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New Energy NewsVOLUME 10, NUMBER 10 ISSN 1075-0045October 2003 Part 1 of 3

Editor: Patrick BaileyWeb Page: and

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TABLE OF CONTENTSArticles 1Letters and Emails 14Book Reviews 74Meetings 78Other News 78Advertisements 78



ARTICLES *******************************************************

More Secrecy and ControlBy Patrick Bailey, President, INE

It appears that fear is winning the war against reason and integrity. Please read the articles in this NEN with a thought as to why some of the referenced scientific information is being suppressed, where are the news stories that you really want to see, and why are there the stories in the news and on CNN that are there? Put the puzzle together for yourself. The INE and the NEN do not wish to make political statements, except to say that it appears that “open scientific advancement” died around 1950.

I used to think that the US TV news was the worst possible. I no longer think that, after having just spent 3 weeks in the UK on vacation. At least here, we have a chance to see what is wrong and to make positive changes. You cannot do that is some other countries. Let’s make a difference while we still can!


Demonstrate Why Cold Fusion Is ImpossibleReported by Patrick Bailey

I just watched an episode of “The Outer Limits” - yesterday on TV. It was about a disgruntled and abused physics PhD student who invents a cold fusion device, which he makes into three bombs – one to blow up the campus bell tower to get attention, another in the mega-ton range to blow up for demo purposes to show the police and scientists that he means business, and the third to blow up the university and the local city, unless the police kill the seven people on his list first - that he thinks that have wronged him in the past. He states in the episode that the cold fusion bomb concepts are so simple, and can be built with so easily obtainable items, that even a child can make one – and that more people will, soon! Yawn - a pretty dull show.

The was one thing, HOWEVER, that was VERY SIGNIFICANT. When the government negotiator (also a scientist) gets into the room to privately talk to with this cold fusion bomb scientist, the negotiator tries to make a deal to save his life – and the lives of all of the hostages. He says something like: “We can make a deal. We can steer future education around these concepts. We can keep it secret! We can put the genie back into the bottle!” I thought that these pandering concepts appeared to be very familiar to me… The episode ends with the bomb’s firing trigger being destroyed by a police laser, and the bomb scientist getting shot in the heart by the police. Yawn… Then at the end, at a different location, a new and younger student is taking a science exam in a large room with lots of students, with the test question being the same as the title of this article in bold above, and that new student is scribbling away his own notes, gets big eyes, stands up, barks angrily at the instructor there (who looks a lot like Einstein – a nice bit, that), and stomps out with dignity – threatening to “See Him Soon!”. I wonder if this Outer Limits episode will have a part II? Eugene?…


Coming Out Into The Open – Email Addresses For AllBy Patrick Bailey, President, INE

My policy in the past has been to delete the email addresses of anyone in the emails TO and CC blocks that we publish within the INE and in the NEN. I now feel that it is now time to not delete these email addresses - and to let readers see “who is who”, and how to contact them if they wish. My intention in the past was to


protect such other persons from getting any email that they did not want. Well, I am getting about 50 junk emails for every one email that is use to me now – and I would guess that anyone that is sending me email is also on several junk email lists. Also, I am fairly certain that my emails and telephones are now and have been for years all tapped – so it is time to share all of this information with everyone. [Hi guys!]

It is time for serious networking!!! So if you want to not have your email address listed here in future NENs, say so in your email to NEN, and also send any copies to others via BCCs.

I have been also noticing that regardless of what information the INE and the NEN have been distributing over the years, that not much is really changing in the outside world. I can think of only one reason for this: a complete lack of responsibility on your part! It seems that the world has been shoved into a fantasy world of entertainment – in the news, in the papers, in the movies, and in the scientific fields. Well, “I am mad as hell, and I am not going to take it anymore!” I trust that some of you will WAKE UP and make a POSITIVE DIFFERENCE in your world. You now have the email addresses to do so... So, do it!


John Miranda's Excellent Report on ICCF10 for NENFrom: "Hal Fox" <>Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:26:22 -0600

Dear Pat,Included are Miranda's reports on ICCF10 which you may want to extract from for the next NEN.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------Subject: Fw: [nhnenews] Deep Under the Sea, Boiling Founts of Life ItselfFrom:


I believe the info in the article below is related to my friend's theory about the randomness of CF success, i.e. if the so-called "super pure" water and/or electrode is somehow "contaminated" with these little microbial critters that can withstand temperatures far above 100 degrees C.

It's interesting to note that in one of the paragraphs, the number of archaea declined while the number of extremely-high-heat bacteria increased over a 3-year study off the coast of Oregon. They're different, at least according to this article.

Pour all the ingredients into your Flieschmann / Pons crock pot. Let 'em cook for a few weeks, and bingo, they crack the lattice of the palladium, you get "cold fusion". Or, for the faster method, use glow discharge.

While I realize this is "out of the box" and "exceptionally far-fetched", it at least provides the option for a probably previously unconsidered factor in the randomness of activity, especially in the electrolysis model.

Once again, his name is (Dr.) Christopher Masters in the U.S.Tel. = 510 657-4600 (option 1, then 416)

---------- Forwarded Message ----------NHNE News ListCurrent Members: 917


---Thanks to Joseph Dillard. ---DEEP UNDER THE SEA, BOILING FOUNTS OF LIFE ITSELFBy William J. BroadNew York TimesSeptember 9, 2003

What started as a hunch is now illuminating the origins of life. A few years back, Dr. Derek R. Lovley and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts found that a few kinds of bacteria used iron as a means of respiration (just as humans use oxygen to burn food) and that a surprising but common byproduct of this form of microbial breathing was magnetite, a hard black magnetic mineral.

The scientists wondered if hidden swarms of microbes might account for the vast deposits of magnetite that dot the earth and sea.

So they turned to one of the strangest, most ancient of environments ‹ the deep sea's volcanic gashes, where mineral-rich waters hot enough to melt lead gush forth to nourish riots of life ranging from microbes to eight-foot-long tube worms. From the deep Pacific and other sites, the scientists obtained many samples of hot fluids.

To their surprise, they found that all the heat-loving microbes, known as hyperthermophiles, could breathe iron and make magnetite. Not only that, but one type broke the high-temperature record, thriving at an astonishing 250 degrees ‹ far above the boiling temperatures usually associated with sterilization. The alien organism was judged to be among the most primitive forms of life ever discovered.

"It was a crapshoot," Dr. Lovley said of the hunt. "The surprising thing was that all the hyperthermophiles turned out to use iron."

That discovery, he and other scientists say, suggests that all life on earth may have originated from a microbe that breathed iron ‹ potentially a key insight to learning about the chemical pathways that eons ago led to the dawn of biologic evolution.

In the quarter century since the discovery of the hydrothermal ("hot water") vents, scientists have found a world's worth of life: hundreds of unfamiliar species, new genera, new families and whole new orders. Together, they constitute major gains in measures of global biologic diversity, and they have gained a name: the dark biosphere.

Today in Los Angeles, filmmakers, drawing on waves of such excitement, are releasing a big-screen movie that celebrates the vents.

"It has been a passion for a number of us," said Dr. Richard A. Lutz, a Rutgers biologist who aided the film and the original discovery. "We've been enamored by the vents ever since."

The ocean floor was once thought to be a wasteland that possessed no light, no heat, no plants and very little life, if any.


That image shattered in 1977, when oceanographers working deep in the Pacific found bizarre ecosystems lush with clams, mussels and long tube worms.

When brought to the surface, the creatures smelled of rotten eggs, a sign of sulfur. It turned out that the ecosystem's main energy source was sulfur compounds emitted by the hot vents, in particular hydrogen sulfide. The primary producers (like plants on land) were tiny microbes thriving on volcanic heats and chemical energies rising from the earth's interior. The dark ecosystems forced scientists to conclude that not all life on earth depends on the sun's energy or on photosynthesis.

As similar communities were found in the deep, intrigued scientists theorized that the vents were perhaps windows on a deep microbial world, a hidden biosphere extending for miles into the earth's crust, with a total mass rivaling or exceeding that of all surface life. Even stranger, they suggested that life on earth might have begun in such realms, nurtured by a steady diet of hot chemicals.

Since those frenetic early days, ocean scientists have found not only scores of such deep oases but strong evidence that they do in fact represent the tip of a very old, very large ecosystem. Recent papers report censuses of the tribe's most fundamental members ‹ microbes.

