new mvilzxi^i &t®mf3se® tfh*«2s?a · 2017. 12. 19. · wiwat wowom. mp the gnat diet drlnh...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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WIWAt The Gnat Diet Drlnh «f tkcOndrrMKSSENGK.R'a LONDON CORDIAL GIN, re-

commended bT the Met'teal Facalty of the UnitedBtatea of Am«r1«« m theonly aa'e and aaadalterated"bUPBRIOR EXTRACT or JUNIPER," Import-ed into thie couatry by R. B MESSENGER It CO,

Metttr.orr't l*n&on Ccrdiai(finbaa haea prtmoena-ti, by overfir* hundred leedtag phvatalene Ivmimitoeio, dluretie and invigoratingcualttfee aakaown toaleobolie beveraaeei tboe randering it of Beealter afficacy ia eating Gout, Rbeamatlttn. Debility of theUrinaryNmettona,ObetraetiOße. Dyepepala,and fever*nd Ague. It ia. moreover. particularly valaable a*a corrective toeomplaiataoriciaatlag from the Impu-rity of driakiag watera: aad thaa eoaatltntee a grate-ful eoatpaaloa to both tha raatdant aad tba traveller

Dr J imii R Chilton, tba eminentehemtat, hav-ing analyzed Meaeeager'e Gin, pmaoanaaa It a valua-ble medicinal treasure. Tha following ia hlc aattifi-

The bottle of liquid labelled "MESSENGER'SLONDON CORDIAL GIN," brought to me for ex-amina'tcn, I find to be a good article of Gin. It laeawntially lhaeatne aa tbe medicinal article Introdueed into the United Statee* Diapeoaarv. under thaname of * COMPOUND SPIRITS OK JUNIPER,"ani recon:mended aaa uaeful addition to diuretic in-fnaioea and mixturee. to debilitated casea of droaay,ic 1 have nj doubt that, if adnlniatarad medlclnaiiv. it would prodnee benefieial efteeta

JAMIS B CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.Niw Yoke. Jnne 28, IBM.for aale at No. 83 Main atreet. by

E. WARREN, agent formy 12?lm _ R. E. Meeeengar k Special Notice- Green & Allan, Ball-

drr*. corner of Grace and Seventh aireeta.r«ap'«tfully solicit of their frienda and the publicfenerally. a eontinnanee of their patronage eo gene-ral;* bestowed onthem thepaat year. Tbey are bet-ter prepared to do ail kinda of CARPENTERWORK, and will undertake whole balldlnga if deaired, rr Carpentera' waikonly,on aa favorable termeaatliey can afford, and prompt to all their enaage*tr.enlaaa totime. Ac. Thoae that contemplate buil-ding thiayear may find it to their advantage to giveui a call?thoae particularly that want to build in thesbert««t possible time Plana aad estimates famish-ed at the ahorteat noticeANDREW GREEN,

my 11-3 m <:M «RI,F9 W, ALLEN.orAt Coat: at I e»i l.nrae and valun*

ilb Stock or Dav Goons at Cost ?The subscri-bers having made arrargementa to enlarge aad other-wife improve their etore during thia aummer, inorder to resume business by early fall, will have tovacate the p<emis;« by the first "of July next. Pre-ferring to dispose of their etock of gooda to removingtiiera, they wiil eommenee

SELLING OFF AT COST,And eontinne until the firtt of July next. Theirstock contains many rare bargaits, the majority ofgoods balng all bought a* auction

AT LOW PRICES,Comprising full stcek of Dress Silks. Silk Robea, Ba-rege Robf» Jaoonet's. Lawcs. all of

THIS SEASON S PI'RCITASE.ALSO?An endless variety of Wh:te Oooda and

French and Scotch embrolderiea remarkably cheap.It will be to the interest of everybody who has tobuy goods in their line to call before purchasing else-where. J. KILLHI«KR k. BRO ,

my o?dt'.ftJy 193 Broad atreet.

07* Ur O A CrranbHw has removed hisoffice to the 2d d«or below Exchange Hotel, onKrtnklinstteet. i:iy2l?2w*

Trumnn A. Parker, successor to H.and G. Whitfield, wholesale and retail dealer inShingle Mahogany and Lumber of every descrip-ton Otf.e* sod yaidcorner of Cary and 10thstreets,Richmond, Va. my 19 -d6m*

tT~ Notlce?l he Annual Meeting; or theStockholders of the Clover Hill Railroad Company,will be held at the rffice in Hichmond, onTUEB«DaY, the ai.h dsy of May. 1557, at So'e'ock, P. M.

my 19-dtd D. 8. WooLDRIDGE, Treat.BTJoo. iUct'onnell,Dentist. Main atreet,

opposite Corinthian Hall, between 9th and 10th s's,two doors above his old office. my 11?tf(f 1 nm a candidate tor theThird Con*

sessional District of the city of Richmond.THOS. J. NORVELL.Richmond, Va., April ISth, 1857. ap 15?dtd*

tW Merchants' (Insurance Company orRichmond. Va?The annual meeting of the Stock-holders of this Cempaay will be held at their officein this cityat 8 o'clk PM, on MONDAY, the2sth iust.

may 16?did J. H. MONTAGUE, Seo'ry.rV" Cancers nud Tumor* Cured without

Cutting ? DR.. M KABN. late of Philadelphia,re-spectfully offers his servioes to the citizens and thepublio generally, for the cure of Csnsera, Tumors,Mou.'ds, Blotches, and all diseases of the skin. Hecan also cure Secret Diseases.

He will lemain in Richmond three months, andatin be found at his office at the Clifton House, from10 A 6 P.M.

Recommendations can be seen on application,my 19 -dim"

nr Kend This! Kead This :--JmportantTO TH£ AFFLICTED.

Richmond. May 19th, 18*57.This is to o'rtify that my child was afflicted from

its birth, with a BLOOD WHENN, directly overtfie left eje We sought the advloe of some ofthe most eminent Phyticiani but would not undei-take to plve >t a trial. But, having read the cardof Dr. Kahn, in the Dispatch, I determined to givebiro a trial of the cue. And I am happy to say,that in four weeks the child was perfectly rettored,without th» use of a knife or the lesi of one drop ofblood 1 advise all persons afflicted in any way, toaali on t)r Kahn. now in the Oiif:nn House, in rearof Balla-d'snew Hotel. Dr. KAHN proves to be aworthy,intelligent and skillful Physician.

Respectfully, Jte. MATHEW EAGAN,Residence 17th street,

my 19?6t* Richmond, Va.Petersburg and Lynchburg papers please copy.

Cf Curd.?The subscribers have on hand,from purchases just made, public!; and privately,tie most unprecedented!; attractive stock of

STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSthey have ever shown.

As the Impression may prevail in some quarter*,from the preminence that has always b(>en given to

KICHAND KAKK AHTICLKnt.for Ladies and Families, that they do not deal incoarser fabrics, the; use theoccasion to say thattbe;have always on hand a complete variety of most ap-proved things for Farm and House Servant*, pur-chased directly from the manufacturer* or theiragents.

Tbs; will notattempt to detail in either depart-ment. and will only add that a* their stock is pur-chased on terms the most favorable, they can andwill meet the wantsand taste of the most discrimi-nating buyers, in price, quality and ityle.

