ا .239

فاذكروا الله كما علمكم ما لم تكو�وا تعلمون

240. Those of you who die leaving widows should bequeath for their widows a year's maintenance and residence, but if they leave (the residence), there is no blame on you for what they do by themselves provided it is reasonable; Allāh is Exalted in power, Wise.

منكم ويذرون أزواجا وصية والذين يتوفون .240

فإن خرجن ؛لأزواجهم متاعا إلى الحول غير إخراجفال جناح عليكم في ما فعلن في أ�فسهن من معروف

والله عزيز حكيم


241. For divorced women there must be maintenance (provided) on a reasonable (scale). This is a duty for the righteous.

وللمطلقات متاع بالمعروف حقا على .241


Thus does Allāh make His signs .242لك يبين الل .242clear to you so you may understand. ه لكم آياته لعلكم تعقلون كذ

243. Have you not considered those who abandoned their homes, though they were thousands (in number), for fear of death? Allāh, therefore, said to them, “Die.” Then He restored life to them; Allāh is full of bounty to mankind, yet most of them are ungrateful.

ألم تر إلى الذين خرجوا من ديارهم وهم ألوف .243

حذر الموت فقال لهم الله موتوا ثم أحياهم إن الله ال لذو فضل على الناس ولكن أكثر الناس


244. Fight in the cause of Allāh and be informed that Allāh hears and knows all things.

وقاتلوا في سبيل الله واعلموا أن الله سميع .244


245. Who will grant Allāh a beautiful loan which Allāh will double to his credit, multiplying it many times? It is Allāh Who gives withholds or grants plenty, and to Him will you return.

من ذا الذي يقرض الله قرضا حسنا .245

فيضاعفه له أضعافا كثرية والله يقبض ويبسط وإليه عون ترج

246. Have you not considered the chiefs of the Children of Israel after (the time of) Moses? They said to a prophet (who was) among them, “Appoint a king for us so we may fight in the cause of Allāh.” He said, “Is it possible that you will not fight if you are commanded?” They said, “How could we refuse to fight in the cause of Allāh, seeing that we were turned out of our homes and families?” But when they were commanded to fight, they turned back except for a small band among them. Allāh has full knowledge of the wrongdoers.

ألم تر إلى المإل من بني إسرائيل من بعد موسى إذ .246

قالوا لنبي لهم ابعث لنا ملكا �قاتل في سبيل الله؛ قال وا قالوا هل عسيتم إن كتب عليكم القتال أال تقاتل

وما لنا أال �قاتل في سبيل الله وقد أخرجنا من ديار�ا وأبنائنا فلما كتب عليهم القتال تولوا إال قليال منهم

والله عليم بالظالمني

247. Their prophet said to them, “God has appointed Talut (Saul) as your king.” They said, “How can he

إن الله قد بعث لكم طالوت :وقال لهم �بيهم .247


exercise authority over us while we are better fitted than he is to exercise authority, and he even does not have abundant wealth?” He said, “God has chosen him over you and has gifted him abundantly with knowledge and bodily prowess: Allāh grants His authority to whomsoever He pleases. Allāh cares for all and He knows all things.”

الملك علينا و�حن أحق أ�ى يكون له: ملكا؛ قالوابالملك منه ولم يؤت سعة من المال؟ قال إن الله اصطفاه عليكم وزاده بسطة في العلم والجسم ،

والله يؤتي ملكه من يشاء، والله واسع عليم

248. And their prophet (also) said to them, “A sign of his authority is that the Ark of the Covenant shall come to you with (an assurance) of security from your Lord and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron carried by angels. In this there is a sign for you, if you indeed have faith.”

وقال لهم �بيهم إن آية ملكه أن يأتيكم التابوت .248

فيه سكينة من ربكم وبقية مما ترك آل موسى وآل آلية لكم إن كنتم هارون تحمله المالئكة إن في ذلك


249. When Talut (Saul) set forth with the armies, he said, “God will test you at the stream: If anyone drinks of its water, he will not go with my army: Only those who do not taste of it shall go with me: A mere sip out of the hand is excused.” But they all drank of it, except a few. When they crossed the river, he and the faithful with him said, “This day we cannot cope with Goliath and his forces.” But those who were convinced that they must meet Allāh said, “How often, by God's will, has a small force vanquished a big one? Allāh is with those who steadfastly persevere.”

فلما فصل طالوت بالجنود قال إن الله .249

مبتليكم بنهر فمن شرب منه فليس مني ومن لم يطعمه �ه مني إال من اغترف غرفة بيده فشربوا منه إال فإ

قليال منهم فلما جاوزه هو والذين آمنوا معه قالوا ال طاقة لنا اليوم بجالوت وجنوده قال الذين يظنون أ�هم

الله كم من فئة قليلة غلبت فئة كثرية بإذن الله مالقوا والله مع الصابرين

250. When they advanced to meet Goliath and his forces, they prayed, “Lord! Pour out patience on us and make our steps firm; help us against those who reject faith.”

ولما برزوا لجالوت وجنوده قالوا ربنا أفرغ .250

علينا صبرا وثبت أقدامنا وا�صر�ا على القوم الكافرين


251. By God's will they defeated them and David slew Goliath and Allāh granted him power and wisdom, teaching him whatever (else) He willed. Had Allāh not checked some people by means of each other, the earth would indeed have been full of mischief, but Allāh is ever Gracious to all the worlds.

اود جالوت وآتاه فهزموهم بإذن الله وقتل د .251

الله الملك والحكمة وعلمه مما يشاء ولوال دفع الله الناس بعضهم ببعض لفسدت األرض ولكن الله ذو

فضل على العالمني

252. These are God's Signs: We recite them to you in truth; truly you (O Muhammed) are one of the Messengers.

وإ�ك لمن ،تلك آيات الله �تلوها عليك بالحق .252


253. Those were the Messengers: We preferred some over others: To some of them Allāh spoke; others We raised to degrees (of honor). To Jesus son of Mary We gave clear (Signs), strengthening him with the Holy Spirit. Had Allāh so willed, succeeding generations would not have fought against each other after clear (Signs) had come to them, but they (chose) to argue, some believing and others rejecting. Had Allāh so willed, they would not have fought each other, but Allāh brings about whatever He intends.

منهم :تلك الرسل فضلنا بعضهم على بعض .253

جات وآتينا عيسى ابن من كلم الله ورفع بعضهم درمريم البينات وأيد�اه بروح القدس ولو شاء الله ما اقتتل الذين من بعدهم من بعد ما جاءتهم البينات ولكن

و شاء الله ما اختلفوا فمنهم من آمن ومنهم من كفر ول اقتتلوا ولكن الله يفعل ما يريد

254. O you who believe! Spend (by way of charity) out of (the bounties) We have provided for you before a Day comes when there will be no bargaining, nor friendship, nor intercession. Those who reject faith are the wrongdoers.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا أ�فقوا مما رزقناكم من قبل أن .254

يأتي يوم ال بيع فيه وال خلة وال شفاعة والكافرون هم الظالمون

255. Allāh! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting, the Eternal. Neither slumber seizes Him nor sleep. All things in the heavens and on earth are His. Who is there who can intercede in His presence except those whom He permits? He knows what (appears to his creatures as) before or after or behind them.