"We find bugs pretty much everywhere we look," said Dr. John A. Baross, a biologist at the University of Washington who studies hyperthermophiles and used a deep-sea robot to retrieve the water sample containing superhot organism.

Much of the exploration focuses on the West Coast ‹ offshore from California to Canada ‹ because a long volcanic gash fairly close to shore makes scientific visits there relatively easy. The National Science Foundation has financed much of the work, along with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Five years ago, in a first, scientists off Vancouver Island raised from the depths parts of four rocky vent chimneys, two dead and two live ones spewing hot smoke rich in chemicals and microbes. Dark and rough, they were up to seven feet tall and weighed up to two tons, the hot ones teeming with worms, sea spiders and limpets.

In the June issue of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, the scientists, including Dr. Baross as well as Matthew O. Schrenk, Dr. Deborah S. Kelley and Dr. John R. Delaney, all of the University of Washington, reported the dissection of a chimney that had been venting fluids of 575 degrees. Despite the temperature, it was riddled with signs of life.

"Direct microscopic observation indicated that micro-organisms were attached to mineral surfaces throughout the structure," they wrote, adding that the discovery suggested that further research would expand "the known upper temperature limits of life."

A different census focused on a volcanic gash off Oregon that erupted in 1998, 1999 and 2000, the outbursts monitored by undersea microphones. Each time, the scientists took samples more than a mile down. Such eruptions are windfalls for biologists since not only molten rock but large volumes of hot, microbe-rich water spew forth. The huge clouds of life ‹ thought to originate deep within the cracks, fissures and pores of the rocky seabed ‹ allow experts to glimpse a normally invisible world.

Julie A. Huber, Dr. David A. Butterfield and Dr. Baross, all of the University of Washington, reported their census of microbes up to third of a mile down in the April issue of Microbiology Ecology, published by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies.


They said that even at the greatest depths, under crushing pressures, the rocky seabed was composed of about 30 percent open pores, giving it plenty of living space for diminutive organisms.

The scientists zeroed in on the raw genetic material of the collected microbes, thus finding more than methods of culturing them with special foods could ever discern. (The science of what hyperthermophiles like to eat and breathe is still young.)

To the scientists' surprise, they found a huge diversity of organisms whose composition swung wildly over time. The 1998 eruption produced 35 species of bacteria, compared with 37 and 57 from 1999 and 2000.

But the numbers of archaea ‹ ancient organisms often found in hot places like those thought to exist on the ancient earth ‹ went in the opposite direction, declining from 63 to 60 to 52, according to paper by the same authors in the April 2002 issue of Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

The reason behind the swings is still murky. "We're straining to understand better how these systems work," Dr. Baross said in an interview. "It's a very complicated puzzle. Until a couple of years ago, we had no pieces. Now, to some extent, we're starting to put the puzzle together."

Three years ago, scientists told of finding fossil microbes that lived near vents formed 3.2 billion years ago, confirming that hyperthermophiles were among earth's earliest inhabitants. That discovery has quickened the search for descendants of primordial vent life.

Biologists say the recent discovery of the extremely high-temperature, iron-breathing organism by the University of Massachusetts scientists, who included Dr. Kazem Kashefi, suggests that the dark biosphere runs deeper and hotter than previously documented. And sulfur, they add, may turn out to play a smaller role than previously believed. The iron finding is reported in the Aug. 15 issue of Science.

Dr. Lovley and Dr. Kashefi are betting that the common metal (the earth's most abundant element) will prove important. Its transformations, they wrote, "may have been the first form of microbial respiration as life evolved on a hot, early earth." ---Published by NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)eMail: nhne@nhne.comNHNE Website: (928) 282-6120Fax: (815) 346-1492P.O. Box 2242Sedona, AZ 86339 ---2nd mirandaDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:43:21 -0400Subject: Re: Cold Fusion/New Energy Information for Howard Dean (and others)From: John M Miranda <>


Feedback on what you sent out today to "Serena Muse":

1) "I also append the text of the Begley article, which is NOT on the WSJ web site."


The Sharon Begley article is on the WSJ Online site under At Liesure/At Leisure Columns (you need a subscription to Online WSJ, which I assume you have):,,2_0059,00.html?mod=2%5F0059

2) "Only two MIT professors attended ‹ Prof. Hagelstein and ex-Prof. Keith Johnson,"

The Registrant List shows a KP Sinha with an MIT address. I believe he was the Indian gentleman, with a scraggly "comb-over", who frequently wore a blue suit.

3) "Sharon Begley's "Science Journal" column in today's Wall Street Journal (Friday, Sept 5, 2003, p.B1) is a commentary, not a news account," I happened to attend a WSJ event tonight at the Harvard Club in NYC, "An Inside Look at The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page & Opinion". When you finally find Sharon's article, it APPEARS to be part of the Editorial section, not news. However, when I stood up at the Q & A section at tonight's event and brought up Sharon's name I was politely informed (in front of at least 100+ people) by Paul Gigot, the Department Head of the WSJ Editorial Section, that Sharon Begley has nothing to do with the Editorial Dept.of the WSJ. Sharon works for the News Dept. I realize, of course, that what you wrote is probably not incorrect, but I can assure you the folks at WSJ see her article as "news".

Good luck w/Howard Dean!

I still believe honey is more effective than vinegar (towards politicians, in general - even though I happen to agree that they're all "politicians") but I applaud and support your efforts, nevertheless.


On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 21:10:42 -0700 "Eugene F. Mallove"<> writes:

Dear "Serena Muse" (At the Howard Dean campaign in NewHampshire),

Thank you for your call and for listening to my impassioned plea -- 15 years of blood and sweat were behind it. I'll try very hard to be at the Howard Dean rally in Concord, NH this Friday at 5:15 pm -- tape-recorder in hand. I am not a Dean supporter. I will be coming as Editor-in-Chief of Infinite Energy Magazine. My purpose will be to ask Dean what HE intends to do and say during the campaign about the "Heavy Watergate" scandal, given that the Clinton and TWO Bush administrations have BOTH ignored this matter of overarching importance: the deliberate neglect and attack by DoE and paradigm-paralyzed academia against the confirmed energy source known colloquially as "cold fusion." This energy source is more scientifically referred to as "low-energy nuclear reactions" (LENR), because the precise theoretical understanding of the energy source is not yet agreed on by investigators, though many good theories abound -- that is usually the situation when profound new discoveries are made.

Thank you for your efforts to brief Dr. Dean in advance of the rally. I am reasonably sure he will give an unsatisfactory response, after all he IS a politician, whose instincts are not to rock the boat on what he may perceive could be a danger to him: questioning academia, wherein much of his support may come. But here is his one best chance to show that he really is an independent spirit. (His soul mate Dennis Kucinich already failed the test by not contacting our office when he was in New Hampshire -- after his minions in California


tried to get him to take notice. New Energy Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit corporation and must be strictly non-partisan.)

Dean's response -- if I get to ask him the question -- will be widely circulated by our magazine and associated supporters.

My commentary on Sharon Begley's Wall Street Journal article (Sept. 5, 2003) follows this note. Also, please find my brief editorial about the Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion, which was held in Cambridge, MA August 24-29, 2003 near and at MIT -- which Ms. Begley attended. I also append the text of the Begley article, which is NOT on the WSJ web site.

Finally, be sure to examine my "Memorandum to the White House" -- which was prepared at the request of the Clinton Administration in early 2000 and then deliberately ignored by Clinton et al, as I told you. Its text is readily accessible on our web site In it you will read what Bill Clinton said about cold fusion in January 1992 right here in Concord, NH. He knew a lot about it, how it had been abused by DoE -- but still DID nothing! There is compendious original technical information as well posted in the specialized web site Candidate Dean will be asked whether he will do what I asked both Presidents Clinton and Bush to do in the Executive Summary of my Memorandum -- *to say that he is interested in the matter and that he WILL investigate it*. A simple yes or no answer will do. And, of course, I stand ready to brief him here in New Hampshire (or in Vermont) on this critical topic at a time of his choosing.

Good wishes,

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove(Author of "Fire from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor," John Wiley and Sons, 1991)New Energy Foundation, Inc.Infinite Energy MagazineP.O. Box 2816Concord, NH 03302-2816

Ph: 603-485-4700Fx:


Sharon Begley's "Science Journal" column in today's Wall Street Journal (Friday, Sept 5, 2003, p.B1) is a commentary, not a news account, about the Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF10), which was held in Cambridge, MA Aug 24-29, 2003. Ms. Begley attended ICCF10 for the first two days of the conference proper -- 9/25-26.

