new energy part 3: the science - casimir effect

Post on 17-Dec-2014






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The fifth concept in New Energy science that we consider important to learning how to tap energy from the quantum vacuum. This is the famous Casimir Effect, discovered by Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir in the late 1940s.


New Energy for an Ultramodern Vietnam

Part 3: The Science

June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group

And that is what Hendrik Casimir’s was researching in the 1940s when he noticed the

weak but very real quantum-induced movement of metal plates he called the Casimir Effect

The Casimir Effect, then, is our fifth key physics insight that we consider crucial to doing work in New Energy

To begin with, what exactly is the Casimir Effect?

The Casimir Effect is the attraction of two uncharged metallic plates in a

vacuum when placed parallel to one another at a very small distance (1

micron or less)

Neils Bohr determined that Zero Point Energy was responsible for causing the plates to move toward one


This movement surprised many physicists because generally, two objects at rest in a vacuum have no

way to spontaneously start moving

To Casimir, this movement seemed to be a “gift from nature”, not requiring the addition of any electrical

charge, magnets, chemical reaction, or use of fuel

One way to think of why the plates move together is to remember that subatomic particles are constantly forming out of the “transmuting

ether”, also called the Zero Point Field or the quantum foam

The number of subatomic particles which emerge from

the Zero Point field on the outside of the two plates is much

greater than the number forming in between the two


This imbalance of forces causes the two plates to move together

If the Casimir Effect could be amplified, it might help stabilize wormholes because it

creates “negative mass” within a locally defined region of space

Wormholes are also called “Einstein-Rosen Bridges”


And therefore, if mass is negative, the speed of light within that localized space is also now changed

Since 1990, James Woodward has explored how wormhole travel might be achieved

Wormholes would allow a spacecraft to move non-linearly through space,

effectively achieving faster-than-light travel

The general opinion within NASA and the New Energy community is that wormholes are “more feasible than you might think”

Recently, scientists have shown that microlasers can increase the Casimir force to usable levels

And these experimental results are especially important for nanotechnology applications

So it’s interesting to think that we might be able to harness the Casimir Effect to do things

across galaxies, as well as at the smallest levels of physical activity

Thinking about wormholes & space travel is a good way to get in to our sixth physics theory which is assisting the development of New Energy technologies, because this is a technology which can be used to build advanced spacecraft

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