Their senior partner has biee engaged for nearlytwo months in making their purchases, and theyare jait now receiving seme of his last, and will con-tinue to add to their stock froca time te time, es oc-casion may require, eo as to be prepared to meet thewants of their large and increasing;2-lm THOS. R. PRICE fc CO.W Bathe! Baths! Hatha!-.Hot, Cold

snd Shower Baths can be bad et ell hours, from 6o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M , at the Hair Cutting,Bhavinjaad Shampooing Saloon, under the Ameri-canHotel Entrance on 11th street. Single bath*25 cents, or 5 ticket* 01. my 1

BTHpeclßl Notice?Removal.?Mrs. C. J-ALLEN hr.i removed her DRESS MAKINGROOMfrom No. li 6 Main street, 4 doors below Governoritreet, over Mr P. H. Reach's Trimming Store, nextto Men s T. R. Price Si Co. Being in receipt of tbeatest Fashions she is now prepared to execote ellwork in the shortest possible time end Inthe moetfutiionable manner. All orders from tbe countrywill be promptlyattended to. A call is respectfully?ollcited. my U?3m C. J. ALLEN.IfDr. Coons, late or St. Louis, Mo'.-

Office and residence on3d street, west aide, betweenMarshal and Clay streets mh 18?d6mTV Persons down town,having business

viib me, and who find it inoonvement to eome ori«nd to my itore, will pl*a*e leave their order* stthe store of Messrs S. McUruder's Son*, on 15th\u25a0treet. when they will be attended to.ap*7?lm MARK DOWNEY.IfHair Cutting.?T'jthk Citizens and Stkamgek* Visiting thmCity.?if you wish to get your hair cut in the latest

'sa most improved style, I would advise yon to callHOBsON, at hi* Hair Cutting, Shaving andShampooing Room, under tbe American Hotel, en-Uanon on 11th atreet.N. B?Hot, Cold and Shower Baths can be had« all hour*. Single Baths, £5 cent*, or five ticketsap 22?tfBT Mamucl It. W. Becker, Attorney at

1* prepared to aadertake any buime** pertain-;l to hie profetr.on, in thie, or any of the adjoin-*l eountie*. May be eomuited In any of the mod-"a Karopeao language*, and give* prompt attentionl- '-i» Collection of Claim*.W Office 11th etreet, between Bask and Mala,ap 4?dim*

, W" Hnabaad'e Calcined naggnlßfi free?;.in unpleaeant taau aod three timee the etrengtb

'?> the common Calcined Magneaia. A Would'*'»ia Medal and roua *ia«r Pobmiom Biltebhave been awarded it a* being the beet la

"e market.'oraele by the Druggiataaad eountry*torekeeper»td bythe manufaetarer. ,THOMAS J. HUSBAND,

mh 12?d3m* Philadelphia.

, W Neitee...The Hair Dreoelog, Sharta*?tiampooing and Bathing tfaioon. (under tbe BallardMiu*e.) ha* been handtomely fitted up, and 1* now-wo, aod we inrite the citiaena and »traager* «olie ut a call.N S ?Hot, Cold and Shower Bath* oaa bo bed"iiy. from 6 o'clock A. M . to 10 P. Mip2B-d3m HOBSON A MORTON.QT HemevaL ? The aabocrtber baa re*

hi* office to the corner of Wall aad f r«nklm1 '*ete, oppoeite Meeer*. Dlekiueon, Hill k Co., aad-'-fiUaaee to hire out Negroe*, roat oat Houaee. eol**oi Claima,aad attend* to any baeinee* purtaintagI UtflMll AIMIf,M ' £ AJ. CLOPTON.

mPMMIWS.njg fjgf

benef/tof stage carpenter,MR. R. MUHDIN.

® U% *' B. T. Bartoared. *? rhlll have kindly volun-

Tb.p«fo3^tf 11KVENIN°' MAYimsssnsrjjaa-?'

Mr. M. T. rhUllpa? -?«?«!!\u25a0

Crow j, K .Tba Mocking Bird Mr. F. r hmt?.

D"W Ml, Higtt.To conclude with





AGRICULTURAL hAJH GROUNDS.RICHMOND CuMMANDERY No. 2 OF KNIGHTTEMPLARS will hold a Tournament at tbe Agricul-tural Fair Grounda on

TUKMDAY, the J J or Jnae next.The aet prooeedaariaing from the Toarnamant areto be placed la the haada of the Union BenevolentSociety, forabantlble purpoaea

Gateaopen at 10 o'elock, A. M., Tournament willcommence at 11.Tieketa to be had at the gatee. Pr'ce 50 aeata, chil \u25a0dren half price when aocompaaied by their parenta,,not otherwiae admittedROUTE OF PROCESSION:TheCommandarv will'move from |the Maaonlc Hallat 10 o'clock, A M., proceed down 19th atreet toMain, up Main to the Pair Grounda. Returning,

proceed dawn Grace to 2d, op 2d to Broad, downBroad toGovernor, down Governor to Franklin,anddown Fraaklia to the Maaona Hall.I °' "oat Eminent Commander.WM. T AI-LKN. Recorder.




CORINTHIAN HALL,«\u25a0 TUESDAY, May 26(ta, 185*.And respeotfully invito their Honorary and Contri-buting Membeis and friend* to unite with them.


Lieat. Geo. W. Lindsay, Ensign H. B. Tompkins,C. Pnrcell Bigger, Corp Hush *. Patton,Stephen D. Yanaey, " Wm. A. Griinn" O. K. Cmtchfield, Jr " Wm. O. Ha'vie,Sergt.Wm E. Binford, " Emmeti E. Deprieit,

' ?,m- H" ? loore. Privafe Jno. 8. Austin.Wm. H. Weisiger, " Wm. H. C. Smith.ITTICKETS ONE DOLLAR.

tW Tickets can be procured of the followingCommittee, and them alone :

Capt. HARVEY A. DUDLEY,L'.ent G. W. Lindsay, Ccrp H. F. Patton,"C. P. Bigger, " W. A. Griffin," O.K. trnchfield, Jr., " W. O Harvie,Ensign H. B. Tempkins, " EE. Deprieit,

Private J. B. Austin.ST Katree March at 9 o' 20?6t*

M COTILLON PARTY.A COTILION will take at Braokett'sHotel, on Broad street, oaMONDAY EVENING, May 25th.

OT Tickets, including refreshments, $1 50.BT Muaic by the ArmoryBand.

J. B. SMITH,my 20?5t Proprietor.

SPECIAL, NOTICE^or Portrait Painting. ? AXiKXANDKRDAVIDSON, Artist, has opened a Studio, for a

short time, in the highly eligible prrmises, No. 229Main street, where he will receive sitters for POR-TRAITS in OIL COLORS.

20 by 24 inches $40 l>o25 by 30 inobea 50 0029 by 36 Inches 100 0040 by 50 inches 150 00Otherfizes and familygroups may be arranged 22-8;*

OT There will be a Political Meetingheld at Springfield Hall, on Cburcn Hill, on SA-TURDAY night, the 23d. at 8 o'clock. The countycandidates, Mr. Cox and Mr. Mayo, are invited to at-tend. my 22?2t

Dr Petlcolas hns returned to thecity, and may be found at bis office on Governor at.,when not engaged at the Medical College, at anyhour day or night. my 22 -3t*

! Notlce,«-As I expect to leavehome in a few days for some two or three montly,this is to request all persons who may have accountsi gainst me to present them fjr payment, as I wish topay them all off before I leave.

my 22?ts ALEX. HILL.Or The whole Animal creation are sub-ject to llaease. But f»w die frcm sicknets where in-

stinct ii their only Fhyiician The benificeot Crea-tor bo* given thevarious plant* and roota for the careof disease, and it is upon thie great troth that Dr.Hampton bases th-> many wonderful cures of hiseelebrated TINCTURE.

Truth is mighty. We appeal to our own citizens.Whereverfairly tried, the same success attends It*use in Chills and Feverf, Disease* of the Liver, Stom-ach and Bewe!*.