Her piece is bannered: "Cold Fusion Isn't Dead, It's Just Withering from Scientific Neglect."

Don¹t look for detailed understanding of what went on at ICCF10. It is not there, so in some sense this column, though we very much appreciate its appearance at all, in effect does for cold fusion what the columnist is lamenting! Ms. Begley writes: "What these claims need is critical scrutiny by skeptics. That is how science normally functions. But in Cold Fusion, it isn't. And that's the worst pathology of all." At


another point she writes, "But the real pathology is the breakdown of the normal channels of scientific communication, with no scientists outside the tight-knit cold fusion tribe bothering to scrutinize its claims."

Indeed it is a terrible pathology that scientific papers on cold fusion/low-energy nuclear reactions are rejected outright -- WITHOUT REVIEW -- at publications such as Science, Nature and Physical Review. But science journalists must also be faulted -- not just the obstructing scientists. Science journalists should be holding the establishment's feet to the fire -- requiring Establishment mouthpieces to provide *detailed scientific responses* -- not just bigoted blather-- to the on-going, highly successful cold fusion/LENR experiments.

What happened to the "good old days" at the Wall Street Journal when Jerry Bishop (now retired) felt it the duty of science journalism to report the FACTS -- what was reported at a particular conference and "to hell" with what the critics were saying, though these were appropriately given their space in Bishop's exemplary reporting. I hope that The Wall Street Journal wakes up -- but don't hold your breath. Bishop had told me before he retired that the Journal editors were holding him back from more extensive coverage.

Still, we are grateful that an intelligent reporter, Sharon Begley, attended some of the conference and put her finger on the central problem facing the CF/LENR field. For this, we thank her.

For those who might be surprised by the dearth of information on the conference in the Wall Street Journal coverage -- they perhaps expected a more extensive news account<- below I offer my editorial for Infinite Energy #51 (Sept.-Oct. 2003), which providing some highlights.

Dr. Eugene F. MalloveNew Energy Foundation, Inc.Infinite Energy MagazineP.O. Box 2816Concord, NH 03302-2816

Ph: 603-485-4700Fx:

---ICCF10: A Message from the Front -- Editorial, IE#51 -Sept./Oct. 2003by Dr. Eugene MalloveEditor in Chief, Infinite Energy

As we send this issue of Infinite Energy to our printing company in Manchester, New Hampshire in early September, we have just returned from the exhilarating Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF10) in Cambridge, Massachusetts ‹ very near and also at MIT. Yes, there was an historic set of excess-heat-producing cold fusion demonstrations at Prof. Peter L. Hagelstein¹s offices at MIT in the Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science! There is a staggering amount of news about cold fusion and low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR) to report from the conference ‹a lot to digest even for a veteran attendee of ICCF¹s. Time and space do not allow a lengthy report in this Infinite Energy, but it is likely that by the time you receive this issue I will have posted a special review of ICCF10 on our web site Of course, there will be a full hard-copy report in the next issue of the magazine (out in November), and readers should also consult the material being posted on Infinite


Energy¹s non-profit New Energy Foundation, Inc. plans to offer soon one or more DVD¹s that will highlight important conference lectures ‹ and possibly a set of DVD¹s covering the entire conference.

For now and to whet your appetite for more information, here are some of the high points to be taken from ICCF10:

During ICCF10, Dr. Mitchell Swartz¹s Fleischmann/Pons-type electrolytic palladium Phusor/low electrolyte conductance heavy water/platinum cell performed flawlessly in Prof. Hagelstein¹s lab at MIT. Its excess power ranged from 167% to 267% as Dr. Swartz altered the experimental conditions. This excess heat, as measured by his precision calorimeter, persisted from Sunday August 24 to August 30, longer than ICCF10 itself. The excess heat was interrupted on the last day only to bring the equipment back to Wellesley, MA‹ otherwise it would have continued much longer. €Prof. John Dash of the physics department at Portland State University in Oregon and his summer high school student interns also put on historic demonstrations of excess heat at Prof. Hagelstein¹s lab. They used simple but effective calorimetric apparatus, which allowed observers to check the level of excess heat for themselves. This proves that even high-school students can be more effective on the frontiers of science than the US Department of Energy and the 1,000-plus MIT professors who did not attend ICCF10. Only two MIT professors attended ‹ Prof. Hagelstein and ex-Prof. Keith Johnson, both of whom have been involved in the field since its early days. (This, despite the 150 to 200 ICCF10 posters that I had earlier placed around MIT and a prominent ad in the Boston Globe which Prof. Hagelstein paid for from his personal funds.) Only a few MIT students showed up ‹outnumbered by the high-school students in Prof. Dash¹s group from Portland State University in Oregon. (It should be noted that both the Boston Globeand the Boston Herald chose to boycott the conference, despite having been repeatedly alerted about its significance.)

What is now being called the Letts-Cravens Effect‹ excess heat stimulated by laser light irradiation of cold fusion electrolytic cell cathodes‹has now been independently observed by three outside groups: Dr. Michael McKubre of SRI International, Dr. Edmund Storms in New Mexico, and Dr. Mitchell Swartz in Wellesley, Massachusetts. This phenomenon, you may recall, was the subject of the ³Fire from Water² cover story in the last issue of IE. Low-level laser light power is input and a huge excess power excess emerges, for example: 30 milliwatts input, 1 watt output (a 30-fold multiplication of input power). This is evidently a highly repeatable effect‹one that has the potential of breaking though into numerous other labs around the world.

Dr. James Patterson and his colleagues from Sarasota, Florida revealed a stunningly simple, robust and ingenious gas-phase cold fusion reactor that has produced excess heat for months on end. Full details will be provided to the public in the near term; he is not seeking patent protection at this point.

Helium-4 correlated with excess heat has been observed now in a solid-state LENR device by a laboratory effort sponsored by the Italian government.

The astonishing nuclear transmutation experiment carried out by the Iwamura group at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Advanced Technology Division, which was reported in Infinite Energy (No.47, pp.14-18) and later published in the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics has now been reproduced by the A. Takahashi group at Osaka University. In this experiment, deuterium (heavy hydrogen) gas is made to flow through a palladium membrane onto which another element, such as cesium or strontium, has been deposited. With no energy input (other than the pressure of the gas) the deposited element transmutes to another element. For example, cesium declines and the rare earth element praesodymium appears and grows. Or, strontium declines and molybdenum grows. The term ³grow² is appropriate, since to make the new elements, it is necessary for the starting nuclei to ³absorb² four deuterium nuclei! Obviously, this flies completely in the


face of every cannon of basic chemistry, but the evidence for the result is now overwhelming. It is nothing short of modern alchemy.

Finally, we are delighted to report that a company in Israel, Energetics Technologies Limited, which began its multi-million dollar cold fusion effort only two years ago, has already achieved excess heat in a variety of processes. Funded by investors in the United States, the fifteen-member staff of Energetics Technologies Limited is aiming directly at the commercialization of the technology. The leader of the effort Dr. Arik El-Boher made a stunning presentation at ICCF10, which caused many jaws to drop.

[As the US press continues to stop all over any promoters of “cold fusion”, I wonder why this particular company is getting so much funding?… Any ideas? Ed.]

There is much more, but I need to end these highlights. Though the ³cold fusion war² has not yet been won‹ and it could still be lost, the field seems to have picked itself up with the remarkable turning point of ICCF10. ICCF11 will be in Marseilles, France in October 2004.

---Text of the Begley article from the Wall Street Journal (Sept. 5, 2003, page B1)

Cold Fusion Isn't Dead, It's Just Withering from Scientific Neglect by Sharon Begley

"Well, were here, " said physicist Peter Hagelstein to the 150 scientists at the 10th International Conference on Cold Fusion in Cambridge, Mass., last week. "Many people in the scientific community feel we should be shot."

That, actually would be a big step up for the beleaguered community of cold fusioneers.

It has been 14 years since two little-known electrochemists announced, at the infamous news conference on March 23, 1989, what sounded like the biggest physics breakthrough since Enrico Fermi produced a nuclear chain reaction on a squash court in Chicago. Using a tabletop setup, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, of the University of Utah, said they had induced deuterium nuclei to fuse inside metal electrodes, producing measurable quantities of heat. (Deuterium, aka heavy hydrogen, has one proton and one neutron in its nucleus.)

