new complete condiments

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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This is a quick guide to some of the staples of raw food preparation. It is quick easy and simple. Hover the mouse over the link to browse in full screen. It is OK to download and share this.. Enjoy.



Foods that Heal and Energize the Whole Being! being…..


Uncooking Alaia Leighland

Condiments RAW : Mayonnaise Ketchup Mustard Kale Pesto Lemon Yogurt Dressing Lemon Sauce Date Syrup

Low Salt – No Oil – No Sugar


Tips and Tricks

Making Nut Cream - Milk - Meal – Flour One of the cool things about preparing food RAW is how little waste there is.. Literally everything can be used… In the case of nut products here is the breakdown and why Cashew crème – when making crème the ratio of water to nuts is 1 to 1 (Use for sauces and Ice cream) High Fat Cashew milk the ratio of water to nuts is 1 to 2 (use for cereal and drinking) Like 2% milk Nut flour.. the nuts are soaked and ground to a fine powder – they contain the nutrients, fiber and fat of a whole nut.. This is going to be calorie rich Nut Meal – this is the dried pulp from making nut milk. This is basically fiber.. You can use it as filler .. It will not have very many if any calories and very little flavor. A good way to get bulk without calories. To make the milk: In a high-speed blender, combine the nuts and water and blend until creamy.Strain into a nut milk bag and squeeze the mixture out or… Line a large sieve with a double thickness of cheesecloth and place over a bowl. Pour the nut mixture into the sieve and let drain, then grab the corners of the cheesecloth, hold together securely, and squeeze the cheesecloth to extract all of the milk. Reserve the pulp in the sieve for making the meal. Transfer the milk to a covered container and refrigerate for up to 3 days.


Tips and Tricks

Instructions to Prepare Irish Moss Paste Things You'll Need

• Irish moss • Alkaline water • Jar with lid • Blender

o 1

Rinse Irish moss three or four times, then place in any container. Let the moss soak in water at least 24 hours in the refrigerator. Because of the abundant cell wall polysaccharides, it will form a jelly and expand to double its weight and size.

o 2 Change the water twice and rinse a final time. Make sure there are no impurities in your moss. Irish moss is a naturally-occurring product, so you may find sand or small stones. When it turns a creamy white color, the moss is ready. Don't worry if you smell a little of the seaweed odor, you won't taste a thing.

o 3 Blend the Irish moss and water together in a blender until it is creamy, forming a paste. Make sure there are no lumps.

o 4 Store this paste in a closed glass jar in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

o 5 Use your Irish moss paste in sweet desserts, ice-creams, parfaits, mousse and pies for a healthy alternative to processed foods.

Irish moss is an additive used in a raw food diet in order to create a gelatinous texture. It is utilized primarily in vegan desserts. Not only will Irish moss make any liquid thicker, it also has many health benefits. The key ingredient in Irish moss is carrageen, a dark purple seaweed found off the Atlantic coasts of Europe and North America. Carrageen is used in the mainstream food world as a thickening agent. According to Alex Malinsky, award winning chef and one of the leading experts in the field of raw food, Irish moss contains vitamins A, C, D, E and K, vitamins B1 and B2, and is a source of B12. It contains many elements essential to the human body. Irish moss contains a high content of iodine, calcium, manganese, zinc, bromine, iron and protein, and contains significant amounts of calcium and magnesium.

Irish Moss



Tools: Magic Bullet or Vita mix

Coffee Grinder - Electric

Ingredients: honey to taste nutritional yeast garlic avocado apple cider vinegar lemon juice Irish moss paste...


In magic bullet 1/4 cup cashew flour* 1 tblsp nutritional yeast 1 clove garlic 1/4 avocado 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tblsp apple cider vinegar Alkaline water to the consistence that you like.... blend and taste... adjust the ingredients to the taste you like then add 1 tblsp Irish moss thin paste to keep it from separating. It will last about 2 weeks in the fridge. Makes a bout 1/4 cup of mayonnaise.. a little goes a LONG way because it is hi nutrient content...



• 4 sundried tomatoes soaked • 8 small cherry tomatoes • 1clove garlic • ¼ onion • 1majoul date • 1bblsp lemon juice • 1tblsp apple cider vinegar • sea salt • dash of cayenne

Tools: Food processor or vita mix


Ingredients Tomatoes Sundried tomatoes Garlic Onion Salt Dates Lemon juice Apple cider vinegar

Combine all ingredients in food processor or vita mix and process until a smooth paste. Taste and adjust ingredients until they are to your liking. This will last up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.. It is quick and easy to prepare so I make it up if I am going to use ketchup on a dish that week…



Tools: whisk,magic bullet or vitamix

2 tblsp. mustard Powder

¼ onion

1date (soaked)

2tblsp lemon juice

1tsp apple cider vinegar

alkaline water for consistency

salt to taste

11blsp Irish moss paste



Lemon juice

Mustard powder



Irish moss paste

Alkaline water


Combine all ingredients in blender except the Irish moss and blend till smooth. Taste to be sure it suits you then fold in the Irish moss.. Store in small jar in refrigerator. Will keep for about 10 days…


Kale Pesto

Kale de veined I used curly kale but any kind is OK 1/4 cup nutritional yeast 1/4 cup pine nuts 1/2 lemon juiced pinch salt to taste 3 cloves garlic - more if you really like garlic Make sure to wash and devein the kale.. dry in salad spinner. In food processor combine all ingredients and pulse until it is the texture and consistency you like...taste and adjust flavors till you are feeling Yuuuummm! serve on noodles, as a spread or where ever you would use pesto...

Ingredients Directions Tools: Food Processor

Kale Nutritional yeast Pine nuts Lemon juice Salt Garlic


Lemon Yogurt Sauce

1/4 cup cashew flour 1tblsp lemon juice ¼ tsp turmeric pinch salt to taste honey or date to taste Alkaline water for consistency Combine all ingredients in magic bullet or food processor until smooth.. store in refrigerator for up to 7 days..

Ingredients Directions Tools: Food Processor

Cashew flour turmeric Lemon juice Honey or date for sweetness Pinch of salt



Date Syrup

1/2cup organic dates Alkaline water for consistency Combine ingredients in magic bullet or food processor until smooth.. store in refrigerator for up to 10 days.. It is not really necessary to make this ahead of time because it only takes a minute to do but if you are making something that you will use it every day then make up enough to last a week or so..

Ingredients Directions Tools: Vita Mix

Organic Dates Alkaline Water

Date syrup – a nice raw whole-food alternative to agave syrup. In my opinion, high-quality organic dates (such as organic sun-dried Medjools or Hunzas) are a quality sweetener – they are extremely versatile and a whole-food (extremely important!).

I hope you enjoyed this…I will be posting others..

Let me know what you think and things that you would like to see as RAW…

I am a newbie but I LOVE this stuff so hopefully as I grow and learn I can share and we can grow together…

Thank You

Alaia Leighland


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