A* a CHOLERA preventive, it ha* been truly suc-cessful.Cough, Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, &0., yield to itsgentle sway As a Female Medicine and for delicateChildren, we believe it has no equal.A CITIZEN OF THE OLD DOMINION THUS

SPEAKS.Scottsvilli, Aibemaile county, Va,)

March 28th. 5Metirt. Mortimer fc Mowbray?Gentlemen : I have

been afflicted for thepast eight year* with Dyipep-\u25a0y. Rhematism and Liver Complaint, suffering alltbe while with pain* in theshoulder*, hips, back andsides?shifting from one side to the other?palpita-tion of tbe heart, loss of appetite, cold sweats atnight, excessive costiveness. and great debility andweakness. I tried man; remedies, which did me nogeod, but rather crew won* Last fall I was advis-ed to try ?HAMPTOITS VEGETABLE TINC-TURE." and lam happy to say it ha* curad me Iam now free from all pain and in the enjoyment ofperfect health, and take great pleasurein recommend-ing the Tincture to all afflicted a* 1 have been.

Tour*, Jas. M. Nocl.y Call and get pamphlet*gratia. See certificate*

of cure*,truly astonishing.OP" Delicate Ladie* and children will please give

it a trial.Sold by PURCELL, LADD & CO , Richmond; by

Dr. COOKE, Fredericksburg; by all the Druggists inPetersburg; by MORTIMERh MOWBRAY, Balti-more, and by Druggist* and Storekeeper* every-where.Or,*l per battle; six bottle* for 95.

my 16?dike

nOK HAL K?One hundred and fiftyr CHAIRS, of ell pattern*, kinds and description*,for sala low by F LAUBE,

my 20?5t* Broad, between 2d and Sd at*

DR. J H. HUSK'S BL.OUI* PDKiFVtiK,OR ALTERATIVE?For Scrofula, old Erup-

tioes and all disease* ar'sing from an impure *tete ofthe blcod; together with alt hi* eelebrated FamilyMedictn s, to be found et the Drug snd PreisHptonStore of JNO. W. GARLICK,

my2l Market Place, Franklin *t.

DU. KOBE'S KHKUMATIC COM-POUND; Rose'* Sarsapaiilla; Blood Purifier;

Fever end Ague Tonie, and all other preparationsofhis manufacture. For sale by E. J. rICOT,

my 21 Dru*si*tLKAH WATKK.?On hand, a lew Wa-

J ter Piltor* of ourown manufacture, which willfiltar about four gallon* of water In one hour Theyare decidedly the beat Filter* evea offered in thiemarket. Call and aee them and judge for yooreelrea,at K££DEB * fAER'S Pottery,

my 19 Corner of 12th >cd Carr *treet*.

NO T ? c: fc.?AII penoßi kavtig claitueagainit ibe eatate cf Dr. Wm. T. Taylor, dee d.,

will presen- them to me, properly authanticateo;and thoie Indebted,will P'**" make immediate anyment. O. S. TAYLOR *dminietretor of

my 15?ISt Pa. WM. T. TAYLOR. <>c d-IX/ASBINO *IiUI».-Tkl» *lnii» pro*W ducee a uiagieal effeet inremoving gree*e, dirt,

and ordinaryeoil from olothee It eere* one-half thelabor of weehlng,and doe* away with the hard eeruVbing, eo iaJarioß* to eiothee It u'ee, '{[?way of Soap, fullyone half, and double work eaa be

aecTlom*.?Di**ohre half a pouadfof hard *oepIn ab'.ut ? piat of bailingwater, and aed it together,with one pintof tba fluid, to ten gallon*ofor one pint of eoft aoap may be need iaetead of thebard eoep. Then eoak the clothe* in the miatere foran hour, or boil half an hour-rub gently, removeand rie*o them thoroughly in eleer water.

""'"'jCHH W OARLICK.-<\u25a0"*?»«\u25a0

niUUClltfN 151 VUK FMlt/K «*


PRINTED JAOOSBTB.Theabove will be old at muck lower prieee tb*n

they were offered at, earlier to the eeaaoo, at the ee-

rngil ° h#** ""aJUTSIO MOUSBi S3 IMb (t.



Joan Wood, Jb., Sea'y. | w t. Bablt, PresidentDIRKCTORS:?.R.Ma«nd«r, Dr. J h. Cabell,f £>of. J F Holcomb,

\u25a0 Jr., Nowlaad, Tho*. L. Fari*b,\u25a0y C 'Imuim, Jmum Hartta t#lr" °. r eonntTT. »»T «»??"??ted thil Mtnpjj.y oB OOM MMOBBbU\u25a0»'» sa/ta*.

&T®Mf3SE®11' AIJkIEHD,Praat.

_Tr<-. It. olMfa,

p«thap* a better article than «k tTL lV' \u25a0ndcl'T. W aaUocentiane to k^«*i. boT« ht lhefac'ara, at oar old *tan/i mbead and mann-?treet* all kioda of COFFIN! "u 4 UthWaltut. Poplar, Cbarry. ta W. V"0?"*'H»a *e. Hack*, and all th« Wa. al«o haveUndertaker line, «ueh a*Bheet« jJI .J** 1,1 thewhich wa eaa furnlab

" fr f»«taa, Aa.,can be had in Rl.hmond. ?on *bl* ter? than

WM. A. LBi

No. 24 Main .t, «?cor. F?n"a aX U^.t.'VANTED-Three JonrnevmenP 8.- Serv&ntV Coffin* ready made, of all .i,?The above caa be found at all hour*, at thecoraarof Fraakhn and 18th(treet. mT 18J B. SMITH'SBALOON,


BROAD BTREET.The (abicrber, hiving taken the above premiie*,and fitted them op in superior*tyle, wooli inform biafriend* and thetiuMio that he 1* now prepared to fnr-n'ih tham with the ohoiceit WINES, LIQUORSand CIGARS, and with every delicacy in tbe EAT-ING LINE that oan be had in our own and othermarket*ty FREEH LOBSTERS rea«ived twice a weekLAGEK BEER, ALE and CIDER, in bottles and

oi draughtmy -2 - Tin J. B. BMITH.-j&amxn. 1 11 ICKK K-I > ' is pj.ffifT WluHJiffl FORTES?To be had at Ne.

Hi iiiiK&fcsr'" K"b""

a*?.'.';,11UNUKKU DOIiLAIM UK.tjgf WARD.?The above reward will be paid for

g\'heapprehensionand delivery to me of ane-jn gro slave, named ANTHONY, (who left the"\u25a0emplojimnt of Mr Ro. A. Mayo, on or aboutthe 19th of March lest,) if taken beyond the limits ofthe State; or if taken within the limits of the State,a re«urd of #50 will be paid. The said negro is oflow statue,slightly mads,of black color, and suppos-ed to be about twenty three y»ars old.P. M. TABB fc. BON, Agents,

Governor street, between Main and Franklin,my 13 -d&clmI HJNA ASD AND

other Housekeeping articles, are lellingmjV cheaper at ScHAAP k Co's than they evorwere offered in this city. Housekeepersand tiealers, in calling, will find themost fsshionsb'egoods at least twenty fiveper centcheaper than regu-lar prices. Clocks. Looking Glasses, Wait rs. Cas-tors, and Brittannia and Silver plated ware, etc.,sold at auotionprices, at BCHAAP & CO '8,

Corner of Broad and 3d stsBroken Looking Glasses repaired Dealers sup-plied with Looking Glass Plates at Importer's pricesmi 14?lm*

ftOl'lCK ?The subscriberhavingrented the office No 227, MainVi£Tw a formerly occunied by his bro-\u25a0 > "thar, Dr. Thos. H. Edmunds, deceas-

ed, effsrs himself at Practitioner of DENTISTRYto theoitizens of Richmond and the public gene-rally Having had an experience of twelve years inhis profession, he feels confident he ean please thosewho may favor him with their patronage. He canbe found at his office at illhours, where he willbe pleased to servo the friends of his brothermy I?3m PAGE EDMUNDS.