Although nuclear fusion is supposed to be impossible at temperatures much below those in the sun or a hydrogen bomb, the Utah duo said they had managed the feat at room temperature.

That was the opening bell for one of the craziest periods in science. Cold fusion, if real, promised to solve the world's energy problems forever. (There is enough deuterium in sea water to provide electricity for millennia). Scientists around the world dropped what they were doing to try to replicate the astounding claim.

Some did, most didn't. When a US Department of Energy investigation concluded in November 1989 that cold fusion was a mirage born of bungled measurements and wishful thinking, the field become a pariah. Yet the cold fusioneers persist. In paper after paper last week, scientists reported that when a metal, usually palladium, absorbs huge amounts of deuterium into its atomic lattice, the result is more heat than plain old electrochemistry can explain, as well as particles thought to be by-products of nuclear fusion.

Some of the most extensive work has been at the Naval REsearch Laboratory, whose scientists found both excess heat and a telltale sign of fusion, particles of helium-4, in dozens of experiments. And Michael


McKubre of SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., is still, after hundreds of thousands of experiment-hours and $4 million, getting more heat from his cold-fusion cells than can be explained conventionally.

Some of the most intriguing research is by physicist Steven Jones of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. Several years before Prof. Pons and Prof. Fleischmann, he reported low-temperature nuclear fusion, but virtually no excess heat. That made his cold fusion a big fizzle as an energy source, but much more acceptable to science.

":The question I get more than any other is 'Are you still doing this?," says Prof. Jones. "The answer is yes, and what we are seeing is very difficult to explain outside of cold fusion. The repeatability of these experiments now approaches 80%." Although he still detects no excess heat, the telltale signs of nuclear fusion "make us conclude that we are seeing new physics."

Although the persistence of the cold fusioneers makes skeptics shake their heads, proponents see it differently. "If there were no effects and it were just experimental error," says Prof. Hagelstein, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "we should have figured out that by now I don't think there is any doubt about the existence of nuclear anomalies. Excess heat might be real, too."

Right about here, I would cite physicists explaining why Prof. Hagelstein is wrong. But I can't. Almost no scientist outside the ostracized community listens to its claims anymore, much less critiques them.. It has been years since a major physics journal published a paper on cold fusion. Prof. Hagelstein invited Some of the original critics to last week's meeting; none showed.

Cold fusion today is a prime example of pathological science, but not because its adherents are delusional. Yes, it's disconcerting that many of the experiments inexplicably and unpredictably stop (and start) producing heat. But the real pathology is the breakdown of the normal channels of scientific communication, with no scientists outside the tight-knit cold-fusion tribe bothering to scrutinize its claims. "If you 'know' that cold fusion is impossible, then you don't have to pay attention to these results," says Prof. Hagelstein, an award-winning DOE physicist before being ostracized for his work in the theory of cold fusion. "The initial criticism was that people needed to do the [heat measurements] right, but now that some groups have spent millions of dollars doing just that, the critics still won't read the papers." I, for one, would love to hear smart physicists explain why the excess heat from the deuterium-filled palladium reflects not nuclear fusion bu t the release of mechanical energy - sort of like letting go of a stretched spring. I'd love to see a smart critique of a 2002 paper by Japanese scientists, published in a Japanese physics journal that few American scientists see, describing (shades of medieval alchemists) the transmutation of elements through cold fusion.

What these claims need is critical scrutiny by skeptics. That's how science normally functions. But in cold fusion, it isn't. And that's the worst pathology of all.

(You can e-mail Sharon at

Copyright The Wall Street Journal

---3rd MirandaDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 00:43:10 -0400Subject: WSJ Editorial Page & Cold FusionFrom: John M Miranda <>


Dear WSJ Editorial Page Managers,

This evening's event, "An Inside Look at the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page & Opinion" was what I believe you wanted it to be, a very enjoyable interaction both formal and personal with you all. You gave the audience insights we probably would never otherwise obtain.

Thank you.

Frankly, my original intention for attending was to better understand what appears to me to be the incomprehensible: how political conservatives can possibly think, speak and act as they do, and still look themselves in the mirror every morning. I guess my vision of what you all have is something I call "Republicanus Myopia Majora", although I believe Wilhelm Reich called it "The Emotional Plague". Since I nearly get sick whenever I read what you write, this evening's event seemed like a most opportune time to see what despicable aspect of my own psyche I am projecting on to you. Indeed, conservatives CAN have a sense of humor. Nothing like spending time in the lion's lair.

On that note, I wish to follow up on Paul Gigot's final comments about what gets "discussed" in your editorial column. I propose you reopen the discussion on "cold fusion" for one very practical reason, if nothing else: increased readership. Your News Department scooped you on "The Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion". Sharon Begley clearly stated:

"In paper after paper last week, scientists reported that when a metal, usually palladium, absorbs huge amounts of deuterium into its atomic lattice, the result is more heat than plain old electrochemistry can explain, as well as particles thought to be by-products of nuclear fusion.

Some of the most extensive work has been at the Naval Research Laboratory, whose scientists found both excess heat and a telltale sign of fusion, particles of helium-4, in dozens of experiments. And Michael McKubre of SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., is still, after hundreds of thousands of experiment-hours and $4 million, getting more heat from his cold-fusion cells than can be explained conventionally." In one sense, perhaps it's a good thing that cold fusion scientists have been shunned by mainstream science and mainstream press. They've had 14 years to transcend the hysteria of 1989 and do some serious work. Corporations like Toyota, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, SAIC and Varitronics were at the conference. Members of academic institutions such as the Russian Academy of Science, 1 Chinese, 8 Japanese, 2 Italian, 1 French and 8 American universities were also in attendance, along with scientists from Los Alamos, Sandia Laboratories, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School.

While conservative Republicans appear to be able to twist just about anything, do you think this much effort to send this many people to a conference devoted to something most people believe is no more than "voodoo science" (or at best "bad science") can be justified without any merit to the scientific endeavor? How long will the ignore-ance of mainstream press and academia continue? More importantly, if "Business is War", may I suggest that the Chinese, Japanese and Isrealis mean business when it comes to cold fusion.

I suppose we can thank our own intellectual vanity and buffoonery for the nonsense in 1989 that set the U.S. research back at least 10 years. While some might say the intent was more sinister than that, i.e. the "military-industrial establishment", that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about as he left office, was simply protecting their "right" to continue the implementation of a plan for global domination under the misnomer of "Free Enterprise" by controlling the world's energy supplies, I say let's give the benefit of the doubt to plain-old stupidity and arrogance, and leave it at that.


Why pursue the understanding of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs), p.k.a "cold fusion"? Here's what Sharon Begley had to say about it, "Cold fusion, if real, promised to solve the world's energy problems forever." It still does. There are enormous implications to that statement, as we all know. If nothing else it would alter the need for our current (snake) oil-based politics in the Middle East. And, if the current regime in Washington continues its current path of apparently attempting to fulfill certain Biblical prophecies by setting up for a nuclear exchange in Iraq between the so-called Christian United States and Muslims, we're going to need some alternative energy source after the oil fields have been rendered useless due to high radiation levels of whatever is left in the smoldering heap.

Somehow, I believe by that time, Humanity will have had it's fill of the religiously-driven march to Armageddon. In the meantime, while I'm all for hybrid automobiles, windmills and hydropower, I contend that the optimal primary power source for seven generations of Earthlings from today is "cold fusion" or whatever we determine the root cause of LENR's to be.

John M. Miranda

---My ReplyDate: 11 September 2003From: Hal Fox <>To: jmmiranda@juno.comSubj: Excellent reports on ICCF10

Dear John Miranda,

Thanks for sending us your reports on the ICCF10. You are an excellent writer. We will be using some of your material in the forthcoming issue of the monthly, emailed, New Energy News.

I'm sorry that I was not able to make the meeting. I had a good paper on some advanced electrochemical processes that we are using to transmute radioactive elements into stable elements.

Best personal regards, Hal Fox, Ed. J. New Energy

*******************************************************LETTERS AND EMAILS *******************************************************

Subject: Patents Expired on the Efficient Nelson EngineFrom: "Advocate" <>Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 03:55:11 -0400


The Patent for the "Regenerative Combustion Cycle Piston Engine" (the Nelson Engine) was issued March 16, 1971 to Daniel E. Nelson.