الله ال إله إال هو الحي القيوم ال تأخذه سنة .255

وال �وم له ما في السماوات وما في األرض من ذا الذي يشفع عنده إال بإذ�ه يعلم ما بين أيديهم وما خلفهم وال

يطون بشيء من علمه إال بما شاء وسع كرسيه يح


Nor shall they grasp anything of His knowledge except whatever He wills. His Seat (Might) overwhelms the heavens and the earth, and He never tires in guarding and preserving them, for He is the Most High, the Supreme (in glory).

السماوات واألرض وال يؤوده حفظهما وهو العلي العظيم

256. Let there be no compulsion in religion: The right guidance stands out clearly from misguidance: Whoever rejects evil and believes in Allāh has grasped the firmest handle, one that never breaks. And Allāh hears and knows all things.

ال إكراه في الدين قد تبين الرشد من الغي فمن .256

استمسك بالعروة يكفر بالطاغوت ويؤمن بالله فقد الوثقى ال ا�فصام لها والله سميع عليم

257. Allāh is the Protector of the believers: From the depths of darkness (of misguidance) does He lead them forth into the light (of guidance). The patrons of those who reject faith are the Evil Ones: They will lead them forth from the light into the depths of darkness. They will be companions of the Fire to dwell in it forever.

الله ولي الذين آمنوا يخرجهم من الظلمات إلى .257

ن كفروا أولياؤهم الطاغوت يخرجو�هم من النور والذيالنور إلى الظلمات أولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها


258. Have you not contemplated on the one who disputed with Abraham about his Lord because Allāh had granted him power? Abraham said, “My Lord is He Who gives life and death.” He said, “I grant life and death.” Abraham said, “Allāh is the One Who causes the sun to rise in the East, so you make it rise in the West.” Thus did he confound the one who (arrogantly) rejected faith. Allāh does not guide the unjust people.

ألم تر إلى الذي حاج إبراهيم في ربه أن آتاه الله .258: ربي الذي يحيي ويميت؛ قال: إذ قال إبراهيم،الملك

فإن الله يأتي بالشمس : أ�ا أحيي وأميت؛ قال إبراهيممن المشرق، فأت بها من المغرب؛ فبهت الذي كفر،

والله ال يهدي القوم الظالمني

259. Or (take) the analogy of one who passed by a village, all in ruins to its roofs. He said, “Oh! How shall Allāh (ever) bring it to life after its death?” Allāh caused him to die for a hundred years then rresurrected him (again). He said,

أو كالذي مر على قرية وهي خاوية على .259

عروشها قال أ�ى يحيي هذه الله بعد موتها فأماته الله لبثت قال لبثت يوما أو بعض مائة عام ثم بعثه قال كم


“How long did you tarry (like that)?” He said, “(Perhaps) a day or part of a day.” He said, “No, you tarried a hundred years like that; so look at your food and drink; they show no signs of age, and look at your donkey, so We may make a Sign out of you to people. Look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh!” When this was shown clearly to him, he said, “I know that Allāh has power over all things.”

يوم قال بل لبثت مائة عام فا�ظر إلى طعامك وشرابك لم يتسنه وا�ظر إلى حمارك ولنجعلك آية للناس

ا لحما وا�ظر إلى العظام كيف �نشزها ثم �كسوه فلما تبين له قال أعلم أن الله على كل شيء قدير

260. Behold! Abraham said, “Lord! Show me how You grant life to the dead.” He said, “Do you not believe?” He said, “Yes, but so that may heart may be at ease.” He said, “Take four birds; tame them to come back to you; and (cutting them into parts) place a part of them on each hill, then call to them: They will come to you (flying) with speed. Then you should know that Allāh is Exalted in power, Wise.”

رب أر�ي كيف تحيي : إبراهيموإذ قال .260

بلى ، ولكن ليطمئن : أولم تؤمن ؟ قال: الموتى ؛ قالفخذ أربعة من الطير فصرهن إليك، ثم : قلبي؛ قال

هن يأتينك اجعل على كل جبل منهن جزءا ثم ادع سعيا واعلم أن الله عزيز حكيم

261. The parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allāh is that of a kernel of corn: It grows seven ears and each ear has a hundred kernels. Allāh gives manifold increase to whomsoever He pleases: Allāh cares for all, and He knows all things.

مثل الذين ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله كمثل .261

حبة أ�بتت سبع سنابل في كل سنبلة مائة حبة والله واسع عليم يضاعف لمن يشاء والله

262. Those who spend their wealth in the sake of Allāh and do not follow up what they give away with reminders of their generosity or with harm, their reward is with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

ن ينفقون أموالهم في سبيل الله ثم ال يتبعون الذي .262

ما أ�فقوا منا وال أذى لهم أجرهم عند ربهم وال خوف عليهم وال هم يحز�ون

263. Kind words and covering up faults are better (deeds) than charity followed by harm. Allāh is free of all want and is Most Forbearing.

قول معروف ومغفرة خير من صدقة يتبعها .263 والله غني حليم ، أذى


264. O you who believe! Do not void your acts of charity by reminders of your generosity or by harm like those who spend their substance just to be seen by men while not believing in Allāh or the Last Day. Their parable is like a hard and barren rock on which there is little soil; heavy rain falls on it, leaving it (just) a bare stone. They will be able to do nothing with whatever they earn. Allāh does not guide those who reject faith.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا ال تبطلوا صدقاتكم بالمن .264

واألذى كالذي ينفق ماله رئاء الناس وال يؤمن بالله يوم اآلخر فمثله كمثل صفوان عليه تراب فأصابه وال

وابل فتركه صلدا ال يقدرون على شيء مما كسبوا والله ال يهدي القوم الكافرين

265. And the comparison for those who spend their wealth seeking to please Allāh and to strengthen their souls is a high and fertile garden: Heavy rain falls on it, causing it to yield a double increase of harvest, and if it does not receive heavy rain, light moisture suffices it. Allāh well sees whatever you do.

ومثل الذين ينفقون أموالهم ابتغاء مرضات الله .265

وتثبيتا من أ�فسهم كمثل جنة بربوة أصابها وابل فإن لم يصبها وابل فطل، والله ، فآتت أكلها ضعفين

بما تعملون بصري266. Does any of you wish that he should have a garden with date-palms, vines, streams flowing underneath and all kinds of fruit, while he is stricken with old age and his children are not strong (enough to look after themselves), then a fiery whirlwind burnt it up? Thus does Allāh make (His) Signs clear to you, so you may ponder.