U. W. JONES, SL'RtriCAL.JmeAsfeijgig ami) mechanical dentist,vl/rWry^^office on Main street, opposite Co-\u25a0 » ' riuthlanHall.?All Operations, eith-

er in Filling, Cleansing, Extracting or Regulatingthe TEETH,gen ly and thoroughly performed.MINERAL or INCORRUPTIBLE TEETH, in-serted on gold plate, w'th or without clasps, as may

be desired, answering all the pupoaes of NaturalTeeth, notonly as to appearance, but in the mastica-tion of food and the articulation of ianguaga.

my 2? 3mi NOTICjU.?On and after (hotyss®'?GSß 24th. an Extra Train will be run eve-ry SUNDAY to Ashland leaving Rich-mond at !)o'clock A. M. Rttarning, leave Ashlandat 6 o'clock P. M. 8. RUTH,

Eup't of Transportation.Office R? F. it P. R R. Co >

Richmond. May 18 1957. > my 19UEU. F. M.MATHgSOHE COACH MAKER,

Corner Broad amd 6th sts.,(Tichenor's ( Id stand,) keeps con»tantlv on hand,and mates to ord*r all kind* of CARRIAGES,ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES, SULKIES. SPUINGVVAGVSS, ETC. Ha ha* now on exhibitionin hi»(how room an unusually large assortment, which heis dipused to sell upon very reasonable terms. Em-ployingthe beat workmen, and tha finest ma-terial lie is enabled to warrant all hi* wotk.

gJTCoaehSmithing and jobbingof all kind* axecuted promptly, as uiual,and npon reasonable terms,

my 13?3 m*KKAUIOOft V * ? BEKR ? FRESH SUMMER/V'- V !

LAOKR BEER.?The under- [fey?signed is now reoeiving weekly,

and willcontinue to receive throuabout the season,a superior article of fresh LAGER BEER, from thefamous READING BREWERY, which he willsupply la quantitiesto suithi* customers and the pub-lic, at his Saloon J. G LANGE,

4th it., between Broad and Marahall 19?2m*


Have opened the past week large additions to theirstock of Dreaa Goods, inBerage and Organdie Robes andPrinted Barege*3000 yards Lawns, from l?i to 25 ots. per yardDresa ti'lks from 62Jcts. to finest qualityBlack Mourning Silks best qualityBlaek Bereges; Crape De Parrle and HernanuPlain Bereges at Is 25 and S7i cts.1000 Muslin Collars at low prices sReal French Worked Collars,new styleHoniton and Valencienne Lace Col araBlack Crape Collars and 81eeves in setaMourning Hdkfs ; Black Silk MittsColored and Black Kid GauntletsSteel and Whalebone Hoop Skirl*Large stock of Parasol*; Miaie* Parasols30' 0 yards more cftbose cheapGinghams at 9d

Making thebeat assortment we have ever offeredour customer*, at low price* for cash, or toprompt?ix month* buyer*. my 22


OFFICE, GODDIK'S HALL, RICHMOND, VA.,Reipectfully offer their aervicea to the public Witha thorough Professional training and a combinedPractlcnl experience af more than 30 year*, theyhope to give satisfaction to those whomay favor themwith ordirs

In the arcbite ctu ra 1 Line; will fur-nish deslsns for Cbarches, Public BuildingsTownHouses, Stores, Vlllaa, and alterationsofold buildings; and also for Ornamental Grounds,with full Working Drawings, Specification* and Su\u25a0?rintendence.

In tbe EngineeringDepartment, willattendto the branches connected with Railroads, Sew-erage and drainage ofFarm Lands, with all neeessa-sary Plan* andEitimate*.

A variety of completesets of Plana for Churches,Villa* Farm Cottage*, Briigea, &.C., eaa be seea at

their office. mv22-Sm

OOlJlUlvltN IKON WOtth.BO L. BARNES, manufoetn»r of fire Engine*,on 7tha'.reet, Wert tide, between Main nnd Cary,Fixturee for manufacturing Tobacco, Verandat*every deeerlptlon of Caatand Wrought Iron Railing,Vault Doore, Orating and all klnde ef tlouee andWrought Iron Work, will be done with neajneae anddiivatch, on «aeh term* aa 1 warrant willgive Ml

faction Myold friende, and the public generally,ere eolicited to give me a call before engaging elee-where | myß-d6m

UWDKN't* UKNTAL FLUID?Forcleaning and preaerving the teeth and gam* im-

partinga delightfulflavor to the mouth ani breath-reeommended by the moat celebrated phydctan* anddeutieta. a* far auperior to eny dentifrice in uae. For.ale, whol-ale and retail, by

D̂tuggiitand Cbemiat.m* CAUTION.?Beware of worlhleu imitation*

of thi*popularartiele. Tbs proprietor"* aignaturei*attached to eaeh wrepper, with name blown on thebottle. All other* are co-eterfeit*. my 19

DKUP IN AND LOOH...Tke*e lictat col-ored Caaaimsre Buaineaa Suite have arrived ?

Alio, a Ana auortment of B'ack and Fancy Cawi-uiere FanU; and tho*e in want of a beautiful articleof Spring Ragltna,will do well to call at the earneror ?Fl«i -

N TALKER k CO.,my 18 IC3. cornerMain and Fearl *t*.


TLBS?Thia aetentific combination of the ee-tlve prineiplea of Wild Cherry Bark, with otherhighlyvelaable remediea, is doing wonder* is theway of ersdieetisg all dieses** of the LiverendStomach. It assms peculiarly adaptsd to relieveess* whleh other Ritter* havefoiled to sur*ormad*woras. Prepared osly by E. J. FICOT,

my» Biofitot.


ByAlw«rter W«g

f ABOf VALB OF OHOICB OLDLi WINES, BRANDY, CORDIaIS Ac ATTHURBDAV^LUI hH!^ 6 * ?* \u25a0* °«THOMDAI.May 28th, eomti enciag at 10o'clock,preolaely,u>e atcck ofa gentleman leaving tbe city,eoaaUtieg of Drt aad ral. Iruij; aupr Cham-SeoiahWbiakey; Peeeh Braadv; Fort, ClaretUti f> J'i Aaahovia'* Freaab Cordial.; 1bbl A eohol; Freaab Mustard; AfrieaCyaaaa Nmrand aacdry other articlea, embraein. the beat lotol'fineLiqaara I have oßared for aala thi. year, lalaetadJ" New Yotk, and Fnr.haeed aadar eaatom booaalock aevaral year» ifo.?AH nmi orar $50, 60' daya cradt»: orar?100, 95 d»Ti' credit. ALEX NOTT,ay S3-til. Aationear.By Mlcfcwrrt «'mtk«ra,

DKY GOODS, HUMIJCKY, dbc.AT ADr-TION ?Oa 27tb laat, at Ifo'clock, at my itora, I will call at aactioa, a large u-?oi tmant of article*, compiiiing la part thefollowingwhite, mixed aad data colored Hoea; Liaca CoUar*;Cravat»; Undcrabirta; Silk and*Printed Hdkf*; alarge aaaoitmegt of Saapeadera; 4 do* vary fineLiaen Bo*om Shirt*; Shawl*; Drawerr, Franeb LiaenBoeoms; Veati: Port Monaaeia, be-, be ,

C ASBIMERE?AIao, 2 f i»o»* very fine Caaaimere.Tbe above are all freahaad deairable gooda.R. CAUVHORN.