Potential advantages of the Nelson Engine (the description follows):

1. Two to Four Times the MPG of Conventional and Diesel Engines.

2. Exhaust emissions of only Carbon Dioxide and Water. No Nitrous Oxides or Carbon Monoxide.

3. Less fuel burned means less Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere.

4. One-twentieth of the cost of gasoline engines and one-fiftieth the cost of diesel engines for production.

5. Over one million road miles or more than fifty years of average car or truck use without major engine repair.

6. Over one-hundred thousand road miles with one quart of oil for an average car or truck.

The Air Flow Schematic, showing how the engine operates is on

The Nelson Engine has been substantiated technically and patented. Two working models have been made.

The Patent for the "Regenerative Combustion Cycle Piston Engine" (the Nelson Engine) was issued March 16, 1971 to Daniel E. Nelson. The Patent for the "Double Roller Cam Drives" (the way the reciprocal motion is converted to rotary motion) was issued on Nov. 04, 1975 to Daniel E. Nelson. Unfortunately, Dr. Nelson was unable to develop this through his own efforts and his current whereabouts are unknown.

Many of us hope that he is still alive and can be found! He had many more ideas, also patentable, to help increase efficiency, drill deeper, fly cheaper, travel to outer space, farm better and on and on!

Someone will be excited enough to read through this email and believe there are major changes possible for Planet Earth. I hope that someone is you!

If you do have even a small idea of the vast changes possible for our ecology and health, due to lessened pollutants in our air, please forward this to someone you know who might be able to either develop this or might know someone else who can.

Maybe a manufacturing or transportation company, maybe a university. How about a magazine or professional journal? Who do you know?

Maybe an aircraft company who would realize that a Helicopter with this engine WOULD NEED NO TRANSMISSION! The current transmission weighs five or six times what the engine weighs! Someone will be able to literally fly non-stop around the world in a helicopter!



The Nelson Engine has one hollow, double-headed piston on a hollow power shaft in a short power cylinder with a head at each end of the power cylinder. The hollow power shaft is extended in sliding contact through both heads of the power cylinder. There are exhaust outlets around the middle of the power cylinder.

[To help picture this, imagine a donut on the cardboard roll from paper towels going up and down inside a Quaker Oats box. Or, open the attachment.]

Each chamber, at both ends of the cylinder, receives fuel and air, compression, and then a spark to create combustion during the back-and-forth strokes of the power cylinder. It is as if each side of the cylinder is acting like a "two-stroke engine". Since they alternate, one is firing while the other side is compressing, they form a "one-stroke engine".

A similar cylinder-piston combination is attached to one external end of the power shaft. This piston compresses fresh air and forces it through the hollow power shaft and piston. The air is then routed out of the power shaft, around the outside of the power cylinder, and, finally, the compressed heated air is forced into the power chamber near one cylinder head and pushes exhaust gases out exhaust ports near the center of the total cylinder.

The intake air starts at "room" temperature and density, then is partially compressed and heated from the combustion parts of the engine. Heating that intake air is what cools the engine's piston and cylinder.

Every stroke is a power/compression stroke in the Nelson Engine. There is combustion in one firing chamber while there is final compression in the other chamber and first-stage compression in the compressor cylinder. It is a one-stroke combustion cycle engine.

Compression Workload is transferred directly from one side of the piston to the other side and through the power shaft for first-stage compression. In conventional engines, however, the workload of compression is transferred from piston to piston-rod, then through the engine's driveshaft, with efficiency losses averaging 75 percent.

Heat is recycled from the working parts of the engine. The recycled heat is used primarily to provide effective combustion heat without having to use over one-half of the total flame heat of fuel to achieve effective combustion heat during each stroke. This is a unique, double-regenerative combustion cycle. It is know as the "Nelson Cycle".

The Nelson Cycle of double regeneration eliminates the need for waste-heat cooling. There are no additional cooling requirements for either (1) cooling cylinder walls to compensate for friction heat from pistons or (2) cooling the pistons themselves. Consequently, the engine can operate with higher material temperatures; which are then utilized to transfer heat for regenerative use.


There are 16 of these high-pressure combustion strokes for each revolution of the engine's drive shaft, thanks to the Double Roller Cam Drive.

This is as many power strokes per revolution as for a conventional 32-cylinder four-stroke engine. Most combustion pressure is directed against the piston head rather than wasted against cylinder walls. This is a result of short strokes of one-third of piston diameter in the Nelson Engine. For instance, a piston six inches


in diameter would move only two inches, each direction. Torque leverage is over three times that of crankshaft engines per piston surface area and endures throughout entire strokes.

A 500-brake-horsepower Nelson Engine can weigh less than 100 pounds. This contrasts with 2,500 pounds for a gasoline engine and 5,000 pounds for a diesel engine with equal engine torque. Manufacturing costs are proportionately lower per total horsepower, thanks to the lower weight.

There are two different methods of estimating the thermal efficiency of the Nelson Engine. One method is to divide net heat used by total heat generated, while the other is calculated by adding the total wastes saved and adding them to the average conventional engine efficiency. That conventional-engine efficiency is assumed at 25 percent to represent engine efficiency between that of a diesel engine and a gasoline engine.

The two methods of efficiency calculation give very similar results, close enough to project net thermal efficiency of the Nelson Engine at approximately 75 percent.


There are two types of harmful emissions formed in conventional engines. 1. Combustion temperature above 3,200 degrees Farenheit forms compounds of nitrogen and oxygen known as Nitrous Oxides or "NOX". 2. Temperatures below 1,200 degrees F cause fuel to be only partially-burned, making Carbon Monoxide. Conventional crankshaft or Wankel Engines have a peak heat over 4,500 degrees F and as low as 500 degrees next to the water or air cooled cylinder walls.

Nelson Engine exhaust contains only Carbon Dioxide and Water, because the peak heat of combustion is below 3,200 degrees F and above 1,200 degrees F.

Exhaust emissions of the Nelson Engine can be beneficial to life. Nitrogen in the air can mix with the exhaust water in freely-useable forms at these combustion temperatures. This aids the nitrogen cycle in the production of food by plants.

The steam exhaust of the Nelson Engine can be used directly as fertilizer when collected and condensed into water. It can be discharged also into the atmosphere for use by plant life directly and indirectly by animal life that may consume or otherwise benefit from the plant life.


Many wonderful outcomes are possible from development of the Nelson Engine, yet it is important to realize that nothing will come immediately! There have been two working models made, but total operation time has been less than one hour Many months, if not years, will be necessary to develop not only the Engine, but the methods necessary to utilize the power available.

Those who developed the Wankel engine needed time to rearrange the automobiles to use them. There are probably some simple applications to be utilized fairly quickly, but if someone has just purchased a new car, it will probably be five or more years before a replacement engine would even be available.

Some people will be financially hurt by this, just as the wagon makers and horse breeders were hurt by the combustion engine. Oil companies and automobile manufacturers will each be confronted with change. Some will take advantage of the opportunities, while some will say "What happened?"


Automobiles will be lighter, so fewer natural resources will be needed to build them and roads will be able to hold up longer, but more people will be able to afford to drive, so roads might be more crowded. Farming will be less expensive, as will transporting the food to your stores, but if prices drop for everything (except postal rates, they always go up, grin) then serious deflation could mean that farmers with big mortgages might be foreclosed.

Simply be aware that there is only one constant in life, that tomorrow will bring three things: Change, Challenge, and Opportunity! How each of us reacts to these variables decides our future.

Thank you for your time!


Subject: Inventors' ShowFrom: aq093 <>To: "Dr. Brian O'Leary" <>, "Dr. Andrew Michrowski" <>, "Dr. Harold Aspden" <>, John Bedini <>, John Hutchison <>, Jeff Rense Program <>, Lou Gentile Show <>, "Dr. Patrick Bailey - President - Institute for New Energy," <>, "Dr. Hal Fox" <>, Hal Plotkin <>, Wade Frazier <>, "Infinite Energy - Dr. Mallove" <>, Jean-Louis Naudin <>, SeasPower <>, "Sterling D. Allan" <>, ZPEnergy <>, Science Friday <>, Laura Lee <>, George Noory <>, International Association for New Science <>, "Inventors Association (Ottawa)" <>Cc: Science Friday <>,"Inventors Resource Co-operative Inc." <>Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 19:26:41 -0400

Hello, everyone:

In case you're interested, I saw this notice on Bruce Perreault's web-site,

Come and see Free Energy Progress with Real working Hardware!