أيود أحدكم أن تكون له جنة من �خيل .266

وأعناب تجري من تحتها األ�هار له فيها من كل الثمرات رية ضعفاء فأصابها إعصار وأصابه الكبر وله ذ كذلك يبين الله لكم اآليات ؟فيه �ار فاحترقت

لعلكم تتفكرون

267. O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (honorably) earned and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even try to get anything bad so that you may give away some of it (away to others), when you yourselves would not accept to receive it save with closed eyes... Be informed that Allāh is free of all want, worthy of all

يا أيها الذين آمنوا أ�فقوا من طيبات ما كسبتم .267

ومما أخرجنا لكم من األرض وال تيمموا الخبيث منه تنفقون ولستم بآخذيه إال أن تغمضوا فيه واعلموا

ي حميد أن الله غن


praise. 268. Satan threatens you with poverty and invites you to odious conduct, whereas Allāh promises you His forgiveness and bounties; Allāh cares for everyone, and He knows all things.

،شاءالشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفح .268

والله يعدكم مغفرة منه وفضال والله واسع عليم

269. He grants wisdom to whomsoever He pleases. Whoever is is granted wisdom receives a truly overflowing goodness, but none will remember this except men of understanding.

يؤتي الحكمة من يشاء ومن يؤت الحكمة فقد .269

أوتي خيرا كثريا وما يذكر إال أولوا األلباب

270. Whatever you spend as charity or as an offering, rest assured that Allāh knows it all, but the wrongdoers have no helpers.

وما أ�فقتم من �فقة أو �ذرتم من �ذر فإن الله .270

يعلمه وما للظالمني من أ�صار

271. If you disclose (acts of) charity, even so it is good, but if you conceal them and make them reach those who (really) need them, that is best for you: This will remove some of your (stains of) sins. Allāh is well acquainted with whatever you do.

وإن تخفوها ، إن تبدوا الصدقات فنعما هي .271

عنكم من وتؤتوها الفقراء فهو خير لكم ويكفر سيئاتكم والله بما تعملون خبري

272. It is not required of you (O Muhammed) to set them on the right course, but Allāh sets whom He pleases on the right course. Whatever good things you grant is of benefit to your own souls, and whatever you shall spend of good (things), seeking the pleasure of Allah, and whatever good things you spend as charity, shall be fully rendered back to you, and you shall not be wronged.

شاء ولكن الله يهدي من ي،ليس عليك هداهم .272

وما تنفقون إال ابتغاء ، وما تنفقوا من خير فأل�فسكموجه الله وما تنفقوا من خير يوف إليكم وأ�تم ال


273. (Charity is) for the needy who, while serving God's cause, are unable (to travel) and cannot move about in the land, seeking (trade or work). Because of their modesty, an ignorant man would think that they are free from want. You know them

للفقراء الذين أحصروا في سبيل الله ال .273

يحسبهم الجاهل ، يستطيعون ضربا في األرضأغنياء من التعفف تعرفهم بسيماهم ال يسألون الناس


by their (unfailing) mark: They do not beg importunately from all and sundry, and whatever good you grant, rest assured Allāh knows it well.

افا وما تنفقوا من خير فإن الله به عليم إلح

274. Those who spend of their wealth (in charity) at night and during the day, secretly and publicly, have their reward with their Lord: On them there shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

الذين ينفقون أموالهم بالليل والنهار سرا .274

وعال�ية فلهم أجرهم عند ربهم وال خوف عليهم وال هم يحز�ون

275. Those who devour usury will not stand except like one driven to madness by the touch of Satan. This is so because they say, “Trade is like usury," but Allāh has permitted trade while forbidding usury. Those who desist, after receiving direction from their Lord, shall be pardoned for the past; their case is for Allāh (to decide), whereas those who repeat (this offense) are companions of the Fire: They will dwell in it forever.

الذين يأكلون الربا ال يقومون إال كما يقوم الذي .275

يتخبطه الشيطان من المس ذلك بأ�هم قالوا إ�ما البيع مثل الربا وأحل الله البيع وحرم الربا فمن جاءه موعظة من ربه فا�تهى فله ما سلف وأمره إلى الله ومن

عاد فأولئك أصحاب النار هم فيها خالدون

276. Allāh will wipe out all blessings from usury but will grant an increase for the deeds of charity, for He does not love any ingrate sinner.

والله ال ،يمحق الله الربا ويربي الصدقات .276

يحب كل كفار أثيم

277. Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness while establishing regular prayers and paying the zakāt will have their reward with their Lord: On them there shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

إن الذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات وأقاموا .277

لهم أجرهم عند ربهم وال خوف الصالة وآتوا الزكاة عليهم وال هم يحز�ون

278. O you who believe! Fear Allāh and give up what remains of your demand for usury, if you truly believe.

ا بقي من يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وذروا م .278

الربا إن كنتم مؤمنني

279. But if you do not do so, take note of a war from Allāh and His Messenger. If you turn back, you shall have your capital sums: Do not deal unfairly, and you shall not be

تفعلوا فأذ�وا بحرب من الله ورسوله فإن لم .279

وإن تبتم فلكم رؤوس أموالكم ال تظلمون وال


dealt with unfairly. تظلمون

280. If the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay. But it you remit it by way of charity, that is best for you, if you only know.

وإن كان ذو عسرة فنظرة إلى ميسرة وأن .280

تصدقوا خير لكم إن كنتم تعلمون

281. And fear the Day when you shall be brought back to Allāh. Every soul shall then be paid what it has earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.

ثم توفى كل ،واتقوا يوما ترجعون فيه إلى الله .281

�فس ما كسبت وهم ال يظلمون

282. O you who believe! When you deal with each other in transactions involving future debt for a fixed period of time, write them down. Let a scribe write down faithfully between the parties: Let not the scribe refuse to write as Allāh has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear his Lord, Allāh, and not diminish what he owes. If the liable party is mentally deficient or weak or personally unable to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully. And get two witnesses from among your own men, and if there are no two men, then a man and two women of your choosing as witnesses, so that if one of the women errs (forgets), the one (other) can remind her. The witnesses should not refuse when they are called on (for evidence). Do not disdain to write down (your debt contract) for a future period, whether it is small or big: This is more just in the sight of Allāh, more suitable as evidence and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves. But if it is a transaction which you carry out on the spot among yourselves, there is no blame

يا أيها الذين آمنوا إذا تداينتم بدين إلى أجل .282

مسمى فاكتبوه وليكتب بينكم كاتب بالعدل وال يأب فليكتب وليملل الذي كاتب أن يكتب كما علمه الله

عليه الحق وليتق الله ربه وال يبخس منه شيئا فإن كان الذي عليه الحق سفيها أو ضعيفا أو ال يستطيع

وا شهيدين أن يمل هو فليملل وليه بالعدل واستشهدمن رجالكم فإن لم يكو�ا رجلين فرجل وامرأتان ممن

أن تضل إحداهما، فتذكر : ترضون من الشهداءإحداهما األخرى، وال يأب الشهداء إذا ما دعوا،

كتبوه صغريا أو كبريا إلى أجله، ذلكم وال تسأموا أن تأقسط عند الله وأقوم للشهادة وأد�ى أال ترتابوا، إال أن تكون تجارة حاضرة تديرو�ها بينكم، فليس

هدوا إذا تبايعتم ، عليكم جناح أال تكتبوها، وأشوال يضار كاتب وال شهيد، وإن تفعلوا فإ�ه فسوق بكم، واتقوا الله، ويعلمكم الله، والله بكل شيء


on you if you do not write it down. But take witnesses whenever you make a commercial contract, and do not let either the scribe or the witness suffer any harm. If you do (such harm), it will be wickedness in you. So fear Allāh, for it is Allāh Who thus teaches you. And Allāh is well acquainted with all things.