By Taylor dc WiHUmaOA.^ K C' ?» TT AG K. ONK MILK9f ? MONP AT AUCTION? Oam'J* of Jn »« {M «* whit Monday) at 5iOROVBrfW?fS ,r»* W1" ?»? ' OAICU. . r COTTAOE" with 4 acre* of land attaehed?a°e t r̂oo^ ri /"^*fa4 ,he toligate The CotUga i* of brlek aad haa iaat been

akIZ.H° good ,|' 0?m,< -Ith » double porchL?l._ L ?

" wr',h 4room* .table, carriaain. im *itnated in a beautiful grova of oak*.tbe auß?^i f .1meo

rt*""I P'annei 'nd finiahed nndeZi SkK lgentleman ofexperience and taate

Mlf aid J; fah.°, l0t"^ d »? » reiaidence fo" bCm

in Ih!?*d in aayiag that few plac*to famillea *mekl«

° ffer ireatßrißd neement*wntawe MeklEg retirema =t, comfort and con-

tJ:r wlUbe lib#ral > »ffl ba made known at

rVI TAYLOR b WILT.TaMB apet>r .A ON^THE1 88MILE FROM THE CITY^AT AiS-wni 0' KMONDAY, lit of June (belo, Whft ;?°lo'clock, P.M. upon the nremile. /y) at 3Plank Road aa above atated It on tbedwelling,! barna and atable, together withV b! "r?1!grove It ha. been h.ghly liSprSved wd uexcellent.ond.tlon a* the growing «opa .bowia conaidered ona of the moat valu able ofthe City, and i. e.pecially worthy the aWenU.nTfanyone .eeking a auburban'retreat. ent>»n of

Tkbms- i caah, balanced, 8 and 12 moatha.inter«at added and aecured by a trurt deedmy 19 TAYLOR h WILLIAMS. Anot'raBy ThomttE W Keeace,

(Office corner of 12th and Cary street!.)

TRUSTEE'!* MAIiK OF VALDABI.RHOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ROSEWOODCASE PIANO FORTE, BOOKS, &c , AT AUC-TION ? Willbe sold on FRIDAYmorning. May 22dcommencing at 10 o'clock, at the lesidence of Mr'HenryChafer who is declieinghociekeeping in Syd-ney, at thecorner ofElmwood and Laurel streets, allof bis household and kitchen furniture, consisting inpart of one very superior Rosewood case seven Oc-tave Piano Forte, msde by Light. Newton k Bradbury, New York Sofas, Rocking snd Parlor Chairs-Centre and Card Tables; Book case; valuable Books:Bidek oard; DlnirgTables.

Refrigerators; Sofas; Wardrobe, Bureaus; Waih-stands; Bedttesds; B«w«; Mattresirs; Bedding; Look-in* Giarsas; China, Glass and Earthenware; Caroete,Rum, Oil Cloths; Parlor and Cooking Stoves; Kitch-en Furniture, &e.Terms?For all suns under ®50, caih; $50 and overninety days'c edit for approved endorsed negotiablenotes.LEWIS GINTER, Trustee.IV Bale conducted by Thomas W. Keesee. Auc-tioneer. mv 16POSTPONEMENT ?The abovesale is postponed

to TUESDAY Morning, i6:h iost., at 10 o'clcekmy 22 THog W. KEESEE, Anct.By Thomas W. Keeaee, Auctioneer,

| Office corner of Cory and 12thstreets IHOKSK POWKtt KOU SAIjR AT AUC-

TION.?WiII be sold on MONDAY MORN-ING May 25'h, commencing at lOo'clock, at Ladd'sLumber Housa. on the south side of the Basin, aT'orse Power, s*:d to be a very superior one It isoffered at private sale until day of sale. Apply tomy 19. THOB W KEESEE; Auct.


LOST ?Was lost tn Sunday morning last,oetween Main and 3d streets acd Mr Hoge'sChurch, a small MOURNING BREASPIH, of ovalshape, with hair set in. Tha finder will he suitablyrewarded by leaving itat theDispatch 21 ?3t

?->J LOST, on Sunday inornlaa, asmall black TKRRIER PUPPY, with yellow legs, short ears and long tail whiihwe will p\u25a0. y Two Dollars reward for his delivery atNo. 2? Pearl street. my 19?lw


Assisted byF B CLOPTON, Civil Engineer.FREDERICK KOCH. Architect,OSWALD H EINRICH, Mining Engineer andGeologist,

la prepared to furnish Designs with Plana and fullWorking-drawingsfor Bat'dmgiof everydescription,including Mill*, Manuf-cturing Establishments, andMachinery, of all kind*, with Specifioatiau, Estimat'* and Contracts complete, and to Superintendth-> construction of the same.

He will pay particularattention to laying out andimproving SPRINGS PROrERTIES and otherWATERING PLACES, ai well as Public or PrivateGround*

Hais also prepared to surveyand locate all kindsofRoads and Canals and tosurvey Mines and LandsHaving had over twenty years' experience in hisbuainess and with the best corps of Assistants everin one office ia thii State, he feels confident that hecan giva entire satisfaction to all who may entrusttheir work to his care. And while returningthanksto these who have heretofore bestowed to liberal apntrooage cpon him, he respectfully solicits a con-tinuanceof the same from them and the public geaerally.

He reapectfally refer* toWm. H Macfarland, 1Wm H. Haxall, 'Jas H. Gardner, >Richmond.Bacon U Baskervill, jLewis Webb & Son, )Lewis E. Harvie, I Am«iuWm. J. IBarkadale, { Amell »-

Jas. M Morson, \ n jWm. Stanard, 5 Goo#h' Bn,J -Wm. 8. Fontaine, King William.Dr Price. Hanover.W. T. Sutherlin, Danville.Geo Bolltnf, Petersburg.Jno R McDaciel, Lycchburg.Thos J. Boyd, Wytbevilla.Geo G Curie, Lynehbarg.Andrew Beirne, Union.Proprietor* of the Sweet Spring*.

" " " Montgomery White SnlphurSpring*.

" " Rockbridge Alum Spriaga.Jas. D. Davidson, Lexington.Col. C Crozet. State Tngloeer. my 2? ts


No. 197 Main street.Juit opened, a magnificent assortment of MAN-

TILLAS, of entire new designs.ALSO,

Another lot cf those beautiful LACE BASQUES,from the lowest price to tbe finest Honiton Lace

Brriiel* Lace Mantilla*, if new atylei; Brusiel*Point* and Scarfs

Chanttlla Laaa Mantillas beautiful good*Cashmere Stella BerageiShaw a and Bearfi, from 75

cants up?at tbe New York Mantilla and Shawlstore, No. 197 Maia street, opposite tbe CustomHouse. J- RILEY.

Wholesalers c»a save from 50 to 100 percent bygiving us a call before pu-ebaalng roy 22-3t*

TTKACTiVfc HALK >T K, PKI«:« ACO. will commence thie day celling off np<>o

their (econo flojr, without reiard to ec*t, * large lotof £HBROIDERIES, eay: French Worked Mwlintad Cambrie Collan; mualin Kleevw: **n«linCambric Bande; H. 8 Lawn Hdkf*;Embroidered do.;Clear Uw« Hdkf*, to

Will be added to the tale ofabove G-od«. IRISHLIN&NB, by the piece, unpreoedanted bar**in»?with woe de*sriptioa* of Dion Quoit, at half theirvalue.

Jnet arriving, in addition to nnr exteralve etocv. abeautiful line of Lace and Silk MANTLES, withmany other new gocde adapted t > the rammer trade,

my 21-1 w T. R. PRICE k CO.