3rd Annual Inventor's WeekendDoubletree HotelSeattle, Washington StateSeptember 19th - 20th, 2003


Hal AdeNew Energy Enthusiast(613)225-1626.


Subject: Water2fire /H2 At Will By Electrolysisfor Combustion


From: Louis Joannette <>Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 11:55:59 -0400

There is a website that has a new hydrogen generator at will by electrolysis in the combustion sector.

For the metal industry, heating, hot water, steam, boilers semiconductor, etc…


Best regards.

Louis JoannetteEnvirotech-System5 Coolbreeze AvePointe-Claire, QuebecCanadaH9S-5G3514-694-7162


Subject: New Glass Super Paramagnet!!!From: RemyC <>To: ETList <>Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 12:16:03 -0400


August 27, 2003

CLEAR & PRESENT SUPERPARAMAGNETNew approach traps nanoparticle magnets in transparent porous glass


Albert E. Stiegman has a knack for designing useful materials in the guise of pretty colored glasses. Over the years, the Florida State University chemistry professor has fabricated porous silica gels that fluoresce on their own, or that turn vibrant oranges, yellows, and greens when they're exposed to pollutants.

His latest find may be the most provocative yet: a beautiful purple glass impregnated with nanoscale-sized magnets. Not only is the bulk material transparent and superparamagnetic--that is, each nanoparticle behaves like a single independent magnetic domain--but its magnetic properties can be tuned by doping it with ammonia and exposing it to light [Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 115, 2847 (2003)].

It's a powerful collection of properties that has a number of researchers interested in the material's potential use in devices such as magnetic switches.


The nanoparticles are made of cobalt-iron analogs of the complex Prussian blue: Co3[Fe(CN)6]2. Scientists have focused intensely on this class of compounds, as they make promising molecular magnets. Unlike their metal and metal oxide counterparts, molecular magnets can be designed with precisely tailored properties.

COLORFUL Dalal (from left), Moore, Stiegman, and grad student Chris Ramsey examine a piece of their photomagnetic material.

Several years ago, Kazuhito Hashimoto, chemistry professor at the University of Tokyo, increased interest in the Prussian blue compounds when he demonstrated that cobalt-iron analogs dramatically increase their magnetic moments when they're exposed to light. Heating the material or exposing it to higher energy light erases the effect.

Although many of these complexes lose their magnetic properties at room temperature, in recent years researchers have created some Prussian blue-based magnets that survive above 100 °C. However, the complexes in the new work still require temperatures of about -259 °C to perform.

So far, most Prussian blue materials have taken the form of bulk solids or thin films. In one exception, the group of chemistry professor Stephen Mann at the University of Bristol, in England, created 12- to 20-nm particles of the same Prussian blue analogs Stiegman used, in water-in-oil microemulsions [Nano Lett., 2, 225 (2002)].

TRAPPED Nanoparticles of Prussian blue analogs sequestered in porous glass produce a material both superparamagnetic and tunable.

Stiegman and his colleagues, including graduate student Joshua G. Moore, FSU chemistry professor Naresh S. Dalal, and researcher Eric J. Lochner at FSU's Center for Materials & Research Technology, merely intended to create a material with photo-optical properties when they added Prussian blue analogs to the sol-gel.

They expected the complexes to precipitate readily into macroscopic clusters as the gel hardened. But to their surprise, under extremely dilute conditions, they were able to trap 8- to 10-nm particles.

"It was a race between whether the gel would gel first or the Prussian blue would fall out," Stiegman says. "We hit a sweet spot where we arrested the precipitation at the nanoparticle stage. I didn't believe it at first."

Shining light on the material increases its magnetization; and doping the material with ammonia changes its reaction to the light, allowing the researchers to fine-tune the photomagnetic effect.

Kim R. Dunbar, chemistry professor at Texas A&M University, who studies molecular magnetics, notes, "This is the first example of someone making a nanostructured material out of a Prussian blue [analog]."

There's a good deal of potential in a magnetic substance that can be molded, notes Geoffrey F. Strouse, inorganic chemistry professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara. "It's truly a neat application with real potential in the design and development of magnetic materials," says Strouse, who will be joining FSU's inorganic chemistry department next year. "This could give rise to some fascinating magnetic structures that can literally be cast into a device, rather than having to be formed via epitaxial-layer or thin-film methods."

Chemical & Engineering NewsCopyright © 2003 American Chemical Society



Subject: Fw: RE: Re: - Cold Fusion Isn't Dead, It's Just Withering From Scientific NeglectFrom: jmmiranda@juno.comTo:,,,,,,,, zpe1@optonline.netDate: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 14:44:38 GMT

---------- Forwarded Message ----------Thanks very much, John. Gene has told me about the MIT work and the misrepresentations and cover-ups he saw; I have not ruled it out, but from what I've learned so far it is such a quagmire of charges and countercharges I am not optimistic about sorting it all out. Still, I will indeed keep it in mind. Thanks again---

Sharon BegleyScience columnistThe Wall Street Journal200 Liberty StreetNY NY 10281-1003


-----Original Message-----Subject: Fw: Re: - Cold Fusion Isn't Dead, It's Just WitheringFrom: John M Miranda []Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2003 8:58 AMTo: sciencejournalCc:; ine@padrak.comFrom Sc ienti fic Neglect

Sharon, please see Gene's comments, below. john

--------- Forwarded message ----------Subject: Re: - Cold Fusion Isn't Dead, It's Just Withering From Sc ienti fic NeglectFrom: "Eugene F. Mallove" <>To: John M Miranda <>,Antonio Regalado <>,<>, <>Cc: <>Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 15:55:14 -0700

On 9/5/03 12:22 PM, "" <> wrote:


If any or all of you had anything to do with this heresy, I thank you and hope you don't get fired by "the powers that be" (whoever dey be).


Unfortunately, MIT falsified their data in 1989 and successfully "delayed" this research in the U.S. by a decade (see Cold Fusion: Fire From Water by Eugene Mallove, Infinite Energy Magazine - better yet give him a call.

I'm SURE he'd be more than agreeable to explain the story and why he resigned from MIT at the time).

John Miranda

-----Original Message-----

John, and your correspondents.

The MIT story is freely downloadable in PDF format from:

Section: "MIT and Cold Fusion Report"

There is a Pulitzer there for someone at a mainstream publication ready to take up the investigation, but no takers -- yet!


Dr. Eugene F. MalloveNew Energy Foundation, Inc.Infinite Energy MagazineP.O. Box 2816Concord, NH 03302-2816

Ph: 603-485-4700Fx:

(Note NEW phone/fax numbers!)


Subject: Re: Cold Fusion/New Energy Information for Howard Dean (and others)From: John M Miranda <>To: editor@infinite-energy.comCc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,scott_lombardo@hotmail.comDate: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:43:21 -0400


Feedback on what you sent out today to "Serena Muse":


1) "I also append the text of the Begley article, which is NOT on the WSJ web site."

The Sharon Begley article is on the WSJ Online site under At Liesure/At Leisure Columns (you need a subscription to Online WSJ, which I assume you have):,,2_0059,00.html?mod=2%5F0059

2) "Only two MIT professors attended ‹ Prof. Hagelstein and ex-Prof. Keith Johnson,"

The Registrant List shows a KP Sinha with an MIT address. I believe he was the Indian gentleman, with a scraggly "comb-over", who frequently wore a blue suit.

3) "Sharon Begley's "Science Journal" column in today's Wall Street Journal (Friday, Sept 5, 2003, p.B1) is a commentary, not a news account,"

I happened to attend a WSJ event tonight at the Harvard Club in NYC, "An Inside Look at The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page & Opinion". When you finally find Sharon's article, it APPEARS to be part of the Editorial section, not news. However, when I stood up at the Q & A section at tonight's event and brought up Sharon's name I was politely informed (in front of at least 100+ people) by Paul Gigot, the Department Head of the WSJ Editorial Section, that Sharon Begley has nothing to do with the Editorial Dept.of the WSJ. Sharon works for the News Dept. I realize, of course, that what you wrote is probably not incorrect, but I can assure you the folks at WSJ see her article as "news".