283. If you are on a journey and cannot find a scribe, accept a collateral (which may serve the purpose). And if one of you deposits something, on the basis of trust, with another, let the trustee (faithfully) discharge his trust and let him fear his Lord. Do not conceal evidence, for whoever conceals it, his heart is tainted with sin. And Allāh knows all what you do.

وإن كنتم على سفر ولم تجدوا كاتبا فرهان .283

مقبوضة فإن أمن بعضكم بعضا فليؤد الذي اؤتمن هادة، ومن وال تكتموا الش،أما�ته وليتق الله ربه

يكتمها فإ�ه آثم قلبه، والله بما تعملون عليم

284. All that is in the heavens and on earth belongs to Allāh. Whether you show what is on your minds or conceal it, Allāh calls you to account for it. He forgives whomsoever He pleases and punishes whomsoever He pleases, for Allāh has power over all things.

لله ما في السماوات وما في األرض وإن تبدوا .284

ما في أ�فسكم أو تخفوه يحاسبكم به الله فيغفر لمن ب من يشاء والله على كل شيء قدير يشاء ويعذ

285. The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believes in Allāh, His angels, His Books and His Messengers. “We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His Messengers.” And they say, “We hear and we obey: (We seek) Your forgiveness, Lord; to You shall be our ultimate end (and destiny).”

آمن الرسول بما أ�زل إليه من ربه والمؤمنون كل .285ن بالله ومالئكته وكتبه ورسله ال �فرق بين أحد من آم

رسله وقالوا سمعنا وأطعنا غفرا�ك ربنا وإليك المصري

286. Allāh does not place a burden on any soul greater than it can bear.

ت ال يكلف الله �فسا إال وسعها، لها ما كسب. 286



It gets the outcome of every good deed it earns, and it suffers (the consequence of) every evil deed it commits. (Pray:) “Lord! Do not condemn us if we forget or fall into error. Lord! Do not lay a burden on us like the one You laid on those before us. Lord! Do not lay a burden on us greater than we have the strength to bear. Blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Protector; help us against the unbelieving people.”

وعليها مـا اكتـسبت؛ ربنـا ال تؤاخـذ�ا إن �ـسينا أو أخطأ�ا؛ ربنـا وال تحمـل علينـا إصـرا كمـا حملتـه على الذين من قبلنا؛ ربنا وال تحملنا ما ال طاقة لنا به،

فــر لنــا وارحمنــا؛ أ�ــت موال�ــا واعــف عنــا واغ فا�صر�ا على القوم الكافرين



و ي أكملھا مير أحمد عليتنقيحي لترجمة القرآن الكريم الت (1 Cover واحد من العالم أجمع في يسوق اآلن ھوو، انتشارا كتبيھو أوسع

of S.V. Mir Ahmed Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur’an which al-Jibouri edited and which was published by the United Muslim Foundation in Lake Mary, Florida, U. S.A. This is the first U.S. edition and carries the date of 2005. It was given to al-Jibouri as a gift by the said Foundation. This edition carries the Library of Congress Catalog No. 2004099418, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data, ISBN 0-9761870-0-0 and is available from Details provided by Amazon about this edition:

Paperback: 516 pages Publisher: United Muslim Foundation, Inc. (June 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0976187000

اكر (2 ا ش ي أكملھ ريم الت رآن الك ة الق و أوسع تنقيحي لترجم يو ھ كتبشارا سو ھوو، انت الم أجمع ي صين و الع ق اآلن في ال Cover of one of the

editions of M.H. Shakir’s translation of the Holy Qur’an edited by al-Jibouri. It carries the date of publication as 1999. This image was obtained from the Internet. It is being marketed by and other Internet outlets. Here are details provided by Amazon about this edition: Mass Market Paperback: 467 pages Publisher: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an; 10th edition (January 1, 1999) Language: English ISBN-10: 0940368188 ISBN-13: 978-0940368187

Recently published Shakir’s translation of the Holy Qur’an (English only) which al-Jibouri has edited. Details:

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781499161373 Publisher: CreateSpace

Publishing Publication date: 4/17/2014 Pages: 548

Recently published Arabic and English text and translation of the

Holy Qur’an. Details:

Paperback: 732 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 4, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1499336896

ISBN-13: 978-1499336894

Recently published English translation of the Holy Qur'an by MH Shakir edited by Yasin T. al-Jibouri with the Arabic text. Details as provided by Amazon: Paperback: 744 pages Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (3 July 2014) ISBN-10: 1500405043 ISBN-13: 978-1500405045

ة الق رى لترجم ة أخ رآن طبعو ، الكريم التي أكمله مير أحمد علي و التي نقحتھا

و نھ ع م ي أوس شارا كتب سو ، انت ي و ي ق اآلن فالم أجمع Cover of another edition of العS.V. Mir Ahmed Ali’s translation of the Holy Qur’an which al-Jibouri edited. It is dated 2008, and this image was obtained from Amazon. Details provided by Amazon (its wholesaler) about this edition are: Paperback Publisher: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Inc. (2008) ISBN-10: 1879402394 ISBN-13: 978-1879402393 Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 4.1 x 0.7 inches Internet Link to review this edition:

اللهم تقبل منا، انك أنت السميع العليم

Yasin T. al-Jibouri is listed in the coveted "Who is Who" directory of men of distinction.

Yasin T. al-Jibouri (1946 - )

Following is a reproduction of a report titled "Islam in America" which has been prepared, during the span of more than two decades, by Harvard University's

Pluralism Project. In it, al-Jibouri is mentioned twice: in the events of the year 1973 and in those of 1982. If you wish to know more about him, Google can provide you with a great deal of information. If you wish to order some of his

books, just go to Amazon's portal: then key his name as "Yasin al-Jibouri" in the upper left-hand SEARCH box. If you wish to receive a PDF file

containing a list of 68 of his works, just send him an email:



Islam in America

1178 CE Muslims Sail to America

A Chinese source known as the Sung Document records that Muslim sailors journeyed to a land known as Mu-Lan-Pi, which someMuslims identify as the American continent. This document is mentioned in the publication The Khotan Amirs, 1933.

1300s CE African Muslims to the New World

According to some scholars, Abu Bakari, a king of the Muslim state of Mali in West Africa, initiated a series of sea voyages to NorthAmerica beginning in the early 1300s. About the same time, Mandingo Muslims from Mali and other parts of West Africa are said tohave arrived in the Gulf of Mexico and traveled up the Mississippi River to explore the interior of the North American continent.

1530 CE African Slaves Begin to Arrive

During three centuries of slave trade, over 10 million Africans were forcibly brought to the shores of Cuba, Mexico, South and NorthAmerica. Most were taken from West African peoples known as Fulas, Fula Jallon, Fula Toro, and Massina. Scholars estimate that10-50 percent of these slaves were Muslim, although most were prevented from practicing their religion.