RKTcTATtJoST7^r*ow«flir«ii>? atoek of Railroad Companion* at coat, a* Iintend to aell my itock by the firat of July. Drug',Medicine*. Paint*, Oila, Fancy Article*, ke , are foraale at eoet by

J. F. JACKSON, No. 11 Main (tract,mv 2' Old MatkH Bridge

CiUaAf tiuLiHK ANtf HIUM PAINTINti' AND GLAZING?Ths aubacriber. propoae* to

work cheaper tban anyother Shop in this elty andwill do kia work In auch a manner aa toy leaae hi*patron*. All I aak i* a fair trial; give me a job and Iwill do it in nab a manner a* to ineore another fromthe lain*. My ahop i* on 7th atreet, iuat in the rearof the Marakali Theatre, ap atair*. between Graceand Broad atreet*. 1 reipeotfully aolicit ? callfrom my friendeand fe'low-eitizena. My motto la,puaetaaitj to all jobs, either large or mall done at aminute'* notice. WM. C. BARNES,

my 11?lm Pract'aal Hou*» and Sign FainterDEDUCTION IN C0K1..-TIM price efXL COKE will bs rsdussd from this dats to the fol-lowing rate* delivered. Soft lamp 85.26.a0ft ball84.75. hard lamp and kail 84.75. Order* promptlyexecuted |at yards. «ener 10th aad Bason bank, u46th andByrd, South sida of canal.

tny 19?tf JNO. J. WEIfHi Agt.

??^ CTMW *alb«.FPTPiiai njj '"' \u25a0""? " »««wJBy Qa4|] ( ? ,

40toll*unc'niakof Jaaa, 1867, oa tbathalMd.yCottage advertl.ed by Kaar, th*

acre* of baaatifnl LaadTaaar th? 4 *ul*e«*a,)«tba Cottaca of Mtaa Lilly (*ohL.M °no*Ualaired and now ta aattlea-lna; (JWI aaiae aiaaaraa w eompoaed of a baaattfal oak 1bly situatedfor a reaidaaaa. ' ?'\u25a0lfa-

Tbbm» at aala.OODDIN A AFPBKSOR® Aueta.r PBUBTKK'H MLB OF MM ALL FARM1 AND DWELLING THEREON, CONTAININO 21 ACRES, oa WiUiamabuv Siaae load tbraamllee balcar li.bmoa*. n*ar Barbae' TarinTraetea la a certala dead of traat. dated 6th March,1855 fxrented byTaopera*ea Johnaoa, and doly re-corded in Henrieo Count, Coart Clark'* offlee. 1 .ballproceed to aall at pabltc taction, oa tba premieee, oaTUESDAY, the 21 dav of Jaaa, 1857, it fair, if aot,tba aext fair day, eoDnneaeiag at 5 o'clock. P M.,

tba real aetata conveyed by *aid daad of trust, ooaanting of a small Faim witb aDwelling, bo., there-on, on the Williamsburg wage road, containing H«c««, mora or laea S milee below Richmond, nearHughe*l Tavern Thetitle ;\u25a0 believed to be perfect,bat the tnbacriber will ootvoy witb tba usual a,"ecialwarranty.

Termecaah. J. v. RAMOS.Traatea.Bala conducted by Ocddin A Appcaaoa. 19


Wi>l baK>ld. on TUEBbAY. tba 2d Jaae, 1857 atthe lata reaidaaaa of H. Rhode*. E*q , in Cheatatfialdcounty, aboat 2 mile* bom Maccbeatar, commencingat 10o'clock. A M., all thePeraonal Estate (except\u25a0lave.) oa thepiece, eoirat'ng of aa excallaat as\u25a0ortmentof Honcahold knraitare; all tbe FarmiagImplement*; 1 Carriage aad Harveas and 1 pair olgray match Horace; 6fine Male*; 10 Milch Cow»; afine yoke Oxen; come Heifera, Yearlings, be. TheCow* are of improved bread.A " *om* under BSO, cash; aver thatamount fi mouth* credit for approved aadoned ne-gotiable paper. C. H. RHODES._

, . _ Ex'or. of H. Rhode., dee'd.Sale bv Goddin k Appeb.on, Aucta my 19-tdP, 8. Jmmeciateiyafter theabove will ba .old atthe aame place, a lot of very .uperior old Wine, andLiquor.. Terms aa ab~>ve my 21VE


n.T»AaiHAt,L AND CARTER STREETS, FOR?ALf AT AUCTION -Will be sold, oa MONDAY,ii . . . 7' 1857i °n the premise!. commencing at4* o clock, the very neat and excellent Brick Dwell-ing. loea ed as above, recently eccopled by LemuelBcwzer. The lot frenta 45 feet, on Marshall street,runs back 165 feet, on Carter street. There is on itan excelleatbricki dwelling,a good f'ame buildinginr i ßa .

r: a WBll of fiae water, and the whole prem-rn niost perfect order.Terms?One-fourth aaib; balance at 6, 12 and 18EL Pi '. fi T ns? llai>l ® note«. interest added, secureddeed, or title retained.The taxes for 1857 tobe paid by the purchaser,my 19 GODDIN 4 APPERSON, Aucts


NF' NEAR BELVIDERE.-th« °-T hj* P-onions of a dted of trust, datedClerk^arißrl S n *£' ,8&J

» and recorded in the?e"neo 9<">nty Court, from Elisha8 ln tro,t for s «ah Jordan end othaul'rsdhi" theSS"? °1 'If® » rit ten directions re-

24th davnl' M' ,0I,h» ll < on MIDAT. the29th daj of May, 1857, at 5 o'clock, P. M , aell atpublic auction, to the highest bidder, the propertydescribed in the a»»d deid as being in the county ofHenrico, fronting on theeastern side of Pine street,beginningat the distance of 75 feet from the inter-section of Pine with Albemarle street, and runningaloig Pine street in a southern direction 50 fee£thence at rirht angles, and runningin an eastern dilrection, 103 f«et, six inches, at right s«l»land running50 feet, thence at right angles, and run-

ning 1' 3 feet, 6 inches, to the beginning. On the lot>s a good framed wood dwelling house and kitchennow in theoccupancy of Henry Jordan. 'There is also a good well of water on 'be line be-tween this end the adjoining lot?half of the well be-longing to this lot.Terms?One fourth cash; balance at 3, 6 and 9months, for negotiable notes, interest sdded, and ti-tle retained till last note is paid. The taxes for 1857to be paid by the purchaser.o, v « . J"08 ' J EVAN®. Trustee.Sale by Ooddin it Appeeson, 19- tds

DEHIKABI.H KKSIUEftCH ON WESTLINK, 2*D. BETWEEN MAIN AND CARYSTREETS, FOR SALE AT AUCTION?The un-dersigned being desirous to change his residence tothat of a suburban one, will oa TUEBD AY, the 26thday of May, at 4* o clock, P M., offer for sale thehouse he now occupies, containing six good rooms,besides a kitchen ln the yard with two rooms. Thelot fronts 19 feet, and runs back 834 feet.The fine shade trees in front and an 8 feet pavedalley extending the entire depth of the lot, makes ita moat desirable residence for a small family.Terms?One-third cash; the balance at 6 and 12months, for negotiable notes, interest added, securedby a trust deed. Th-» taxes and insurance for thepresent year to be paid by the purchaser.