Good luck w/Howard Dean!

I still believe honey is more effective than vinegar (towards politicians, in general - even though I happen to agree that they're all "politicians") but I applaud and support your efforts, nevertheless.


Subject: WSJ Editorial Page & Cold FusionFrom: John M Miranda <>To:,,,,,,,,,,,george.melloan@wsj.comCc:,,,,,David&,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jlaitin@julielaitin.comDate: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 00:43:10 -0400


Dear WSJ Editorial Page Managers,

This evening's event, "An Inside Look at the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page & Opinion" was what I believe you wanted it to be, a very enjoyable interaction both formal and personal with you all. You gave the audience insights we probably would never otherwise obtain.

Thank you.

Frankly, my original intention for attending was to better understand what appears to me to be the incomprehensible: how political conservatives can possibly think, speak and act as they do, and still look themselves in the mirror every morning. I guess my vision of what you all have is something I call "Republicanus Myopia Majora", although I believe Wilhelm Reich called it "The Emotional Plague". Since I nearly get sick whenever I read what you write, this evening's event seemed like a most opportune time to see what despicable aspect of my own psyche I am projecting on to you. Indeed, conservatives CAN have a sense of humor. Nothing like spending time in the lion's lair.

On that note, I wish to follow up on Paul Gigot's final comments about what gets "discussed" in your editorial column. I propose you reopen the discussion on "cold fusion" for one very practical reason, if nothing else: increased readership. Your News Department scooped you on "The Tenth International Conference on Cold Fusion". Sharon Begley clearly stated:

"In paper after paper last week, scientists reported that when a metal, usually palladium, absorbs huge amounts of deuterium into its atomic lattice, the result is more heat than plain old electrochemistry can explain, as well as particles thought to be by-products of nuclear fusion.Some of the most extensive work has been at the Naval Research Laboratory, whose scientists found both excess heat and a telltale sign of fusion, particles of helium-4, in dozens of experiments. And Michael McKubre of SRI International, Menlo Park, Calif., is still, after hundreds of thousands of experiment-hours and $4 million, getting more heat from his cold-fusion cells than can be explained conventionally."

In one sense, perhaps it's a good thing that cold fusion scientists have been shunned by mainstream science and mainstream press. They've had 14 years to transcend the hysteria of 1989 and do some serious work. Corporations like Toyota, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, SAIC and Varitronics were at the conference. Members of academic institutions such as the Russian Academy of Science, 1 Chinese, 8 Japanese, 2 Italian, 1 French and 8 American universities were also in attendance, along with scientists from Los Alamos, Sandia Laboratories, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and the U.S. Navy Postgraduate School.

While conservative Republicans appear to be able to twist just about anything, do you think this much effort to send this many people to a conference devoted to something most people believe is no more than "voodoo science" (or at best "bad science") can be justified without any merit to the scientific endeavor? How long will the ignore-ance of mainstream press and academia continue? More importantly, if "Business is War", may I suggest that the Chinese, Japanese and Isrealis mean business when it comes to cold fusion.

I suppose we can thank our own intellectual vanity and buffoonery for the nonsense in 1989 that set the U.S. research back at least 10 years. While some might say the intent was more sinister than that, i.e. the "military-industrial establishment", that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about as he left office, was simply protecting their "right" to continue the implementation of a plan for global domination under the misnomer of "Free Enterprise" by controlling the world's energy supplies, I say let's give the benefit of the doubt to plain-old stupidity and arrogance, and leave it at that.


Why pursue the understanding of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENRs), p.k.a "cold fusion"? Here's what Sharon Begley had to say about it, "Cold fusion, if real, promised to solve the world's energy problems forever." It still does. There are enormous implications to that statement, as we all know. If nothing else it would alter the need for our current (snake) oil-based politics in the Middle East. And, if the current regime in Washington continues its current path of apparently attempting to fulfill certain Biblical prophecies by setting up for a nuclear exchange in Iraq between the so-called Christian United States and Muslims, we're going to need some alternative energy source after the oil fields have been rendered useless due to high radiation levels of whatever is left in the smoldering heap.

Somehow, I believe by that time, Humanity will have had it's fill of the religiously-driven march to Armageddon. In the meantime, while I'm all for hybrid automobiles, windmills and hydropower, I contend that the optimal primary power source for seven generations of Earthlings from today is "cold fusion" or whatever we determine the root cause of LENR's to be.

John M. Miranda


Subject: Chaos, Collapse And Survival - Birth Of A CultureFrom: "Culture Change and Jan Lundberg" <>Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 00:57:20 –0700

Culture Change Letter #34Sustainable Energy Institute

Birth of a cultureChaos, collapse and survival

by Jan Lundberg

By now, the charade of peace and universal prosperity is less comforting to almost everyone, although many still cling to it. Throughout the socioeconomic pyramid, people are just out to quickly prosper and hoard, increasingly because of the uncertain future. "I know what, I'll own my own island - one that has a good elevation to escape sea-level rise!" Sure.

Up until recent years, the illusion of equitable economic growth and perpetual material security were enough to calm people in their struggles, provided they were not directly oppressed or persecuted. However, when top executives now make 450 times minimum wage, when extra billions of dollars are always squandered on the gold-plated U.S. military as opposed to helping working people who pay taxes, and when the environment is deliberately trashed for financial gain, this sends everyone a message louder and louder: "It's dog eat dog, and to hell with future generations."

What the establishment counts on is most people accepting this and being good consumers. However, some of us resist, and when it's together with like-minded people it creates an alternative we can call community.

U.S. flag wavers don't like to think they're sending future generations to hell. After all, with faith in good ol' 'merican ingenuity, everything will just keep getting rosier, right? But they need to wake up and smell our smoke from Iraq and our climate-altering vehicles. That would imply eventually changing - perish the thought - one's daily routine and social relations.


There are some interesting reasons to think and act, such as ensuring there's a future food supply in the petroleum-mainlining economy. Another consideration is that U.S. population has sailed past sustainability, mostly by importing 1.2 million new workers legally and permanently each year. Legal immigration constitutes the biggest factor in the disastrous growth of the nation's population. This is policy mainly meant to add to the consumer base and lower wages.

Many commentators focus passionately and accurately on the issue of social equity or on the plight of the ecosystem. While these absolutely merit immediate action, it is vital to also look beyond issues, to anticipate where we will arrive and how to cope when we get there.

Scenarios for collapseA banking crisis means that a bank fails to pay its lenders/depositors, which spreads to other banks. Some measures stanch this "problem" (can it be a blessing in disguise?), but cannot when the contradictions of a false economy are too strong. A whole country can default, as has happened before. It spreads to other countries, as in the early 1930s from Europe to the U.S. Related to this kind of financial melt-down is stock market crash.

The financial system depends on endless growth and massive debt. Moreover, these conditions occur in the finite, fragile ecosystem which has for many decades been unable to provide subsistence for everyone without unlimited petroleum inputs. So, the global corporate schemes personified by the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and other entities exist to maximize growth and profits in ever new ways (trade tribunals, etc.). This turns the whole planet into a supermarket owned by the few; even water is becoming a commodity.

What was a world of private property coexisting with civil society - potentially to allow reforms - is rapidly becoming less open. Certainly less fun, it is increasingly guarded by militarized police and more laws. Those who aren't part of the "only game in town" - consuming lavishly - aren't wanted around, and they generally suffer. At least the dispossessed (huh? aren't they just lazy?) aren't suffering delusions of being better than others (poor people). More and more people are contemplating the direction of society in terms of acknowledging scenarios of chaos, collapse and survival.

The myth of government protection for all citizens is becoming more clear, as private self-interest has corrupted more extensively than ever. The White House can be re-christened the Black House, for its representation of oil interests and their "black gold."(read remainder of column at ) *****See the Fall of Petroleum Civilization

Recent development: the federal pepper-spray trial will not be held in Humboldt County, and there will be a new judge (in San Francisco). A plaintiff in the case includes Spring Lundberg, Jan Lundberg's daughter. To read about this case and assist these activists who fought for the redwoods and paid a high price, see

Feedback? Send via email a letter to Culture Change which we will put on our website:

To make a donation: Energy Institute / Culture Change is a nonprofit charity 501(c)(3) California corporation.