1539 CE Spanish Explorers and Spanish Refugees

Estevanico of Azamor, a Moroccan Muslim, arrived in Florida with the expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez in 1527. He stayed in Americaand joined expeditions across the continent to Arizona and New Mexico. By the late 1700s, historical records indicated the presence ofSpanish “Moors” living in South Carolina, many of whom were expelled from their homeland by edict of the Spanish Crown.

1807 CE Omar Ibn Said Arrives as a Slave in Charleston

Omar ibn Said was brought to Charleston, South Carolina, as a slave in 1807. He ran away to escape the hard labor, but was caughtand imprisoned in North Carolina. Writing in unreadable script and speaking a language no one understood, he was branded a lunatic.Governor John Owen bought him and gave him minimal work, granting him a small house on the Owen estate and treating him morelike a friend of the family. Said wrote an autobiography and maintained contact with other Muslims in the area.

1807 CE Freed Muslim Slave Remains in America

Yarrow Mamout, an African Muslim slave, was set free in Washington, D.C. He remained in the United States and became an earlyshareholder in the Columbia bank, the second chartered bank in the country. Today, portraits of Mamout hang in the Historical Societyof Pennsylvania and the Georgetown Public Library in Washington. He is said to have lived to be 128 years old.

1856 CE Muslim Trains Camels for U.S. Army

The United States cavalry hired a Muslim named Hajji Ali (nicknamed "Hi Jolly" in a mispronunciation) to experiment with raising camelsin the Arizona desert.

1893 CE American Islamic Propaganda Movement Founded

Mohammed Alexander Russell Webb, one of the first Americans to embrace Islam, founded the American Islamic PropagandaMovement. At the 1893 Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago, he lectured on "The Spirit of Islam" and "The Influence of Islamon Social Conditions."

1900 CE First Recorded Muslim Prayers Held

Muslims of Arab descent in Ross, North Dakota, gathered in homes for the first recorded communal prayers held by American Muslims.

1908 CE Muslim Immigrants from the Ottoman Empire

Turks, Albanians, Kurds and Arabs from the provinces of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and other areas of the Ottoman Empire began tosettle in North America in significant numbers.

1913 CE Moorish Science Temple of America

Timothy Drew (Noble Drew Ali), reportedly commissioned by the sultan of Morocco to teach Islam to African-Americans, established aMoorish Science Temple in Newark, New Jersey. He traveled around the country, encouraging African Americans to explore the Asiatic(Moorish) roots of African culture, to respect all divine prophets, to live virtuously and to work for racial equality.

1915 CE Albanian Muslim Mosque in Maine

Albanian Muslims built a mosque in Biddeford, Maine and established an Islamic association. In 1919, they established another

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mosque in Waterbury, Connecticut. These were among the first Islamic associations in America.

1920 CE Mosque Built in Ross, North Dakota

The small Muslim community in Ross, North Dakota built a mosque for prayer gatherings. Due to the rapid assimilation of this smallcommunity, by 1948 the building was abandoned and later demolished.

1920 CE Red Crescent Society in Detroit

Muslims in Detroit established The Red Crescent Society, a Muslim charity modeled after the International Red Cross.

1921 CE Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam Comes to America

Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq founded a branch of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam in Chicago, Illinois. Preaching racial equality, thismissionary movement was most successful in leading many African Americans to this sectarian form of Islam, until the ideology of theNation of Islam began to exert more influence. Sadiq published a periodical called Moslem Sunrise.

1922 CE Tatars Build Mosque

Polish-speaking Tatar Muslims formed a congregation in 1917. It was led by Sam Rafelowich, son of a Polish imam. In 1922 thecommunity built a mosque in Brooklyn; this mosque is still in use. The Tatars formed an association in New York called the AmericanMohammedan Society.

1923 CE A Mosque in Highland Park, Michigan

An Arabic-speaking employee of the Ford Motor Company built a mosque in Highland Park, Michigan. The mosque closed a few yearslater.

1925 CE A Mosque in Michigan City, Indiana

Records indicate the establishment of a mosque in Michigan City, Indiana.

1926 CE Universal Islamic Society in Detroit

Duse Muhammad Ali established an organization called the Universal Islamic Society in Detroit, Michigan. Its motto was "One God,One Aim, One Destiny."Ali had significant influence on Marcus Garvey and his movement of African unity.

1928 CE Moorish Science Temple of America

The Moorish Science movement of Noble Drew Ali became an incorporated religious organization in Chicago, Illinois. Membersconvened the first Moorish National Convention to encourage the economic independence of African-American businesses,participation in politics and the development of programs for poor inner-city youth.

1929 CE Noble Drew Ali Dies

Prior to the death of Noble Drew Ali, members of the Moorish Science Temple were involved in small confrontations with the whitecommunity as well as an internal leadership dispute. One challenger to the leadership of Noble Drew Ali was killed, and the policearrested and later released Ali. Ali died mysteriously a few weeks later, and members of the community were divided as to whether hissuccessor would be considered a reincarnation of the fallen leader or not. Mainstream leadership passed to C. Kirkman Bey.

1930 CE The First Muslim Mosque in Pittsburgh

African-American Muslims establish the First Muslim Mosque in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

1933 CE The Nation of Islam

Wallace Ford (Fard Muhammad), the mystical figure who introduced the philosophy of the Nation of Islam disappeared in 1933 and wassucceeded by Elijah Poole (Elijah Muhammad). Under Elijah Muhammad, the movement developed into a strong ethnic organizationcombatting white racism and converting African-Americans to a lifestyle influenced by Islam. A high percentage of African-AmericanMuslims today were first exposed to Islam through the Nation. The activist Al Hajj Malik al-Shabazz (Malcolm X) and the boxerMuhammad Ali were two early adherents of this movement who later embraced orthodox Islam.

1934 CE The Mother Mosque of America

The Lebanese community in Cedar Rapids, Iowa opened its first mosque. This community claims its place of worship to be the oldestU.S. mosque, designed and built for Muslim worship, still in use today.

1939 CE The Islamic Mission Society

Sheikh Dawood Ahmed Faisal, a Muslim from the West Indies, founded the Islamic Mission Society in New York and began publicationof a magazine, Muslim Sunrise.

1947 CE The Muslim Mosque of Sacramento

The oldest mosque on the West Coast, the Muslim Mosque of Sacramento, was established by Muslims from the Indian subcontinent in

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the same year that their homeland was partitioned. Many of these immigrant Muslims originally came via ship to the port cities ofVancouver and San Francisco in the early 1900s, and later migrated to the Sacramento Valley in search of farming opportunities. Today,the Muslim Mosque of Sacramento is one of a number of thriving mosques in the city, with a diverse membership.

1948 CE Ahmadiyya National Convention

The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam gathered delegates from its major mission centers in Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City, Washington,D.C., and Pittsburgh and from smaller communities to elect national secretaries, set up educational and social work programs andorganize for the propagation of the faith.