* . , . ?G. W. CLUTTER.Sale conducted by Ggddin k Appersoh, Auc-tioneers. my 19?tds

UAI.E OF liANUn iM HANOVKR, HEN.£5 R'CO AND THE CITY OF RICHMOND.?At tharequest or the heirs at law of the lata DavidBaker, dee'd , we will sell, *t public Auction, in frontof Henrico county Court House, on MONDAY thel«t day of June. 1857, (beingoourt day,)at 12 o'clockM , the fallowing real estate, viz:

l*t. A tract or parcel of land in Hanover county,adjoining the land* of Bathia* J. Naah and other*.2d A traot or parcel of Land containing 149 acre*in Henrico, naar Short Pump adjoining the land* ofMessrs Thomas E. Nuchels, Thomas Maxwell andother*.

3rd. Another tract or parse) of Land In said coun-ty, containing 32J aares, adjoining tbe lands ofMessrs. Robert M. Courtney, Jesse F. Sheppersonand ethers

4th. Lot No. 171. InAdams' Plan, inHenrieo.bound*ed by Ricbaid. Federal and James street*, having afront on tbe former s'reet of 330 feet, and on each oftha latterstreet* 264 feet.

sth A amall Framed Tenement la tbe City ofRichmond, near thecorner of Leigh and Heaiy *t*.,fronting 15 feet, running back abont 58 feet.

Terms?One fourth ca*li» balance at 4, 8 and 12month*,for negotiable note*, interest added, and title\u25a0 etaiaed till lastnote ia paid.

The taxe* for 18'7 tobe paid by tbe pu-chaier*.GODDIN k APPERSON, Aact*.

P. 8. Alio, will be sold for eath at the lame timeand place, 10(haresof Stock of the James River andKanawha Company. my 22


AUCTION.?WiII be sold on MONDAY next.the 25thMay. 1857, on the premises, commencing at 5 o'clock,P. M., those two newly erected brick and framed te-nements located as above, recently ereeted by Mr.W. H Yentman Each tenement hvs 6 rooms, be-sides kitchen with 2 rooms, anil are notonly remar-kablywell built, but very conveniently arranged.

Terms?One-fourth cash ; balance at 4. 8 aad 12months for negotiable notes, interest added,and tlt'eretained till last note 1* paid. Thataxe* for 1857 tobe paid by the purahaaer.

my 21 GODDIN fc APPERSON, Aact*


NER OF ELMWOOD AND LAUREL STREETSA* Truitee In a certain Deed af Treat from HenryShafer and wife, dated £9th Jaoaary, 1857, duly re-corded in Henrico CountyCourt. I ahall sell at aae-tlon on the premise* on WEDNESDAY.the 2<>tbMay, 1857, at 4.J o'clock, the large aad exca lent brickand framed tenement located a* above, nowia theoccuoancy efthe *aid Shafer. The lot front* 50 feet,ran*back 199feet to an alley. The location of thisproperty,overlooking the Fair Ground, is justly re-garded as tmong thebest in tbe town of Sydney.

Terms?One-fourth eaah; balance at 6, 12aad 18month*, for negotiable note*, interest added,sscurcdby a trust deed, ortitle retained.

Tbe subscriber will convey with tbe aiaal ipacialwarranty. Thetaxe* for 1?57 to be paid by tbe pur-chaser. LEWIS GINTER, Trustee.

Sale conducted by Goddin k Appersok, Aueta.POSTPONEMENT.?In aearequenee of tbe la-

clemeaey of tbe weather, the above tale was post-poned until MONDAY, tbe 25th May. 1857, at 4o'clock, P M.. at wbiab time tbe beautifulacre lotin rear of tbaforegoing propei ty will be sold. Itfronts199 feet on Laurel street, and runs back 155 feet onFederal atreet. G. It A.

my 21MyK. U. Cook He C*-,Auct»

TRUHTEE'B tIALK OF BTOCK. OFDRUGS, MEDICINE*. FIXTURES, he . ATAUCTION ?The entire stock of 8. t. Sample will beso'd at euctloo, without reserve, commencing onMONDAY, 25th May, at 10 o'aloek, at No. 202 Mainstreet.

The etock oniiiti of the unial varie'y found in »Drug Store, eaeb aa Druse, Medieinee, Fancy arttclriBruahe*. Cologne*, Perfumery, Hair Bruahea, Medi-cine Cheeta, Tnuee*, Cigar* Vial*,/ Buttle*. Olaaajar*.Faint*, Window Ola*a, Varniahea, kc.The fixture* eon*i*t ot Counter*, Drawer*, SideOaaea, Deaka, Scale*. Counter*, with Drawer*, Shel-ving, Mortar and Sign*.

ALSO?I tplendid Soda Fouat, complete; 1Secre-tary, Show Caeca, kc, kca v - -

P - H Tnwtee.Sale conducted by E. B. Cook k Co., Auetemv 21?tdANa*U" IMATTJNU-lUOpieces »t Ui

jtoaM*ttin«.embraei»|4 4 54, and 6-4 WhlUand checked, wfcteh we willaell privatelyvery eheapto clo*o.

my 14?lwi LARDS It SHINEF ANU Uuuuh- Rleh Decerned Bla»ner and Tea aett*i Tetea-Tete *ett*i FHshsrsiVa*e«; Ornament*: Mug*; Candlestick, ke., ke., i»great vaiiety Fine Cut Oleae -a fine aaaartmert, allof which we offtr to the tiade or at retail. ?* towPrice*. GEO- J. SUMNER,

my 21 No. MFeerlatTj\*WBW)K-Ea.lw


?>APCTt9 *.?**L**

Tim DATBy ltettH nwdkwral

g?«'M it 10 (/8lo«t. I will\u25a0mm Ut mu t(M CUM **f»«, MvilZXi^i

iT.Sfa *\u25a0 r*PTBOM.\u25a0VV® ~ *N«>

«( TDa>AT' »? >>T tfH*«2S?A:\u25a0jkolili farorofHania

mra-li r.>PWW,RO.C.|.»>'»«« Wit. A?l.


uho*s£ 8 HOMit>wnitMH

3©«»«S.*»! ROTT.AMtF«K'T.!% «®®«W AND 6KO-

onBATUEDIY ~8'.,8' *or*»

meecmg at 10 ** *\u25a0* . *»\u25a0?ban* r»rnitmw "*?* »\u25a0* noti-

MADKCLOTmNO <*ra^wVmU, snorted t\u25a0wfifiß Cotf,> "

ShirU. ?' 25 «*? Irtaa*Imjß

BOOTS ARD 4 . .kln»; Woman's Bootes; »«. .***-***?Gent!rmea'« Patent litwbZlSJrt Misses' IkoNi

OKOCFRIEB-20 bbU. sv.. -,

20 bbl. Vt?f«n 50 bbls. No 1Lemoet; 15,{*0 Began * ?°*aa22 AWI Nm*

-Tfc W M-?~(0«8», cornerof 12th art Car* -triats.lffV? HOKHIb. fun OALI AT *rr2SJ*ION -Will be sold onBATUBdIti»«. May 234 ao«m«Beia» at 10 o'aloah, atthe Horsa Auction Lot, near Iha Central Baiirn&JDepot, a nomfcer of laddie and tiaraat* Hot sea. twoMales. one Cart.

ALSO?Two Cow* md 22 THOMAS W. KEESEE. AaetADDITIONAL?WIU be addad to (ha Furniture Wagon, tay Bona and Haracn. TheHoraa la warranted *ourd aad to work wall.THOMAS w Kr.r.ggg. Aaet.