Sign up for Culture Change Letter by clicking here:

Please forward to a friend who might be interested in the connections between oil, war, terrorism, and climate change. This e-newsletter's writer and publisher, Jan Lundberg, co-founded the Lundberg Letter, called "the bible of the oil industry," in 1973 and founded the Sustainable Energy Institute (SEI) in 1988.

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Subject: 1st Announcement - UK Superconductivity - DTI-supported seminars at IEEReply-To: Superconductivity UK Applications <>Organization: Diboride Conductors Ltd.Sender: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 20:41:04 GMT

First announcement: two one-day seminars:

"The coming revolution in superconducting electric drives" and "Superconductivity and the electricity supply industries"

supported by the DTI and presented at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, London.

WHEN1030-1615 October 23rd 2003and1030-1615 November 27th 2003

WHEREIEE, Savoy Place, London, UK.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND - Energy policy and energy efficiency technologists (Nov.27th) - Chief electrical designers - Technology strategists and consultants - Chief technology officers - Directors of engineering - Transmission and distribution design engineers - Venture capital investors looking for high-growth opportunities - Superconductivity researchers looking for industrial contacts

The first seminar (Oct.23rd) covers electric motors (a) for general industrial use: oil & gas, chemicals, technical gases, compressors and pumps; and (b) for transport in trains and ships.


The second seminar (Nov.27th) covers the electricity energy supply industries: cables, transformers, energy storage, fault current limiters, generators, reactive power control and integrating wind power to the grid.

Both seminars include reviews of wire manufacturing, cryogenic refrigeration and superconducting materials; but from a perspective appropriate to each meeting.

Please record your interest to be kept informed of updates to the speaker programme at, or you can register to attend online at .

The cost of each meeting will be £105 (euro 167) including lunch and refreshments morning and afternoon.

We hope that you will be able to come - full details and programme at .

Philip Sargent


Subject: Website Email---Electricity Out of Thin AirFrom: "Joan and/or Roy Graham" <>To: "Integrity Research Institute, Thomas Valone" <>Cc: "Joan and/or Roy Graham" <>,"Patrick Bailey" < (Patrick Bailey)>Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 15:52:09 -0300


Want to see pictures of an untapped renewable non-polluting energy source, for which an energy conversion system to harness the abundant beyond measure energy has been developed?

Look at:

Some time ago I developed a frequency conversion system and circuitry so Earth's EM field, shown in the pictures, can be converted to 50 or 60 cycles.

I first saw the pictures month before last because I'm a NASA history buff.

Currently I'm ramping up the circuitry wattage in my lab. It is modified radio-TV(Tesla) technology and it's passive rather than active.

Would it be appropriate to give away copies of the patent disclosure(modified to leave out the claims and changed to single spaced) at the November Tesla conference and bring and show the actual circuitry?

Would you like me to snail mail you a copy of the disclosure now?


The electrical frequency conversion of Earth's EM Field goes haywire when the field is disturbed by nearby impending earthquakes, or by nearby lightning or tornados, so I'd like to meet with Elizabeth Rauscher if she's attending the November conference.

I'm expecting to meet with investment bankers in Manhattan in October about tapping Earth's EM field.

If possible I'd also like to meet with Steve Greer.


Roy E. Graham, Jr.Annapolis, Maryland


Subject: A Proposition To Extract Energy From Zero Point EnergyFrom: sinh pham <>Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 20:24:11 -0700 (PDT)

Attached is a file sent to some Physicists at Fermilab. I will raise these queries again at the chat session hosted by Fermilab Physicists on this September, 22nd. Please check and advice.

Yours and best wishes,



Dear Mike, Lizzie, Chris,

It is very kind of you to have opened the chat sessions and let laymen like us talk to you and treat us with care. What else can one say? I am grateful to all of you who have helped me in the course of my study and very much wish a chance to visit your lab, which i believe very beautiful. I also dream of a chance to study there if possible, but this seems so far away. In the meanwhile, please let me to send you more queries.

I have tried to read about what many people are saying about Quantum Fluctuation, Vacuum Fluctuation, Vacuum Energy and Zero Point Energy. All are different names of the same phenomenon, I think. Some people argue that the Zero Point Energy is very small, the other say that it is so great that even a volume of space in a cupful may contain enough energy to boil the oceans many times over. In one of my emails sent to you I have tried to explain the nuclear force as a reversal of the static electric field of the Coulomb force. I have come to a very strange result that our space is filled with a homogeneous concentration of potentia1 at every point in space. From this standpoint I tried to read what other people say about a space or a vacuum not empty, and got excited while I found that many are saying similar things, that space is not empty but something vibrating with self contained energy.

Now I am more biased to the viewpoint that the Zero Point Energy is very high, and have unexpectedly thought of a way to extract the energy from it. Please trust me, this is not the perpetual motion machine that many Alphysicists at all the time try to invent. It is some thing came out with a sound background. This stemmed from the idea of a photon that travels in a circle and creates a gravitational field and/or an electromagnetic field.


If we accept Einstein’s idea that Grand Unification Theory exists, we must accept that gravity is also some other form of electromagnetic existence.

I guess that if gravity bends light ray, then a bent light ray may also cause gravity ( creates mass).

If a bent light ray may cause gravity, we can use the Maxwell equation to find the solution for a wave that travels in a circle with a radius R and velocity c, and this wave may cause gravity. I have some difficulties in thinking what is the frequency of this circular orbited photon that causes gravity. Perhaps if you help me to solve the equations we can have some answers. But my instinct guides me that this wave is in constant interaction with the Zero Point Energy (or Vacuum Fluctuation) to emit an oscillating field around its orbit. This electromagnetic wave absorbs the energy of the vibrating space to retain the circular motion (to retain the mass) and reflect back to the space around the orbit, with a reflected oscillating field of gravitation and/or electromagnetic one that is/are in some way synchronized with the vibrating frequency (frequencies or spectrum?) of the space.

This is the point to get the energy from the Zero Point Energy. In my model of a neutron or proton, I guess that a neutron or a proton is a circularly orbited electromagnetic wave. If we enlarge the orbit of a neutron or a proton, the mass of the neutron or proton is decreased but the orbit is still a circular one, with the condition that some other frequency F of this orbited electromagnetic wave should be found to ensure that F is still synchronized to the vibrating frequency of the space (or spectrum of the space?). Just enlarge the orbit to the size such that we can artificially creates a wave with a frequency F (I guess F should be in the range of MASER or LASER frequencies so that we can artificially make them). Now we can artificially make a mass and/or a charge that constantly absorbs Zero Point Energy and emits another oscillating electromagnetic field with a frequency G, from which (the field) we can extract the energy to power some load. I am not sure what is the value of the frequency G.

To make an artificial mass and/or charge we have to generate a correct form of electromagnetic wave with some frequency F in the frequency range of a LASER or MASER. F should be calculated to be synchronized with the vibrating frequency of the space. We can use appropriate waveguides to guide such waves around a circular orbit, then an artificial mass and/or charge will be formed. This mass and/or charge will constantly emit an oscillating electromagnetic field with a frequency G, from which we can extract the energy by using winding coils or other devices incorporated into the wave guide system, properly positioned to gain a maximum of the varying magnetic flux of the emitted field.

Now you can see that we can get energy from the Zero Point Energy!

Whether we can further calculate the enlarged radius to obtain a value of G at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, i am not sure. But first let’s try to gain some energy.

First we have to consume some energy to create the correct wave in a MASER or LASER frequency range to form a mass and/or charge, then this wave motion will be retained forever by the Zero Point Energy. It is like burning a ring with the fuel comes from free space.

But the experiment may be extremely dangerous. If we burn some ring without careful calculation, who knows what kind and magnitude of heat that ring will emit to the space around. If the energy in one cupful of space volume may be enough to boil all the oceans many times over, who knows how much energy some ring will absorb and reflect to our Earth. Some may argue that the fields emitted by so many protons, neutrons, and other particles are not harmful to us, so it will be alright to have an artificial made of a much lower mass emit energy. I am not sure. This may not be correct. The particles in our Earth may be


synchronized in some way that we are all in some same reference value of potential over the Zero Point Energy. Making an artificial gravitation field with energy coming from the free space is like burning the Earth more than it is being currently self-burned and disastrous results may follow. If we do not fully understand all the processes connected to this experiment and venture the experiment carelessly, it is like gaming our Earth towards total annihilation

Respectfully yours and best wishes,




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