1950 CE Ahmadiyya Headquarters Moves to Washington

Khalil Nasir, national leader of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, moved the headquarters of the organization to the American FazlMosque on Leroy Place in NW Washington, DC. In 1994, it relocated to its present headquarters in Masjid Bait ur-Rahman in SilverSpring, Maryland.

1952 CE U.S. Military Recognizes Islam

Muslims in the Armed Services successfully sued to be allowed to identify themselves as "Muslim." They had previously been deniedthis right because Islam was not recognized as a legitimate religion by the U.S. Military.

1953 CE The Federation of Islamic Associations

The first national Muslim conference was held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1952, with four hundred Muslims from around North America inattendance. This conferenece laid the groundwork for the Federation of Islamic Associations of the United States and Canada (FIA)which was founded in July of 1953. The federation's leaders were American-born, educated, professionally successful and militaryveterans: Abdullah Igram of the Cedar Rapids community served as the first President. The FIA emphasized education and publicrelations for the Muslim communities and provided a sense of identity and community for American Muslims.

c. 1955 CE State Street Masjid

Sheikh Dawood Ahmed Faisal established the State Street Masjid in New York City to serve the African-American Muslim community.The Dar ul-Islam movement was born from this masjid, and it is still an active Muslim center today.

1957 CE President Eisenhower Dedicates Islamic Center

The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C., was conceived and built by Abraham Joseph Essa Howar, an immigrant from Jerusalem, withsignificant assistance from the local diplomatic community. Several predominantly Muslim countries contributed to the effort. PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower dedicated the Center, citing the "strong bond of friendship with Islamic nations" the United States has enjoyedand the multitude of Muslim contributions to American society.

1962 CE Muhammad Speaks

The newspaper Muhammad Speaks became the largest minority weekly publication in the country, reaching 800,000 readers at itspeak. It began as the voice of the Nation of Islam, but as a part of the transition away from the Nation, the newspaper changed names,first to Bilalian News, later to The A.M. Journal. This publication is now known as The Muslim Journal.

1962 CE Islam is Constitutionally Protected "Religion"

In the case of Fulwood v. Clemmer, concerning religious services for Muslims in prison, the U.S. District Court for the District ofColumbia determined that Islam qualifies for constitutional protection since it meets the court's definition of religion as "theistic"(involving a belief in a supreme being) and of "ultimate concern" to the believer's life. In its decision, the court ordered prisons toprovide facilities for religious services to Muslims just as to Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish inmates.

1963 CE First Dar ul-Islam Movement

African-American converts to Islam sought to create an alternative Islamic community in New York City where they could live out theirideals and participate in the militant black challenge to the white establishment. This first attempt broke apart after 1965, but wasreorganized in 1967.

1963 CE The Islamic Center of America in Detroit, Michigan

The Shi'i community of Dearborn, Michigan, built the first Shi'i mosque in North America, the Islamic Center of America, on Joy Road inDetroit. The shaykh, Imam Mohammad Jawad Chirri, solicited funds from Jamal Abdul Nasser, then president of Egypt and a SunniMuslim, for the mosque's construction. Previously, this community had worshipped in Sunni mosques and had maintained a separateidentity through social functions.

1963 CE Muslim Students Association

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) was organized to assist foreign Muslim students in American colleges. The MSA now hasbranches at more than 100 colleges nationwide. As the generations of students graduated and settled in the U.S. the MSA gave birth tothe Islamic Medical Association (IMA) and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) in the 1970s, and to the Islamic Society

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of North America in 1982.

1964 CE The Islamic Center of New England

The immigrant Muslim community that had grown up for two generations around the Fore River Shipyard in Quincy, Massachusetts,built the first mosque in New England. The Islamic Center of New England continues to be a focal point for Muslim life in the region,providing leadership in a regional association of the dozens of Islamic centers established since.

1965 CE Assassination of Malcolm X

Malcolm X, who had spoken out against the racial teachings of the Nation of Islam and embraced the broader multiethnic teachings oforthodox Islam, was killed as he delivered a speech in Harlem. At the time of his death, he was known as Al Hajj Malik al-Shabazz.

1965 CE Immigration and Nationality Act

This act ended the quota system, enacted in 1924, which had virtually halted immigration from Asia to the United States for over fortyyears, and placed significant limitations on immigrants from non-European countries. Following 1965, growing numbers of immigrantssettled in America; many were Muslim.

1967 CE Indian Muslims Organize

Immigrant Muslims from India organized the Consultative Committee of Indian Muslims in order to make the American public aware ofthe plight of Muslims in India. The Committee was active within the MSA for several years, before its main functions were assumed byICNA and relief committees of ISNA.

1967 CE Dar ul-Islam Movement Begins Again

African-American Muslims broke away from the State Street Mosque and established their own center in Brooklyn, under the leadershipof Imam Yahya Abdul-Kareem. After a clash with FBI officials who desecrated the mosque, the brotherhood committed itself to buildinga national Dar ul-Islam federation of Sunni Muslim family communities.

1968 CE Formation of Hanafi Movement

The Hanafi Madhhab Center was founded in New York by Hamas Abdul Khaalis, and later moved to Washington, D.C. At one point, themovement had over 1,000 members. In 1977, Khaalis and some followers seized three buildings in Washington and held hostages formore than a day. Khaalis is now in prison. This violent outbreak marked a crisis in American Muslim history.

1968 CE First North American Jamat Khana

Immigrant Nizari Ismailis established the first Jamat Khana (house of congregation) in the United States.

1970 CE Formation of Ansaru Allah

Isa Muhammad, a former member of the Nation of Islam dissatisfied with the leadership of Elijah Muhammad and with Noble Drew Ali'sMoorish Science Temple, created a new black religious sect called Ansaru Allah ("helpers of God") in Brooklyn, New York.

c. 1970 CE Dar ul-Islam Begins Expansion

After moving to the new Ya-Sin mosque in Brooklyn, the Dar ul-Islam movement organized ministries of Propagation, Defense,Information, Culture, Education, Health and Welfare, and Protocol. By the mid-1970s, over 31 mosque-based communities were joinedby a contract of allegiance; they encouraged the practice of traditional Islam among African Americans in the United States. In the early1980s, Imam Yahya Abdul-Kareem declared that the Dar ul-Islam would now be part of an international Sufi community under theleadership of Shaykh Mubarik Ali Jilani Hashmi; those who follow Jilani are now Sufis.

1971 CE Islamic Circle of North America

A group of South Asian immigrant Muslims created the Islamic Circle of North America in order to propagate Islam in the United States.ICNA produces educational materials and organizes annual conferences to discuss issues facing the American Muslim community.

1971 CE Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship

Sri Lankan Sufi teacher Bawa Muhaiyaddeen established the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship in Philadelphia. His followers, from avariety of religious and non-religious, American and immigrant backgrounds, initially did not identify themselves as a "Muslim"community. The Fellowship has since developed into a thriving community with a stronger Islamic orientation.

1970s CE Muslim Professional Associations

The Association of Muslim Scientists and Engineers was formed in 1971, and the Association of Muslim Social Scientists in 1972.