By La'W&HtlMTJOHSBS, MOLK% BUKHY AND BAKUII NES», COW, *c., AT AUCTION.?WiII be\u25a0old at aoetion, on SATURDAY mornlag, *OBmca-lloraea and" M ale* 90tkADDITIONAIi?WiII ba added to the above. aluperlor Milch Cow, wbieh will ba exhibited lafront of oar (tore at 9 o'clock. Aleo, aNo 1 YsuiHorn, 4 year,old, with a h»a«>. .meßam udffinear Sod on a oiedit of 90 day a. »w ? **?«

mv 21 LARUd k SHINE. Aaata.My Goodlw & Apptraea

fiALB OF HOUHIiANII LUTON TURN.© PIKE, NEAR TU *AN C HEUT ER rORSALEAT AUCTION.-Will ba told, on SATURDAYtha2dd of May. 1857 on the premfaea, cemmcaalag'at 5o'clock, P. M.. the Houae and Lot located a* MM*,*in the plan of "Dayton," now occupied by BatnHarri*. The Lot contain* about one aare, ha* oa it acomfortable framed Dwelling, baalda* excellentorchard, he.Tehms --One-fourth caah; balance at S 6 and 9mcn'h*, for negotiable note* interest added, aad titleretained till laat note i* paid. Tha tut* for 1857 tobe paid by tha 18 GODDIMk APPERSON, Aaata.

CiLE OF ittILUIAU LOTS AT ABH-© LAND. ON THE RICHMOND AND FRED-ERICKSBURG RAILROAD, AT AUCTION -Attha requeatof Meiir*. George I. Herring and W 0.Winiton, we will call, atpublic aviation, at Alblaadion feATURDAY, the 55d May, 1857, commencing at10o'clock. BjJ acre* of Land, adjjlnlag the villageofAahland, lying on both aide* of tha railroad, whiobta« been divided into lota of about five acree eech.MThe laod, for the most part la aovered with Woid,and 1*admirably adapted for cottage reridenaea forperiona doing boiinea* in Richmond, who may de-\u25a0lre toapeod tbs Summer month* la tha coaatry, a*the car* atop at Aahlaad going aad returning eachthree time*.

A plat of the property oan be teen at oaroflioa.Te*ms?One-fourth cub; balance at 4, B aad ISmonth*, for negotiable note*, interest added, aecaradby a tiuitdeed, or title reta<ned eeoareaThetazea for 1857 to be paid by 8 OOPPIN k APPERSON. Auct*

TWO BVNUItKU a,N 1» TWENTY--1 SEVENAND A HALF ACRES OP LAND INHANOVER COUNTY, FOR SALE AT AUCTION!After theforegoing *ale, will be aold tha above tiaatof Land It lie* about 3 milee Ea*t of Aahland.\u25a1ear to Pen-la'* Mill, arjols* tha landa of Maaar*.fhoma* Perrln, William Campbell aad othara. It lamcstly covered with Wood, and ba* oa it coma fleeOak Timber There laa portionof vary fiaa meadowland belongingtr tha traat

T«bm*?One fourth c**b; balance at 6,13 aad 18month*, for neaotiable note*, latereat added, (aaaradby a tru*t deed.

my 8 GODDIW k APPERSON, Aaata.

COAL. AND WOOD. .The nbHilber baving taken theYard adjoin ng the atona ieild-log an the Be*n back, aod btlng Ageat for the Okieof COAli (torn tha Burfjot Mine*, In Cbaatarflald,expect* to be regularly (applied with bjth GOALsad WOOD, tolicit* a portionof the patronace oftbepublie. JOHN FISHER,

mj 21- St*ft. C*» Ik BTKAMKH fUOAUON-TirrSn ilfgf TAH-FOI BALTIMORE?

Freight receivedto day FRiRAT,and op to tha hour of 2 o'clock, F. M Saturday, the<3i inxtant

Coniiguee* are requeated to Mad Or their good* te-day ?Shipper* tre requested to tend is tha aamaaof

their cotniinee* Satu day afternecn, or their ahlp-menta will he eooeigaed to *id«r.

my 22-2-, I/UULAM A WATBQW.iMAV BITrKK.. i!lUO peoidl

choice Oraage Conaty Batter, receiving thit dayper eteamer Jainee town, for ial« byWILLIAM T. KINO,

my 19- 5t 6 ani 8 'ranklln afreet.BUTTKK.?3O tuba freak Geehear Batter, for table Die. ju«t received per Jamee «.

town.oiv 20--4t CHAS. T. WORTHAM A CO.

PAC'HAUkM JKINK UiJI WftftiM--150 boxe* Hine*r Soap30 J pipeefine old Cognae Brandy

100 000 fine breed* Havana Began.For tale by

my CHAB. T. WORTH AM A CO.ina BBLf. LAKI) OlljlUU 500 boxe* Kiuery'* Adamantine Candle*

3JO boxe* Hidte* Summer CandlaaFor aale by

my 2>-4t CHA*. T. WORTHAM A COUUU». fUIiUU WKSi'KHABUUUL-I)U DfcRUlOhhd*. do do Ham*

CO tierce* Todd'* extra ngar-cared Ham*For*a<e by

my 20 - 4t CHAW. T. WORTHAM A CO.ttUISK.

Mr* PHIPPIN hi* ttkenthe Auou*t> Housa, enMain (treet, between Bth and 9th (tract*,and ii pre-pared to accommodate Boarder*, bv thedav, week ormonth. There are two vacant Room*, mutable for .familie* my t» 6tBOAKliinU ?There la new vaeaet at the

Capitol Honee teeond dour below the eornar ofMainand 9th *treet*, on* very dedrabta large aiaaChamber, fint floor, three windowe fronting Stalk

The Stare under theCapitol Honta ia Or rant. Foe-?eae'n" «\u25a0»?"» cn the 10th of Jul* next.

my 20?4t*

CUtY MAVX XVtiXITVUIts AT REDUCED rmicxs.The underlined, Intending to make a eh«ape la

bit bullae**. offer* hie r.ock of CaMaet faraitgra,Uphol*tery, he., at reduced price*, all of wkieb areof bit own maaofictare; aad thoee la want pf ertl>ciet la hi* liaa. will find It to tbeir iatereec to |irehim a eall befcr* parabul** eleewbere.r. U COVVLINO,

?023-ilm No I* Oo»»r»or*t'««t

CM.K4K VVATKK..- Vfii'bK XiL.TK.Hm./We have attlloa bead »lot of cenoiee Medina

r.otiafiltering Stone*, the onlr eruele aa<weri*|folly the pnrpo** for which It 1* intended. It ciaareth s water perfectly, wlthoat irjerlnii the fl**or.?Tboeo on hand will be *old aheap, to *lo*J_

CHKISTIAH * taTHllOfmy31 8> Mata«t

1/Uit iitttK. >ar tar kulvkce ?! t«* J»-r,r a Mao aacueiootd to Oardaalai, end alio Mite-M »?'g3. k"' " J'* ' «\u25a0 ctcreox.

Rsk sisOEg io(t'r*eeiT*d Jar *ebr. Cetito, aad fjc*ale byUM,JW B. WAIOWBLL U CO.,... 99-JU* On C»r». b«twe*a 18th ead ifch ate.ri°H« UHMAVUHT I»AE«A1W«I O»THM1 SEASOW.?MAWTI|»LAS, MANTILLAS- Be*

celvsd tbto »orai»|, by exyreae, 2» «\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?!_ M*»-tin, pa-abased at aa enorown* eaerifica, aad will beofferedoa tbe*»«n* tarm* toeioee. Now i* thetinefore b*rgaiaia Summer Meat!)tea at tha eld etaad of,oe ' ALFBJEO MOSES,

n*U » Mala *

VIM. t,L,AIIItfKNK BAMHfrDAUB willM opaa a School forOlri*. oa the 30th of Ma»»fci*? terre*id*BeajOa Charph Bill,FraakUa *uT n< aaaalbraaahe* of Ba«lUh Milwl l be pawaed.

,T*BM»- Two dollar* far loath. _


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