networking tips

Post on 25-May-2015






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What does that mean to you?

Networking is the single most powerful marketing tactic to accelerate and sustain success

We are constantly bombarded with ads, emails and sales pitches creating a cluttered message. Personal relationships enable you to stand out and rise above the noise.

People do business with those they like and trust.


it’s not about who you know… but WHO KNOWS YOU!!

Quantity VS. Quality Gather as many

business cards as you can!

Call everyone you can think of when you are looking for a job.

Expect results from the first encounter with a contact.

Invest time/energy into developing relationships.

Based on mutual benefit determined by listening and follow up.

“Getting to know you” takes time and patience.

Learn and practice meeting people before you need them.

Seek advice, not help.

Time, effort and sincere interest is required.

Follow up is needed.

Open the door to them first.

What if you have a very small or nonexistent network?

“Begin with the end in mind.”

-Stephen R. Covey

Know the Steps Tool – something (as an instrument or

apparatus) used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation or profession. Reusable!

IdentifySet a goal

What information do you seek and how will it help you? Do you want a face to face appointment? Request to send information?

Who can help you reach your goal? A family friend A professional Teacher of educator

What resources can you use? Yellow pages Internet search Chamber guides Business Cards

Locate Sort and prioritize your contacts

Use social networks such as Linked In

Which method of contact is best? Email - when time is of the essence Phone - reflects energy and attitude In person - most memorable but can be

considered intrusive Handwritten note – shows a desire to

invest the time in a relationship

Warm It Up! Cold Calls

Hated by most! Awkward Calling someone you do not know at all

Warm Contacts Back up until you find someone you

know 6 Degrees of Separation Linked In

Go For It!

The Need to Follow Up What to say when you follow up

Set the foundation each time you talk Find something in common Learn something new Offer an idea, a contact, or other resource

Follow up right away 48 hours A week 3 weeks

The Need to Follow Up Strive to be memorable

Share something funny Recall a personal fact about that person Incorporate goal and desired outcome

Strike outs! Not everyone will

respond Try 3 times using

two methods Use the Golden

Rule Accept NO – shows

a level of comfort Build relationships!

Unlearn shyness…

Experiencing rejection causes us to learn to “shy” away from being friendly

Start with quick conversations – “Have a nice day” or “great tie”

Can be misinterpreted as indifference

Think friendly!

To succeed you must continually meet new people, build relationships and leverage your network.

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