1973 CE Shi'ah Mission to Georgia

Yasin al-Jibouri established the Islamic Society of Georgia, which grew primarily through the conversion of African Americans. TheSociety distributed literature from Iran, East Africa, India and Pakistan which presented Islamic doctrine from a Shi’i perspective.

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1975 CE Elijah Muhammad Dies

Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam movement, dies and is succeeded by his son, Warith Deen Mohammed. Warith Deendisbanded the Nation of Islam as an organization and led a majority of its followers toward more universal and orthodox Islam. Imam W.Deen Mohammed is now considered one of the most influential Muslims in the United States.

1977 CE Islamic Coordinating Council of North America

The Muslim World League, an organization established in Makkah in 1962 to foster the cause of Islam around the world, has provideddozens of trained imams for mosques in the United States. The League sponsored the first Islamic Conference of North America inNewark, New Jersey, drawing Muslim representatives from around the United States, who then organized the Islamic CoordinatingCouncil of North America. This Council encourages cooperation and coordination between various communities and nationalorganizations of Muslims.

1977 CE Farrakhan Begins Reorganization of the Nation of Islam

Two years after the death of Elijah Muhammad, Minister Louis Farrakhan officially declared his intention to reestablish the Nation ofIslam "on the platform of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad." Farrakhan rejected the reforms of Warith Deen Mohammed, reaffirming theleadership of Elijah Muhammad as Prophet and insisting that continuing white racism still required the strength of an African-AmericanIslam.

1977 CE Chicago Muslims Initiate Educational Publications Project

The Muslim Community Center of Chicago received support from King Abdulaziz University to develop a full educational curriculum inIslamic studies, including graded levels of textbooks, workbooks, activities, teachers manuals and other aids. Kazi Publicationsdistributes these materials to Islamic centers around the country.

1981 CE International Institute of Islamic Thought

This independent research institute was founded to revive and promote Islamic scholarship. The Institute publishes college-level booksoffering Islamic perspectives on various academic disciplines, conducts seminars, workshops and conventions and raises funds forfellowships in Islamic studies research.

1982 CE International Islamic Society of Virginia

Yasin al-Jibouri, who initiated the Shi'i mission in Georgia, established the International Islamic Society of Virginia. The organization'sgoal is to provide with reading materials about Islam.

1982 CE United Muslims of America

Muslims in the San Francisco Bay Area formed an organization called United Muslims of America, said to be the first American Muslimorganization designed specifically for political action. Chapters later grew in Sacramento and Los Angeles.

1982 CE Islamic Society of North America

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was established in Plainfield, Indiana, by the leaders of Islamic student and professionalorganizations. ISNA is an umbrella organization for many active Islamic groups, including educational, youth, professional, communityand relief organizations.

c. 1985 CE All-American Political Action Committee

The Islamic Society of Greater Houston formed the All-American Political Action Committee (AAMPAC) in order to encourage Muslimsto speak out on political issues of concern to them. By 1987, AAMPAC reported 2,000 members in Houston and Dallas.

1986 CE Moorish Americans Celebrate Centennial

Members of the Moorish Science Temple celebrated the centennial of the birth of Noble Drew Ali. On this occasion, the governors ofseveral states issued official proclamations recognizing the spiritual and ethical contributions of the Moorish community and itspromotion of good citizenship.

1986 CE Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Dies

When Shaykh Bawa Muhaiyaddeen died, he did not designate a new shaykh for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship but left twoimams in charge of Friday prayers. The Fellowship maintained its organizational structure and conduct. Books and videotapeddiscourses of the Shaykh are important to the community; classes in the Qur'an and Arabic and the practice of Islamic rituals serve tosustain those who affirm a Muslim identity.

1988 CE Muslim Public Affairs Council

The Islamic Center of Southern California formed the Muslim Political Action Committee, later named the Muslim Public Affairs Council.The Council's aim is to articulate Muslim perspectives on political issues, to inform legislators about Islam, to speak out againstdiscrimination, and to encourage greater political participation by Muslims in the American system.

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1989 CE Georgia Jamat Khana Opens

The Ismaili community opened a major religious and cultural center in Atlanta, Georgia.

1990 CE American Muslim Council

Muslims organized a conference called "Muslims Against Apartheid" for Muslims in the United States to discuss their opposition toapartheid in South Africa. Out of this conference grew the American Muslim Council, based in Washington, D.C., which seeks to raisethe political consciousness of the Muslim community and to speak out against instances of discrimination against Muslims.

1990 CE Murder of Rashad Khalifa

Rashad Khalifa, an Egyptian-born scientist who served as imam of Masjid Tucson for eleven years, was murdered in the mosquebefore morning prayers. Khalifa was a controversial author who used computer analysis of the Qur'an to establish its miraculouscharacter, to determine the date of the end of the world, and to prove he was the messenger of God to the New World. He condemnedMuslims who followed the Hadith and Sunnah and practiced what he considered the "worship of Muhammad." Khalifa's followers areknown as United Submitters International, who publish a journal called Submitters Perspective.

1990 CE Proclamation of the City of Savannah, Georgia

The city council of Savannah, Georgia, issued a proclamation in recognition of Islam and support for the Muslim community, stating,"Al-Islam has been a vital part of the development of the United States of America, and the City of Savannah, Georgia, by promotingobedience to the established laws of the land and by encouraging abstinence from all that is wrong." It concluded by proclaiming that:"The religion of Al-Islam be given equal acknowledgment and recognition as the other religious bodies of our great city. "

1991 CE The Islamic Cultural Center of New York

Sponsored by diplomatic delegations from a number of predominantly Muslim countries, the Islamic Cultural Center of New York hasbecome a monumental sign of the Muslim presence in New York City. Designed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, this house of worship"for the 21st century" sits at the corner of Third Ave. and 96th St. on Manhattan's Upper East Side.

1991 CE Muslim Prayer in the U.S. House of Representatives

On June 25, 1991 Imam Siraj Wahhaj, spiritual leader of the Masjid al-Taqwa community in Brooklyn, New York, offered the openingprayer in the United States House of Representatives, becoming the first Muslim ever to do so.

1991 CE Islamic Prison Foundation

Several Muslim organizations joined together to form an educational foundation for prisoners. This Foundation provides informationabout Islam to inmates in the nation's prisons upon request.

1991 CE Muslim Members of the Military

The Muslim Members of the Military (MMM) held their first "Unity in Uniform" conference to address the absence of Muslim chaplains inthe armed services. There are over 5,000 Muslims currently on active duty in the United States military.

1991 CE Muslim Mayor Elected in Texas

Charles Bilal became the first Muslim mayor in the United States when he was elected to govern the town of Kountze, Texas.

1992 CE Muslim Prayer in the U.S. Senate

Imam W. Deen Mohammed, African-American spiritual leader and respected Islamic spokesperson, opened the U.S. Senate with aprayer for guidance on February 6, 1992. This was the first time the invocation at the opening of Senate business was offered by aMuslim.

1992 CE Muslims Offer Invocations in California Legislature

On April 2, 1992, California recognized the significant presence of Muslims in the state by inviting two Muslim imams to lead theopening prayers. Imam Dawud Abdus Salaam delivered the invocation for the Senate and Imam Enrique A. Rasheed did the same forthe State Assembly.

1993 CE Muslim Organizations Coordinate Ramadan Observances

The Islamic Shura Council of North America, composed of ISNA, ICNA, the Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, and the communityunder the leadership of Imam Jamil al-Amin, agreed on procedures for the sighting of the moon which begins and ends the holy monthof Ramadan. This was an important step in American Muslim unity, as many ethnic Islamic centers still look to authorities in their homecountries for official guidance on such matters.

1995 CE First Jamat Khana Built in the United States

Groundbreaking Ceremonies for the first Jamat Khana built as such in the United States were held in Dallas, Texas. Gary Blanscet,Mayor of Carrolton, was in attendance.

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1996 CE Breaking of the Fast on Capitol Hill

On the evening of February 13, 1996, during the month of Ramadan, the daily fast was broken in the Hart Senate Office Building. Thisobservance was followed by prayers. Muslims from around the U.S. were in attendance, as were four members of Congress. Amongthose in attendance was Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, an Orthodox Jew.

1996 CE First Eid at White House

On February 20, 1996, Hillary Rodham Clinton greeted an American Muslim delegation at the White House on the occasion of the feastof Eid al-Fitr at the end of the month of Ramadan.

2001 CE World Trade Center & Pentagon Attacks

On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon in the United States, claiming to act in the name ofIslam. The attack, for which the militant organization Al Qaeda, under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, took responsibility, sparkedenormous change and challenges for relations between Muslims and non-Muslims within the U.S. and throughout the globe. Theevents of 9/11 forced all Americans, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, to consider Islam in global and local contexts, challenging andquestioning what it meant to be Muslim when the faith had been so loudly and violently usurped by a small minority of Muslims whoseviews are considered by most Muslims to be extreme, and for many, un-Islamic. The 9/11 attacks caused many non-Muslim Americansto be suddenly suspicious of all Muslims, causing reactions that targeted Muslims – from hate crimes that targeted Muslims andmosques, to increased surveillance of Muslim communities by federal authorities. In turn, American Muslims began to actively andcollectively reach out to fellow Americans to correct misperceptions about Islam that were instigated by the 9/11 attacks, opening thedoors of their mosques and cultural centers to all to show to Americans the peace-loving understanding of Islam to which a vastmajority of Muslims worldwide adhere.

2003 CE The Buffalo Six

Six Yemeni-Americans in Buffalo, NY, known as the “Buffalo Six” and “Lackawanna Six,” were convicted of supporting al-Qaedamaterially. They were all American citizens who had received training by Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in 2001. All six eventually pleadedguilty to “providing material support to a […] terrorist organization” and received prison sentences, the longest of which was for tenyears.

2006 CE Keith Ellison becomes first Muslim elected to Congress

In 2006, Keith Ellison of Minnesota became the first Muslim elected to Congress. He was sworn into the U.S. House of Representativeson the Qur’an that was owned by Thomas Jefferson. Ellison was re-elected in 2010.

2008 CE Film: “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”

Millions of copies of this 2005 film, which depicts a perceived threat of radical Islam to the West, were distributed for free prior to 2008presidential elections, targeting swing states in particular. While the controversial film itself was criticized for construing Islam in amonolithically negative manner, many questioned the political implications of its wide and intentional distribution.

2008 CE America’s First Muslim Liberal Arts College Opens

Zaytuna College opened its doors in Berkley, CA, to encourage deeper engagement between Muslims and scholars of Islam and atraditional liberal arts education. Operating under the motto “Where Islam meets America,” the school follows a precedent already setby Christian and Jewish colleges to foster a multidisciplinary approach to education while simultaneously maintaining a discourserooted in religious tradition.

2010 CE Opposition to Park51, an Islamic Cultural Center in Lower Manhattan

Plans to construct an Islamic cultural center in Lower Manhattan caused great controversy and much protest throughout the UnitedStates. Dubbed by misinformed media as the “Ground Zero Mosque”, opponents of the center’s construction claimed that the site forthe Muslim cultural center and worship space would be too close to Ground Zero, claiming it would be “insensitive” to do so. Despitecontinued challenges to the project, both internally and externally, plans for the construction of the center, in that location, continued tomove forward.

2010 – 2012 CE Murfreesboro Islamic Center Controversy

In 2009, the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, in Tennessee, made plans to construct a larger cultural center due to support the growingMuslim community in the area. Despite initial approval by the town planning commission, vocal and even violent opponents protested,going so far as to claim that Islam was not a religion and that the center could pose a Constitutional threat. After two years of courtdisputes and vandalism and arsenal attacks on the property, members of the Murfreesboro Islamic Center were finally granted officialpermission again to occupy their property.

2010 CE Anti-Shariah Legislation Proposed

In 2010, Oklahoma residents voted overwhelmingly for a ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to explicitly banShariah, or, loosely, “Islamic law”, from state courts. CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, took the proposed amendmentto court, which resulted in a January 2012 ruling that it was unconstitutional to ban Shariah. Oklahoma is one of two dozen states that

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have considered anti-Shariah legislation, which some attribute to an Islamophobic movement financed by a group of right-wingconservatives, including through the controversial Center for Security Policy that disseminated a report on the perceived threat ofShariah.

2010 – 2011 CE Qur’an “Put on Trial” in Florida

Pastor Terry Jones of the Christian Dove World Outreach Center based in Gainsville, FL, announced his plan to burn two hundredcopies of the Qur’an on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, garnering much media attention and causing international outrage thatcaused massive and fatal protests throughout the world. While he called off his plan to burn the Muslim holy book on September 11th ofthat year, due to national security concerns that his threat caused, he “put the Qur’an on trial” in 2011, claiming to find the scriptureguilty of “crimes against humanity” and subsequently burning it in his church. Jones’ behavior has been widely perceived as hateful andbigoted and has been condemned by American and global leaders, including President Obama.

2011 CE American Muslim Congressional Hearings

As Chairman of the Homeland Security Committee for the House of Representatives, Peter King called for and held Congressionalhearings that questioned the extent to which American Muslims were cooperating in efforts to eradicate homegrown terrorism.Opposition to the hearings, which came from fellow congressmen as well groups like the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC),Amnesty International, and the Sikh Coalition, claimed that such targeted generalization of Muslims was divisive and wrong.

2011 CE “All-American Muslim” on TLC

This television series depicting daily lives of American Muslims in Dearborn, MI, broadcast for one season on The Learning Channel(TLC), emphasizing on mainstream television the common routines shared by Muslim and non-Muslim Americans alike.

2012 CE Film: “The Innocence of Muslims”

A provocative and anti-Muslim film trailer, which denigrates the Prophet Muhammad, was launched on YouTube with Arabic dubbing,sparking anti-American protests around the world. The film prompted debate about Internet censorship and freedom of expressiondomestically and globally.

With thanks to Fareed Numan and the American Muslim Council for assistance in compiling this timeline.

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